On the road from Abisko National Park to Helsingborg

Tuesday 23 rd of February 2021 and I left STF Abisko Turiststation at 6 o'clock in the morning. No Northern Light on the live cam this morning when my alarm went off at 4 o'clock. So I was a little disappointed when I left STF Abisko Turiststation. But I had seen the Siberian Tit and the winter in the northern Sweden so it had not been a total disaster.

I have about 1000 km to cover and I expect 12 to 13 hours, nothing I was looking forward to, but there is really no choice. No Northern Light but there had been plenty snow on the roads that had been falling during the night.

On the road from Abisko National Park to Helsingborg
Plenty snow on the roads

On the road from Abisko National Park to Helsingborg
Plenty snow on the roads

On the road from Abisko National Park to Helsingborg
Plenty snow on the roads

It was very hard to drive on the roads because of the snow powder the big trucks generated plunging thought the snow on the road. So I could not over take and I had to stop when I had trucks coming in the opposite direction. When the trucks came it was like driving in to a wall.

I drive on road E10 from Abisko to Töre. I stop to fill up gas at Töre, about 383 km from STF Abisko Turiststation. I also buy a few sandwiches at the gas stop and a few drinks.

On the road from Abisko National Park to Helsingborg
Plenty snow on the roads

On the road from Abisko National Park to Helsingborg
Plenty snow on the roads

On the road from Abisko National Park to Helsingborg
Driving south

From Töre it is road E4 all the way to Hudviksvall, about 650 km south where I will spend the night. It is about 8 hours remaining and the E4 is really in poor condition at many places and with all the snow I expect to be late.

I stop in Härnösand to fill up gas and I ran in to bad luck and I ended up with some chocolate. I also bought 4 sandwiches, 2 for dinner and 2 for breakfast as I expect to leave the hotel before breakfast tomorrow morning.

Marabou chockolate
Marabou chockolate

Wednesday 24 th of February 2021
and my alarm went off at 4 o'clock. I had have a very nice sleep after 14 hours in the car and I woke up in a good mood. Excellent pillows in the bed. I hadYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stmy sandwiches that I bought yesterday with two bottles of smoothies.

A shower and I was in the car at 6 o'clock on my way to Jönköping. It was 2°C andYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthe snow was melting and it is also the first day with temperatures above 0° since I arrived to Europe in the beginning of February.

The snow was really melting away and when I approached Stockholm the snow was almost gone from the landscape. I was very tired approaching Jönköping and I leave the highway getting to a rest stop to get a quick power nap.

Not possible to fall asleep and I gave up after 10 minutes and I continued my trip. Well, the stop seems to have been enough and I was full of VIM plunging down the high way.

On the road from Abisko National Park to Helsingborg
The snow is disappearing from the landscape

On the road from Abisko National Park to Helsingborg
Approaching Jönköping and the snow is gone

On the road from Abisko National Park to Helsingborg
Stop to take a rest

First Hotel in Jönköping
Reaching my hotel

Apple pie in Jönköping
Apple pie

I check in to my hotel and I have a shower before driving to my friend's house. I will make dinner so I stopped at the Supermarket to buy Falukorv. My friend had made apple pie French style and we started with tea and French apple pie.

We started with the dinner an hour later and it turned out very good. And I was very full and about to drive back to the hotel. But I had forgot that I had been asking for Chocolate mousse. My friend had made Chocolate mousse and I had way too much to eat and I was feeling very bad when I was back at the hotel.

Korv Stroganoff
Korv Stroganoff

Korv Stroganoff
Korv Stroganoff

Korv Stroganoff
Time to eat

For sure, very stupid to have half a kilo chocolate before going to bed. Maybe OK back in the days when I was 20 years old, but now I am way too old for sweets in the evening.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
Before eating Chocolate mousse
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
After eating Chocolate mousse

Thursday 25 th of February 2021
and my alarm went off at 4 and I changed the alarm to 5 o'clock. I was still feeling very bad after all the Chocolate mousse yesterday. I drank water and no breakfast today. I drove to my friend to pick him up at 8 o'clock.

We will drive to Hornborgasjön to have a look for the Common Crane.

First Common Crane at Hornborgasjön for this year
First Common Crane at Hornborgasjön for this year

My friend had sent me a notice from the newspaper 3 days ago, the first Common Crane at Hornborgasjön for this year had been seen and we wanted to go have a look.

I was at my friend 10 minutes after 8 and we were soon on hour way to Hornborgasjön. We wanted to visit Trandansen first but as we did not agree with the GPS we ended up at Naturum Hornborgasjön. We had seen two Common Cranes flying over the road on the way here.

We passed a field with 15 Northern Lapwings but they were too far away for any good pictures.

And we had stopped when we spotted 30 Whopper Swans on a field.

Northern Lapwing
Northern Lapwing

Northern Lapwing
Northern Lapwing

Whopper Swan
Whopper Swan

Hornborgasjön Naturum and we arrived to the parking at the same time as another birder and we had a chat before we walked out to the board walk. It was windy and pretty cold. The lake is still covered with ice.

No open water and no birds. But the sky was black with Canada and Greylag gooses. And there was a lot of Whopper Swans flying over so birds are arriving and when I am back in one month there will be plenty birds being busy making babies and to build nest.

Hornborgasjön Naturum
Arriving to Hornborgasjön Naturum

Greylag Gosse
Greylag Gosse


Whopper Swans
Whooper Swan

I had no breakfast and we were hungry so we decided to go look for a restaurant. The first place, a moose hotel, but we found out that it was closed when we arrived, but they gave us a tip about a restaurant in Falköping.

We had not much hope for any good food there. But we found the food to be excellent!

We were happy when we left, feeling very good after the meal. Good food, tea and fresh bread and we were ready to take on Trandansen.

Bird watching at Hornborgasjön
It was closed

Bird watching at Hornborgasjön
Finally, we can have lunch

We reached Trandansen and it was gloom and grey for long as we could see. We could see birds but too far away for any pictures. But it was easy to see the Gooses but I needed to look through the camera lens to see the Cranes.

Back home when I could study the pictures on the computer screen I discovered Mallards and Northern Lapwings as well.

We only met one other bird watcher at Trandansen. We walked around for a while before we went back to the car.

Bird watching at Trandansen, Hornborgasjön
Common Cranes among Canada and Greylag gooses

Bird watching at Trandansen, Hornborgasjön
Whopper Swans among Canada and Greylag gooses


eBird Report

Hornborgasjön--Trandansen, Västra Götalands län [SE-14], SE Feb 25, 2021 12:42 - 13:12
Protocol: Traveling
1.6 kilometer(s)
Checklist Comments: Forgot to turn off the phone when I left trandansen
8 species

Greylag Goose 50
Canada Goose 100
Mute Swan 2
Whooper Swan 30
Mallard 25
Common Crane 4
Northern Lapwing 3
Hooded Crow 2

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S82305787

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

We left Trandansen to drive up west side of Hornborgasjön until we got bored. We turned around and we decided to go to buy semlor. We passed one Common Buzzard and I managed to get a poor picture driving on the wrong side of the road with oncoming traffic.

Common Buzzard
Common Buzzard





We stopped to buy semlor before we drove to my friend's house where we had tea. My friend wanted to make dinner, and even though it was one of my favourites. But I was full and I drove back to my room. I sat my alarm to 4 o'clock in the morning and I went to bed.

Friday 26 th of February 2021
and I left First Hotel Jönköping around 7 thirty in the morning. I stopped next door to fill up gas and I spotted 8 House Sparrows that I reported in eBird. I was soon on my way south driving along road E4 towards Helsingborg.

I left road E4 to drive to Höör to have a look for the wolf. It is reported that there are a wolf pair with a territory, the first ever wolf territory in Skåne known to have exist.

Wolf territory in Skåne
In wolf territory

Wolf territory in Skåne
In wolf territory

Wolf territory in Skåne
In wolf territory

Whopper Swan
Whopper Swan on a field

Wolf territory in Skåne
Potato cake

I drive along keeping my eyes out for wolfs, but the only thing I see is two Whopper Swans on aEngelholms Glassfield. I pass a sign saying “Husmanskost” and I stop. They had potato cakes on the menu and I had a “double” lunch finished with the best ice cream in the world, Engelholms Glass.

I left to look for the wolf but I was soon giving up and I started to drive north to go see my brother. We had a Semla before driving to Väla where I bought a duffel bag for my winter clothing that I will keep at my brother’s house, no need to bring it to Cyprus.

I check in to Marina Plaza in Helsingborg and then I take off to return the rented car with 4000++ km on the counter.

Time for a Semla

Time for a Semla

My niece

Returned the car and waiting for taxi

I need to make Covid test before I can book my ticket to Cyprus. I booked a time for 10:45 on the 1st of March, Monday after the weekend. It was a little frustration to sit in my room at Marina Plaza. Of course, I took the train to see my brother and to try to sort out all the bird feeders and the bird bath in his garden.

I was walking to the train station, one minute from my hotel. I bought a ticket and I had 25 minutes until departure as per the clock at the terminal.

I looked for a place to sit down to wait, no seat to be seen so I went down to the platform.

Suddenly the clock was 3 minutes' before departure.

Knutpunkten, Helsingborg
I reach the train just in time

On the train

At least to say that there is a 25 minutes difference between the clock on the platform and in thePågatågenterminal. I was lucky and I got on the train just before departure.

My brother picked me up at the train station. And he drove me back to the hotel, so I had some spare time before going to bed and I crossed the street to Österns Pärla where I had fried rice with chicken and two spring rolls. Without doubt, Österns Pärla is in the top of the list “best restaurants” in Helsingborg.

Österns Pärla
Österns Pärla have the best spring rolls in the world

Österns Pärla
Österns Pärla, most likely the best fried rice/ chicken in the world

Monday 1 st of March 2021
and I left my room 20 minutes after 10 on order to be at the vaccination clinic quarter to eleven. I spoke with the nurse, if I take the test now or tonight, never mind, I will not have the result until tomorrow night.

So I cancelled my test and I told her that I would be back at 5 in the afternoon. 72 hours before the flight and I get 6 hours extra as it will be recorded at 1700 instead of 11 o'clock.

I was told that you need a Covid test 24 hours before entering Denmark so I went back to investigate. And I need a test to be able to fly from Copenhagen, one 24 hours and one 72 hours before. So I cancelled everything and I booked 2 nights at Landvetter Airport Hotel in Gothenburg. They have Covid test facilities at the hotel and I can fly from Landvetter early morning on the fifth or sixth of March.

This will be the best solution, I can have the test result in the afternoon of the fourth and I can start book hotel and flights. First Larnaca on Cyprus and then to Malta via Germany

Tuesday 2 nd of March 2021
and I had called “Röstånga Gästgiveri” yesterday, but they are closed. So I tried the world famous “Kalle på Spången” and they told me that they would be open tomorrow (today).

I like “Röstånga Gästgiveri” as I can order Tunna Fläskpannkakor and other delicatessen even if it is not on the menu.

So we decided to go to “Kalle på Spången” and I started to call an hour before to see if it was possible for them to make Tunna Fläskpannkakor No answer and when we arrived they told me that they had problem with the phones.

Kalle på Spången
Nils Holgersson at Kalle på Spången

BUT IS WAS NO PROBLEM TO MAKE TUNNA FLÄSKPANKAKOR I also made enquiries about Raggmunk and this was no problem either so I will go for this next time. ASAP coming back from Malta in April before going to look at the Common Cranes at Hornborgasjön.

I asked for 20 Tunna Fläskpannkakor and after a while I asked for 10 more to be put in a doggy bag. I ate 10 and I asked for the remaining 10 to be put in another doggy bag.

Now I have food for tomorrow as well. I will not have any time for breakfast tomorrow as the train to Gothenburg leaves early morning so I can enjoy a little something on the train tomorrow.

Kalle på Spången
My niece

Kalle på Spången
Tunna Fläskpannkakor

Kalle på Spången
Tunna Fläskpannkakor

Leaving Kalle på Spången and I spot two Common Cranes in a field. And of course, I had forgotten my glasses at the hotel and no camera. I only had my phone. Leaving the Cranes and a minute downYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthe road and we passed one Common Buzzard. So the festivities at Kalle på Spången had turned in to an exciting bird watching adventure.

Common Cranes
Common Cranes in the field

I bought 6 rolls of snus when I was back at the hotel, enough to last me a month on Cyprus and Malta. I packed my bag, my brother keep my new duffel bag with my winter equipment, so no need to carry this. To bed early with the alarm set to go off at 4 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Click HERE to find out if I make it to Gothenburg with the early train and if I make it to Cyprus.

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Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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