Mareeba Wetland
Jabiru Safari Lodge, Atherton Tablelands

Jabiru Safari Lodge

Accommodation in a Deluxe Tented Safari Cabin for 2 nights

Inclusions: All meals, all activities, conservation pass one safari per accommodation night and 12 months membership of the Wildlife Conservancy of Tropical Queensland.

Located within the Mareeba Tropical Savanna and Wetland Reserve, an hour and 15 minutes’ drive west of Cairns on the northern edge of the Atherton Tablelands (Cairns Highlands).

The 2000 hectare reserve of open savanna woodland, grassland, and freshwater wetlands provides a unique Outback setting, allowing guests to fully appreciate the outback savanna environment and prolific birdlife during the best times of the day.
Mareeba Wetland

WARNING!! If you ever go to Australia avoid the above companies. What a scam it turned out to be.
My 3 days Great Ocean Road tour for 2500$ turned out to be a scam
VARNING! Söderhavs Resor - Destination Downunder - Southern World är skojare och lurendrejare.
Använd inte några av deras tjänster!!

Tuesday 19 th of July 2016 and there were several bird watches outside the coffee shop/ visitor centre/ reception when I arrived. I could also hear plenty birds so this looks to be good.

I was shown to my tent and I had been there for a while when an Emu came to visit me.

Jabiru Safari Lodge
My tent

Jabiru Safari Lodge
I have set up my IT centre in my tent

Emu at Jabiru Safari Lodge
An Emu comes to visit me in my tent

Emu at Jabiru Safari Lodge
An Emu comes to visit me in my tent

Emu at Jabiru Safari Lodge

Emu at Jabiru Safari Lodge

Emu at Jabiru Safari Lodge
The Emu is following me

Emu at Jabiru Safari Lodge
The Emu is following me

Kangaroo at Jabiru Safari Lodge
My first ever Kangaroo that I manage to get on picture

I was soon back at the visitor centre and I bought a cookie to bring back for the Emu. I had asked them to call me a taxi as I needed to go back to the town of Mareeba to buy a SIM cardMareebaso I can get internet.

I really need the internet to identify birds I expect to see around here.

And I was looking for the Emu while waiting for the taxi. I saw 2 more Kangaroos but still no picture.

I walked down a path and I could see a Kangaroo head sticking up in the grass. And this is how I got my first ever picture of a Kangaroo. So I was happy when the taxi came, and that is even though I still had not been able to give the cookie to theJabiru Safari LodgeEmu. But I had got aKangaroo at Jabiru Safari Lodgepicture of the little Kangaroo.

I put the cookie on a bench and the Emu willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully find the cookie. And more important, he will hopefully know that it his new friend thathave put the cookie there.

We left and it took maybe 20 minutes or so to reach Mareeba. I found a sim card and I stopped to replenish my Pepsi MAX stock. We were back just after 3 o'clock in the afternoon and I had time to enjoy a diet drink before it was time to take off on a tour on Clancy's Lagoon.

And we had several kangaroos close to the pier for the electric boat. So I got a few pictures before we took off on our “cruise” around Clancy's Lagoon

Kangaroo at Jabiru Safari Lodge
Kangaroo at the boat pier

Jabiru Safari Lodge
Visitor Centre from Clancy's Lagoon

Jabiru Safari Lodge
Black swan (Cygnus atratus) on the Clancy's Lagoon

It have been raining non-ducking-stop since I woke up at Pacific Hotel in Cairns. And we can see it on the pictures, the birds seems to be behind a water curtain when taking pictures. But the tourJabiru Safari Lodgeon the Clancy's Lagoon only gave me a picture of a Black swan (Cygnus atratus)

But not any good picture, due to the rain. We saw cormorants, Darter birds, Egrets and Pelicans on the lagoon. But no pictures, well, a few pictures but they went straight to the rubbish bin.

It was at least to say bad weather so we cancelled the afternoon safari. I walked around the area and I took a few pictures of the kangaroos eating in the bushes around the visitor centre. The forest is full of termite stacks, and as they said in India. Termite stacks is a sign of a healthy forest. But it is not a sign of a healthy kitchen floor in my condo.

Jabiru Safari Lodge
The Kangaroos are still there when we're back from Clancy's Lagoon

Jabiru Safari Lodge
The Kangaroos are still there when we're back from Clancy's Lagoon

Jabiru Safari Lodge
The Kangaroos are still there when we're back from Clancy's Lagoon

Jabiru Safari Lodge

There is a small overgrown pond outside the visitor centre and I spotted a Kingfisher in the tree. I don't know what kind of Kingfisher it was as the light was gone and I could not see any colours,Jabiru Safari Lodgeand well, it didn't helped that the Kingfisher had the back against me.

We were going to meet 20 minutes before 6 o'clock for a “sundowner” overlooking the sunset over the lagoon. And as we had skipped the afternoon safari due to the bad weather I had some time to kill.

I went to my tent to check out my pictures from the cruise. The Kingfisher picture was a disappointment, well, not quite as I already knew that the pictures would be of no use. The cruise was a waste of time as we stayed in the middle of the lagoon and thus we were too far away from the shore line and any birds. It was raining so the pictures I took wasn't very good. But I was happy with my day, of course, I had seen my first Kangaroo.

We met 20 minutes before 6 and we had a “sundowner” just as we're used to from safaris in Africa. There were a cheese plater and we talked about today’s adventure. It was me and a guy and his daughter from Holland, the only overnight guests at Jabiru Safari Lodge

Jabiru Safari Lodge
Our restaurant overlooking Clancy's Lagoon

Jabiru Safari Lodge
We enjoy our dinner

Jabiru Safari Lodge
The boat moored at the pier

When we were finished with the cheese and I have had 2 pots of tea we moved over to another table and we enjoyed a excellent dinner. Especially the honey mustard sauce. And for dessert weFrog at Jabiru Safari Lodgehad some berry thing with ice cream.

It was a nice evening and when we were ready we left for our tents. I had seen an owl in a tree when I had been outside with a flash light. But the owl was gone, but we discovered a green frog. But it was not easy to take any picture in the dark.

I popped open a diet MAX as soon as I was back in my cabin. I finished the evening by updating my web page while enjoying my diet MAX.

My alarm is set to go off at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning and they will pick me up at 06:45 for our morning safari. This promise to be an adventure so this is nothing you want to miss. Just click HERE to make sure you don't miss any birds and kangaroos.

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
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ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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