OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching in Canada

Birding in Canada, Niagara Falls - Day 8

I will visit local eBird hotspots. I will drive along The Niagara Parkway to visit Niagara on the Lake as there is some eBird hotspots.

And as I have learned since arriving to Canada. Everything is weather dependent and it is not easy to make plans.

Drive along and get out to look for birds between the showers.

The Niagara Parkway

The Niagara Parkway is a scenic drive running parallel to the Niagara River 55 km from Fort Erie in the south, to Niagara on the Lake in the north. The parkway is one of the oldest in Ontario. Construction of the Niagara Parkway began in 1908 and was completed in 1931.

The Niagara Parkway passes through several villages and several attractions along the river, including:

• Old Fort Erie
• Queen Victoria Park, which houses the popular attraction MistRider Zipline to the Falls.
• Access to The Floral Showhouse, Journey behind the Falls, Clifton Hill, Oakes Garden Amphitheatre, Niagara City Cruises, White-Water Walk, Whirlpool Aero Car, Niagara Helicopters, and Wild Play Adventure Park just before the Niagara Glen Nature Area.
• These are followed by The Butterfly Conservatory and Botanical Gardens
• Finally, at the northern end of the parkway is Niagara on the Lake, location of the world-famous Shaw Festival.

Before I finish, I should mention when British Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill visited Niagara Falls in 1943 and he is quoted as saying the Niagara Parkway is the “prettiest Sunday afternoon drive in the world.”

The Niagara Parkway is owned and maintained by The Niagara Parks Commission.

From https://www.niagarafallstourism.com

Wednesday 3 rd of May 2023 and I left my room at 9 o'clock and it was raining and I decided just to drive along Niagara Falls Parkway to Lake Ontario. The Niagara-on-the-Lake is supposed to have birds. At least there are a couple of eBird hotspots.

I drove along the Niagara Falls Parkway and I am only leaving the car one time, I make a stop to have a look at the Lewiston-Queenston Bridge. I took off The Niagara Parkway to have a look at the picnic area for an opening in the vegetation so I could get pictures of the bridge,

I found an opening and I went out in to the drizzle to get a picture before going back to the car.

The Lewiston–Queenston Bridge

The Lewiston–Queenston Bridge, also known as the Queenston–Lewiston Bridge, is an arch bridge that crosses the Niagara River gorge just south of the Niagara Escarpment. The bridge was officially opened on November 1, 1962.

It is an international bridge between the United States and Canada. It connects Interstate 190 in the town of Lewiston, New York to Highway 405 in the community of Queenston, Ontario.

The Lewiston–Queenston Bridge is a twin of the Rainbow Bridge at Niagara Falls and designed by Richard (Su Min) Lee.

Birding/ Bird watching in Canada - Lewiston–Queenston Bridge
Lewiston–Queenston Bridge

Birding/ Bird watching in Canada - Lewiston–Queenston Bridge
Our hero and the Lewiston–Queenston Bridge

Birding/ Bird watching in Canada - Lewiston–Queenston Bridge
I stop at the only “SCENIC VIEW” stop I have seen in Canada

I continue and I pass a sign saying “SCENIC VIEW” and I make a U-turn to go back to have a look. The first “SCENIC VIEW” stop I have seen since I came to Canada and what a disappointment.

I have passed so many gorgeous areas in Canada where I really had wished there would have been aApril Fool’s Day“SCENIC VIEW” stop. But this, no 1st of April is well behind us, but it was for sure a joke. I thought “seriously” and I turned around to continue towards Niagara-on-the-April Fool’s DayLake at the north end of the parkway.

I had passed the Botanical Garden, a beautiful place and I want to visit the garden, so I hope the rain will stop so I can make a stop. Or I will try tomorrow again.


Niagara-on-the-Lake is a town in Ontario, Canada. It is located on the Niagara Peninsula at the point where the Niagara River meets Lake Ontario, across the river from New York, United States. Niagara-on-the-Lake is in the Niagara Region of Ontario and is the only town in Canada that has a lord mayor. It has a population of 17,511 (2016).

Niagara-on-the-Lake is important in the history of Canada: it served as the first capital of the province of Upper Canada, the predecessor of Ontario, and was called Newark from 1792 to 1797.

During the War of 1812, the town, the two former villages of St. David's and Queenston, and Fort George were the sites of numerous battles following the American invasion of Upper Canada, and the town was razed. Niagara-on-the-Lake is home to the oldest Catholic church and the second-oldest Anglican church in Ontario and the oldest surviving golf course in North America.

Birding/ Bird watching in Canada - Niagara-on-the-Lake--Lake Ontario View
Niagara-on-the-Lake--Lake Ontario View

I reach Niagara-on-the-Lake and I drive around for a while and as soon as the rain turn in to a drizzle, I stop at the eBird hotspot: Niagara-on-the-Lake--Lake Ontario View I get out of the car and I walk along Lake Ontario.

I spot two Song Sparrows, one colleting nest material and one singing from a bush, I tried to make a recording but the bird stopped the singing as soon as I turned on my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder. I tried two times before I gave up the recording.

Birding/ Bird watching in Canada -  Song Sparrow, Melospiza melodia
Song Sparrow

Birding/ Bird watching in Canada -  Song Sparrow, Melospiza melodia
Song Sparrow

Birding/ Bird watching in Canada -  Song Sparrow, Melospiza melodia
Song Sparrow

There were swallows flying around over Lake Ontario but they are too far away to make any proper ID of the birds. Otherwise, it was the same birds that I have seen everywhere. There was one bird that I had not seen before and I did not get any picture so I could never ID the bird.


eBird Report

Niagara-on-the-Lake--Lake Ontario View, Niagara, Ontario, CA
May 3, 2023 09:54 - 10:25
Protocol: Traveling
0.64 kilometer(s)
5 species (+1 other taxa)

Double-crested Cormorant 2
swallow sp. 13   Over Lake Ontario, too far away for ID
American Robin 5
Song Sparrow 2
Red-winged Blackbird 3   Two males and one female
Common Grackle 3

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S135921603

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Birding/ Bird watching in Canada - Niagara-on-the-Lake--Lake Ontario View
Today's track at Niagara-on-the-Lake--Lake Ontario View

I leave Niagara-on-the-Lake and I start to drive back to Niagara. I pass the Queenston Heights overlook and I see four Turkey Vultures sitting in a tree next to the road. So, I make a U-turn and I drive back and I park the var along the road.

Turkey Vulture, Cathartes aura
Turkey Vulture

Turkey Vulture, Cathartes aura
Turkey Vulture

Turkey Vulture, Cathartes aura
Turkey Vulture

Birding/ Bird watching in Canada
Not much I can see of the Niagara River from the road side

I pass the Floral Clock and as it is not raining, I make a stop and I walk around but it is the same birds that I had seen on all the other places, grackles and American Robins. And of course, Canada Geese.

Nothing much exciting and I was soon on my way again and I decided to drive back to Niagara and I will see if the weather allow me to visit the Botanical Garden tomorrow.


eBird Report

Floral Clock, Niagara Falls, Niagara, Ontario, CA
May 3, 2023 11:04 - 11:17
Protocol: Traveling
0.38 kilometer(s)
4 species

Canada Goose 7   Foraging on the lawn
Common Starling 2
American Robin 7
Common Grackle 4

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S135927612

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Birding/ Bird watching in Canada - Floral Clock
Today's track at the Floral Clock

Back at Niagara and it is not raining. I am hungry so I would like to have lunch, but I took the opportunity to check out the Niagara Falls. Finding a parking was not so easy, I ended up at the Niagara Parks Power Station and it was 35 dollars to enter the parking.

I turned around and I found a parking at the Niagara Garden Place Parking and it was 11 dollars per 30 minutes. I pad for an hour and I went down to the Niagara River side promenade.

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada
Leaving the Niagara Parks Power Station

There are a lot of people walking along the river and I am lucky, there is no rain and it was not so cold. The thermometer in the car shoed +5 °C but it was OK to walk around. It was cold for my right-hand thumb and index finger sticking out from my new Markhof Pro V3 Photography Gloves.

But never mind, I was happy with the weather as I really cannot leave Niagara without having been down at the falls, a MUST see. And the first fall is the American Fall as I walk straight down to the river from the Niagara Garden Place Parking.

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada
American Falls is the first fall I see

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada
American Falls is the first fall I see

Birding/ Bird watching in Canada - Rainbow International Bridge
Rainbow International Bridge

The Rainbow Bridge is the twin bridge to the Lewiston–Queenston Bridge that I had a look at this morning going north on Niagara Falls Parkway. It did not take long before I spotted two Chipping Sparrow and I tried to get some pictures.

There are a lot of House Sparrows as well. I even manage to get a recording of one of the House Sparrows just sitting there singing not bother with all the tourists walking along the Niagara River.

Chipping Sparrow, Spizella passerina
Chipping Sparrow

Chipping Sparrow, Spizella passerina
Chipping Sparrow

House Sparrow, Passer domesticus, Gråsparv, นกกระจอกใหญ่
House Sparrow

House Sparrow, Passer domesticus, Gråsparv, นกกระจอกใหญ่
House Sparrow

House Sparrow, Passer domesticus, Gråsparv, นกกระจอกใหญ่
House Sparrow

Listen to the House Sparrow
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with m ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter applied with Audacity

Sitting in a bush outside the wall between the river and the walk way along Niagara River. We can hear the Niagara Falls in the back ground

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada
Niagara Falls - American Falls and the Horseshoe Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada
Ring-billed Gulls down at the Niagara River

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada
Tour boat approaching the fall

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada
Tour boat approaching the fall

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada
Boat coming back from the Horseshoe Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada
Next boat go to the Horseshoe Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada
American Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Canada - Rainbow International Bridge
Rainbow International Bridge

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada
American Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada
Niagara from the river promenade

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada
Niagara from the river promenade

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada
Niagara from the river promenade

Red-winged Blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus
Red-winged Blackbird

American Robin, Turdus migratorius
American Robin

American Robin, Turdus migratorius
American Robin

Common Starling, Sturnus vulgaris
Common Starling

I had paid for an hour at the parking and I was walking back to the car and there was one American Robin Singing from a tree and I made a recording before walking back to the car. I was pleasantly surprised to have seen birds and I even got two recordings.

I had of course expected gulls and there were thousands of them, impossible to count. I had seen 3 Canada Gesse, one in the river and two fly overs. Cormorants, there were many of them as well looking for food in the river.

Listen to the American Robin
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with m ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter applied with Audacity

Sitting in a tree along the Niagara Falls Promenade. We can hear the Niagara Falls in the back


eBird Report

Niagara--Below the Falls (ON), Niagara, Ontario, CA
May 3, 2023 11:48 - 12:34
Protocol: Traveling
1.43 kilometer(s)
8 species

Canada Goose 3
Ring-billed Gull X
Double-crested Cormorant 7
Common Starling 1
American Robin 7
House Sparrow 11
Chipping Sparrow 2
Red-winged Blackbird 1

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S135936263

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls
Today's track at Niagara--Below the Falls

I was hungry and I drove back to Radisson Hotel & Suites Falls view for tea and ham in my room. I also checked the pictures from the day so far. I finished my meal and I was back in to the car again. I have one more area around the falls to check out.

I will go to see the Horseshoe Fall and I drove back to Niagara Parks Power Station's 35-dollar parking and I parked the car. And it was just to walk across the street and I was at the Horseshoe Fall. And I could see the American Robins and Red-winged Blackbirds.

There were thousands of gulls, impossible to count and I just marked them X in my eBird app. There was a lot of tourists at the Horseshoe Fall.

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls
Niagara from the parking lot

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls
“Gull” island that we have seen from my room

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls
“Gull” island that we have seen from my room

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls

Herring Gull, Larus argentatus
Herring Gull

Herring Gull, Larus argentatus
Herring Gull

Herring Gull, Larus argentatus
Herring Gull

Horseshoe Fall

I reach the platform where the water falls down the Horseshoe Fall and it was an impressive sight. And the sound when the water was falling down was like a roar.

Someone feed the birds and there were both Ring-billed Gulls and House Sparrows munching on the food. Herring Gulls landed under the promenade and they were ripping out grass so I guess they are building nests.

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls
American Fall

Ring-billed Gull, Larus delawarensis
Ring-billed Gull

Ring-billed Gull, Larus delawarensis
Ring-billed Gull

Ring-billed Gull, Larus delawarensis
Ring-billed Gull

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls
I walk back to my car

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls
I walk back to my car

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls
I walk back to my car


eBird Report

Niagara--Below the Falls (ON), Niagara, Ontario, CA
May 3, 2023 14:06 - 15:16
Protocol: Traveling
0.76 kilometer(s)
6 species

Feral Pigeon 3
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X   Collecting nest material
American Robin 3
House Sparrow 4
Red-winged Blackbird 2

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S135954367

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Birding/ Bird watching in Niagara Falls, Canada - Niagara--Below the Falls
Today's track at Niagara--Below the Falls

I drive past the down town on the way back to Radisson Hotel & Suites Falls View and it looks to be a part town for all the tourists coming here. I need a haircut so I was looking for a barber shop and I went on to two shops before I gave up.

Driving back to the hotel and I passed another barber shop and they had parking outside so I made a round around the block to approach the barber shop again. I got my hair cut, 50 dollars.
- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Down Town Niagara
Down Town Niagara

I spent the rest of the evening in my room and I hope for good weather tomorrow so I can visit the Botanical Garden. I will drive to Toronto to return my rented car and I will have dinner with a couple I met on my trip to Iceland a few years ago.

So, if you want to find out about the weather and the birds you just have to click HERE .


eBird Trip Report

Since April 2023 eBird offer a new feature, to create Trip Reports. At least this is when I first heard of this feature and I have decided to make the eBird Trip Reports instead of my list of OBSERVED birds.

And of course, this also means that I will HAVE TO go back and do the same for my old birding adventures, WHEN I HAVE THE TIME!

Today's Trip Report: Bird watching in Canada - Day 8 | Click HERE

Download | PDF

Icons for lifers used in the eBird trip reports

eBird Species lifer:First time that someone observes a species in their life

eBird Photo lifer:First time that someone photographs a species in their life

eBird Audio lifer:First time that someone audio records a species in their life

Exotic species
Exotic species flags differentiate locally introduced species from native species.

eBird Naturalized:Exotic population is self-sustaining, breeding in the wild, persisting for many years, and not maintained through ongoing releases (including vagrants from Naturalized populations). These count in official eBird totals and, where applicable, have been accepted by regional bird records committee(s).

eBird Provisional:Either: 1)member of exotic population that is breeding in the wild, self-propagating, and has persisted for multiple years, but not yet Naturalized; 2)rarity of uncertain provenance, with natural vagrancy or captive provenance both considered plausible.

When applicable, eBird generally defers to bird records committees for records formally considered to be of "uncertain provenance". Provisional species count in official eBird totals.

eBird Escapee:Exotic species known or suspected to be escaped or released, including those that have
bred but don't yet fulfill the criteria for Provisional. Escapee exotics do not count in official eBird totals.


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