Qantas flight QF 430 to Sydney


Monday 8 th of August 2016 and I took the escalator up to the second floor to check-in to Qantas flight QF 430 to Sydney. The place looked exactly like Adelaide airport. I tried to change my seat in the self-service check-in kiosk. But there was only one seat to choose from, at an emergency exit and that means extra leg room.

And I didn't feel like going through the safety belt “extension” drama gain. So I kept my seat. And the seat at the emergency exit was also between two other passengers.

I passed through the security without any problems with my e-cigarettes. And I must say now after having gathered an “extensive” experience from airports from around Australia. They are excellent, friendly staff and good service. Friendly people pretty much all over Australia so I cannot understand why the service at most places outside the airports are sucking balls.

Qantas domestic terminal in Sydney
Check-in at Sydney airport, looks the same as Adelaide airport

Qantas domestic terminal in Sydney
Self-service luggage drop

Qantas domestic terminal in Sydney
Line to the security

Qantas domestic terminal in Sydney
I'm through the security

Qantas flight QF 430
Our plane that will take me to more whale watching, kangaroos and “Attack” koalas

I passed the security and I was sucking on my e-cigarette when I walked straight to QantasQantasservice desk to try to sort out the seating arrangements on board Qantas flight QF 430 to Sydney.

And yet again, I was amazed by the friendly staff at Qantas (and I'm flying monkey class) She arranged a aisle seat for me in a row of 3 seats and only 2 passengers. Yes, I was in an excellentQantas servicemood and I turned cartwheels when I left the service desk.

I had 40 minutes to kill so I went to buy a bottle of raspberry juice that I enjoyed while checking some of my pictures on the computer. I went to gate 1 20 minutes before 12 and the boarding had started. When I passed the machine gave an alarm. Seating arrangement and I was directed to a desk next to the gate. They had a new boarding pass for me. The flight was full so there was no empty seat next to me.

And I had to change seat, just on the other side of the aisle and still in the aisle. So I was happy, it is only a short flight to Sydney

Qantas domestic terminal in Sydney
Boarding at gate 1

Qantas domestic terminal in Sydney
Boarding at gate 1

Qantas domestic terminal in Sydney
Boarding at gate 1

Qantas flight QF 430
Still boarding

Qantas flight QF 430

Qantas flight QF 430
Getting off the plane in Sydney

Qantas flight QF 430
Our plane in Sydney

It was not business class but it was kind of OK, but nay longer and I would have gone crazy. Well, I started on Phillip Island with avocado and smoked salmon as I had my own kitchen. I also bought vitamin tablets as I haven't got much vitamins since I left home.

If I can keep this up I will soon be able to get in to a “monkey class” seat. Let's see what kind of arrangements they have at the hotel. I don't keep any high hopes for any good breakfast. So smoked salmon it will be.

This was the last domestic flight for me in Australia
Cairns to Darwin               My own row
Darwin to Alice Springs       My own row
Ayers Rock to Adelaide       Seat next to me empty
Kangaroo Island to Adelaide The best seat so far
Adelaide to Melbourne         My own row
Melbourne to Sydney          Flight was full to the last seat and the worst flight, but OK

I was at the transportation desk while waiting for my bag and I paid 55$ for a ride in to town. You just need to click HERE to find out if we make it through the traffic

By the way, do you remember back in the day when it was free of charge to use the luggage trolleys at the airports?

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