Zebra Dove, Geopelia striata

The Zebra Dove (Geopelia striata) also known as barred ground dove, is a bird of the dove family, Columbidae, native to Southeast Asia. They are small birds with a long tail. They are predominantly brownish-grey in colour with black-and-white barring. They are known for their pleasant soft, staccato cooing calls.

Habitat and range
The native range of the species extends from Southern Thailand, Tenasserim, Peninsular Malaysia, and Singapore to the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Java. It may also be native to Borneo, Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and the Philippine islands.

The Zebra Dove is popular in captivity and many populations have appeared outside its native range due to birds escaping or being deliberately released. It can now be found in central Thailand, Laos, Borneo, Sulawesi, Hawaii (introduced in 1922), Tahiti (1950), New Caledonia, the Seychelles, the Chagos Archipelago (1960), Mauritius (before 1768), Réunion, and Saint Helena.

It inhabits scrub, farmland, and open country in lowland areas and is commonly seen in parks and gardens. Trapping for the cageBird industry has led to them becoming rare in parts of Indonesia but in most parts of its range it is common. Zebra doves are among the most abundant birds in some places such as Hawaii and the Seychelles.

Zebra Dove, Geopelia striata, นกเขาชวา

Ornithological Portal Oiseaux.net
Range map from www.oiseaux.net - Ornithological Portal Oiseaux.net
www.oiseaux.net is one of those MUST visit pages if you're in to bird watching. You can find just about everything there

The Zebra Dove is closely related to the peaceful dove of Australia and New Guinea and the barred dove of eastern Indonesia. These two were classified as subspecies of the Zebra Dove until recently and the names peaceful dove and barred dove were often applied to the whole species.

The birds are small and slender with a long, narrow tail. The upperparts are brownish-grey with black-and-white barring. The underparts are pinkish with black bars on the sides of the neck, breast and belly. The face is blue-grey with bare blue skin around the eyes.

There are white tips to the tail feathers. Juveniles are duller and paler than the adults. They can also have brown feathers. Zebra doves are 20-23 centimetres in length with a wingspan of 24–26 cm.

Their call is a series of soft, staccato cooing notes. In Thailand and Indonesia, the birds are popular as pets because of their calls and cooing competitions are held to find the bird with the best voice. In Indonesia this bird is called perkutut.

In the Philippines they are known as batobatong katigbe ("pebbled katigbe") and kurokutok; in Malaysia this bird is called merbuk, onomatopoeic to their calls. They are also known as tukmo in Filipino, a name also given to the Spotted Dove (Spilopelia chinensis) and other wild doves.

Listen to the Zebra Dove
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity

I was taking picture of a Yellow-vented Bulbul and when the bird took off I discovered a Zebra Dove sitting behind the Bulbul

Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity

Bird did a display dance in front of female when we came. The female did not show much interest.

The video and the last display dance before the male give up. Recording when the female had walked away

The Zebra Dove feeds on small grass and weed seeds. They will also eat insects and other small invertebrates. They prefer to forage on bare ground, short grass or on roads, scurrying about with rodent-like movement. Unlike other doves, they forage alone, or in pairs. Their colouration camouflages them wonderfully against the ground.

Zebra Dove, Geopelia striata, นกเขาชวา
Zebra Dove - Male courtship display
Kota Kinabalu, Borneo - September 2017

Zebra Dove - Male courtship display
Kota Kinabalu, Borneo - September 2017

In its native range the breeding season is from September to June. The males perform a courtship display where they bow and coo while raising and spreading the tail. Upon selection of a nesting site, the female will place herself there and will make guttural sounds to attract males to help build the nest.

The nest is a simple platform of leaves and grass blades. It is built in a bush or tree or sometimes on the ground and sometimes on window hinges. One or two white eggs are laid and are incubated by both parents for 13 to 18 days. The young leave the nest with in two weeks and can fly well after three weeks.

Zebra Dove, Geopelia striata, นกเขาชวา
Zebra Dove nest - 2 days after the babies left the nest
Bangkok - July 2018

Zebra Dove, Geopelia striata, นกเขาชวา
Zebra Dove nest - 2 days after the babies left the nest
Bangkok - July 2018

Zebra Dove, Geopelia striata, นกเขาชวา
Zebra Dove nest - 2 days after the babies left the nest
Bangkok - July 2018

Zebra Dove, Geopelia striata, นกเขาชวา
Zebra Dove nest with baby
Bangkok - July 2018

Zebra Dove, Geopelia striata, นกเขาชวา
Zebra Dove nest with baby
Bangkok - July 2018

Zebra Dove, Geopelia striata, นกเขาชวา
Zebra Dove nest with baby
Bangkok - July 2018

Zebra Dove, Geopelia striata, นกเขาชวา
Zebra Dove nest with baby
Bangkok - July 2018

Conservation status
Zebra Dove, Geopelia striata, นกเขาชวา
Least Concern (IUCN 3.1)
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2.
International Union for Conservation of Nature. Retrieved 26 November 2013.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Sighted: (Date of first photo that I could use) 16 of July 2016
Location: Cairns, Australia

Zebra Dove, Geopelia striata
Zebra Dove - 16 July 2016 - Cairns

Zebra Dove, Geopelia striata
Zebra Dove - 16 July 2016 - Cairns

Zebra Dove, Geopelia striata
Zebra Dove - 16 July 2016 - Cairns

Zebra Dove, Geopelia striata
Zebra Dove - 16 July 2016 - Cairns

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