OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Aladdin's adventure flying from Bangkok to Miami

27 th of March 2023 and the AOT Limousine is booked for 12 thirty. I went down with my garbage at 12 and as usually, the car has already arrived when I bring down my luggage. So I went back to get my already ready and waiting luggage.

The Security Guard helped the driver to load my luggage in to the car and we were soon on the way towards Suvarnabhumi, Bangkok International Airport.

AOT Limousine
Loading my luggage in to the car

AOT Limousine
Loading my luggage in to the car

AOT Limousine
On the way

AOT Limousine
On the way

We arrived to Suvarnabhumi Gate # 5 for Singapore Airlines just after 1 o'clock and I said goodbye to the driver. Check-in was quite quick even though there were plenty people in line to check-in, but BIZ was almost empty.

The security was smooth but immigration, problem, for the second time now and I was called to the office. I don't know what was wrong, but there was something about the Immigration that stamped my pass when I signed off in Sriracha last time. But I got my exit stamp and I was soon heading for Gate D6.

I was hungry so I got three cups of tea and a plate of cheese that I enjoyed while waiting for the departure. And it is about 28 hours until I land in New York.

Suvarnabhumi International
Plenty people at check-in

Suvarnabhumi International
Plenty people at check-in

Suvarnabhumi International
On my way towards gate D6 and Singapore Airlines lounge

Suvarnabhumi International
Cheese, meat and tea at Singapore Airlines lounge

Singapore Airlines SQ 709
Bangkok Intl           -          Singapore Intl
27March2023 15:30          27March2023 18:55

Singapore Airlines SQ 22
Singapore Intl           -         New York, Newark Intl
27March2023 23:35            28March2023 06:00

United Airlines flight UA1181
New York, Newark          -          Miami
29March2023 10:56                  29March2023 14:05

Leaving the lounge at 3 o'clock and it was about 20 meters to the gate. I had had the cheese and meat, not bad, and I will check my blood sugar when I come to Singapore. I could have had more tea, but I did not bother.

Too much trouble to carry around the small cups, and I had been looking around for beer mugs, but nothing. They had Pepsi but no MAX (Lucky me) I think I will give up the MAX, at least until I reach Miami and my rented car.

It is not impossible that I will fill up the car with MAX to enjoy while enjoying the birds of Florida. Would be better with pure water so I will see.

Suvarnabhumi International
The gate is just next to the Singapore Airlines lounge

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 709 from Bangkok to Singapore
We are boarding

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 709 from Bangkok to Singapore
We are boarding

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 709 from Bangkok to Singapore
We are boarding

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 709 from Bangkok to Singapore
A glass of water while waiting for take-off

Boarding had started so this was very nice, no waiting at the gate. And by the look of it the flight will be full, or almost full. There was a long queue but no one at the boarding gate to the biz. So, I was soon in my seat enjoying a glass of water.

I told the Stewardess that I would like to have two cups of Earl Grey with milk after departure, and no food. I had cheese in the lounge and I have 4 cheeses for my 18 hours killer flight from Singapore to New York.

Not much fun to travel when I have to think about the blood sugar non ducking stop.

I got my tea and I had four cups before we arrived to Singapore. Time passed very quickly as I killed time sending stupid messages and pictures via LINE to my friends. Really not much else to do and the time passed very quickly.

I retarded time by one hour just before arrival to Singapore. It was dusk by the time we arrived but I managed to take a video of us approaching Singapore coming in over Indonesia and all the ships anchored in Singapore.

The landing was kind of smooth and we were soon at the gate and I was off the plane. 5 hours to kill until departure to New York.

I sent the video to my friend

I drink tea in the lounge with some cheese and only my “WILL POWER” stopped me from havingYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stanything else. There is a new lounge and they have much better food than in the old lounge here on Changi International.

Time was for sure not passing very quickly in the lounge.

I left earlier than needed as I, well, to alleviate the boredom in the lounge. Not less boring at the gate but there is at least a sense of going somewhere while walking to the gate. I was lucky as there were no shops between the lounge and gate A14 so no place to stop to waste money.

And I remember back in the day when Singapore used to be cheap and the airport even cheaper. People came from all over the world to buy electronics. But now it is much more expensive here and I was a wee bit surprised when I checked some of the shops when we arrived from Bangkok.

Much cheaper to buy in Bangkok or in USA and no need to carry stuff around.

Changi International Airport in Singapore
The gate is not open when I reach the gate

Changi International Airport in Singapore
I sit and wait for the gate to open

Changi International Airport in Singapore
I sit and wait for the gate to open

It was a long way to trot to reach the gate, no surprise there. And the gate was not open so I sat down to wait outside the security check. And there was a lot of people waiting. But they opened the security after 15 minutes or so.

Passing the security and I had to wait at the gate for 10 minutes before they started the boarding. Seems to be a lot of people going to New York but it doesn’t look like the flight is full.

Taking my seat and I am soon enjoying a glass of water waiting for the pull back.

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 22 to New York
Boarding flight SQ 22

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 22 to New York
Boarding flight SQ 22

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 22 to New York
After take-off and I bring out my cheese

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 22 to New York
Killing time drinking tea

Taking off and the safety belt sign is turned off. I open my back pack and I bring out my computer and my 4 cheeses. I had 2 cups of tea and I was full after half a cheese, but there are several hours until we land in New York so who knows how much cheese remaining when we arrive.

No need to adjust the clock as it is 12 hours difference between Singapore and New York. And I had a great plan, I never been flying this direction before, but with Thai Airway from USA to Bangkok and 18 hours and 12 hours’ time difference and it had been quite easy to adjust the sleep to wake up at arrival 6 in the morning.

My “MASTER PLAN” was to stay awake until 8 in the morning, 8 in the evening in New York and thenYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stgo to sleep. Well, it was impossible to stay awake and I prepared my chair to make it in to a bed. And by the way, Singapore Airlines long haul business seats are the worst I have ever experienced.

Only sitting up or to convert the chair in to a bed, no chance to recline or anything else. Not possible to stretch your legs. At least not if you are more than 120 cm.

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 22 to New York
Killing time drinking tea

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 22 to New York
Killing time drinking tea

Anyway, I was a sleep around 3 o’clock and I woke up around 7 thirty, dead tired but I decided to try to stay awake until around 10 (22:00 New York time) and then try to have another sleep waking up in the morning when we arrive to New York.

Killing time with some tea and another cheese. Of course, I had to wait for an hour for my tea as the “FASTEN SEAT BELTS” light was in effect. So, no hot drinks for an hour, but when the tea came, I had my second cheese.

And of course, to send stupid pictures and messages back home via LINE.

LINE app

10 o'clock (22:00 New York time) and I went through the trouble to turn my seat in to a bed again and I was soon asleep, waking up 2 times but managed to fall asleep again. Waking up 14 thirty, 2 thirty New York time and I was happy with my sleep.

Again, going through the hassle to turn my bed in to a seat and I asked for tea and I had my third cheese and while waiting for the tea I checked the blood sugar.

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 22 to New York
Blood sugar perfect

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 22 to New York
Cheese and tea

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stAfter 17 hours on the plane with a lot of temptations my blood sugar was 85. The cheese idea was the best ever. And this my friends, is how I am going to do it during my birding adventure in North America. I will buy cheese and ham at Walmart and I will have my breakfast in my room.

No restaurants,Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully and I might even be smaller when I am back home.

I drink my tea and eat the cheese and I turn on the map. I was pleasantly surprised; we are about to arrive to New York and I was very happy. I had expected 2 hours more but someone up front had obviously been kicking arse and we were almost one hour earlier.

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 22 to New York
We are about to arrive to New York

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 22 to New York
We are about to arrive to New York

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 22 to New York
Descending to Newark International

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 22 to New York
Descending to Newark International

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 22 to New York
We have arrived

Singapore Airlines flight SQ 22 to New York
Time to leave the flight

It was nice to come of the plane and it was not too long to walk to an empty immigration area. It felt really nice to get to walk after the long flight and it was a very pleasant surprise to discover the empty immigration. But the best is that I don't have to fill up any documents.

All the other times I have been to USA there have been an endless number of documents to fill up and they all had different colours depending on whatever your business was in USA. Now I had filled up the ESTA online and the whole immigration progress took 30 seconds.

And those 30 seconds including me talking bird watching with the immigration officer.
- Thank you!

There was a bit of waiting for the luggage and I had to pay 6 US Dollars for the luggage cart in a vending machine. But I am for sure not going to carry my luggage around. Walking through custom, no one cared about me and I was soon out and I spotted the SIM ON THE GO SHOP just after passing the door from the custom.

Newark International Airport
Immigration is empty

Newark International Airport
Immigration is empty

Newark International Airport

I recognised the shop as I had been looking on internet for SIM cards at Newark. The close was to open at 5 thirty but it was closed. I asked around and they told me that they would open at 6. So, I went to look for some refreshments. They only sold Coke so skipped the whole idea with a refreshment.

At 6 o'clock there was no sign of the SIM TO GO shop would open so I gave up that idea to. My flight to Miami is departing from terminal C and we had arrived to terminal B. I discovered a quite clever thing that I cannot remember having seen on any other airport.

Outside the custom United Airlines had a check in and I could check -in my luggage before going to terminal C. This was very convenient and I left to go looking for the train to terminal C. I gave the refreshments another try, but only coke and I started to be a wee bit worried.

Newark International Airport
Train to terminal C

Newark International Airport
Train to terminal C

Newark International Airport
Newark International

Newark International Airport
Newark International

I found the train and I ended up at the security and it looked to be a pandemonium. I was lucky to have PREMIER ACCESS and I walked through an empty line, but reaching the security scanning even that looked to be chaos. But it was actually working very smooth and friendly staff.

I left the security area to go look for SIM cards and refreshments, only coke but they pointed me to one shop having Pepsi and I went there. I got two bottles and I went to look for a place to enjoy the first bottle keeping the second for a little bit later.

I finish my first bottle and I go to look for a shop that have sim cards according to their web page. The shop is located opposite gate C91 according to their web page and I go to have a look. Of course, they did not have any sim cards.

There are three UNITED lounges, but on is closed for redecoration.

There is a sign saying that there is one at gate C103 but I could not find any lounge and I continued to gate 112 where my flight to Miami will depart.

Gate 112 is the last gate and gate 113 on the opposite side. There were tables and I took a seat to kill time until boarding of UNITED flight UA1181 to Miami. And as it is the last gate there is a good view over the tarmac with Manhattan in the background.

Newark International Airport
Newark International

Newark International Airport
Newark International

Newark International Airport
Newark International

Newark International Airport
Newark International

I spent two hours ++ waiting and I finished my fourth and last cheese together with the last MAX. Departure a few minutes before 11 so I was surprised when they made an announcement that boarding would start at 10:15, in a couple of minutes time.

I packed my computer in the back pack and I went to stand in the boarding queue and boarding starts after a couple of minutes. It was nice to come on board to take the seat even though it is still 30 minutes until departure.

Newark International Airport
Boarding UNITED Airlines flight UA1181

Newark International Airport
Boarding UNITED Airlines flight UA1181

UNITED Airlines flight UA1181
Let's leave already

They served champagne, juice and water while waiting for departure and I had a glass of water while flipping through the UNITED's inflight magazine and it was time to pull back when I had flipped through the magazine for the second time.

Something is a little strange here in USA, the information from flight deck was that it would be a 2h 30m flight. 10 Minutes later it was 2h 20m flight and it is scheduled to take 3 hours.

2 thirty and still no sign of descending down to Miami and we arrived at 2 o'clock as per schedule. Obviously, they are talking about actual flight time, something I never heard before, it is usually the time from gate to gate.

OK, I just go for the scheduled time for the remaining of my UNITED flights. Arriving to Miami and my luggage was in the terminal when I arrived in the luggage claim area so this was very quick and I was impressed.

Miami International Airport
Train to the Rental Car Center

I went to look for the rented car place and I followed the sign. It was quite a distance and I was surprised when I ended up at a train station. It was a couple of minutes on the train and I got off at the Rental Car Center, a huge building.

I discovered a lady selling SIM cards so I bought one card, 100 US Dollars so it was very expensive. But I really don't want to drive around looking for a shop in town. 12 GB for one month and it will last me a month as I expect to only use the eBird app and the GPS function.

Of course, I could have wasted hours of valuable “holiday” time searching for a cheaper SIM card. And who knows, I might have been able to save a couple of dollars.

There were all the known rental car companies plus man companies I had never heard of before. I found AVIS and I stepped up to the counter.

Miami International Airport
Rental Car Center

Miami International Airport
Rental Car Center

Miami International Airport
Rental Car Center

The girl told me that they did not have any Chrysler available and she would give me a Cadilac.
- I am not going to drive any Cadilac, I said

I explained that I wanted to have the Chrysler, I never been driving it before, but it is a very comfy car to ride in the back seat. And I want to test to drive the car. I explained that I have rented small cars in Canada and California as I expect to drive in urban areas.

So, then a small car is to prefer, but Everglades is pure wilderness so I want to have a big comfy car. Easy to get in and out if there is any excitements along the road.

Chrysler 300
Chrysler 300

Chrysler 300
Chrysler 300


Chrysler 300
Driving towards Florida City

Chrysler 300
Driving towards Florida City

Chrysler 300
Driving towards Florida City

Chrysler 300
Traffic almost at full stop

She called around and they found a Chrysler for me and I took the elevator to the 2nd floor and I picked up my car. I loaded my luggage and I was soon on my way south towards my hotel in Florida City. I had planned for a stop to buy refreshments but I found no service centres with refreshments along the highway.

The traffic was at almost a full stop and I think it was an accident as the highway cleared up when I approached Florida City and I was hauling arse as I was getting very hungry. I found the hotel andI checked in.
And OOHH MY GOD! It was nice to have a shower!

Walmart Supercentre is just 3 minutes away with car so I will go to buy groceries. And my plan is to eat breakfast in my room. Breakfast is included in the hotel price but, well, my self-discipline leaves a lot to wish for. And I was also “pepped” by the blood sugar after my flight from Singapore.

And there was an e-mail from UNITED explaining the luggage at MIAMI airport. So now I know, and maybe my fellow passengers are still in the luggage claim area waiting for their luggage.

Welcome to Miami. Your 2 bags arrived on an earlier flight. Please head to baggage claim and see a Baggage Service Representative to collect your bags.

I bought food to last me for my stay in Florida and it will be salad and ham in my room. And for my pick-nick lunch I will have Mozzarella cheese and MAX. I bought MAX to keep in the car, a refreshment will always come in handy.

There is a water boiler in my room, but this is more like a coffee machine so I bought an electric kettle and a beer mug for my tea. Same beer mug the 1st Engineer on m/t Barcarolle bought for me at Walmart in Beaumont, Texas back in 2008.

Florida dinner
Dinner and I will soon have a V-shaped torso

I was in bed at 9 and my alarm is set to go off at 4 and I am excited to go have a look for some Florida birds and to see allegators in the Everglades. Click HERE to see the bird watching trip report for South Florida.


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