OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Turkish Airlines
Wednesday 13 th of November 2019 and passing through the security, 2 of them. One before check-in and one after the check-in. Was a bit of a hassle, shoes off and on, belt on and off. I was looking for the lounge and I found the lounge and I had a seat enjoying a bottle of water that I had found. I was at Bole International when I changed flight to Djibouti.

Ethiopian Airlines lounge at Bole International Airport in Addis Ababa
Ethiopian Airlines lounge at Bole International Airport in Addis Ababa

Ethiopian Airlines lounge at Bole International Airport in Addis Ababa
Ethiopian Airlines lounge at Bole International Airport in Addis Ababa

Bole International Airport in Addis Ababa
Buying souvenir in the tax free shop

I grew bored after not too long in Ethiopian Airlines lounge and I left. I went to look for a shop to see if they had a doll for our “Time Keeper” on board Ribe Maersk. I left Rita Maersk and the ship was sold not long after. They want the original TEAM back on Ribe Maersk as she is now on the sae charter in Thailand.

So I will join Ribe Maersk when I am back home and the Time Keeper from Rita Maersk are now on board Ribe. I bought dolls for his grandchild when I was in Japan and I want to bring one from Africa and his granddaughter willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be happy.

Still time to kill and I went to the gate and I sat down looking for the plane and even though it was departure time within 30 minutes or so there was no plane at the gate. I could see the plane landing and we boarded in time. I was told that the plane was full, but yet again, I found the seat next to me empty. What a pleasant surprise!

Turkish Airways flight TK 677 from Bole International Airport in Addis Ababa to Istanbul
Finally in my seat

Turkish Airways flight TK 677 from Bole International Airport in Addis Ababa to Istanbul
Soon time for take-off

Turkish Airways flight TK 677 from Bole International Airport in Addis Ababa to Istanbul
Double water

We were soon on our way and I was dead tired. But they wanted to serve food and I wanted them to turn off the light. But they could not turn off the light because people were going to eat. I was upset, it is 3 o´clock in the morning. But we know how it is, if it is for free people would prefer to die before missing a free cup of coffee.

It was nice when we arrived to Istanbul and I could go to the lounge to get a room. All room was occupied and I was very disappointed. I had really expected a room for some sleep and a shower. Now I will have to spend the whole day on the airport, about 10 hours until TK 58 departs for Bangkok at 18:35. So I was not happy to learn that the rooms were full.

I spent the time in one of the conference rooms. So I could work with my lap top and every now and then I went outside for some Turkish food. I had some Baklava and tea as well, so I was full when I took the cart service to the gate. The flight is full so I have no hope of getting an empty seat next to me.

One seat was not working in the row in front of me so they had moved around some passengers. They tried to repair the seat and I told the guy in the seat next to the broken seat that he and his friend could, well, I have no idea what happened, but when we took off from Istanbul I was having an empty seat next to me.

Turkish Airways flight TK 58 from Istanbul to Bangkok, Suvarnabhumi International
On the way to Bangkok

Turkish Airways flight TK 58 from Istanbul to Bangkok, Suvarnabhumi International
Yet again, seat next to me empty

Turkish Airways flight TK 58 from Istanbul to Bangkok, Suvarnabhumi International
Snacks after take-off

Turkish Airways flight TK 58 from Istanbul to Bangkok, Suvarnabhumi International
Time for dinner

Turkish Airways flight TK 58 from Istanbul to Bangkok, Suvarnabhumi International
A “Double Tea” while waiting for food

Turkish Airways flight TK 58 from Istanbul to Bangkok, Suvarnabhumi International
Starter Turkish Airlines “style”

Turkish Airways flight TK 58 from Istanbul to Bangkok, Suvarnabhumi International
Lamb chops

Turkish Airways flight TK 58 from Istanbul to Bangkok, Suvarnabhumi International
Plenty tea

Turkish Airways flight TK 58 from Istanbul to Bangkok, Suvarnabhumi International

The food, I have never had any bad food on board any Turkish Airline`s flight. At least not what I can remember. OK, flying to Copenhagen a few weeks ago and they didn`t had Baklava on the Bangkok - Istanbul leg. Of course, this was a disappointment. But today there was Baklava. I had plenty tea, but I must have been very tired as it was no problem.

And no breakfast, I was sleeping all the way to the last second before touch down

Turkish Airways flight TK 58 from Istanbul to Bangkok, Suvarnabhumi International
Approaching Bangkok

Bangkok, Suvarnabhumi International
On my way to Sukhumvit

I had booked “SPECIAL” arrival service. Same as last time but this time there was no cart and assistant to pick me up. But it was quite quick to get my luggage and I was soon sitting in a car on my way home. I checked out my “SPECIAL” arrival service booking when I was back home. Well, I had booked it for tomorrow.

I cancelled the service and I was surprised when they asked if I wanted my money back. A very short cancel notice. I told them to keep the money and I have one “SPECIAL” arrival service thatBangkok Airports VIP Meet & Greet with Fast Track ServiceI can use next time. I have been very impressed by Bangkok Airport Limousine and their Bangkok Airports VIP Meet & Greet with Fast Track Service.

I can really recommend their service, so check out their web page: https://www.limousine.in.th/fast-track-immigration.html

Back home and I was very pleased to see that they had finished my wood floor. Very nice, only a little disappointed with the MAKA wood, not as nice as my old floor. But the TEAK floor was much much nicer than the old TEAK floor.

I had expected to be able to sleep in my new bed, but the bed was for painting and it would take some times before they deliver my new bed.

Condo renovation in Bangkok
Condo renovation in Bangkok
Carpenter send picture of my bed in the factory

I gave my friend all the furniture in my bed room as I had decided to change my furniture. I had seen a bed when I went to buy a TV bench. I bought a new TV and I put it on the wall. My old TV and bench was also given to my friend. So I just need a very small bench for the DVD player. Anyway, I saw a bed when I bought the bench and I felt in love.

Condo renovation in Bangkok

I want the bed, but I don´t want the thing sticking up from the bed with drapes hanging from it. This was not possible so I went to my carpenter. I paid the down payment and the bed would be ready about the same time I am back from Africa. I bought two new mattresses, one for the guest room and one for my new bed. I was sad when I sent my 7000 US$ mattress that I had bought in Sweden to the garbage.

A very nice mattress, of course, nothing less expected for 7000 US. But lately I have noticed to have a hard time getting out of bed with back pain. During the renovation I have been sleeping on my old mattress in the guest room. A very hard mattress, but never any back pain. So the Swedish mattress went for garbage and I bought a new mattress, a very hard mattress.

My new bed and the TV bench is the same style so I asked my friend if he wanted the rest of the furniture in my bed room. He came to pick them up and we went to buy new furniture for my bed room.

Condo renovation in Bangkok
My old chest of drawers

Condo renovation in Bangkok
Deliver my new chest of drawers

Condo renovation in Bangkok
Deliver my new chest of drawers

Condo renovation in Bangkok
Deliver my new chest of drawers


CDC Crystal Design Centeris the most integrated design center in Asia. It is the ultimate lifestyle design district in Thailand. CDC comprises more than 24 buildings over 73 rais of land or 120,000 sq.m. By showcasing architectural, interior, decoration and construction products, Design Library, Exhibition & Conferences facilities, Office spaces.

TV bench and a set of drawers was bought. I had seen another set of drawers and bed side tables that I wanted to buy. So I went with my friend to have a look. I needed a topper as well and we drove to CDC after the boxing session. I will join Ribe Maersk in a month so I have 2 extra weeks at home, good, I can finish my condominium before I join Ribe Maersk.

And I have time for yoga and boxing every day for a few weeks longer than I had planned for.

Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym

Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym

Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym

Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym

Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym

Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym

So one day after the boxing we went to the CDC Crystal Design Center to buy a topper for my bed and the last furniture for my bed room. I need one more set of drawers and two bed side tables. I had already seen them so I knew what to buy. When we were ready we went to have Japanese lunch, SALMON BONANZA and it was really good. Forgot the name of the restaurant, but it was not Fuji where we use to have lunch when we go to Fashion Island.

CDC Crystal Design Center
Cart service at CDC Crystal Design Center

CDC Crystal Design Center
Cart service at CDC Crystal Design Center

CDC Crystal Design Center
Lunch at CDC Crystal Design Center

Thai fruit
Buying fruit at Villa Market

Thai fruit
Waiting for taxi at MBK Center

Thai fruit
Back home and I make a fruit salad

Thai fruit
Adding almond

Thai fruit
I have really missed my fruit salad

Yoga, boxing and fruit salad and I was, well, it did me really good to stay home for a month. Life got back to the same schedule every day. Alarm went off 4 in the morning and I am out of bed an hour or two later. Breakfast and then off to Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym for some Muay Thai training with ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์, Red Devil.

Back home for fruit salad or tuna and then off to arrange for things for my condo. I pulled LAN cables to my bed rooms so now I have WIFI in all the rooms. I was thinking about having the, well, it is something new and I don´t know what they call it. But you have the same coverage in the whole apartment.

But after my investigation I cancelled this idea and I pulled LAN cables instead. This new system needs to be on all the time or you have to make the set up again and I really don´t want to have anything TURNED ON as I am afraid of fires. So LAN it is with routers in the bed rooms that I turn off when I am not home. We had moved a pigeon nest and I covered the AC compressor area with a net so no more pigeon nest there.

So busy every day until evening and I really enjoyed it, the condo got better bit by bit every day. I was so much at Home Pro at Big C Ratchada so the sausage ladies in the Big C was waiving at me every time I walked by. I bought some sausage that I am using for my Korv Stroganoff, or just slice it and fry it hamburger style.

Big C Ratchada
Selling sausages

Big C Ratchada
Selling sausages

Big C Ratchada
Selling sausages

Big C Ratchada

Korv Stroganoff
Making Korv Stroganoff when I am back home

Korv Stroganoff
I invite my friend for dinner

So TV bench and a new set of drawer, now just waiting for the bed and the second set of drawers and the bed side table. I visit Home Pro every day, well, almost and I went to look for a refrigerator. I bought my first BOSCH fridge in Sweden and I built my kitchen around the fridge. Really nothing I can change now without it looking bad.

I am a nice guy so my friend borrowed my condo while he was redecorating his condo. He called me and told me that I had to do something about my electric system when I was back home. “EVERY TIME MY WIFE IS USING HER IRON THE FUSES GOES OFF”

WHAT THE DUCK!!!!! Stop using the ducking iron, motherducker. And when I was back home I discovered that the fridge was not working. So I had to buy a new one and it was too small. I have had this fridge for 10 years now and I have never managed to find a new fridge.

But now I was lucky, I found out that they are selling BOSCH at Home Pro now. And I found a fridge with exact same measurement as my old from Sweden.

They will deliver the fridge on the same day as my set of drawers and bed side table. Knocking on the door and they came with the fridge. My other furniture arrived one minute later and it was full of paper boxes outside my door.

BOSCH Fridge from Home Pro
My furniture is coming 1 minute after the fridge

BOSCH Fridge from Home Pro
My new fridge is coming

BOSCH Fridge from Home Pro
Prepare to pack up my new fridge
And we can see that my old fridge is too small

BOSCH Fridge from Home Pro
My new fridge

BOSCH Fridge from Home Pro
My new fridge

BOSCH Fridge from Home Pro
My new fridge

Buying furniture in Bangkok
Packing up new furniture while they fridge
is coming in place in the kitchen

Buying furniture in Bangkok
Packing up new furniture while they fridge
is coming in place in the kitchen

Buying furniture in Bangkok
Packing up new furniture while they fridge
is coming in place in the kitchen

Buying furniture in Bangkok
Bringing in my new bedside tables

Buying furniture in Bangkok
Bringing in my new bedside tables

Buying furniture in Bangkok
New bedside tables

Buying furniture in Bangkok
My second set of drawers

Buying furniture in Bangkok
My second set of drawers

Buying furniture in Bangkok
My friend will pick up my old fridge tomorrow

Now I just wait for my new bed and the condo will be ready. I was very happy with the new furniture. I started to look for wall papers on internet. Suddenly I decided to change my wall paper. I was in contact with a couple of companies but I ended up buying my wall paper at the same shop where I had bought the furniture.

They would start to put up the wall papers in a week so I had to wait for a week, living healthy, well, except for the sausage. Every time I leave Home pro the girls at Big C is waving with sausages and I have to stop to buy some. So my fridge is full of Sausages, but it is very good sausages, especially since I found honey mustard at Tops Market.

Holiday, really good for me and I do yoga and boxing at Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym every day so I was feeling better by the day. I have something wrong with my legs and I have a hard time to walk. But my friend ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์, Red Devil is giving me massage every day.

Same as with my shoulder, my shoulder got well again after years of pain. My leg got better by the day, a shame that I will have to join Ribe soon.

Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym
Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym

They should start on a Wednesday with the wall paper and they should be ready on the Friday. I had asked the Carpenter to delay the delivery of the bed until the wallpaper in the bed room was ready. The wallpaper team arrived on Wednesday around 10 o´clock and I asked them to start in my bed room. The wallpaper team disappeared at lunch time and then I never saw them again.

My bed room was far from ready, just some of the old wallpapers was removed and I was not happy. I had postponed the delivery of the bed until Friday and it do not look like they will be ready until then. But they have 2 more days so let´s see.

Wallpaper in Bangkok
Start removing the wallpaper

Wallpaper in Bangkok
Start removing the wallpaper

Wallpaper in Bangkok
Start removing the wallpaper

Wallpaper in Bangkok
Start removing the wallpaper

Wallpaper in Bangkok
Start removing the wallpaper

Wallpaper in Bangkok
2nd day and still not ready with the bed room

On the second day they sent a new team, one foreman and 3 workers. They got started and the foreman went to buy something. As soon as the foreman left the workers stopped to work and was playing with their phones. I exploded and I told them to DUCK OFF!

I was really angry and I called the company and I just screamed to them in the phone. The guy must have lost his hair when I screaming at him. Can you give us one more chance? Ok, so when they arrived early Friday morning I was surprised. And a full team of workers and a few carts of equipment. The looked plenty professional.

Wallpaper in Bangkok
3rd team is arriving

Wallpaper in Bangkok
3rd team is arriving

Wallpaper in Bangkok
3rd team is arriving

Wallpaper in Bangkok
3rd team get started ASAP

Wallpaper in Bangkok
3rd team get started ASAP

The workers didn´t waste any time, I explained about the bed arriving and they got started right away with my bed room. I was really impressed by the foreman, he divided the workers in to groups and they took care of different rooms.

Otherwise they usually stay in one group and nothing much happening. But they were hauling arse today and I called the Carpenter to tell him that he could bring the bed in the afternoon. One team was completing my bed room while another team started to remove wall paper in the guest room. So we will be ready tomorrow if they keep up like this.

When all the wall paper was gone in my bed room 2 guys started to put up the wall paper and the other went to remove wall paper in the hall way.

Wallpaper in Bangkok
Working at more than one place at the same time

Wallpaper in Bangkok
Working at more than one place at the same time

Wallpaper in Bangkok
Working at more than one place at the same time

Wallpaper in Bangkok
They will finish my bed room today so I can get my bed

Wallpaper in Bangkok
They will finish my bed room today so I can get my bed

Wallpaper in Bangkok
They will finish my bed room today so I can get my bed

Wallpaper in Bangkok
They will finish my bed room today so I can get my bed

Wallpaper in Bangkok
Taking down wallpaper

Wallpaper in Bangkok
My bed room is almost ready

Wallpaper in Bangkok
My bed room is almost ready

Wallpaper in Bangkok
Guestroom almost ready for the wall paper

Wallpaper in Bangkok
Entrance soon ready for wall papers

Wallpaper in Bangkok
My bed room is ready and my bed is on the way

Wallpaper in Bangkok
My bed room is ready

I was really impressed by this team, they were kicking arse and I wish I had the wall paper for my kitchen, but these wall papers will not arrive until next Tuesday. Otherwise the kitchen would have been ready tomorrow. They started with the hall way and they were soon ready and some of the staff started to remove wall paper from the living room.

The guest room looks to be ready today as well and the foreman guaranteed that they would be ready tomorrow. Some of the people left when the hall way was ready, now there is not enough space for all the workers.

Wallpaper in Bangkok
Putting up the wall paper in the hall way

Wallpaper in Bangkok
Putting up the wall paper in the hall way

Wallpaper in Bangkok
Start with the wall paper in the guestroom

Wallpaper in Bangkok
Taking down wall paper in the living room

Wallpaper in Bangkok
Wall paper coming up in the guest room

Wallpaper in Bangkok
Wall paper coming up in the guest room

Wallpaper in Bangkok
Last wall paper coming down in the guest room

They never managed to finish the guest room before I asked them to leave. The condo manager asked if they were working in my condo, it was 8 o´clock in the evening and they are only allowed to work until 18:00. She told me that she could see their car and I told her that we were only cleaning. Anyway, I was very happy when I asked the last guys to leave.

They will finish tomorrow, only the living room remaining and the guest room will be ready in an hour or so. So no problem. And I will be able to sleep in my own new bed tonight so yes, I was happy. I have been dreaming about this for a very long time now.

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
My new bed

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
My new bed

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
My new bed

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
My new bed

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
My new bed

Now I only need to buy some paintings for my bed room to fill up the walls. But I was very happy with my new furniture and the blue wall paper. Saturday morning and the wall paper team knocked on my door at 9 o´clock and they got going with the living room ASAP. The pink wall paper came down in a jiff and they started to put up my new red wall paper.

And I was happy with my wall papers, not the same as looking at the sample in the shop, so a lot of imagination is needed. So I was a wee bit worried, but when the wall papers were coming up I knew that I had been right with my choice.

Wallpaper in Bangkok
My living room

Wallpaper in Bangkok
My living room

Wallpaper in Bangkok
My living room

Wallpaper in Bangkok
The guest room is almost ready

Wallpaper in Bangkok
Guest room ready

Wallpaper in Bangkok
Guest room ready

When the team left they had finished everything, pulled down the old wall paper in the kitchen as well. They will be back on Tuesday to put up the wall paper in the kitchen. I went to check for paintings and I tried Silom Road, there used to be a lot of galleries but now I could not find any. The only thing I got out of it was a bad pizza.

I found 3 paintings on a gallery at Sukhumvit where I had bought some art before. A Thai artist and at emporium I found a few paintings by a Lao artist that I will check out when I am back home from Ribe. And of course, I need to find space on my walls for the paintings.

Suchart Vajanadilok
Suchart Vajanadilok

Wallpaper in Bangkok
Putting up the wall papers in Sweden

Wallpaper in Bangkok
Putting up the wall papers in Sweden

My condo is ready, the Carpenter have also delivered my “MAGIC” display cabinet that I had ordered after a suggestion from our Time Keeper on board Rita Maersk.

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
Magic display

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
I love my new floor

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
Kitchen is ready

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
Kitchen is ready

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
New fridge and floor

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
New fridge and floor

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
New yellow wall paper in the hall way

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
New yellow wall paper in the hall way

Condo redecoration in Bangkok

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
New red wall paper and a beautiful floor in the living room

Condo redecoration in Bangkok

Condo redecoration in Bangkok

Condo redecoration in Bangkok

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
New red wall paper and a beautiful floor in the living room

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
Guestroom ready

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
Guestroom ready

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
Guestroom ready

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
Guestroom ready

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
Bed room ready

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
Bed room ready

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
Bed room ready

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
Bed room ready

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
Bed room ready

Condo redecoration in Bangkok
Bed room ready

The Chief Officer on board Ribe Maersk want durian and some other fruit so I go out to look for durian and during the season they are sold everywhere. My friend checked internet and we found one seller in Min Buri and my friend took me there after the boxing exercise. But first we stopped at Bellinee's Bakery.

We found the durian and it was 5 and a half kilo so it was very big. Now I need to find a box for the fruit. Chief Officer want to pack it in his bag but I suggested to check in the durian in a paper box. Many airlines don´t alow durian so I told him to say that it was fruit.

At Bellinee's

At Bellinee's

Going back home with my durian

Looking for the other fruit

I find the fruit

They will come to pick me up at 10 o´clock, I had expected to leave early morning as Ribe will arrive to Map ta Phut before lunch time. Then the Agent changed it to 1 o´clock. I will go together with our Superindendent and I suppose that the Agent have given him the same timings. I come back from lunch ar 12 thirty and they are waiting for me on the parking lot.

You just need to click HERE to find out if we make it to Ribe Maersk at Map Ta Phut anchorage


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