OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden

Sunday 26 th of May 2018 and BOOM! I overslept. My alarm went off at 3 thirty and the back-up alarm 10 minutes past 4 o´clock. But I didn´t woke up until 6 o´clock. I had my tea and oatmeal before I closed my luggage. I will bring my luggage to Hasslarp´s Dammar (Hasslarp Ponds) where I will try to get a picture of the Grasshopper Warbler before continuing to Öckerö.

I will stop at Inet in Sisjön in Gothenburg to pick up my new 4TB SSD for my laptop. I ordered it online and I will pick it up in their store.

Left the room at 7 and I looked out the window before leaving. It was gloom and grey for long as I could see. It was wet outside and I was worried about the bird watching in Hasslarp. Coming out and it was raining so I was pretty sure I had to cancel the bird watching, but I will drive by Hasslarp, maybe maybe....

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
It is raining when I get in to the car

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Pouring down on the highway

Still raining when I passed Hasslarp and I went straight to the highway bound for Gothenburg. I will stop at Morup to look for birds if the weather is fine when I pass. Looked to be a wee bit brighter when I had passed Hallandsåsen but it was pouring down and I had to drive very slow but after passing the exit to Morup it was sunshine.

I had passed the exit and I decided to continue to Inet and I was at Inet quarter to 11, but they didn´t open until 12. One hour bird watching or continue to Öckerö to leave my luggage and then come back to Inet before returning my rented car. And I decided to go to leave my luggage at the hotel on Öckerö.

Crossing the river to Hisingen and from there to the ferry to Öckerö and it was maybe 20 minutes to drive from Inet. Plenty traffic until I reached the bridge over Götaälv to Hisingen but from there it was light traffic.

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Reaching the bridge to Hisingen

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Reaching the ferry

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Reaching the ferry

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
On the ferry

I left my luggage at the Öckerö Maritime Center Kurshotell and I left Öckerö Maritime Center driving back to Inet. I picked up my stuff and I drove to HERZ to leave my car and I crossed the road to the train / bus station.

90 minutes to the departure of the bus to Öckerö and I went for some lunch while waiting. Took about 1 hour with the bus and ferry back to Öckerö and it was very convenient.

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
On board Västtrafik´s bus #290 from Centralen to Öckerö

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
On board Västtrafik´s bus #290 from Centralen to Öckerö

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Öckerö Maritime Center

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Öckerö Maritime Center

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Öckerö Maritime Center Kurshotell, where I will stay

Took a few minutes to walk from the bus stop to Öckerö Maritime Center Kurshotell. I started a new bird checklist on eBird and I was looking for birds while walking back to Öckerö Maritime Center. Not many birds, but I got the see the biggest Gull in the world, the Great Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus), is the largest member of the gull family.

An impressing bird and I saw 2 of them.

Today´s track at Björnhuvudet


eBird Report

Björnhuvudet, Västra Götalands län May 26, 2019 14:39 - 16:52
Protocol: Traveling
0.61 kilometer(s)
8 species

Canada Goose 2
Common Gull 1
Herring Gull 3
Great Black-backed Gull 2 Red leg
Eurasian Jackdaw 1
Eurasian Blackbird 2
Common Starling 1
Pied Wagtail/White Wagtail 1

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S56759806

The night was spent in my room working with my new SSD, formatting and copy my old mechanical disk to the SSD. I wanted to buy one more SSD M.2 but biggest is 1 TB so I will have to wait for another year or two before they release the 4TB version.

Monday 27 th of May 2019
and I met some of the other participants at the breakfast. We walked together to the classroom 100 meters from Öckerö Maritime Center Kurshotell. We started at 08:30, a few minutes late.

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Checking the portable fire extinguishers

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden

We had an introduction and we walked to the firefighting training site, some 15 minutes´ walk from Öckerö Maritime Center. We were talking about firefighting and then we trained with portable fire extinguishers until lunch time. We eat lunch at Nimbus and we had to walk back to Öckerö Maritime Center.

After lunch, walk back again, so it is a lot of walking and exercise is needed. We spent the afternoon fighting fires on their “ship” they had built by containers.

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Tool box before the afternoon training

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Fire in a car

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden

Tuesday 28 th of May 2019
and we started it the firefighting site and we changed to firefighting equipment as we will start in the backdraft container


A backdraft is a dramatic event caused through rapid re-introduction of oxygen to combustion into an oxygen-depleted environment in a fire; for example, the breaking of a window or opening of a door to an enclosed space. Backdrafts present a serious threat to firefighters. There is some debate concerning whether backdrafts should be considered a type of flashover (see below).

We dressed up in the firefighting suits and BA sets and then we went in to the container in groups of three. Two guys behind the guy with the nozzle holding the fire hose. They turned on the fire and each guy extinguished the fire three times. When the guy with the nozzle had done it three times he went back as #3 on the hose.

When all three had extinguished the fire 3 times they went out and a new group of three went in.

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Preparing for the backdraft container

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
In the backdraft container

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
In the backdraft container

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
In the backdraft container

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
In the backdraft container

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
In the backdraft container

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
In the backdraft container

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Changing people outside the backdraft container

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Coming back from lunch

We went for lunch after the backdraft container and we spent the whole afternoon fighting fires and time passed pretty quickly. We walked back to Öckerö Maritime Center Kurshotell and we will go for dinner at 18 thirty and I spent the time with my computer while waiting for the clock to be 18 thirty. I have installed a new windows but I don´t have the drivers.

So this was a wee bit of a trouble as the WIFI don´t work without the drivers. We drove down to a restaurant that had been recommended by a guy on our course that lives on Öckerö. Tullhuset, a fish restaurant down in the marina on Hönö

Tullhuset on Hönö
Dinner at Tullhuset on Hönö

Tullhuset on Hönö
Dinner at Tullhuset on Hönö

They have very good food at Tullhuset and we were full when we drove back to Öckerö Maritime Center Kurshotell and by then it was very cold and windy and it was more like an autumn evening than a spring evening.

Wednesday 29 th of May 2019
and we will swim with survival suites today. Nothing I´m looking forward to, but we have to do it. But we start the day with first aid and we will do this until lunch, and we will spend the afternoon with the life rafts.

Coming back from lunch, we don´t have to walk today as we are at the training center today, finished with the fire fighting. We started in the class room and it was 4 o´clock before we went to change to survival suites.

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Ready for action

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
The life raft that we´re going to climb in to

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
The life raft we will have to turn

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Jumping in to the sea

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Jumping in to the sea

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Jumping in to the sea

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Our hero

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Our hero

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Jumping in to the sea

We jump in to the sea and we have to swim to a life raft that we have to climb in to. And it is not easy to climb in to the life raft, with the survival suit full of air. I was like an anti aircraft balloon swimming to the life raft.

I had help, both from the water and from the life raft to get on to the life raft and it was hard. I would say impossible if I had been alone. But I made it in to the life raft.

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Turning an upside down life raft

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Turning an upside down life raft

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Turning an upside down life raft

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Turning an upside down life raft

Now we had to swim back one by one to turn around an upside down life raft. When we inflate life rafts they can end up upside down. Then we should be able to turn around the life raft in order to get in to the life raft to have shelter under the roof of the raft.

Climbing up on the raft and pull a rope leaning back and you can turn the raft so you can get in to the raft. Again, a very hard exercise.

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Turning an upside down life raft

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Turning an upside down life raft

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Turning an upside down life raft

Darn ! It was very nice to get up from the water to get rid of the survival suit. The suit it OK, but the attached rubber boots are terrible to walk with them. Out of the suit and we were down at the sea side to have a look at the pyrotechnics.

We fired off some fireworks and suddenly the day had come to an end. A very long day and it was 6 o´clock in the evening before we could go back to our rooms.

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Firing a emergency rocket

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Firing a emergency rocket

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Firing an hand flare

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Firing an hand flare

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Floating smoke signal

6 o´clock when I was back in my room and I stayed in my room all night installing programs on my computer as I had finally managed to find the WIFI drivers on the internet with my mobile phone. Downloading to my phone and then copy it to my computer and the WIFI was working again.

Thursday 30 th of May 2019
and my last day. Today we will do rescue crafts and we will drive with a life boat and go through some survival techniques. We were split in to two groups, 6 in each group and one group went to the life boat and we stayed in the class room,

Then we would swap and when we are ready we will go for lunch. No swimming today but we donned the survival suits because it is darn cold and windy.

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Getting dressed for the life boat

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Down at the life boat

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
Checking the hooks

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
In the boat

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
In the boat

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
In the boat

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden
In the boat

Aladdin's safety training at Öckerö Maritime Center, Sweden

We watched a few movies after lunch and I was back in my room around 3 o´clock. Now I will have to spend the night in my room and we willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully have sunshine tomorrow morning. 5 days on Öckerö and not possible to do any bird watching and I want pictures of gulls, but hopefully tomorrow morning.

Friday 31 st of May 2019
and my alarm went off at 3 thirty and as no surprise, raining and gloom and grey for long as I could see when I looked out the window. But it turned nice after 5 o´clock and I took my camera and I went out to look for birds.

Bird watching at Björnhuvudet, Öckerö
Today´s track at Björnhuvudet

There was a small bird on the fence when I came out from the hotel, but too far away for any identification. I continued towards the restaurant where we have had our lunches. I spotted a female Eider on the water and I tried to take a picture. I continued on the same track I have walked every morning to the firefighting training area.

I walked down to the shipyard but I was stopped by a fence before I could reach the water. Walking back to the street leading to the firefighting training area and I spotted a few small birds. Of course, the White Wagtail.

Bird watching at Björnhuvudet, Öckerö - Common Eider, Somateria mollissima, Ejder

Bird watching at Björnhuvudet, Öckerö
Walking down to the ship yard

Bird watching at Björnhuvudet, Öckerö
Continuing towards the firefighting training area

Bird watching at Björnhuvudet, Öckerö

Bird watching at Björnhuvudet, Öckerö
Coming down to the marina

I come down to the marina that I passed every day on my way to the firefighting training area and it was nice to be able to stop here to look for birds instead of going to bring on the firefighting gear. I spotted one herring Gull on the jetty and I tried to sneak up on the bird.

The bird was very close but it was between me and the sun and I knew that it would be hard to get a good picture. But I managed to get very close before the bird took off. I spotted a group of Eiders leaving the marina and they had to swim by me to come out.

Again the birds was between me and the sun so the pictures would turn out, well, no good. But I decided to give it a try with a slight over exposure. Can´t say that I was jumping up and down in joy over the pictures, but I can use them.

I spotted 2 males that looked like they were moulting in to winter plumage. I will consult www.birdforum.net to see if I can get any suggestions.

European Herring Gull, Larus argentatus, Gråtrut

Common Eider, Somateria mollissima, Ejder

Eclipse Plumage

Many ducks have bright, colourful plumage, exhibiting strong sexual dimorphism. However, they moult into a dull plumage after breeding in mid-summer. This drab, female-like appearance is called eclipse plumage. When they shed feathers to go into eclipse, the ducks become flightless for a short period of time.

Some duck species remain in eclipse for one to three months in the late summer and early fall, while others retain the cryptic plumage until the next spring when they undergo another moult to return to their breeding plumage.

Although mainly found in the Anatidae, a few other species, including related red junglefowl, most fairywrens and some sunbirds also have an eclipse plumage. In the superb and splendid fairywrens, very old males (over about four years) may moult from one nuptial plumage to another whereas in the red-backed and white-winged fairywrens, males do not acquire nuptial plumage until four years of age – well after they become sexually mature and indeed longer than the vast majority of individuals live.

In contrast to the ducks, males of hummingbirds and most lek-mating passerines – like the Guianan cock-of-the-rock or birds of paradise – retain their exuberant plumage and sexual dimorphism at all times, moulting as ordinary birds do once annually.

Common Eider, Somateria mollissima, Ejder
Common Eider / Ejder

Common Eider, Somateria mollissima, Ejder
Common Eider / Ejder

Common Eider, Somateria mollissima, Ejder
Female Common Eider / Ejder

Common Eider, Somateria mollissima, Ejder
Male Common Eider in eclipse plumage

Common Eider, Somateria mollissima, Ejder
Eiders leaving the marina

European Herring Gull, Larus argentatus, Gråtrut
European Herring Gull / Gråtrut

I walk around the marina and I discover more eiders, but they are all leaving when I approach on the jetty. I cross the road and I see one more European Herring Gull sitting on a chimney and this time I had the sun in the behind so I could get a proper picture.

I went in to some green area and I discover one Common Gull sitting on a roof. So I get a picture of this gull as well. It was a gorgeous morning and I was really happy that I had gone for some birding before leaving for the train station. And the pictures was an added bonus on top of the glorious morning on Öckerö

Turning around and I have a Great Tit sitting next to me and the bird didn´t seem to bother with me taking pictures. Looked like the bird was trying to eat a bit of cardboard.

Common Gull, Fiskmås, Larus canus, Mew Gull

Common Gull, Fiskmås, Larus canus, Mew Gull
Common Gull / Fiskmås

Great Tit, Parus major, चिचिल्कोटे, Talgoxe

Great Tit, Parus major, चिचिल्कोटे, Talgoxe
Great Tit / Talgoxe

Walking back towards the school and coming out in front of the parking area in front of the restaurant and I see a Hooded Crow on a roof top. I take a few pictures and I bring out my ZOOM H5 Handy recorder. The bird is quiet and I try to “talk” with the bird.

It works and the crow is craxing two times before taking off and I get the sound on my recorder. There is also one Magpie sitting in a TV antenna. I walk towards the bus station and there is female eiders sitting on a rock outside the lunch restaurant.

Hooded Crow, Corvus cornix, Kråka

Hooded Crow, Corvus cornix, Kråka
Hooded Crow / Kråka

Hooded Crow, Corvus cornix, Kråka
Hooded Crow / Kråka

Listen to the Hooded Crow
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity

The first “crow” we hear in the recording is me trying to talk to the crow, after having got some pictures, to make the bird talk back so I could record the bird.

Bird watching at Björnhuvudet, Öckerö

I walk around the area between the lunch restaurant and the bus stop and I see two different Mergansers, the Common Merganser and the Red-breasted Merganser. They were a little shy and I never got any good pictures. One Oystercatcher was looking for food on the beach.

I spent a lot of time trying to get pictures of the Mergansers but no luck. I spotted a Black-headed Gull and a couple of mallards before I returned to the hotel to pick up my luggage.

Bird watching at Björnhuvudet, Öckerö
Female eiders

Bird watching at Björnhuvudet, Öckerö
Female Eider

Common Merganser, Goosander, Mergus merganser, Storskrake

Red-breasted Merganser, Mergus serrator, Småskrake

Bird watching at Björnhuvudet, Öckerö

Bird watching at Björnhuvudet, Öckerö

Black-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus ridibundus, Skrattmås

Black-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus ridibundus, Skrattmås
Black-headed Gull / Skrattmås


eBird Report

Björnhuvudet, Västra Götalands län May 31, 2019 05:34 - 08:10
Protocol: Traveling
3.97 kilometer(s)
18 species

Common Eider 10
Goosander 1
Red-breasted Merganser 1
Eurasian Oystercatcher 2
Black-headed Gull 2
Common Gull X
Herring Gull 2
Common Tern 1
Great Cormorant X
Common Magpie 3
Eurasian Jackdaw 1
Hooded Crow 2
Barn Swallow X
Great Tit 1
Common Whitethroat 1
Eurasian Blackbird X
Pied Wagtail/White Wagtail 5
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 3

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S56920289

I was back in my room just after 8 o´clock after having checked the breakfast, no breakfast today. Same yesterday, no breakfast because of the Ascension Day, so 5 nights and only 3 breakfasts. Well, anyway, I had been hungry when I woke up so I had a chocolate bar before I left for the bird watching.

I packed my bag and I left my room at 9 o´clock walking to the buss/ ferry stop. I left my luggage along the road on the way so I could go to have a try to get a picture of a Red-breasted merganser. At the bus / ferry stop I could see that the small ferry would leave in 4 minutes.

I asked one of the crew and he suggested that I should take the ferry and I would be at the train station in Gothenburg around 11 o´clock.


I stepped on board and I was on deck keeping an eye out for birds when we left the ferry jetty behind. I had no clue how long the ride was going to take.

We arrived to Kalvsund after about 10 minutes. we left after a few minutes and next stop was just to cross the water to Björkö and it took one minute to cross.

Leaving Öckerö

Our ferry

Leaving Öckerö

Passing Öckerö Maritime Center

Nimbus, where we had our lunch

Leaving Öckerö Maritime Center behind

Eiders on Kalvsund

Arriving to Kalvsund

Approaching Framnäs on Björkö

Leaving the ferry behind walking to the next ferry
I left the ferry at Framnäs on Björkö and there was a buss going to the next ferry. But I walked, and who knows, maybe there are some birds on the way. Only took a very few minutes to walk to the next ferry and it was 8 minutes until departure.

The last ferry will take us to Lilla Varaholmen on the main land and from there it is buss to the train station in Gothenburg. I kept an eye out for birds on deck but they were too far away. And it was only a few minutes to cross to Lilla Varaholmen. There was a buss parked at the jetty and we waited for a few minutes and the buss came to pick us up at the bus stop.

I can see the second ferry that will take us to the main land


Boarding the last ferry

On board the last ferry

On board the last ferry

Approaching Lilla Varaholmen

Approaching Lilla Varaholmen

Buss at Lilla Varaholmen

The buss is coming

On the buss on the way to the train station

I missed the train to Helsingborg with a few minutes as I had stopped to buy breakfast at Pressbyrån. So one hour to wait for the next train and I had my breakfast while sitting in the sunshine. A wee bit windy so when I was ready I moved in to the terminal to wait inside.

Time passed quickly and I was soon on the train leaving Gothenburg behind with no wishes to ever return again. I was in my room at Marina Plaza in Helsingborg just after 2 o´clock in the afternoon. 2 nights here and I´m off to Bangkok.

Gothenburg train station

Saturday 1 st of June 2019
and I spent the whole day in my room, just leaving for lunch at Österns Pärla, Swedish spring rolls and I was back in my room stiff from the safety course, 4 days of running around and I´m too old for that.

Sunday 2 nd of June 2019
and my alarm went off at 3 thirty. I was hungry so I had a chocolate bar and a cup of tea. So I was not hungry when it was time for breakfast. Train leaving at 10:15 and I was hungry when we arrived to Copenhagen an hour later.

Waiting for the train to Copenhagen Airport

Waiting for the train to Copenhagen Airport

Waiting for the train to Copenhagen Airport

Train to Gothenburg arriving

The trip start good, I´m alone

Arriving to Copenhagen Airport


The train trip was OK, I was alone when we left Helsingborg but it was full when we arrived to Copenhagen. So it was nice to get off the train. Thai Airways check-in was open and I was in the lounge about 20 minutes later eating potato salad and smoked salmon.

I was really hungry and it tasted good. I will have to spend about 2 hours in the lounge before it is time to check in to Thai Airways flight to Bangkok.

Copenhagen International Airport - Kastrup
I´m passed the security

Copenhagen International Airport - Kastrup - SAS Lounge
SAS Lounge

Copenhagen International Airport - Kastrup - SAS Lounge
Smoked salmon and potato salad in the SAS Lounge

Thai Airways flight TG 951
Thai Airways flight TG 951

Thai Airways flight TG 951
Boarding Thai Airways flight TG 951

Thai Airways flight TG 951
Boarding Thai Airways flight TG 951

Thai Airways flight TG 951
Boarding Thai Airways flight TG 951

Thai Airways flight TG 951
2 sleeping pills and time to have a nap

Boarding and I was asleep when we took off leaving Copenhagen behind. I woke up after 10 minutes and I had two sleeping pills and I turned my seat in to a bed. I skipped dinner and I was a sleep in a jiff and I woke up after 4 hours and it was impossible to fall asleep again.

I was drinking tea watching movies annoyed that I could not fall asleep. But I was very lucky not to sit in the back, 5 to 6 hours to go and what a nightmare to be sitting there.

Thai Airways flight TG 951
Approaching Suvarnabhumi International

Suvarnabhumi International
Arriving to Suvarnabhumi International

Suvarnabhumi International
Arriving to Suvarnabhumi International

Back home around 8 o´clock and I was sleeping until 3 o´clock when I went to MBK Center to pick up my camera that I left for service before going to Sweden. I decided to go to look for birds at Suan Rot Fai tomorrow morning as the Muay Thai gym is closed.

So click HERE to find out if I see any birds.


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