Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours

1 day Wilderness 'Wildscapes' Tour

We pick up from the airport or the clients accommodation. We arrive at Rocky River, headquarters of the Flinders Chase National Park. Here, kangaroos laze and Cape Barren geese graze. The Chase is home to all our varieties of native animals and birds.

On to Admirals Arch, an ancient limestone formation close to the ocean, a perfect haul-out area for an active colony of the New Zealand fur seal. To Remarkable Rocks, via the spectacular coastline of Cape du Couedic, where the forces of nature have carved modern sculptures out of the granite. A short bush walk searching for the Echidna (spiny ant-eater) and observing the colourful Kangaroo Island endemic Crimson Rosella.

Head back for a BBQ lunch of marinated steak, onions and potatoes, cooked in front of you by your guide (now turned chef!). This is complimented by fresh salads, local KI wines and other refreshments. For dessert spoil yourself by indulging in our special Pears poached in KI red wine, accompanied by KI’s unique Sheep’s Milk Yogurt. All this served in the bush, nestled amongst the beautiful tall Gum trees.

After our meal, we head for Koala Avenue just outside the Park where Koalas are easily seen in the ‘Manna Gums’ that grow in the area. Your guide will then take you down a bush lined track and into ‘Grassdale’, part of the Kelly Hill Conservation Park. Here you will enjoy viewing the large ‘mob’ of Kangaroo’s that graze the grassy flats and shelter in the surrounding bush.

Also listen for the many parrot and other bird species that live in the tall gum trees. Wonder through some of the old relics that speak of a by gone era of early pioneer farming. Head for Vivonne Bay, with its crystal clear turquoise water. Your guide will take you to Point Ellen where you can fossick for shells on the beach and possibly sight a penguin in its rookery Our tour concludes with your departure at the airport, or return to your Island accommodation.

Saturday 30 th of July 2016 and I went to the restaurant at 8 thirty and I had some bacon (actually good) and 4 small sausages. I had toast with some of the honey, the famous KangarooAurora Ozone Hotel in KingscoteIsland honey. Well, the honeyKangaroo Island honeytasted, well, honey from Skåne is better.

And they do a lot of fuzz about their honey. You are not even allowed to bring honey to the island.

And, this one I can understand, you're not allowedKangaroo Island honeyto bring bees to the island. Who the duck brings bees in their luggage? There were posters all over the ferry about the bees and honey yesterday.

I had a pot of tea with my breakfast and I was happy when I went outside to wait for them to pick me up. The hotel is just across the street from the beach and I saw a few of the New Zealand fur seals sunbathing in the water.

New Zealand fur seals in Kingscote
New Zealand fur seals outside my hotel

New Zealand fur seals in Kingscote
New Zealand fur seals outside my hotel

A couple came up to me and they looked at the seals. They thought it had been a shark fin they had seen. It kind of looks like a shark fin when they stick up their fins. But there was no sign of anyone from the Kangaroo Island Wilderness to come to pick me up.

I was waiting for them to come when I spotted a Sooty Oystercatcher on the beach. A beautiful bird and the time passed quickly while I was watching the bird.

Sooty Oystercatcher - Haematopus fuliginosus

I just step outside the door and I see a new beautiful bird. Of course, I had no idea what the bird was called. But I asked my Guide when he came to pick me up and it turned out to be anKangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes TourSooty Oystercatcher. Yeah, it was 10 minutes past 9 when they came from Wilderness to pick me up outside the hotel

Now I learned that we had to go to the airport and pick up a family and a German interpreter that was going with us on the tour today.

Of course, this was nothing I was happy to hear about. I have to wake up early just to go wait at the airport. No,Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tourthe tour had not started and I already knew that I would not recommend this tour company to anyone.

The plane would arrive at 10 o'clock so that means that we will have to wait there until 10 thirty. We saw a group of Black and yellow Cockatoos and my Guide told me that they had the black and red Cockatoos on Kangaroo as well.

I walked around the airport, well, outside the airport looking for birds while waiting. I could see the plane arrive and I discovered a Welcome Swallow on the wire when the plane taxi on the tarmac. I expected the swallow to fly away, but the bird stayed on the wire.

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour
The plane arrives

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour
The plane arrives

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour
The plane arrives

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour
The plane arrives and the Welcome swallow don't care

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour
The plane arrives and the Welcome swallow don't care

Welcome Swallow, Hirundo neoxena
Welcome swallow, Hirundo neoxena

It was 10 thirty before we could leave the airport and now we were 7 people in the car. We were going to drive to the Cape du Couedic and the Admirals Arch in the Flinders Chase National Park. We will look out for Koalas and Kangaroos on the way.

We will drive along a road with the trees that the Kangaroo likes to eat and we expect to see Koalas there. Our Guide told us that they have too much Koalas so they have started a program to sterilize some of the Koalas hoping for the Koala population to decrease.

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour
We're on the way

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour
We're on the way

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour
We expect to find Koalas along this road

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour
We expect to find Koalas along this road

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Koala
My first ever Koala

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Koala
My first ever Koala

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Koala
My second Koala - And the Koala is awake!

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Koala
My second Koala - And the Koala is awake!

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour
We continue towards the Flinders Chase National Park

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Kangaroos
We are passing several groups of Kangaroos

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Kangaroos
We are passing several groups of Kangaroos

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Kangaroos
We are passing several groups of Kangaroos

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Kangaroos
We are passing several groups of Kangaroos

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Kangaroos
We are passing several groups of Kangaroos

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Kangaroos
We are passing several groups of Kangaroos

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Kangaroos
We are passing several groups of Kangaroos

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Koala
More sleeping koalas when we arrive to the Flinders Chase National Park

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Koala
Suddenly! Totally unexpected! There are some action when the koala scratch himself

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Koala
And he is back asleep

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Koala

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Koala

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Koala

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Koala
Red tag means that this Koala is castrated

Australian Magpie, Cracticus tibicen

Cape Barren goose, Cereopsis novaehollandiae

We reach the Flinders Chase National Park around 12 o'clock. We are going to have a pick nick styled BBQ here. And I had a walk around looking for birds and koalas while our Guide preparedYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthe lunch at the pick nick site. The German speaking team had a walk.

I saw two koalas in the trees, not much movement. I walked towards the pick nick site and I could hear many birds in the trees. But I got pictures of a Cape Barren goose and the Australian Magpie

The pick nick site was really nice, they had gas cookers in huts without walls. So we were protected from the rain. And it was raining all the time so the birding was not as nice I had wished for it to be. And the dark rain clouds made it very dark in the park.

We had a very nice lunch and while the rest of the group had dessert I was in the forest looking for birds and I spotted a beautiful Brown Thornbill.

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour
We have parked outside one of the BBQ places

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour
Our Guide preparing the lunch

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour
Our Guide preparing the lunch

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour
Our Guide preparing the lunch

Brown Thornbill, Acanthiza pusilla

Yes, a delicious lunch and instead of dessert I spotted the Brown Thornbill while I was sneaking around in the bushes looking for birds. So a good start on the day, well, except for waiting at the airport, I have seen my first ever Koala and three new birds. And a good shoot of the beautifully singing Australian Magpie.

The pictures from Mount Ebenezer Roadhouse and Aboriginal art gallery when we stopped there on the way to Ayers Rock. So I was happy to have seen the Australian Magpie again.

We packed the things in to the car and we were soon on our way towards Cape du Couedic on the West End Highway. I really didn't had any clue what we would do there. But it is the SW cornerNisses Herrmodeof Kangaroo Island. So I'm pretty sure that there will be something exciting to see.

We approached the Cape du Couedic and I could see the Cape du Couedic lighthouse sticking up over the vegetation in the landscape. It looked to beYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stvery cold and I was happy that I had brought my new jacket that I bought at Nisses in Malmö.

And of course, my pantalongas, takes some space in my “weekend” bag but today it was worth the extra trouble.

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour
Looking down at West End Highway

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Cape du Couedic
We can see the Cape du Couedic lighthouse

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Cape du Couedic
Cape du Couedic

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Cape du Couedic
South coast of Kangaroo Island from Cape du Couedic

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Cape du Couedic
Australian fur seals at Cape du Couedic

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Cape du Couedic
Cape du Couedic lighthouse

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Cape du Couedic
Australian fur seals at Cape du Couedic

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Cape du Couedic
Australian fur seals at Cape du Couedic

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Cape du Couedic
Admirals Arch at Cape du Couedic - And I was really happy that I had walked all the way

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Cape du Couedic
Baby New Zealand Sea Lion drinking milk so we can hear it from several meters

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Cape du Couedic
Australian fur seals at Cape du Couedic

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Cape du Couedic
Admirals Arch at Cape du Couedic - And I was really happy that I had walked all the way

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Cape du Couedic
Admirals Arch at Cape du Couedic - And I was really happy that I had walked all the way

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Cape du Couedic
Onmy way back up to the car again

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Cape du Couedic
Cape du Couedic

I was really happy that our Guide had talked me in to walking down to the Admirals Arch. I wasn't really feeling like walking down just to have a look at some seals. But the main attraction was the Admirals Arch. And it was a special place. And the Australian fur seals and the New Zealand Sea Lions came as a bonus.

I walked back up again and we were soon taking off towards another attraction, something they called the “Remarkable Rocks” some 10 minutes or so away. The “Remarkable Rocks” are some bigKangaroo Island Wilderness Tours - Wildscapes Tour - Cape du Couedicrocks laying on the ground and they look like they have felt from the sky as there are nowhere they can have come from.

You can read about it on internet if you search for Remarkable Rocks Kangaroo island on the internet. I just went to see the rocks and I did some bird watching while I was waiting for the others. There were some birds but I never managed to get any pictures. When they came back we returned to my hotel in Kingscote and we stopped to drop the family from Switzerland.

We dropped the interpreter at the airport and we stopped at a service station to see if they had Pepsi, there were no Pepsi MAX to be found on the Kangaroo Island. But we decided to give the service station a try.

Lo and behold, they had Pepsi MAX and I bought all their bottles, seven of them. I also got some milk so I can enjoy some tea in the room. We are off at 08:45 tomorrow morning and I hope to see more Koalas. Just click HERE to find out if we find any.

Birds I have seen in Australia and elsewhere is available on my list of birds I have seen. There are more pictures of birds I have taken here in Australia to enjoy.

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