OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne

Tuesday 14 th of February 2023 and I leave Helsingborg just before 10 'clock so I have to stop in Ängelholm to buy a SIM card and breakfast. Väla Centrum in Helsingborg don't open until 10 and I did not want to wait.

Anyway, I will drive through Ängelholm to get to Förslöv. I had to make 2 stops, one for breakfast, ham and mustard that I will eat in the car and I needed a SIM card.

I was a little worried about finding the bird in Förslöv but no need to look for the bird as the street was full of bird watchers.

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne
Easy to to see the bird watchers

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne
Easy to the see the bird watchers

First time the Baltimore Oriole had been sighted in Sweden, this is a bird belonging to North America and it spends the winter in Florida and Central America. So there is people coming from all over Sweden to look at the bird, and there are even international visitors.

I was lucky to get to see the bird after having been waiting for a while, and it was cold. Gloom and grey so I needed to use a crazy ISO speed. But I will be in Sweden for a couple of days and I hope we get at least one day with sunshine so I can come back for some pictures.

Baltimore Oriole, Icterus galbula, Baltimoretrupial

I also get to see another bird that I had never seen before, the Bohemian Waxwing. A beautiful bird and I discovered a group in a leafless tree just above me. But they took off and I hope for a day with sunshine so I can come back to try to get some pictures.


eBird Report

Idrottsvägen 7, Förslöv, Skåne lån [SE-12], SE
Feb 14, 2023 11:25 AM - 12:22 PM
Protocol: Stationary
10 species

Red Kite 1
Common Magpie 1
Eurasian Jackdaw 2
Eurasian Blue Tit 1
Great Tit 1
Eurasian Blackbird 2
Bohemian Waxwing 13   One big group sitting above me, between 1 and 2 meters in a tree. I did not discover them until they took off as I was bus looking for the Baltimore Oriole
House Sparrow X
Eurasian Tree Sparrow X
Baltimore Oriole 1   Feeding at a winter feeder in a private garden. As this bird is from the other side of the Atlantic there are bird watchers from all over Sweden on the street trying to get pictures through a hedge. I drove to Förslöv thinking it would be impossible to find the bird. Impossible to miss all the bird watchers on the street

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S128304029

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Baltimore Oriole, Icterus galbula, Baltimoretrupial

Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne - eBird hotspot: Vejbystrand
Easy to to see the bird watchers

I leave Förslöv and I drive to another eBird hotspot nearby, Vejbystrand and I spotted a few birds, nothing exciting. I decided to visit Skummeslövsstrand as well, driving on the beach but there was nothing but gulls and crows.

I drive back south to check-in to the cottage I have rented. I put m bag in the cottage and I drive to visit my niece and nephews. And it is semla season in Sweden so we went to buy semlor.

They only had 4 semlor at the first place

We found more semlor

Bring it on!

Seems like they are tasting good

Wednesday 15 th of November 2017
and my alarm is going off at 4 o'clock. I will leave for Trollhättan today. That is about three hours with car north of Helsingborg. They have spotted an Siberian Rubythroat that I want to see.

Tea and omelette for breakfast and I was in the car 10 minutes before 6 o'clock in the morning

Road trip
Earl morning

Road trip
On my way

Gloom and grey for long as I could see, but I hope for some sunshine in Trollhättan so I can get some nice pictures of the Siberian Rubythroat, if I spot the bird that is. I also hope for sunshine so I can go back to try to get some better pictures of the Baltimore Oriole.

It took me about 3 hours to reach Trollhättan and I found Nils Ericsonsgatan and there was no doubt where the bird might be found. There were already some bird watchers at the scene. 3 hours’ drive and what an anti-climax it turned out to be. I had no time to close the door to the car before someone shouted.
- There it is!!!

I got to see the bird instantly and I had, well, I was very happy, but a little bit of a struggle to see the bird would have been nice. The bird disappeared and I was not so happy with my pictures. Gloom and grey so no good light.

Two more bird watchers arrived to the scene and I recognised them from Förslöv yesterday. We had a chat while waiting for the Siberian Rubythroat to come out from the bushes.

Siberian Rubythroat, Calliope calliope, Rubinnäktergal, นกคอทับทิม
Siberian Rubythroat / Rubinnäktergal / นกคอทับทิม

Siberian Rubythroat, Calliope calliope, Rubinnäktergal, นกคอทับทิม
Siberian Rubythroat / Rubinnäktergal / นกคอทับทิม
Siberian Rubythroat, Calliope calliope, Rubinnäktergal, นกคอทับทิม
Siberian Rubythroat / Rubinnäktergal / นกคอทับทิม
Siberian Rubythroat, Calliope calliope, Rubinnäktergal, นกคอทับทิม
Siberian Rubythroat / Rubinnäktergal / นกคอทับทิม
Siberian Rubythroat, Calliope calliope, Rubinnäktergal, นกคอทับทิม
Siberian Rubythroat / Rubinnäktergal / นกคอทับทิม
Siberian Rubythroat, Calliope calliope, Rubinnäktergal, นกคอทับทิม
Siberian Rubythroat / Rubinnäktergal / นกคอทับทิม
Siberian Rubythroat, Calliope calliope, Rubinnäktergal, นกคอทับทิม
Siberian Rubythroat / Rubinnäktergal / นกคอทับทิม
Siberian Rubythroat, Calliope calliope, Rubinnäktergal, นกคอทับทิม
Siberian Rubythroat / Rubinnäktergal / นกคอทับทิม
Siberian Rubythroat, Calliope calliope, Rubinnäktergal, นกคอทับทิม
Siberian Rubythroat / Rubinnäktergal / นกคอทับทิม

Siberian Rubythroat, Calliope calliope, Rubinnäktergal, นกคอทับทิม

Siberian Rubythroat, Calliope calliope, Rubinnäktergal, นกคอทับทิม
No bird feeding here

I left Trollhättan and I decided to go to Gothenburg. Two of the bird watchers had left for Gunnestorps Mosse in Gothenburg to look for a Eurasian Pygmy Owl that had been spotted there. I was happy to have seen the Siberian Rubythroat when I left.

Leaving Trollhättan behind hauling arse towards south and I had to stop to fill up the car with gas. I asked if I could cross the river or if I had to drive all the way to Gothenburg to get across the river. I am on the south side and the birding area is on the north side of the river.

I was told that there is a bridge just close by and I left the petrol station with a thank you.

Swedish road trip
Bridge opening

Of course, when I came on the bridge there was a ship passing so they had to open the bridge for the ship to be able to pass. On the north side of the river and I started to drive towards Gothenburg. There is no references to Gunnestorps Mosse on any map. I found Hisings Parken on the map and it is located on Hisingen not far from highway E6.

I drove to Gothenburg and I found the park, but I had no idea where the Eurasian Pygmy Owl is. No directions for Gunnestorps Mosse, no signs at all and nothing on the map.

I understood that I was in the area of Hisings Parken. I stopped at a parking as I was almostYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stpissin' my pants and I went out to find a tree. I was lucky and I met one guy and he told me that it was just to go down to the bridge 200 meters away.

I went back to the car to get my camera and it turned out that the walk bridge crossed the swamp called Gunnestorps Mosse. I found the place and I could see bird watchers on the other side of the bridge.

Gunnestorps Mosse in Hisings Parken
Bridge over the swamp

Gunnestorps Mosse in Hisings Parken
Bird watchers on the other side of the bridge

Gunnestorps Mosse in Hisings Parken
Bridge over the swamp

Gunnestorps Mosse in Hisings Parken
Bridge over the swamp

Gunnestorps Mosse in Hisings Parken
Bridge over the swamp

They were looking for the Eurasian Pygmy Owl but we had no luck. The bird needs to move or it will be next to impossible to find the birds in the tree. I was going to take a picture of a Marsh Tit and I discover that I had forgot the batteries in the car.

I decided to leave, imagine if I would have spotted the Eurasian Pygmy Owl just to find out that I could not take any pictures. What a disappointment that would have been! I made a sound recording of the Marsh Tit.

I had to make the recording with my mobile phone as the recorder was in the car.

Listen to the Marsh Tit
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Looking for the Eurasian pygmy owl and I hear the Marsh Tit and another Marsh Tit replying.

Recorded with my phone as I had forgot my ZOOM H5 in the car.

Recorded on my way back to the car, I discovered that I had forgot to put the battery in my camera. So I did not want to stay if I would have spot the owl without batteries.

Vaccin propaganda

Thursday 16 th of February 2023
and my alarm went off at 4 o'clock. Winter time in Sweden so no day light until 8 o'clock. I have planned to go to Lund to look for an Blue-winged Teal, rare bird alert. Anyway, the area is only 1 hour away so no need to leave until almost 8 o'clock.

So I have plenty time with my pictures from yesterday before leaving for the eBird hotspot: Lund--Reningsverksdammarna

It was gloom and grey for long as I could see and I had doubt about getting any pictures. It was foggy and I expect the Blue-winged Teal to be at a distance from me, IF I HAVE THE LUCK TO SPOT THE BIRD. But the weather might improve by the time I get to the hotspot.

Common Moorhen, Gallinula chloropus, Rörhöna, นกอีล้ำ

Mute Swan, Cygnus olor, Knölsvan

Eurasian Coot, Fulica atra, Sothöna, オオバン

Eurasian Wigeon, Mareca penelope, Bläsand

Eurasian Wigeon, Mareca penelope, Bläsand
Male - Eurasian Wigeon / Bläsand

Eurasian Wigeon, Mareca penelope, Bläsand
Female - Eurasian Wigeon / Bläsand

Little Grebe, Tachybaptus ruficollis, Smådopping, นกเป็ดผีเล็ก
Little Grebe /Smådopping

Little Grebe, Tachybaptus ruficollis, Smådopping, นกเป็ดผีเล็ก
Little Grebe /Smådopping

There are 6 ponds at the sewage plant and there were plenty birds. There were hundreds of Eurasian Wigeons and Mallards, Eurasian Coots and Tufted Ducks so it was impossible to count these birds. I drove along the north side on the four western most ponds.

The birds took off when I got out of the car. It was good to sit in the car as the bird did not care very much for the car, at least not until I stopped.

It was a foggy day so there was no good light for any photos.

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Lund--Reningsverksdammarna
eBird hotspot: Lund--Reningsverksdammarna

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Lund--Reningsverksdammarna
eBird hotspot: Lund--Reningsverksdammarna

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Lund--Reningsverksdammarna
Driving along the ponds

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Lund--Reningsverksdammarna
eBird hotspot: Lund--Reningsverksdammarna

When I arrived I flushed a Grey Heron and I spotted the bird again, sitting on a rail. I parkedYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthe car and I got out trying to sneak up on the bird. Looked very beautiful in the fog and the anoying drizzle.

I turned in to stealth mode and I slowly worked my way towards the Grey Heron.

I wanted to have some pictures of the Gadwalls as well, bet they took off when I approached. The Grey Heron did not move and I was pleasantly surprised and I continued towards the Grey Heron stopping ever second meter to have a picture.

The Mallards took off, but the heron hanged on to the rail and I managed to get very close before the bird took off.

Grey Heron, Gråhäger, Ardea cinerea, นกกระสานวล, アオサギ

Grey Heron, Gråhäger, Ardea cinerea, นกกระสานวล, アオサギ
Grey Heron / Gråhäger

Grey Heron, Gråhäger, Ardea cinerea, นกกระสานวล, アオサギ
Grey Heron / Gråhäger


eBird Report

Lund--Reningsverksdammarna, Skåne län [SE-12], SE
Feb 16, 2023 09:08 - 10:45
Protocol: Traveling
4.35 kilometer(s)
13 species
Remarks:   Coming here to look for the Blue-winged Teal

Mute Swan 10
Gadwall 5
Eurasian Wigeon X   Many
Tufted Duck X   Many
Common Goldeneye 4
Little Grebe 2
Common Moorhen 5
Eurasian Coot X   Many
Black-headed Gull 5
Great Cormorant 3
Grey Heron 1
Common Magpie 2
Hooded Crow 1

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S128426272

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Lund--Reningsverksdammarna
Today's track at eBird hotspot: Lund--Reningsverksdammarna

Leaving and I knew that I would have to come back again as I had have no luck with the Blue-winged Teal. But my next stop will be at Traneröds Mosse. I have checked rare birds alert on https://artportalen.se/ You can choose between English and Swedish.

This is how I found the Baltimore Oriole and the Siberian Rubythroat and also this spot to look for the Blue-winged Teal. The have reported one Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid) and this is a bird I really want to see.

There was one car parked at Traneröds Mosse, a Danish car, but no sign of any people. I spotted one Eurasian Treecreeper when I parked the car. I stayed in the parking area for a while as the bird had been reported to be on the parking lot.

Well, no sign of any bird and I left the parking to go find Traneröds Mosse. Mosse is Swedish for bog, marshland, swamp.

Bird watching at Traneröds Mosse
Traneröds Mosse

Bird watching at Traneröds Mosse
Traneröds Mosse

Bird watching at Traneröds Mosse
Traneröds Mosse

Bird watching at Traneröds Mosse
Traneröds Mosse

Bird watching at Traneröds Mosse
Traneröds Mosse

They had plank board going out over the swamp, reaching around 50 meters out. Gloom and grey for long as I could see and a drizzle so the planks were very slippery. But I decided to get up on the planks and I made my way all the way to the end.

No sign of the Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid) and I walked back and I was almost falling in to the swamp slipping on the planks. I returned to my car and I drove back to my cottage for some tea before going to Halmstad for a medical examination.

Driving back to the cottage from the Doctors Office was not very nice. I was terrified, myYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stmedical examination had failed. I could not see, even with my glasses. So, I spent the evening looking for an optician to check my eyes.

The Doctor told me that I will get my medical certificate if I can get a prescription for glassesYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stgiving me 0,8 vision. 1.0 is the best and this made me worried. Why 0,8, with glasses you should get 1.0? So, I was very worried, why would I not get 1.0? Am I going blind?

I was very worried and I managed to find an optician and I got an appointment for 16:00 tomorrow afternoon.

Friday 17 th of February 2023
and my alarm went off at 4 o'clock. Looking out the window, pitch dark, no surprise, we get day light around 7. But it was raining, I really had had no luck with the weather. Gloom and grey so no good pictures.

I took off late, no need to rush anything as it is dark and I started the eBird app at Traneröds Mosse 09:23. I did not even get out of the car and I left reporting only one bird. A Common Buzzard sitting next to the road just after I had turned off the eBird app.

I had planned to have a look for the Blue-winged Teal at the eBird hotspot: Lund--Reningsverksdammarna but I cancelled the trip due to the weather. I listen to my music from theSverige’s Radiophone via Bluetooth while driving. But before it starts the radio is playing. And duringYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthese few seconds I HAVE TO listen to the BS from the Swedish State Radio.

During these few seconds I heard STORM WARNING and I continued to listen. Storm warning, orange warning for Skåne and it will start in the late afternoon.

Trains had already been cancelled. BUT, there was good news, after the storm it will be sunshine, strong winds Saturday morning but Sunshine.

This was very good news, maybe I get the chance to get some bird pictures in good light. I made a plan for tomorrow while driving back to the cottage.

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Rosendals Våtmark
Rosendals Våtmark

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Rosendals Våtmark
Rosendals Våtmark

I pass the eBird hotspot: Rosendals Våtmark on the way to the cottage and I make a stop to see if there were any birds. I spotted a Great Egret on the other side of the lake.

I had to use my binoculars to ID the bird. And I was grateful that I had brought my binoculars this time. Without the binoculars I would not have been able to ID many of the birds.


eBird Report

Rosendals Våtmark, Skåne län [SE-12], SE
Feb 17, 2023 11:21 - 11:41
Protocol: Traveling
1.44 kilometer(s)
7 species

Mute Swan 2
Common Shelduck 2
Eurasian Wigeon 15
Mallard 33   Most in the field next to the road
Tufted Duck 3
Herring Gull 22   In a group in the field. One black backed with them
Great White Egret 1

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S128497148

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

I leave Rosendals Våtmark, about 5 minutes away from the cottage. I passed the cottage as I had decided to go look for another RARE BIRD ALERT. They have reported an American Wigeon at Bruce Forest for a couple of days now.

The bird lake at Bruce Forest is 2 minutes from my cottage.

I did not expect to get out of the car as it was raining, but I decided to go have a look so I can find the way tomorrow. I parked the car and I decided to walk down to the bird lake even though it was raining. I walked down towards the bird lake and there was a lot of birds.

There were hundreds of Mallards and Eurasian Wigeons in the lake and the American Wigeon is among the Eurasian Wigeons so it will not be easy to find the bird, and they are quite far away.

Bird watching at Fågelsjön, Bruces Skog
Gloom and grey at Fågelsjön, Bruces Skog

Bird watching at Fågelsjön, Bruces Skog
Gloom and grey at Fågelsjön, Bruces Skog

Bird watching at Fågelsjön, Bruces Skog
Mallard foraging


eBird Report

Fågelsjön, Bruces Skog, Skåne, Skåne län [SE-12], SE
Feb 17, 2023 11:59 - 12:22
Protocol: Traveling
0.68 kilometer(s)
8 species

Mute Swan 2
Whooper Swan 12   12 in one formation
Eurasian Wigeon 15
Mallard 20
Black-headed Gull X
Common Gull 1
Common Magpie 1
Hooded Crow 25

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S128498258

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Bird watching at Fågelsjön, Bruces Skog
Today's track at Fågelsjön, Bruces Skog

I drive back to the cottage and I have my dinner and there is also time to look at today's photos before driving to the optician at Väla Center. And I was very happy when I left the optician.

My eyes are good, I had taken the full examination and my eyes are normal. No problem with the yellow spot or any cataract or glaucoma.

I have had pain in my eyes since I left the Doctor yesterday but as soon as they told me my eyes were OK, I felt very good. I had been very worried so it was a great relief that everything was OK. I'm not going to be blind, at least now.


a medical condition in which the lens of the eye becomes progressively opaque, resulting in blurred vision: she had cataracts in both eyes.


a condition of increased pressure within the eyeball, causing gradual loss of sight.

Saturday 18 th of February 2023
and it is still strong wind after the storm that passed during the night. But it was sunshine so I decided to go back to Lund to look for the Blue-winged Teal. And I will stop at Traneröds Mosse to look for the Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid) called Rackelhahn / Rackelhane on the way to Lund.

I arrived to the parking at Traneröds Mosse and there were two cars. One of the guys had a camera and I asked if he was here to look for the Rackelhahn / Rackelhane. And he was and I parked the car and I discovered another bird watcher making coffee in a house car. I told them that I was on my way to Lund to have a look for the Blue-winged Teal.

But I will first have a look for the Rackelhahn / Rackelhane. I told them that I used to stop here to have a look for the bird. They had been in Lund and they told me to look for the Blue-winged Teal in the eastern most ponds.

I went out on the plank boards but no luck with the Rackelhahn / Rackelhane and I was soon on my way again. The only birds I spotted was two Great Tits and two female Bull Finches foraging on the ground when I passed them with the car.

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Lund--Reningsverksdammarna
I can see the bird watchers from the car

I parked the car at Lund--Reningsverksdammarna, Skåne and the sky turned black when I got out of the car. Hundreds of Mallards and Eurasian Wigeon took off. I walk on the south side of the ponds towards east. I ran in to another bird watcher that was here to look for the Blue-winged Teal as well.

He asked if I had seen the White-tailed Eagle.
- No, I did not see any eagle
He told me that all the birds took off from the ponds when the White-tailed Eagle came flying over the ponds. I told him that I thought it was me scaring the birds when I got out of the car.

The Blue-winged Teal was obviously famous and there was a lot of people coming to look for the bird. But it is good, man eye looking so that increase the chance to spot the bird.

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Lund--Reningsverksdammarna
Mute Swans feeding

Eurasian Coot, Fulica atra, Sothöna, オオバン
Eurasian Coot / Sothöna

Eurasian Coot, Fulica atra, Sothöna, オオバン
Eurasian Coot / Sothöna

Eurasian Coot, Fulica atra, Sothöna, オオバン
Eurasian Coot / Sothöna

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Lund--Reningsverksdammarna
Walking along the ponds

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Lund--Reningsverksdammarna
Walking along the ponds

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Lund--Reningsverksdammarna
Bird watchers looking for the Blue-winged Teal

I walk along the walk path and there is one bird watcher taking pictures of a bird just next to the walk path. IT IS THE BLUE-WINGED TEAL! Suddenly, I have the famous bird 2 meters from me, and the bird is not scared, just eating not bothered about us.

We watched the bird while chatting and we had a good time next to the pond. The bird swam over to the other side of the pond but he came back to say hello to us again.

The Blue-winged Teal was my third rare bird since I arrived to Sweden. I was happy and as a bonus, we got to see the very beautiful Eurasian Teal / Eurasian Green-winged Teal on the other side of the pond. Too far away for any good pictures, but close enough for admiration.

Blue-winged Teal, Spatula discors, Blåvingad Årta

Blue-winged Teal, Spatula discors, Blåvingad Årta
Blue-winged Teal / Blåvingad Årta

Blue-winged Teal, Spatula discors, Blåvingad Årta
Blue-winged Teal / Blåvingad Årta

Blue-winged Teal, Spatula discors, Blåvingad Årta
Blue-winged Teal / Blåvingad Årta

Blue-winged Teal, Spatula discors, Blåvingad Årta
Blue-winged Teal / Blåvingad Årta

Blue-winged Teal, Spatula discors, Blåvingad Årta
Blue-winged Teal / Blåvingad Årta

Blue-winged Teal, Spatula discors, Blåvingad Årta
Blue-winged Teal / Blåvingad Årta

Blue-winged Teal, Spatula discors, Blåvingad Årta
Blue-winged Teal / Blåvingad Årta

Eurasian Teal, Anas crecca, Common Teal, Eurasian Green-winged Teal
Eurasian Teal

Rare Bird Alert


eBird Report

Lund--Reningsverksdammarna, Skåne län [SE-12], SE
Feb 18, 2023 10:38 - 12:07
Protocol: Traveling
1.62 kilometer(s)
13 species

Greylag Goose 8   Resting on the water
Mute Swan 4
Blue-winged Teal 1   To be in the eastern pond. Walk towards the East end and at the sewage treatment plant you can see the bird. The bird is not scared and come across the pond to say hello to the bird watchers
Eurasian Wigeon X   Many
Mallard X   Many
Eurasian Teal 2
Tufted Duck 12
Common Goldeneye 4
Great Crested Grebe 1
Eurasian Coot X   Many
Great Cormorant 2
Common Magpie 2
Hooded Crow X

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S128639444

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Lund--Reningsverksdammarna
Today's track at eBird hotspot: Lund--Reningsverksdammarna

I left Lund and my next stop will be Förslöv to see if I can get pictures of the Baltimore Oriole in the sunshine. I found my way to the highway and I headed north. I stopped in Ängelholm to buy a holder for my mobile.

So now I can conveniently look at the map while driving. I got out of the car at Idrottsvägen 7 in Förslöv. All the photos I have seen of the Baltimore Oriole on artportalen.se have been at the feeder and half birds only as the bird have been covered.

So, I could not believe my eyes when I came to the hedge, the Baltimore Oriole was sitting in top of the tree with the sun shining on the bird, perfect. I was alone but two other bird watchers, coming from Nyköping and they will spend the weekend in Skåne to look for birds.

I told them to hurry up coming to me at the hedge before the bird would take off. They could not believe their luck; they had also only seen dark pictures of the bird covered by the feeder and branches. They were very happy!

Baltimore Oriole, Icterus galbula, Baltimoretrupial
Baltimore Oriole / Baltimoretrupial

Baltimore Oriole, Icterus galbula, Baltimoretrupial
Baltimore Oriole / Baltimoretrupial

Baltimore Oriole, Icterus galbula, Baltimoretrupial
Baltimore Oriole / Baltimoretrupial

Baltimore Oriole, Icterus galbula, Baltimoretrupial
Baltimore Oriole / Baltimoretrupial

Baltimore Oriole, Icterus galbula, Baltimoretrupial
Baltimore Oriole / Baltimoretrupial

Baltimore Oriole, Icterus galbula, Baltimoretrupial
Baltimore Oriole / Baltimoretrupial

Baltimore Oriole, Icterus galbula, Baltimoretrupial
Baltimore Oriole / Baltimoretrupial

The bird left for the feeder and I asked the other two bird watchers what we should wait for now. We will not get any better pictures than what we had now. So, we left and I was in the car when the owner of the house came out to tell me that the bird was at the feeder now.

He thought that I had not got any picture of the bird and I showed him the pictures and I told him that I was very happy. But it was kind of him to come out to make sure I had photos.

And I was also surprised, you will think they would be feed up as there must have been thousands of bird watchers outside his house during the last two months.

I will meet a friend that I have not seen for 30 years. He had been searching for Rockpiren, a place we used to go to back in the 80's and he found my web page and he sent me an email.

And as I am in Sweden, I contacted him. So, we will have dinner at Kalle på Spången tonight.

I will pick him up in Helsingborg at 5 o'clock today. I will stop at the eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar on the way to Helsingborg.

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar


eBird Report

Hasslarps Dammar, Skåne län [SE-12], SE
Feb 18, 2023 15:24 - 16:14
Protocol: Traveling
1.98 kilometer(s)
6 species

Greylag Goose 3
Mute Swan 18   In one of the ponds there was 5 swans, 2 adults and 3 grey juveniles and it looked to be a family
Common Shelduck 3
Eurasian Wigeon X   Hundreds
Mallard X   Hundreds
Tufted Duck 12

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S128680830

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

It was windy and cold at Hasslarps Dammar and no exciting birds to be seen so I left after 20 minutes. I pick up my friend in Helsingborg and we reach Kalle på Spången at 5 thirty.

It is new owners and they have redecorated the place so it is grand opening today and they don't open until 6 o'clock. We went back in the car and we drove around for 30 minutes and Kalle på Spången was open by the time we came back.

Coming inside and I still recognised Kalle på Spången but it was lighter in the restaurant and it seems like they have changed the tables and chairs. It looked good, but will the food be any good?

Most likely, the Cook recognised me as I usually call to order Raggmunk and Tunna Fläskpankakor. So, I know the Cook, strange, when I called to enquiry, they told me it was all new staff.

We ordered some sandwich as a starter and Äggkaka. I had a pot of tea and my friend had a beer. The food was great, even though it was late. I have not been eating this late for a very long time now. That's how it is getting old.

Kalle på Spången

Kalle på Spången

Sunday 19 th of February 2023
and my alarm went off at 4 and I was dead tired and I did not feel very good. Eating that late in the evening can have nothing good coming out of it. And I was in bed very late. I will start the day by looking for a Short-toed Treecreeper at Lundagård in Lund.

Then I will go to pick up my nephew and we will go to have tea at the coffee shop where my oldest nephew is working. He is studying in Helsingborg and he work here during weekends and school holidays. Very good, it will be a good experience to work at this young age.

OK, I had been pushing him very hard as they spent most of the time playing computer during the weekends and holidays. So, I was very happy to learn that he was working.

Bird watching at Lundagård in Lund
Lundagård in Lund

Bird watching at Lundagård in Lund
Lundagård in Lund

Bird watching at Lundagård in Lund
Lundagård in Lund

I was not alone looking for the Short-toed Treecreeper and it have been reported at artportalen.se for a couple of days now. I speak a little with one guy and suddenly I point at the tree in front of us.

I got a picture and we analysed the picture and it was an ordinary Eurasian Treecreeper.

The Eurasian Treecreeper and Short-toed Treecreeper looks very similar and I cannot see the difference without any pictures. The birds are moving very quickly so it is not easy. But the first bird was a Eurasian Treecreeper.

There are also the Eurasian Nuthatch in the park and this bird is also climbing the tree trunks like a Treecreeper. I could hear bird song all over the park. And the Rooks was very noisy in the tree tops

Eurasian Treecreeper VS Short-toed Treecreeper
Eurasian Treecreeper VS Short-toed Treecreeper
Picture from https://www.rspb.org.uk

Eurasian Treecreeper or Common Treecreeper, Certhia familiaris, Trädkrypare

Eurasian Treecreeper or Common Treecreeper, Certhia familiaris, Trädkrypare
Eurasian Treecreeper / Trädkrypare

Eurasian Nuthatch or Wood Nuthatch, Sitta europaea, Nötväcka

Rook, Corvus frugilegus, Råka


eBird Report

Lundag�rd, Skåne, Skåne län [SE-12], SE
Feb 19, 2023 08:41 - 09:23
Protocol: Traveling
0.37 kilometer(s)
Checklist Comments:   Birds song all over the park
9 species

Common Woodpigeon 3
Common Magpie 2
Rook 13   Looks to be building nests. Carrying sticks and it was very noisy from the tree tops
Hooded Crow 1
Eurasian Blue Tit 5
Great Tit 1
Eurasian Nuthatch 2
Eurasian Treecreeper 1
Eurasian Blackbird 5

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S128848005

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Bird watching at Lundagård in Lund
Today's track at Lundagård in Lund

I leave Lund and I have time to visit the bird lake at Bruces Skog to give the American Wigeon another try. Sunshine so I want to get there as you never know when the rain and storm starts again. And I have time before it is time to pick up my nephew.

I park the car and I walk down to the lake while watching two Hooded Crows mobbing one Red Kite. There was a lot of Eurasian Wigeons and I discovered one American Wigeon just next to the huge group of Eurasian Wigeons feeding in the grass.

So, I was very happy, my fourth rare bird alert since I arrived to Skåne. I decided to bring my youngest nephew to Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid) when we had been drinking our tea.

Bird watching at the Bird Lake, Bruces Skog - American Wigeon
Bird Lake, Bruces Skog

Bird watching at the Bird Lake, Bruces Skog - American Wigeon
I was lucky and I got to see the American Wigeon

Bird watching at the Bird Lake, Bruces Skog - American Wigeon
I was lucky and I got to see the American Wigeon

Common Buzzard, Buteo buteo, Ormvråk

Common Buzzard, Buteo buteo, Ormvråk
Common Buzzard / Ormvråk

I leave Bruces Skog and I see one Common Buzzard sitting next to the road when I leave Bruces Skog and I make a U-turn to try to sneak up on the bird for a picture. I got a picture before the Buzzard took off and landed on a wood pole further away.

I was a wee bit delayed because of the Common Buzzard and I arrived to my nephew a little after 11 o'clock. We took off towards Väla Centrum and we had decided to go to Traneröds Mosse to have a look for the Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Tea time
Tea time

Tea time
Hard working Mr. Dynamite

My nephew had a chocolate shake and I had a cup of tea with some kind of sandwich. My nephew had a chocolate something and it tasted good. I was almost ordering a Semla , but my self-discipline stepped in and we left without having any Semla

We drove to Traneröds Mosse and when we arrived the parking lot was full. Cars parked everywhere so here was a lot of people coming to look for the Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid). Sunday and people are free and obviously the bird was an attraction.

It is very rare to see and I had high hopes when I got out of the car. Many people and someone have most likely spotted the bird. I asked around and I got directions, 50 meters away from the parking lot. My nephew borrowed my binocular, but it was no need for a binocular.

The bird was foraging on a field and it was not scared, the bird even came up on the stone fence and it was 2 meters away.

Bird watching at Traneröds Mosse
He borrow my binocular

Bird watching at Traneröds Mosse
He borrow my binocular

Bird watching at Traneröds Mosse
Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rackelhahn, Rackelwild, Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rackelhahn, Rackelwild, Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)
Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rackelhahn, Rackelwild, Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)
Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rackelhahn, Rackelwild, Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)
Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rackelhahn, Rackelwild, Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)
Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rackelhahn, Rackelwild, Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)
Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rackelhahn, Rackelwild, Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)
Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rackelhahn, Rackelwild, Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)
Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rackelhahn, Rackelwild, Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)
Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rackelhahn, Rackelwild, Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)
Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rackelhahn, Rackelwild, Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)
Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rackelhahn, Rackelwild, Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)
Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rackelhahn, Rackelwild, Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)
Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rackelhahn, Rackelwild, Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)
Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rackelhahn, Rackelwild, Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)
Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rackelhahn, Rackelwild, Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)
Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rackelhahn, Rackelwild, Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)
Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rackelhahn, Rackelwild, Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)
Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rackelhahn, Rackelwild, Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)
Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rackelhahn, Rackelwild, Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)
Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rackelhahn, Rackelwild, Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)
Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rackelhahn, Rackelwild, Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)
Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rackelhahn, Rackelwild, Rackelhane, Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)
Rackelhane / Western Capercaillie x Black Grouse (hybrid)

Rare Bird Alert

We left Traneröds Mosse and I was very happy to have seen the Rackelhahn / Rackelhane, my fifth rare bird alert since I came to Sweden. Way more than I had ever dared to wish for!

We drove back towards Helsingborg and we passed a sign saying smoke house and they sold smoked salmon and they had a restaurant as well.

I had not seen this sign before and I think it is because it is Sunday and there are tourists on the road. Anyway, we left the road to go check out the place. We ordered salmon and the food was very good. And it was a beautiful place with a stream passing outside the window.

I spoke with the owner and I asked if they had any Dippers in the stream. She told me that they had two Grey Herons that made a lot of noise every now and then.

Smoked salmon
Enjoying salmon

Monday 20 th of February 2023
and my alarm went off at 4 o'clock as usually. I had breakfast while waiting for my nephew to call. I did not expect him to call, but he told me yesterday that he would call.

If he would have called, I would go to pick him up at 7 o'clock and we should go to Lund to give the Short-toed Treecreeper another chance.

Well, I left for Lund alone in the car and I started my eBird app at 08:32 but I never spotted the bird. Only the normal Eurasian Treecreeper and a Great Tit. It was raining and strong wind so I was soon turning off the eBird app. I left Lundagård and my next stop is Skanör.

Bird watching at Lundagård
Poor weather at Lundagård

The last couple of days there had been a King Eider reported at Skanörs marina. The King Eider is a very beautiful bird, I have seen it before, but it was very far away so the picture I got was for ID purpose only.

So, I hope to be able to get a picture of the King Eider. And I will cross the Falsterbo Canal on the way to Skanör. And the Canal is an eBird hotspot: Falsterbonäset--Falsterbokanalen and I decided to stop to have a look for birds.

Not much excitements going on in and around the Canal but I covered both the east and west side of the canal before I left

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Falsterbonäset--Falsterbokanalen
Falsterbo Canal

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Falsterbonäset--Falsterbokanalen
Falsterbo Canal

Great Cormorant, Phalacrocorax carbo, जलेवा, Great Black Cormorant, Storskarv

Great Cormorant, Phalacrocorax carbo, जलेवा, Great Black Cormorant, Storskarv
Great Cormorant / Storskarv

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Falsterbonäset--Falsterbokanalen


eBird Report

Falsterbonäset--Falsterbokanalen, Skåne län [SE-12], SE
Feb 20, 2023 09:59 - 10:52
Protocol: Traveling
7.75 kilometer(s)
10 species (+1 other taxa)

Mute Swan 3   One juvenile
Mallard 10
Goosander (Eurasian) 1
Little Grebe 4
Eurasian Coot 18
Herring Gull 1
gull sp. 1   Black backed
Great Cormorant 3
Common Magpie 2
Eurasian Jackdaw 2
Hooded Crow 2

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S129077696

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Falsterbonäset--Falsterbokanalen
Today's track at eBird hotspot: Falsterbonäset--Falsterbokanalen

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Falsterbonäset--Falsterbokanalen
Today's track at eBird hotspot: Falsterbonäset--Falsterbokanalen
Driving towards west leaving the Canal behind and there are many eBird hotspots on the west side of Skanör / Falsterbo. Skanör Marina is one hotspot and I pass the eBird hotspot: Falsterbonäset--Hamnvågen area and I started my app.

There is a small pond in the reeds and I spotted hundreds of Tufted Ducks resting on the pond.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stThere is a platform to overlook the pond, but darn, it was raining and almost full storm so I stayed in the car.

There were some Mallards and Wigeon in the area as well, but in the pond, it was only Tufted Ducks, except two Mute Swans.

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Falsterbonäset--Hamnvågen
Plenty Tufted Ducks resting on the pond

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Falsterbonäset--Hamnvågen
Plenty Tufted Ducks resting on the pond

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Falsterbonäset--Hamnvågen
Plenty Tufted Ducks resting on the pond
And yes, I blow up the picture to 100% - It is only Tufted Ducks and two Mute Swans in the pond

I just made a U-turn when I reached the marina. I was for sure not going out of the car. And even though I would have gone out the chances to see the King Eider would have been next to ZERO in the heave sea.

This was a little disappointing as I really wanted to get a picture of the beautiful King Eider. I drove back to my cottage and I spent the evening with my photos.

Tuesday 21 st of February 2023
and I checked the weather after breakfast by looking out the window and I discovered a gorgeous morning. I decided to give the King Eider another try and I will stop in Lund on the way.

I waited until 11 before I left as I will meet a guy I have not seen in many ears and he will be in Lund around 12 o'clock.

Beautiful weather in Skåne
A gorgeous morning

Beautiful weather in Skåne
He send me a picture on LINE that he had arrived to Lund

Beautiful weather in Skåne

I parked the car at Lundagård and my friend arrived and we went to look for the Short-toed Treecreeper but we had no luck. We decided to leave for Skanör to have a look for the King Eider. We arrived to the marina and we parked the car. Gorgeous weather and I was looking forward to the King Eider.

We got out of the car and we spotted another bird watcher. The bird watcher was packing up getting ready to leave. When he came to the parking I asked if he had seen the King Eider. He had seen the King Eider but it had left a couple of minutes ago.

We went back in to the car and we left Skanör and I dropped my friend in Höllviken and he will walk back to Malmö. I drove back to my cottage in full speed. Driving to Lund this morning and I realise that there had been no confirmation in my Tourist Visa application.

I checked internet on my phone and there was a missing document and I called the Thai Embassy first thing when I was back in the cottage. I sent the missing documents to the embassy and I hope to get the visa tomorrow.

Wednesday 22 nd of February 2023
and no news about my medical certificate so I spent the morning looking for Doctors to go to make a new medical examination. I found one Doctor in Båstad and I sent him the documents from the optician.

I left my cottage when I had sent the email with the documents. I left at 10 o'clock and I was in theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stDoctor’s office at 11 o'clock. I got my medical certificate and I drove back to my cottage with a stop to buy semlor before I left Båstad.

I had been hoping for sunshine today but it was gloom and grey for long as I could see so the chances for any bird watching today are slim. I had breakfast 5 o'clock in the morning so I was hungry and I had lunch when I was back in the cottage.

I miss Swedish sausages in Sweden so I plan to bring some back to Thailand. But approaching the supermarket I changed my mind. I will be better of continuing my diet, anyway, I am a little bit feed up with sausage now after having had it every day in Sweden.

Sweden Rare Bird Alert
I spotted 5 rare birds while in Sweden

Well, that's it from Sweden. I will leave early tomorrow morning, return the car and then take the train to Kastrup, Copenhagen International Airport. You just need to click HERE to find out all about that adventure. Will I make it back home to Bangkok.


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