Leaving Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior and Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Tuesday 1 st of August 2006 and I woke up when they called me at 07:15
Wake up- Your driver has arrived!
What the YO!! I had asked for a wakeup call at 06:30.

I jumped in to the shower while thanking myself for only drinking diet drinks last nights. I was in the lobby at 07:30 where two drivers were waiting for me.

It was one driver that our Agent had sent and there was the driver that took us to town yesterday evening. I thought he was from the agent when he delivered two persons to the ship at 20:00A-hole flagyesterday. He brought a new Campaigner and one Lebanese girl. She got out from the taxi and she only said
- Hello a-hole!
- What??!!
- You are on my shit list

I understood that I was still on her shit list. I was even a little proud, obviously I had made it to the top of her shit list. Well, someone has to be number one. And she had not forgotten me.
- Hmm, maybe I should have a few of my " You are an a-hole flag " to give away instead of the American flag.

This could be an appreciated gift that I can hand out every now and then. Well, I will see if I can find a place where they can make this flag.

I choose our Agent's driver and I had a task from our Videographer. He had ordered the car for 5 o'clock in the afternoon, but Rainbow will leave at 12:00. He didn't look forward to wait on the jetty for 5 hours with 85 kg of camera equipment.
- Can you please ask the driver to pick me up at 12:00 tomorrow when you go to the airport? He asked me.
- No guarantee, you know the limited knowledge of the English language among the taxi drivers in this town, I answered.

As no surprise the driver spoke fåck all English, but we managed to get to the airport in time. I left my cigarettes and lighter behind in his car. No more smoking and I put a nico plaster on my arm and I left for the check in counter.

I boarded the Turkish airline flight and I took my seat.
- HEY! Have I lost weight or is it just very big seats?

It was leather seats and I was reminded about my domestic flight in Venezuela. I was flying from Caracas to Scoobyville. They had told me that the nightlife was "Supreme" in Scoobyville. I changed my ticket back to Caracas, earlier flight, after a few hours in Scoobyville, no sign of any night life.

Well, that's another story. But it was a really old airplane and I was sitting in a leather sofa. The Turkish airline plane was new and fresh and I was pleasantly surprised. We arrived to Istanbul airport and I caught myself thinking that Brussels airport wasn't that bad. I walked and walked to reach the international terminal.

I walked underground, in stairs and we passed through construction sites. I even had to pass a living room occupied by a family with 3 children before we reached an elevator. One elevator and, believe me, this was something of the slowest I have ever experienced. It stopped on every floor until we reached level 4, marked with International terminal.
- Finally there, I thought when I left the elevator.
I found myself in a parking house.
- What is this?
I had to pass through the parking house, and now I praised myself for buying my wheeled units before signing on Rainbow Warrior. AND THAT'S EVEN THOUGH THEY HAD FELT APART JOINING RAINBOW WARRIOR. There was something left on the bottom of the luggage that reminded of wheels, better than nothing. I passed over bridges and through a cinema! But no harm done, they were watching a Polish drama and everyone was sleeping except one. He screamed that I should sit down while throwing popcorn at me.

I reached the International Terminal and I was pleasantly surprised again. It was a very nice airport, actually it turned out to be one of the best I had been on.

Leaving Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior and Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006 - Istanbul International Airport
A very nice restaurant with FREE WIFI

My last day in Turkey and I had not had my Dolma yet. After the immigration I walked to a food
is a typical Swedish cuisine, popularly eaten with potatoes, sauce made with cream and lingonberry jam. Considered as one of the most Swedish meals.

Dolma means stuffed or filling. Dolma is a dish of stuffed vegetables. The young leaves of the grapevine, zucchini, green peppers, cabbage, and onions are stuffed with a mixture of rice, onion and ground meat. Dolmas are usually eaten cold as an appetizer, but the Greek dolmades with lamb are served hot like the Swedish Kåldolme.

It came to Sweden in the beginning of the 18th century when our King Karl the XII returned from Turkey. There were many Swedish soldiers in Bender, Turkey when they returned to Sweden they brought back the recipe. But in Sweden they used cabbage (kål) instead of the grapevine leaves.

When Karl XII was kicked out from Turkey he returned to Sweden together with many of the creditors. He had borrowed much money while in Turkey. The creditors stayed in Sweden between 1716 and 1732 and they ate Dolmas.
court and I asked if they had Dolme.
- Dolma!!??
- Yes, do you have Dolma?
- No, try at the restaurant on the second floor, she said.

I took the escalator to the second floor and I entered a very nice restaurant.
A real restaurant at an airport is nothing we're spoiled with and I was very happy. And on top of that they had FREE WIFI, nothing you were spoiled with back in 2006. I asked for the menu and they had a platter of Dolmas. I ordered a plate of dolmas and asked for wireless internet.
- Yes, we have.
- Where can I buy the password? I asked.
- It's for free!
- That's the spirit, I said.
- Hmm, international airport offering something for free.

Leaving Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior and Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006 - Istanbul International Airport
Original Turkish Dolmas

It must be the Turkish hospitality. Everywhere I have been in Turkey the people have been very friendly and helpful. My first time in Turkey and I knew fåck all about the country before I came here. I just had my prejudices, about a Muslim country with ugly girls and backward people.

Before joining Rainbow Warrior my friend told me that he was going to spend his holiday in Turkey with his family. I thought he was crazy and I said:
- What the BIP ! Who wants to go to Turkey?

But Turkey turned out to be a great country with very nice people and beautiful girls everywhere. Well, anyway, the waiters directed me to a table with a power socket for my computer. I got my Dolmas and they were delicious. When I finished the Dolmas I started to study the menu and I found out that Dolmas was in the started section and I could order a Kebab without feeling bad about it.

Leaving Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior and Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006 - Istanbul International Airport
Original Turkish Kebab

One thing is for sure, the Turkish food is excellent. They have their sweets and they know their way around a BBQ. Well, It was soon time for boarding and I got my seat next to a Dutch girl. But there were plenty of empty seats and I moved to my own row. This aircraft was very fresh as well and the flight was a pleasure.

I had not had very much sleep during the night so I slept most of the time to Amsterdam. I watched a Turkish movie between my naps, but I never saw the end. We arrived to Amsterdam and I had stopped the movie so many times for a NAP break. But Turkish Airline was a very pleasant surprise and I can recommend the airline.

Leaving Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior and Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006 - Istanbul International Airport
Istanbul International Airport

Leaving Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior and Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006 - Istanbul International Airport
We're leaving Istanbul International

Leaving Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior and Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006 - Istanbul International Airport
Ready for takeoff

Leaving Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior and Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006 - Istanbul International Airport
We're airborne

Leaving Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior and Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006 - Istanbul International Airport
Flying over Istanbul

Leaving Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior and Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006 - Istanbul International Airport
Air view over Istanbul

Leaving Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior and Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006 - Istanbul International Airport
Air view over Istanbul

Leaving Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior and Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006 - Istanbul International Airport
Air view over Istanbul

Leaving Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior and Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006 - Istanbul International Airport
Air view over Istanbul

Leaving Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior and Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006 - Istanbul International Airport
Turkish Airline - Highly recommended by Aladdin

Leaving Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior and Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006 - Istanbul International Airport

Leaving Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior and Turkey - Defending our Mediterranean 2006 - Istanbul International Airport

Flying over Istanbul and that was the second time I have been impressed by the size of a city. First time was going to see the pyramids in Cairo. We stayed in the city and we took a taxi to see the pyramids. Located at the edge of the city, Cairo goes all the way to the pyramids and there are houses all the way to the entrance. Of course nothing you see on the pictures.

But we were on the high way for hours doing supersonic speed and it was city all the way. And now I was impressed by Istanbul, Jesus, there were city for as long as you could see. Bangkok looks like a fishing village in comparison.

When I had got my luggage I went to meet the people from the office at the meeting point. I was looking for someone holding a sign with my name. No one around with a sign. I was very happy when I couldn't see anyone.
- Maybe I can go straight to my hotel, I thought happily.

I was just about to leave, well, I was passing the meeting point as quick as I could without it lookingLeaving Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006 - Amsterdamobvious that I didn't wanted to meet anyone. I was not sad when I left the meeting point behind.
- Aladdin!!??

I was introduced to the two seagoing personnel managers and we headed towards a cafe. We drank tea and orange juice and we talked for 60 minutes before they left.

They asked if I wanted to come back to Rainbow Warrior. I think they had me being ordinary there in mind. This was not what I had in mind. A very nice job, but as I told them:
- I would love to come back...
- .... every now and then
- You don't want to be ordinary there?
They looked chocked. It is a dream job, well, expect the salary. It was an excellent salary for this job but to survive living my life in the FAST LINE? NO I don't think so. But I explained that if I would have stayed there for a year or two it would have been impossible to get back to a “normal” boring job. This was not the answer they had been hoping for. Well, anyway, it was time to head on. I had actually expected them to have arranged a hotel for me.

But they wanted me to stay on the Arctic Sunrise, another Greenpeace ship and she was on a shipyard in Amsterdam. Well, I wanted to stay at a hotel. I can't say that I was veryYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stkeen on going to sleep overnight on a ship. They handed me two A4 papers with the road description to the ship
- I never meet a Sailor that likes shipyards, I said.

The road description would have taken me on an adventure across Amsterdam. First I had to take a bus and change to a tram. Then ILeaving Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006 - Amsterdamwould have to meet someone finishing work at 8 o'clock. She would have driven me to a bus stop and from there it was almost non-stop. Only two changes and a walk.

When they left I went to the ticket office at the train station.
- Hello! I'm fresh out of cash. Can you please direct me to an ATM?
They pointed to an ATM and my valet was soon loaded with Scooby Dollars

I headed for the pub where I spent my last time in Amsterdam some 5 to 6 years ago. Back then they had to carry me to the taxi, now I only had two beers before going to the taxi.

I made a reservation at Mercury airport hotel before going to the ATM. 99€ per night was the price. When I made the reservation the girl behind the desk said:
- Oh oh, why haven't they told us about the price change.
She looked concerned when she told me that the price was 85€. I told her that it was better than 585€

I took the time for the taxi trip to the hotel, good to know when going back to the airport tomorrow. It took us just under 3 minutes and I was in my room 5 minutes later.

I spoke my Scooby Doo Dutch with the driver and I don't understood what I said. But the driver asked me if I was from South Africa.
- Jij praten Nederlanse! Are you from South Africa?
He spoke Dutch and I don't know how we managed to keep the conversation going, but the ride wasAmsterdamfor 3 minutes only.

I had a shower and then I was ready for Amsterdam. I ordered a taxi in the reception and I went to the bar for a beer while waiting. I meet an oil worker in the bar and he joined me in the taxi.

I wanted to go check my old favourite pub at Damplein and we asked the driver to take us there. We got of the taxi and I didn't recognize any of the pubs. Now it was only restaurants and pizza restaurants around. No sign of Cafe de Til.

Well, Papa Daddy didn't recognized Papa Daddy's street. It was also a little embarrassing, I had told the oil worker about this # uno place in Amsterdam and we ended up at a Kebab restaurant.

Somewhere in Amsterdam

We managed to keep the spirit high on our 3 minutes walk to a pub nearby. DARN! Have Amsterdam became expensive or what? A few hundred Scooby Dollars were soon history. But I had time to show my moves at a Disco before the money was gone and I was back at my hotel.

And yes, of course, I called our Lebanese Doctor when I came back to my room.
Wednesday 2 nd of July 2006
and the bird flu hit me hard when they called me at 08:15.
- 08:15!!?? I asked for a 08:30 wakeup call!
I hate those wake up calls when living on hotel.
- BÖRTE ÖRTE SKURTI BURTI, a voice said on the phone.
- WHAT??!! Wrong number, I said and I slammed the phone.
I turned around and I was almost asleep when I remembered my flight. Well, I remembered my call to the Lebanese Doctor before I remembered my flight. It was one of those moments when you feel like frozen to ice.
- What did I DO!!??
I called the reception and asked for my bill and a taxi. I passed a shoe polish machine onSailing shoesthe way to the reception.
- HEY!! My sailing shoes look like shit after our cruise. I better off polish them a little, I thought for myself.

Said and done, I pushed the button and I started by getting some shoe polish and I moved the shoe to the first brush. I regretted my move instantly.
- DARN! Bird flu, early wake up calls and shoe polish machines is not a good combination. Believe me.
I lost my balance when the rotating brush grabbed my shoe. It was like I was sucked in to the machine. I didn't wet my pants, but it was close. I managed to stop the darn thing before it killed me. This is what we call a Scooby Doo machine and it will take a long time until I try the trick again

When I came to the reception I was yet again reminded about my phone call. I was introduced to a 240€ bill. Room 85€, a few refreshments and a 133€ telephone bill. I remembered the good old times when the telephone bills were much more then the costs for the room. Well, I called our Lebanese Doctor, I'm not sure if she appreciated the call 4 or 5 in the morning, and for sure I don't know if it was worth the 133€.

I didn't feel like a million dollar when I checked in at Schiphol for my 10:30 flight to Stockholm. I had 2 diet drinks Snus and 7 quick cancer sticks while waiting.

I had a few Ramlösa on the flight to Stockholm, my hangover was alleviated a wee bit with the Ramlösa. But I still wanted to end it by jumping out from the aircraft. I went for a fag after passing the security check.
- You have to go out, they told me when I asked for the “ Smokers corner
Oh yeah, like I wish to carry my stuff around.

This was my once in a life time opportunity to give up. But I got this Master plan and I bought some snus . I wasn't proud of myself, but I really didn't want to run around exposing myself and my hangover looking for the “ Smokers corner ” on Stockholm airport.

We arrived to Kalmar airport just before 3 o'clock in the afternoon. It was gloomy and grey and there was an annoying summer drizzle. Never mind, I had booked a taxi from Stockholm.

When I came out I could not find a taxi and I had to call them again. There was a guy, well, he said hello to me at the airport in Stockholm and I said hello. I'm a very polite guy, don't blame me, I'm brought up that way.
He was also waiting for a taxi and he started to talk with me and it turned out that he knew me. He had been in my friend's class in navigation school and I think I had met him at a pub or something. I don't remember, embarrassing, but this happens to me all the time.

Kalmar Airport
Arriving to a gloomy and grey Kalmar

Kalmar Airport
Arriving to a gloomy and grey Kalmar

I called good ol' Ballong. He is in Go:teborg working on one of STENA Lines ferries and he was talking about ABSOLUT Raspberry vodka party.
- You remember last time? I still have the picture from that one, I said.
- Can't you put those on your web page?
- PLEASE! There are visitors under the age of 18. They will never recover from that experience.
SUMMER IN THE CITY and Cykeln på köpet!

Friday 4 th of August 2006
and I arrived to Gothenburg Friday just after lunch time. I took the train from Kalmar to Gothenburg. I took a TAXI No Tav from the station and ICelebrating the summer in Go:teborgstopped at STENA line's terminal to get the key to the apartment. The TAXI was waiting outside while I got the key so we could roar off without any delays.


When I came to my friend's apartment I found a Christmas gift for me.ChristmasI like Christmas gifts in August, well, is not like I dislike Christmas gifts in October or in March. But in August it feels a little extra fun. But I think it was a birthday gift, they know I hate birthdays so calling it a Christmas gift was a clever move. I will remember this trick.

My friend called.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
- What's happening? I asked.
- Vi ska SUPA!
- Sounds like a plan, I said.

I called a taxi and I really managed to impress myself. While waiting for the taxi I erased our Lebanese Doctors number from my phone. I don't want to call when I'm drunk again. Well,Celebrating the summer in Go:teborgwho knows? After the last call she has been busy buying a wedding dress and this is not the kind of drama I'm wishing for.Smiley

We left with smoking and screaming tires for the Centralens pub and I was soon sitting with a beer in my hand while my friends updated me with the latest on the night life in Gothenburg.

Centralens Pub had obviously turned in to a boring place. The place for sure leaves a lot to wish for now. It used to be the best place for an early afternoon beer. I ordered a TT when I sat down in the bar and the waitress asked if I wanted 4 cl or 6 cl.
Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg- What??!! I want a beer not Tequila.
- What is a TT? She asked.

I don't know what happened to the place, I remember when we were there listening to bands while screaming Kal P Dal. This was 15 years ago so of course the place had changed. I suggested that we should leave. My friend was with a boat in the marina. It is his friend's boat and he had met a few girls yesterday.
- We have a date with them at 7 o'clock on the boat. Join in, we need someone looking good with us.
- Sounds like a plan, I said.

We stopped to buy wine and beers on the way to the boat. My friend had been on me all day long about my hat and he really wanted the hat. I usually lose them after a night or two on town drinking beer. But now, 2014 and I still have the hat, not as colourful after all the washings.
- I cannot give it to you. Our Greek Goddess will throw a hammer on me from the sky, I said.

I usually lose my hats after a night or two of drinking beer on town. But now, 2014 and I still have the hat, not as colourful after all the washings. Well, anyway, we got down to the marina and we had soon opened the first beer.

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg
We're in the marina

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg
Didn't take long to open the first beer

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg
There was time for a power nap

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg
And he tries the Aladdin whistle when he wake up

And he tries the Aladdin whistle when he wake up

Didn't take long before I grew tired of sitting in the boat.The city was full of people and there were concerts everywhere. We went to a place 6 minutes walk from the marina. The spirit was high and I had soon a beer in my hand.

I was surprised, it took me 9 seconds to get my beer. Sometimes you have to wait for 10 minutesYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stfor your beer when there are millions of people letting their hair down. Same with the restrooms, no cue. Sometimes you have wet yourself while waiting for the restroom.

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
The town was full of people

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
The town was full of people

Well, I single male in his prime and soon the girls wanted to dance. I met two girls and I don'tCelebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006know if they were good looking or if it was my 29 beers make them look good, but I stopped for a few questions.

Someone said in a social life magazine, or if it was on the TV that the worst pick up lines are:
Smiley- Wow, you are beautiful!
- Where have you been all my life?
- HEY! I'm an interesting human being!
- Oh yeah, are you sure?

No, they recommended that you should go and ask for their favourite ice-cream flavour or making a statements like, the grass would look strange if itCelebrating the summer in Go:teborgFunky bananaswas red.

I don't know if it was because my hat, but soon I was asked for a dance. Well, even if you are unconscious it's embarrassing to dance. Me exposing myself like that is pure ghastliness, we remember the drama in Marstrand.
Smiley- I just broke my leg! I said.

SmileyWell, she had her friend to help her dragging me up on the dance floor and I was soon out of there. We had a friend going on a boat trip and he left the marina at 7 and he should be back at 11. So I fåcked off out of there to go and meet him. Also strange, millions of people and I managed to meet several people I knew.

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
I met another guy that I knew from Kalmar

I don't know if someone dropped a Mickeyin my beer or if it was our Greek Goddess that had been throwing a hammer at me from a cloudless sky. But it was soon time to leave for my bed.

Saturday 5 th of August 2006
and I didn't feellike a million dollars when I woke upCelebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006Saturday morning, but I for sure felt like I had spent a million.

I had some water to drink and I was soon talking with my friend on the boat. Didn't sound like he was suffering from any hangover, actually he was in a good mood and he asked when I was coming.
- Well, I need a shower first, butthen I will get in to a TAXI.

Yesterday my friend told me that Miss Bu and Mu were coming to the boat Saturday afternoon.
- Who is Bu & Mu? I asked.
- You know them.
- No I don't, I said.
- Well, they know you.
Exactly what I wanted to hear. But they have cold beer for me in the refrigerator on the boat and a few beers can do wonders to hangovers. I will leave you for the marina. Be sure to come back for more information about Miss Bu & Mu, I'm overexcited all ready.

By the way, before leaving for the marina I can tell you that I have checked my e-mail every 20 minutes since coming to Sweden. Not aword from our beautiful Turkish volunteer. Surprised?Surprise

I arrived to the marina with the taxi and 43 seconds later I was sitting with a beer in my hand. It was very hot and with a hangover force 9.3 and I just wanted to throw myself in front of a bus.

The first 30 minutes was terrible, but after 5 beers we were roaring with laughter again.
- Hey! I lost my hangover, someone found it?

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
So, a few beers later and it is OK again

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
Life was beautiful again

The marina was full of people and we could hear the concert from the other side of the river. There was a small ferry from the marina taking people over to the concert. Yesterday there was a synth band playing and it was like being back in the 80's. I know fåck all about the 80's, but I read about it in a book. There were a lot of boys wearing makeup, girls with net stockings and people with Mohicans haircuts in all kind of colours.

There was a single tear rolling down my cheek when I thought about the 80's, I have heard so much about it and now it was almost like I had experienced it myself.

Three boats away there was a boat full of blond girls. They were sitting on the fly bridge, is that the correct name? Well, I don't know.

I had just enough of beers to be one of the most handsome boys in the marina. I was just about to leave for the blonds in the boat to ask them if they needed a Deckhand when Mu & Bu arrived. So there was no need to run away to make a fool out of myself on the blonde's boat when I could stay and do it on home ground.

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
A boat full of beautiful girls

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
Miss Bu & Mu arrives - And no, I didn't recognise them - But they knew Aladdin

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
Enjoying ourselves in the marina

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
Enjoying ourselves in the marina

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
Enjoying ourselves in the marina

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
No SMART phones back in 2006

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
Enjoying ourselves in the marina

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
Enjoying ourselves in the marina

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
Afternoon turns in to evening

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
Afternoon turns in to evening

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
Drinking cider

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
Are they dancing?

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
Looks like it

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
Then it is definitely soon time to go home

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
Looks like they grew tired of the dancing

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
Evening turns in to night

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
The owner of the boat

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
I think this “SELFIE” thing started to caught on

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
Time to go

Celebrating the summer in Go:teborg - Göteborgs Kalaset 2006
Yet another party on the jetty

Well, I have to stop using my hat, all people wants it and I'm afraid that it will get lost. Then I know someone that will get angry. Soon the boat was full of people. The spirit was high and after aScoobyfew hours we were running dry on beers and wine. Well, SALSA seems to be the flavour of the decade.

I can't understand that people likes SALSA, well, anyway, they wanted to go to a SALSA place for a dance. I was very lucky and they stopped me atStopthe door. Well, I'm used to it.
- HEY! We don't want people suffering from motion sickness in here.

A wee bit tipsy and the bouncer making a scene out of it. I can't say I was very sad about it. I ended up at a place with good music. I don't know what time I arrived home and I don't remember how I got home, but I suppose it was by taxi.

London bridge is falling downSunday 13 th of August 2006
and I felt like the London Bridge had felt down on me when I woke up. It didn't make me feel better finding my valet with 2 inch of credit card slips. There was so many of them that the valet could not be folded.
- I never said that it come cheap celebrating the summer!

SofaI spent the Sunday behind the sofa refusing to answer the phone. I pretty much spent the Monday the same way, I have to be fit tomorrow when going to visit “ 50-skylten” on Stena Danica. He is working as an AB on the ferry and I have put my alarm clock on 0600.

Soon time to join Bro Jupiter and I had to do an educational visit on Stena Danica to see my friend before leavingStena lineSweden. He will join a gas tanker in September and he will stay onboard for a few months so there is no chance to meet for a long time.

Tuesday 8 th of August 2006
and I was tired when my alarm clock went off at 6 o'clock. Our Lebanese Doctor sent me a SMS just when I was about to fall asleep. I called her and she had visited my web page, AND SHE WAS NOT HAPPY
- Why did you erase my phone number?
She told me that there were airplanes flying over her house all the time.

She is working at the hospital and the Israeli air force is dropping bombs around the hospital. Suddenly my own problems were reduced to nothing. My worst hangover for a long time and my not cold enough diet drinks was very trivial in comparison. She told me that they had left Istanbul for Syria and they had to be smuggled back to Lebanon through the dessert. They had passed a bridge just before the Israeli Air force had bombed the bridge to pieces. All this to return home to help at the hospital. What a hero!

Stena Line
A Stena ferry at the terminal

I entered Stena lines terminal at 08:30 and I picked up my “ VISITOR ” ticket. I had time to read the newspaper while drinking a diet drink and a soda water while waiting for the ferry to arrive. I boarded the ferry at 9 o'clock and we left a sunny Gothenburg at 09:30. It's about three hours to Fredrikshamn in Denmark where we will stay for one hour before returning to Gothenburg. ETA to Gothenburg 17:45.

I had not been onboard for very long when my friend told me that the deck boys called him J. Obviously there is a new Hip Hopper in town and my dreams about winning the “ Sverige's tjockaste Hip Hoppare” award 2006 was spoiled.

- OK, I give up. You are almost there, the only thing missing is a real wristwatch, I said.
- What's wrong with my Omega?
Scooby Doo- Nothing! If you're aiming for the Scooby of the year award. But I will give you my wristwatch and you are all Hip Hop, I said.
Jay looked happy and I congratulated him for the “ Sverige’s tjockaste Hip Hoppare” award 2006. This is the second time he wins the award and I will have to consider if it will be worth giving it a try next year. Maybe a WALK OVER would be the best thing.

Stena Line
In J's cabin

Stena Line
No, we cannot see you eating Schweizernöt

Stena Line
Leaving Vinga behind

Stena Line
In the restaurant

Stena Line

Stena Line
J on the bridge

Stena Line
J on the bridge

Stena Line
J on the bridge

Stena Line
We're back in Göteborg

Stena Line
Back in Go:teborg and MC J in charge of the gangway

Stena Line
Back in Go:teborg and MC J in charge of the gangway

Stena Line
Back in Go:teborg and MC J in charge of the gangway
It was nice to see that he took his job seriously

Stena Line
Closing in on the gangway and J leaves nothing to chance

Stena Line
Closing in on the gangway and J leaves nothing to chance

Stena Line
I'm first off the ferry

We were back in Gothenburg on schedule at 17:45 and I said thank you for the adventure and I was first off the ferry. I just sat foot ashore when the first rain drops started to fall. It was both rain and sunshine, but after a few minutes the rain stopped.

Thursday 10 th of August 2006
and There is millions of people in the city and this is nothing I wish for when I'm walking around the city with a hangover force 9,7. I was trying to dodge the crowd and while walking I meet a guy on a bicycleSmiley
When he had passed me he turned around.
- What the BIP !
Thai flagI had not seen this guy for 6 years something. We went to a Thai restaurant for some food. Thai food must be very popular now because the last few years there has been popping up ThaiThai Restaurantrestaurants in every corner of the city.

Well, the weekend was approaching and Bro Jupiter was waiting outside Rotterdam. They didn't know where she was going or when. But I knew that I would join in the next port.

I wanted to leave Gothenburg over the weekend and I tried to book a ticket to the midnight sun in the North of Sweden. My friend lives there and there was a party Saturday night.
- Good idea, I thought and stepped in to a travel agency.
- All flights are full
- What about Rome?
- We have a seat for you.

Thai Restaurant

But they called from the company. They have two trips between Tees and Hamburg, starting the 16th. So maybe I will sign on the 16th.
- Good, then I can go to Rome over the weekend, I said.
- Well, maybe they will go to Port Jerome during the weekend and then you will have to fly to Paris to join the ship.
He told me that they could fly me from Rome to the ship. But I didn't feel like flying to Rome with my entire luggage.
- Plastic money and an extra shirt is enough luggage.

Well, anyway, it is time to join Bro Jupiter, not as exciting as Rainbow Warrior. But still an adventure, so click HERE to read all about it.

Malmö FF, One of the best soccer teams in the world!
MIF, One of the best hockey teams in the world!
HIF, One of the best soccer teams in the world!
Landskrona Bois, One of the best soccer teams in the world!

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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