Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia

Day 18:
- Morning, continue Birding Yabelo Area and drive to Awassa.

Another early start this morning will afford us the time to begin our journey back north. We will spend 7 hours of the day driving north toward Lake Awassa (a distance of approximately 320 km on a bad gravel road), another Rift Valley Lake just south of Lakes Abijata, Shala, and Langano, breaking up the drive with some stops for birding as appropriate. We will arrive at our hotel late in the afternoon, and can take time to bird around our hotel and in nearby areas we can expect to see Grivet Monkey and the handsome Guereza (a species of Black-and-white Colobus) as well.

Night in Awassa, Africa United Group Hotel near the lakeshore.


Political trouble in the Bale Mountains area and they have closed the area. So we have to change our schedule.

Morning, drive to Dinsho; Afternoon birding Around Dinsho

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia
Day 18: Bird watching in Dinsho

If we wish to do so, we can go birding early this morning in the area around the Goba Wabe Shebelle Hotel.

We will drive to the Bale Mountains National Park headquarters in Dinsho. We will spend our afternoon birding along the trails here. Our primary targets here are Chestnut-naped Francolin and, with some luck, roosting African Wood Owl and African Long-eared (Abyssinian) Owl.

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia
Bale Mountains National Park

We will also keep our eyes out for endemics such as Abyssinian Slaty Flycatcher, Thick-billed Raven, and Ethiopian Siskin. Dinsho is also one of the best places to find the rare Mountain Nyala, which is found only in a handful of high-elevation areas of Ethiopia east of the Great Rift Valley, and Menelik’s Bushbuck, an endemic, dark-colored, long-haired subspecies of the widespread Bushbuck.

Third night in Goba, Goba Wabe Shebelle Hotel

Wednesday 6 th of November 2019 and we left Goba Wabe Shebelle Hotel after breakfast. Toast and Addis Tea and a glass of juice. We drove north and we arrived about 1 hour later. We had to pass a gate and we were in the Bale Mountains National Park. We picked up a guide from the park before we continued in to the park.

We drive by some kind of deer and we stop to try to take pictures of a Chestnut-naped Francolin before we continue towards a lodge. Reaching the lodge and I was surprised to discover a lot of people and cars. Many people are obviously coming here for camping.

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia - Bale Mountains National Park, Dinsho Headquarter
Gate to Bale Mountains National Park, Dinsho Headquarter

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia - Bale Mountains National Park, Dinsho Headquarter
Gate to Bale Mountains National Park, Dinsho Headquarter

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia - Bale Mountains National Park, Dinsho Headquarter

Chestnut-naped Francolin, Pternistis castaneicollis

Chestnut-naped Francolin, Pternistis castaneicollis
Chestnut-naped Francolin

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia - Bale Mountains National Park, Dinsho Headquarter
We go to look for birds

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia - Bale Mountains National Park, Dinsho Headquarter
Bale Mountains National Park, Dinsho Headquarter

We get out of the car and we start to look for birds around the restrooms. I spot a Yellow-bellied Waxbill back at the parking and I walk down along the dust road leaving my Guide behind.

He had a lot of friends coming as guides bringing bird watchers. Nice to walk around by myself for a while and my Guide discussed the latest bird watching adventures.

I see an African Dusky Flycatcher and when I am back at the parking my Guide show me a Yellow-fronted Parrot. But the Yellow-fronted Parrot is too high up in the tree for the pictures to be any good. The parrot was busy eating and I waited in vain for the bird to come closer. Back in the car and we continued north leaving the HQ behind.

Yellow-bellied Waxbill, Coccopygia quartinia

Yellow-bellied Waxbill, Coccopygia quartinia
Yellow-bellied Waxbill

African Dusky Flycatcher, Dusky-brown Flycatcher or Dusky Alseonax, Muscicapa adusta

African Dusky Flycatcher, Dusky-brown Flycatcher or Dusky Alseonax, Muscicapa adusta
Yellow-fronted Parrot
Picture not good enough for the bird to make it to my list of observed birds

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia
Today's track at Dinsho Park HQ


eBird Report

Bale Mountains - Dinsho Park HQ, Oromia, ET Nov 6, 2019 08:08 - 10:03
Protocol: Traveling
3,33 kilometer(s)
Comments: 20 Days Ethiopian birding tour with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
5 species

Chestnut-naped Francolin 5 Family
Yellow-fronted Parrot 3
Abyssinian Thrush 1
African Dusky Flycatcher 1
Yellow-bellied Waxbill 2

View this checklist online at

We continued towards West for an hour or so before we left the paved road getting on a dirt track on our right hand side. Didn´t take long before we were in the middle of the wilderness. Driving through the bush land and suddenly we reached a stream that we had to cross.

There were two African Black Ducks in the stream and I tried to take pictures. But the birds was very scared and they swam away as soon as they saw us.

Across the stream and my Guide discover an African Stonechat couple and we stop. I get out to try to get a few pictures but I really don´t come close enough for any good pictures.

The female was pretty close but the male was too far away. By the time I reached the bush the birds took off and I went back in to the car.

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia - Dinsho Wetlands
At Dinsho Wetlands

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia - Dinsho Wetlands
At Dinsho Wetlands

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia - Dinsho Wetlands
Crossing a stream

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia - Dinsho Wetlands
Crossing a stream

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia - Dinsho Wetlands
African Black Duck

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia - Dinsho Wetlands

African Stonechat, Saxicola torquatus

African Stonechat, Saxicola torquatus
Female African Stonechat

African Stonechat, Saxicola torquatus
Male African Stonechat

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia - Dinsho Wetlands
Stop to take pictures of the African Stonechat

We continued through the grass land and we stopped at a group of deer. I went out to walk down to the deer to get some pictures. Our park Guide followed me. He found a wild hog skull but the tusks was missing and I was disappointed. Would be nice to find some “magic” tusk for our Time keeper on board m/t Rita Maersk.

Well, Rita is sold and now they have put m/t Ribe Maersk on the trade between Bongkot and Map Ta Put now. So they want to old team from Rita to move to m/t Ribe Maersk now. And I am looking for tusks to bring to our Time keeper for his magic.

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia - Dinsho Wetlands
Wild hog skull

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia - Dinsho Wetlands
I come pretty close

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia - Dinsho Wetlands
I come pretty close

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia - Dinsho Wetlands
Walking back to the car

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia
Today's track at Dinsho wetland


eBird Report

Bale Mountains - Dinsho wetland, Oromia, ET Nov 6, 2019 10:19 - 11:09
Protocol: Traveling
4,27 kilometer(s)
Comments: 20 Days Ethiopian birding tour with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
4 species

African Black Duck 2
Ethiopian Cisticola 1
African Stonechat 2
Moorland Chat X

View this checklist online at

We leave the wetland and we drive back to the hotel in Goba. We have seen many of the Ethiopian Cisticola in the Bale Mountains area, but no pictures. We spotted the bird just outside Goba and we stop to try to get some pictures. There was also Yellow Bishop that I could not get on pictures.

But I was very happy to have got pictures of the beautiful Ethiopian Cisticola. We continued to the hotel and we arrived 10 minutes later.

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia
Stopping to take pictures of the Ethiopian Cisticola

Ethiopian Cisticola, Cisticola lugubris, Abyssinian Black-backed Cisticola, Winding Cisticola

Ethiopian Cisticola, Cisticola lugubris, Abyssinian Black-backed Cisticola, Winding Cisticola
Ethiopian Cisticola

Ethiopian Cisticola, Cisticola lugubris, Abyssinian Black-backed Cisticola, Winding Cisticola
Ethiopian Cisticola

Ethiopian Cisticola, Cisticola lugubris, Abyssinian Black-backed Cisticola, Winding Cisticola
Ethiopian Cisticola

Ethiopian Cisticola, Cisticola lugubris, Abyssinian Black-backed Cisticola, Winding Cisticola
Ethiopian Cisticola

Back at Goba Wabe Shebelle Hotel I went to look for birds around the hotel with my Guide. But there wasn´t really many birds and it was getting too dark for any pictures.

But we got a good constitutionalYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stout of it. I had tea and toast as supper and the evening was spent in my room.

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia
Today's track at Goba Wabe Shebelle Hotel


eBird Report

Goba Wabe Shebelle Hotel, Oromia, ET Nov 6, 2019 15:35 - 15:57
Protocol: Traveling
0,64 kilometer(s)
Comments: 20 Days Ethiopian birding tour with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
2 species

Northern Fiscal 1
Brown-rumped Seedeater 1

View this checklist online at

Last night at Goba Wabe Shebelle Hotel and we will leave for the last hotel on this trip tomorrow morning, then I will spend the rest of my days in Ethiopia on Radisson Blu in Addis Ababa. So I was pretty excited as I will soon be able to have nice food again after 20 days of toast and tea.

Click HERE to find out if we see any birds tomorrow.

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