OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching in Romania

Sunday 24 th of April 2022 and I measured my blood sugar at 04:30 with a result of 96, so this was good. I also got an email from Radisson Blu Hotel Bucharest that the airport pick up service was not available. If there is a Radison Blu in any city I visit I stay there, but it is always the same story where ever I stay in the world.

You book the room and then they start sending emails with offers about “ADD ON” and I have only been to one Radisson Blu Hotel with a shower, that was in Addis Ababa. All the other Radison Blu, without exceptions have had the shower in the bath tub, something I don't like.

So I pondering the idea to change hotel to something else especially after the farce with the airport pick up here in Bucharest.

Anyway, I have planned to visit a few eBird hotspots here in Bucharest. Just check eBird map and I found 3 hotspots that was green coloured, meaning there have been many different bird specieseBirdsighted. The colours for the hot spots goes from grey to red and red is the highest count.

Parcul Natural Vacaresti

Lacul Morii (Morii Lake)

Parcul Herastrau

Below you can see the eBird map for Bucharest and there are three green hotspots and I will try to visit these three hotspots.

eBird hotspots in Bucharest
eBird hotspots in Bucharest

I booked a taxi from the taxi machine in the reception and I downloaded one taxi app. We took off towards the Parcul Natural Vacaresti, my first eBird hotspot: in Bucharest

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti

Văcărești Nature Park

Văcărești Nature Park (Romanian: Parcul Natural Văcărești) is a nature park located in Sector 4 of Bucharest, Romania, containing the wetlands surrounding Lake Văcărești.

Having 190 hectares (470 acres), the area where the park stands was part of a large swampy area on the outskirts of Bucharest. To its west was the area known as the "valley of weeping" that was the rubbish dump of interbellum Bucharest.

Much of the swampy area surrounding the park was drained by Communist Romania, building a neighbourhood of apartment blocks, while the "valley of weeping" became Tineretului Park.

President Nicolae Ceaușescu wanted to build a reservoir which was supposed to be filled from the Argeș River via the Mihăilești Lake. As such, a concrete dam was built to surround the lake. The few modest houses located in this area were bought by the state and demolished. The plans for development were abandoned when communism fell and the area was overtaken by nature.

In 2003, the Ministry of the Environment concessioned the area for 49 years to the Royal Romanian Corporation for USD 6 million. The company was supposed to invest over a billion dollars in a sports-culture complex, however it did not honour its part of the contract.

Due to the area being unused for such a long period of time, plant-life and wildlife flourished within the confines of the dam. The biodiversity now encountered here is considered by some to be comparable to that of a small river delta. A 2013 study counted hundreds of species of plants and 96 different species of birds.

On June 5, 2014, the Lake Văcărești zone was declared a protected nature area and named Văcărești Nature Park by the Government of Romania.

Văcărești Nature Park was the setting for Radu Ciorniciuc's 2020 documentary Acasă, My Home, following a family that lived in the park for 20 years

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti

I had never been here before and I was dropped at Calea Văcărești West of the Parcul Natural Vacaresti. There was a long wall along the Calea Văcărești and there was two openings with dirt tracks. I had to walk for about 100 meters to reach the embarkment around Parcul Natural Vacaresti. Vegetation on the outside and covered with concrete on the inside.

Walking on the dirt track that turned in to a path through the grass going up the embarkment. You can walk on top of the embarkment and some areas is just a dirt path and some areas have concrete on top as well.

But how to get down to the Parcul Natural Vacaresti?

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Wall along the Calea Văcărești

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Opening in the wall

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Wall along the Calea Văcărești

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Looking back at the wall along Calea Văcărești

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Looking down the walk path from top of the embarkment

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Green area between embarkment and Calea Văcărești west of Parcul Natural Vacaresti

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Embarkment around Parcul Natural Vacaresti

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Embarkment around Parcul Natural Vacaresti

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Green area west of the embarkment

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Walking towards the NW corner of the embarkment

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Syrian Woodpecker

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Common Magpie

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
NW corner of the embarkment

At the NW corner of Parcul Natural Vacaresti there is some kind of stairs down to the bottom where there is a walk path going in to the area. I had passed one wood stair on the way here.

But this stair was only going down to the side of the top and you have to walk on the concrete cover down to the walk path going in to the area. I did not want to try my luck getting down there. Maybe if I had been 20 years younger.

There had been a huge number of birds since I got out of the taxi. You could hear beautiful bird song from every bush and tree. And I could see a lot of birds, but impossible to get any good pictures for any ID. I had seen Pheasants and Woodpeckers and of course Crows and Magpies. But I had not been able to ID all the small birds.

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Stairs down to Parcul Natural Vacaresti

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
At the bottom looking back up

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Walking in to the Parcul Natural Vacaresti

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Looking back towards the NW corner

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Hooded Crows

Eurasian Collared Dove, Collared Dove, Turkduva, Streptopelia decaocto

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Bird hide

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
View from the Bird hide

I got down to the bottom of Parcul Natural Vacaresti at the NW corner. I was on a walk path and I was soon passing a map. So I knew that there would be a bird hide a little further up the path. The bird hide looked brand new but no place to sit. This was disappointing and I also missed to get good pictures of a Common Cuckoo. As I stood up the bird got scared when I started to take pictures and the cuckoo took off.

There were Black-headed Gulls busy building nest and they had some problem with a Hooded Crow pestering them.

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Common Cuckoo

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Black-headed Gull with nesting material

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Black-headed Gull with nesting material

The water was covered by reeds in front of the bird hide so no birds seen on the water. Walking east from the bird hide and I passed a few open ponds/ lakes and I could see the birds. One Mute Swan, maybe the same I spotted flying over the area when I walked on top of the embarkment.

There was a Coot family with 5 babies next to the swan. The babies are not very old, fresh out of the egg. But they were too far away for any good pictures.

Mute Swan, Cygnus olor, Knölsvan

Mute Swan, Cygnus olor, Knölsvan
Mute Swan / Knölsvan

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Very young Coot

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Very young Coot

Common Starling, Sturnus vulgaris, Stare

The map showed that there is a bird tower on the other side of the lakes so I was surprised when suddenly I had a tower in front of me. Good view over the lake, but if you plan to come here it is better in the afternoon as you are facing the morning sun.

But there was many birds, Coots with babies in many different stages in becoming adults. Many warblers in the trees and in the reeds, but I could not ID any of them.

I spotted a Pygmy Cormorant back at the bird hide. Here I spotted a Great Cormorant sitting on a stick drying the wings.

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Bird watching tower

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Great Cormorant

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Parcul Natural Vacaresti

Planning to come here? Please bring some water! It was nice to walk around but I was getting very thirsty and I wish I had had some water with me. I walked back towards the south to see if there is an exit and if I can book a taxi with my new app.

I reach the embarkment on the south end and it was like forever to reach. I spotted a platform and I thought that I could leave Parcul Natural Vacaresti from there. I spotted benches under the platform and I went to sit down in the shadow. I spotted two Marsh Harriers soaring above the reeds and I took pictures to try to ID the birds when I am back at my room.

I was amazed to see one Hooded Crow flying up to attack the Marsh Harrier.

Turned out to be Marsh Harriers. I was enjoying the shadow and I could hear the noise of Mute Swans flying in over the area. I reported the first Mute Swan this morning and it was marked orange in eBird meaning that it is not reported very often.

Anyway, with these 4 flying swans it will make it 6 Mute Swans totally today. The last four was flying in circles before landing.

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Marsh Harrier

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Marsh Harrier

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Mute Swans

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Mute Swans

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Mute Swans

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
SE corner of Parcul Natural Vacaresti

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Easy access to Parcul Natural Vacaresti

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Looking back up towards the parking area

House Sparrow, Passer domesticus, Gråsparv, นกกระจอกใหญ่


eBird Report

Parcul Natural Vacaresti, Bucuresti, RO
24 Apr 2022 07:09 - 11:20
Protocol: Traveling
3.83 kilometer(s)
17 species

Mute Swan 6
Mallard 5
Common Pheasant 1
Feral Pigeon X
Common Woodpigeon 1
Collared Dove 1
Common Cuckoo 1
Eurasian Coot 9 2 adult + 5 babies
Black-headed Gull X Many in the area. Busy building nest and fighting with a crow pestering them
Pygmy Cormorant 1
Great Cormorant 1
Western Marsh Harrier 1 Poor pictures, for ID purpose only
Syrian Woodpecker 1
Common Magpie X Many all over the area
Hooded Crow X Many in the area
Common Starling 4
House Sparrow 3

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S107867760

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 ( https://ebird.org/home )

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Today's track at Parcul Natural Vacaresti

There is an entrance/ exit at the SE corner of Parcul Natural Vacaresti. There is a parking area so it is easy to reach with taxi. I booked a taxi with my app and I was looking at the House Sparrows in the trees while waiting

Taxi arrived and I was soon back at Radisson Blu Hotel Bucharest. I had tea with cheese and ham before I had a power nap. My alarm went off one hour later together with a call from my friend in Bangkok. The American Girl from Sofia Boxing was in Bangkok and my friend called me to tell me the news. I have not seen her for, WOW, many years now. Time is really passing very quickly.

I left the hotel a bit after two o'clock and I took a taxi back to eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti for an afternoon session. And my plan is to explore the eastern part of the area.

I get out of the taxi at the SE corner of Parcul Natural Vacaresti and I start my eBird app at 15:02. The first bird I see is a Purple Heron, well, of course I spotted crows and magpies coming out from the taxi.

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Purple Heron

Hooded Crow, Corvus cornix, Kråka
Hooded Crow

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
View over the water

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Common Moorhen

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Black-headed Gull

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Female Tufted Duck

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Black-headed Gull and a Common Pochard

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Whiskered Tern

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
The second bird watching tower

Walking and I had seen an area where I could see the water and there were many Black-headed Gulls. I also see Whiskered Terns and a lot of Coots with babies. Tufted Duck and this was the first time this bird was reported in this area on eBird.

I went to have a look at the bird watching tower, but there were people having a picnic. I turned around and started to walk back to the parking area. I was happy that I brought water this time as it was very hot.

There was a lot of birds that I could not ID. But I managed to ID one Common Grasshopper Warbler by the sound down at the bird watching tower. I saw the bird but it got scared and flew away before I had a good view. But I could ID the bird from the sound.


eBird Report

Parcul Natural Vacaresti, Bucuresti, RO
24 Apr 2022 15:02 - 16:41
Protocol: Traveling
1.92 kilometer(s)
16 species

Mute Swan 1
Mallard 2
Common Pochard 4
Tufted Duck 1
Little Grebe 2 Fight with coot
Feral Pigeon X
Common Moorhen 1
Eurasian Coot 20 Many babies in different ages
Black-headed Gull 25
Whiskered Tern 5 Poor picture, for ID purpose only
Purple Heron 1 Flying over the reeds
Common Magpie X Many
Hooded Crow X Many
Common Grasshopper Warbler 1 ID by the sound only. I saw the bird but it was flushed so no good view
Common Starling 5
House Sparrow 2

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S107888347

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 ( https://ebird.org/home )

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Today's track at Parcul Natural Vacaresti

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Enjoying the views while waiting for the taxi

eBird hotspot: Parcul Natural Vacaresti
Enjoying the views while waiting for the taxi

Stopped at a gas station to buy some drinks to bring back to the hotel. Everything is closed in town as it is Easter. And they only have Coke at the hotel so I needed to stop to buy some MAX.

Back at the hotel I asked if they had car service.
- We have car rental
- With driver?
- NO NO, you have to drive yourself!
- OK, then it is never mind.

OK, I will see if I can rent a taxi tomorrow to go visit three other eBird hotspots.

Monday 25 th of April 2022
and I hear a big bang when I check my blood sugar around 5 thirty. Looking out the window and there are some clouds an otherwise blue sky. But I see a bigYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stblack cloud coming in from behind the hotel and looks to be thunder and lightning. So this put my early morning bird watching plans in the trash can.

It looked to clear up and I went down to the taxi machine in the reception. You see these machines around Bucharest and they are quite good. It works like an app on the phone.

Just click taxi and it search for a taxi. If there is taxi available you get a printed ticket. It says how long time you have to wait on the ticket, quite clever. But I guess everyone have a taxi app in their phones now a days.

Radison Blu Hotel Bucharest
Taxi machine in the reception

I was soon on my way to Lacul Morii, not without problem, the driver did not understand how to read a map. But we made it and he was a little embarrassed that a tourist had have to show him how to get there.

eBird hotspot: Lacul Morii (Morii Lake)

Lacul Morii

Lacul Morii ("Mill Lake") is the largest lake in Bucharest, with an area of 246 ha (610 acres). The lake is approximately 6 km from the center of Bucharest (Piața Unirii) and is located between the Polytechnic University of Bucharest neighbourhood to the east, the Crângași and Giulești districts to the north, and the Militari district to the south.

The lake is a reservoir, made in 1986 mainly to protect the city against floods. It is also a recreation area. Lacul Morii provides a constant flow to the Dâmboviţa river in the city. The lake was built by a dam 15 m high, with a central body of concrete, and earth dams extended lengthwise with a total length of 7 km.

The lake's volume is 14.7×106 m3, with a flood mitigation portion of 1.6×106 m3 beyond the normal retention. Effectively, to mitigate flooding, the lake's volume can be increased when floods are predicted. Making a lake near an urban area required decommissioning of existing uses, including demolition and decommissioning of a church.

On the south of Lacul Morii there is a peninsula.

I started my eBird ap at 08:17 and I walk towards east along the south side of the lake. I could see that it is built the same way as the Văcărești Nature Park. Maybe built at the same time, but they never filled Văcărești Nature Park with water.

There is a concrete paved road on top of the embarkment.

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Lacul Morii (Morii Lake)
I get out of the taxi at the western end

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Lacul Morii (Morii Lake)
Looking towards East

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Lacul Morii (Morii Lake)
Paved road on top of the embarkment

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Lacul Morii (Morii Lake)

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Lacul Morii (Morii Lake)
There are benches along the embarkment

The first bird I see when I get out of the taxi is a Common Whitethroat. I never got any good pictures of the bird. There was also many Starlings and House Sparrows. But the lake was empty from birds, well, almost no birds. A couple of Crested Grebes and a Yellow-legged Gull.

Two Common Terns flying over me and one of them had a big fish in the bill.

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Lacul Morii (Morii Lake)
Common Whitethroat

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Lacul Morii (Morii Lake)
House Sparrow

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Lacul Morii (Morii Lake)
House Sparrow

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Lacul Morii (Morii Lake)
Common Tern

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Lacul Morii (Morii Lake)
Common Tern

Hooded Crow, Corvus cornix, Kråka
Hooded Crow

It is about one and a half kilometre from end-to-end walking along the south side of the lake. Rain in the morning so the benches were still wet. But at least there was benches to sit down along the way. Nice, especially if there are birds around.

The embarkment are covered with concrete so there are no waders to look for food even though I spotted one wader. But this bird did not stay for long.

The was a mallard pair when I reached the eastern end and there was one Great Cormorant.

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Lacul Morii (Morii Lake)
Female mallard

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Lacul Morii (Morii Lake)
Male mallard


eBird Report

Lacul Morii (Morii Lake), Bucuresti, RO
25 Apr 2022 08:17 - 09:39
Protocol: Traveling
1.36 kilometer(s)
13 species

Mallard 2
Great Crested Grebe 4
Feral Pigeon X
Common Woodpigeon 4
Yellow-legged Gull 1 Thanks to lou salmon at birdforum for help with the ID. a 2cy (1st spring)
Common Tern 2
Great Cormorant 1
Common Magpie 3
Hooded Crow 2
Barn Swallow 2
Common Whitethroat 2 One of the two bird only heard
Common Starling 50
House Sparrow 20

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S107992935

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 ( https://ebird.org/home )

eBird hotspot: Lacul Morii (Morii Lake)
Today's track at Lacul Morii (Morii Lake)

I book a taxi and the driver cannot find me. I tell him to use the position in the app.

How do you find your passengers? I thought to myself. I hang up and I booked a new taxi and I was on the way to eBird hotspot: Parcul Herastrau. Took about 15 minutes to reach the park. TheComplex Herăstrău / Restaurant Herăstrăudriver had no change so it took a little time to get change.

I managed to get change at the Complex Herăstrău / Restaurant Herăstrău. I started at the restaurant and I asked for a bottle of water. They were closed and told me to try in the hotel reception. In the hotel reception they gave me a bottle of water.

I asked how much and he told me that I could have it for free. I told him that I needed change and he went to the restaurant to see if they had change on my 100 Lei bill. He came back with change and he still refused to accept payment for the water. I said thank you and I left to pay the driver.

eBird hotspot: Parcul Herastrau

King Michael I Park

King Michael I Park (Romanian: Parcul "Regele Mihai I"), formerly Herăstrău Park (Romanian: Parcul Herăstrău), is a large park on the northern side of Bucharest, Romania, around Lake Herăstrău, one of the lakes formed by the Colentina River.

The park has an area of about 187 ha, of which 74 ha is the lake. Initially, the area was full of marshes, but these were drained between 1930 and 1935, and the park was opened in 1936. The park is divided into two zones: a rustic or natural zone (the Village Museum), which is left more or less undisturbed, and a public/'active' domain with open areas for recreation activities. Small boats are allowed on the lake.

The park was initially intended to be called National Park (Parcul Național), but it was renamed Parcul Carol II during the period of the Carol II of Romania's cult of personality. Following World War II, it was renamed Parcul I. V. Stalin, featuring a statue of Stalin at its entrance. In 1956, during the de-Stalinization period, Stalin's statue was torn down and the name of the park was changed to "Herăstrău".

The name Herăstrău referred to the Herăstrău lake, and has its origin in a dialectal version of the word ferăstrău in standard Romanian, meaning saw or sawmill, referring to the water-powered sawmills that were once found on the Colentina river which flowed through it.

On 19 December 2017, by a decision of the Bucharest General Council, the park was renamed to "King Michael I Park" to honor the former King of Romania after Michael I had died on 5 December 2017.

I start the eBird app at 10:19 and I can report a House Sparrow, Hooded Crow and a Blackbird immediately. I continued out to the water fron and I walked along the walk path along the water front. Seems to be a very popular park.

I had expected plenty water birds but I only spoted one Great Cormorant and one Mallard. Two Terns and some gulls, most likely Yellow-legges Gulls.

eBird hotspot: Parcul Herastrau
Walk paths along the water

eBird hotspot: Parcul Herastrau
No water birds

eBird hotspot: Parcul Herastrau
Walk paths along the water

I could hear many birds, most Blackbirds but not many birds to be seen. I don't know if it is holiday today, it is Easter in Romania. I gusee it is the day off as there is many people in the park. Jogging and walking along the water front so most of the birds was scared.

I went to the parking to book a taxi and I discovered 3 birds while waiting. The taxi arrived when I was taking pictures of a Redstart, very bad pictures as it was against the sun. Singing and I tried to get a sound recording. I told the driver to wait for a minute. The Redstart took off and I discovered a Middle Spotted Woodpecker.

My camera was set to +3 over exposure from the Redstart so the Middle Spotted Woodpecker pictures really turned out very bad.

Common Redstart, Phoenicurus phoenicurus, Rödstjärt

Common Redstart, Phoenicurus phoenicurus, Rödstjärt
Common Redstart / Rödstjärt

Common Redstart, Phoenicurus phoenicurus, Rödstjärt
Common Redstart / Rödstjärt

eBird hotspot: Parcul Herastrau
Walk paths along the water


eBird Report

Parcul Herastrau, Bucuresti, RO
25 Apr 2022 10:19 - 11:28
Protocol: Traveling
0.92 kilometer(s)
10 species

Mallard 1
Feral Pigeon 3
Common Woodpigeon 5
Common Tern 2
Great Cormorant 1
Middle Spotted Woodpecker 1 Two other woodpeckers heard in the park, but not seen so no ID
Hooded Crow 3
Eurasian Blackbird 4
Common Redstart 1
House Sparrow 1

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S107994751

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 ( https://ebird.org/home )

eBird hotspot: Parcul Herastrau
Today's track at Parcul Herastrau

Back at the hotel again and I decided to go get a taxi for a visit to the Afi Park shopping mall. I need tea and maybe a couple of bottles MAX. I will also look for ACCU-CHECK for my blood sugar.

It was a darn big mall but I found the Supermarket and the second pharmacy had the ACCU-CHECK. I was happy as I had everything and I went out to order a taxi with my app. The taxi was here in a jiff and I was soon back in my room.

Afi Park, Bucharest
Afi Park

Afi Park, Bucharest
Afi Park

Radison Blu, 3 nights and not changing the bed sheets. All restaurants closed and I wanted to have a steak, but the steak house was closed. So I had to eat in the bar but I was pleasantly surprised by the steak in the bar.

I had the steak and they swap the carbs for avocado and it was very good. It was so good that I ordered a second plate. 4 pots of tea and I was full coming back to my room.

Radison Blu Hotel Bucharest
First plate

Radison Blu Hotel Bucharest
Second plate

Radison Blu Hotel Bucharest
Second plate

They will come to pick me up tomorrow at 10 o'clock and we will drive to the Danube Delta where I hope to see many birds. Click HERE to find out if I make it to the Danube Delta.



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