Rewritten onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra on the way from Brisbane to Singapore February 2012
And I lost all my pictures so we will have to stick to the original pictures that I uploaded back in 2003 and 2004. Back then I uploaded everything with a mobile phone and internet was slow so I wanted to keep my pictures small to shorten download time.

Bro Anton

Bro Anton
M/T Bro Anton
Photo from

Bro Anton
M/T Bro Anton
Photo from   Photo by Frank Schlünsen

Type of ship : Chemical/Oil Products Tanker (during 1999) Bro Anton was built in Vigo, Spain 1999.
Flag: Sweden
Summer deadweight 16,376 mts
Summer draft 8.70 m
Length overall 144.15 m
Extreme breadth 23.19 m
TPC immersion at summer draft 28.00 mt/cm
Gross tonnage : 11375 (since 01-04-1999)
DWT : 16376

Tank capacity
Slop tanks total capacity 517.00 cbm
Total capacity excl. slops 18,647.00 cbm

I had been home for about 2 weeks when they called from Laurin and they wanted me to sign on Marilee in Brazil beginning of November. I said that I was not available until middle of November and we agreed that I should sign on in Cape Town when she stopped for bunkering on the way to Far East. They called from Broström and wanted me on Bro Anton and I had to tell them that I was busy.

The day after they asked if I could come to Brazil 2nd of November and I said no
A short break from work.
because I'm busy with my condo. They were going direct from
Brazil to China without the stop in Cape Town.
Well, I could not make it. I was busy 24/7 in my condominium. If you want a nice home you better of doing it yourself.
Well, I called back to Broström and told them the good news.
- I'm available around the 24th of November.
Hard work
Hmm, actually I was not ready, but it was nice leaving the condo behind for some time.

I arrived to Amsterdam's airport 23rd of November on my way back to Sweden after my

holiday. I went to the business lounge to write some e-mail to Sue while waiting for my connection flight to Sweden. I received e-mail from Broström with my flight details:
4 KL1158 T 24NOV 1 GOT-AMS HK1 1615 1750
5 KL1481 T 24NOV 1 AMS-GLA HK1 1955 2045
Pls. Meet at GLA Apt. and escort onboard
That will give me 1 night at the hotel before my flight to the ship tomorrow afternoon. I need at least 1 night of sleep before I'm ready for the action on a ship. I had spent a nice holiday with Sue. We had been in Singapore and stuff so I require some sleep.

Take a look at my picture from Singapore. Well, I arrived to Gothenburg just before 11 o'clock.
The weather was gloomy and grey and left much to wish for. When I arrived to my hotel I had a nice shower and I was just ready when they called from the company:
- The ship is delayed. Same flight details, but just 1 day later.
I will leave 25th of November, 1 more day on the hotel.

25th of November, before going to the airport I had to buy some snus . Captain called me
Landvetter airport
Gloomy and Grey enough?
yesterday and asked if I could buy some snus for him. I need some for myself as well.

I took a walk to the shop and I bought a bag of snus. The weather was not very nice. It was raining so I was in a hurry back to the hotel. I called a taxi and I arrived to Landvetter airport around 1 o'clock in the afternoon. KLM's office was closed and they didn't open until 1415, 2 hours before the flight. I
had to pick up my ticket at KLM. I need all the miles I can get with KLM for my honeymoonwith Sue. I always ask the company to send me with KLM.
I spent the time waiting for the office to open at the domestic terminal drinking tea and updating my web page. Well, finally it was time to pick up my ticket so I could check in. I was on my way to Glasgow via Amsterdam.

I arrived to Amsterdam just before 6 o'clock in the evening. I had to wait for my
Where are we going??
Stranded passenger tries to get information.
connection to Glasgow for about 2 hours. I was walking around the airport until about 1930 (25 minutes before the flight should leave) when I proceeded to gate D29. Well, there wasn't much action around there. All of a sudden there was a horde of passengers coming. They had made a gate change. So our new gate was D23 and the flight to
Farmerville was departing from our gate D29. My flight to Glasgow was delayed until 2145.

Hmm, more walking around and finally at 2130 I could board the plane. Just after 2200 there was this annoying " Pling Plong " and the following announcement didn't improve our mood:
- This is Captain speaking! Our hydraulic system isn't working.
Great! We had to leave the aircraft. This was the aircraft originally bound for
Our broken down aircraft
They discharge the food again.
Farmerville. They had to take our aircraft because the airport in Farmerville closed 9 or 10 o'clock in the evening.

We had to leave the aircraft and we had to check in on a new flight at KLM's transfer desk. My new flight was 0755 26th of November to Edinburgh!!!???? What the Yo!! Edinburgh and ground transportation from Edinburgh to Glasgow. Well, maybe we can stop to buy some fine old Scotch
Whiskey when crossing Scotland in a bus. For sure an adventure and on KLM's expense.

After the visit to KLM's transfer desk I proceeded to KLM's arrival service desk. They provided me with a hotel voucher and a bag with necessaries.
We got transportation to IBIS airport hotel and we had a dinner before sleep. We got a telephone card from KLM so I can call Sue tomorrow morning before leaving for the airport. We will see if I manage to get (KLM manage to get me) to Glasgow tomorrow.

Don't touch that mouse and stay tuned and you will find out.

I called Sue first thing when I received my wakeup call at 6 o'clock. I left the hotel at 7 o'clock and I made it to my flight 0755.
We arrived to Edinburgh between 0800 and 0830 UK time. Hmm, confusing with all the time zones. We went to the service desk in the arrival hall.
They didn't knew anything about us and transportation to Glasgow. KLM hadn't informed them about the cancelled flight to Glasgow, so they were surprised when we showed up asking for transportation to Glasgow.

We left Edinburgh just after 9 o'clock and we arrived to Glasgow airport just after 10 o'clock. I had an opportunity to see the sights on the trip to Glasgow. Everything was Royal or Highland and sometimes it was even " Royal Highland something ".

I had called the agent from Edinburgh so they picked me up at the airport in Glasgow. We left Glasgow behind and we had a one hour drive to Finnart and the ship. We drove over the mountains and it was raining all the time. We were in the middle of nowhere and I expected to see the Loch Ness monster behind every corner.
Finally I arrived onboard at 1130, just in time for lunch. I knew quite a few of the crew from before. Captain, Mess man and 1 of the ABs had been working on Stena Barbados. I had been working with the 1st Engineer on United Polaris and the Cook had been in Johnsson line.

I took a tour on the ship with the Chief Officer during the afternoon and then I was off for a short power nap . They called me for dinner (plenty eating on this ship, but tomorrow I will start using Hälsovakten).

We completed loading at 2220 26th of November and all paper work was ready 0030. Pilot was ordered for 0330, but I'm sleeping by then.
They called me at 0715 27th of November and it was time for my watch at 0800. I had
Chief Officer on the bridge
time for a shower and breakfast. There was no time to install Hälsovakten on my computer so I have to do it in the afternoon, after lunch.

We entered the Irish Sea during our morning watch. Chief Officer showed me the equipment on the bridge and we filled up the familiarization checklists for the bridge equipment. Chief Officer will stay onboard with me for a few days to show me the ship before he goes home.
We had time for some blah -blah about the good old times as well and before we knew
it, it was 12 o'clock and time for lunch. I didn't found any time for my Hälsovakten before lunch either. I hope I can find some time this afternoon. After lunch I was busy with the cargo computer in our Cargo Control Room. After my computer session in the CCR I went to my
cabin and I worked a little with my web page before returning to the CCR and the cargo computer. I was working with the computer until 1530 when our Safety Officer got off his watch. We should take a tour around the ship and look at the safety equipment.

The Bridge
Here we sit when we drive the ship. 2 seats and radars and stuff.
The Bridge
Chart table and the radio station in the back.

We arrived to Dublin pilot station at 1645. It was just in time, if we had arrived after 5
Pilot & Bosse
Pilot & Captain at arrival to Dublin
o'clock we would have to wait until 2115 for next high water. We were secured alongside at 1755.
There were 2 receivers for our cargo, Statoil and ESSO. The Surveyor from ESSO arrived at 1835 and we completed ullage and calculations. The Surveyor took a sample from cargo tank 5 port and he left the ship 1850. The Surveyor from Statoil should come onboard at 10 o'clock and we expected to start discharging at 10 o'clock.

While waiting for the Surveyor I familiarized my self with
the ODM (Oil Discharge Monitoring) equipment. There was also time for me to go through some of the paper on our computer.

In the CCR we have the usual equipment. SAAB radar and Kockums loadmaster cargo
program so we can calculate how much cargo we have onboard. The program calculates the stability and stress for us as well.

We open and close all the valves on the screen with a light pen. We run the cargo pumps from the screen as well.
But the most important thing is our entertainment center (as you can see next to the
Cargo Control Room.
SAAB radar screens to the left and Loadmaster screen to the right.
Loadmaster screen) so we can have some good music while kicking ass in the Cargo Control Room. Well, anyway, tedious watches gets a little less tedious.

Finally at 2310 we started to discharge our City Diesel. It was nice when I was relieved by our 2nd Officer so I could go to my cabin and write some e-mailto Sue.
At 0715 they called me again. Time for my watch and we were still discharging City Diesel, we expect to be ready late in the afternoon.

I had not sent any e-mail to Sue for a few days so after my watch I went to my cabin and I sent some e-mail to Sue. I received mail from her as well. I was happy to hear from her after again. I will try to hold back a little on sending e-mail and updating my web page this time. I'm trying to avoid those 500$ telephone bills every months from now on. They called me at 1245 and it was time for some sport on the jetty. We have a chance to win the price as the "Sport ship" of the year. We are on second place now and we need a few more points to win.
Running 60m.
Hard to stop.
Aiming for the sky.
Here we go.
1st Engineer in action

We were running 60m, put the shot, long jump and high jump. Our 1st Engineer could not
Jocke, Ingmar, Laila, Johnny, Magnus och Lisa
The Dream team
stop so he felt when reaching the
Long jump
finish line. I don't remember my time on 60m, but I think it was 4 or 5 seconds something. The Cannon-ball run.

I managed to do 50 cm in high jump. Well, high and long jump is from standstill and we have to jump with both feet together. Hmm, 50cm isn't any world record but I was pleased with the result and I was in a hurry back to my cabin so I could call Sue.

After my phone call to Sue I was back in the CCR and we completed discharging at 1805 and we left Dublin just after 7 o'clock bound for Pembroke. A 7 hours trip, ETA in the middle of the night.

We will load 4 parcels in Pembroke for Avonmouth. We were supposed to go back to Pembroke after Avonmouth to load 4 parcels for Plymouth. This cargo was cancelled and we should proceed to Le Havre, France to lift full cargo of gasoline for Immingham after Avonmouth. Very good, a 24 hours trip instead of a 4 hour trip. Time to sleep a little and wash my cloths.

We had just left the Pilot behind when I came on my watch at 2000. It was gale warning and rain with head wind. We had an ETA to Pembroke Pilot 5 o'clock in the morning, a little later than expected due to the head wind. I could sleep a little longer. I enjoyed my tea and I had located the entertainment center so there was good music as well. Chief Engineer came up to the bridge for a chat. I recognised him and we found out that we had been in school together at the nautical college in Gothenburg.

We arrived to Pembroke pilot at 0605 29th of November and I received my wake up call at 0615in the morning. I went to the bridge and I was assisting (back seat driver, well, I was looking any way) Captain during the arrival. We had first line ashore at 0715 and all fast at 0750. It was raining cat & dogs so I wasn't laughing while running around on deck.
At arrival our Chief Officer left the ship and I was all by lonesome.
Our Surveyor arrived just after 8 o'clock and we completed the paper work around 0930. They had some problem with their shore lines so we could not start to load until 1200. In the middle of the lunch. While waiting for them to start loading we discharged our slop. Engine department wanted to discharge their sludge but the analysis of the sludge ashore failed and they wasn't allowed to discharge the sludge.

We started to load our Gas oil parcel and at 1215 we started to load Kero. They told us that we could not load UL 95 and UL 97 at the same time. We started to load UL 95 at 1250 and we have to wait with the UL 97 until we are ready with the UL 95. After that we had started to load I was updating and uploading my web page while accompanying 2nd Officer in the CCR. I sent e-mail to Sue as well.

We completed Kero in the afternoon and I was off to move in to my new cabin. I had stayed in the Pilot cabin while the other Chief Officer was onboard. I carried my bag and computer to my new cabin and I had 2 cases of Diet Coke I had to move as well. In the evening I could sit in my new cabin and work with my web page.

Bed room
Day room
I have a day room with TV, video and an entertainment center. In my bed room is a big bed and a wardrobe. The shower is next to my bed room. The only thing missing is Sue.

I went down to the CCR just before dinner for a chat with the 2nd Officer. At 5 o'clock is dinner and 2 minutes before dinner the Surveyor came onboard for an ullage report from 6 P/S, we had loaded the Kero in tanks 6 P/S.

They use to dye the Kero for the custom. They have different colours on the Kero for
2nd Officer in the CCR
heating and Kero for aviation fuel and gas oil for heating and trucks so they know how to tax the oil. There is more tax on the fuel for cars than for the fuel used to heat the houses. But you can drive the car on the fuel used for heating. The government loses tax money, so they dye the fuel so they can see the difference.

Now they had made some mistake with the dye and they needed to know how much Kero we had loaded so they could dye it. Well, anyway, it's a 20 second operation to print the report. It was dinner time and if something goes wrong it will do when it's time for dinner.

I could not print the ullage report and I had to call the old Chief Officer at home.
- You can not print an ullage report with empty tanks, he said.
He told me that I had to exclude the empty tanks before printing. I printed the report but when I came to the dinner table everyone was ready. Well, now when I'm settled in my new cabin I will install Hälsovakten on my computer so never mind the dinner.

We completed loading 0115 30th of November and paperwork was ready around 0230, the same time the pilot came onboard. Hmm, almost 24 hours alongside for loading. When we arrived, I was hoping that we would have left Pembroke in the evening so I could spend my night watch drinking tea on the bridge. Well, Its 3 o'clock in the morning and I'm just ready with the paper work and I'm sitting in my cabin again updating my web page and writing e-mail to Sue.

It was nice to leave Pembroke behind, I was a little disappointed that it had taken such a long time to load the ship. But never mind, I have a few hours to sleep before my watch.
They had sorted out the problem with the dye and they had added 75 litres of dye to each tank. 170 litres total and we supplied the shore personnel with 3 25 litres drums. I thought that they should carry them onboard, but not. They wanted to use the ship crane to take them onboard. They spent long time thinkingon how to get them onboard with the crane, finally they drove away with the car and was gone for 20 minutes looking for something to lift the 25 litres drums with. Well, if they had carried them onboard they should have spent less time and they would have been ready in a jiff.

At 0925 30th of November 2003 we arrived to Bristol pilot station . We had to be at Avonmouth lock at the high water 11 o'clock and we just made it. They had used a very long time to load us in Pembroke so we were a little nervous that we should manage to get there in time.
We entered the lock at 1120 and we left the lock 1138 and from the lock it was just a few hundred meters to our berth. First line 1200 (in the middle of the lunch again) and we had all fast at berth #3 1215. Ullage and calculation ready at 1300 and Surveyor was ready with the sampling 1335.

We started to discharge our UL95 at 1430 and the Kero and City diesel 1435. They told us that we could not start to discharge UL 97 until the UL 95 was ready. Kero was ready at 1800 and UL 95 was ready at 0930 1st of December. I started the UL 97 at 1015. I discharged a 50 m³ line clearance to clean the UL 95 from their shore line.
Our 1st Engineer left for the Doctor in the morning. His hand was looking like a football after his fall on the finish line after the 60m run race in Dublin.

We got the results from HKF and we had advanced from second to first place. Final result will be published 10th of December. The suspense is killing us and the result will be published on as soon as I have the result. By now you are used to get the latest news and lots of interesting information on this page. Stay tuned.

It was raining during my watch and the weather was very gloomy and grey, then it's nice to be able to do the cargo handling from the CCR. I only had to go out on deck while lining up our x-over before starting to discharge the UL 97. We must leave before 1 o'clock in the afternoon because of the tide water. We will not be ready with the UL97 in time so we have to wait until 2145 in the evening before we can leave Avonmouth.

Well, while sitting in my cabin doing, hmmm, not very much the 2nd Officer called me:
- You have to come down to the CCR and try some boiler suits.
I went down to the CCR and tried the boiler suits. Agent had brought 2 boiler suits that Captain had ordered for me. Yo!! None of them fitted me, too big
Well, actually they were too small, but don't tell anyone!!
While in the CCR I made a call to the company and it looked like they had a ship for me when I sign off here. At 1430 we completed discharging, exactly 24 hours to discharge our cargo. We're not exactly kicking ass here, but with 8" cargo arms and high back pressure there isn't very much to do.

Before I signed on Bro Anton I got e-mail from visitors to my page wishing that I would sign on so they could see the "Kick ass" department in action. Well, I don't think 24 hours of discharging was what they had on mind.

Pilot came onboard at 2130 and we left berth #3 in Avonmouth just before 10 o'clock 1st of December. We entered the lock 2210 and we left the lock 2225.
It was to late for me to enjoy my tea and music on the bridge. But tomorrow morningI will have my first whole watch on the bridge. I will have the music blasting high on the Richter scale while enjoying my tea. It will be nice, the last few days had been very busy. In and out of ports with only a few hours of restbetween the ports.

Captain told me today that we will not load until the 4th of December in Le Havre and we are arriving 3rd of December. Maybe we have to wait at the anchorage. I don't mind waiting for a day at the anchorage. I hope that we get nice weather.
Well, anyway, we left the lock 2225 and we left the pilot around 15 minutes after midnight, so I had to stay with the pilot for the rest of my watch. I was in the mess room for an "After my watch sandwich" when the Pilot left us.

When I came on my morning watch 2nd of December the ship was rolling slightly for the swell. It was nice weather. No wind and even though there were some grey clouds in the sky the sun was shining. I could see the showers coming but I managed to dodge the rain by steering between the showers.

It was nice coming to my first bridge watch. I made a pot of tea. I choose some good music and I was enjoying myself until the Captain came on the bridge.
- Bla bla bla.... 1943... when I was a deck boy..bla bla...north Atlantic 1972..hard weather..bla bla.....
- Please...
After my watch we cleaned 2 of our cargo tanks. Last cargo in 6P/S had been marked Kero and we needed to clean the tanks. I was in my cabin by 1630 and I had a cold Diet Coke before my shower.

We had dropped our anchor 0500 3rd of December outside Le Havre. So when I came on
Our deck
Easy to run around the steeplechase course.
my watch at 8 o'clock it was just to sit down with a cup of tea and some good music. The weather was gloomy and
grey but there was no wind so it was nice.

After my watch I went down in cargo tanks 5 P/S and 3 P/S for the semi-annual inspection.
The boys drinking coffee in the duty mess
They looked good. Almost no rust at all and the coating looked good. After the inspection I wrote the reports
and I was off for a Diet Coke in my cabin. After the coffee break we held a safety meeting in our mess room. I was soon off for a shower in my cabin.

After my shower I sent a few e-mails to Sue. I received e-mails from Sue and
Darn handsome
other people requesting (well, more demanding) to see picture of me in my uniform. What can I do? I had to ask Captain to take my picture.
Sue reminded me about giving her credit for the pictures from Singapore. She's the one taking all the photos.

When coming on my evening watch the wind had increased and It was pretty windy when I heaved up our anchor. At 2030 our anchor was up and at 2105 the pilot was onboard. We still have English time onboard so it was 2205 in France. If anyone cares.
At 2150 we had all fast at CIM #3 jetty and I did the paper work with the Loading Master and Surveyor. We started to load at 2355 ship time and when I asked them to increase to full speed I got the answer:
- It's full speed.
- What the Yo!!!!
-Yeah, we will load you 12000m³ with 200m³/h + 7000m³ with 1200m³/h and you will be ready on Friday morning.
- Hey! 12000m³ with 200m³/h is 60 hours and 6 hours for the 7000m³ with stop and paper work. It will take us 3 days and that is Sunday morning, I said.
- Very good, you have time for the disco on Saturday night, the Surveyor said.
Hmm, now I understand why everything was " No problem "when I asked for a 200m³/h as start up rate and 300m³/h as top-off rate. They will never reach 300m³/h and I asked for 2200m³/h and I was hoping to have France behind tomorrow night. Well, there is something fishy going on here and I will see what rate they have kept when I'm coming on my morning watch tomorrow. Now it's time for my power nap.

When I came up this morning I found out that the rate had been nearly 500m³/h during the night. It was a busy morning with a big truck coming from Denmark with provision. We received lubrication oil and engine discharged their sludge to a truck.
They took a sample of our slop at arrival but still no news about when we can discharge our cargo slop. We must discharge the slop here because our drain tank is full. When I
did the cleaning I didn't use our slop tank because I wanted to be able to load in the slop tank and thus making more money for the company.
Yeas, I'm still aiming for the employee of the year price. But now we
need to discharge our drain tank because it's brimmed. But we can load 200m³ more and that means $. Well, the terminals should accept ships tank cleaning water or else.....

Our 2nd Officer was ashore looking for shoes so I covered for him after lunch and when
he returned at 1 o'clock I went to my cabin for my beauty nap. I overslept the dinner and missed the pancakes. I took a few toasts and I went to the CCR. The rate was now 1100m³/h and it looked like we would be ready in the middle of the night. Friday morning as the Surveyor said. They had told us that we could discharge our slop when we were finished with the loading.
So it looks like I have to go up in the middle of the night again.

There was a new 1st Engineer coming onboard during my nap in the afternoon. The other 1st Engineer (the one hurting his hand during our sport activities in Dublin) will leave us early tomorrow morning.
I went back to my cabin after my toast and I sent e-mail to Sue and I updated my web
page while having a few Diet Cokes and listening to French radio.

I went down to the CCR at 8 o'clock and I will spend the evening dreaming of other places. I knew a few places where I would prefer to
be together with Sue instead of sitting onboard. But of course I wouldn't have made any money on those places. In the CCR we make heaps of money.

During the evening the kept a rate of around 1200m³/h and we expect to be ready between 1 and 2 o'clock.2nd Officer relieved me just before 11 o'clock because I had covered for him in the afternoon. I have a few hours to work a little with Adobe Photoshop, I had bought a few magazines with tutorials. So I take all the chances I can get to practice.

Well, we expected to be ready around 01:30 so it was no idea to go to bed after my watch. 2nd Officer didn't call me so I went down in the CCR at 0130 and we were not ready. Rate was down to 400m³/h and I went back to my cabin and my computer magazine. 2nd Officer called me at 02:30 and I went down to the CCR and we completed loading just after 3 o'clock. Our cargo arm was disconnected at 03:50 and at 04:05 they had connected the slop arm. We discharged our slop and completed all paper work and pilot was onboard by 05:40.

We left Le Havre 0610 (ship time= English time) and I was in bed just before 7 o'clock
Chief Engineer in the CO 2 room
in the morning. I had to do a little paper work before my nap.
I woke up just before 11 o'clock and I had a shower and I relieved 2nd Officer on the bridge so he could eat his lunch.

After lunch I took a walk around the ship with the Chief Engineer and we looked at the fire fighting equipment. We was in the engine room looking at the
fire pumps and on deck looking at the fire lines and at last we looked in our CO 2 room. Here we have 51 CO 2 bottles to release in case of fire.

When I came on my night watch we had about 1,5 hours to go before changing course to
NNW. We passed North Hinder and there wasn't much traffic around and the weather was nice. No wind and I enjoyed my tea.

When I came on my morning watch 6th of December we were just arriving to “ Outer Sand ” anchorage. I had to go straight to the fo'c's'le and we dropped our anchor at 0820. It was blowing force 6 from NNE and I didn't enjoy the weather when I came on deck. But I was soon on the bridge
AB playing TV game in the dayroom
again with a Diet Coke in my hand and the music blasting high. Weather forecast promise decreasing wind during the afternoon. I hope they are right.

The wind increased during the afternoon but the ship was still
rolling. I felt asleep in the afternoon and I didn't wake up until 1830. I spent my evening watch on the bridge watching our anchor position. I called Captain at midnight and our engine should be ready at 1 o'clock. and we expected to pick up the Pilot at 0245. I went to my cabin to try to get some sleep after my watch.

At 4 o'clock they called me:
- 20 minutes to go.
I took a shower and I went to the bridge and I relieved our 2nd Officer and she went to the foc'sle preparing for the moorings. We had to wait a little off the berth for the slack water and at 0515 we had our first line ashore.
Surveyor and Loading Master came onboard for the paperwork. I started of with the Loading Master and we did the safety check and paper. When completed I did the cargo paper with the Surveyor. Ullage and calculation was completed around 0630 and they took some samples before going ashore. We had to wait for the analyses of the cargo sample before we could start to discharge.

While waiting Captain came in to the CCR:
- No chance to get a bedsore today.
- Well, not this night, but you still have the rest of the day. I said.
- I was concerned about you getting a bedsore yesterday. I was about to go in to you and turn you around in you bed, I said.

Just after 9 o'clock they called us and asked us to start and we started at 0915. First I topped-off all the tanks and I was up to full discharge rate just before 10 o'clock. 10 minutes before I should get off my watch the AB called from deck and he told me that the cargo arm was leaking. I had to call the shore and they came onboard and looked at the arm. 1215 we stopped the cargo operation and they sent some men to repair the arm.

I had been up all night so I slept the whole afternoon and I woke up at 1830. Hmm, now it will be impossible to sleep during the night and it will be the same story again
tomorrow. When I came down to the CCR the cargo operation was still stopped and the cargo arm was disconnected.

Finally at 1900 the arm was connected again and we started to discharge at 1920 and 1921 we had to stop again. The arm was still leaking and they will have some Fitters coming to make some spare parts tomorrow morning. No cargo operation during the night.
I spent my night watch in the CCR in front of my computer. After my watch I sent e-mail to Sue. I got e-mail from Sue and she will buy a fish to keep her company when I'm on the ship.Hmm, a fish, for sure I have to improve my social skills.

When I came on my morning watch 8th of December there was no action ashore at all.
Working with the arm
The workers arrived just before 10 o'clock with a mobile crane. They didn't knew how long time it would take to repair the arm, they did not even knew if they could repair the arm.

We spent a few hours to drain all our fire lines and all the other lines on deck with water. There was a little ice on deck this morning and we don't want the water to freeze in our lines.
Because the delay here in Immingham with the cargo arm they had cancelled next voyage. But they had changed it again and we got a message that we should load full cargo of City diesel in Antwerp for Immingham when we completed discharging here.

After my afternoon nap I called Sue. I got in a good mood after our chat so I was ready to play mischiefs with our Captain when I went down for dinner. 1545 they resumed discharging but I could hear that they reduced the speed on the cargo pumps when I was in the day room watching the TV. They stopped discharging again at 1735 because of the cargo arm, and I was busy with paper work. We have to leave the jetty and pilot was ordered for 2345. We will go out and drop our anchor again.A pretty exciting place
Immingham at river Humber. A pretty exciting place, and if you don't find it exciting enough.......

.......try this. See the world as a sailor.
After me finish the paperwork I went back to my cabin. I will try to send some e-mail and to update my web page before going on watch. Then I must try to handle the excitement waiting for the Pilot to come onboard so we can leave for the anchorage.

Well, sitting down doing nothing is getting tedious after awhile, so it was nice when the pilot came onboard at 2335.We left Immingham Gas Terminal at 2348. I went to the bridge for a chat with 2nd Officer and Captain before I retreated to my cabin.

We had dropped our anchor at 0210 9th of December and I spent my morning watch drinking tea and reading about FRAMO pumps on the bridge while watching our anchor position. With a force 2-3 wind from south there was not much movement of the ship. It was gloomy and grey and 9°C, but they had promised frost on the weather forecast. I was glad that we had drained all our lines on deck.

We got e-mail that they expected us to be at our berth at 05:30 10th of December, and it looks like our Antwerp - Immingham voyage are cancelled because of our delay.
Well, I can enjoy my music on the bridge tonight as well. I made a few CDs before signing on Bro Anton so there are plenty to choose from. But all this waiting is getting boring and I hope we can get alongside soon so we can discharge our cargo. I wouldn't mind leaving Immingham behind for a while.

0530 10th of December my phone woke me up.
- 30 minutes to the jetty, 2nd Officer told me.
I was jumpingout of my bed and in to the shower. I was on the bridge 15 minutes later. Finally we could go alongside. It had been very uncertain because of the fog. Just before midnight there was dense fog at the anchorage and they don't take in any tankers in fog.
Just before we arrived to the jetty the fog came back and we could not see the jetty until we were very close to it. First line ashore 0625 and all fast 0715. We started to discharge at 0820.

After lunch Captain received e-mail from Broström about our next voyage after the Antwerp - Immingham voyage. Captain knocked on my door when I had my hand in the cooler reaching for a Diet soda pop.
- They want us to load in Pembroke and discharge in Cardiff, he said.
- Yeah yeah, don't wet your pants.
We did the cargo planning and we sent it to the company and I was of for my drink.

We left Immingham 2 o'clock in the morning 11th of December and we had left Pilotbehind when I came on my morning watch. It was terrible weather, raining and blowing. It was hard not to laugh on deck after my watch, I had to inspect tanks and it was blowing force 7 headwind with rain. There were at least 1000 other places that I would have preferred to be on. Well, on none of the places I would have made any money. All of the places would have set me back 1 or 2 €

When I came on my night watch we had just picked up Pilot at Wandelaar and we changed Pilot in Flushing at 2130 (2230) local time and we had all fast 0250 12th of December in Antwerp at TOTAL refinery. Endless paper work and tank inspection.
- Chief, we can't start to load for a few hours. The line is used by another ship, Loading Master told me.
I had to sit and wait in the CCR, he he, giving me time to update my web page and write e-mail to Sue. I was a little behind on my paper work so I found time to do all that while waiting. But I wouldn't mind having my nap.

We started to load 0805 and after a 500m³ line displacement I was ready for my bed at 0900. It was nice to have a chance for some sleep after 13 hours non-stop work, on this
First prize
Flowers from HKF
ship we work 24-7. I woke up at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and when I came down to the day room there were flowers from HKF.
We had won the sport event of the year, “HKF pokalen”.
We got the news via e-mail yesterday that we had won the HKF trophy. They sent e-mail a few days ago also that it was almost certain that we had won, but dead line was 10th of December. While in Antwerp they came onboard from HKF with flowers. I think it's the 4th year Bro Anton is winning the trophy. We got Swedish newspaper from HKF and later in the evening the Swedish Seaman's Church brought Christmas gifts for us.

While sleeping we had got a new Motorman and Cook (from Skåne) onboard and the old crew had left the ship together with our apprentices. They had a flight from Brussels to Sweden, and all visitors to my page know what we think about that airport.

Captain told me that the Pembroke - Cardiff voyage was cancelled.
- I'm not getting sad, I said.
I also found out that we will discharge in Immingham 14th of December. First they told us to wait at the anchorage until 17th of December. Well, that would have been nice.

I went down for my watch at 8 o'clock in the evening, I passed the dayroom for a chat
1st Engineer
with Captain and 1st Engineer.
I went out and checked the water density in the port and I checked our draft from the jetty so I could compare with the draft on the computer.

I called Captain just before 11 o'clock so he could check the draft from the jetty. We should stop at draft 8,7m midships and at 2310 we completed
loading. When we completed the loading the Engine department started to take onboard bunker from a barge. 300 MT HFO and 50 MT GO. When the Surveyor came onboard he had a flash light for me. I had ordered 1 this morning from the Surveyor and I gave him a bottle of single malt whiskey. Now I got a PELI® Super SabreLite® so I don't have to work in the dark on deck. Captain got green of envy and he ordered 1 as well.
- I don't think he want a bottle of 33 selection or a Mc Scott , I told Captain.

When the Surveyor left we just waited for the Loading Master and the cargo documents. They came onboard at 0030 and pilot ordered for 0330 13th of December.
When I came on my morning watch we were on River Schelde and we changed pilot in Flushing atCap, don't touch my camera!!!!0935. It was terrible weather, the pilot service at Steenbank was suspended. It was a SW force 8 with rain. I was not laughing when I escorted the pilot on deck. We left our pilot at Wandelaar 1200. SW 8, forecast SW-W force 8-9 wearing to NW force 8-9. Nothing for the sissy boys. Hmm, well, I can't write like that. People might think its sexism.

The other day when I came to the mess room our mess girl told me that there was a rumor that I didn't liked girls working on the bridge. She had been told that I didn't like girls working on the bridge.
- What, I don't care who's working on the bridge, I said.

Well, it seems to be popular to blame everything on sexism and racism today. If someone's empty the wastebasket and spreads half of the paper on the floor without picking it up, well, if it's a man I can tell him without hearing through the grapevine:
- He don't like men.
If I come on the bridge and tell a male Officer that he can't leave cups, plates, empty milk bottles and shit around for the reliever I don't think I have to hear that I don't like men. If I ask a male Officer that we need to check the high/ high level alarms or to check that everything is closed on deck I might get a look telling me that I'm crazy or stupid but I don't have to hear that I don't like men.

I was on one ship, I was on watch with an AB from Capo Verde. He had a cold and I can promise you that after 3 hours sitting next to him hearing him snuffle I was just about going crazy. Well, there was aYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stsnuffle too much.
- For bip sake!! Blow your bipping nose. You are a grown up and should know how to blow your nose.

He asked me if I were a racist. What the bip !! I went from crazy to furious:
- bipbipbipbip bip and bipping bip bipbipbipbipbip

And if you think I'm sensitive, just click Listen to this for a few hours NON FOOCKING STOP and then come back to tell me I'm sensitive. And I will throw you a life line! Just to get the foock out of the disgusting and annoying sound.

Yeah, yeah, after lunch I went to bed and I woke up just in time for dinner. After my dinner I bought a new bottle of whiskey replacing the one I gave to the Surveyor. It might come in handy when you least expect it.
I think we can say that Christmas is closing in on us. At 8 o'clock tonight they will bake gingerbread and drink glögg in the kitchen, well, I'm on watch at 8 o'clock and I don't like neither gingerbread nor glögg.

After dinner I went to my cabin and I wrote a happy birth day e-mail to Sue.Her birthday is coming up and I can send the e-mail from Immingham. We will stay at the anchorage until 15th or 16th of December, but this can change any minute. I hope I can send it before the 16th of December.

When I came on my night watch there was no sign of the storm and we had a nice watch. In the beginning there was some good music on BBC Radio 1, but at 9 o'clock Radio 1's Hip Hop show with Westlake started. It was god music but good turned to bad and we had to turn off the radio. It's just a lot of talk, people calling and gives “ shout out ” to every one they know, Every second line is:
- You know what I'm saying?
They all making millions and we turned off the radio and played a good CD. I don't understand, is it the dream of people to be on the radio? They have to say hello to all people they know, what's wrong with calling them up?
We had received a new voyage during the day. Load full cargo of Condensate in Braefoot Bay, discharging port most likely Antwerp.

When I came on my morning watch 14th of December we had dropped our anchor and I started my day with a pot of tea. Just before 11 o'clock the Agent called and told me that we should be alongside tonight at 2115, good, and no night work I hope.

Just before I got off my watch at lunch M/V Seawheel Rehine passed us at the anchorage, that was the ship leading the HKF pokalen before we did the final spurt in Dublin.

After my watch I went out on deck with the AB and we tested our emergency cargo pump. A hydraulic driven submergible pump that we can lower down in our cargo tank if a cargo pump doesn't work. Well, believe me, those hydraulic hoses to the pump are diabolic and there is no laughter to hear on deck when we prepare the pump.

We were ready with the pump just before 3 o'clock in the afternoon. There was no end to it, at 1515 we had a lifeboat muster. I had time for a quick soda pop in
my cabin before the muster. The weather left much to wish for, gloomy and grey and strong winds.

We gathered at the lifeboat and we were asked what to do when launching the lifeboat. Everyone entered the lifeboat and took their seats and it's rather cramped in the lifeboat and I can imagine how it feels after 2 weeks in the lifeboat. There should be a pack of playing cards in the lifeboat to prevent the crew to go crazy.

After the lifeboat we tested the crane and hook for the life raft. We have a crane for the life raft on starboard side so we can inflate the raft onboard and lower the raft while sitting in the raft.

After the drill I went to my cabin and my web site. I had a soda pop and I listened to the news, they had captured Saddam Hussein so there were plenty talk.
At 5 o'clock it was time for dinner. I went down to the mess room and I joined the crew for a meal. It was veal and I don't know what they call the potato, I call it “potatis bullar” and I had a few of them with broccoli. Yummy!!

At 6 o'clock they started to take up our anchor and it was raining, I was happy that I was in my cabin. I
Johnny, Andreas o Magnus
Ready to enter the life boat

Chief Engineer in the life boat

1st Engineer leaving the life boat
will take a shower and I will dress in my uniform. I hope the pilot is onboard when I come on watch at 8 o'clock. The ship was rolling heavily on the way to the pilot station.
The Pilot came onboard at 2000 14th of December and we had first line ashore at 2135 at APT Jetty #2 and all fast at 2225. We did paper work and the Loading Master told me that we shouldn't wait for the Surveyor. The refinery wanted the cargo ASAP and I was looking forward to midnight when I could sit in my cabin sending my birthday mail to Sue and hopefully read mail from her.

Hmm, at 10 past midnight the Surveyor came onboard and asked for the cargo papers.
- I gave them to the Loading Master. When can we start to discharge?
- I need to measure the shore tanks before we can start, the Surveyor said.
I'm waiting in my cabin, call me when they want to start, I told 2nd Officer.
I had time to update my web page and write an e-mail to Sue and 2nd Officer called me 10 to 1 and we started to discharge at 0055 15th of December.

I'm just finished sending Happy Birthday e-mail to Sue and now it's time to startwriting all the Happy Christmas and Happy New year e-mail. Christmas is coming fast now and it will be nice when it have blown over. When New Year has passed it's soon time for me to leave the ship for new adventures.

But now I'm off to my bed for my power nap, it's soon time for a new watch and I need a few hours of sleep. I had a busy day.

When I came on my morning watch 15th of December we were kicking ass in the CCR, discharging rate 1300 m³/h and we expected to be ready between 6 and 7 o'clock in the evening. We received e-mail that the cargo from Braefoot Bay was cancelled and that we should proceed to Pembroke and load for Avonmouth. Very exciting.
Captain was running around all morning asking if I had opened my e-mail box.
- My daughter sent e-mail to you from your web page. We can use my SIM card when you connect to the internet.
At 1130 we had to reduce speed because there was water in the hydraulic oil for the cargo pumps and at 1225 we stopped discharging. Now I don't know what will happen

Last night I could not manage to connect to my server (as usual) so no update of my web page and no e-mail. After lunch I managed to update my page and send my e-mails to Sue. There was no e-mail from Sue, not a word in over a week. Maybe she's busy with her new fishes.

At 2145 we recommenced discharging, engine department had fixed the cooler for the hydraulic oil. There had been a hole in the cooler and water had destroyed the hydraulic oil. So we could start when they had repaired the cooler and changed the oil.

At 7 o'clock in the morning 16th of December 2nd Officer called me and told me that we were just about to complete discharging. A quick shower and I were down in the CCR. 20 past 8 the Surveyor came onboard:
- Well, you didn't kick any ass this time, he said laughing.
- Hmm, we decided to kick ass softly this time. You know, Christmas time, I said.
We left Immingham at 10 o'clock and when we left river Humber behind it was nice weather. SW force 4 and sunshine.

We passed the English Channel during the 17th of December and the weather was
Smoke divers ready to enter the galley
nice. SE force 4 and sunshine. During the afternoon we held and fire drill and an oil spill drill.
Fire drill scenario: Fire in the galley and 1 man missing. Group #1 got their smoke diving equipment on and group #2 prepared the fire hoses and closed the ventilation. I 'm the leader in group #2. Group #1 entered the galley and brought the missing man to deck.

After the fire drill I held an oil spill drill on deck, but before we started I took the opportunity to take a photo of the crew. Everyone was present except Captain who drank coffee on the bridge while we were trying to save the ship. After the coffee break we held an emergency steering drill.

Well, the picture I took of the crew wasn't the best. I had to use the little time I hade before my watch to retouch it. After dinner I was hoping for some time for the retouch work after dinner, but with Captain running around like a track horse it was not easy. Its easy sitting on a bar talking with the girls:
- I'm Captain this and that!
But outside the bar it's better to keep Chief Officer close by. Well, finally I found time for the work with the photo. Taking photo of the crew isn't the easiest task.
- Are you finishing soon? Can we go now? Do we have to stand like this? I want to stand here. Yeah yeah, you understand.
I took a few pictures and I had to move one AB from one picture and then I had to copy the legs from another boiler suit to fit on his boiler suit. 2nd Officer lying down didn't want to listen to me when I told him that he was in my shadow. Well, I managed to get the picture as good as my skill could with
Photoshop® . As you know to keep downloading time as quick as possible I have to compress the photos to a poor quality. But your welcome to send e-mail if you would like to have the original photos. Big files!!!!
2nd Engineer Magnus, Mess girl Lisa, Chief Engineer Micke, 1st Engineer Fredrik, AB Johnny, 2nd Officer Laila, AB Andreas, Motorman Josef, Cook Mårten, AB Bengt, lying 2nd Officer Jocke.
Here they are

No doubt PhotoShop is a good program, it can come in handy at times. I can knock
off a few kg and I can be as handsome as I want. Maybe I have to send some photos to Sue, no e-mail for over a week. She must have forgotten how handsome I am or she is very busy with her fishes.
I'm a little worried about the fishes. I thought that I
could improve my social skills while staying onboard but I can't say that my social skills have improved onboard. I have to try the Photoshop® trick.

When I came on my morning watch 18th of December we had dropped our anchor in Saint Brides Bay north of Milford Haven. We were told that we should go alongside today at lunch time, so the original plan was to waiting outside Milford Haven on slow speed. But they told us that we had to wait until Saturday for our jetty.
When I passed Land's End on my night watch yesterday there the ship was rolling slightly. But at the anchorage there were almost no swell at all, so it was pleasant to stay at the anchorage even though the weather was gloomy and grey.

After my watch I brought the AB forward, we had to release the pressure from the hydraulic hose to our emergency cargo pump. When we did the test run the return hose for the hydraulic oil felt off the hydraulic line. So we needed to take of the hose from the control valve unit and thus drain some of the oil from the hose. Then we could connect the return hose again.
After that I was off to my cabin and a video and I was busy with the movie to 3 o'clock when I had to find the Captain for some chocolate.
- We will start to move between 2200 and 2300, he said.
Well that means coming alongside 2-3 o'clock in the morning and that is a 0,2 on the enthusiasm Richter scale. Always in the middle of the night.

When I came on my night watch 18th of December they told me that the jetty will
be available between 3 and 5 o'clock in the morning. We will call Milford Haven Port Control at midnight and confirm pilot boarding time.
Well on BBC Radio 1 they played rock and Hip Hop versions of Christmas songs and I could feel the Christmas in the air. Will there be any gifts?
They called me just before 5 o'clock in the morning and told me it was 20 minutes to the jetty. I was on the bridge in 2 steps and we had all fast at 0600. We could only load 2 parcels at the time and then we had to shift the ship for a few meters and connect the arms again.
They kept a loading rate of less that 500m³/h and I realized that this will take long time to load these 4 parcels.
We got a new Mess girl, 2nd Officer and Captain, they arrived onboard just before 8 o'clock in the morning and the off signers left us around 11 o'clock for Cardiff and the flight home.
We managed to get ashore our garbage as well. We have been all over England but they don't want to accept our oily rags at any place. They accept the galley garbage, OK, Broström is a serious company but imagine acoming to town.
- It will cost you € to land your oily garbage here. You have to go via your agent.
- We don't have any oily garbage onboard, Mr. Loading Master.
When reaching the sea the oily rags are jettisoned in the night.1000's of tons of garbage is floating up on the beaches every year. There are new regulations concerning the garbage onboard, we have to send a “ Garbage notification ” to the port before we arrives. You tell them how much garbage you will take ashore. As said before they accept galley garbage.
Food waste is brought ashore and the oil is dumped in to the sea. I asked one Loading Master about the problem when I asked if we could take ashore garbage.
- You have to order a special container from your agent for the oily waste.
- How many times does it happen here? I asked.
- Not many, he said.
We don't need to be too bright to understand where the garbage ends up. They come up with all the new rules and regulations that only make things worse. A bunch of people on a meeting hanging in the bar at Sheraton hotel and comes up with stupid ideas. No one have the guts to stand up and say that it's just a lot of bull.
On those meeting they make documents looking very good for the environment. It's forbidden to throw garbage in to the sea. Now an intelligent and thinking person would like to force the terminals to have garbage containers by law.
- We make it compulsory for the ship to send a garbage notification 24h in advance, stupid guy #1 say.
- Well, I think it would be better with a 48h notice, stupid guy #2 say. This will look good on the document the delegates bring back home to their government after an expensive week on Sheraton. With a lot of drinks on the tax payers' expense. And stupid guy #1 thinks that stupid guy #2 is real capable and a hardcore environmentalist. So to save face stupid guy #1 have to say:
- I think maybe 50 hours advance would be the best.
Everyone is happy and they can have another drink slapping each other's backs. I would like to hear a conversation like this between 2 intelligent people paid by my tax money:
- How can we get cleaner oceans.
- Force the terminals and port to receive the garbage and tank cleaning water free of charge.
- Good idea!

After my watch I went to the bridge and took photos of Bro Trader and Trapper for my ship photo page with Swedish ships.

I was off for my power nap and I slept like a log until my phone woke me up. I was so tiredthat I didn't understand what the 2nd Officer told me, but I went down in the CCR.
It was 20 minutes until we had to stop the ULSD for an 800m³ short stop. When we had stopped the ULSD and they had changed shore tank for the line displacement I went back to my cabin. I was soon called for again, time for the 540m³ short stop on the Kero and ULSD was almost ready as well. When the ULSD was ready they started to load the 540m³ line displacement Kero. It was 8 o'clock when we completed loading ULSD and Kero was ready at 2125. We had to shift the ship 4 meters aft so they could connect their cargo arms on the manifold.
At 2230 we started to load the Gasoline and it was nice to be relieved at midnight. A quick toast and I was off to my cabin. Before bed I had my last chocolate in my refrigerator. Tomorrow it will be Hälsovakten and hard times.

Coming on my morning watch 20th of December. It was a terrible weather. Raining and gloomy and grey isn't enough to describe it. I was running in to our Mess girl
and she had a box of CDs and with Christmas literally around the corner I should have understood what kind of music it was. It was stuff like Christmas Rock Ballads Vol. 18 and Christmas or Die #135 . On the radio it was also Christmas songs, lines like
Its baby's first Christmas, watching mom and dad bring in the Christmas tree ” made me change the radio station.
At 11 o'clock there were 2 police men coming onboard.
- Hello, we are from the anti terrorist branch and we want to look at you crew list.
What a lot of bull, I could understand if they arrived with dogs and did a search for bombs and stuff onboard. 2 men coming to see a crew list before departure. Well, now they can say that they have been looking for terrorists and that they are on alert. I think it's a load of crap.
I was called for 20 minutes before 2 o'clock in the afternoon, we were about to complete loading. We left Milford Haven just before 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Terrible weather and heavy swell outside Milford Haven. Wind force 8-9 from west.
We had arrived to Avonmouth early morning 21st of December. I was called for at 3 o'clock for the lock. We started to discharge at 0650 and I had time for aquick shower before my watch at 8 o'clock. After my shower I sent my e-mail to Sue and my inbox was brimmed with e-mails from Sue. I had time to call Sue as well and we had a nice chat and I was in a good mood when going on my watch.
We have 4 parcels to discharge here in Avonmouth and we can discharge 3 at the same time, so I expect us to be ready early morning. Always in the middle of the night, not very much time for sleep.

Our Mess girl had started with the decoration for Christmas and when I got off my watch there was a Christmas tree in the mess and day room. Well, I was off to my bed after lunch. The last 28 hours there had been time for 2 hours of sleep.

On the 22nd of December I was called for at 0430. We were just about to
Our day room
complete discharging. I had to do some paper work and we left Avonmouth just after 6 o'clock in the morning.

We just made it in time, deadline for departure was 7
Christmas tree
o'clock because of the high water. We had to pass through a lock before we were in Bristol Bay. I started the tank cleaning when we left the lock. I had to wash 6 tanks before loading.

We had ETA to Pembroke pilot at 1330 and they told us that the
pilot was available at 1700 then they changed it to 1400 and when I called the pilot at lunch they said that the pilot was available at 1600. Anyone surprised?

After my lunch I went for a well needed power nap and 10 minutes before dinner our 2nd Officer called me:
- It's 1650 and we have 25 minutes to our jetty. It's creamed spinach for dinner.
Shit! Creamed spinach is my favorite and no time to eat.

We had all fast at 1750 22nd of December at berth #2 in Pembroke. We started to
Bertil, Magnus, Fredrik, Malin
load just after 8 o'clock in the evening. Full cargo
Stir the cauldron
of Gas oil. I had to work all evening while the crew made Christmas candy in the galley.

I'm happy to eat the candy, well, I would not mind making the candy but I have no time. We must have cargo in our tanks or there will be no money. I will try some of the candy on Christmas eve.

Hmm, where did I put Hälsovakten? I can't find the program anywhere. When was the last time I used it? It was the spring 1983. Well, I will try to find it when I have the time. I really need it now.

I was relieved by 2nd Officer at midnight and I hurried off to my cabin. We loaded with 2000m³/h and we will be ready soon. I must send e-mail to Sue and update my web page before my nap. I must try to grab a few hours of beauty sleep before they call me again.

I will send my e-mail and then I'm off to bed. I wish to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year. Well, drop by after Christmas to see the latest updates about Christmas onboard M/T Bro Anton.
Ugh, at 0530 23rd of December they called me from the CCR. We had about 1 hour to go before we were ready. When I came down to the CCR we had to slow down on the loading rate so we could finish the ballast. We need to discharge all our ballast before we can complete the loading. This Gasoil is very heave so we will reach our maximum draft before the tanks are full.

At 0825 we completed loading and we left Pembroke 1035. After lunch I finished a movie that I began to watch a few days ago, Terminator 3, in the movie was a real turkey. I was happy when I reached the end so I could take my power nap. The movie was a complete waste of time. I woke up in the evening and I had time to start a new movie, this time a French thriller, a real sleeping pill. I was about to fall asleep when they called me for my night watch.
I had expected some Christmas Hip Hop extravaganzaon the radio during the night, well, I got disappointed. But the AB on my watch was happy about it.

When I came on my morning watch on Christmas eve we were in the Bay of Biscay and the dolphins were swimming around the ship. No wind but it was gloomy and grey. I had 2 pots of tea while listening on my music.
Captain told me that they had showed him my web page at the company before he signed on.
- I added the page to my favourites so my wife can see what we are doing, he said.
Well, it's not the first time. Crew members give the address to my web page to their loved ones and they can sit home and follow their adventures on the internet.This is a good service I provide free of charge.

I managed to send my Christmas e-mail before leaving Pembroke. I received e-mail from the boys on CT Star. They use to update me on what's happening onboard. Last time they were in Spain, our favourite Cook ( you should know him by now) was ashore buying seafood for them. In the last e-mail Captain wrote that the Cook was busy 24/7 in the galley preparing for the Christmas dinner. Any “ Sommar Semlor ”?

At 5 o'clock we had our Christmas dinner and our Cook from Skåne had made plenty
food. I had too much Tomte gröt so I had to roll back to my cabin like a boa snake. I must digest the food before my watch so I'm nimble when the Pilot
comes onboard. I will spend a few hours in my sofa in front of the TV watching a movie. I hope it's better than Terminator 3.

I was lying in my sofa when they called me for my watch. I crawled off my sofa and
New adventures ahead.
up to the bridge still full of Christmas food. Our Cook made very good “ Tomte gröt ” and “brunkål”

At 2030 the pilot was onboard and we had all fast at 2230. At midnight I went straight to my cabin and my movie. I was still full of food, so I felt down in my sofa and I grabbed my remote.
We completed discharging at 1410 25th of December and we left La Paccile 1530. It was very nice weather, gloomy and grey but no wind at all. I'm looking forward for my night watch
and we will retard ship time by 1 hour at 2 o'clock in the morning so I can sleep 1 hour extra tomorrow.

We had ETA to Milford pilot at 2215 26th of December. There had been heavy rolling during the day because of the swell and strong wind. When I came on my night watch the gale had ceased. I called the pilot at quarter past 8 and gave the pilot 2 hours notice. At 9 o'clock it was time for Westlake's Hip Hop Show on BBC Radio 1.
- Bow down and kiss the ring!!
- Shout out!!
This and a terrible horn all the time was an 8,7 on the embarrassment Richter scale. When I called the pilot just after 9 o'clock I turned off the radio. I forgot to turn it on again. When we called the pilot they didn't know if we could go alongside and 15 minutes before 10 they called us and said that we had to wait until tomorrow. At 2325 we had dropped our anchor at St. Brides Bay.
After my watch I called Sue and we had a nice chat.After the call I just wanted to sign off.

27th of December and I woke up before my 0740 call due to the heavy rolling of the ship. They had the anchor up at 7 o'clock and when they got underway the ship started to roll. No tea or Coke when I came on watch, just to hold on to something sturdy. The Pilot tried to board us but there was to much swell and the Pilot boat was jumping up and down. Impossible for the pilot to board us and we had to go inside before the Pilot could board us. The weather was terrible and as no surprise there was a docking shower passing us when we docked the ship. At 1030 we had all fast and Loading Master came onboard at lunch. We completed our paper work and just when I had loaded a plate with Prinskorv & Brunkål the Surveyor came onboard. Well, we all know Murphy's Law , but I could have my lunch when the Surveyor left and we started to load at 1305.

At midnight I went to my cabin, I have to try to get some sleep. I expect a call from 2nd Officer around 4 o'clock when she needs assistance to complete loading. I don't know if I manage to get some sleep, it's not easy just to fall asleep. Anyway I will be tired when they call me. Before I went to bed I sent some e-mail to Sue and my inbox was full of love letters from Sue.

We left Pembroke and it was gale force 8 outside, but the wind was coming from NW so no rolling. We arrived to Belfast 4 o'clock in the morning 29th of December. Well, it's arriving and departure every night and no sleep.

We arrived to Pembroke 2 o'clock in the morning 31st of December. We had to discharge our slop and wash our slop tank before we could start to load. We were pretty busy the whole morning and I called the Loading Master just after 5 o'clock so he could come and inspect the tanks. We started to load at 6 o'clock. I started with the Kero because this was the small parcel, 1500 MT ±5%. I expected them to be ready with this parcel between 8-9 o'clock in the morning. City diesel and gasoline should be ready in the afternoon.
I had a chance to take a quick shower and send e-mail to Sue at 7 o'clock. My inbox was full of mails from Sue and I will be busy reading them tonight.
It was very nice to go for my power nap at 9 o'clock. I had to catch up on the sleep. They called me at 0530 in Belfast for the paper work when we completed discharging and after departure we cleaned all our tanks until o'clock in the afternoon. Well, they thought it was a good idea to test the fire alarm at 5 o'clock.
- It's just to turn around and fall asleep again, Captain told me.
I got pissed off, of course it's easy to fall asleep again when you have all the experience of sleeping. This guy is laying down all the time. I see him all day lying in the day room or he's in his cabin, a hard day's work and he gets 2-3 working hours.

Well, anyway, arrival after my night watch and busy until 9 o'clock in the morning. Hmm, we expected to be ready with the City diesel at 1500. I woke up 1430 and called the CCR.
- Gasoline is stopped and we slowed down on the diesel so you could sleep a little longer, 2nd officer told me.
I thought it would be a good idea to test the IG pressure manometers on the SAAB. Our test manometer should be stored in the engine room so I went down to locate it. But after 20 minutes looking for it I gave up. I returned to the CCR for a pep talk with the 2nd Officer.
- Call me when we have 5500MT of City diesel onboard
Then I returned to my cabin and my web page. Hmm, I made a detour to the galley for a snack before returning to my cabin.

I was down to the CCR at 1630 and we completed the City diesel at 1710. While sitting in the CCR they called me from Bro Anton.
- Aladdin!! Bro Anton is calling.
Well, there was someone knowing me on Bro Anton and honestly I had no idea who it was. But it happens to me all the time. We had a chat and I asked him to say hello to a 2nd Officer I knew on the ship.
When we completed the City diesel I went to the mess room and our New Year
Open the bottle
dinner. I had hoped that the Christmas candy was eaten in the day room, but lo and behold! They had filled up the day room with New Year candy.
We completed loading at 1940 and we left Pembroke at 2125. It was terrible weather with rain and gale force 8 from the
New Year toast
south. We had heavy sea against us when we left Pembroke behind.

10 minutes before midnight the rest of the crew came to the bridge to see the New Year in. At 12 o'clock we had our New Year toast. We wished each other a good new year and lie was back to normal on the ship.

I was looking like the New Year will start of good. Due to slow loading in Pembroke we will miss the high water at 0130 in Avonmouth and the pilot will board us 11 o'clock tomorrow. A full night sleep, well, that's an 8,6 on the enthusiasm Richter scale.
It's nice to have all the Christmas and New Year festivities behind. I hope they finish all the candy soon. I don't like the temptations every time I'm in the dayroom.

1st of January 2004, a new year but still on the same ship. When we were in Belfast I called my reliever to ask him where our test manometer for the IG pressure was. He told me that he will come onboard 8-9 of January.
It will be nice to leave the ship.Our 2nd Engineer told me that he will sign off in the beginning of January and then there will be no one to play mischief's with onboard.
Then it will be even more boring onboard, I don't know, maybe I miss Sue too much.

After our New Year toast on the bridge I went to the mess room for a snack with 2nd Engineer. Not a good start of the New Year.

I almost over slept on the first day of the New Year. I was called for at 0740 and I felt asleep again. I woke up 1 minute before 8 o'clock. I was on the bridge on 2 steps. I
Avonmouth lock
missed my shower.

Well, I had time to relaxand drink some tea before we started to heave up our anchor at 1030.
Pilot boarded us at 1105 and it's about 2 hours to the lock in Avonmouth. Because of the strong wind from NW we needed assistance from a tug boat to get in to the lock. As you can see on the pic there are not many meters between the ship and the sides. With strong wind from behind it can be hard to stop the
ship in time. The tug pulls us back until we are stopped. While in the lock 2 sail boats went aground in river Avon next to the lock. 1 hour before high water, the tide and wind was working in the same direction. The sailboats were blowing aground and the tide was rising. Hmm, now you think that the sailboat should float when the water was rising. Yeah, but they didn't take in their sails, so when the water raised the wind blowing them further and further up on the ground.

At arrival the sun was shining and I was hoping that I could go ashore and take some
Monica o Mårten
pictures of our ship for my web page. But we had to wait for lab analysis before we could start discharging. When we started the sun was gone and it was to dark for photos.

Well, it was time for dinner. Instead of pictures I got turkey. I tried to sleep after the dinner without any success, well, I hope it makes it easier to fall asleep after my night watch.
I was called for at 1940 giving me time to write 1 e-mail for Sue and to get my white shirt on before my watch at 8 o'clock. 4 hours of ass kicking in the CCR.

There wasn't very much ass kicking on my night watch. A very low discharge rate and they told me that they want to stop the City diesel around 5 o'clock in the morning. They don't have any more space in the shore tank.
Hmm, they said that it was possible that we had to wait the whole day tomorrow before they got enough space again. At midnight I was relieved by 2nd Officer and I was off to send my e-mail to Sue.
There was e-mail from Sue and I wrote a new e-mail to her. I got e-mails from a few friends and I wrote back to them, I forgot to update my web page so I had to connect to the internet again.
After my internet business I went straight to bed for my beauty nap.

My internet experience turned sour. I could not upload my page, hmm, I have to wait until tomorrow. We completed discharging at 1850 2nd of January and we missed the high water at 1600 so we had to wait until midnight. I had time to clean 2 of our cargo tanks while alongside. Then I don't have to do it in the middle of the night. The only thing I have to do now is to start the ventilation when we have left the lock behind.

3rd of January was a gloomy and grey day, as usually this time of the year. We had ETA to Milford Haven pilot at 9 o'clock in the morning. First thing I had to do when they called me was to go on deck and measure the gas in the tanks we had ventilated during the night. No gas, so I could inspect 2 cargo tanks before arriving to the pilot station.
We should load Gasoline, Gas oil and kero at TEXACO in Pembroke and after completion we should shift to Petroplus on the other side of the river and load the aviation fuel.

They were not ready at Petroplus so we didn't know if we had to go outside and drop our anchor or wait at TEXACO alongside the jetty. 1 AB and 1 of the 2nd Officers will leave us here in Pembroke and the AB was nervous for his trip home.

We completed loading early in the evening and his reliever was scheduled to come onboard
2nd Engineer in the CCR
at midnight together with 2 apprentices.
If we had to wait at the anchorage he had to stay onboard. Our new 2nd Officer came onboard in Avonmouth so there was no problem for our home ward bound 2nd Officer.

Well, they decided that we could stay alongside after completion. Our AB was happy and a taxi was ordered to pick them up on the jetty around 2 o'clock in the morning.

Sunday morning 4th of January, still waiting at TEXACO
Berth #7. We started to kick ass first thing in the morning, we had to sweep 4 tanks. We were ready before lunch so I had time for a shower and to wash my laundry before eating.
My night watch I spent in front of the TV. They said that the ship on our jetty would leave around 4 o'clock in the morning and that it was possible that we should shift early Monday morning.

Monday morning 5th of January, I was called for at 7 o'clock and we left TEXACO at 0735 and we had all fast at Petroplus at 0840. We did the paper work and we started to load our Aviation fuel at 1045. When the Surveyor came onboard to add " Anti static " to the cargo. I asked him if he could arrange some Diet Coke for me.
- Yes, of course!
I gave him 20£ and he should bring back the soda pops when he came back to do the sampling at completion.

We had Korv stroganoff for lunch, one of my favourites, and our Cook made it Skåne style. It's nice with a Cook from Skåne, the other day I told our Cook .
- Hey!! Our 2nd Officer told me that Cooks from Skåne can't make creamed white cabbage, I told the Cook.
We had creamed white cabbage for lunch that day. Another one of my favourites.

I woke up from my power nap just in time for dinner. After dinner I had time to relax a
Plenty soda pop
little in my cabin before going to the CCR at 1815 and complete loading.
After completion our Surveyor came onboard. I had expected 20-30 cans of soft drinks but the Surveyor brought 72 cans. Hmm, I have to drink like there is no tomorrow. I will leave the ship in 2-3 days and so much soft drink to drink.
We left Milford Haven at 2120 5th of January. There
was an annoying drizzle at the departure, but the weather was much better
than when we left New Years eve. Then it was full storm and rain.

Hmm, we broke a few laws' leaving Pembroke New Years eve. While working on deck at departure one of the AB's had his helmet blown off. The helmet blow in to the sea.
By now the period for prosecution has expired, even for a serious crime like that. Throw plastic in to the sea and working on deck without helmet is serious.

We left the pilot at 2215 and when the AB was ready on deck he came on the bridge.
- Have a soft drink, I told him.
- No thanks.
- Well, you have to help me finish the soft drinks, or I have some exciting job for you to do, I said.
He enjoyed his soft drink and we listened to Danish Hip Hop until midnight when it was bed time.

6th of January and we were in the port of Dublin when I came on my morning watch. Great, a full night of beauty sleep. We had all fast at 9 o'clock and there was the usual gang coming onboard asking millions of questions.
We started to discharge just before lunch and we expect to be ready early tomorrow morning. After lunch (potato and salad) we got a new 2nd Engineer and AB onboard. Off signer's flight to Copenhagen left Dublin around 6 o'clock in the evening and they were off the ship when I woke up from my afternoon nap.

When I came on my night watch Tärnland had moored next to us. I had received Merry
New 2nd Officer.
Christmas greetings from them and I tried to call them on the radio. Well, around 9 o'clock their Captain came onboard and visited me. One of my favourite Captains in Tärntank. The other Captain is retired now.
I gave him a can of soft drink first thing, of course he had to help me with my 72 cans. We spent a few hours talking about old times. He had got a son 3 month's earlier.
He was green of envy because I was on a ship with a crew of 15 Swedish sailors and he was almost the only Swedish sailor onboard Tärnland.

After my watch I installed “Hälsovakten” on my computer. There were the same annoying alarms and sound of screaming tires when I entered my personal data. Well, anyway, I'm prepared for my “kick ass” diet when I'm signing on my next ship, and that will be no joke.

I was called for 0515 7th of January.I had not got very much sleep during the night due to the dry air onboard. The air is so dry my laundry dries quicker in my cabin than in the dryer. Spending the night rolling around in my bed scratching my itching skin. Hmm, I think I managed to fall asleep around 4 o'clock. I had a terrible nightmare, I was kidnapped by a ship and Sue got angry and broke up with me. So I didn't mind waking up at 0515.
I had a shower and I was in the CCR in 2 steps.

We left Dublin just after 7 o'clock in the morning and when we left the breakwater behind and turned to south we got a force 8 head wind. For lunch our Cook from Skåne had made “Potatis bullar”. Even though I had installed Hälsovakten on my computer, and that's the healthiest thing you can get on a CD, I had to have some “Potatis bullar”.

After lunch I had some sleep to catch up. I woke up in the afternoon when we changed course to east and we got the sea from the side. The ship started to roll heavily.

When I came on watch we had slowed down. Bro Trader was taking pilot before us and then we had to wait for their mooring gang. At 2145 the pilot came onboard. We started to load at 0015 8th of January. We expected to be ready early tomorrow morning, but the loading rate is very slow. We will load about 1300 m³ of the Kero and estimated loading time 2-3 hours. Ugh, 3-4 o'clock in the morning. Before my nap I called 2nd Officer in the CCR. Problem ashore with the Kero, maintenance team will arrive 8 o'clock in the morning. Good, I don't need to answer any “ middle of the night” calls.

I could sleep all night long and when I came on my morning watch 8th of January we had not started to load the Kero. We expected to be ready with the gasoline around 1600, but we never know if they can keep the loading rate. One thing is sure, we will not make it to the evening water in Cardiff. If we are lucky we will make it for the high water on Friday morning. Well, we must make it. They called from the company and I have to sign on CT Sky on Saturday. But there is problem with the valves ashore on the Kero line so it's up in the air everything.

Just before 3 o'clock in the afternoon they called me, I was in my bed but I could not sleep. I don't know, but I was in a very good mood. Sue called me and we had a chat. She had bought a big bowl and floating candles.
- Very romantic, she said.
Well, I was down in the CCR in 4 steps and we completed the gasoline. There was an e-mail for me with my flight details:
KL1067 T 09JAN 5 CWL-AMS HK1 1505 1730
KL1163 T 09JAN 5 AMS-GOT HK1 1950 2120
Pls. escort crew to/from AMV/Cardiff airport.

My reliever arrive 10 o'clock to Cardiff. Hope we make the morning water 9th of January in Cardiff. They had not managed to get started with the Kero when we completed the gasoline. Finally at 1630 they managed to start the Kero. Hmm, maybe we can make it for the high water in Cardiff. I will have to go straight to my next ship without a chance to see our new romantic bowl.

Finally, at quarter past 6 in the evening I went to the CCR to complete our Kero. Pilot was ordered for 10 o'clock and we left 10 past 10 in the evening 8th of January. It was blowing gale force from west outside. Pilot had to leave us inside Milford Haven and the ship was moving a little when we left St. Ann's behind. We have to adjust speed to arrive to Bristol pilot station 0530 in the morning, making it in time to the lock at high water. I will have time to start the discharging before leaving the ship.

I called my friend in Gothenburg and he will pick me up at the airport in Gothenburg tomorrow night. It was nice to be relieved at midnight, I have some sleeping to do before it's time for the wake up call.

Between 26th of November 2003 and 9th of January 2004 we did the following voyages:
Voy 53/03: Finnart - Dublin. full cargo of City Diesel.
Voy 54/03: Pembroke - Avonmouth. Gasoline, Kero, City Diesel and UMS.
Voy 55/03: Le Havre - Immingham. Full cargo of gasoline.
Voy 56/03: Fawley - Gibraltar. Cargo not known. Cancelled
Voy 56/03: Antwerp - Immingham. Full cargo of City Diesel.
Voy 57/03: Le Havre - Immingham. Cargo not known. Cancelled
Voy 58/03: Fawley - Gibraltar. Cargo not known. Cancelled
Voy 57/03: Pembroke - Cardiff. Gasoline and 3 parcels of gas oil. Cancelled
Voy 57/03: Braefoot Bay - For order. Full cargo of Condensate. Cancelled
Voy 57/03: Milford Haven - Avonmouth. Gasoline and 3 parcels of gas oil.
Voy 58/03: Pembroke - Playmouth. 2 parcels of gasoline and 3 parcels of gas oil. Cancelled
Voy 58/03: Pembroke - La Pallice. Full cargo of Gasoil.
Voy 59/03: Pembroke - Belfast. Gas oil, max 15000 MT
Voy 60/03: Pembroke - Avonmouth. Gasoline, Kerosene and City diesel
Voy 01/04: Aviation fuel from Milford Haven to Pembroke. A 500 meter transport. Cancelled
Voy 01/04: Milford Haven/Pembroke - Dublin. Gasoline, Aviation fuel, GO and City diesel.
Note that I remembered to change the year on the voyage
Voy 02/04: Pembroke - Playmouth. Gasoline, Kero, GO and City diesel. Cancelled
Voy 02/04: Pembroke - Cardiff. Gasoline, Kero and City diesel.

Well, this time I have added all our cancelled voyages as well. Just to show you how hard it is to plan anything, you never know where you are going.

At 0600 9th of January I was called for.
- 30 minutes to the lock , 2nd Officer said.
I took a shower and I went to the bridge. We passed the lock and at 0810 we had all fast at TEXACO. 0955 I started to discharge for the last time and the new Chief Officer came onboard at 11 o'clock. We had a chat and I was relieved at 12 by 2nd Officer. A quick lunch and a shower and I was ready when the taxi picked me up at 1330.
At Cardiff airport I had to spend my last 1£ 22p, my change from the 20£ note I gave to the Surveyor buying the soft drinks for me.
A diet coke was 99p.
- Do you have anything to offer for 23p? I asked.
- NO!
- Well, keep the change, I said.
I had to wait for 2 and a half hour in Amsterdam for my connection to Gothenburg. I arrived to a snow white Gothenburg and my friend picked me up at the airport. We took off to a Pizzeria down town for a snack and we finished off with deep fried camembert cheese and a barrel of tea.
Before he left me at my hotel we agreed that I will pick him up at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning with my rental. He will drive me to Kalmar so I can get some of my winter equipment in his apartment before he leaves me at CT Sky . I will sign on in Mönsterås and he will bring back the rental to Gothenburg.

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

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ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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