Aladdin's adventure on board United Airlines flight UA1369 / UA4256

United Airlines UA1369/UA4256
Corpus Christi          -          Toronto Intl / via Houston
25April2023 12:21               25April2023 18:48

Tuesday 25 th of April 2023 my alarm goes off at 4 but I was not out of bed until almost quarter to 5. I had tea but nothing to eat as I will go to have breakfast when the restaurant opens at 6 thirty. I had time to sort out some pictures and to drink tea before going for breakfast.

When I come to the restaurant there is already one from the group having breakfast and they are dropping in one by one to have breakfast. I have a couple of cups of tea with bacon and burgers. I also added some rosemary potato.

I leave the hotel crossing the road to get “SEA FRONT” to look for birds. I have planned to spend 30 minutes or so before going back to have a shower and to change my clothes.

Corpus Christi water front bird watching
Corpus Christi Sea front

Corpus Christi water front bird watching
Corpus Christi Sea front

Read books

I can already (no surprise) put a Grackle and a Laughing Gull on the eBird checklist coming out the hotel door. And half way across the road I can put feral pigeons.

I can see six Brown Pelicans on the pier at a distance. Not to man birds to be seen but I got a niceYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stconstitutional after the breakfast out of it.

Corpus Christi water front bird watching
Great Blue Heron

Corpus Christi water front bird watching
Great Blue Heron


eBird Report

Corpus Christ T-heads (marina/yachting center), Nueces, Texas, US Apr 25, 2023 07:20 - 07:44
Protocol: Traveling
0.92 kilometer(s)
7 species

Feral Pigeon 12
Mourning Dove 3
Laughing Gull 2
Brown Pelican 6
Common Starling 4
House Sparrow 1
Great-tailed Grackle 5

View this checklist online at

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (

Bird watching in Texas - Corpus Christ T-heads (marina/yachting center)
Today's track at Corpus Christ T-heads (marina/yachting center)

I was in the reception 20 minutes after 10 and we left 15 minutes later. There are three of us flying with United Airlines flight UA1369 departing at 12:21. And the other 2 with a 14 hundred something American Airlines flight.

We reached the airport just before 11 and even though there were not many people in the line to United's desk it took a very long time to check in. It was like it was the first time the staff ever checked-in passengers to a flight. One other girl came to help and now it was running smoothly.

Corpus Christi Airport
Discharging the luggage at Corpus Christi Airport

Security was done quickly and when my back pack came through the x-ray the girl asked if I was a bird watcher. I told her that I had two cameras and a lens in the back pack. I asked if I should open the bag but she told me that it was not necessary.

There is a shop next to security but they did not have any MAX and they suggested the shop next door. The shop next door was also out of MAX and I went to sit down at the gate 3.

Corpus Christi Airport
They are fresh out of MAX

Corpus Christi Airport
They are fresh out of MAX

Corpus Christi Airport
Our plane is waiting for us to board

Corpus Christi Airport
Sitting in the departure hall

Corpus Christi Airport
Corpus Christi departure hall

Corpus Christi Airport
United Airlines flight UA1369

United Airlines flight UA1369
Boarding United Airlines flight UA1369

We boarded the flight and we had completed boarding well before departure time. When I stepped on board one of the Stewardesses said that she had met me before. And I asked where and she told me that we had met at the hotel this morning. Now I remembered that I had spoked with her and the pilot this morning.

I was in my seat, the jet bridge was still connected and 10 minutes after departure time there was a PA message, problem with the paper work again.

Jet bridge

(also termed jetway, jetwalk, airgate, gangway, aerobridge/airbridge, finger, skybridge, airtube, expedited suspended passenger entry system (E-SPES), or its official industry name passenger boarding bridge (PBB)) is an enclosed, movable connector which most commonly extends from an airport terminal gate to an airplane, and in some instances from a port to a boat or ship, allowing passengers to board and disembark without going outside and being exposed to harsh weather.

Depending on building design, sill heights, fueling positions, and operational requirements, a jet bridge may be fixed or movable, swinging radially, and/or extending in length. The jetway was invented by Frank Der Yuen.

Similar devices are used for astronauts to enter spacecraft, which are installed in the appropriate height of the launch tower.

A bit later and they wanted us to disembark and to go wait in the departure hall. I was first off and I went to the boarding desk. We can make it to Huston around 2 o'clock.

So, I was in a hurry to the boarding officer to see if she could have United to pick me up at the gate in Huston and I might make it to Air Canada's flight to Toronto. Well, this was not possible and now I see the girl that helped with the check-in coming off or flight.

She was obviously going to Huston with the plane, but she came off and she came to the desk to assist, both the passengers and the girl that was working at the boarding desk. She booked me on a later flight so I was sure to have a seat to Toronto today.

I felt stupid, but I went back to the shop to update myself on the MAX status, lo and behold, they had MAX and the girl told me that they had been very deep down in the basement and she had found MAX. I bought two bottles and I went to sit down.

United Airlines flight UA1369
Two bottles with refreshments

United Airlines flight UA1369
Time for a refreshment

Well, I realize that I will not make it in time for the Air Canada departure and I will have to take the United Airlines flight departing quarter to 6 and arrival time 10 thirty. And I will not get to my hotel before 2 o'clock in the morning.

And that means that I will lose man hours of bird watching tomorrow. I have just opened my first refreshment when it is time to reboard United Airlines flight UA1369 to Huston.

Even though I knew that I had missed my Air Canada flight it was really nice when they finally disconnected the jet bridge and pulled us out from the terminal.

United Airlines flight UA1369
We are pulled out from Corpus Christi airport

Huston International Airport
Train to terminal E

Huston International Airport
Train to terminal E

Huston International Airport
United Club

The time passed quickly between Corpus Christi and Huston and it was soon time to land. I went to the boarding desk at arrival and I got a new boarding pass for United Airlines flight UA 313. Departure gate E22 so I had to take the train to terminal E.

The train worked well and there was a United lounge very close to the gate so this was very good. I have about 3 hours to kill and I am hungry. So, I spend the time eating and to look at my pictures.

I was full by the time I left the lounge and the food had been good, the only complains was about the paper cups for the tea. Could have had real cups, but it was OK and time turned quite quick and it was soon time to go to gate E22 and United Airlines flight UA 313 to Toronto.

Huston International Airport
The plane is ready to take us to Toronto

We board and I am very happy to finally be on the last leg to Toronto. I would have been in Toronto already if we had not had all the problems in Corpus Christi. And I am getting tired and I am not looking forward to drive half the night to reach Best Western Plus Otonabee Inn in Peterborough.

It has been the same on every United flight, there is no space for the carry on onboard and I can understand why, they bring huge bags and I have never experience this before. But here, every flight and it delay the departure to bring out luggage and rearranging the luggage in the overhead bins.

And several PA messages about the carry on. The “wheelers” in the overhead and small things under the seat. It went on and on and there was running in and out from the airplane. But finally, they closed the door and we could watch the safety information/ instructions

Huston International Airport
Boarding United Airlines flight UA 313

United Airlines flight UA 313
Boarding United Airlines flight UA 313

United Airlines flight UA 313
Boarding United Airlines flight UA 313

United Airlines flight UA 313
Safety instructions

United Airlines flight UA 313
Finally, the pull back from Huston International

I advanced my wrist watch by an hour and they served a good dinner with tea after take-off First flight meal I have had since I left Bangkok and it was very good. The tea was good and I enjoyed the meal. But when the meal was read it became very boring and the time was not passing very quickly.

I had a blanked over my head and every now and then I had a sip from my last refreshment

United Airlines flight UA 313

I was so happy when we could finally disembark flight UA 313 but the airport was a really bad one. Walking and walking to reach the immigration. Up and down, round and round and it took us quite a while to reach the immigration.

They did not have a tourist SIM card at the airport so I activated my AIS SIM card. I need the GPS to find Best Western Plus Otonabee Inn. Took me about 5 minutes to walk to AVIS and they gave me an AUDI. I had booked Toyota, same as I had had in San Francisco.

AVIS, it is OK, but here I felt like being cheated. You want this car or that car. I said that I wanted a Toyota as I don't want to have a big car in the city. We had a look at another car, but he gave me the key for the AUDI.

I left and I stopped to buy milk, water for the tea and some refreshments. It was almost 2 thirty by the time I reached Best Western Plus Otonabee Inn. I went to bed with the alarm set to go off just before 7 so I can get out to look for birds.

Click HERE to find out if I see a Canadian birds tomorrow.

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