OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland

Sunday 12 th of May 2019 and I left Hotel Skansen in Färjestaden at 4 thirty bound for Beijershamn, #11 on the list. I had have oatmeal and tea in my room as they don´t start serve breakfast until 7 o´clock and by then I will be in the wilderness looking for birds.

The plan for the day is to start with site #11, Beijershamn and then work my way south and ending the day at site #20, Ottenby area

11. Beijershamn
Click HERE for information about Beijershamn

I spotted some interesting birds already before reaching the parking. Oystercatcher in the field and Northern Lapwing and Common redshanks in the strawberry field on my left hand side.

So it started very good. And on top of that there was a Common Wood Pigeon sitting on top of a bush just next to the board walk. And the pigeon didn´t take off as they use to do so I could come close to get a picture.

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Beijershamn - Eurasian Oystercatcher

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Beijershamn - Northern Lapwing

Northern Lapwing, Vanellus vanellus, peewit, pewit, tuit, tew-it, green plover, Tofsvipa
Northern Lapwing

Common Redshank, Tringa totanus, Rödbena, นกทะเลขาแดง

Common Wood Pigeon, Columba palumbus, Ringduva

Walking north along the beach from the bird watching tower, there was a lot of sea birds and waders, but they were too far away for any good pictures. It was windy and cold along the beach and the wind came in from the sea so my eyes was running when looking out over the water trying to take pictures of the birds.

There were some of the Pied Avocets that I would like to have on pictures. Again too far away and when I came to the board walk I left the gravel road behind me. I spotted two Pied Avocets, far away but they were feeding working their way towards me.

I spent 30 minutes standing on the board walk waiting for them and they came pretty close. And again, a couple of bird watchers came along, carrying tube binoculars making a lot of noise scaring away the birds. I was angry.

These people just look at the birds in the horizon so never mind if they make a lot of noise. I don't call it bird watching even, they cannot see the birds without the telescope

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Beijershamn - Barnacle Goose

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Beijershamn - Common Ringed Plover

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Beijershamn
We can see the bridge to mainland Sweden

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Beijershamn - Mallard
A mallard couple

Common Shelduck, Tadorna tadorna, Gravand

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Beijershamn - Mallard

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Beijershamn - Pied avocet / Skärfläcka
Pied avocet / Skärfläcka

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Beijershamn - Pied avocet / Skärfläcka
Pied avocet / Skärfläcka

I was not happy, but I will not tell you what I was thinking about the “bird watchers” and their telescope. In the forest and you walk back towards the parking in the south. There was a lot of birds but as I´m not very good in identifying bird, neither by sight nor sound I could not identify many of the birds.

I usually take pictures and then I can identify the birds, but I never got any pictures in the forest. Of course, there were several Chaffinches and there was one Great Spotted Woodpecker landing not far away from me.

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Beijershamn - Common Chaffinch

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Beijershamn - Common Chaffinch
Common Chaffinch

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Beijershamn - Great Spotted Woodpecker

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Beijershamn - Great Spotted Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Beijershamn - Great Spotted Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Beijershamn - Common Redstart
Common Redstart

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Beijershamn - Eurasian Nuthatch

Walking through the forest and suddenly you pass some summer houses. At one of the houses they are feeding birds by pouring seeds on the wall. I stopped to have a look and there were quite a few birds. I satt down on the wall and the birds took off scared, but after a while they came back and I could take some pictures.

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Beijershamn - Great Spotted Woodpecker

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Beijershamn - Great Spotted Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Beijershamn - Greenfinch

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Beijershamn - Greenfinch

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Beijershamn - Chaffinch
Female Chaffinch

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Beijershamn - Great Tit

European Greenfinch, Greenfinch, Chloris chloris, Grönfink
Male European Greenfinch / Grönfink

European Greenfinch, Greenfinch, Chloris chloris, Grönfink
Female European Greenfinch / Grönfink

Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Passer montanus, นกกระจอกบ้าน, Pilfink

Back at the parking and I was very satisfied with the morning, and I will for sure be back before leaving Öland. A beautiful area, but I will not bother visit the beach again, I will stay in the forest area to look for birds.

My eBird checklist from Beijershamn, click HERE

Next birding site on the list is site #17, Västerstadsviken (bay) a wee bit further down south. But as my Guide will call at 10 o´clock I drove back to my hotel. I had breakfast and as the twat never called I left for Västerstadsviken. I passed a Red Kite just after taking off road #136 just before turning in to the gravel road to Västerstadsviken parking. The pictures are nothing I want to put online, but they were enough to be able to identify the bird.

17. Västerstadsviken (bay)
Click HERE for information about Västerstadsviken

Walking from the car and I could not see any birds. Walking along the trail towards the bird watching platform and I could soon see the platform and a lot of bird watchers with telescopes.

I spotted a Common reed Bunting when I came close to the platform but too far away for any pictures. There were a lot of birds, but a telescope needed to see them. There were a few Seagulls close by, and of course, the swans could be identified by eyes only. But without any telescope binocular it was a pointless place and I was soon back at my car.

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Västerstadsviken
I can see the birding platform and a lot of bird watchers with telescopes

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Västerstadsviken
Common gull sitting on eggs

Common Gull, Fiskmås, Larus canus, Mew Gull

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Västerstadsviken - Common Ringed Plover

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Västerstadsviken - Common Ringed Plover
Common Ringed Plover

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Västerstadsviken - Arctic Tern
Arctic Tern

Mute Swan, Cygnus olor, Knölsvan

Mute Swan, Cygnus olor, Knölsvan
Mute Swan

Mute Swan, Cygnus olor, Knölsvan
Mute Swan

My eBird checklist from Västerstadsviken (bay), click HERE

I stopped my eBird track 35 minutes after I had started and I was soon on my way to the next site to look for birds. I will cross Öland as the next site is on the eastern side of Öland. Site #18 on the list over 20 birding sites on Öland

18. Seby läge and Gammalsbyören (Sebybadet)
Click HERE for information about Seby läge

I met two guys from Norrland on the beach and we were taking pictures of waders and we could see two old ladies half running to the fence at the parking chased by the cows.

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Sebybadet
Sebybadet from the pasture

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Sebybadet
Cattle following me

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Sebybadet
Cattle following me

I walk towards the bird protection area but I turn around when I discover that the cows are bulls. Well, maybe mostly because it was annoying to walk with the cattle following me where ever I was going. Would not have been so bad if they only followed me, but they were chewing on my belt and sniffing all over me.

I walked back to the car and I left the area driving south towards Gräsgårds hamn that the two guys from Norrland had recommended and I discovered that it was site #19 on visit Öland´s web page. So this will be my fourth site visited today.

My eBird checklist from Seby läge and Gammalsbyören, click HERE

19. Gräsgårds hamn (harbour)
Click HERE for information about Gräsgårds hamn

There was not much excitements in Gräsgårds hamn and it was getting late. Not enough time to do bird watching at Ottenby, but I will check out the area so I know how it looks tomorrow. So I left Gräsgårds hamn and I drove south to Ottenby.

My eBird checklist from Gräsgårds hamn (harbour), click HERE

20. Ottenby area - Ölands Södra Udde
Click HERE for information about Ottenby

There were many birds along the road to the lighthouse. Uncountable Barnacle and Canada gooses. I saw to Arctic Terns, well, can as well have been many more. I stopped a few times to get some pictures and I managed to get a video of an Oystercatcher.

Eurasian Oystercatcher looking for food

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Ottenby - Arctic Terns
Arctic Terns

Northern Lapwing, Vanellus vanellus, peewit, pewit, tuit, tew-it, green plover, Tofsvipa
Northern Lapwing / Tofsvipa

Female Common Redstart
Female Common Redstart

Female Common Redstart
Female Common Redstart

My eBird checklist from Ottenby area, click HERE

It was getting late and I started to drive back to Hotel Skansen in Färjestaden. Now I know the area for th 'e next time I´m coming back to Ottenby. I drove back to the gate and I got out on road #136 and I spotted 2 Grey Partridges on a gravel road. I stopped the car, turned in to reverse and I went up on the gravel road. I got a few pictures before the birds disappeared.

Grey Partridge, Perdix perdix, Rapphöna

My alarm went off at 3 thirty this morning and I left the hotel around 4 thirty and I have already spent 14 hours on the road, well, take away 3 hours that I lost waiting for my Guide to call. He should call me at 10 and I had left Beijershamn this morning to take his call. He called close to 11 thirty and by then I was already on my way to do some bird watching. I never answered and I will never waste any time with this guy again.

What a twat! Never mind, you really don´t need any Guide on Öland, just follow the 20 birding spot list and you will see plenty. And I saved about 1000 US Dollars doing this by myself. Now I only hope that he have counted on this 1000 and that he have bought something stupid that he cannot afford.

In bed at 9 with my alarm set to go off at 3 thirty and we only need to click HERE to find out if I see any exciting birds.


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