OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan

Monday 29 th of April 2019 and I leave Best Western Fagersta Brukshotell around 4 thirty bound for the great Grey Owl area via road #66. I arrive just after 5 o´clock and the Frenchman is there, but he is packing up his stuff giving up on the owl.

He tell me that he saw it yesterday at 9 o´clock but it had been too dark for any pictures. Well, so he must arrived just after we left for Ramnäs yesterday evening. I left and I drove to Hälleskogsbrännan nature reserve to look for birds.

Brandområdet, Hälleskogsbrännan nature reserve

I enter the north entrance and I stop at Bäverstigen (Beaver Trail) I park the car and I start to walk along the trail. Gorgeous morning in a gorgeous area.

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan - Bäverstigen
Easy to find

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan - Bäverstigen
Follow the orange marking

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan - Bäverstigen
A beautiful morning

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan - Bäverstigen
Walking along the lake

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan - Bäverstigen
Common Crane

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan - Bäverstigen
A pair of Canada Geese landing on the lake

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan - Bäverstigen

There were some waders flying over the lake that I could not identify. Back at the car and I drove for a few hundred meters until I reached Ulvstigen (Wolf Trail)

I parked the car and I want out on a board walk that looked to be flimsy built. Just for a few meters and I was on the ground again. Ulvstigen (Wolf Trail) goes along the creek that flow from the big lake to the small lake back at Bäverstigen (Beaver Trail)

Ulvstigen Soundscape

What an area to walk in!! A small trail through the forest with the sound from the stream and the birds. And I enjoyed every minute of it. Reaching the road again and I decided to balk back through the forest instead of going to the car.

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan - Ulvstigen
Parking the ca at ulvstigen

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan - Ulvstigen
Stream coming from the big lake

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan - Ulvstigen
Stream coming from the big lake

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan - Ulvstigen
Stream coming from the big lake

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan - Ulvstigen
Follow the orange

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan - Ulvstigen
Watch out for falling trees

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan - Ulvstigen
Spring time

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan - Ulvstigen
White Wagtail

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan - Ulvstigen
White Wagtail

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan - Ulvstigen
White Wagtail

White Wagtail, Motacilla alba, Sädesärla

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan - Ulvstigen

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan - Ulvstigen

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan - Ulvstigen

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan - Ulvstigen
Crossing the bridge

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan - Ulvstigen

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan - Ulvstigen
Turning around and I walk back again

BOOM! I had put 1,6 km behind me in a jiff, and in rough terrain. It was excellent, what a beautiful experience Ulvstigen turned out to be. I spotted a pair of Bullfinches on the way.

I have seen millions of the Chaffinch and I thought it was just another Chaffinch. Within a second I observed the white spots on the wing and the female landed and I realised that it was a Bullfinch, no pictures before they took off. DARN!

Back in the car and I continue in to Hälleskogsbrännan nature reserve.

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan
Remaining trees after the fire are dead

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan
Remaining trees after the fire are dead

I stop the car at the board walk to the look-out tower. I open the door and it smells very good, like BBQ. Darn, the smell is remaining after all this time. Then I discover that it is someone havingYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sta BBQ at the fire place. DARN! Why didn´t I came up with this idea? I made a mental note to buy sausages. Next picnic will be a BBQ?

I studied the exhibition and it was interesting, Swedish text with some small notes in English. I continue up to the look-out tower and when I reach the tower I had not seen any birds.

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan
Board walk to the tower

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan
We can see the tower

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan
Walking down again

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan
Walking down again

Bird watching at Hälleskogsbrännan

Leaving Hälleskogsbrännan and I go back to Best Western Fagersta Brukshotell for a little rest before going to look for the Great Grey Owl. And no luck with the owl today, but there was a few people looking for the owl and we had a chat. We were talking about wolf, moose, bears and beavers. Someone mentioned Sågdammen as an “almost” sure thing to see beavers.

I got the direction, about 10 minutes’ drive from the Great Grey Owl area and I took off immediately to reach there before it is getting too dark.

Sågdammen - Skultuna

Sågdammen (Sawmill pond) is a wetland developed by Gert Ericsson. He got an idea back in 1997 to turn the sawmill pond in to a wetland for birds. There is a bird watching tower and board walk around the area.

But I was not here to watch birds. I got the tip about Beavers from a bird watcher when we were looking for the Great Grey Owl at the Great Grey Owl area. Almost guaranteed to see Beavers at Sågdammen. The bridge, an old railway bride that they left when they removed the tracks when the train service came to an end.

Clcik HERE for information from www.natursidan.se SWEDISH ONLY!

Bird watching in Bergslagen
To find Sågdammen in Skultuna

Bird watching in Bergslagen
To find Sågdammen in Skultuna
Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
I park at the wrong place just after the garbage dump

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
Continue 100m longer and leave the road and you reach the parking at the bridge

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
There is a sign where you should leave the road

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
Leaving the road and you can see the parking and the bridge

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
The old railway bridge

Drive past the garbage dump coming from Skultuna and turn left after 50 meters and park at the bridge. I made a mistake at my first visit. There are boardwalks and two entrances just after passing the garbage dump and I parked in front of a gate to the garbage dump. Entering the area from here and you have a board walk over the wetland until you reach the river.

There is one bird watching tower walking along the board walk and it looked to be a place for BBQ as well. You reach the end at a fence to the garbage dump. By then you have passed a huge beaver house, but it looks to be abandoned.

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
Entrance from the garbage dump gate

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
A sign saying “bird watching tower” in Swedish

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
We can see the railway bridge

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
Walking past the “bird watching tower”

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
Reaching the of the board walk and you have to turn around and walk back

I was told that the beaver house at the south end was abandoned. But I spotted two beavers, well, one beaver. I never saw the first beaver. Less than two meter from me and I startled the beaver walking on the board walk and he/ she jumped in to the water with a big bang before I got to see it.

Back at the START I started to walk to the railway bridge, connected with the board walks over the wetlands at the garbage dump via a board walk along the road.

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
Walking to the railway bridge (The action side) via the board walk along the road

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
BBQ place crossing the bridge

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
Board walk to the second bird watching tower

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
Board walk to the second bird watching tower

Cross the old railway bridge and there is a fire place for BBQ. There are more boardwalks leading you to another bird watching tower. From there you can gross the gravel road and walk along the river (Svartån) on a board walk and you have a good view of the Beavers swimming in the river.

The beaver action is at the Railway Bridge and north in the river to the wooden walk bridge. You don´t see any beaver houses here as the houses are under ground. Dug from under the water so the entrances are under water and you don´t see them

Walking along the river and you will reach a wooden walk bridge. After crossing this bridge you can walk back on a trail following the other side of the river.

I didn´t look for birds as I came to see the Beavers and they come out in the dusk as this is when the Beavers come out. And I had been there for just a while when I had spotted 3 Beavers.

White Wagtail, Motacilla alba, Sädesärla

I meet a new friend on the bridge, well, actually two new friends. One Wagtail and one guy coming down with apples for the beavers. I know that the beavers loves apples and I had brought a few apples form the hotel. But I had threw them all in the river.

My new friend had cut his apples and he put them next to the river so the beavers had to come up to eat them. He left and I waited for the beavers to come out, still to much sunshine and I was entertaining the wagtail while waiting. Then suddenly, there was a beaver 2 meters away looking at me. I had never been so close to a beaver before.

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
Suddenly, the beaver was there looking at me

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
Suddenly, the beaver was there looking at me

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
Suddenly, the beaver was there looking at me

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
Suddenly, the beaver was there looking at me

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
Two Mallards at Sågdammen

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
More beavers coming towards the bridge

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
Swimming with building material

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
Whooper Swans

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
Time to leave Sågdammen

Bird watching in Bergslagen - Sågdammen, Skultuna
It is dark at the Great Grey Owl area

I was happy when I left Sågdammen in Skultuna. Now I had to make a revised plan, I will come here every morning and evening, before or after visiting the Great Grey Owl area. So that means alarm at 03 thirty and back at Best Western Fagersta Brukshotell late in the evening.

But it is worth it if I get to see beavers and I will miss some time for bird watching, but I will have more chances to see birds, but not to see beavers so I will take the chance now when I´m in the area. I drove to the Great Grey Owl area and it was almost dark by the time I got there. No people watching and I could not see any sign of any owl and I drove back to my hotel in Fagersta.

Will I see the Great Grey Owl tomorrow? Will I see any beavers tomorrow? Click HERE to find out if I run in to any excitements.

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