OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour - Wayoutback

Monday 25 th of July 2016 and I was dead tired when my alarm went off at 5 o'clock. I had some Kit Kat chocolate bars before getting in to the shower. I was outside my lodge 5 minutes before 6 o'clock in the morning. The van arrived a few minutes later, but without the trailer.

We would leave the trailer at the camping site because we would travel some rough dirt tracks today. We went back to the camp site and we put my bag in the trailer before taking off towards the Jim Jim Fall. It was a two hour ride to the waterfall and that was even though we drove so I was scared in my seat

3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour - Jim Jim Falls
Getting out of the van

3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour - Jim Jim Falls
Some information about the place before we're off for the trek

The place have been open for a month. The Rangers check the place and they need 5 days with out any crocodile sightings before they can open the place. Now it is dry season so there were hardly any water, but during the wet season it is a river and there are both salt and fresh water crocodiles in the area.

We started to walk and it was an easy walk until we reached the pond. Only a pond now as it is the dry season. But to reach the water fall (only a few drops now in the dry season) we needed to walk over rocks.

But is should be rewarding according to our Guide. There is a pool with a sand beach (the only sand beach in the Darwin area) at the water fall. And from there you can swim to a pool under the waterfall. But I already knew that I would not go to any pool as I would turn around to walk back as soon as we reached the water fall.

Walking in a group of 17 and we would for sure not see any wildlife. But maybe I would be lucky walking back alone. But my hopes were not high as it made a lot of noises “huffin' and puffin'” my way over the rocks. But who knows? I might get lucky.

3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour - Jim Jim Falls
We reach the pond and we can see that the water fall is dry at the end of the gorge

3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour - Jim Jim Falls
We continue on the rocks towards the pool

3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour - Jim Jim Falls
I'm lucky to have my “commando” background

3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour - Jim Jim Falls

3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour - Jim Jim Falls

3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour - Jim Jim Falls

3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour - Jim Jim Falls
We reach the pool. All this is of course under water during the wet season

3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour - Jim Jim Falls

3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour - Jim Jim Falls
Our Guide handing out snacks

3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour - Jim Jim Falls
Our Guide handing out snacks

3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour - Jim Jim Falls

3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour - Jim Jim Falls
I'm leaving again

3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour - Jim Jim Falls
I'm looking forward to work my way back through the gorge again

3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour - Jim Jim Falls

3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour - Jim Jim Falls

3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour - Jim Jim Falls
Crocodil trap

There was another group from Wayoutback when I came back to the parking lot. We had been alone at the pool. But I met many people going there on my way back. I was thirsty and hungry, say what you want about Kit Kat, but they don't keep you going for very long

It had been a beautiful walk back, but I was very thirsty and I was so happy to se our Guide coming back. I didn't wanted to ask the other group for water. They have a drum of water torefill water bottles on board the bus. A small tap at the bottom of the drum.

But I have seen people open the lid dunking their water bottle down in the water filling it up. And of course, if you fill up yourbottle this way you need to submerge the hand. Where have they have had their hands before filling up their bottle? When was the last time they washed their hands? Plus of course a million of other questions.

So yes, I bought my own water bottles, but I never said anything to the Guide when he told me that we had water on board.

But I was very happy to see my group coming back and I could get one of MY water bottles. And the other Wayoutback group had left and their guide asked us if we wanted their left over hamburgers. So yes, it was a very good ending to our trek to the JimJim Falls. We left Jim Jim Falls behind and we would stop for lunch at a camping site 15 or 20 minutes away.

The road to get there was very bumpy so we could (Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully) not drive fast andYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthus no reason to be scared. We would have wraps for lunch and I still had 3 bottles of diet drinks from Darwin in my bag and I was looking forward to the lunch.

I had not manage to see any of the Black Cockatoos, but I saw two white ones going to the Jim Jim Falls so I hope that there will be time for some birding at the lunch site.

3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour - Lunch time
Preparing our picknick lunch

3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour - Lunch time
Preparing our picknick lunch

Olive-backed oriole, Oriolus sagittatus
Olive-backed oriole, Oriolus sagittatus

MistletoeBird (Dicaeum hirundinaceum)
A bird that I cannot identify
Identified 27th of July 2016 as a MistletoeBird (Dicaeum hirundinaceum) thanks to BirdLife Western Australia

MistletoeBird (Dicaeum hirundinaceum)
A bird that I cannot identify
Identified 27th of July 2016 as a MistletoeBird (Dicaeum hirundinaceum) thanks to BirdLife Western Australia

There were several crows at the camping site and they made a terrible noise. I finished my wraps and I went to look for birds, I spotted one Olive-backed oriole and a White-bellied cuckooshrike. I also saw a small grey bird with orange tail, but I cannot identify the bird. The closest I come is a Grey Catbird.

But they don't exist here in Australia, only in America. Well, I will see if I can identify the bird in the future. We finished our lunch and we were going to an Aboriginal centre. There was some3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour - Lunch timeexhibition and a coffee shop.

Our Guide will go to get the trailer and he would be back in an hour.

By then we will be on the parking lot and we will leave for Darwin. It have been a nice tour, but it will be nice to get back to Darwin. We will make one more stop, well, two stops on our way back to Darwin. First stop at the Kakadu3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour - Lunch timesign and the second stop at Corroborre Park Tavern.

The very same place we stopped at on our way here and I got the pictures of the white parrots and the beautiful Forest Kingfisher.

It was about one hour to the sign and we went out to take some pictures and we were on our way again after about 10 minutes. We reached Corroborre Park Tavern around 1 hour later and we stopped for about 20 minutes. I went to look for the Kingfisher. I found the bird on exact the same branch as last time we were here.

3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Camping Tour
We had been seeing this sign all over the National parks together with the crocodile warnings

I was back at Palms City Resort at 5 thirty in the afternoon. And what a difference to check-in it was this time. Two girls, and one of them started to speak Swedish when she saw my passport. I got the internet pass word, something Mr. Twat Man failed to give me last time I checked-in.

I asked for an Italian restaurant and they told me that there would be one close to the supermarket. I didn't found any Italian restaurant, only a Pizza slice shop so I went to the supermarket. I bought a few diet drinks, smoked salmon and some bread for breakfast. Up 4 o'clock in the morning and the restaurant is closed.

The girl from Sweden booked a taxi for me to be here at 05:00 tomorrow morning. I ended the evening in my room with tea, bread and smoked salmon. And tomorrow I will be on Qantas flight QF1937 to Alice Springs. How this turns out, just click HERE to find out.


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