OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

On the road to Norberg

Monday 20 th of May 2024 and my alarm goes off at 4 o'clock and I have my tea with a salad for breakfast. No need to eat as we will have BBQ for lunch. I will pick up my friend in Jönköping before we continue to Norberg.

We have planned to sop at Tiveden National Park to look for some birds and to have BBQ. My car is full of Sausages that we will BBQ during or stay in Norberg.

Road trip from Skåne to Norberg
5 o'clock in the morning and time to leave Skåne

Road trip from Skåne to Norberg
My rented cottage

I leave my rented cottage at 5 o'clock and I will pick up my friend in Jönköping at 7 o'clock. The GPS give me an ETA to Jönköping at 07:30.

So, I will have to go a little fast to reach in time. I take of and I am surprised, a gorgeous morning. When I left my brother yesterday evening it was raining and I was told that it would be bad weather for the next few days.

So I was surprised to wake up to a gorgeous morning.

Road trip from Skåne to Norberg
A gorgeous morning

Road trip from Skåne to Norberg
A gorgeous morning

I was almost running out of gas, luckily enough I passes a gas stop so I could fill up the car. And I rolled in to my friend's house at 07:02 even though I had to stop to fill the car on the way.

We left my friend's house around 15 to 20 minutes later. We drive north west of Lake Vättern and when we pass a car that have stopped in the opposite lane, looking like they were out to look at a bird or something.

- DUCKING DUCK!!!! I screamed and I stopped the car. Seeing these two looking for a bird or what ever reminded me about my camera. I had a bad sense, did I forget my camera?

I threw myself out of the car to look for my camera. Had I forgot the camera in my rented cottage this morning? Yes, I had forgot my camera

We reach Tiveden National Park before 9 o'clock and we decided to continue, way too early for our BBQ lunch. We decided to have our lunch at the Hälleskogsbrännan nature reserve on the way to Norberg.

Reaching Hälleskogsbrännan nature reserve just after 11 o'clock and we found a grill and we went out to have our BBQ.

Hälleskogsbrännan nature reserve
Preparing the BBQ

Hälleskogsbrännan nature reserve
Preparing the BBQ

Hälleskogsbrännan nature reserve
Preparing the BBQ

Hälleskogsbrännan nature reserve
Waiting for the grill to be ready for the BBQ

Hälleskogsbrännan nature reserve
Putting on the sausages

Hälleskogsbrännan nature reserve
Ready to eat

It must have been three years ago since I was here the last time. And I could not recognise the area. Last time I was here the vegetation was still very low and it was looking like a wildfire area covered with dead and burned trees.

Now the area was covered with two meters high trees and we had trouble finding the BBQ grills as the area was covered in vegetation.

But we found one of the grills by chance and we had our BBQ lunch before we left for Norberg.

Brandområdet, Hälleskogsbrännan nature reserve

Hälleskogsbrännan nature reserve

Hälleskogsbrännan nature reserve, Västmanland, Sweden. The reserve was established in 2015 to observe the development of the ecosystem in the area following the large 2014 Västmanland wildfire.

2014 Västmanland Wildfire

The 2014 Västmanland wildfire (Swedish: Skogsbranden i Västmanland 2014) was a wildfire that broke out on the afternoon of 31 July 2014 on the border between Sala Municipality and Surahammar Municipality in Västmanland, Sweden. It is Sweden's largest wildfire in 40 years. After an EU appeal, Italy and France provided firefighting aircraft.

On 4 August 2014, the evacuation of residents began in Gammelby alongside Route 668 east of Lake Virsbo, Västervåla and Ängelsberg. As of 5 August 2014, over one thousand people were forced to evacuate their homes, and the town of Norberg, with about 4500 residents, was being considered for evacuation.

2014 Västmanland Wildfire
Forest fire in Västmanland, Sweden. Approximate area of fire at 10:00 hours, August 5 2014 - Click HERE for full size map
By Edaen, © OpenStreetMaps bidragsgivare, © Lantmäteriet (OTRS ticket 2013101610008901)
Valmyndigheten, Länstyrelsen Västmanland, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=34545435

One person was confirmed killed by the fire, a man in his 30s who was reported missing. His badly burned body was found near Stabäck, Västmanland. The fire was declared a national emergency. It encompassed over 15,000 hectares and was located northwest of Sala. The Swedish Armed Forces were mobilized, with about 100 personnel providing support to the firefighters as of 7 August.

It was reported that nine volunteers were surrounded by fire and had to be rescued by professional firefighters on 5 August. Because of this, volunteer firefighting help from the public was no longer accepted. Firefighters found a 42-year-old man in the forest who was badly burned but still alive. The police reported that he was taken directly to a hospital for treatment.

2014 Västmanland Wildfire
NASA Earth Observatory photo. August 4, 2014
Click HERE for full size map
By NASA Earth Observatory (Landsat 8 - OLI) - http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=84155,
Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=34683665

The wildfire threatened the UNESCO World Heritage Site Engelsberg Ironworks. The owners of the Ironworks, Nordstjernan, rented two helicopters of their own to water the area close to the site.

The Swedish police started a preliminary investigation of the cause of the fire, to see if it was caused by criminal negligence. According to local media, a driver of a ground-preparation vehicle stated that the fire started in his vehicle and that no fire watch was posted despite a very high risk of fire.

Although the 2014 Swedish heat wave did not cause the fire, the exceptionally hot and dry conditions of the summer of 2014 enabled the fire to spread and intensify.

Map over Hälleskogsbrännan, click HERE

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We leave Hälleskogsbrännan nature reserve and we have about 30 minutes to go to Norberg. I have booked a room at Klackbergsgården and we will drop my luggage there before we go to visit our friend.

I like my room, there is a fridge and a kettle so I can have my tea in the morning. My friend will stay with our friend, but I do not like to stay at people’s home so I have booked a room.

In our friend's apartment and we go to buy groceries for his cottage where we will spend the days. We have a look at Norberg and it is a beautiful town with a lot of old houses.

Stream through Norberg


We drive back to my room at Klackbergsgården to leave my milk in the fridge. The hotel is located at Klackberg ore field and we went for a walk around the old mine field.

They closed the mine some 60 or 50 years ago so now the area is turned in to a museum, well, some kind of museum. There are mine holes, but one of them are closed. You can walk through the rock through this mine shaft.

The mine shaft was used to transport the ore to the rail wagons on the other side of the mountain.

Klackberg ore field
Klackberg ore field

We leave Norberg to drive to our friend's cottage. We reach the end of a small dirt track through the forest and we park the car at the lake. We have to walk for about 10 minutes through the forest to reach the cottage.

We will go back to the car using a rowing boat to pick up our stuff, but first I need to drink some water. And our friend has a nice bridge with BBQ equipment and a dining area.

We enjoy the beautiful area for a couple of minutes before we leave with the boat.

Swedish wilderness
Relaxing before taking off with the boat

Swedish wilderness
On the way in the boat

Swedish wilderness
On the way in the boat

Swedish wilderness
On the way in the boat

It takes a 10 minutes’ to reach the parking lot and we loaded our stuff in the boat. We had loaded a gas bottle, groceries and my friend’s luggage. I had put two refreshments in the boat as well.

We were soon on our way back to the cottage and my friend started to give pointers about the rowing. I asked if he wanted to swim back.

Did not take long to reach the cottage and we unloaded our things and we moved to the bridge for some refreshments when we were ready.

Swedish wilderness
On the way back with a loaded boat

Swedish wilderness
Waiting for the grill to be ready

Swedish wilderness
Preparing food

It is a gorgeous evening on the bridge and we are enjoying refreshments while doing the BBQ. We could hear birds from the forest and we had Black-throated Divers swimming close to us.

Listen to the Common Chaffinch
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

My luggage with my ZOOM H5 recorder did not arrive with my flight, so recorded with my mobile phone. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity.

Bird heard only

Thanks to mummymonkeyat www.birdforum.net for help with ID

And there was one blackbird singing very beautifully from the forest so the food tasted excellent. And I enjoyed the company and the time turned very quick.

I was shocked to find out it was past 8 o'clock in the evening, the sun was still high on the sky.

Swedish wilderness
The cottage

Swedish wilderness
The food is ready

Swedish wilderness

I was back in my room and the clock was almost 9 thirty and I changed my alarm to go off at 04:45 instead of 4 o'clock. And I will drive back to the cottage early tomorrow morning.

Tuesday 21 st of May 2024
and I had tea in my room with some ham that I had bought yesterday. I leave my room around 7 thirty and I hear a Barn Swallow.

Never seen a swallow behaving like this before. Flying around calling and I brought out my mobile phone and I recorded the bird.

Listen to the Barn Swallow
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

My luggage with my ZOOM H5 recorder did not arrive with my flight, so recorded with my mobile phone. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity.

Never seen a Barn Swallow like this before. One lone bird flying in big circles calling. So, I guess it was stressed about something.

Leaving Klackbergsgården behind and I drive towards our friend's cottage. I leave the paved road turning in to a gravel road through the forest.

I have to stop to open a boom blocking the road after a couple of hundred meters. My friend have given me the key so I can open the boom.

10 to 15 minutes after having left Klackbergsgården and I can park the car at the lake and I have a 10 minutes walk through the forest to reach the cottage.

The forest is full of Common Chaffinches and I recorded one of them when walking to the cottage.

Swedish wilderness
Walk path through the forest

Swedish wilderness
Walk path through the forest

Swedish wilderness
Walk path through the forest

Swedish wilderness
It is a gorgeous morning

Swedish wilderness
Reaching the cottage

Swedish wilderness
My friends having breakfast

Swedish wilderness
My friends having breakfast

Listen to the Common Chaffinch
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

My luggage with my ZOOM H5 recorder did not arrive with my flight, so recorded with my mobile phone. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity.

Bird heard only

Thanks to mummymonkeyat www.birdforum.net for help with ID

Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

My luggage with my ZOOM H5 recorder did not arrive with my flight, so recorded with my mobile phone. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity.

Bird heard only. One bird sitting above me, but I can hear a second bird replying from far away

Thanks to mummymonkeyat www.birdforum.net for help with ID

My friends had their breakfast when I arrived and I was soon having a cup of tea. We will start the day by going to Engelsbergs bruk.

We finish the breakfast and we walk back to the car and we leave for Engelsbergs bruk. We stop at our friend's apartment to leave some stuff before we continue.

Engelsberg Ironworks

(Swedish: Engelsbergs bruk) is an ironworks in Ängelsberg, a village in Fagersta Municipality in Västmanland County, Sweden. It was built in 1681 by Per Larsson Gyllenhöök (1645-1706) and developed into one of the world's most modern ironworks in the period 1700–1800. It is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1993.

Engelsberg Ironworks is named after Englika. Englika, who was born in Germany, began producing iron in Engelsberg in the 14th century.

The history of iron production in the region dates back to at least 13th century. The local peasants both mined the ore and produced the iron using primitive furnaces.

In the end of the 16th century more modern production methods were introduced in Engelsberg and production volumes increased substantially in the following decades.

The mill, which historically belonged to the Västervåla parish and Norberg, was built in 1681 by the county sheriff Per Larsson Höök (1645–1706). By then, ironworking had already been carried out on the site for a long time by miners.

The preserved buildings include a manor house, the inspector's house and the smelting house with a blast furnace.

UNESCO World Heritage Site
Engelsberg Ironworks is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was added to the list in 1993. The UNESCO comments were:

“Sweden's production of superior grades of iron made it a leader in this field in the 17th and 18th centuries.    This site is the best-preserved and most complete example of this type of Swedish ironworks.”

We park the car and I start my eBird app and I discover that Engelsbergs bruk is an eBird hotspot. We can hear the Common Chaffinch all over the area and I can record one of them that are sitting in a tree just above me.

There was a fieldfare foraging on the lawn and I could see one Grey Heron flying over the area. My friends were walking ahead and they came back to tell me that there was a mallard with babies in the stream.

Listen to the Common Chaffinch
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

My luggage with my ZOOM H5 recorder did not arrive with my flight, so recorded with my mobile phone. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity.

There were several Common Chaffinches in the area. The recorded bird was sitting just above me in a tree

Engelsbergs bruk
At Engelsbergs bruk

Mallard with babies

Mallard with babies

Leaving Engelsbergs bruk and we drive to have a look at the oldest refinery in Sweden, hundreds of years old and now turned in to a museum.

Leaving for Fagersta to buy provision and we drive through Hälleskogsbrännan nature reserve and we stop to have a look at the view. We can see that they whole area have recovered from the wild fire and the trees are growing up very quickly.

Except in some areas where the heat have burned the soil, but it will soon recover. In 20 to 30 years, it will be a forest again.

Swedish wilderness
Stop to have a look at the view

Swedish wilderness
Stop to have a look at the view

My friends go to buy wine and I go to buy a pick-nick lunch at the Supermarket, I am getting very hungry and my friends are waiting at the car when I come out from the supermarket.

We are going to have a look at, Konung Gustav III sluss, a 250 years old lock in Strömsholms kanal 10 minutes’ drive from the Supermarket

Strömsholms Kanal

Strömsholms Kanal is a historic canal located in Hallstahammar, Sweden. With a length of 11 miles and a fall of over 100 meters through 26 locks, it offers a unique and exciting experience for visitors.

Strömsholms Kanal is a beautiful and varied canal that has been in operation for over 250 years. The canal is surrounded by stunning natural scenery, with varied landscapes, wildlife, and historical sites along the way. Visitors can enjoy a relaxing boat ride or hike along the canal’s banks, taking in the sights and sounds of this unique and historic waterway.

Strömsholms Kanal is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in history, nature, or adventure. With its stunning natural scenery, varied landscapes, and unique experience, it offers something for everyone. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing boat ride or a more active hiking experience, Strömsholms Kanal is a great choice.

Konung Gustav III sluss, Strömsholms kanal
At the lock

Konung Gustav III sluss, Strömsholms kanal
At the lock

Konung Gustav III sluss, Strömsholms kanal
Konung Gustav III sluss

I had have my pick-nick lunch at the lock so I was full by the time we left. We drove back to our friend's cottage in Norberg and we will have our dinner on the bridge.

We have planned to make pizza to try to do it on the BBQ. We park the car and we take the 10 minutes' walk through the forest to the cottage. We had some refreshments on the bridge, we had planned to take a tour on the lake with the rowing boat.

But we decide to skip the boat tour as we enjoyed ourself on the bridge. We also decided to make the pizza for lunch tomorrow as we have plenty sausages and pork.

We had salad and pork as well, so no need to do any pizza.

Swedish wilderness
Preparing the BBQ

We had a lot of food and I was full when we were ready. We still have plenty sausages remaining and we will see if we have them tomorrow.

Time turned quick and it was soon time for me to go back to my hotel. We brought back the stuff to the cottage and my friends started to do the dishes.

We will meet tomorrow morning again and I will come here at 8 o'clock in the morning and I started to walk back to the car.

Swedish wilderness
Doing the dishes

I drove back to the hotel and I got a LINE message from my brother with a picture of my suitcase. They had delivered the suitcase from Copenhagen International Airport.

So I will have my stuff, finally, when I return to Skåne. Good, I have missed my tea cup.

Thai Airways missing luggage
My suitcase delivered

Spending some time in my room looking at today's pictures. But I was tired and I was soon in my bed with the alarm set to go off at 04:45.

Wednesday 22 nd of May 2024
and I arrived to the cottage at 8 o'clock, I had stopped two times on the way to report birds. first stop one Eurasian Green Woodpecker nesxt to the road.

The second bird was one Eurasian Jay flying across the gravel road after having entered the forest with the car.

My friends have finished their breakfast on the bridge when I arrived to the cottage. We have a male mallard swimming around and we feed him some bread.

We decided to skip the pizza and we will close down the cottage as my friends will sleep in the town tonight. I will pick up my friend at 7 o'clock in the morning and we will drive south again.

We brought all the stuff in to the boat and we took it to the car in the boat.

Swedish wilderness
Setting sail towards the parking lot

Swedish wilderness
Going back to the cottage with an empty boat

Back at the cottage and we secured the boat and our friend was ready closing down the cottage and we walked back to the car through the forest.

We will leave the stuff at our friend's apartment before taking off to explore the province Dalarna. And we will go to see Gustaf de Laval Kloster Iron works.


Dalarna ('the Dales' or 'the Valleys'), also referred to by the English exonyms Dalecarlia and the Dales, is a landskap (historical province) in central Sweden.

Dalarna adjoins Härjedalen, Hälsingland, Gästrikland, Västmanland and Värmland. It is also bordered by Norway in the west. The province's borders mostly coincide with the modern administrative Dalarna County (län).

The area is a holiday destination for Swedes from the south, who often travel there in the summer, drawn by its fishing lakes, campgrounds, and forests. Some Swedes own or rent a second home in Dalarna, where they are likely to have a vegetable garden and apple trees.

In mid-June, midsummer celebrations and dances are held in many of the small villages and in the larger cities. Dalarna is a region full of historical associations, and both its products and its people have strong local characteristics.

In the western district Lima, some people in villages speak a traditional dialect, Dalecarlian, while in Älvdalen, they speak Elfdalian, a dialect which is very distinct from Swedish, Norwegian or Danish.

Historically, the people of Dalecarlia – called Dalecarlians, or Dalesmen (dalkarlar, masar) and Daleswomen (kullor) – have been famous for their independent nature toward authority.

The Old Norse form of the province name is Járnberaland, which means “the land of the iron carriers”

Gustaf de Laval in kloster

Gustaf de Laval was employed at the Kloster Iron works in Husby parish, Sweden, where he worked as an engineer. He was employed there from 1876 to 1877. During his time at Kloster, he designed and built a milk separator that became a huge success worldwide. The milk separator was one of his most famous inventions.

Innovations at Kloster
Gustaf de Laval’s time at Kloster Iron works was marked by innovation and creativity. He used his skills as an engineer to design and build several inventions, including the milk separator, which revolutionized the dairy industry. His work at Kloster laid the foundation for his future success as an engineer and inventor.

Gustaf de Laval’s legacy extends beyond his work at Kloster Iron works. He is remembered as a pioneering engineer and inventor who made significant contributions to the development of steam turbines, centrifugal separation machinery, and dairy technology. His inventions and innovations continue to impact industries around the world today.

Hällatornet, the bird tower

We stop at a bird tower on the way and we get aYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwalking to the Hällatornet next to Dala River. A gorgeous day in a gorgeous area. There was a lot of Mute Swans and one of them was sitting on a nest in front of the bird watching tower.

I make an eBird checklist to report the birds we can see. And no pictures as I have forgot my camera back in Skåne.

Gustaf de Laval Kloster Iron works
At Gustaf de Laval Kloster Iron works

We leave Gustaf de Laval Kloster Iron works and we called several restaurants, but they are all closed. Our friend comes up with an idea, to go check out the knäckebröd bakery, Skedvi Bread

This is a tourist attraction and they have shop and a restaurant. In the middle of nowhere so I was surprised to find tourist buses and plenty cars when we arrived.

Plenty people and I was pleasantly surprised to find the restaurant almost empty. I was very hungry and the food was good and I was happy when we left.

We had one more stop before going back to Norberg. We will climb a mountain to have a look at the view over Dalarna.

Skedvi Bread
Skedvi Bread

Swedish wilderness
On top of the mountain

I am back in my room around 8 o'clock and I was soon in bed with the alarm set to go off at 4 o'clock. We will leave early tomorrow morning driving back south.

Thursday 23 rd of May 2024
and I am out of bed just after 4 o'clock and I turn on the kettle first thing. I will go to have a cup of tea with my friends at 6 thirty. They are sleeping in the town and I will bring my friend back to Jönköping at 7 o'clock.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stWe have a cup of tea before we leave at 7 o'clock. I have known my friend for 25 years, well, I think almost 30 years.

I have never received any hug, not one single hug. So, I was very surprised when they gave each other a hug before we left.

Swedish wilderness
Hugging time

Leave Norberg and we drive south towards Jönköping and we expect to be there around 11 o'clock. I ordered 2 kg of Göta Kanal tea yesterday and I will pick it up in Jönköping.

I make 3 stops to report birds to eBird, the first one, a Red Kite sitting in a field next to the road. The bird take-off when I get out of the car and a couple of Jackdaws start to mob the kite chasing away the kite from the field.

I stop to report a Grey Heron flying next to the car and we made a stop to report Common Cranes in a field next to the road.

Approaching Lake Vättern and we are getting hungry and we buy ice cream and sandwiches when weYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stfill up the car with gas. And we stop for a pick-nick when we reach Göta Kanal.

We find a marina in Karlsborg and there is a table overlooking the marina and Göta Kanal.

Pick-nick in Sweden
We stop for pick-nick

Bill Clinton

Dropping the luggage at my friend's house and we leave to pick up my tea. We drop his wife at school on the way to the shopping center.

I take the opportunity to buy some Swedish new potato at the shopping center. I drop my friend at his house and I leave for Skåne.

I have potatos and sausage when I am back in my cottage before going to pick up my suitcase.

European Election

Friday 24 th of May 2024
and I will go to cast my vote in the European Election. And they have a polling station at Väla, a shopping center close by. I will go to cast my ballot after my breakfast.

I will look for birds on the way and I started my eBird app after 5 minutes when I turned up on a gravel road. And back on the paved road and I was soon turning up on a dirt track.

Leaving the paved road one more time before I reached the highway. And I managed to get pictures of a Whinchat. The second Whinchat I spotted did not like to be on a picture.



Exciting the highway to Helsingborg at Hyllinge and I will pass some wetland before Väla shopping center. The wetland is a eBird hotspot: Rosendals våtmark

The first bird I spot is an Northern Lapwing and I stopped the car. And surprisingly enough, the bird did not take off and I can take a picture. I continue and there is another Northern Lapwing 100 meters down the road.

This bird don´t care about me and I get a picture of the bird. Otherwise there is nothing much exciting and I continue to Väla.

Northern Lapwing
Northern Lapwing

Northern Lapwing
Northern Lapwing

Reaching Väla shopping center and I park at gate 3, both the suitcase shop and the polling station are at Gate 3. I walk around and I cannot find the polling station. Strange, I had expected posters and signs all over the place.

Asking around and it seems like no one knows where it is. But suddenly I walk in to the polling station. I ask them if they have ballot papers for “Alternativ för Sverige”

Förtidsrösta på Väla Centrum - Polling station at Väla Centrum
I find the place to cast my ballot

They have ballot papers for “Alternativ för Sverige” and they give me a envelope for the ballot. They show me to a booth with all the ballot papers and I told them that I do not need any booth.

I am not ashamed for voting AFS. I put the ballot in the envelope and I double check so it is the AFS ballot in the envelope. I do not want to cast my vote for one of the 8 Swedish parties that have been destroying Sweden.

Handing over the envelop with the ballot and my voting card after having carefully having double checked the ballot to make sure it is the correct ballot. They put everything in an envelope and in to a box. I said good bye and I left.

Förtidsrösta på Väla Centrum - Polling station at Väla Centrum
They have AFS ballots

Förtidsrösta på Väla Centrum - Polling station at Väla Centrum
I double check so it is the AFS ballot in the envelope

Alternativ för Sverige

I have tried to find the suitcase shop that should be close to the polling station. I cannot find the shop so I call them. And they are just close by, but they did not have any Samsonite suitcase covers. Would take them a week to get one.

Thai Airways lost mine coming to Sweden and I need a new and I will buy one coming back home.

Saturday 25 th of May 2024
and I drive to pick up my youngest nephew and we will go to look for birds at the eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar

I asked him to wait outside the house as my brother have a cold. I have started to come down with a cold as well. And I do not want to have a cold during my fire fighting course next week.

There will be a boat trip and BBQ in Höör this afternoon. But I do not know if I can come due to the cold. As soon as my nephew was in the car we went to buy c-vitamins.

We reach Hasslarps Dammar and I start my eBird app. The first birds we report is 4 House Sparrows and a little later wa can add a Hooded Crow and 2 Rooks.

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
A gorgeous area

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
My Nephew will help me look for birds

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
We have to climb a fence to reach the bird hide

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
My Nephew outside the bird hide

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
My Nephew helping me to look for birds

We explore the area with the car before parking the car. We walk down to the bird hide and we need to climb a fence to reach the bird hide. The bird hide overlook one of the ponds and we enter the hide.

Taking a seat on the bench and we look out over the pond. I cannot say that my nephew was very enthusiastic.

There were frogs in the pond and they made some noise and my nephew thought it was the swans making the noise. I explained that it was frogs, but he did not believe me.

He spotted two frogs, I could not see them and I pointed out the frogs for me and I could take pictures of the frogs hiding in the water.

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
Mute Swan

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
Western Yellow Wagtail

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
Western Yellow Wagtail

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
Western Yellow Wagtail

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
Western Yellow Wagtail

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
Western Yellow Wagtail

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
Mute Swan

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
Mute Swan

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
Western Yellow Wagtail

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
Western Yellow Wagtail

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar

We see a lot of frogs in the pond and my nephew are excited. He starts to take interest in the birds as well and he help me to look for birds and he discover several birds.

There is one female Mallard with one baby and a little later there is another female with 8 babies swimming across the pond.

There is also one Grey Heron close to the bird hide. But we never see the bird catching any fish.

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
Northern Lapwing

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
Eurasian Wigeon

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
Grey Heron

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
Eurasian Jackdaw

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
Eurasian Jackdaw

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
Eurasian Jackdaw

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
Red-necked Grebe

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
Eurasian Blue Tit

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
Eurasian Blue Tit

Bird watching at eBird hotspot: Hasslarps Dammar
Walking back to the car and we can see the sugar plant


eBird Report

Hasslarps Dammar, Skåne län [SE-12], SE
May 25, 2024 11:46 - 13:01
Protocol: Traveling
2.12 kilometer(s)
16 species (+1 other taxa)

Mute Swan 7
Eurasian Wigeon 2 Look to be one pair
Mallard 14 1 female with 1 baby + 1 female with 8 babies
Red-necked Grebe 1
Eurasian Coot 3
Eurasian Oystercatcher 1
Northern Lapwing 1
gull sp. 1 Too far away for proper ID
Great Cormorant 1
Grey Heron 1
Eurasian Jackdaw 7
Rook 3
Hooded Crow 1
Eurasian Blue Tit 1
House Sparrow 4
Western Yellow Wagtail 4
Pied Wagtail/White Wagtail 2

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S176920164

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Dropping my nephew at home and I continue to Höör. They will eat at 1 o'clock and they expect the barge to take off at 2 o'clock. I told them that I would be a bit late.

Leaving my nephew behind and I make a 2 minutes stop in my rented cottage before I continue towards Höör.

The low level alarm for the gasoline goes off and I have to stop to fill up the tank.

Flag of Skåne
Driving past a house with beautiful flaggs

Saturday, summer and a glorious day so the road is full of farmer equipment, house cars and campers. Old classic cars driving, well, it is not going fast and a couple of tractors and I made a way slower progress than expected.

My friends called me and I told them that I had about 10 minutes to go and by the time I arrived at 2 thirty they were on the barge waiting.

I board the barge and we take off. We are running in to some trouble first thing when we get a rope in the propeller and my friend have to get in to the lake to remove the rope.

Summer in Skåne
They are waiting on the barge

Summer in Skåne
My friend have to get in to the water

Summer in Skåne
We are on the way

The trip started with a drama and our friend was welcomed as a hero when he returned onboard. We took off and we were steaming towards east as we would blow back towards west if we ran in to trouble with the outboard motor.

We are soon dropping the anchor and we have coffee and cookies on the lake before we return to our friend's house for sauna and BBQ.

Summer in Skåne
Enjoying the afternoon at sea

Summer in Skåne
We are coming ashore again

Listen to the Common Chaffinch
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my mobilephone. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity

First I thought it was a warbler. But Southern Viking at www.birdforum.net told me it was a Common Chaffinch`s "RAIN CALL"

So I learned something new and I hear this "RAIN CALL" often and now I know what it is.

It is getting late so I drive back to my rented cottage when they start the BBQ. I will leave for the training center tomorrow morning so I need to do laundry before I go to bed tonight.

Click HERE to find out if I make it to Öckerö Maritime Center tomorrow.


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