OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne

Monday 5 th of April 2021 and I picked up my nephew and we took off towards Pulken on Skånes East Coast. It is quite far as we have to drive across Skåne starting on the west coast and destination on the east coast.

It was snowing when I left my hotel this morning and we had some snow falling when driving to the Pulken Crane Site. It was blue sky and sunshine when we arrived to Pulken Crane Site. But we noticed the strong wind as soon as we got out of the car, DARN IT WAS COLD!

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Pulken Crane Site
We have to walk for quite a while to reach Pulken Crane Site

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Pulken Crane Site
Reaching Pulken Crane Site

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Pulken Crane Site
Pulken Crane Site

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Pulken Crane Site
The cranes are too far away

We had to walk to the bird watching tower and normally it would have been nice, but today it was terrible and it felt like it was blowing hurricane force. It was really cold and I was looking forwardYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stto walking back to the car when the wind will come from the back.

The bird watching tower was closed and someone thought it was because of the strong wind, hurricane force if you ask me. There was nowhere to take cover around the lookout so I just took a few snapshots and we left for the warm car again. Now we have seen Pulken Crane Site. I have heard about it but I have never bothered going here.

I have seen it now and I have no plans to come back here again, at least not for a long time.

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Pulken Crane Site
Pulken Crane Site

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Pulken Crane Site
Pulken Crane Site

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Pulken Crane Site
Pulken Crane Site

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Pulken Crane Site
Pulken Crane Site

We left Pulken and we drove to Äspet in Åhus. We will start on the south side and we parked the car and we walked out to the bird watching tower. There was a lot of birds, but most of them were too far away for any proper ID.

There were 2 White Wagtails chasing each other so there might be eggs in the area before soon. We met a couple on the way back to the parking and I asked if they had seen anything exciting. They had seen a plover and a Pied Avocet. I could also see one plover and two Pied Avocet, but very far away.

We had have the wind in the back walking to the tower so walking back to the car and we had to walk against the ice cold wind.

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Äspet

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Äspet
Eurasian Teal pair

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Äspet
Barnacle Gooses

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Äspet
Today's track at Äspet


eBird Report

Äspet, Skåne län [SE-12], SE
Apr 5, 2021 11:34- 12:30
Protocol: Traveling
1.22 kilometer(s)
Checklist Comments: South side
14 species

Greylag Goose 4
Barnacle Goose 30
Canada Goose 4
Common Shelduck 9
Mallard 9
Eurasian Teal 8
Pied Avocet 2
Common Ringed Plover 2
Common Redshank 1
Common Gull 2
Sandwich Tern 4
Hooded Crow 2
Common Starling 8
White Wagtail (alba) 2

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S84829583

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

It was nice to get back in to the car. We will check out the north side and I had walked there last time I was here, but we decided to take the car today.

We spotted several small birds but not many ID. We spotted a few gulls when we turned around and drove back. All the excitements had made us hungry and we left Åhus

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Äspetaladdin
Black-headed Gull

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Äspetaladdin
Black-headed Gull

We had passed a “smokery” on the way here so we went to see if they had smoked salmon. The restaurant was full and we turned around to start driving back to Helsingborg. We stopped at MAXYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stto buy a hamburger and it turned out to be very good.

Snowing when I left the hotel in the morning and then sun shine. On the way to Pulken weYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthad light snow fall again and then sunshine. Leaving the MAX hamburger shop and it started to snow again.

And now it was a heavy snow fall and we had to drive very slowly, poor visibility and slippery road.

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne
It start snowing

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne
Hungry again

We stopped for a pizza before I dropped my nephew at home and I was back at the hotel in the afternoon. I kept myself busy until 8 and I went to bed with the alarm set to go off at 4 o'clock.

I will call my bank in Denmark tomorrow and I will buy a new computer so it will most likely be late before I can get to see any birds.

Tuesday 6 th of April 2021
and my alarm goes off at 4 and I snoozed until five. I waited until 9 - 10 o'clock before I started to make my phone calls. I was supposed to go to Romania 18th of April but end of March they changed the rules and quarantine is required to enter Romania.

I need to call if there is any changes that I don’t knows about. They knew nothing but she thought it will stay like this until May. I will update myself again mid-April or I will change my plans, maybe go back home. I called my bank and it seems like my account is up and running again and they will send a new Master Card.

I left the hotel and I discovered that I was fined a 60 $ parking fee. I have paid my parking fee at the hotel and now this. I was very angry, really angry. I was in a really bad mood when I drove to the computer store.

I decided to go to look for birds at eBird hotspot: Väla Skog to look for birds. There was not many birds but I spotted two Tree creepers.

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Väla Skog
Blue Tit in Väla Skog

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Väla Skog
Great Tit in Väla Skog

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Väla Skog
Tree Creeper in Väla Skog

I drove straight to the computer shop across the high way from Väla Skog. I bought one MSI and one USB cable to use in the car. No cigarette lighter in the car, just a USB-C connection. The USB cable was not working and I went in to change the cable. The second cable was not working and this did nothing to improve my mood.

We tested the cable at my brother’s house but the connection is dead. Back at my room and I opened the box with the new computer. Not a Swedish keyboard and by now I was fuming. I will have to go back tomorrow and return my stuff and I have wasted a lot of time and gasoline money for nothing.

Wednesday 7 th of April 2021
and I started by returning my computer and USB cable and they returned my money. But they could never return the wasted time. I left the shop and I stopped at eBird hotspot: Rosendals våtmark on my way to see my brother.

I stop to start my eBird app and I discover one Northern Lapwing sitting next to the car. The other birds was too far away but I took pictures so I could ID the birds back home when I could watch the birds on the computer screen.

Northern Lapwing, Vanellus vanellus, peewit, pewit, tuit, tew-it, green plover, Tofsvipa

Northern Lapwing, Vanellus vanellus, peewit, pewit, tuit, tew-it, green plover, Tofsvipa
Northern Lapwing / Tofsvipa

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Rosendals våtmark
Today's track at Rosendals våtmark


eBird Report

Rosendals våtmark, Skåne län [SE-12], SE
Apr 7, 2021 12:48 - 13:00
Protocol: Traveling
1.09 kilometer(s)
9 species

Greylag Goose 6
Mute Swan 2
Common Woodpigeon 3
Eurasian Oystercatcher 2
Northern Lapwing 3
Black-headed Gull 10
Common Gull 10
Eurasian Jackdaw 9
Hooded Crow 3

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S85013893

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

I drove to eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar. And this is a very nice area to walk around in. And there is always birds to see. I saw plenty Warblers but I was not able to ID several of them.

I had plans to drive north tomorrow to visit Morups Tånge and I will start here in the morning. Afternoon and the sun was against me looking over the lakes, but tomorrow morning the sun will shine from behind the eastern bird hide so I might be able to get good pictures.

Great Tit, Parus major, चिचिल्कोटे, Talgoxe

Great Tit, Parus major, चिचिल्कोटे, Talgoxe
Great Tit / Talgoxe

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Hasslarps Dammar
Common Shelduck at Hasslarps Dammar

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Hasslarps Dammar
Robin at Hasslarps Dammar

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Hasslarps Dammar
Today's track at Hasslarps Dammar


eBird Report

Hasslarps Dammar, Skåne län [SE-12], SE
Apr 7, 2021 13:10 - 14:16
Protocol: Traveling
1.29 kilometer(s)
14 species

Greylag Goose 14
Barnacle Goose 1
Mute Swan 4
Common Shelduck 1
Tufted Duck 20
Eurasian Coot 20 Fighting
Black-headed Gull 20
Common Gull 5
Common Magpie 1
Eurasian Jackdaw 13
Rook 9
Great Tit 3
Common Chiffchaff 2
European Robin 1

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S85016578

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

I left “Hasslarps Dammar” and I drove to my brother and he suggested “Media Markt” to buy a computer. I also bought the USB cable and this one worked well. I checked the computer back in my room and it was a Swedish key board. So I started to install windows, first thing was to format the disc to get rid of all preinstalled garbage.

I got hungry so I went to “Österns Pärla” for some Swedish spring rolls, the best spring rolls in the world are found at “Österns Pärla”

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne
A mallard couple at the taxi stand

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne
A mallard couple at the taxi stand

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne
A mallard couple at the taxi stand

I leave the hotel and I discover a mallard couple enjoying the sunshine at the taxi stand. And they were not scared and I could walk all the way up to the mallards. But in order not to disturb them I walked past them very quickly.

To bed early with the alarm set to go off at 4 and I will take off to Morups Tånge. I hope to see the Goldcrest and maybe the Firecrest. The evening was spent in my room installing my programs on the new computer.

But I must use my old computer until I can move my SSD 4 TB from the old to the new computer.

Thursday 8 th of April 2021
and I left for the eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar. I got out of the car and I was almost blowing away. Nice weather but the wind was very cold. So I decided to skip Morups Tånge and go a little north in Skåne.

Maybe, if the wind decrease I will go to Morups Tånge. But the light house is smack on the beach open for the wind. So I really did not feel like going there.

I walked to the eastern bird hide and there was a lot of birds on the eastern side, but as soon as I got in to the hide the birds disappeared to the other side. Of course too far away for any pictures. And it was blowing cold straight in to the hide and I gave up after 40 minutes or so.

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Hasslarps Dammar
Walking to the hide at Hasslarps Dammar

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Hasslarps Dammar
Walking to the hide at Hasslarps Dammar

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Hasslarps Dammar
View from the hide

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Hasslarps Dammar
Common Gulls and a Green Sandpiper

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Hasslarps Dammar
Green Sandpiper

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Hasslarps Dammar
Green Sandpiper

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Hasslarps Dammar
Today's track at Hasslarps Dammar


eBird Report

Hasslarps Dammar, Skåne län [SE-12], SE
Apr 8, 2021 08:12 - 09:04
Protocol: Traveling
1.0 kilometer(s)
13 species

Greylag Goose 10
Mute Swan 1
Common Shelduck 8
Eurasian Wigeon 20
Tufted Duck 7
Common Woodpigeon 3
Eurasian Coot 20
Northern Lapwing 3
Green Sandpiper 1
Black-headed Gull 7
Common Gull 2
Common Magpie 1
Hooded Crow 1

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S85075063

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne
Common Pheasant

Back in the car and I checked eBird for any other hotspots near by and I choose Vejbystrand. I leave Hasslarps Dammar and I drive north towards Vejbystrand. I pass one Common Pheasant standing next to the road. So I stop to try to get pictures.

I start my eBird app in Vejbystrand at 09:53 when I reach the beach. It is blowing straight in on the beach and I was lucky to have my car to be used both as a hide and protection from the wind. And I was surprised to discover all the birds in the sea weed that have blown up on the beach.

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Vejbystrand

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Vejbystrand

Eurasian Wigeon, Mareca penelope, Bläsand

Eurasian Wigeon, Mareca penelope, Bläsand
Male Eurasian Wigeon

Eurasian Wigeon, Mareca penelope, Bläsand
Male - Eurasian Wigeon / Bläsand

Eurasian Wigeon, Mareca penelope, Bläsand
Male - Eurasian Wigeon / Bläsand

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Vejbystrand
Mallards in the sea weed

Common Shelduck, Tadorna tadorna, Gravand

Common Shelduck, Tadorna tadorna, Gravand
Male Common Shelduck / Gravand

Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos, Gräsand
Mallard / Gräsand

Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos, Gräsand
Mallard / Gräsand

Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos, Gräsand
Mallard / Gräsand

It was a good place to look for birds and if the weather would have been better I could have sit down on one of the rocks facing the beach and the water. Well, maybe better to stay in the car, they would have been scared if I would have get out of the car.

I left and I passed a Rook and several Jackdaws on the field next to the beach. I also took a picture of one Common Wood Pigeon foraging next to the road.

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Vejbystrand
White Wagtail

Common Wood Pigeon, Columba palumbus, Ringduva

Common Wood Pigeon, Columba palumbus, Ringduva
Common Wood Pigeon / Ringduva

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Vejbystrand
Today's track at Vejbystrand


eBird Report

Vejbystrand, Skåne län [SE-12], SE
Apr 8, 2021 09:53 - 10:19
Protocol: Traveling
1.28 kilometer(s)
14 species

Mute Swan 4
Common Shelduck 2
Eurasian Wigeon 6
Mallard 6
Common Woodpigeon 2
Black-headed Gull 3
Common Gull 1
Herring Gull 2
Great Cormorant 1
Eurasian Jackdaw 7
Rook 2
Hooded Crow 3
Eurasian Blackbird 1
White Wagtail (alba) 2

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S85075990

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

I opened eBird and I checked for any eBird hotspots nearby. I decided to start at the eBird hotspot: Brandsvig not so far away from Vejbystrand and when I was ready at Brandsvig I drove along the road to Tåstarps Ängar.

I got up on the gravel road through the Tåstarps Ängar and I spotted a little bird in the corner of my eye. I put the car in reverse and I just had to wait for a minute when a Black Redstart came out from under a container.

Black Redstart, Phoenicurus ochruros, Tithy's Redstart, Blackstart and Black Redtail, Svart Rödstjärt

Next stop was the eBird hotspot: Sandön and this should be a good spot to see waders. There was a bird watcher leaving when I arrived. He told me that the water level was too high to see any waders. And when I came down I discovered that the concrete pier was almost under water.

And of course, all the mudflats were under water so no waders to be seen here.

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Sandön
Very high water

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Sandön
Very high water

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Sandön
Today's track at Sandön


eBird Report

Sandön, Skåne län [SE-12], SE
Apr 8, 2021 12:31 - 12:38
Protocol: Traveling
0.12 kilometer(s)
3 species

Mute Swan 2
Whimbrel 1
Hooded Crow 1

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S85078621

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Stureholms våtmark, another eBird hotspot: close by and I decide to make a stop there before calling it a day. Waste of time to go there as the bird watching tower was very far away from the birds. I took a couple of pictures just to be able to ID the birds on the computer screen when I am back at the hotel.

Of course, some birds could be ID instantly. But when I came back to the hotel I discovered that there were both Mute and Whopper swans.

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Stureholms våtmark
Today's track at Stureholms våtmark


eBird Report

Stureholms våtmark, Skåne län [SE-12], SE
Apr 8, 2021 13:03 - 13:25
Protocol: Traveling
0.43 kilometer(s)
Checklist Comments: Pointless to come here to try to take pictures. The bird watching tower very far from the birds.
10 species

Greylag Goose 5
Mute Swan 6
Whooper Swan 15 3 juvenile from last year
Common Shelduck 5
Eurasian Wigeon 15
Mallard 2
Eurasian/Green-winged Teal 2
Tufted Duck 9
Pied Avocet 1
Northern Lapwing 3

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S85079741

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - Stureholms våtmark
Deer on the field

Back at the car and I discover deer’s in the field next to the road. I called “Kalle på Spången” when I was back in the car. I asked if they had Falukorv and creamed cauliflower.

They would go to buy the ingredients and I told them that I would be there in 40 minutes.

I parked at “Kalle på Spången” 40 minutes later and I went in to take a seat. Tea and Edwards Kavring while I was waiting for the food.

Kalle på Spången

I pick up my parcel

I just change the address sticker and send it straight to our Agent

I leave “Kalle på Spången” and I drive to see my brother. He have received a parcel for me that I need to go to pick up at the post office. It is two dolls and I just changed the address and I sent the parcel to our Agent in Thailand.

I will drive to Bergslagen tomorrow for Black Grouse Lek and I will leave Helsingborg early morning and I will stop at Trandansen to see if there is any Cranes remaining. So my alarm is set to go off at 4 o'clock tomorrow morning. Click HERE to find out if there is any Cranes at Hornborgasjöj.


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