To Ayers Rock by bus

Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer
Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer


Desert Scenery
Travel from Alice Springs to Uluru (Ayers Rock) aboard a luxury coach. Take in the rugged desert landscapes of the region, passing through the beautifulAyers Rock travel posterMacDonnell Ranges.

Camel Farm
Stop at the Camel Farm and learn about the impact camels had in opening up Central Australia. Camels, ideally suited to the hot, dry climate of Australia’s interior, were imported in the 19th century and remained the principal means of outback transport until railways and roads were established. You have the opportunity to ride a camel (own expense).

Historic Overview
While travelling through this remote country, your friendly Driver Guide will provide an informative and entertaining commentary. Learn the natural and geological history of the region, as well as the unique Australian desert flora and fauna such as the Perentie monitor lizard, the thorny devil and the red kangaroo. Hear about the traditional customs and beliefs of the local Aboriginals.

Mount Ebenezer Road House
There is time for stop at Mount Ebenezer Road House for a quick morning tea break (own expense).

Atila (Mount Conner)
View flat-topped Atila (Mount Conner) in the distance before arriving at Ayers Rock Resort rested, relaxed and ready to explore the amazing World Heritage-listed Uluru - Kata Tjuta National Park.

Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer

Wednesday 27 th of July 2016 and my alarm went off at 05:25 and they called form the reception a few minutes later. Darn, it was cold.

I enjoyed the bread and smoked salmon I had bought yesterday. So my smoked salmon is finished, but what’s more alarming is that my diet drinks are almost finished as well. I had expected toTo Ayers Rock by bus with AAT Kingsbring the diet drinks with me to Ayers Rock. I survived Kakadu National Park with diet drinks that I had brought from Darwin as the only had Coke at Kakadu

I was surprised to see all the people when I came down to the reception and they were obviously going with the same bus as me.

Well, I went to stand in the queue and there was a girl checking us in and the driver took care of our luggage. They would drop me at Emu WalkAAT KingsApartments in Ayers Rock and they had told me in the reception that it would take 6 hours to get there. But the bus driver told me it would take 7 hours.To Ayers Rock by bus with AAT Kings

And that means that I will make it just in time. They will come to pick me up from SEIT at 13:45

We will go with AAT Kings Bus Company from Alice Springs to Ayers Rock and it will be the first time I go with AAT Kings.

But I have seen their busses all over Australia so I guess they are something like the Greyhound busses. Well, it is better than going by plane and the reason I wanted to go by bus to Ayers Rock is that I want to go through the desert to see if there is anything exciting to see.

We left the hotel right on time and we had to make a few stops at different hotels in Alice Springs to pick up more passengers. As soon as we're on our way we will make two stops, the firstTo Ayers Rock by bus with AAT Kingsstop at Stuarts Well Camel Farm and the second stop at Mount Ebenezer Road House.

Anyway, we had picked up the last passengers at the last hotel andthe sun started to come up.

We were soon on our way and I took a few pictures of the desert at the outskirts of Alice Springs. But I was soon asleep and I didn't woke up until we drove up to Stuarts Well Camel Farm. It was quite comfortable in my seat and I didn't regret that I had chosen to go by bus instead of flying.

Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer with AAT Kings
We're almost in the desert in the outskirts of Alice Springs

Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer with AAT Kings
We're almost in the desert in the outskirts of Alice Springs

Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer with AAT Kings
We're almost in the desert in the outskirts of Alice Springs

Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer with AAT Kings
We're almost in the desert in the outskirts of Alice Springs

Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer with AAT Kings
We're almost in the desert in the outskirts of Alice Springs

Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer with AAT Kings
Leaving Alice Springs behind, next stop Stuarts Well Camel Farm

Stuarts Well Camel Farm with AAT Kings
Stuarts Well Camel Farm

Stuarts Well Camel Farm with AAT Kings
Stuarts Well Camel Farm

We arrived to Stuarts Well Camel Farm and all the passengers got off the bus, but I stayed behind. Yeah, it was not all that easy to get in to the safety belt. The driver came back on board
- You must get off the bus
- No I stay
- You have to get off
- Is it against the law to remain on board?

His attitude changed
- No, but I will lock the door and you'll be stuck here
- No problem
Yes, they are not used to people speaking back and he started to chat about this and that. He took my hand and introduced himself and we became friends.

I had no interest in riding any camel or to pet any kangaroo, so I stayed on board and I dodged the trouble getting my safety belt back on. We ere on our way after 15 or 20 minutes again. Next stop at Mount Ebenezer Roadhouse and Aboriginal art gallery.

Mount Ebenezer or ‘Mount Eb’, as the locals call the place is conveniently located roughly half way between Alice Springs and Uluru so is an ideal spot to make your base while you explore Uluru (Ayers Rock), Kata Tjuta (the Olgas) and Watarrka (Kings Canyon)

Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer with AAT Kings
We're on the way again

Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer with AAT Kings
On the way to Mount Ebenezer Roadhouse

Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer with AAT Kings
We are passing some mountains

Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer with AAT Kings
We are passing some mountains

Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer with AAT Kings
We are passing some mountains

Ebenezer Roadhouse and Aboriginal art gallery with AAT Kings
We stop at Mount Ebenezer Roadhouse and Aboriginal art gallery

Ebenezer Roadhouse and Aboriginal art gallery with AAT Kings
Citroen club stops at the roadhouse

Ebenezer Roadhouse and Aboriginal art gallery with AAT Kings
Citroen club stops at the roadhouse

I felt asleep again and I slept almost all the way to Mount Ebenezer Roadhouse and Aboriginal art gallery. We should stop at the roadhouse for 30 minutes and I decided to go look for birds. I didn't see any birds, well, a few raptors far away.

When it was time to leave I saw an Australian Magpie in a tree top. A wee bit too far away for any good pictures. I went back in to the bus and now I could see the raptors. There were 3 or 4 of them just on the other side of the road.

They are soring over a very small area diving to the ground and our driver thought that they had found snakes in the area. It is cold but now when it is getting hot the snakes comes out from the hibernation. DARN! I would have loved to stay behind to look at the show.

Australian Magpie, Cracticus tibicen
Australian Magpie, Cracticus tibicen

Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer with AAT Kings
I thought it was Ayers Rock I could see

Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer with AAT Kings
I thought it was Ayers Rock I could see

Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer with AAT Kings
Working our way towards Ayers Rock

Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer with AAT Kings
Working our way towards Ayers Rock

Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer with AAT Kings
Working our way towards Ayers Rock

Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer with AAT Kings
What I thought was Ayers Rock was Mount Conner

We left the Mount Ebenezer Roadhouse and Aboriginal art gallery behind and I was soon seeing a big flat mountain in the horizon. I thought it was Ayers Rock but it turned out to be Mount Conner. A huge table top mountain sticking up from the desert.

We stopped to take some pictures, I didn't bother getting out of the bus. I took a bus from inside the bus and we were soon on our way again. The driver turned on a CD with Australian music for some singsong. Needless to say, I never did any singing.

Singing along on the way to Ayers Rock

Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer with AAT Kings
This time it is Ayers Rock I can see sticking up over the hills

Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer with AAT Kings
We are closing in on Ayers Rock

Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer with AAT Kings
Ayers Rock

Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Transfer with AAT Kings
We are at Ayers Rock Resort and we can see Kata Tjuta behind the sign

I have learned that Ayers Rock Resort is a small oasis in the dessert. It is several hotels with a small shopping centre in the middle. The area is formed as a tennis racket. The handle is the entrance and the hotels are along a road going as a circle.

I was told that the Ayers Rock Resort was full when I booked my tour. I wanted to stay here as all the tours left from here. But I found the Emu Walk Apartments and I thought that I had to live a little off. But Emu Walking Apartments is in the middle of the Ayers Rock Resort.

Emu Walk Apartments
Emu Walk Apartments

Emu Walk Apartments
My apartment

Emu Walk Apartments
My apartment

Emu Walk Apartments
My apartment

It was very nice to arrive to my hotel, it had been a very nice bus ride and I had enjoyed the tour through the desert. The driver had been very entertaining. I was pleasantly surprised by my hotel room. It was a full apartment with kitchen and laundry. And a big living room so I will enjoy myself here at Emu Walk Apartments.

They will pick me up at 13:45 and I just had time to go to the supermarket to buy diet drinks and smoked salmon. I was soon in the van with 4 other passengers to go see the Kata Tjuta. You just need to click HERE to find out how Kata Tjuta turns out.

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