OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

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Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

On the road to Kilpisjarvi, Finland

Tuesday 10 th of July 2018 and I left Abisko behind driving the same way back along beautiful Torneträsk. I left the main road every now and then to have a look for birds, of course, no luck at all. I start to run out of time as I want to be in Finland in a good time. Have to wake up early tomorrow morning to get to Treriksröset. (Three-Country Cairn)

On the road to Kilpisjarvi, Finland

On the road to Kilpisjarvi, Finland

On the road to Kilpisjarvi, Finland

On the road to Kilpisjarvi, Finland

On the road to Kilpisjarvi, Finland

On the road to Kilpisjarvi, Finland

On the road to Kilpisjarvi, Finland

On the road to Kilpisjarvi, Finland

On the road to Kilpisjarvi, Finland

On the road to Kilpisjarvi, Finland
Approaching Kiruna and reindeers on the road

Multiculturalism in Sweden - Literally Nothing Happening! #LastNightInSweden

I find the wilderness shop in Kiruna, but there was no sales people attending to me, well, it looked like there was no one working in the shop. So I left and I spotted a shoe store across the road and I went inside and I bought a pair of shoes. Haglöf, 170 US$ and I hopeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthey will be good for my hike to Treriksröset. (Three-Country Cairn)

I told the girl to throw my old shoes, but then I changed my mind and I brought them in the box. Never know, can come in handy of the new shoes gives me chafed feet before I have broken in the new shoes. I paid the shoes and I left Kiruna behind.

Driving towards Karesuando, the border town at the Muonio River on the border to Finland. I approach Svapavara and I decide to go have a look for birds. No birds, but there was so I could fill up the car with diesel.

Not much happening in Svapavara

Not much happening in Svapavara

On the road to Kilpisjarvi, Finland
I'm alone on the road towards Finland

Torne Älv
Crossing Torne Älv

Torne Älv
Crossing Torne Älv

Torne Älv
Crossing Torne Älv

Torne älv

The Torne, also known as the Tornio (Finnish: Tornionjoki, Swedish: Torne älv, Torneälven, Northern Sami: Duortneseatnu, Meänkieli: Tornionväylä), is a river in northern Sweden and Finland. For approximately half of its length it contains the border between these two countries. It rises at Lake Torne (Swedish: Torneträsk) near the border with Norway and flows generally southeast for a distance of 522 kilometres into the Gulf of Bothnia. It is the largest river in Norrbotten both by length and by watershed area.

In the Treaty of Fredrikshamn in 1809, when Sweden lost the areas which constitute present-day Finland to Imperial Russia, the river was together with the Muonio River and Könkämä River chosen as border between Sweden and the new Russian Grand Duchy of Finland, thus splitting the provinces of Lappland and Västerbotten.

According to the treaty, the border shall follow the deepest part of the river. Near Haparanda/Tornio the border was fixed in the treaty, partly on land, so the city of Tornio would belong to Russia. Once every 25 years, a commission of Swedish and Finnish representatives shall review this border. This means that the border can move, such as in 2006 when such a border change was undertaken.

Natural history
Research on ice breakup on the river and on Lake Suwa in Japan suggested "global processes including climate change and variability are driving the long-term changes in ice seasonality."

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alternativ för Sverige

On the road to Kilpisjarvi, Finland
Long empty roads

Arctic Livs in Karesuando, Sweden
I stop to eat at Arctic Livs


Karesuando (Finnish: Kaaresuvanto or Karesuvanto, Sami: Karesuanto, Gárasavvon or Karasavvon) is the northernmost locality in Sweden. It is situated in Kiruna Municipality,KaresuandoNorrbotten County, Sweden, with 303 inhabitants in 2010 and 350 in 2011.

It is a church village, located alongside the Muonio River on the border with Finland.

The Finnish village of Karesuvanto is located (population about 140) on the Finnish side of the river. According to Finnish tradition, they are one and the same village (with a combined population of about 470), but are usually considered to be separate villages since there is a national border between them (although both are called Karesuvanto in Finnish).

The village's buildings were built in 1670, when Måns Mårtensson Karesuando, called "Hyvä Maunu Martinpoika" in Finnish and "Good Maunu, Son of Martin" in English, bought land from Sami Henrik Nilsson Nikkas.

The Lutheran vicar and botanist Lars Levi Laestadius served in Karesuando from 1826 to 1849. It was here that he founded the revivalist movement known to this day as Laestadianism.

The area is traditionally Finnish speaking, and the border was drawn for political reasons in 1809, not because of any cultural or any other border existing at that time.

School and church influences have since resulted in cultural and linguistic differences.

Karesuando is located along the European route E45, and is the northern terminus of Swedish national road 99.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Long and empty roads and I started to get hungry. I reached the border town Karesuando and I passed Arctic Livs. They were selling fast food and I stopped to have my evening meal before continuing to Finland. The border is just a few minutes away and then I can drive non-stop to Kilpisjarvi in Finland.

The food was not bad and I was full when I was soon on my way again. Turning off road #99 and I crossed the bridge over Muonio River and I crossed the border to Finland.

Border to Finland in Karesuando, Sweden
Finland, turn left

Border to Finland in Karesuando, Sweden
Crossing the bridge to Finland

Border to Finland in Karesuando, Sweden
In Finland

Border to Finland in Karesuando, Sweden
In Finland


About the Northern Lights Route
The Northern Lights Route passes through Finland, Sweden and Norway. It starts in Tornio-Haparanda on the Gulf of Bothnia and follows the main road E 8 and Road 99 up to Kilpisjärvi in northern Finland. It continues via Storfjord to Tromsø in Norway.

The road runs through different cultural settings, pulsating towns and silent wilderness. The countryside is extremely varied. The area includes archipelago, valleys, mountain massifs and fjords. Five languages are spoken in the area.

Road #99 to Pajala

Along the way, you pass restaurants and accommodation, and well-known tourist attractions and activities for every time of year. Fishing, hiking, snowmobile safaris, alpine skiing, whitewater rafting and folk music festivals are just a few examples.

The most convenient way to travel is by car, but there is also a well-functioning public transport infrastructure. There are five airports along the road, and there are rail connection and a shipping route in Norway.

From http://www.northernlightsroute.com

Arriving to the brisge over the border to Finland in Karesuando and Inlandsvägen ends and I'm on Norrskensvägen. Crossing the bridge to Finland and I turn left and I drive north towards the border to Norway. It was a straight road most of the time and I drove through wilderness and I hardly see any houses or cars on the way north.

A straight road kilometre after kilometre for as long as you could see. Up a hill and it continues on the other side of the hill. It is about 100km from the border to the hotel and it took me about one hour to get to Tundrea Hotel in Kilpisjarvi.

Road #21, Norrskensvägen to Kilpisjarvi, Finland
Road #21, Norrskensvägen to Kilpisjarvi, Finland

Road #21, Norrskensvägen to Kilpisjarvi, Finland
Road #21, Norrskensvägen to Kilpisjarvi, Finland

Road #21, Norrskensvägen to Kilpisjarvi, Finland
Road #21, Norrskensvägen to Kilpisjarvi, Finland

Road #21, Norrskensvägen to Kilpisjarvi, Finland
Road #21, Norrskensvägen to Kilpisjarvi, Finland

Road #21, Norrskensvägen to Kilpisjarvi, Finland
Road #21, Norrskensvägen to Kilpisjarvi, Finland

Road #21, Norrskensvägen to Kilpisjarvi, Finland
Road #21, Norrskensvägen to Kilpisjarvi, Finland

Road #21, Norrskensvägen to Kilpisjarvi, Finland
Road #21, Norrskensvägen to Kilpisjarvi, Finland

I find Tundrea Hotel and I get my apartment. I'm soon to bed as my alarm is set to go off at 4 o'clock. I had interrogated the girls about the trail to Three-Country Cairn (Treriksröset). It is 13 km over rocky ground so I decided to go by boat and hike the 3 km instead.

Anyway, find out everything about the Three-Country Cairn (Treriksröset) by clicking HERE .

Visit Alternativ för Sverige's You Tube channel by clicking HERE

If you cannot reach their channel, or see some of their videos, it is because of the censorship. China!!?? NO NO, it is Sweden 2018!!


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