“Aladdin's adventure on board Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior was updated with new and bigger pictures during March '14 while on board Roy Maersk”
I also update with a few names I found on the internet while looking for information about the Mediterranean Tour 2006.
I usually never put names on my web page, but these names were all over the internet so why not?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior with Dolphins

Thursday 1 st of June 2006 and June started the way May ended, steering course 329°(t) in the Red Sea towards Suez. There wasn't very much happening while we were farting along the course line towards Suez. I was very tired at 04:00 and I was off to bed and I felt asleep immediately and I woke up around 11 o'clock when they started chipping the deck. I had a shower and I called my brother before making my bucket of tea for the bridge.

I relieved our Skipper and I was soon down to get my second bucket of tea. On the way back to the bridge I saw ourAmerican flagFrench volunteer writing e-mail. Hmm, I would not have believed it if someone had told me that I would use mug's game one of those days.

Well, talking about mug's game, WORD UP! I just had to say it toHip Hoplet “ 50 - skylten ” know that I'm still aiming for the “ Sveriges Tjockaste Hip Hoppare 2006 ” award, that is “ The chubbiest Hip Hopper in Sweden 2006 ” award in English.

RESPECT, I really didn't see that one coming and I hope the use of WORD UP! will put me back, well, I don't say in the lead, but at least among the favourites.

Hmm, sorry for that, I got carried away for a few seconds. Where were we? Yes, on the way back to the bridge I saw our French volunteer writing e-mail and I told her to say hello from me to her daddy and Monsieur Raymond.

It's a mug's game, but it's excellent. I don't want to use the word Master Mind, but while the rest of the guys are hanging from the mast, playing the guitar and building bridges Super SwedeGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior on the book coverbecomes family just by a simple:
- Say hello to your daddy and Monsieur Raymond!

After this coup I was in an upbeat mood and I enjoyed my second bucket of tea on thebridge when our 3rd Engineer/ Electrician asked if I could take a picture of him on deck.

He told me that he's going to use it as a cover for the book he is writing, but remember where you saw the picture first!

Here I am trying to get cheap points saying hello to the family while people are writing books and sending long e-mails in French. And I would not be foocking surprised if the book was written in French. And thinking of it, even to hang from the wires seems to be a better way toGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Seaimpress than the stupid hello, well, maybe not when thinking of it.

I also managed to get myself a haircut duringYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthe afternoon and now I'm ready to take on all the visitors in Italy.

And of course, using the ZERO on the trimmer to make the bald spot less obvious. For sure no Italian girl to be impressed if they discover the bald spot.

I practice my Italian and, no, I was about to say that our Australian girl looks proud when she hear me speak Italian with my exotic accent. But that's not true and we want to keep things as close to the truth as possible.

Losing the credibility and the trustworthiness is a disaster for www.aladdin.st and we try to avoid this by all means even if it means that there has to show up one or two nasty things at times.

Our Spanish, Indian and French volunteers worked outside the bridge and the time turned quick while talking with them. When I got of my watch at 16:00 we had Makkah abeam on our starboard side.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Maintenance outside the bridge and I had someone to talk to

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Maintenance outside the bridge and I had someone to talk to

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Maintenance outside the bridge and I had someone to talk to

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Maintenance outside the bridge and I had someone to talk to

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Spanish girl looking for Super Swede

I was off to my cabin to write a few words on my web page before my constitutional. All this talk about building bridges and exploring Africa made me think of a story when we were going with taxi to Helsingborg. But I needed some pictures from the trip before I can tell it, so I called my friendAmerican Expressyesterday and I asked him to send the picture to my own e-mail address.

Imagine going down the memory lane with pictures. So who knows? Maybe in ItalyMaster Cardthere will be some nice pictures. He also told me that I had a fresh 3500 US$ bill from American Express.
- Bring it on!

But the bill from Master Card had not come for the month of May, good news or bad news? I don't know, but if the bill and all tracks of me using the card disappear in outer space it would be considered as very good news. Well, party doesn't come cheap and I have to take the opportunity to party while young. Viva la merde!

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Spanish volunteer writing e-mail in the “library” when we come to disturb him

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Engineer and Spanish volunteer in the “library”

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Engineer and Spanish volunteer in the “library”

Friday 2 nd of June 2006
and, well, pull me backwards. We were still steering 329°(t) when I came on my watch at midnight. I spent the watch checking our charts in the Mediterranean and I marked them in our Chart catalogue, and ipsi wipsi wu Smileythe time was 04:00 and time to go to bed.
Well, actually I stayed behind for a while as usual to annoy our relievers with my thoughts aboutYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stlife. Well, surprisingly enough, I haven't managed to recruit them to my government to be after my coup.
- Well, I'm sure they will regret themselves.

Our Spanish Deckhand woke me up at 11:30 as usual, hmm, almost as usual. Sometimes she forgets me and that really hurts. But today she didn't forget to wake me up.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Spanish volunteer washing on deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Spanish volunteer on the monkey island

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
French girl's socks wet after the washing and now they are drying on the bridge, NICE!

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Waiting for the socks to dry

Coming up from bed and I could see that the whole crew were washing deck. When I came on watch they disappeared for lunch, but they were soon back to catch some sun. I stay in the shadow, or as I use to say to the crew while pointing at my skin:
- To have this color is regarded as an ideal of beauty in most part of the world!
And I continue (just to make them green of envy)
- When I walk down the streets girls come up to me and ask ifBabythey can have a baby with me, they would like to have a light skinned baby.
My friend was even offered money from a girl if he could get her pregnant.

Well, this is how I operate, and I will stay in the shadow, maybe I will get rich one of those days.

Time was soon 13:00 and the work started on deck again. Main deck was ready before lunch and now they washed the bridge deck, 4 crew members and they were soon finished.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Our Cook on monkey island

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Washing continues after the lunch break

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Washing continues after the lunch break

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Washing continues after the lunch break

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Washing continues after the lunch break

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Washing continues after the lunch break

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Removing the canvas covering the crane - Need to be repaired

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Our Australian girl repairing the canvas

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Our Australian girl repairing the canvas

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Chief Engineer and Radio Operator on deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
16:00 and Chief Mate comes to relieve me

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
The girls on the 4 to 8 watch on their evening watch

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
The girls on the 4 to 8 watch on their evening watch

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
The girls on the 4 to 8 watch on their evening watch

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
SUDDENLY, there was a window to wash

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
SUDDENLY, there was a window to wash

I was releived at 4 o'clock and I went forward to see if I could find the French, Spanish, Greek, Turkey and Lebanon flags. We keep some of the flags under the Fo'c's'le and on my way forward I ran in to our Australian girl. She was repairing canvas for deck crane.
- Good day, Mate! She said.
I told her about an Australian pub in Sweden. They had a bouncer in cowboy hat screaming “ GÅDAJ MAJT!  ” in your ear when you entered the place. As I told our Australian girl:
- You crap your pants and you left for another place.
Well, anyway, I found all the flags, except the flag of Lebanon.

Our Australian girl interrupted me in my walk.
- There are Flippers swimming at the bow!
We went forward and there were plenty flippers swimming and I thought one of them was speaking to me.
- What the BIP ! Do you need help? I asked
Our Australian girl was not late to answer:
-CHHRRIIIPP! CHHRRIIPP!! It sounded like a scream for help coming out of our Australian girl.
- What the .... is going on here? She speaks the lingo? I wondered.
I decided to give it a try and I screamed:

Well, I think you understand that they understood fåck all. It would have been nice to be able to talk with them, but I refuse to hang from the Fo’c’s’le screaming CHHRRIIIPP! CHHRRIIPP!!

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Watching Dolphins

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Chief Mate comes forward to watch Dolphins

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Chief Mate comes forward to watch Dolphins

Dolphins swimming with Rainbow Warrior

It was a lovely evening and I really enjoyed the sun set while walking up and down the bridge deck. Wet paint on starboards side so I'm stuck on port side.

While walking I discovered that there was a fish on our hook we drag behind the ship and when they pulled in the line there was a small tuna on the hook.
I'm still waiting for a shark to appear, but we had flippers all around the ship during the sunset.

After 2, 5 hours of walking, well, we did a short flipper stop, I gave up at 8 o'clock and we sat down in front of the bridge discussing the mystery of life. I wondered why some days are just shitty. When our Spanish Deckhand woke me up today I was in a good mood, but when I should take my morning shower the bathroom was occupied. A good morning turned in to a bad afternoon. Well, no one could explain this, but our Spanish Deckhand proclaimed tomorrow as a HAPPY DAY.
- Good idea, I will personally give anybody being unhappy a 10 $ fine, I said.

Our Spanish Deckhand told me that she got afraid when she opened the door to the bridge after lunch. To come to the bridge from the accommodation you open a door and walk up a stair to reach the bridge, the stairs, maybe 10 steps.
- Why's that? I asked.
- When I opened the door you and the Deckhand looked strange at me and then you came screaming down the stairs after me, she said.

Yes, she came in through the door and I decided to try to be funny. I bursted down the stairs while screaming I'M COMING TO GET YOU!!! She must have shat herself, a cubic ton of Aladdin coming down the stairs screaming. But I must say that she was impressed. She told me that I was moving very fast and graceful.
- NO NO, I was falling down the stairs, I said.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Evening on the Red Sea

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Evening on the Red Sea

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Evening on the Red Sea

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Evening on the Red Sea

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Evening on the Red Sea

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Evening on the Red Sea

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Evening on the Red Sea

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Evening on the Red Sea

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Evening on the Red Sea

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Evening on the Red Sea

Well, I gave up the walking just after 9 o'clock and I went for my hot shower and a bucket of tea.

Saturday 3 rd of June 2006
and we were 30Nm WNW of Ra's Banas in Egypt when I came on the bridge at midnight. Our Skipper told me that he had turned down the volume on the VHF.
- It's banana this and that all the time. Not possible to use the VHF at all.

Our Deckhand on my watch told me that he will change ship. He will go onboard the Esperanza and join her on her way back to India. He doesn't know if he will transfer at sea or if he will fly to Port Said from Genoa, but I'm sure that we will soon find out.
He was disappointed, he had looked forward to se Europe after 5 weeks at sea, now it will be transfer (maybe without setting foot ashore) and straight back to Asia.

Our watch passed quickly and before going to sleep I put an American flag on my door. I found itwhen I was looking for the other flags during the afternoon. I was in a good mood when I finally went to bed even though I was thinking of all the people around the world willing to give everything to be able to wake up in the morning with an American flag flying from a flagpole outside their window.

This is something we don't think of when we wake up in Sweden or where ever we wake up.SmileyWe open the refrigerator and have our breakfast while listening to good music (not necessarily American) and makes plans for our day. Finding something meaningful to do is our biggest problem, while in a North Korea on the other side of the globe, a family is crawling around half dead chasing a fåcking insect for dinner.
- Party tonight or should I stay home complaining about the USA?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
My door when I go to sleep
Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
My door when I wake up

I was called for at 11:35 and when I opened my door to go for a shower I found that my flag was gone. Someone had ripped the American flag off my door. Well, they don't know me, first thing I did was to hang up the flag again. That's the best thing with the flaf of USA, it is very fun to pester the Rainbow Warrior crew.

We had planned to do a swim and BBQ stop at 16:00 and due to a leak in the engine room weYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.ststopped at 15:45 and our crewSmileywere soon in the water snorkelling. I thought it would be pretty meaningless swimming around with a Cyclops with hundreds of meters of water between you and something to see.

Well, once again I got proof of that you should never think that something is useless until you know. Our Spanish volunteer is a diving instructor and he knows better, there were plenty small fishes to watch. Well, I was on deck feeling stupid while our BBQ team fired up the grill, we had to use my old tracings for the chart correction to get the fire going.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Swimming in the Red Sea

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Swimming in the Red Sea

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Swimming in the Red Sea

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Swimming in the Red Sea

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Chief Mate testing some equipment

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Preparing the BBQ

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Preparing the BBQ

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Preparing the BBQ

The crew was eating on the bridge deck and I was down on main deck walking, oh yeah, I was hungry. But you need to suffer if you want to look good. I was walking down the memory lane with myself and I was laughing for myself thinking of the good old days when we were young, handsome and crazy.

I was walking for about 90 minutes before I gave up, but I was curious where our Engineers where. I had not seen them since the engine problem at 15:45. I took a tour down to the engine room andI meet the whole engine TEAM. They were just ready to leave for the day.

We decided to meet in the mess room at 21:00 for a video and we had a race out of the ECR, first to the shower is the winner. Needless to
say, I beat both of them by a length and I was laughing and singing and I was in a very good mood while taking my shower.

I was ready in a jiff and I spent time with my web page in my cabin drinking a diet drink. I'm running very low on my diet drinks. We have about 10 days to go and I have 64 cans. You don't need a university degree to figure out that I can drink 6.4 cans per day.

Well, our 3rd Engineer picked the video entertainment for the evening and it was an American action. It was one of those good old ones with Russians, a-bombs and heroes. We were all glued to the sofa in the mess room. Well, I was running around filling up my bucket with tea all the time, but the 2nd and 3rd Engineers were glued to the seat.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
In the engine room

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
In the ECR

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
In the ECR

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
In the engine room

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Our Engineers in the engine room

Well again, now I tend to agree with the good ol' English Teacher, it's a wee bit too much WELL. But we have to learn how to live with it. Well, where were we? Oh yeah, glued to the seat isn't exactly true, after a while we knew how the movie was going to end and our 2nd Engineer left.

Sunday 4 th of June 2006
and we were steering 333°(t) when I came on my watch at midnight. This course will take us to Gulf of Suez and Strait of Gubal. My watch went pretty quick and I was impatient to meet the girls on the 4 - 8 watch. I had a question for them, I had been racking my brain trying to think out what makes a girl get turned on by a guy climbing a mast.

When they came on the bridge I asked them, but I don't know if I got the answer I was looking for. When ISmileycame to my cabin I wondered how they do to find a male and how they get him home to their cage. Is it as simple as walking around looking at the wires to the masts.
- HEY! There is one hanging in the main mast and it's a keeper.
Do they throw rocks to get him down or do the talk him down? I must ask tomorrow morning because at 5 o'clock they kicked me out from the bridge.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea

I was called for at 11:30 and I was surprised to see that the American flag was still on my door when I went for a shower.

At 12:18 I changed course to 311°(t) and we entered Gulf of Suez and Strait of Gubal. I was busy (well, busy it's not the correct word, but it sounds good) in the TSS while the crew were on deck checking our inflatable’s and running the outboard motors and stuff.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Working with our “ATTACK” boats

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Working with our “ATTACK” boats

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Working with our “ATTACK” boats

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Working with our “ATTACK” boats

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Working with our “ATTACK” boats

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Working with our “ATTACK” boats

I was watching them while drinking my tea and listening to music and the watch went pretty quick. After my watch I went down to the cargo hold where we have our charts from #1 to 1999. I found the charts needed for our trip after Genoa and I brought them to the bridge. We will go to
Corinth Canal

is a canal across the Isthmus of Corinth in Greece, joining the Gulf of Corinth in the northwest with the Saronic Gulf in the southeast.

The Canal opened in 1893 and the canal is 6.3 km long and has a water depth of 8 m. The width of the Canal varies from a minimum of 21 m at the bottom to 25 m maximum at the surface.

At 2001 it was reported that about 12 000 vessels use the Canal every year. Orient Express is the biggest vessel that has passed through the Canal (2006). She is on 12 343 gross ton and she is 153.1m long with a draft of 5.6 meter.
Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, France and Spain.

What I'm looking forward to is to pass through the Corinth Canal in Greece when going to Piraeus, a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Well, when I had put the charts on the bridge I went for my walk and I managed to walk for almost 2 hours before I gave up. It started to blow and we meet rough see coming from the North. We started to jump a little and I went down to my cabin to check if I had put my computer on the floor ot it would risk to fall down.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Reading www.aladdin.st the original page from 2006

After my shower I watched a movie with our 3rd engineer/ Electrician, a good ol' American movie. The clock was just after 2230 when we were ready with the movie. I had one and a half hour to kill before my watch and I could not come up with something exciting to do before my watch. Our French volunteer was bored as well and she asked if she could read my web page.
- No, please. You can read when I have signed off.

Well, she would not take no for an answer and, yes, this is the second time she reads my web page. On other ship I refuse to let them read my web page. It happened only once before and that was when I was on watch with a girl.
- Can I read your web page?
- NO!
- PLEASE!Smiley
- OKSmiley
- Hmm, maybe I have a hard time saying no to girls.

I got to get my computer in my cabin and I regretted my decision as soon as she started to read.
Smiley- FÅCK!
She will read about my brilliant idea to get instant family by saying hello to her dad. She will think I'm a raving lunatic.

But it was a brilliant idea, even you must admit to that. People are swimming across the Pacific trying to impress her. We lost the last guy trying from the radar 2 years ago, no one has ever heard from him again. I simple hello is muchSharkbetter than being eaten by sharks in the Pacific

But she said that she loved my French, and that was heart warming. Myself-esteem had been on an all time low since she helped the 3rd Engineer / Electrician with his French. This guy translates the Holy Bible while juggling with 3 oranges and singing la Marseillaise.

We expect to arrive to the Suez Canal tomorrow so I will end the adventure about Rainbow Warrior on the Red Sea here. Click the LINK and you will soon find yourself in the middle of Rainbow Warriors adventure in the Suez Canal

Malmö FF, One of the best soccer teams in the world!
MIF, One of the best hockey teams in the world!
HIF, One of the best soccer teams in the world!
Landskrona Bois, One of the best soccer teams in the world!

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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