OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Bird watching in Tiveden

Saturday 4 th of May 2019 and the alarm goes off at 3 thirty. The plan is to go to Tiveden National Park and then to Sörön Nature Reserve. I will finish the day looking for the great Grey owl. Last time I will look for the beautiful owl.

Ta tillbaka makten – rösta på Alternativ för Sverige 26 maj!

Beställ valsedlar på https://utur.eu/rosta/

Alternativ för Sverige

Leaving Hamgården Nature Resort Tiveden and of course, I had to remove ice from the car windows before I could leave. Approaching the main gate and I see a female Western Capercaillie next to the road. Of course, she took off as soon as I stopped the car. I was surprised when she stopped close to the car.

I took a few pictures and it would have been perfect if it wasn´t for the grass in front of the bird. I was disappointed and I realised that I would most likely never get any good pictures of the Western Capercaillie.

Bird watching in Tiveden National Park - Western Capercaillie
Female Western Capercaillie

I go to check out my “seed trap” The seeds I had poured out on the parking lot yesterday. Well, no birds had shown any interest in my seeds. There were a group of Robins around the toilets and I stopped to have a few pictures.

I cannot see the difference between a male and female Robin, but it looked like some kind of courting / breeding things so I guess there was both males and females.

European Robin, Erithacus rubecula, Robin or Robin Redbreast, Rödhake
European Robin / Rödhake

European Robin, Erithacus rubecula, Robin or Robin Redbreast, Rödhake
European Robin / Rödhake

European Robin, Erithacus rubecula, Robin or Robin Redbreast, Rödhake
European Robin / Rödhake

European Robin, Erithacus rubecula, Robin or Robin Redbreast, Rödhake
European Robin / Rödhake

My Guide had given me a HOT tip about the Black Woodpecker, there had been a pair nesting in the pine tree in the middle of one of the clearcuts in the forest. It was not much of a road going in to the forest. I had programed the area on my GPS. I had no position, or well, I didn´t bother programing it. But I aimed the “needle” to the area looking like the area on the Enriro map.

I spotted more Western Capercaillie along the road, of course, no pictures and I never spotted the Black Woodpecker, and that is an easy bird to call by a whistle. Very responsive according to my guide. I whistled like a locomotive but no sign of the bird.

Bird watching in Tiveden National Park
Driving through the forest to check out the Black Woodpecker

Bird watching in Tiveden National Park
Driving through the forest to check out the Black Woodpecker

Looks like I will not get any pictures of two of my target birds. This was of course nothing I was happy with. But I had seen more than enough of the Western Capercaillie even though I had no pictures. And of course, a lot of beautiful nature so I was pretty happy. And I had got to see one of the biggest owls in the world, the Great Grey Owl.

I drove to Sörön Nature Reserve and I was quite late and it was after 5 o´clock in the afternoon before a parked the car. Approaching the parking at the nature reserve and I spotted a male pheasant. I parked the car and I tried to sneak up on the bird.

The bird had vanished and I was puzzled, it must have been very quick to disappear and there is really no place to hide as it is all open fields around us.

Bird watching in Sörön Nature Reserve
Male Pheasant

I have brought a box of Linseeds as the birds came up to us yesterday looking for crumbles. I sat down at the benches and I poured linseed over the benches and tables and I sat down to see if any birds would come to eat the seeds.

The first bird to come was a Great Tit but the bird was scared. A Chaffinch came up to the table and he flew back and forth between the table and the tree a few times before he sat down to eat. The Great Tit landed a few times before the bird relaxed and started to eat a few seeds.

Bird watching in Sörön Nature Reserve
Picnic place

Common Chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs, Bofink
Male Common Chaffinch/ Bofink

Common Chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs, Bofink
Male Common Chaffinch/ Bofink

Listen to the Great Tit
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy recorder. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity

We hear the bird in the tree then a loud call after the bird landed on the table in front of me. Then we hear the weak calls again when the bird is back in the tree

I left Sörön Nature Reserve and when I came down to road to the Great Grey Owl area I spotted a guy with a tri-pod walking out to the field while a what I think was his wife was giving pointers from the road side. I understood that the Great Grey Owl was present and I spotted the owl a little further down the hill.

Great Grey Owl, Strix nebulosa, Lapland owl, Lappuggla

Great Grey Owl, Strix nebulosa, Lapland owl, Lappuggla
Great Grey Owl / Lappuggla

I park the car and I get out to get some pictures. The owl was not so close to the road today so the pictures was not so good. But I got a few pictures and I left the owl behind, next stop Hamgården Nature Resort Tiveden. I will spend my last night there before driving to Gothenburg tomorrow.

I will start in Tiveden National Park and I will stop at Hornborga to look for birds on my way to Gothenburg. Click HERE to find out if I see any birds tomorrow.

Alternativ för Sverige


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