Whale Watching Sydney

3hr Discovery Cruise on Ocean Tracker

Our premium 3 hour Discovery Cruise provides the ultimate whale watching experience.

Whale watching time is maximized with this cruise as it only takes 15 minutes from Circular Quay to the open ocean. You get the same amount of whale watching time as other 4 hour cruises, as we don't spend 2 hours inside the harbour just to get to the whales and back!

This is our longest cruise onboard our brand new boat equipped with state of the art technology, comfortable indoor/outdoor seating located fore and aft and multi level viewing decks. It is the best way to maximise your time viewing and experiencing whales in their natural habitat. Informative, expert commentary provided by our marine naturalist and professional photographer. No need to be concerned if you miss that elusive whale photo, our professional photographer will have that covered.

Vessel Features:

• Three levels of outside viewing decks, perfect for whale watching
• High speed vessel for minimal travel time to the whales.
• Comfortable cushioned seats.
• Climate controlled cabin. multimedia presentations on screens around the boat.
• Wheelchair accessible
• Toilets on board (1 disabled)

Cruise Details

• 3hr Premium Whale Watching Cruise.
• 15 min from Circular Quay to the open ocean.
• Don't waste 2hrs travelling in the harbour.
• Commentary provided by experienced crew.
• Professional onboard photographer on every cruise selling USB stick with pictures from your cruise.
• Whales guaranteed or free return cruise.
• Includes complimentary fruit, biscuits,coffee, tea and bottled water.

Saturday 13 th of August 2016 and I woke up with a hangover. Not I feeling I have been missing. IHangover Manfinished my “hangover pack” and, well, I was lucky that it had been an early evening yesterday. Time turned 12 and I decided to go for a whale watching cruise, the one leaving at 13:15.

Same company as yesterday as I had enjoyed their tour and no Crocodile Dude screaming non ducking stop. So the choice was easy and I was soon in a taxi bound for wharf 6 at Circular Quay.

I bought a ticket and I made it on board a few minutes before the departure. The Guide recognised me and he said that they had spelled my name wrong. He was obviously not only recognising me, he also remembered how to spell my name. He asked where I had been on the morning cruise. Yeah, well, in bed with a slight hangover.

I had, well, I was so close to stay home in my room today. But I decided to go for a whale watching in the last minute. Something I don't regret. Imagine me coming here tomorrow just to learn that they had had some fantastic sightings.

I was informed about this very mornings cruise, not any excitements. But the guide had got some excellent pictures of a whale's head when the humpback came up to get air. Well, as I told him“Never mid if we see anything, but we have been out there”

I spent the time going out of Port Jackson speaking with a photographer that was here to take pictures of the whales. He hadbeen on the morning cruise and the Guide had talked him in to stay for the afternoon as well. As we had mentioned several times, you never know what you will see.

We spotted the first whale just after leaving the port. A few miles away there was a whale breaching. It was too far away for any pictures. And I was not happy as I thought that the whale would not have any energy left by the time we would arrive.

Our Guide counted to 10 breaches, so DARN! The whale will be tired when we arrive in a few minutes. When we approached the humpback had stopped the breaching. But we could see him doing the Pec Slap

Humpback whale

Humpback whale

A Pec slap is when the humpback whale is swimming on the back or on the side slapping the side flippers (Pectoral fins) And the humpback just continued when we stopped 100 meters from him. We're not allowed to come closer than 100 meter. 350 meters with a female with a calf.

Of course, the humpback whales are allowed to come as close as they want to us. And we are not allowed to run the propeller when they are within 100 meter. And as the humpback whale is a very curious animal it have happened that the whale have been coming all the way up to the boat.

And it have also happened that the boat have been stuck for several hours with a whale resting the head against the boat as they are not allowed to do anything as long as the whale is within 100 meters. Anyway, when we approached the whale was enjoying itself splashing around.

Whale Watching Sydney
We are too far away

Whale Watching Sydney
We are too far away

Whale Watching Sydney
We are too far away

Whale Watching Sydney

Whale Watching Sydney

Whale Watching Sydney

Whale Watching Sydney
We see one of the flukes

Whale Watching Sydney
A pectoral fin sticking up

Whale Watching Sydney
On the back slapping the pectoral fins

Whale Watching Sydney

Whale Watching Sydney

Whale Watching Sydney

Whale Watching Sydney

Whale Watching Sydney

Whale Watching Sydney

Whale Watching Sydney

Whale Watching Sydney

Whale Watching Sydney

Whale Watching Sydney
A pectoral fin and a fluke

Whale Watching Sydney

Whale Watching Sydney

Whale Watching Sydney

Whale Watching Sydney

Whale Watching Sydney

Whale Watching Sydney

Whale Watching Sydney

Whale Watching Sydney

Whale Watching Sydney

Whale Watching Sydney

Whale Watching Sydney

Whale Watching Sydney

The humpback whale was putting on a real show and I enjoyed every minute of it. Except for the family behind me on deck. The gather was cracking jokes, baby talked with the whale and well, if I say that it was just like a stag party you understand what kind of jones it was, and you also know exactly how fun it was.

I turned around to give him my “Shut the duck up wanker twat” glance and I missed the first breach. Well, I saw the breach but I never got any picture. And the guy continued and I got really angry, I missed the breach and the stupidities coming out from his mouth non ducking stop.

I gave him my second “Shut the duck up wanker twat” and the humpback breached the second time. What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

And you think I'm lying, but we were behind the boat I had been on the first day. And we could hear Crocodile Dude screaming all over to our boat. I was lucky that I found this company. Imagine having booked more tickets with Crocodile Dude, now standing on the roof screaming.

I was lucky, the whale came up to do a third breach. Well, I was very lucky that I had left my hotel instead of staying in my room with a hangover. Imagine that, and tomorrow the Guide would have told me all about today's show and, yes, easy to imagine how that would have felt.

Whale Watching Sydney
Landing after the first breach

Whale Watching Sydney
Landing after the second breach

Whale Watching Sydney
The whale comes up a third time!

Whale Watching Sydney
The whale comes up a third time!

Whale Watching Sydney
The whale comes up a third time!

Whale Watching Sydney
The whale comes up a third time!

Whale Watching Sydney
The whale comes up a third time!

Whale Watching Sydney
The whale continues to swim towards north

Today's last breach from Whale Watching Sydney's web page
I have been very happy with Whale Watching Sydney - Good service and nice boats - So why not try them if you come to Sydney?

It had been a fantastic afternoon and I, well, I had already decided to take 2 whale watching tours tomorrow. My last day in Australia. And I must say that I'm a wee bit homesick. So it will be nice to come back home after a fantastic month in Australia. Well, the 3 day tour on Great Ocean Road turned out to be nothing but a scam. But expect from that, fantastic.

And I had also decided to stop at Rossini, the Italian Restaurant next to wharf 6 at Circular QuayRossini in Sydneywhen we were back. I had my lunch there yesterday and it was excellent food and good service. Nothing you're spoiled with in Australia. Together with Tokyo Dumplings in Cairns the best restaurants I had been to in Australia

And the hangover, was gone while we watched the whales, but I was reminded about it as soon as we were driving back towards Sydney. A hangover, I had already decided that this will be my last hangover, and from now on I will not waste any more time and money on drinking.

We were driving slowly towards Sydney as we had swell coming from the south and people were really sea sick. Imagine having paid almost 100$ for whale watching and you spend it being seaWhale Watching Sydneysick. And I have seen several during my cruises here in Sydney.

We were back at Circular Quay at 4 o'clock and I said good bye and see you tomorrow and I walked over to Rossini. Yesterday I had avocado and smoked salmon before my salmon past.

But today they were out of avocado, so I had herb bread. I asked if they could put cheese on the herb bread and the waitress went out in the kitchen. She was soon back and she told me that they could arrange forTransport information at Circular Quaythat. Earl Grey tea and it was an excellent meal.

I left and I stopped to buy a koala and a kangaroo in glass before i left for the taxi stand. I could see a long line of people lining up outside the transportation information. Lucky I wasn't working there as my only advice would have been “take a taxi”

I was back in my room 10 minutes later and I stayed there for the rest of the night. Hangover and I hopeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI can fall asleep.

Up early tomorrow morning and we just need to click HERE to find out if we see any whales on my last two whale watches here in Sydney. I will most likely never be back here again.

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