Welcome Swallow, Hirundo neoxena

The Welcome Swallow (Hirundo neoxena) is a small passerine bird in the swallow family.

Passerine bird

A passerine is any bird of the order Passeriformes, which includes more than half of all bird species. Sometimes known as perching birds or — less accurately — as songbirds, passerines are distinguished from other orders of birds by the arrangement of their toes (three pointing forward and one back) , which facilitates perching . With more than 110 families and some 5,100 identified species, Passeriformes is the largest order of birds and among the most diverse orders of terrestrial vertebrates.

The passerines contain several groups of brood parasites such as the viduas, cuckoo-finches, and the cowbirds. Most passerines are omnivorous, while the shrikes are carnivorous.

The terms “passerine” and “Passeriformes” are derived from Passer domesticus, the scientific name of the eponymous species (the House Sparrow) and ultimately from the Latin term passer, which refers to sparrows and similar small birds.


noun a thing on which a bird alights or roosts, typically a branch or a horizontal rod or bar in a birdcage.
• a place where someone or something rests or sits, especially one that is high or precarious: Marian looked down from her perch in a beech tree above the road.

verb [no OBJ., with ADVERBIAL OF PLACE] (of a bird) alight or rest on something: a herring gull perched on the rails for most of the crossing.

It is a species native to Australia and nearby islands, and self-introduced into New Zealand in the middle of the twentieth century. It is very similar to the Pacific swallow with which it is often considered conspecific.

This species breeds in southern and eastern Australia in a variety of habitats, mostly in open areas, man made clearings or urban environments, but not desert or dense forest.[3] Eastern populations are largely migratory, wintering in northern Australia. Western birds and those in New Zealand are mainly sedentary.

Distribution and habitat
The winter range in northern Australia overlaps with that of wintering barn swallow (Hirundo rustica), but the latter is readily separable by its blue breast band.[9] Welcome swallows readily breed close to human habitation. Swallows are a commonly found on wires, posts and other perches.

Natural global range
Welcome swallows have a very large distributional range because they are a cross regional species. Welcome swallows live mostly in the eastern, western, southern and central Australia. The Welcome Swallows that live in eastern Australia move to northern Australia in winter.

The Welcome Swallows that live in Western Australia and others live in New Zealand almost are not migratory. This swallow species has been observed nesting in the majority of New Zealand and its surrounding islands, Australia and some parts of Tasmania.

Currently, this species has been recorded in New Guinea, New Caledonia and other surrounding islands. The distribution of the Welcome Swallow also depends on seasonal change. During the winter, the Welcome Swallow in Australia will move towards the north which places it closer to the equator and warm weather. For the following spring, they will return to the southern Australia to breed.

New Zealand range
The Welcome Swallow is a self-introduced species from Australia that is believed to have flown over to New Zealand in the early 1900s. The Welcome Swallow is found throughout most parts of New Zealand, but are very rare in Fiordland.

The shape of New Zealand is narrow and long, which helped the birds to easily get to areas near water. They are also on Chatham and Kermadec Islands and in some instances have been seen on Campbell Island, Auckland Island and the Snares.

Habitat preferences
Although the swallows are more often near coastal and wetland areas, they can live in almost all types of habitat except alpine areas and very dense forest. The Welcome Swallow has been documented as being seen in open areas such as farmlands, grasslands, partly cleared areas that are wooded, lands associated with bodies of water such as lakes or reservoirs, and along the coast lines.

This species is well adapted for urban and suburban life as well, it is even able to live in high altitude areas due to the provision of nesting materials provided by humans. During winter, the swallows will move to the warmer habitat which can provide them enough food and safe shelters.

Welcome swallow, Hirundo neoxena

Range map
Range map from www.oiseaux.net - Ornithological Portal Oiseaux.net
www.oiseaux.net is one of those MUST visit pages if you're in to bird watching. You can find just about everything there

The Welcome Swallow was first described by John Gould in The birds of Australia as a member of the genus Hirundo, but the first publication is often incorrectly given as in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. Both its species name and common name refer to people welcoming its return as a herald of spring in southern parts of Australia.

The Welcome Swallow is a small size bird and is fast-flying. Their flying style is circular in pattern with swift darting motions. They have graceful shape and flight, moreover they often fly singly, in couples or in clusters. The Welcome Swallow is metallic blue-black above, light grey below on the breast and belly, and rusty on the forehead, throat and upper breast.

It has a long forked tail, with a row of white spots on the individual feathers. These birds are about 15 cm long, including the outer tail feathers which are slightly shorter in the female. The Welcome Swallow's weight is about 9-20g. From the Gould collection in Tasmania a “natural size” male had a wing size of 11.1 cm, tail size of 7.4 cm, and a culmen of 0.7 cm.

While the female has 10.9 cm wings, a 6.25 cm tail, and a culmen of 0.7 cm. The call is a mixture of twittering and soft warbling notes, and a sharp whistle in alarm. However, their call is normally quiet and does not carry very far.

Young Welcome Swallows are buffy white, instead of rufous, on the forehead and throat, and have shorter tail streamers.

Length: 17 cm
Weight: 12 - 17 g
Distinctive Feature

Similar Species

• Similar to Barn Swallow and Pacific Swallow

From opus at www.birdforum.net the forum for wild birds and birding.
Female / Male / Juvenile

• Young birds have a whitish forehead and throat, and have shorter tail streamers

From opus at www.birdforum.net the forum for wild birds and birding.

Welcome Swallow - Red breast band
New Zealand - October 2017

Barn Swallow - Blue breast band
Finland - July 2018

Pacific Swallow - Red breast
Thailand - July 2020

Life cycle and reproduction
The Welcome Swallow once it reaches maturity has a long breeding period. These swallows have a monogamous social structure and a breeding period that lasts from August until March. The nest is an open cup of mud and grass, made by both sexes, and is attached to a structure, such as a vertical rock wall or building.

It is lined with feathers and fur, and three to five eggs are laid. Two broods are often raised in a season.The nest height ranges from 0.5 metres to 13.5 metres. One particular study showed that the nests that were the highest tended to have a higher fledgling success rate possibly due to the inability of mammals to access the nests.

Nesting sites can be a variety of areas and have been documented to be from urban and suburban areas to rural areas. Buildings, moveable boats and ferries, hollowed out trees, caves and cliffs, mine tunnels and shafts, as well as underground water tanks have all been observed areas of nesting swallows.

Swallows build the cup-shape nests connecting to vertical rock walls or buildings to avoid sunlight. Nests on average take 8–23 days to build, and are often re-used for consecutive years of breeding. Swallows often go back to their old nests for the next year to breed.

Welcome Swallows always work as a flock. When breeding, they usually work in pairs but often small loose groups to protect their nest and territory especially against predatory birds. The number of successful broods can vary year to year; however, the maximum number of broods recorded is three.


1 a family of young animals, typically birds, produced at one hatching or birth: a brood of chicks.

Each brood or clutch can range from two to seven eggs with an average of four. However, during the beginning of a breeding season, clutch sizes have been known to be bigger, where towards the end of breeding season clutch sizes may be smaller.

Eggs are generally lain in twenty-four- to forty-eight-hour intervals, however, one nest can have multiple clutches because the parent pair may abandon a nest if the clutch size is too small and then another pair will lay their eggs within that same nest.

Eggs are generally 18 mm in length and 13mm in width with a pink colour and brown speckles. Male Welcome Swallows do not participate in the incubation of the eggs. Rather they forage while the female incubates, and when the female forages either watches the nest for a short period or accompanies the female in foraging.

The female alone incubates the eggs, which hatch after two to three weeks. The young are fed by both parents, and leave the nest after a further two to three weeks. Males have been known to remove faecal sacks after coaxing the cloaca of the young to dispose of them as well.

The fledglings stay in the nest from 18 to 23 days and become completely independent around 35 days. However, they don’t start breeding until 8 months to 14 months of age. Although the swallows are monogamous more than just the breeding pair may take care of the young.

Also, many swallows may live within the nest like during non-breeding periods where colonies will roost together in large numbers. Welcome swallows are good indicators of temperature, as the temperature drops lower, the less likely a swallow will be observed in the South.

When swallows are around, the temperature usually does not drop below -2/-3 degree Celsius. Migration may occur during non-breeding seasons for larger more reliable food sources. These distance may be quite large as well during winter when food is not readily available. Individuals in this species have been known to live up to 6 years creating up to three broods a year during breeding season.

Listen to the Welcome Swallow
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Bird singing from a perch. Recording equipment: Telinga Pro 7 Stereo Dat mic, sound devices 702

Food and feeding
These birds are extremely agile fliers, which feed on insects while in flight. They often fly fast and low to the ground on open fields in large circles or figure eight patterns. They will often swoop around animals or people in the open. Males and females tend to forage together during breeding season even with fledglings within the nest.

Welcome swallows do show a habit of drinking water while flying, they do this by scooping water within their bills from lake and pond surfaces. This is because Welcome Swallows need to drink water frequently, which allows it to catch insects in the water as well.

Welcome swallows also can cooperate with other birds or companions to drive the insects together. It can remember the insects’ activity routines to make its foraging be more efficient.

Predators, parasites and diseases
The hawk, snake, mink and wild cat are the main predators that hunt Welcome Swallows. Especially in Australia, the snakes are the most dangerous predators for the birds. Snakes can climb trees to reach the nests and eat the eggs or young birds.

According to one New Zealand study the only time a nest failed was from disturbing the nest during the incubation period, these instances were from humans, mammals such as mustelids, and black birds preying upon the eggs.

In swallow’s excreta, there are various kinds of bacteria and parasites. The nests tend to breed all kinds of bacteria and parasites causing very severe diseases, for example: histoplasmosis, encephalitis, salmonella, meningitis, toxoplasmosis, etc.

Hatchlings depend on maternal antibodies and immunity provided by the yolk sac within the egg. Although no specific parasites were found, swallows are known as colonial breeders and are at a high risk for parasites, which may be a cause of lower breeding success but an increase in immune responsiveness.

Another disease that not only effects the poultry business, but also the Welcome Swallow is fowlpox. This virus has two forms cutaneous (mild harm) and diphtheritic (deadly), poultry is usually vaccinated for the virus, but wildlife is not.

Cultural uses
The European swallows are regarded highly among ancient Greeks; they even held a festival to celebrate its arrival for each spring, since swallows are indicator of the incoming spring season. “One swallow does not a summer make”, is a pretty near literal translation of an ancient Greek proverb.

In the ancient world, these birds are strongly interwoven with the narratives of household gods and are regarded as a presence of fortune. Conversely, harms or danger created upon Welcome Swallows are believed to bring evil into the household.

Interesting facts
An interesting fact from a biological view indicates in recent studies it has been found Welcome Swallows have slow growing wings that are not affected by food intake unless they are starving. This may conclude that the Welcome Swallow prioritizes wing growth even when fasting for up to six hours at a time.

It is also believed that the swallow accumulates fat in order to survive time periods that food may be scarce or conditions may be bad. This method allows rapid growth when conditions are good and stable growth when conditions are bad.

Conservation status
Welcome swallow, Hirundo neoxena
Least Concern (IUCN 3.1)
International Union for Conservation of Nature. Retrieved 26 November 2013

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Sighted: (Date of first photo that I could use) 20 of July 2016
Location: Mareeba Tropical Savanna and Wetland Reserve

Welcome swallow, Hirundo neoxena
Welcome swallow, Hirundo neoxena - 20 July 2016 - Mareeba Tropical Savanna and Wetland Reserve

Welcome Swallow, Hirundo neoxena
Welcome swallow, Hirundo neoxena - 20 July 2016 - Mareeba Tropical Savanna and Wetland Reserve

Welcome Swallow, Hirundo neoxena
Welcome swallow, Hirundo neoxena - 20 July 2016 - Mareeba Tropical Savanna and Wetland Reserve

Welcome Swallow, Hirundo neoxena
Welcome swallow, Hirundo neoxena - 30 July 2016 - Kangaroo Island

Welcome Swallow, Hirundo neoxena
Welcome swallow, Hirundo neoxena - 30 July 2016 - Kangaroo Island

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