Hmm, yeah, I'm not too happy to sign on. I had to leave the leaning tower in Pisa and Bro Jupiter behind. It was a very good crew onboard and I had a good time. I will miss the sailor's yarns told by Captain.
Not to mention the birthday party.But hey!!! Missing the cake will do good for my diet. And I left after putting the breakfast arrangements and gifts in good hands. They will keep me updated. I only have to stay for 2 weeks or something on Framnäs and I will soon see Sue.

Last time I was on Framnäs I thought it was the last time for me onboard. She was for sale and she has been sold 2 times. But Nynäs never received any money from the Greek buyers.
Well, Greek shipping at it's best.

Saturday 7 th of August 2004
and I woke up when my alarm went off at 1015. I had a shower and I went to the restaurant and I order tea and an omelette. My driver arrived just before 1130 and we were off to the airport. And it was very nice when I had checked in my bag, the darn bag was the size of a 20 foot container. No more carrying and dragging the darn thing.

We arrived to Paris around 1430 and I could see Tour Eiffel and Avenue Des Champs Elysees when we were flying over Paris. I will never forget this flight, the worst turbulence I have ever experienced and I almost shat myself in fear. I swear to God, I was flying around in the cabin, almost hitting the overhead storage. This was not a nice experience.

Finally at the airport and I was still shaken after the turbulence over Paris. I checked out the shops for some computer magazines. I saw a shelf and it was marked
“micro informatique”, only French magazines. Well, big surprise, I will have to buy my magazines in Sweden instead.

At arrival to Stockholm I was in for a new surprise. My bag didn't arrive. They gave me an overnight kit and I hope my bag will arrive tomorrow. It must arrive, I don't haveAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäsany clothes to wear. Hmm, my shirt will smell nice after a few days. I took the train from the airport to Stockholm and I called the AB in Stockholm. He had just arrived at the same time as me and we meet outside the railway station.

Our train to Nynäshamn left Stockholm at 2052 and we had 45 minutes to spend in Stockholm so we decided to have a pizza and we were back at the train station just in time forthe train.

At arrival to Nynäshamn we ordered a taxi. I was attacked by mosquitoes while waiting for our taxi. It was some of the worst mosquito attack that I have experienced. I was busy scratching my legs, the itching drove me crazy and it was very nice when the taxi arrived. On the way to the hotel we ordered a taxi to pick us up 0730 tomorrow morning outside the hotel.

When we arrived to our hotel, Utsikten Konferens & Evenemang, I asked them about themosquitoes.
- It's because of the hot weather. There are plenty wasps as well, they said.

And like this day hadn't been shitty enough, missing bags and mosquitoes so of course, they could not find our reservation. Our seagoing Personnel Manager had told us that he made the reservation in his name.
- We cannot find any reservation in this name, they said.
- Let me have a look.
Well, I found Aladdin and AB so we got our rooms.
- Will you spend time in the bar tonight? Its Offshore world Championship here and there will be band playing and fireworks.
- We ordered a taxi for 0730 and we need to sleep.

I had no time to sleep. I had to wash my shirt. Only 1 shirt and I don't know when I get the next opportunity to wash my shirt.
I opened my overnight kit from Air France on the train to Nynnäshamn. I found a T-shirt and I asked the AB if he wanted the T-shirt.
- Don't you need it now when you lost everything on the flight?
- Do you think it fit? I asked.
- It look's big, he said.
- I will try it on the hotel, I said.
I tried it on and it, well, it's a little tight. But that's how it should look today.

I will send e-mail to Sue and upload my web page and I'm out of here. I will be busy tomorrow and I don't know when I have time for the next upload.
I must upload before my sleep. When I called our Seagoing Personnel Manager at arrival to Sweden he was complaining:
- There are no updates on you web page.
He was disappointed.
- You are changing ship and I had expected someupdates.
- I updated my page late yesterday evening on my hotel in France.
He told me that when he was looking at the video our Cadet took on Jupiter, when the pilot boarded us with the Helicopter. They came rushing in to his office. He was playing the video in full blast and they thought it was the Captain in his office. Well, headphones might come in handy when enjoying!

Well, I could not fall asleep even though I couldn't hear any music from the party down below. I remember Dubai, I was waiting for a ship and I had to stay for 1 week on a hotel waiting. First night I spent on 2nd floor, they served beer and there was a band playing. I think the place was called Pancho Villas . The band was asking for requests, and yeah, you know. It was the HotelCalifornia, House of the rising sun and the ordinary bull shit tunes. I mean, who request a band to play House of the rising sun and Hotel California ? I thought those tunes were buried and forgotten long time ago for crying out loud.

But now you know what kind of music they were playing. Well, it was the first night and I got banned from the place, but that's another story. So I spent the rest of the week walking around town and reading in my room and I could hear the band playing every night through the ventilation ducts and lo and behold. It seems like they got the same requests every night and at the end of the week House of the rising sun and Hotel California drove me up the wall. Hmm, I suspect that those tunes were the only ones they could play.

Maybe someone requested Ace of Spades with Motörhead.
- Oh!! Here we have a request for House of the rising sun .
It's easy to cover up a scheme like that. The singer holds a bunch of notes in the hand. Pretends to dip into the notes:
- Oh!! Here we have a request for House of the rising sun .

Yeah yeah, never mind. Anyway, I could not sleep and I tried to call Sue and I had time to upload my web page one more time. I hope I can get a few hours of sleep before my wakeup call 0705 tomorrow. Gives me time for a shower before our taxi pick us up at 0730.
And I hope my laundry is dry by then. I will not take time to iron the laundry. Never mind with wrinkles but it's nice if my clothes are dry.

Well, I will upload this and try to call Sue again. Then I will give my sleep a second chance.

Sunday 8 th of August 2004
and I managed to fall asleep just before it was time to wake up. I had a quick shower and I went down to the reception. The AB was waiting outside. No sign of the taxi and I went back in and asked them to call the taxi. The taxi arrived 10 minutes late. Very poor service from Taxi Nynäs.

We arrived onboard around quarter to eight. The old Captain signing off and he took our taxiAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäsback to the railway station. When I came onboard I went to the kitchen looking for my tea mug. I found it and I made myself a pot of nice tea. I meet the Cook, it was the Cook I worked with onboard Bro Anton.

I meet the Chief Officer and he showed me the stuff onboard. I remembered more and more of the stuff I had forgotten since I was here last summer.

Chief Officer told me that I was lucky that the AB was signing off.
- Yeah, tell me all about it. We didn't want him back on CT Star, I said.
Yes, this was the very same AB we tried to get rid of when I was onboard CT Star. I'm sure this guy was proud of a job WELL done when I signed off and I'm pretty sure that he was a real good role model forAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäshis children. And he must feel that no one wants anything to do with him, does he try to change? He will live his whole life as a “SLAPP SKALLE”

We completed loading at 1230 and the same time my bag arrived on the jetty with taxi from the airport. Captain was on the jetty receiving my bag.

He told me that he had never experienced such a heavy bag before. Well, I told him to leave it for the men. It was very nice to have the bag in my cabin. And I was happy that I didn't had to carry the bag from the airport myself. I don't think it would have been possible to take the bag on the train. Sometimes it's nice when they lose the bags.

We left Nynäshamn at 1400 and I called Sue. She asked me to say hello to the Cook. We paid him a visit in Hua Hin last spring when I was home between CT Sky and Prospero.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Captain on the bridge wing with the sun setting over the Baltic Sea

I came on my night watch at 2030. My watches are between 2030-2400 and 0800-1230. The weather was nice, very hot and no wind. The sea looked like a mirror. I had to listening to the radio because our stereo on the bridge is gone. When they sold the ship the crew took home all the stereos, videos and stuff from the ship so I will bring the entertainment center from my cabin tomorrow.

I was relieved by 2nd Officer at midnight. If I remember it right both of our 2nd officers was from Skåne and the guy relieving me at midnight had been in Stolt. So we talked about the good ol' times in Stolt and it turned out that we both knew Tony, the 2nd Officer from Venezuela. it didn't take long before we agreed that it was better in Broström.

Well, anyway, I took a few pictures before leaving the bridge for my cabin and my bed.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
AB on 8-12 watch and the 2nd Officer and AB on the 12 to 4 watch

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
2nd Officer on the 12 to 4 watch

Monday 9 th of August 2004
and we were just NE of the Danish island Bornholm when I came on my morning watch and it was a gorgeous morning, not so hot today. I could hear Skånsk radioAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäsduring my watch.
Today it's the birthday of our Cook on Bro Jupiter and I will send an e-mail asking about his breakfast. I hope they did it according to instructions.

When I joined Framnäs we discovered that I have finished all the pages in my seaman's discharge book. They should put more pages in books that are valid for 10 years. So Captain had to call the authorities and theyAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäswill send an application form to Nynäshamn and we will send it next time in Nynäshamn.

I sleep all afternoon and I woke up outside Helsingborg. I really needed the sleep because I didn't sleep during the night because it was so hot. Well, anyway, it was beautiful weather in Öresund when I woke up.

But I didn't have time to enjoy the weather. I just had time for ashower and I sent somee-mail to Sue before I went on my watch. I also discovered that my inbox was full of love letters.
Our Cook and Mess Man was enjoying their evening on the Poop deck while I enjoyed my evening with the on the bridge. I got of my watch at midnightjust south of Fladen L/H.

It was a beautiful evening with no wind and it was not too hot so I hope I can catch some sleep.

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
A beautiful Skånsk sun set

Thursday 10 th of August 2004
and we were outside Hirtshals or Hanstholm when I came o my morning watch and at the end of my watch I changed course to SW and we were in the NorthSea again.

After my watch I did some paper work and at 4 I took a look at our gas measuring equipment together with 2nd Officer on 12-4 watch.
All the Deck Officers onboard are from Skåne, so this time Broström have done everything in their power to get the best onboard.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Our Cook is preparing the grill for the BBQ

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Our Cook at the grill

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Our Cook at the grill

In the evening it was time for BBQ. It has been BBQ every day since I came onboard, it's fora few weeks more and then we have the gloomy and grey autumn coming again. I'm not looking forward to it.

Well, anyway, it was nice with some BBQ. I must tell you about another meal thatwasn't, well, it was different. I can tell it now because it was a long time ago and it's all forgiven and forgotten. No names mentioned, and oh yeah! It's the “back in the days”warning again, but you should be used to it by now.

I was coming down for lunch and I read the menu: Isterband Special . I had to ask our Cook what the he•• Isterband Special was. I had never heard of it before. It looked like porridge. Isterband is a Swedish sausage not tasting good and I had my doubt on that Isterband Special could taste better. I told the Cook:
- You are the best Cook I have meet on this ship!
- I'm sure the former Cook couldn't come up with a name like this.

I'm not even sure the former Cook could come up with a meal like this. It was fried Isterband crushed with home fried potatoes. Well, I don't know, it was like the potato and Isterband hadbeen crushed and stirred to a hotchpotch.

We were in France and according to regulations we need a guard from shore onboard while alongside. When he came for lunch he was looking at the food. Our Cook got a little embarrassed and said:
- It's a Swedish speciality!

Our watchman took a little food, but he was not convinced. For sure he didn't look convinced. I was laughing, I'm soon to be 22 and I have been all over Sweden eating on plenty restaurants. I have been on both expensive and cheap restaurants and I have been working with many cooks from all over Sweden. But I never heard of anything called Isterband Special .

I think a better name would be “stale ideas surprise” or “hung over special”. Hmmm, “ Aladdin signing off today and I have lost lust for life special ” would be the correct name. Ever since he got the news that I should sign of our Cook had been looking forlorn and gloomy.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
BBQ on the Poop deck

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
BBQ on the Poop deck

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
BBQ on the Poop deck

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
BBQ on the Poop deck

Well, after finishing the BBQ, it started to blow from east and when I got off my watch at midnight we had force 5-6 from east. After many days with hot weather and no wind it's nice with some cool air. But I don't like the wind. I was relieved by 2nd Officer at midnight and we talked about Skåne and we cracked a few jokes before I was off to my cabin.

Friday 11 th of August 2004
and the wind was gone when I came on my morning watch, instead we had fog. But around 1030 the fog was gone and we had nice weather again with sunshine. We had ATA Steenbank pilot station in the afternoon and berth ready at arrival to Antwerp. We expected to be in Antwerp at 0000 12th of August.

So it means night work for me, I prepared myself with an afternoon watch and I woke up just after 6 o'clock in the evening. When I meet the Captain he told me that we will be alongside around 2300 but they said that we are not allowed to start discharging before 0000 12th of August.

Hmm, now it will be impossible for me to sleep during the night again. I'm used to 12-4 watch on Bro Jupiter and I had planned to stay up all afternoon so I could sleep during the night. I did the same yesterday but it was still hard to fall asleep last night. I was more than a little tired when they called me at 0740 this morning.
The day before I overslept with 10 minutes. I hope hard work will make me sleepy so I can sleep during the nights.

On the way up river Schelde I uploaded my web page and I sent some e-mails. I got e-mails from Sue and I was in a good mood when it was time for my watch at 2030. When I came on my watch we were on river Schelde and we arrived to the lock at 10 o'clock in the night. It was only us and a barge in the lock so we passed the lock in 35 minutes. Record in Antwerp???

We had all fast at jetty 283 at Petroplus (former NYNAS) at 2355 and we started discharging at 0100 13th of August. I was off to bed at 0130, but before my sleep I tried to send some e-mail, but I failed. Well, I will try tomorrow again.

I didn't fall asleep until 0430 and I was called for again at 6 o'clock.
- We are ready in 20-30 minutes, 2nd Officer said.
We completed discharging at 0635 and paper work was ready 0655. We closed everything on deck and I was off for a quick cuppa. At 9 o'clock I went for a shower and my bed. We were waiting for the bunker barge and the Agent told us that we should leave at 1200.

Well, I was very tired but I could not fall asleep. I'm getting worried, this has been going on for several days. It's impossible to sleep even though I'm very tired. I tried to send my e-mails but no luck. Hmm, something is seriously wrong with my e-mail server.

When I came down to the deck office I meet the Agent.
- The lock is occupied and you will leave at 1330.
I was still awake when we left our jetty around 2 o'clock. I was writing on my web page and I went to bed just after departure. It was not easy to fall asleep and outside the lock we had to wait next to a dredger making a terrible noise. Finally I could fall asleep and I slept until 1650 when my alarm went off. I had my dinner and I bought a case of diet coke, delivered to the ship this morning together with chocolate and stuff. Well, I didn't buy any chocolate. I returned to my cabin and I managed to send my e-mails. Well, as soon as I was ready Sue called me and it was very nice to hear her voice again.

We passed MAAS (Rotterdam) approach during my night watch, plenty opportunities to take pictures of ship lights for my web page. But I forgot my camera in my cabin. But I managed to take some pictures at arrival to Antwerp. I have a new light and shape section on my web page. Check out my web ship for the latest excitements.

We were relieved at midnight and the AB on 12-4 watch was complaining. I had burnt a CD with the pictures I took onboard last summer.
- 2nd Officer was overrepresented on the pictures, he complained.
- Yeah, but he was from Skåne, I said

Sunday 13 th of August 2004
and it was gloom and grey for as long as I could see when I came on my morning watch. But the beat was stomping, 2nd Officer had found a radio station. ID & T and I must remember that station. Funky music and a big mug of tea is what I want early morning.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
I must obviously have had a lot of time to take pictures on this very day

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
I must obviously have had a lot of time to take pictures on this very day

We had ETA to ELBE pilot between 1330 and 1400.I called German Bight Traffic when we passed TG 13 L/B at 1110 and I called again when we passed TG 17 L/B at 12 o'clock. AB onAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäsmy watch hoisted the German flag so the Germans should be happy when we arrive.

We had received loading orders so I was busy after my watch with cargo plans.

We will load 3 parcels of Bitumen in Nynäshamn and 1 parcel in Södertälje and discharge in Århus, Denmark. Or as Østkyst Hustlers says about Århus “Hovedstaden for bonderøve” so I wasn't all that excited.

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Our Norwegian 1st Engineer checking the oil in the steering gear

After cargo planning I went out on deck and I got some picture of the AB while working on deck. Well, I sent our cargo plan to NYNAS and while I was on the bridge the pilot boarded us. We expect to be in Brunsbüttel lock between 17 and 1730 so I hope there will be some nice pictures for me to take so I have something I can upload on my web page.

Getting on the deck to take pictures of the AB on the 12 to 4 watch painting. I was happy to have this guy onboard, as I told Captain:
- If I hadn't had this AB onboard f@ck all would have happened on deck.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
AB painting on deck

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
AB painting on deck

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
AB painting on deck

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
AB painting on deck

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
We had time for lunch before arrival to Elbe pilot

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Captain on the bridge looking for the Pilot boat

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Pilot approaching us

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
The Pilot is boarding us

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Pilot boat is leaving

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Captain and 2nd Officer on the bridge when steaming up River Elbe
I'm on the bridge to ask 2nd Officer to call me for the lock

I went on bridge to ask 2nd Officer to wake me up at arrival to the lock in Brunsbüttel so I could get some pictures. I expected an hour or two of POWER nap and that would be sufficient. And our 2nd Officer called me at 16:20 and told me that arrival time to the lock was 17:15, well, about 17:15. I had asked him to call me. I'm gladly skipping my sleep so I can get some pictures for you to see. My camera has a fresh charged battery and I'm stand-by.
But there wasn't anything interesting going on in the lock , so let's see if I can find something during my watch.

When I came on my night watch 13th of August we were waiting for a group 5 ship in a siding. It was Tärnvåg and I got some pictures for my web site with ship pictures . Check it out!!

We had 1 more stop on my watch and I heard them going in to the lock in Holtenau from my bed. It was 1 o'clock in the morning of 14th of August. Nice to be out of the Kiel Canal .
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
We had time for dinner before arriving to the lock in Brunsbüttel

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Entering the lock in Brunsbüttel

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Entering the lock in Brunsbüttel

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
On our way from Brunsbüttel to Holtenhau in the Kiel Canal

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
On our way from Brunsbüttel to Holtenhau in the Kiel Canal

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
On our way from Brunsbüttel to Holtenhau in the Kiel Canal

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
2nd Officer relieves me at midnight

A whole lot of pictures that I didn't upload back in 2004 with my mobile phone. But today 20th of February 2012 I can up load my pictures. Back then I uploaded my pictures with a mobile phone and I always had a bill between 500 to 1500US$

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Uploaded 2003

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Uploaded 2012


Well, anyway, the 2003 edition was appreciated, but it is about time to update the pictures and sitting onboard Maersk Cassandra February 2012, on our way to Singapore from Brisbane and there isn't very much else to do onboard so I take the opportunity to do it.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
14 August 2004 and our AB is cleaning the bridge

Tuesday 15 th of August 2004
and we arrived to Nynäshamn at lunch time. Paper work and we started to load at 1325. At 1326 they stopped again due to problem ashore. While waiting I was writing loading instructions for our 2nd Officers. I had time to write a little on my web page as well.
It's a nice day with sunshine and blue sky and it's nice to be on deck. Framnäs has no CCR so we are doing the loading and discharging from deck.

Hmm, we will get a new Cook here as well. Our Cook from Skåne is leaving us together with 1 AB and our apprentice. Next time is my turn to go home. Well, not really, 1 of our 2nd Officers is signing off next time in Nynäshamn. But after that......

But I didn't get my application form for my Seaman's discharge book, big disappointment!
I was called for in the middle of the work with my web page. We resumed loading at 1420. Then I was off to my e-mail to Sue. I will see her in a few days.
I called her on the phone before trying to get some sleep. I was called for at 5 o'clock, just in time for dinner.
- 30 minutes until we complete 1st parcel, 2nd Officer said.
We completed 1st parcel at 1735 and we put our 47m³ line clearance in the tanks. At 1830 we started the 2nd parcel and I will try to get some sleep after uploading my web page. I failed to upload my web page during the afternoon. I managed to upload my page before my night watch, but failed to fall asleep.
I relieved 2nd Officer on deck at 2030 and we completed 2nd parcel just after 2330 and we started the last parcel 5 minutes after midnight 16th of August.
We should load about 940m³ 160/220 bitumen and it should take about 2-3 hours to load. I had time for 30 minutes sleep before they called me again.

Around 0300 we completed loading and we left Nynäshamn at 0430 and I was off to bed. It will take about 4 hours to Södertälje and I have time for a few hours in my bed.

I was called for at 8 o'clock in the morning and I went out on deck. It was very nice weather at arrival to Södertälje. We started to load the Pol 250 bitumen at 0940 and we completed 1140.
During the watch it started to rain cats and dogs. Our deck was flooded with water and I was soaked within seconds. But the sun was soon back.

We left Södertälje 1215 and I was off to my bed. I sleep the whole afternoon and I woke up at 1730. Hmm, it will not be easy to fall asleep after my watch tonight.

I managed to fall asleep right after my watch and I woke up thoroughly rested.

Thursday 17 th of August 2004
and it was blowing full force 6 when I came on my morning watchAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäsand it was gloom and grey for as long as I could see. I called the Swedish Maritime Administration about my application form for a new Seaman's Discharge Book. I had expected the application form in Nynäshamn, but we know how slow things are turning at the Swedish Maritime Administration. There are plenty coffee to drink.

When I was relieved by 2nd Officer we had just passed the Danish island Bornholm. The Swedish nave passed very close to us with one of their boats and I took a picture, my tax money passing by. After lunch I picked up a video and I went to my cabin. I hadn't been watching any video for a long time and it was time to relax.
I don't know if it was the Swedish navy that inspired me, but I choose the U-boat.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Our 2nd Officer from Skåneis doing something important

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Our 2nd Officer from Skåneis doing something important
Was this the guy that introduced me to DJ Shadow?

Our 2nd Officer from Skåne on the 4 to 8 watch had forgotten his music on the bridge and I checked it out. DJ Shadow, what the f@ck is that? I turned on his music and it was very good. Was this the first time I heard DJ Shadow? I don't know, but today I have several CDs with DJ Shadow and I think I can thank our 2nd Officer from Skåne on the 4 to 8 watch for that.

Well, anyway, our Cook gave me some computer magazines when he signed off and I read a little while watching the movie. The movie was OK and I took a power nap after the move and I woke up at 1815. I went straight to the bridge and we were passing outside Copenhagen. It was sunshine and plenty sailing boats in Drogden.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Chart over Drogden in Øresund

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Øresund bridge between Sweden and Denmark

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
My best guy kicking arse on deck

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
My best guy kicking arse on deck

I went down to my cabin to send some e-mails while I had a Swedish network. But there was no network coverage in my cabin so I brought my computer and phone to the bridge when it was time
Hmm, yeah, exciting.
to go for my watch. I sent my e-mail and I got e-mail from Sue.

There were also e-mail from my friend, he has bought a
A fish
new underwater camera. And now he fills up my inbox with pictures just to make sure I don't miss any of the action. Underwater extravaganza, and as if there wasn't enough of the excitement onboard M/T Framnäs he sent me a picture of a fish. The fish really made me jump up and down of excitement.

I took over the watch just East of the island Ven and I changed course to NW. We passed Helsingborg and SW of Svinbådan L/H I had to alter course to NW and later to W. We meet plenty traffic coming from north bound for Öresund. So I had to continue on a northerly course until I was clear of the traffic and I could change course to west. We meet a tug boat and I could take some pictures for my “light and shape ” section on my web ship.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
AB on my watch

10 o'clock P3 Hip Hop started. I hadn't been listening to P3 Hip Hop for several years so I wasreally looking forward to it. It was DJ Amato and Timbuktu running the show. Plenty good music and my watch were just flying away. At midnight I was off to my cabin, I had to get some sleep before arrival.

Friday 18 th of August 2004
and I was called for at 0430something and we had all fast in Århus 0505. Paper work and cargo calculation and we started to discharge our first parcel just after 6 o'clock. I was hoping for at least 1 hour in bed before completion of the first parcel. But I was in for a surprise.
- I'm off to bed. Call me 20 minutes before we complete 1st parcel, I said to 2nd Officer.
I just got down in my bed when the phone rang. It was time, oh yeah, we were kicking ass on deck. I had been hoping for an hour or so of sleep, but we completed 1st parcel in a jiff.

I was on deck all day helping 2nd Officers discharging and empty the tanks. I had time for an hour in my bed when we discharged our last parcel.
I was called for 1530and I went down on deck and we finished discharging and we could leave Århus around 1630.

I tried to sleep after departure but no success. I read a little and it was soon time for my watch. We could hear Swedish radio and I listened to P1 about food and our health. They said that we should not eat potatoes, white bread, pasta and sugar. I have not been using salt for a month now and I decided to stop eating potatoes, white bread, pasta and sugar, starting tomorrow.

I also listened to the Swedish news. Our, well, the Swedish Minister for Finance had been using the Swedish governments airplane to fly home to the opening of the federation of labour unions. He was in Portugal watching the soccer championship and all of the sudden he was in a hurry back home to this opening. He had to use the governments airplane at a cost of 20 000$ instead of using a scheduled airline service.

The first thing coming to my mind: Was he in Portugal on holiday? I find it hard to believe that he was on an official visit to the European soccer championship.
Then while sitting there watching the soccer he remembered that he have to be on the opening of the federation of labour unions convent or whatever it was in 2 hours.
- I call the government's airplane.
Well, then he have the chance to feel a little important and never mind, it's someone elsepaying. No wonder why I have to pay almost 50% tax plus, and yes, plus 25% VAT. So I pay around 62% of my earnings in tax. And I'm not very f••••ng happy on how they use the money. I heard the press conference on the radio. The only answer the journalists got was:
- I'm not answering that question.
I don't understand what the federation of labour unions convent has to do with the Swedish government. Well maybe, it's a bunch of crooks living high life on the member fees.

Now they are exploiting cheap labour from the Philippines. They are allowed to work on Swedish ships with the same salaries as on the Philippines and they are all compulsorily enrolledin the union. So the union make good money out of it.
The shipping companies are allowed to use cheap labour and the union makes sure to profit from it. They always need money.

I remember reading the sailors union magazine before the union made money from cheap labour. In every issue there was a drawing. Many of those drawings depict how the ship owners were exploiting cheap labour. I haven't seen a drawing like that since they signed the agreement that:
Ship owners are allowed to use cheap third world labour as long as they pay us .

Well, I'm sorry, but I have to do it. It's time for the “Back in the days” warning again.I think it was in Antwerp. This was a few years ago and there was a representative from the sailors union coming onboard. I think they had an office in Antwerp or if they came from the office in Rotterdam. They used to come onboard but I think they have closed the office now. I have not seen any one coming onboard the last few years.
But anyway, when this girl came onboard she was sitting in the duty mess talking with the AB. I came in and I said to her:
- Here we have the union. They are exploiting cheap labour just to get some cash.

She didn't say anything and neither did the crew. If you were passing strictures on the union a few years before, they would have thrown you off the ship. But I think she was embarrassed, this was when this TAP agreement was new.

Well, I continue my work trying to persuade people leaving the union. I have managed in some cases, but today many people are not members any more.
The only one having any use of the union is the drunks , it seems to be impossible to get them of the ships. If you try the union comes with the blue light on.

Of course we cannot compete with the cheap labour. As mentioned before Pilipino are very good sailors, and I haven't meet any Pilipino coming drunk on watch yet.

In Sweden we pay more than 50% in tax + that the employers have to pay payroll tax, of course we are expensive. The government needs the money, the enlargement of EC to the east will cost a lot of money. We send money there to build up former east Europe. We are expensive and they are cheap so they take our job.
Who will send money to build up Eastern Europe when we don't have any more job in west Europe so we can pay tax. This will end with a catastrophe.

When we joined the EC no one were talking about the enlargement to the east. Well, as mentioned before, that's why I vote NO to everything regarding EC. Our politicians have never been to these countries. We are there working and we meet the people.
When the politicians from EC arrive in business class they are picked up by a limo and then off to a hospital. They see a kid with a new cuddle toy.
- Very nice!!

Then they are off to the banquet at the palace and a dance with the President's wife. They are impressed by the country when the return home. When they were talking about special rules for the new members regarding the free movement of people within the EC. I wasn't surprised to hear arguments like:
Racism, xenophobia and that Swedish people were scared of foreigners.
That's our politicians' general answer to anything.

Now our roads are full of truck drivers from Eastern Europe. Construction workers working for a fraction of what it would cost to have a Swedish worker. Soon there will not be anyone left in Sweden that can afford to build anything. Unless the east European workers start to pay tax so Sweden can get some aid from these countries. Then the government can give us unemployment benefits and maybe we can afford to build a nook.

Well, anyway, we passed between Helsingborg and Helsingør around 2330 and I was relieved by 2nd Officer at midnight just NW of the island Ven. I was off to my bed. I had been up since 0430 and I was tired. I just had 1 hour of sleep during the afternoon.

Saturday 19 th of August 2004
and I woke up 1045 and it was nice with a long sleep. Our 2nd Officers took my morning watch and I could sleep after discharging in Århus.
When I woke up there were paper work to be done and I called NYNAS and told them that we wanted to start loading the 70/100 bitumen first and the 160/220E bitumen as last parcel.

In the afternoon our Cook was making BBQ for dinner and I was only eating the meat. No potatoes or white bread. I had a little black bread and I felt good after the dinner. I really hope I can say no to all the temptations. I need to be fit for my fire fighting course when I sign off Framnäs.
We had a chat in the day room after dinner and I was off to my cabin and my e-mail to Sue. I will send them at arrival to Nynäshamn.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Our Norwegian 1st Engineer

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Time for a quick fag before the work start

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
ABs greasing on deck

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
ABs greasing on deck

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Making BBQ for dinner

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
No weather to eat on the poop deck so we eat in the mess room

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
No weather to eat on the poop deck so we eat in the mess room

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Watching TV in the day room

I remember that we had BBQ in the evening, but it was too cold to sit outside so we had to eat in the mess room. Well, at the dinner Captain told me that they had changed our next voyages again. After Södertälje we should return to Nynäshamn and load for Holmsund. They cut out Kalmar. Hmm, we get a new list every day with changes.

Sunday 20 th of August 2004
and I was called for at 0430 and we had all fast at 0505 at Nynäshamn. When I came on deck it was strong winds. I could feel that the autumn was in the air. I checked and tested our equipment on deck and we started to load at 0555 and I could have 1 hour of sleep before my watch at 8 o'clock.

We had sunshine and strong wind during the day, it was nice to be on deck. 1 of our 2nd Officers left us today and we got a new guy coming so now it's only 2 Officers from Skåne left onboard.

We completed 1st parcel at 1325 and we started 2nd at 1355. I was off to bed and I was called for at 1845.
- 30 minutes to go, 2nd Officer said.

We completed loading at 1925 and I did the calculation with the Surveyor. I went to my cabin while the Surveyor was ashore to do the documents. I had time to write e-mail to Sue and write a little on my web page while waiting for the Surveyor to come back with the cargo documents. At 2020 they called me:
- Surveyor is onboard with the documents, 2nd Officer said.

All document was signed at 2025 and we left Nynäshamn at 2040 20th of August. Our pilot for the Landsort - Södertälje leg came onboard in Nynäshamn. It's about 1 hour from Nynäshamn to Landsort. From Landsort it's about 3 hours with pilot to Södertälje.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Skanssundet in Södertälje Leden

Monday 21 st of August 2004
and we arrived to VOPAK jetty 7 in Södertälje at 0100. We started to discharge at 0200 and we completed 0940. We were back in Nynäshamn around 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Engelsberg was loading at our jetty so we waited just forward of her and when she is leaving we will shift berth.

At 1725 we had all fast at jetty #4 and we started to load at 1800. I was off to my cabin to upload my web page.
At 2030 I was on deck again relieving 2nd Officer. It was nice weather and not much wind. I started my watch with a big mug of tea on deck while chatting with the AB and we completed first parcel at 2355 21st of August.

Tuesday 22 nd of August 2004
and we did a line displacement between 0020 and 0032 and we started 2nd and last parcel 0035 and I was off to bed.

I was called for at 7 o'clock again. Hmm, my first night in a long time with a (almost) full nights sleep. I was down on deck with my tea mug after my shower. We finished loading at 0755 and we left Nynäshamn 0925. I had a shower after departure. After loading and discharging everything smells of bitumen, so I must have a shower and change cloths before taking my watch on the bridge.

First thing on the bridge was to make some tea water. 22nd of August 2004 will go to the history as the first day of autumn. It had been a nice morning with sunshine but when we cameout in the wind it was ice cold. I knew the winter was lurking around the corner. Ice cold instead of a nice cooling wind, it will be nice to leave the ship and the winter behind for some good time in FUNKY TOWN.

Wednesday 23 rd of August 2004
and when I got of my watch at lunch it was 12-13°C outside. We are in the north of Sweden, between Umeå and Härnösand. ETA to Holmsund 1800 and I hope Ican use my shorts and t-shirt on deck at arrival. Hmm, I must wear it, I don't have any pantalongas with me.

When I came down for dinner our 1st Engineer told me that next voyage to Tallinn from Nynäshamn was postponed for 1 week. I had expected to sign off when returning to Nynäshamn after Holmsund and I did for sure not want to go to Tallinn.

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Our Norwegian 1st Engineer having his dinner

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Crew having dinner in the crew's mess room

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
I'm disturbing the AB with my camera when he is eating dinner

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
This is what we get instead of our 2nd Officer from Skåne

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
This is what we get instead of our 2nd Officer from Skåne

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Chief Engineer and 1st Engineer

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
AB on deck waiting for arrival to Holmsund

My plan was to sign off Friday 27th of August. But I would not take the chance to go with the ship to Tallinn. If there should be any delays I could miss my fire fighting course.

The plan was for me to sign off at arrival to Nynäshamn on Wednesday 25th of August. But now we have to see what happens. You never know in shipping, or as my friend say: Shipping is an unpredictable business.

As no surprise it started to rain when I went out on deck to prepare the ship for discharging. I had to go in and get a big winter jacket and we had all fast at 1830. I did the paper work with the Loading Master/ Surveyor and we started discharging at 19:25.

I went to my cabin, I had time to send e-mail to Sue and I wrote a little on my web page before going on my night watch at 2030. As usually I started my watch with a big mug of tea and then I called some hotels in Gothenburg. I needed to make a reservation for the weekend. But I don't know when I will sign off. Our trip to Tallinn is postponed/ cancelled and we need to do some repairs in the engine room.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Captain and the Pilot on the bridge wing at arrival to Holmsund

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Jetty Man and Loading Master waiting for us on the jetty in Holmsund

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Connecting the cargo hose so we can start discharging

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
AB driving the crane with the cargo hose

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Connecting the cargo hose so we can start discharging

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
2nd Officer ashore to check our draught

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
2nd Officer on deck

When they call the company tomorrow they will suggest that we go to Gothenburg for repair. It'sAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäsgood for me, maybe I can stay onboard until Sunday and the new Chief Officer can enjoy the summer a few days longer.

It was a nice night watch even though it was a little bit cold. At least there were no mosquitoes. I was relieved by 2nd Officer at midnight and I was off to my cabin.

Thursday 24 th of August 2004
and I had time to write a little on my web page before returning to deck at 0030. We will complete 1st parcel and I will be the backseat driver while 2nd Officer finish and strip our 1st parcel.

At 0050 we completed our 1st parcel and at 0100 we started our 2nd and last parcel. I was off to my cabin, a shower and I sent my e-mail to Sue. Always nice to come back to my cabin after an evening on deck, especially when it has been cold.
Uploading my web page and write e-mail to Sue before going to bed trying to catch somesleep before it is time for heavy duty action on deck again.

I don't know when they will call me for completion, but I hope I can get a few hours lying down. They called me at 07:40 and it was 30 minutes until completion. I went down to the mess room after my shower and I made a big mug of tea and I went out on deck.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
2nd Officer stripping tanks while 2 ABs watching him. We're about to be ready

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
2nd Officer stripping tanks while 2 ABs watching him. We're about to be ready

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
AB stand-by to close the manifold

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Hose is disconnected and the ABs stow it on deck

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Hose is disconnected and the ABs stow it on deck

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
AB driving the crane to lift onboard and stow the cargo hose

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
The gangway is onboard and we're ready to leave

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
The gangway is onboard and we're ready to leave

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
We have left Holmsund and the AB securing everything on the fo'c's'le

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
We have left Holmsund and the AB securing everything on the fo'c's'le

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
We have left Holmsund and the AB securing everything on the fo'c's'le

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
2nd Officer on the wheel when we're leaving Holmsund

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Pilot boat is following us

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Bridge team when we're leaving Holmsund

When I came on deck we stripped our cargo tanks and we blow the cargo hose with air. At 08:15 we were completed and at 08:30 the hose was disconnected and the Loading Master came onboard and the paper work was ready at 08:30.
- Now I can tell you the funny story you wanted to hear yesterday, Loading Master said when he came onboard.
At arrival yesterday I asked him to go with me to check the ullage in our tanks.
- Do you want me to go with you?
- Yeah, you can tell me funny stories while checking the ullages, I said.

So while I was doing the paper work Loading Master was sitting on the deck office telling me stories. Pilot came onboard at 0845 and we left Holmsund at 0855. It was sunshine and not so much
Listen to the latest P3 Hip Hop.
You need Real Player!
First hour
Second hour
Swedish Radio uploads the latest shows and above links will work
as long as they send the show. You can listen to a new show
every week. Visit Swedish Radio on the web at
wind, but it was cold. At 0930 we left the pilot behind and I was off for a shower before taking my watch. We didn't know where to go when I was off my watch. I was hopping for Gothenburg.

When I woke up after my afternoon watch they told me that we will go to Nynäshamn and repair our engine there.

Well, anyway, it's Tuesday and it's P3 Hip Hop night. I brought my computer to the bridge when going on my night watch. I connected the computer to the radio and I recorded the show, almost 2 hours of music. But I was a little disappointed, the music was a
Fun to know

How much road can they pave with a full cargo of bitumen?
What the h••l do I know and do I care?
Well, I thought it could be interesting to know, so I asked Loading Master in Holmsund. And as you know, you learn a little every time visiting!

We load about 4635m³ of bitumen and it takes about 27 litres of bitumen to cover 1 meter of a normal wide road with asphalt. Don't ask me the exact width of the road. And of course it takes plenty gravel, sand and whatever they are using to build the road. But we are only interested in the pavement.

4635m³ is 4635 000 litres and if you divide it with 27 litres we get pavement for 172222m or 172 km .
little slow. But that's typical when I have my equipment ready. Swedish Radio uploads the show every week and you can listen to it on the web.

We were steaming south on my night watch and we reached our position outside Söderhamn just before midnight and I changed course to SE and Ålands Hav.

After midnight I was off to my cabin and a video. A thriller, the Secret window or something like that. ExcitingI was soon in my bed.

Friday 25 th of August 2004
and it was gloom and grey for long as I could see when I came on my morning watch. Wind force 7 from ESE and passing showers. I reached Svenska Björn at 0855 and I changed course to SW. Now we got the sea from the side and we started to roll. I was happy that I had finished my tea before my mug started to roll around on the bridge.

After my watch I took down all my CDs from the bridge and I brought them to my cabin before going for lunch. When I was in my cabin Sue called and I had a short chat with her. I was in a hurry for our fire and emergency steering drill.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs

We started with a fire drill and after testing our equipment we went to the bridge and our foam room aft of the bridge. And yes, I took the opportunity to take a picture of the crew. I should have done this from my 1st ship, would have been nice to have pictures of all the crews I have been working with during the years.

When we were ready we went down to the engine room and our Apprentice tested to steer the ship from the engine room. We can steer the ship from the engine in case of black out or if anything happens to our steering gear. You can see on the picture that our Apprentice is using a headset so he has contact with the bridge.

After the drill I went to my cabin. The ship was rolling so the only thing to do was to watch a video. We arrived to Nynäshamn just after 3 o'clock in the afternoon. No more rolling and I could write a little on my web page.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Emergency Steering Drill

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Emergency Steering Drill

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Emergency Steering Drill

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs

Engelsberg was moored at jetty 4 on arrival so I got some pictures of her as well. You know where to find the latest updates by now!

I called Sue again and at 5 o'clock it was time for dinner. I ate broccoli and meat only with some black bread. I have not been eating any white bread, potatoes, sugar and pasta for a week and I feel much better now. Hmm, I'm not proud of it, but I must tell you, I had a few (very few) small (very small) cookies after the dinner.

I spoke with my friend on the phone today, he told me that pizza and diet was mentioned on all my pages.
- What do you mean? I asked.
Well, anyway, I was off to my cabin. I will watch a movie with 2nd Officer (the one from Skåne) at 2100 and I must upload my web page and send e-mail before that.
I'm out of here! I'm leaving tomorrow so make sure to come back for my “signing of adventure”. It will be on the web soon.

Saturday 26 th of August 2004
and I took a shower first thing when I woke up and then I brought down my bag to our deck office. I should have done it the other way around, I was soaked in sweat when I had my luggage in my office. As said before, my bag is a beauty to pack. Just open the hatch and pour down the things. But it's a killer to carry and when my bag was outside the deck office I needed another shower.

From 8th of August 2004 to 26th August 2004 we did the following voyages: I came onboard in Nynäshamn 8th of August. I left in Nynäshamn 26th of August 2004 while repairing our engine and waiting for cargo.
Voy 43/04: Nynäshamn - Antwerp: Bitumen, max 2440m³.
Voy 44/04: Nynäshamn/ Södertälje - Århus, Denmark: 4 parcels of Bitumen, 3 from Nynäshamn and 1 from Södertälje.
Voy 45/04: Nynäshamn - Södertälje: 2 parcels of bitumen.
Voy 46/04: Nynäshamn - Holmsund: 2 parcels of bitumen.

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Lifeboat Drill

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Lifeboat Drill

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
Lifeboat Drill

Lifeboat Drill

After the coffee break they launched our lifeboat. They took the boat for a long tour and theywere back with the life boat just after 11 o'clock. I was washing my last clothes and when they were ready I took a shower and I moved out from my cabin just in time for lunch. Time to leave the ship, new adventures ahead!

Our new Motorman was coming onboard just after lunch and I thought it was our relievers coming with our rental. But it was only the new Motorman coming. One of the ABs and Motorman will signAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäsoff with me and I will drop them in Lindköping on my way to Gothenburg. My reliever should bring the rental from Malmö and I should return the car in Gothenburg.

We were waiting and waiting and no relievers. At fifteen past 2 o'clock we loaded our bags on a cart and we left the ship. We decided to wait at the gate to save some time. While waiting there was a little rain coming, but the rain was soon gone. We waited and waited and finally they arrived at 1515. 8 hours to drive from Malmö to Nynäshamn!!!

We were not in a good mood when they arrived. What the hell! When I sign on I try to leave as early as possible so the off signers can go home. Now we will arrive home in the middle of the night. I have a time to catch, Rosenhill closes at 2200 and I need to be there in time to get the key to the apartment. Now we have to drive like maniacs. Our Motorman will arrive home at midnight and I hope I can make it in time to 10 o'clock.

I got really pissed off when they rolled in the cars on the fumes. The tank was dry and the alarm light was on. Do you think they had filled up the car for us? No no, it is better someone else do it for them.
- What the BIPPING BIP ! The tank is empty, I said.
- Yeah! They have left empty tanks to me many times.
- So you're not allowed to think? I asked.

Any one understands that you fill up the car before leaving the car to the off signers. YouAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäsgive the receipt to the Captain when you come onboard and get the money for the gasoline.

Now we have to look for a gas stop and then we have to send the receipt to the company and they have to send the money back to you. But never mind.
What kind of people gives you an empty car? Obviously this old drunken fu.... Why should I fill her up when someone else can do it? I don't have to go out of the car except for eating and drinking while the off signers are waiting onboard.

I'm in no hurry to the ship! My reliever was an old Captain that had been drunk one time too many and, well, he went from company to company fired for being drunk. Yeah, Broström reallyAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäsknow how to find the best people.

We left and I was hoping it started to rain while he was pulling back the cart to the ship. We didn't know when the car should run out of gas. We followed the road to Stockholm because we thought we had the biggest chance to find a gas stop on that road.

As we were not delayed enough we ended up in a traffic jam on the high way after Södertälje. It was stop and when we finally started to move slowly we passed a car that had caught fire. The fire department and the police had arrived and there was only a little smoke when we passed. When we had left the accident behind Motorman asked me to step on it.

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
A car burning on the high way

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs
A car burning on the high way

We gained speed and I could leave the AB and Motorman in Linköping. We dropped of the AB atAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäshis apartment and I dropped of Motorman at the railway station, he was bound for Västervik.

I passed Jönköping at 1900 and I stopped to buy something to drink.

There is a nice high way all the way to Jönköping but after that it's more like a dirt track. The highway started again when I passed Borås and I could keep good speed to Gothenburg. I got bad news when I arrived to Rosenhill, the apartment was occupied and I could not stay at Rosenhill's apartment and we started to call all the different hotels.Everything was full, but finally I got a room on a ship. Hotel Barken Viking is an old sail ship built 1906 at Burmeister & Wains in Copenhagen. She's a bark with 4 masts. Today there are only 10 left, 5 of these 10 are still sailing

She's 108m long and 13,9m wide. Highest mast is 55,5m. She had 42 sailswith an area of 3690m². She could load 4100 Ton and her cargo hold had a cubic of 6300m³

She sailed around the world and at the end she became a school for sailors in Gothenburg. Now it's a hotel and I have to spend another night on a ship. Tomorrow morning I will do my medical examination and return the rental.

I have to take a fire fighting course on Monday and Tuesday, 30 - 31st of August. Then I will have my holiday.

I don't know my next ship, but come back soon and you will know. But I will most likely stay home until November. I arrived home late Thursday night from Framnäs and before lunch time on Friday I had turned down 2 - 3 jobs. There were even e-mail from my web page asking if I wanted to work, it's very clear on my web page that I will be available end October beginning of November.

But as I say, it's better to have plenty calls than no call at all. Well, anyway, until my next ship I hope that you can enjoy the pictures from my fire fighting course in Gothenburg.
Updated with new and bigger pictures while I was onboard M/T Maersk Cassandra on the way from Brisbane to Singapore February 2012 The original pictures that I uploaded back in 2004 was very small. Back then I uploaded everything with a mobile phone and internet was slow so I wanted to keep my pictures small to shorten download time.

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Framnäs

M/T Framnäs in Nynäshamn 2004
M/T Framnäs
Photo taken by Aladdin 26th of August 2004 when signing off in Nynäshamn.

Built at Sölvesborgs Shipyard in Sweden as new construction, hull number 82. Before she was delivered in May 1973 she was lengthening with 16.8 meters. After lengthening she weighed 5.030 Dw.tons. She was equipped with four Hedemora Pielstick V8A/12 delivering 2.350 kW. She was sold 1984 to Axel Johnson Chemical AB and registered 1985 on RederiAB Lexa. She got a new engine in 1997, one MaK 8M453C delivering 2.353 kW. at 750 rpm. Her registered owner are from January 1, 1998 Rederi AB Dalanäs (Nynäs Petroleum). 2000 in time- charter for Broström Shipping Management.

Type: Bitumen tanker
Length Over All: 122.66 m
Beam: 15,60 m
Depth: 5,74 m
Gross Tonnage: 4230
Net. Registered Tonnage: 1269
Deadweight Tonnage: 5061

She was on 5142 DWT until 2002 when the lowered her load line from 5,74m and she got a summer draft of 5,62m and now she was on 4999 DWT. If a ship is over 5000 DWT she needs a minimum distance between her cargo tanks and the hull to be a double hull tanker. The distance between 1CT and the hull wasn't enough so they had to choose between cutting of a little from 1CT or to lower her load line until she got deadweight less than 5000 DWT. They did it on the shipyard in Falkenberg in the summer of 2002.

She loads 4783m³ in 8 cargo tanks, 1CT + 2P/S + 3P/S + 4P/S + 5CT. She has 2 Borneman screw pumps for the cargo.

Broström had the management of the ship and I was hired by Broström Ship Management AB but the Ship was owned by NYNAS

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

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