Greater Coucal, Crow Pheasant, Centropus sinensis, นกกระปูดใหญ่

The Greater Coucal or Crow Pheasant (Centropus sinensis), is a large non-parasitic member of the cuckoo order of birds, the Cuculiformes. A widespread resident in the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia, it is divided into several subspecies, some being treated as full species.

They are large, crow-like with a long tail and coppery brown wings and found in wide range of habitats from jungle to cultivation and urban gardens. They are weak fliers, and are often seen clambering about in vegetation or walking on the ground as they forage for insects, eggs and nestlings of other birds. They have a familiar deep resonant call which is associated with omens in many parts of its range.

Greater Coucal, Crow Pheasant, Centropus sinensis, นกกระปูดใหญ่

Range map
Range map from - Ornithological Portal is one of those MUST visit pages if you're in to bird watching. You can find just about everything there

This is a large species of cuckoo at 48 cm. The head is black, upper mantle and underside are black glossed with purple. The back and wings are chestnut brown. There are no pale shaft streaks on the coverts. The eyes are ruby red.

Juveniles are duller black with spots on the crown and there are whitish bars on the underside and tail. There are several geographic races and some of these populations are sometimes treated as full species.

Length: 48 cm
Weight: 236 - 268 g
Distinctive Feature

• Impossible for me to see the difference between the Greater and Lesser in the field. So I need a picture, if the bird have red eyes it is a Greater Coucal
Similar Species

From opus at the forum for wild birds and birding.
Female / Male / Juvenile

• Juvenile
- Duller black with spots on the crown
- Whitish bars on the underside and tail

From opus at the forum for wild birds and birding.

Greater Coucal, Crow Pheasant, Centropus sinensis, นกกระปูดใหญ่
The long and straight hind claw is characteristic of the genus
By W. T. Blanford - Blanford W. T. 1895 Fauna of British India. Birds Volume 3, Public Domain, Link

Earlier treatments included the brown coucal (C. (s.) andamanensis) under this name. Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) suggest that the race parroti may be a full species – the southern coucal which is found in peninsular India (northern boundary unclear). The race intermedius of the Assam and Bangladesh region is smaller than the nominate race found in the sub-Himalayan zone.

Songs of the races are said to vary considerably. Race parroti of southern India has a black head and the underparts glossed blue and has the forehead, face and throat more brownish. The sexes are similar in plumage but females are slightly larger.

Leucicistic specimens have been observed.

Subspecies and distribution
The nominate race is found from the Indus Valley through the sub-Himalayan and Gangetic plains to Nepal, Assam and the Bhutan foothills into southern China (Guangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian).

• Race parroti Stresemann, 1913 is found in Peninsular India (Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and southwards). The upper back is black and the juvenile has the wings without bars.

•Race intermedius Hume, 1873 is smaller in size and found in Bangladesh, west Cachar and into Myanmar and the Chin Hills into China (Yunnan, Hainan), Thailand, Indochina and the northern part of the Malay Peninsula.

•Race bubutus Horsfield, 1821 is found in the southern part of the Malay Peninsula into the islands of Sumatra, Nias, Mentawai Islands, Java, Bali, Borneo, western Philippines (Balabac, Cagayan Sulu and Palawan). The wing is paler rufous in this race.

•Race anonymus Stresemann, 1913 is found in the southwestern Philippines (Basilan, Sulu Islands) and is shorter and darker winged than bubutus.

•Race kangeangensis Vorderman, 1893 is found in the Kangean Islands. This has pale and dark plumage phases.

The young when hatched have black skin and white hairy feathers (termed as trichoptiles) forming a fringe over the eye and beak. The centre of the belly is pinkish and the upper mandible is black with a pink edge. The iris is brown, gape yellow and feet dark brown-gray.

The juvenile of race parroti is unmarked dull black on the underside (contra barred in the northern races) and much darker, dusky chestnut on the wings. Race bubutus found in Southeast Asia has a distinct call. Individuals from the Western Ghats are very similar in size to the lesser coucal Centropus bengalensis but the latter has a stubbier bill, shorter tail, wing tips extending beyond the tertials and a chestnut wing lining, dark eyes and a tail with green/bronze sheen.

Females of the race parroti develop dusky or sooty wing coverts between November and January and the northern boundary of the race is along the Punjab plains where it forms intermediates with the northern forms.

Greater VS Lesser Cucoual

• Lesser Coucal has black iris, Greater has red iris.

• Size, but for me it is impossible to see the difference unless the birds are next to eachothers

• Habitat. Lesser is unusual away from grassland or hillside habitats, Greater tends to prefer areas with some shrubs.

• Mantle/wing colour. Lesser tends to be slightly paler/greyer in tone than Greater, which is usually very strongly rufous-chestnut.

• Lesser has a very distinctive winter plumage (pale, streaked), which cannot be confused with Greater, but seems to be even shyer and harder to see in winter!

• Call/ Song But in most cases you do not hear them call.

Compare the Greater and Lesser Coucal song/ call

Listen to the Greater Coucal
Sound from

Sound from

Listen to the Lesser Coucal
Sound from

Sound from

Behaviour and ecology
The greater coucal is a large bird which takes a wide range of insects, caterpillars and small vertebrates such as the Saw-scaled vipers. They are also known to eat bird eggs, nestlings, fruits and seeds. In Tamil Nadu they were found to feed predominantly on snails Helix vittata. They are also known to feed on the toxic fruits of Cascabela thevetia (Yellow Oleander). In Oil palm cultivation, they have been noted as an avian pest due to their habit of eating the fleshy mesocarps of the ripe fruits.

Greater Coucal, Crow Pheasant, Centropus sinensis, นกกระปูดใหญ่
Sunning (West Bengal, India)
By J.M.Garg - Own work , CC BY-SA 3.0 , Link

They sunbathe in the mornings singly or in pairs on the top of vegetation with their wings spread out. The territory of a nesting pair has been found in southern India to be 0.9 to 7.2 ha (mean 3.8 ha). They are most active in the warm hours of the morning and in the late afternoon.

The calls are a booming low coop-coop-coops repeated and with variations and some duets between individuals. When duetting the female has a lower pitched call. Other calls include a rapid rattling "lotok, lotok ..." and a harsh scolding "skeeaaaw" and a hissing threat call.

Listen to the Greater Coucal
Sound from

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity.

Bird heard from a long distance.

The breeding season is after the monsoon in southern India but varies in other parts of its range but chiefly June to september. Greater Coucals are monogamous, and the courtship display involves chases on the ground and the male brings food gifts for the female. The female lowers her tail and droops her wings to signal acceptance. The nest is built mostly by the male over about three to eight days.

The nest is a deep cup with a dome in dense vegetation inside tangles of creepers, bamboo clump or Pandanus crowns. They can be built as high as 6m above the ground and the typical clutch is 3–5 eggs. The eggs (of size 36–28 mm weighing 14.8 g ) are chalky white with a yellow glaze when laid that wears off.

Both the male and the female take part in nest building. They lay 2 to 4 eggs that hatch after 15–16 days of incubation. The chicks take 18–22 days to fledge. A study in southern India found that 77% of the eggs hatched and 67% fledged. Nests with eggs were sometimes abandoned or marauded by the jungle crow Corvus macrorhynchos.

Haemosporidia closely related to those that cause malaria have been found in their red blood cells. One species, Haemoproteus centropi, is described from cuckoos such as Clamator jacobinus and Centropus sinensis and is spread by mosquitoes. Immature Haemaphysalis ticks have been found feeding on greater coucals.

In culture
The bird is associated with many superstitions and beliefs. The deep calls are associated with spirits and omens.

In British India, it was noted that new-recruits to India often mistook it for a pheasant and shot it to find it “evil flavoured” giving it the nickname of “Griff's pheasant”

The flesh was once eaten as a folk cure for tuberculosis and pulmonary ailments.

Conservation status
Greater Coucal, Crow Pheasant, Centropus sinensis, นกกระปูดใหญ่
Least Concern (IUCN 3.1)
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2.
International Union for Conservation of Nature. Retrieved 26 November 2013.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sighted: (Date of first photo that I could use) 7th of January 2016
Location: Gir National Park

Among others I have used Peter Ericsson's web page Birds of Thailand These galleries contain 668 species of the Birds of Thailand and have been of a great help to identify some of the birds as the birds in Thailand and India are, well, many of them are the same.

I have had most help from my friend, the bird pal I met at Suan Rot Fai. Sending pictures of birds I have not been able to identify to him via Line. 3 minutes later he and he have managed to identify most of the birds I have had problems with. THANKS! Visit his web page m☥lever for his beautiful pictures.

PLEASE! As I'm a first time birdwatcher bear in mind that some of the bird can be wrongly named. I have bought book and I confirm on the internet to get the right identity on the birds I take pictures off. But there can still be mistakes.

Greater Coucal, Crow Pheasant, Centropus sinensis, นกกระปูดใหญ่
Greater Coucal - 7th of January 2016 - Sasan Gir

Greater Coucal, Crow Pheasant, Centropus sinensis, นกกระปูดใหญ่
Greater Coucal - 7th of January 2016 - Sasan Gir

Greater Coucal, Crow Pheasant, Centropus sinensis, นกกระปูดใหญ่
Greater Coucal - 2nd of February 2016 - Pench

Greater Coucal, Crow Pheasant, Centropus sinensis, นกกระปูดใหญ่
Greater Coucal - 7 March 2018 - Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanical Garden, Kolkata

Greater Coucal, Crow Pheasant, Centropus sinensis, นกกระปูดใหญ่
Greater Coucal - 7 March 2018 - Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanical Garden, Kolkata

PLEASE! If I have made any mistakes identifying any bird, PLEASE let me know on my guestbook

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