Fire-tufted Barbet, Psilopogon pyrolophus

The fire-tufted barbet (Psilopogon pyrolophus) is a species of bird in the Asian barbet family Megalaimidae. It was once placed in the same family as the toucan before being moved to the Asian barbets.

Found in broad leaved evergreen montane forests between 1070–2010 m in Sumatra, southern Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia.

Fire-tufted Barbet, Psilopogon pyrolophus
Fire-tufted Barbet, Psilopogon pyrolophus
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The moderately large bird(28 cm), the adult birds are overall green in appearance and have a brownish-maroon nape, grey lores, white band on the forehead, throat green, followed by a bright yellow band before a black band, appearing like a necklace separates the belly.

The bill is fawn colored with a black vertical band. Tufts of feathers at the base of beak. Upper tufts fiery orange in males.


The cicadas (/sɪˈkɑːdə/ or /sɪˈkeɪdə/) are a superfamily, the Cicadoidea, of insects in the order Hemiptera (true bugs). They are in the suborder Auchenorrhyncha,[a] along with smaller jumping bugs such as leafhoppers and froghoppers. It is divided into the Tettigarctidae, with two species in Australia, and Cicadidae, with more than 1,300 species described from around the world; many species remain undescribed.

Cicadas have prominent eyes set wide apart, short antennae, and membranous front wings. They have an exceptionally loud song, produced not by stridulation, but by vibrating drumlike tymbals rapidly. The earliest known fossil Cicadomorpha appeared in the Upper Permian period; extant species occur all around the world in temperate to tropical climates. They typically live in trees, feeding on sap and laying their eggs in a slit in the bark. Most cicadas are cryptic, singing at night to avoid predators.

The periodic cicadas spend most of their lives as underground nymphs, emerging only after 13 or 17 years, which may reduce losses by starving their predators and eventually emerging in huge numbers that overwhelm and satiate any remaining predators. The annual cicadas are species that emerge every year. Though these cicada have life cycles that can vary from one to nine or more years as underground larvae, their emergence above ground as adults is not synchronized so some appear every year.

Annual cicada
By Bruce Marlin - Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5,

The "singing" of male cicadas is not stridulation such as many familiar species of insects produce, crickets, for example. Instead, male cicadas have a resilin structure called a tymbal below each side of the anterior abdominal region. The tymbals are structures of the exoskeleton formed into complex membranes with thin, membranous portions and thickened ribs. Contraction of internal muscles buckles the tymbals inwards, thereby producing a click; on relaxation of the muscles, the tymbals return to their original position, producing another click.

The male abdomen is largely hollow, and acts as a sound box. By rapidly vibrating these membranes, a cicada combines the clicks into apparently continuous notes, and enlarged chambers derived from the tracheae serve as resonance chambers with which it amplifies the sound. The cicada also modulates the song by positioning its abdomen toward or away from the substrate. Partly by the pattern in which it combines the clicks, each species produces its own distinctive mating songs and acoustic signals, ensuring that the song attracts only appropriate mates.

Listen to the Cicidas
Sound from Wikipedia

Although only males produce the cicadas' distinctive sound, both sexes have membraneous structures called tympana by which they detect sounds; the equivalent of having ears. Males disable their own tympana while calling, thereby preventing damage to their hearing; a necessity partly because some cicadas produce sounds up to 120 dB (SPL) which is among the loudest of all insect-produced sounds.

The song is loud enough to cause permanent hearing loss in humans should the cicada sing just outside the listener's ear. In contrast, some small species have songs so high in pitch that they are inaudible to humans.

A terrible noise from the Cicadas
Sri Lanka - May 2017

I have been birding in some areas where I had to leave due to the noise. And it can be really terrible and you have to leave the area. And they can cover huge areas.

This species is locally common and sighted in pairs or in small groups, often in emergent canopy or at mid-canopy near forest edges. Like other barbets, they use tree cavities to nest. They are primarily frugivores. Their call is very similar to cicadas

Listen to the Fire-tufted Barbet
Sound from

Remarks from the Recordist

Introduced species (birds from Taman Safari Cisarua?). Several records in this area.

Call, sometimes used as an introduction to the song. Probably the same bird in XC241033.

Sound from

Remarks from the Recordist

Introduced species (birds from Taman Safari Cisarua?). Several records in this area.

This species is known to have a large range and though the population appears to be decreasing, it has been classified as Least Concern under IUCN Red List criteria.

The primary threat to this species appears to be illegal capture and trade as a pet

Conservation status
Fire-tufted Barbet, Psilopogon pyrolophus
Least concern (IUCN 3.1)
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2.
International Union for Conservation of Nature. Retrieved 26 November 2013.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sighted: 2 July 2017
Location: Genting Highlands

Fire-tufted Barbet, Psilopogon pyrolophus
Fire-tufted Barbet - 2 July 2017 - Genting Highlands

Fire-tufted Barbet, Psilopogon pyrolophus
Fire-tufted Barbet - 2 July 2017 - Genting Highlands

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