Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia

Day 5:
- Morning, dust road between Awash and Ankober.
- Afternoon, birding Along the Ankober–Debre Sina Escarpment at Melka Ghebdu and Gemessa Gedel

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia
Day 5: Awash Town to Debre Birhan

We start our day by driving behind Fentale Crater in the direction of Kesem river where we will have several stops for birding. By mid-morning, we will begin to make our way west toward a high escarpment (the wall of the Great Rift Valley), which we will ascend to reach the highlands around the towns of Ankober and Debre Birhan.

This small area of Ethiopia is famous among birders as the best place to find two rare, endemic finches, the Ankober Serin and Yellow-throated Serin. We will search for the extremely range-restricted Yellow-throated Serin around Melka Ghebdu, about halfway through our climb out of the valley.

The Ankober Serin inhabits the highest parts of the escarpment, and we might find it as we finish our climb near Ankober. However, that species is most reliably seen at a place called Gemessa Gedel about 45 minutes from the hotel in Debre Birhan, and we will also look for it there after having checked-in at the hotel.

Other interesting birds we will search for along the Ankober-Debre Sina escarpment include Lammergeier, Verreaux’s Eagle, Wattled Ibis, White-collared Pigeon, Banded Barbet, Groundscraper Thrush, Moorland Chat, Shining Sunbird, Ethiopian (or Black-headed) Siskin, and Brown-rumped Serin.

We can expect to encounter our first Geladas (an endemic, baboon-like, grass-eating monkey that forms complex social structures) in the highlands around Gemessa Gedel this afternoon.

Night at Getva Hotel in Debre Birhan

Thursday 24 th of October 2019 and we left Genet hotel and Awash Town early morning and we will drive over the mountains to Debre Birhan where we will spend the night. We buy fresh bread along the road in Awash Town before we drive north on A1. We leave A1 and we drive towards NW through a lush landscape along the new railway.

We cross rivers and we pass Kassem Sugar Factory in the Durufeli village were we stop as we spot some White-browed Coucals in the trees along the road. We stop so I can get out to get some pictures of the birds. I manage to get both pictures and a sound recording before I return to the car and we continue our road trip.

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia
White-browed Coucals in the trees

White-browed Coucal or Lark-heeled Cuckoo, Centropus superciliosus

White-browed Coucal or Lark-heeled Cuckoo, Centropus superciliosus
White-browed Coucal or Lark-heeled Cuckoo

White-browed Coucal or Lark-heeled Cuckoo, Centropus superciliosus
White-browed Coucal or Lark-heeled Cuckoo

White-browed Coucal or Lark-heeled Cuckoo, Centropus superciliosus
White-browed Coucal or Lark-heeled Cuckoo

Listen to the White-browed Coucal
Sound from

Remarks from the Recordist

Recording made with my ZOOM H5 Handy recorder. High Pass Filter with Audacity applied.

Kassem Sugar Factory in the Durufeli village and we see 3 birds in the bushes. I take pictures and I can hear the birds calling each others and I make a recording.

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia
We stop to take pictures of the White-browed Coucals
at Kassem Sugar Factory in the Durufeli village

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia
We stop to take pictures of the White-browed Coucals
at Kassem Sugar Factory in the Durufeli village

We leave Kassem Sugar Factory and the Durufeli village behind and after just a few minutes we have left the lush green area behind and we're on the dust road driving through a dry and barren landscape, almost like a desert. We pass several African Grey Hornbills in the first hour when there are still some trees in the desert. We are soon in the desert and we spot the Blackstart, the bird we were looking for at the lava landscape at Lake Basaka.

So we were very luck to get to see the bird. There was also a Shining Sunbird coming very close to the car and I could get a few pictures before we left the beautiful birds behind.

Blackstart, Oenanthe melanura

Blackstart, Oenanthe melanura

Blackstart, Oenanthe melanura

Blackstart, Oenanthe melanura

Blackstart, Oenanthe melanura

Blackstart, Oenanthe melanura

Blackstart, Oenanthe melanura

Shining Sunbird, Cinnyris habessinicus
Male Shining Sunbird

Shining Sunbird, Cinnyris habessinicus
Male Shining Sunbird

Shining Sunbird, Cinnyris habessinicus
Male Shining Sunbird

Shining Sunbird, Cinnyris habessinicus
Male Shining Sunbird

Shining Sunbird, Cinnyris habessinicus
Male Shining Sunbird

Shining Sunbird, Cinnyris habessinicus
Male Shining Sunbird

Shining Sunbird, Cinnyris habessinicus
Male Shining Sunbird

Shining Sunbird, Cinnyris habessinicus
Male Shining Sunbird

Shining Sunbird, Cinnyris habessinicus
Female Shining Sunbird

Nile Valley Sunbird, Hedydipna metallica
Female Nile Valley Sunbird, Hedydipna metallica

Nile Valley Sunbird, Hedydipna metallica
Male Nile Valley Sunbird, Hedydipna metallica

We continue through the desert and we drive along the new railway track. We turn left to drive up a hillock and the railway continue straight. We see two Black-crowned Sparrow-lark on top of the hillock and we stop. I get out to try to get some pictures. It is a female and a male and it looks like they want to have babies. The birds are chasing each others around the dust.

I get a few pictures, none any good and they went to the garbage bin. I kept the best two pictures to put here, but they are really not any good.

Black-crowned Sparrow-lark, Eremopterix nigriceps

Black-crowned Sparrow-lark, Eremopterix nigriceps
Male Black-crowned Sparrow-lark

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia
New railway through the desert

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia
New railway through the desert

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia
New railway through the desert

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia
New railway through the desert

We are soon down at the railway again and we follow the railway deeper in to the desert on our way to the mountains. We stop to have a look at the Yellow-breasted Barbets and the Greater Blue-eared Starling. We arrive to a building are and it looks like they are building a new high way or something that will go through the desert.

There are some puddles and there are huge groups of Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse coming to drink. Well, the pictures turned to nothing but sh#t.

Greater Blue-eared Starling or Greater Blue-eared Glossy-Starling, Lamprotornis chalybaeus
Greater Blue-eared Starling or Greater Blue-eared Glossy-Starling

Greater Blue-eared Starling or Greater Blue-eared Glossy-Starling, Lamprotornis chalybaeus
Greater Blue-eared Starling or Greater Blue-eared Glossy-Starling

Greater Blue-eared Starling or Greater Blue-eared Glossy-Starling, Lamprotornis chalybaeus
Greater Blue-eared Starling or Greater Blue-eared Glossy-Starling

Greater Blue-eared Starling or Greater Blue-eared Glossy-Starling, Lamprotornis chalybaeus
Greater Blue-eared Starling or Greater Blue-eared Glossy-Starling

Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse, Pterocles exustus

Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse, Pterocles exustus
Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse

Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse, Pterocles exustus
Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse

Listen to the Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse
Sound from

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy recorder. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity

Hundred birds came to drink in a water puss at a construction site on the Awash to Dulecha dust road. Bird coming in in big groups and when they take off (Loud sounds in the recording from the wing flaps) next group came in to drink.

We left the Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouses behind, or well, they left us. We continued towards Dulecha, a small village. The village used to be a rest place for travellers coming from the desert going up the mountain. Today, the roads are OK and the trip is quite quick. We never stopped, my Guide asked if I wanted to stop for something to drink.

The car is full of water and MAX so for me it is just a waste of time to stop. My Guide and driver skipped the stop as well. So we just drove through Dulecha.


is one of the woredas (district) in the Afar Region of Ethiopia. Part of the Administrative Zone 3, Dulecha is bordered on the south by Awash Fentale, on the west by the Argobba special woreda, on the north by the Administrative Zone 5, and on the east by the Awash River which separates it from Amibara. The largest settlement in Dulecha is Dulecha.

Elevations in this woreda range from 800 (along the Awash) to 1100 meters above sea level. The highest peak in Dulecha is the dormant volcano Mount Dofen (1151 meters). As of 2008, Dulecha has 239 kilometers of all-weather gravel road; about 41% of the total population has access to drinking water.

In August 2006 the Awash floods affected one village in Dulecha. Nearly all of the residents had previously left their homes for higher and safer grounds; current estimates put the displaced at 2,200. However, some 50-60 weak and elderly members of the community were reportedly surrounded by the flooding as they could not move out on their own.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Today´s track through the desert


eBird Report

Driving along the dust road from Awash to Dulecha, Afar, ET, Oct 24, 2019 07:05 - 09:07
Protocol: Traveling
37,16 kilometer(s)
Comments: 20 day Ethiopian birding tour with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia. Birding with my Guide
13 species

Mourning Collared Dove 1
Laughing Dove 1
Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse 100
White-browed Coucal 3 Several White-browed Coucals sitting in the bushes around the Kassem Sugar Factory in the Durufeli village, Ethiopia.
African Grey Hornbill 9
Abyssinian Roller 1
Yellow-breasted Barbet 3
Black-crowned Sparrow-Lark 2
Greater Blue-eared Starling 3
Blackstart 2
Nile Valley Sunbird 2
Shining Sunbird 2
Red-billed Quelea 30

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We left Dulecha behind us and we were now driving up the mountain. From a dry landscape in the desert to a lush and green area and we see a lot of cattle and goats along the road. We are going to look for the Giant Kingfisher and the Yellow-throated serin / Yellow-throated Seedeater. We leave the paved road and we stop on a dust road going down to the river.

Well, dry season and the river is more like a big stream. We get out of the car and there is not any birds around. We start walking down to the river.

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Dulecha, and the dust road get pavement

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
About to cross a bridge

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
About to cross a bridge

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Driving through a beautiful landscape

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
We stop to look for birds

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
We stop to look for birds

Camels come running down the dust road

Out of the car and I hear a drumming noise from behind. I turn around and I see a group of camels coming running down the dust road. I stand there looking at them and I don't think about making a video until they have passed me. We walk down the dust road and we see one of our target species, the endangered Yellow-throated serin or Yellow-throated Seedeater.

The bird is a little bit too far away for any good pictures. We continue down the dust road and we see one Northern Red Bishop. Same as with the Yellow-throated serin, the bird is eating seeds in the field and are a wee bit too far away for any good pictures.

Yellow-throated serin or Yellow-throated Seedeater

Yellow-throated serin or Yellow-throated Seedeater, Crithagra flavigula

Yellow-throated serin or Yellow-throated Seedeater, Crithagra flavigula
Yellow-throated serin or Yellow-throated Seedeater

Yellow-throated serin or Yellow-throated Seedeater, Crithagra flavigula
Yellow-throated serin or Yellow-throated Seedeater

Yellow-throated serin or Yellow-throated Seedeater, Crithagra flavigula
Yellow-throated serin or Yellow-throated Seedeater

Northern Red Bishop or Orange Bishop, Euplectes franciscanus

Northern Red Bishop or Orange Bishop, Euplectes franciscanus
Male Northern Red Bishop or Orange Bishop

We continue down the dust road towards the river at the bottom of the gorge. We walked along the river to see if we could see any Giant Kingfishers but we were out of luck. There was a lot of goats and the Shepard was cleaning himself in the river.

We never saw any birds, not one single bird at the river and we started to walk back up to the car. Walking back up and I didn't see one single bird.

Back, well, almost back at the car and I spot a Laughing Dove and I tried to get a picture. Back in the car and we left the dust road behind and we continue up the mountains on the paved road.

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Camels on the paved road

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Coming down to the river

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
At the river

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
At the river

Laughing Dove, Spilopelia senegalensis

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Today´s track at Melka Ghebdu


eBird Report

Melka Ghebdu, Amara, ET Oct 24, 2019 09:33 - 10:14
Protocol: Traveling
0,99 kilometer(s)
Comments: 20 day Ethiopian birding tour with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia. Birding with my Guide. We stop on a dust road to go look for Kingfishers at the river
3 species

Laughing Dove 1
Northern Red Bishop 2 Male
Yellow-throated Serin 1 Feeding from crop
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formerly known as Ankobar, is a town in central Ethiopia. Located in the Semien Shewa Zone of the Amhara Region, Ankober is perched on the eastern escarpment of the Ethiopian Highlands at an elevation of about 2,465 meters. It is 40 kilometers to the east of Debre Birhan and about 90 miles northeast of Addis Ababa.

Ankober was formerly the capital of the Ethiopian kingdom of Shewa. Buildings that survive from the Shewa period include the Kidus Mikael church, built by Sahle Selassie. According to Philip Briggs, all that survives of Menelik's palace, which he had built on the site of his father's palace, is "one long stone-and-mortar wall measuring some 1.5m high." Briggs comments that it is "difficult to say why this one wall should have survived virtually intact when the rest of the palace crumbled into virtual oblivion." Ankober is also known as where the endemic Ankober serin was first observed by ornithologists in 1979.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We drive north on the paved road and we drive through the surprisingly big town Ankober. We are soon driving through a town called Aliyu Amba. Seems like a trade center as we saw caravans with camels on the road bringing merchandises to the town. And they will buy whatever they need back in the desert before leaving again.

They were also building a new road through the town so it will soon be a pleasure to drive through the town. It was interesting to see the market and the trading in the area. Unloading and loading the camels and it was even a bit of a traffic jam.

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Camel caravan arriving to Aliyu Amba

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Camel caravan arriving to Aliyu Amba

Aliyu Amba

is a town in central Ethiopia. Located in the Semien Shewa Zone of the Amhara Region, this town has a latitude and longitude of 09°32′N 39°48′EC oordinates: 09°32′N 39°48′E with an elevation of 1805 meters above sea level.

Charles Johnston, who passed through this settlement 31 May 1841, described it as "perched upon a flat-topped isolated rock that, nearly at right angles with the road, just across the upper end of a pretty little valley".

There is a weekly market in Aliyu Amba, which is held on Sunday. Educational facilities in the early 1990s included one primary and one junior secondary school.

Aliyu Amba owed its importance to its location on the caravan route that stretched west from Saqqa in the Gibe region to Harar in the east and Tadjoura on the Red Sea. It was the most important market of central Ethiopia in the early and middle 19th century, and its merchants were almost entirely Muslim. The rulers of Shewa and of Harar co-operated in keeping this west-east route open.

As a result the two potentates were in regular contact, and the head of the Harari community in Aliyu Amba was appointed by the Emir of Harar. This town was also an important center of the amoleh trade in the 1830s, and Mordechai Abir notes that a 10 per cent duty on all sales rendered to the Shewan government 3,000 Maria Theresa Thalers in cash and the equivalent of 2,000 in kind.

At the height of its importance in the late 1870s, Aliyu Amba was estimated by Antonio Cecchi to have a population of about 4,000. However, when Emperor Menelik II moved his court from neighboring Ankober to Entoto (and later Addis Ababa), the town lost importance. It was not until 1990 that a road 16 kilometers in length was built to connect Aliyu Amba with Ankober by Lutheran organizations and the Mekane Yesus Church with the help of local workers. The Mekane Yesus have also started a program dedicated to reversing the land degradation of the farmland around the town.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Coming out on the other side of the Aliyu Amba and we spot one male Abyssinian wheatear sitting on a heap of gravel next to the road. We stop and I try to get a picture of the birds. I get some pictures, but I was far from happy with the photos. Back in the car and we are soon stopping again.

There is a White-winged Cliff Chat sitting next to the road and I get out to try to get a picture. The bird is sitting one meter from me. The bird take off and land on a roof at a house below the paved road. Back in the car and we leave the White-winged Cliff Chat behind. We leave the paved road and we start go up the mountain on a dust road.

Abyssinian wheatear, Oenanthe lugubris

Abyssinian wheatear, Oenanthe lugubris
Abyssinian wheatear

Abyssinian wheatear, Oenanthe lugubris
Abyssinian wheatear

Abyssinian wheatear, Oenanthe lugubris
Abyssinian wheatear

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Aliyu Amba

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Aliyu Amba

White-winged Cliff Chat, Monticola semirufus

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
White-winged Cliff Chat

From now on it will be pretty much uphill until we come to the other side of the mountain. About 600 meters difference between Aliyu Amba and Ankober and we are climbing up the mountain in our car. Excellent view over the landscape below us.

We enjoy the sight when we see another White-winged Cliff Chat sitting in a tree. I was not very happy with the pictures of the first White-winged Cliff Chat we spotted. So we stopped the car and I got out to try to get a few pictures.

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
We stop to take more pictures of a White-winged Cliff Chat

White-winged Cliff Chat, Monticola semirufus
White-winged Cliff Chat

White-winged Cliff Chat, Monticola semirufus
White-winged Cliff Chat

White-winged Cliff Chat, Monticola semirufus
White-winged Cliff Chat

White-winged Cliff Chat, Monticola semirufus
White-winged Cliff Chat

We continue on the dust road and we are not making much of a speed on the dust road. We are driving up a step road on a mountain side and people are walking up and down along the road.

Many school children are walking along the road, walking up and down this step going to school every day. Well, they will get a good condition as it is a lot of exercise.

We reach the top and we enter Ankerbar, a dust road going through a shanty town. It was a big town and it seems busy and there was a lot of constructions going on. Coming out north of Ankerbar and we reach a look out point. We have a view over the landscape below us. And the mountain side is almost vertical all the way down to the bottom.

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
On top and we enter Ankerbar

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Driving through Ankerbar

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Driving through Ankerbar

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Stop to look at the view

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Stop to look at the view

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Stop to look at the view

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Stop to look at the view

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Stop to look at the view

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
My Guide

I was a little disappointed, not by the views, but we only spotted one bird. One Moorland Chat that I spot on a small bridge. I follow the bird and it sits down on a heap of rocks just at the edge of a small forest. This is the only bird we see before we leave. We drive up the mountain and we pass a Black Kite sitting on a pole outside a house.

We stop and I try to get a picture, but it was against the sun and a little too far away for any good pictures. We continue up the mountain and we see a couple of Cape Crows when we´re following the dust road meander up the mountain. Last stretch before the road is starting to go down again. We make one stop to try to get pictures of the Cape Crow.

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Moorland Chat
Moorland Chat
Picture not good enough for the bird to make it to my list of observed birds

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Moorland Chat
Truck passing on the dust road

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
We leave the look out place

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
We have a beautiful view all the way

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
We pass a Black Kite

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Cape Crow - Alternative names: Cape Rook; African Rook; African Crow; Black Crow
Picture not good enough for the bird to make it to my list of observed birds

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
We stop to look at Wattled Ibises foraging in the field next to the road

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
We stop to look at Wattled Ibises foraging in the field next to the road

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
One Moorland Chat with the Wattled Ibis

We start to descend from the mountain and we stopped after 200 meters. We had Wattled Ibises, endemic to the Ethiopian highlands and is found only in Ethiopia and Eritrea. We also had a group of White-collared Pigeon, also endemic to the Ethiopian highlands and is found only in Ethiopia and Eritrea. So 2 endemic birds and the Cape Crow.

There was also one Moorland Chat. I failed to get any good pictures of the birds as they were way to far away. But I got a few pictures of the Wattled Ibis as they were just next to the road dipping their bills in the field looking for food.

Wattled Ibis, Bostrychia carunculata
Wattles Ibis forage in a field

Wattled Ibis, Bostrychia carunculata
Wattles Ibis forage in a field

Wattled Ibis, Bostrychia carunculata
Wattles Ibis forage in a field

Wattled Ibis, Bostrychia carunculata
Wattles Ibis forage in a field

Wattled Ibis, Bostrychia carunculata
Wattles Ibis forage in a field

Wattled Ibis, Bostrychia carunculata
Wattles Ibis forage in a field

Wattled Ibis, Bostrychia carunculata
Wattles Ibis forage in a field

Wattled Ibis, Bostrychia carunculata
Wattles Ibis forage in a field

Debre Berhan

(Amharic: ደብረ ብርሃን, romanized: Däbrä Brhan), formerly spelled Debra-Berhan or Bernam, is a city and woreda in central Ethiopia. Located in the Semien Shewa Zone of the Amhara Region, about 120 kilometers north east of Addis Ababa on Ethiopian highway 2, the town has an elevation of 2,840 meters, which makes it the highest town of this size in Africa.

It was an early capital of Ethiopia and afterwards, with Ankober and Angolalla, was one of the capitals of the kingdom of Shewa. Today, it is the administrative center of the Semien Shewa Zone of the Amhara Region.

We left the Wattled Ibises behind and we continued down the mountain. We were soon down to the altitude 2800m and the road was going through a farm land, still a dust road that will end when we reach highway #2 in Debre Berhan where the road is paved.

We didn't see many birds, well we spotted a lot of Wattled Ibises and I stopped to show them any interest. Just one or two hours earlier I had been very excited when I spotted the birds.

We passed some small lakes when we drive past the fields. A couple of the Blue-winged Gooses were resting next to the pond. So we stopped and I got out of the car trying to come close to the birds. I spotted quite a few birds when I came closer to the pond. Yellow-billed Duck and a Little Grebe with babies.

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Buss coming up the mountain towards Ankober

Blue-winged Goose, Cyanochen cyanoptera
Blue-winged Goose

Blue-winged Goose, Cyanochen cyanoptera
Blue-winged Goose

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Little Grebe with babies

Yellow-billed Duck, Anas undulata

Yellow-billed Duck, Anas undulata
Yellow-billed Duck

Approaching highway #2 and we spotted a lot of birds in the garbage heaps along the road. But much traffic and we could not stop, and after all the hours on the bumpy roads I was mostly interested in getting to the hotel for a shower. We turn left when we reach the paved road and my hotel was a few hundred meters down the road.

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Today´s track between Melka Ghebdu and Debre Birhan


eBird Report

Driving from Melka Ghebdu to Debre Birhan via Ankober, Amara, ET Oct 24, 2019 10:41 - 13:30
Protocol: Traveling
54 kilometer(s)
Comments: 20 day Ethiopian birding tour with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia. Birding with my Guide
15 species

Blue-winged Goose 3
Yellow-billed Duck 10
Erckel's Francolin 1
Little Grebe 4 1 Adult with 3 babies
White-collared Pigeon 25
Hamerkop 1
Wattled Ibis 2
Black Kite 1
Northern Fiscal 1
Cape Crow 25 Alternative names: Cape Rook; African Rook; African Crow; Black Crow
Thekla's Lark 4
Moorland Chat 4
White-winged Cliff-Chat 3
Abyssinian Wheatear 1 Alternative name: Abyssinian Black Wheatear
Brown-rumped Seedeater 1

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Checking in and I went to my room for a shower. My Guide and Driver will come back and pick me up at 3 o'clock and we will drive to Gemessa Gedel to look for birds. I liked the room but the shower was leaving a lot of things to wish for.

I went down to the restaurant to have my lunch. Impressive menu and I asked for steak with mashed potatoes. And of course, a pot of Addis tea. They came back with a steak (I think) and I asked what it was. I had not ordered the food. She went back to the kitchen and she came back with my steak and rice. I wanted mashed potatoes.
- You want mashed potatoes?
- Yes, this is what I ordered
- It will take very long time
- OK, I take the rice.

The food was very good, but darn, going through a lot of trouble to get (almost) the right food.

Getva Hotel in Debre Birhan, Ethiopia

Getva Hotel in Debre Birhan, Ethiopia
Getva Hotel in Debre Birhan

Getva Hotel in Debre Birhan, Ethiopia
Getva Hotel in Debre Birhan

Getva Hotel in Debre Birhan, Ethiopia
Getva Hotel in Debre Birhan

Getva Hotel in Debre Birhan, Ethiopia
Getva Hotel in Debre Birhan

Getva Hotel in Debre Birhan, Ethiopia
Getva Hotel in Debre Birhan

Getva Hotel in Debre Birhan, Ethiopia
Getva Hotel in Debre Birhan

Getva Hotel in Debre Birhan, Ethiopia
Getva Hotel in Debre Birhan

Getva Hotel in Debre Birhan, Ethiopia
Getva Hotel in Debre Birhan

I had still not got my food when the Driver came to look for me. We left when I had finished my lunch and I decided to have the same food for dinner when I come back from Gemessa Gedel. We drive along highway #2 and we spot a White Starling sitting on the rail on a bridge we cross. We stop and just when I am going to take a picture the bird take off.

A beautiful bird and I really hope I can get a picture before I leave Ethiopia. We reach Gemessa Gedel, a look out point from the mountain and it looks to be a popular destination. There were souvenirs for sale on the field next to the parking.

Getting out of the car and I walk for 50 meters when I feel like suffocating. I get scared, is it time to die? I was taking deep breaths and it was really uncomfortable and I was scared. What is going on?

I see a Groundscraper Thrush behind the small building and I follow the bird. I discover more of the Groundscraper Thrush and I walk after the birds trying to get pictures.

Birding/ Bird watching in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia - Classical Endemic Birding Tour Ethiopia
Afternoon track to Gemessa Gedel

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Souvenirs for sale at Gemessa Gedel

Groundscraper Thrush, Psophocichla litsitsirupa
Groundscraper Thrush

Groundscraper Thrush, Psophocichla litsitsirupa
Groundscraper Thrush

Groundscraper Thrush, Psophocichla litsitsirupa
Groundscraper Thrush

Listen to the Groundscraper Thrush
Sound from

Remarks from the Recordist

24 October 2019 at Gemessa Gedel, Ethiopia. 3 first call and the bird is on the ground when I approach. 2 last calls is when the bird take off.

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Gemessa Gedel

Walking back down towards the souvenirs and I could hardly get any air. I ran in to my Guide and he told me that it would most likely be altitude sickness, 2800m and according to the below table we only have about 15% oxygen in the air. I was very relieved to hear about the altitude sickness as I thought that I was going to die.

It was very hard to walk, but my Guide wanted to show me a Cinnamon Bracken-Warbler on the other top so we start climbing (Walking, but as I could hardly get any oxygen so it was like climbing) the hill. Will I make it?

The Effective Amount of Oxygen at Different Altitudes in 500 meter increments
Table from

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Walking between the tops

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Walking between the tops

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Walking between the tops

It was hard to climb the hill and I felt like I was going to die. A few steps and I had to stop to get oxygen. Walking slowly up to the top and I see two White-collared Pigeons. They are sitting on the edge of the cliffs and I sneak out to try to get a picture.

White-collared Pigeon is endemic to the Ethiopian highlands in Eritrea and Ethiopia. It occupies countryside surrounding rocky cliffs and gorges. Also common in town centres.

I get a few pictures of the White-collared Pigeon before they take off and I was happy to have pictures of another new bird.

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
I am lucky to run in to the White-collared Pigeon

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
I am lucky to run in to the White-collared Pigeon

White-collared Pigeon, Columba albitorques

White-collared Pigeon, Columba albitorques
White-collared Pigeon

White-collared Pigeon, Columba albitorques
White-collared Pigeon

White-collared Pigeon, Columba albitorques
White-collared Pigeon

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
2 Cinnamon Bracken-Warblers, but too far away

We managed to see the Cinnamon Bracken-Warblers, two of them. But they were too far away for any pictures so the bird won't make it to my list of observed birds. And they are only in the mountains so we might have ran out of chances to see the bird. We walked back and it was very hard due to the altitude sickness.

We had a Augur Buzzard, Dark morp flying over us when we walked back to the car. I tried to take a picture but, well, I have had better bird pictures. Back in the car and we left with spinning and screaming tyres to get back down to oxygen level again.

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Today´s track at Gemessa Gedel


eBird Report

Gemessa Gedel, Amara, ET Oct 24, 2019 16:23 - 17:36
Protocol: Traveling
1,25 kilometer(s)
Comments: 20 day Ethiopian birding tour with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia. Birding with my Guide
4 species

White-collared Pigeon 2
Augur Buzzard 1 Dark morp
Cinnamon Bracken-Warbler 2
Groundscraper Thrush 7

View this checklist online at

Leaving Gemessa Gedel behind and I kept my eyes out for the White-billed Starling from the back seat driving back to Getva Hotel in Debre Birhan. We didn't see any birds but we spotted on Jackal sitting just next to the road. We stopped on the side and the jackal was staying and I could get a few pictures.

I was surprised that the jackal stayed, they are usually very scared and run away. I have never been this close to a jackal before and I was very excited.

I got a few pictures and we left the jackal behind driving along the road. No more wild life when we reached Getva Hotel in Debre Birhan.

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Today´s track at Gemessa Gedel

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Today´s track at Gemessa Gedel

Bird watching/ birding in Ethiopia with Flamingos Tours Ethiopia
Today´s track at Gemessa Gedel

Back at the hotel and i leave my equipment in the room before going to the restaurant. I will have the same for dinner as I had for lunch so it should be quite easy for them. So my hope was to have a quick dinner so I could be back in my room in a jiff.

So, I asked for a pot of Addis tea and the same as I had for lunch. I was sitting at the table waiting for my food and I was soon to discover that things had gone very wrong. They brought me a plate of steamed rice.
- What is this? I asked

The dinner, should have been easy but it turned in to a total disaster, who is eating a plate of steamed rice for dinner? This was bad, very bad. Yeah, what a set back this was. I mean, the lunch was really good and I had been looking forward to the dinner. Seriously, I have not had any decent meal since I left Radisson Blu in Addis Ababa.

And the dinner was nothing but sh#t! I was soon back in my room with my alarm set to go off at 4 o'clock. For tomorrow, driving to Jemma Valley and we really hope to see a lot of birds. Click HERE to see if I have any luck with the bird watching.

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ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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