OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Black Grouse Lek at Tiveden Lekking Area

Monday 22 nd of April 2019 and I was already awake when our Guide woke us up at 03:40. I was freezing like h#ll, my left foot was like an ice cube. I could borrow a sock from the guide and it was OK again.

We opened the opening in the tents and it was still dark. We could hear the Black Grouses running around in front of the tent. We could see their white tail feathers as grey spots in the dark on the bog / swamp in front of us. We could hear the birds and I made two recordings of the birds, at least one hour until there is light enough for photography.

I cannot say that it was enjoyable to lay in the tent with 4 other people, it was a big military hospital tent but I would have loved to be alone. But it was nice when there was light enough to see the birds. We had 6 male Black Grouses fighting and there was one female coming to visit for a few minutes.

I don´t know who won the fighting, but the females choose one winner and the winner have to make babies with all of them.

Black Grouse, Blackgame or Blackcock, Tetrao tetrix, Orre
View from the tent

Black Grouse, Blackgame or Blackcock, Tetrao tetrix, Orre
View from the tent

Black Grouse, Blackgame or Blackcock, Tetrao tetrix, Orre
Male Black Grouse / Orre

Black Grouse, Blackgame or Blackcock, Tetrao tetrix, Orre
Male Black Grouse / Orre

Black Grouse, Blackgame or Blackcock, Tetrao tetrix, Orre
Male Black Grouse / Orre

Black Grouse, Blackgame or Blackcock, Tetrao tetrix, Orre
Male Black Grouse / Orre

Black Grouse, Blackgame or Blackcock, Tetrao tetrix, Orre
Male Black Grouse / Orre

Black Grouse, Blackgame or Blackcock, Tetrao tetrix, Orre
Male Black Grouse / Orre

Black Grouse, Blackgame or Blackcock, Tetrao tetrix, Orre
Male Black Grouse / Orre

Black Grouse, Blackgame or Blackcock, Tetrao tetrix, Orre
Male Black Grouse / Orre

Black Grouse, Blackgame or Blackcock, Tetrao tetrix, Orre
Male Black Grouse / Orre

Black Grouse, Blackgame or Blackcock, Tetrao tetrix, Orre
Male Black Grouse / Orre

Black Grouse, Blackgame or Blackcock, Tetrao tetrix, Orre
Male Black Grouse / Orre

Black Grouse, Blackgame or Blackcock, Tetrao tetrix, Orre
Male Black Grouse / Orre

Black Grouse, Blackgame or Blackcock, Tetrao tetrix, Orre
Male Black Grouse / Orre

Black Grouse, Blackgame or Blackcock, Tetrao tetrix, Orre
Male Black Grouse / Orre

Black Grouse, Blackgame or Blackcock, Tetrao tetrix, Orre
Male Black Grouse / Orre

Black Grouse, Blackgame or Blackcock, Tetrao tetrix, Orre
Male Black Grouse / Orre

Black Grouse, Blackgame or Blackcock, Tetrao tetrix, Orre
Male Black Grouse / Orre

Black Grouse, Blackgame or Blackcock, Tetrao tetrix, Orre
Male Black Grouse / Orre

Black Grouse, Blackgame or Blackcock, Tetrao tetrix, Orre
Male Black Grouse / Orre
Female come to visit the lekking area

The lek finished around 9 thirty and we waited for about 30 minutes before we left the tent in order to avoid disturbing the birds. Now we have to walk back through the bog / swamp. It is very hard to walk in the swamp. And the boots don´t make it any better and I was exhausted by the time I was back at “fågelpaviljongen”

Breakfast time over open fire but my guide drove me back so I could get my rental and go to my hotel. I need a shower and I will eat at the hotel, a small fully equipped cottage.

Tiveden lekking area
Leaving the hide

Tiveden lekking area
Leaving the hide

Tiveden lekking area
The hide

Tiveden lekking area
Our guide is fully loaded

I stopped at the service station and I bought a few ready-made cheese and ham sandwiches that I will enjoy in the cottage. Hamgården Nature Resort Tiveden is beautifully located next to a lake and there are forest around Hamgården Nature Resort Tiveden. Everything I needed in the cottage with a fully equipped kitchen.

Checking in and the owner asked if I wanted to have lunch
- It is included
-Nah, I bought sandwiches
- We have turkey
- No thanks, but if you want to make falukorv with boiled potato and creamed cauliflower for tomorrow
- OK, we will fix for tomorrow!

Hamgården Nature Resort Tiveden
My cottage at Hamgården Nature Resort Tiveden

Hamgården Nature Resort Tiveden
Fully equipped kitchen at Hamgården

Hamgården Nature Resort Tiveden
Bedroom at Hamgården

Hamgården Nature Resort Tiveden
Bedroom at Hamgården

Hamgården Nature Resort Tiveden
Bathroom at Hamgården

Hamgården Nature Resort Tiveden
Bathroom at Hamgården

Hamgården Nature Resort Tiveden
Livingroom at Hamgården

I was tired and I started to freeze and I called the Guide and told him that I wanted to cancel tonight’s adventure. We were going to meet at “fågelpaviljongen” at 16 thirty for the Capercaillie Lek but I will stay in my room. So we will meet tomorrow morning at 17:00 and we would spend the night in a tent watching the Capercaillie Lek.

It was very nice to take a rest from the tent adventure and I spend the afternoon and evening in the cottage. Well, click HERE to find out if we get to experience any


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