January 2011

Saturday 15 th of January 2011 and I woke up at 9 o'clock and I had plenty time to prepare myAladdin's adventure in Chinaself for the Dentist. And not by brushing my teeth, last time at the Dentist they told me that I brushed too much ??!! Yes, I brushed too much and I bought an electric teethbrush and I only brush twice a day now. I prepared myself by listen to the FUNKY TECHNICIAN on full blast.

I'm not afraid of the Dentist, but I don't like the sound of theAladdin's adventure in Chinathingamabob they usewhen they exam my teeth. I sit like I'm on needles when they exam my teeth, yes, I hate the sound and the scratching and pulling. Feels likeAladdin's adventure in Manilathey are about to pull my teeth out.

And as you have seen my pictures from the hospital in China from 2007 and from my medical check up in Manila. I guess that you're delirious withAladdin's adventure in Manilaanticipation and I can assure you that I willbring my camera and I will do my best to get a few pictures from this Saturday Dentist appointment extravaganza. So just stay tuned for the latest updates.

I stepped in to the Dentist at 13:30 and they told me toAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwait. I started to lose my patience after 10 minutes and I asked where my Dentist was.
- Wait for a few minutes.
I decide to wait for 20 minutes in total and at 13:50 I would leave the place. At 13:48 someoneAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNcame and told me that it would take 15 minutes' more and I took off to TOPS for tuna.

I walked to TOPS and I was not in a very good mood. I need to check up my teeth and I had really been looking forward to this check up. Hell, I even stayed homeAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNyesterday night.

I walked back home from TOPS and I made mental note when I passed Bangkok Smile “Never to go there again”. I was lookingAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNfor another clinic on my way home and I remembered that there is a Dentist between Prasanmit Plaza and my condo. Hell, I pass the clinic several times per day.

So I stopped and asked if they had a time for me, and luckily enough there was time for me. They showed me to a room and IAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNtook a seat in the chair.

Examination took a few minutes and she told me that I might have a cavity.
- A discoloration so I need to take an x-ray.
- Can you do this today?
- Yes, we do it after the cleaning.

She covered my face and now she must really have lookedAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNpuzzled when I brought out my camera to shoot a few pictures blind folded. When I came back home I had to deleteAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNmost of them.

Took almost one hour to clean my teeth and it was not a nice experience. The polishing at the end was quite OK. But it felt very nice when we were ready. And the x-ray? She never took an x-ray.
- The discoloration is gone with the cleaning.

Good, they don't try to f@ck you over and I decided to make them my Dentist for the future. And now I will go for cleaning once or twice a year. 10 years since last time and no holes, same last time, 10 years between my visits to the Dentist. But never any holes. Or as one Dentist told me:
- Some people never get any holes, and for some people is enough to look at a chocolate bar.
- F@CKING A!!! And some people balloons out of proportions just by having a look at chocolate!

Well, I really felt different in my mouth after 1 hour of wire brush and grinder treatment. VeryAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNnice and I was in a good mood. Passing the security guard at my condo and they told me to go to the office. Couldn't help wondering what I had done. But it was my parcel from DHL and 2 months for an overnight deliver. Well, finally I have my parcel after several e-mails and I don't know how many Baht spent calling to Holland and DHL in Bangkok.

I made some tea and I had some pumpernickel with sausage, or whatever it was. Yes, I bought a pack of Pumpernickel at TOPS and something that looked like pate. But it was moreAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNlike a sausage, well, I was hungry so no problem.

So I have done all my stuff for today and it is Saturday,party? No, I don't think so. My EX Teachers are coming to cook for me, but I don't want to wake up with a hangover tomorrow morning.

Well, it didn't take us long for me and the guy from New ZealandAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNto open a San Miguel Light. The best beer in the world, but as this is Thailand it took a few cans before it started to taste good. AndAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNafter several cans it was back to be the best beer in the world again.

And the Thai rice, the best rice in the world. I bought a bag last time we were cooking. But it didn't taste as good as it use to do. I got suspicious already when I boiled the rice. It didn't smell anything. Otherwise you can smell if it is jasmine rice on the boil, a very good smell.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
And we made the same rice today and I asked my EX Teacher about the rice.
- This is Thai rice
- What's wrong with it? I asked.
She looked at the bag.
Obviously they have different name on the rice and if I want the good rice I have to buy the rice named HOOM. Good to know for the future. So why theare they selling rice that is no good? I asked my EX Teacher and she didn't knew.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I would have understood if it was cheaper, but this rice was the same price
be att dom skickar hem dig med Austrian så du får ett stop i Österrike. Där har du ju möjligheten att fylla upp dina TAX FREE påsar med STROH rom! Gotte gott gott!
as the other bags. Well, next time I will buy the HOOM rice.

We ate our dinner with plenty beers and it was yummy, well, expectAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNfor the rice. My French friends showed upAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwhen we were ready with the dinner.

Didn't take long before we had vodka on the table and of course, whenthere is vodka on the table it dosen't take long before the music is on full blast.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
We decided to go to FUNKY VILLA on Thong Lo. We thought that we had to take 2 taxis, but weAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNmanaged to get in to one taxi and we took off.

When we came to Thong Lo all the people were leavingFUNKY VILLA. I don't know why, but I think the Police had closed down the place. Well, I guess we can't finish my bottle of vodka at FUNKY VILLA, at least not today.

We had to leave Thong lo and we decided to go to another disco on Phetchaburi Road, and I don't remember the name of the place.
We bought a bottle of vodka in the door as entrance fee and we entered the place.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
We arrived early so it was easy to find a table and our bottle of vodka orange juice came a fewAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNminutes later. It took a few seconds and I had an vodka orange in my hand.

Vodka, I should have kept on drinking the beer. AsAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNsoon as I start with vodka Charisma Man is soon turning in to the Obnoxious Man.

Well, according to rumour I left the disco around 2 o'clock and I returned home to my bed.

Marcus, Return of the Funky Man for you so you know what we're up to in FUNKY TOWN!!
Marcus!! Lord Finesse mannen, fy fan va fett

   Remember! It has to be on full blast   

Sunday 16 th of January 2011
and I woke up at 11. And of course, a hangover that would growingAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNworse during the day. Yes, I will not feel very good tonight and my guess is that I will spend most of the night watching DVDs

I discovered half a bottle of Song Sam in my fridge whenAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNI went to get some cold water.
- What the
For sure, 100000% sure, I have not bought the bottle. Where did this bottle come from?

I went to 7 Eleven to buy myself a hangover kit and when I came back home I went to bed drinking choco milk watching TV.

So now you understand why the parties destroy my diet. The day after requires Chocó milk andAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNI don't even dare to think about how many calories there is in theAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNChocó milk. Orange juice and food. Of course, I don't eat my tuna and I skip my constitutional.Would be better off going to see a movie Saturday night.

Well, it was not only the choco milk. My friend wanted to go eat and we decided to meet at KHINGKLAO at 3 o'clock. And of course, when I leftAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthere was not a taxi to be seen on the roads so I had to take a TUK TUK.Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
TUK TUK, I had not been using a TUK TUK in Bangkok for many many years. But I had no choice if I wanted to make it to KHINGKLAO in time. The driver wanted 50 Baht so I just left him. He came after me and heAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNstarted to negotiate.
- 40?
- 30?
I accepted 30 even though it was a 15 Baht ride.

I stepped inside KHINGKLAO at 15:00 and I ordered my favourite curry soup and sticky rice with mango. I always eat the same when I'm going toAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNKHINGKLAO and the soup is the reason for me to go to the restaurant on Soi 22.

I returned home to my bed when we finished our food. I was in my bed watching TV when a friend called. He wanted to go eat.

He would be at my place between 6 and 6 thirty and that gaveAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNme time to see the end of the Snake Eyes, an old movie, but I didn't had the energy to get out ofAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbed to turn on a DVD.

My friend wanted to play bowling, but first food. And where to go? There are 2 new Japanese restaurants around the corner from me. I was thinking salmon and avocado sushi and then I was thinking about the avocado/ salmon toast at the Italian restaurant on Lang Suan.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
When I came back home I checked my lottery tickets, and of course, I didn't win. I wasn't disappointed, I really hadn't expected to win anything. I returned to bed watching 2 DVDs before falling asleep. The workers will arrive early tomorrow morning.

Monday 17 th of January 2011
and the workers knocked on my door 5 minutes before 9 o'clock. My EX Teacher and our friend from New Zealand arrived 30 minutes later. My EX Teacher had made Japanese chicken curry that we would eat for lunch. My EX Teacher called the girl at Boonthvorn and they would deliver my last tiles. The tiles had arrived but they were looking for a driver.Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNWell, turned out that the girl had to deliver the tiles by herself. She would come with the tiles in the afternoon.
- Aladdin, do you have coffee.
- No, but I have tea.

Tea was not good enough so we went to the coffee shop at theAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNcorner at the beginning of the Soi. We enjoyed our tea and coffee before we left for the Srinakharinwirot University at the end of Sukhumvit Soi 23. I and my EX Teacher went there the other day to apply for her master course. But as her 500 Baht application fee was paid too late due to a problem with her bank she was not accepted.

I don't understand, the course fee is 70,000 Baht and if it was me running the school I would have accepted her making an extra 70,000. We were running around between the offices at the university, our EX Teacher spoke with the university people while I and our friend from New Zealand was looking at the girls in their school uniforms.

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I was getting hungry by thinking of the Japanese curry my EX Teacher had left in my kitchen so I was pretty happy when we left the university. We stopped at 7 Eleven to see if they had หอมมะลิ Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNrice. They had rice, a mix of 70% หอมมะลิ and 30% of the same tasteless rice I have at home. So we didn't bother buying the rice. But I learnt a new Thai word, มะลิ means jasmine so now I know what to look for next time buying rice.

I was hungry and I got right on to the rice cooking business and we reheated the Japanese curry that my EX Teacher had made yesterday evening.

The girl from Boonthavorn arrived with the tiles while we were cooking. She had 2 other girls with her, I asked and all of them had boyfriend.
But I was happy about the tiles, now I don't need to worry about the tiles anymore.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNMy workers left at 5 o'clock and I could return to my routines. Thai studies and my evening tea with TUNAAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN& ONION SURPRISE ® before leaving for my evening constitutional.

I left for Ekkamai but I turned around after 10 meters. I must have done something with my toe last Saturday because when I woke up Sunday morning I could hardly walk. So I had to spend the night in bed hoping for my toe to be better until tomorrow night.

Tuesday 18 th of January 2011
and the workers arrived quarter to 9. That's the spirit! But not anyAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNearlier, then it will be way too early and I will not
du e ju en riktig mäster detektiv. Nu vågar man väl inte visa sig på Yammy Kitchen igen!
have time for my morning tea and tuna.

I opened my e-mail to discover the latest news from Yammy Kitchen inAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNGo:teborg. And Miss “ Beautiful #1 in the world” was not working when my friend was there. But her daughter was working and my friend held a real cross examination with her.

It will be very nice when my bathroom is ready and I willhopefully be able to take a shower in my bathroom on Friday. It is OK to shower in my guest bathroom, but I prefer my own bathroom.

I have not been in school for several days by now, but I will go to school in the afternoon, at least for 2 hours. Or maybe I will take the full afternoon class, the workers know how I want the rest of my bath room so I can leave them for a few hours. I need to get out of here for a while.

Darn and double darn! No school today! My French class mate called me. He asked if I would be
Hello Mr Aladdin,
How have you been since saturday night? I saw you at the other side of the club talking with a bunch of girls and then i couldn't find you. I found out on your blog how to fix the problem on firefox to be able to read your blog, as i am using mac i was not able to read it, as Internet explorer cannot be installed on it, but now the problem is fixed, and i dont need anymore to be in IT class at university to read your blog :)
we should go to kao san road soon, i want to check there
home in the afternoon because he was going to give me my money and my ID card.
- You can give it to me in class.
- No school today.
- What the? Oh yeah, it is Tuesday.
- I will come by your condo in the afternoon.
The workers left at 5 and when I saw my bathroom I turned in to such a good mood. It was not my original choice of tiles, these were cheaper and I seriously think it looks better. Maybe I was lucky that they took the CARIBBEAN ROSSO out of production.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I finished reading my Thai and I was ready to leave for my evening constitutional.But I had toAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwait for the guy that would change my water hoses in theAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNguest bathroom and the pipes in my kitchen before I can leave for my constitutional.

He arrived at 7 thirty and he came straight from HomePro. He got right on to the work and I was disturbing him with my door chimes. Well, I think it is just a case of old batteries and I will buy new batteries when coming back from my constitutional. Time runs and the batteries have not been changed for 5 years so it's about time.

I left my apartment chewing on a carrot, nice to have the diet back on track again. But I still had some pain in my toe, not as bad as yesterday, but I could feel that thereAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwas something wrong with my toe. So I decided not to walk all the way to Ekkamai, I would buy batteries at Emporium and then I would walk back again.

They had 3 kinds of batteries at Emporium:
1) Battery for 32 Baht, made in Indonesia.
2) Battery for 84 Baht, made in China.
3) Battery for 104 Baht made in USA
Well, don't expect a million if you can figure out which battery I bought. And I wish we could all doAladdin buy MADE IN USA in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthe same. The chance are slim that it is slave child labour making theAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNAmerican battery, and my bet is that the legislation is a wee bit harsher in USA regarding the environment.

But go ahead, buy the cheaper battery, but you can never complain about slave labour or how they destroy rivers and pretty much everything within a 1000 km radius from the factory. And never ever come and complain that your company have fired you because they have found a 12 years old Chinese that will do your job for nothing.

Well, anyway, I'm walking on a dangerous path. On my wayAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNhome I stopped at an Indian/ Chinese restaurant. I looked at the menu and when I discovered naan and pharata I felt peckish. I entered the place and I ordered a bottle of water.
(They didn't had Earl Grey tea)

The reason for me stopping at the restaurant was of course because I was hungry. But our friend from New Zealand and I had talked about the restaurant the other day. He thought it was a strange combination with Indian and Chinese. Well, I pass the restaurant every day on my way to Ekkamai so I knew what restaurant he was talking about. I ordered both Chinese and Indian. Noodles, naan and Pharata.

But darn! It took long time to get the food, 30 minutes to make a naan must be some kind of record. I remember back in India, I only eat naan and pharata and it took them 2 minutes to make it on the road side. Well, for sure, it was better than stopping at 7 Eleven to buy 5 Snickers.

Wednesday 19 th of January 2011
and my EX Teacher called me 4 minutes past 9. I was sleeping.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN- The workers are knocking on your door!
- OK, thank you
They had been knocking on my door and they had called my EX Teacher when I didn't open the door.

I opened the door and the workers couldAladdin's adventure at Grand Millennium Sukhumvit in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNstart the work. The tiles are almost ready and they started to put up the lights, shelves and paintings. They will clean everything tomorrow and my bathroom is ready.

I left for school and I arrived 30 minutes late. And I was hungry, very hungry so I left school after 1 hour (I was alone) and I went next door to Grand Millennium Sukhumvit.Aladdin's adventure at Grand Millennium Sukhumvit in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNMy plan was to go for a Snickers on 7 Eleven, but I decided to go to the coffee shop at Grand Millennium Sukhumvit in order to save some time. I just wanted to have a 10 minutes break from class, enough for me to dash of to 7 Eleven.
Aladdin's adventure at Grand Millennium Sukhumvit in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Grand Millennium Sukhumvit in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I ordered a pot of Earl Grey and before I had chance to stop myself I had ordered not one, but two almond croissants. They turned out to be the best pastries I had ever had in Bangkok. I had 2Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNother, small ( very small) pastries as well, but they were nothing to write home about and I will not order them again.

I went back to class for 30 minutes' before I returned home. My bathroom is almost ready and they will connect the water taps and clean tomorrow.

And yes, tomorrow you will be able to see the “Before & After” pictures here on www.aladdin.st

The workers went home quarter to 5, and they were scolding me.
- 9 o'clock tomorrow!
- OK, enough already with the 9 o'clock.
They had told me about 1 million times that they would be here at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.

I don't know if it is due to my walk to Emporium
Hello Mr Chris

Please book for Monday 24 th.

Me and Tom
(2 divers)

(3 PAX)
yesterday night, but I noticed that my toe was worse today than yesterday. So I might skip myconstitutional tonight and spend the time cleaning my stuff from the bathroom. My bed room needs a real scrub as well.

My bathroom ready tomorrow and I will see if I can get a few Carpenters to sand and oil my teak windows and doors. But this had to be next week, I got an e-mail and we're booked on a boat on Mondaymorning. And yes, I will get a chance to try my water proof camera. I tried it in my swimming pool a while back. But now I can get a real fish on my web page, something to look forward to.

Well, we will leave Bangkok on Sunday and we will spend the Monday on the sea. Or well, my friends will be scuba diving and I will snorkel and we will be back in Bangkok on Monday night.

Thursday 20 th of January 2011
and it took me 30 minutes to get out of bed. So I was in the middle of my morning tea when the workers knocked on my door 10 minutes before 9 o'clock. DARN! I had not had a chance to take my morning shower and they turned off the water first thing. The workers left me around 12 thirty to go get some stuff for my pipes. I took the opportunity towash the bathroom while they were gone and when they came back the girl asked me if Ihad cleaned by myself. They had cleaned, but, well, if you want something properly done you have to do it yourself.
- Oh, you're very good!
Then she asked if I was married and when I said no she told me that she had a younger sister.
- She is very beautiful, 32 and single
- How come she is single when she is so beautiful?

When they left I cleaned my bed room and the last in the bathroom and, well, the bathroom is ready and I can take the pictures. Better off doing it while it is clean.

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Well, I got an e-mail from BADOO. YOU HAVE A MESSAGE!What theis this, I'm not a member in BADOO. I clicked the link and I discovered two of my friends on the BADDO web page. To check my message, I had to give my name and blah-blah. And there was no message and 3 minutes' later I got a new e-mail. WELCOME TO BADOO!
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
BADOO? MOTHERF@CKER! Private club with carefully selected members. WHERE DO THEY COMEAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNUP WITH ALL THIS CRAP? Well, lo and behold as I was checking me “message” it knocked on my door. It was one of the two members at BADOO. What's' the chance?

My EX Teacher and our friend from New Zealand arrived 20 minutes later. And obviously, my EX Teacher would never stop telling me about this, there had been a Thai guy 300kg. He could not move and they had to take him to Chula hospital by crane. Now he is down to 86 kg and moves around with a walker.
And my EX Teacher was more than a little excited about this news.
- What the

She went on and on about this and I had to promise her to go with her to Chula Hospital. The best quack doctors in town.
- Aladdin, the Indonesian Doctor told me that this was your only chance! She told me that you cannot lose any weight by diet and she is a Doctor so she knows!
- What the? Is she involved?

When they left I cleaned the last in my bathroom and I walked to TOPS to buy tuna. My toe was not OK so I decided to skip my evening constitutional. Well, that's OK, but worse is that there were missed calls, e-mails and SMS when I came back home.
- Well, hmm, no, I have school... What theOK, let's celebrate my new bathroom!

My French friend is coming over and then we will move to Soi 11 to meet our friend from New Zealand. And from there, who knows where we end up?
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
My friend arrived a wee bit late. We were to meeting our friend from New Zealand at 10 o'clock and as my friend didn't arrived until almost 10 we arrived to Soi 11 25 minutes past 10.
Charisma Man
And of course, we took a drink before we left for Soi 11. Better off with an improvement in theAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNGOOD LOOK DEPARTEMENT. And after 2 STROH rum we were ready to take on the world, and seriously, 2 STROH rum was enough to turn me from the HUMAN BALLOON in to the CharismaAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNMan and I was dashing at the arrival to Soi 11.

If didn't take long before we had a few San Miguel Light in front of us. Having the STROH rum before leaving was a smart move, there were 2Aladdin's adventure at FUNKY VILLA in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbeautiful girls at the table next to us. But, well, mostlikely they thought that I was the Obnoxious Man.

The girls were going to DEMO, what a coincidence! That's next to FUNKY VILLA and our plan was to go to FUNKY VILLA and finish my bottle of vodka.

We had 3 San Miguel Lights at Soi 11 before we leftfor FUNKY VILLA. Beer is good and vodka is, well, I know pretty much where the vodka will take me.

Thursday night at FUNKY VILLA and there were plenty people, but not packedas on the weekends. We got our bottle and they brought it over to DEMO. And to make a long story short, I might be better off giving DEMO a few days before going there again.

Friday 21 th of January 2011
and I woke up at 12 o'clock, gave me time to have my morning teaAladdin's adventure at FUNKY VILLA in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbefore going to school. OK, I arrived 30 minutes late, but it is better than not showing up.

When I got home there were missed calls from my friendAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNfrom New Zealand. He wanted to go party, he has two friends from Australia visiting him in Bangkok and that means party.
- I don't know, I'm waiting for my Carpenter and if they start work tomorrow I will stay home.
Well, we decided that I would call him when my CarpenterAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNhave been here. He should be here at 4 o'clock and I hadAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNleft school early to make it home in time.

My Carpenter arrived 10 past 4 and they will not work on Saturdays so IAladdin's adventure at Brick Bar on Khaosan Road in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNcan go for a few drinks tonight. I'm down to the bottom of my last STROH rum bottle. Luckily enough I haveAladdin's adventure at Brick Bar on Khaosan Road in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNgot help from STROH in Austria so it looks like I can have a case of 60% STROH rum sent to me in Bangkok. We see how this turns out.

My EX Teacher drove us to Khaosan Road and we went to the Brick Bar. We paid the 150 Baht entrance fee and we got a drink on the ticket, well, as we ordered vodka with orange juice we had to add 20 Baht. We finished our drinks and we decided to order a bottle of vodka.
Aladdin's adventure at Brick Bar on Khaosan Road in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
We paid 1400 Baht for the bottle and a jug of orange juice. 1400 Baht would have got us 8 drinksAladdin's adventure at Brick Bar on Khaosan Road in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNand 8 drinks is about the same as 0 alcohol.

Well, now I have several vodka tickets at home. IfAladdin's adventure on Khaosan Road in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNyou can't finish your bottle you can just leave it in the bar and you have a month to finish the bottle.

So it is much cheaper to buy the bottles and I don't have to go to the bar or call a waitress. No need to wait for the drinks, just sit down and mix your own drinks while enjoying the music. I think I was back home at 5 o'clock.

Saturday 22 nd of January 2011
and I spent the whole day in bed watching DVDs. My friend calledAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNme at 5 o'clock and I was surprised, I had not expected himAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNto be back until tomorrow or on Monday.

He wanted to go for dinner and I suggested Marriot.
- What about Baan Khanita?
- OK!
- I will take a shower and I come over to your place.

My friend arrived after an hour and we walked to Baan Khanita.Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNWe ordered the same food as we always do at Baan Khanita. Their excellent chicken curry with Jasmine rice. I had 2 mangoAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNshakes and water.

When we finished our dinner we took off to HomePro on Ratchadapisek to buy tools for my friend. And as he have moved to a new place he needs to buy furniture's as well so we went to have a look on a sofa.
The Hangover Man
Yes, my hangover grew worse by the minute and when we were finished with HomePro and Carrefour I returned home to pack my weekend bag. My friend is coming to pick me up at 12 o'clock tomorrow. Well, it took me 2 minutes to pack my bag. I made sure that I got my underwater camera for the snorkeling extravaganza.

And while packing I remembered a song from back in 1990 with Digital Underground.
You can listen to underwater rimes while I'm snorkeling

   Remember! It has to be on full blast   

Sunday 23 rd of January 2011
and my alarm went off at 10 o'clock so I had plenty time for teaAladdin's adventure in Pattayaand tuna before my friend and his mother wouldAladdin's adventure in Pattayabe here to pick me up at 12 o'clock.

We took off towards Sukhumvit Soi one and the toll gate with smokin' and screamin' tires. We stopped at the pit stop onAladdin's adventure in Pattayathe motorway for a snack. Well, my friend and his mother wanted to eat at Mc Donald's so IAladdin's adventure in Pattayahad no choice. Well, I could sense how this trip would go down even though I only ordered a bottle of water and a fish burger.

We arrived to our hotel at Soi 8 in Pattaya and I didn't recognise the hotel. They had redecorated the whole entrance and theyAladdin's adventure in Pattayahad moved the reception. No, it was not better than back in the days. We checked in and we decided to meet at theAladdin's adventure in Pattayareception after 25 minutes' to go for a walk. We had decided to check a movie after our dinner at Cabbage & Condoms so we went to see what movies they we're showing at Central.

25 minutes, what to do? I went to a foot massage place and I asked for a 20 minutes' massage without massage. Yes, I don't like massage, but I don't mind some scratching.
- Only scratching!
Aladdin's adventure in Pattaya
I returned to my hotel around the corner when I was finished with the scratching and my friend andAladdin's adventure in Pattayahis mother was waiting for me outside the hotel.
- Where thehave you been? We have been waitingAladdin's adventure at Cabbage & Condoms in Pattayafor you!
- I just popped by a foot massage place!

We took off to Central and we bought tickets to MASTERMIND for the 19:50 show. I bought one extra ticket because I had decided to go back to the massageAladdin's adventure at Cabbage & Condoms in Pattayaplace to ask if she could come with us to the movie to scratch on me while watching the movie.

Down to the ground floor where we bought ice cream and we walked up Beach Road for 30 minutes before we walked up a Soi to Second Road and back to the hotel. We had about 30 minutes before it was time to leave for the dinner at Cabbage & Condoms between Pattaya and Jomtien.
Aladdin's adventure at Cabbage & Condoms in Pattaya

We arrived to Cabbage and Condoms between Pattaya and Jomtien at 17:30 and our friend and his girl friend arrived 10 minutes later.

I had avocado, lamb chops and mango with sticky rice with a pot of tea. The lamb chops was excellent, but the mango and sticky riceAladdin's adventure in Pattayawas not good. Right there and then I decided to onlyeat mango sticky rice at Klingkhlao on Sukhumvit Soi 22 in Bangkok.

We were back at our hotel around 19 thirty and we parked the car and walked to the cinema at Central. We stopped at the foot massage place to pick up the girl.
- She will be ready at 20 thirty!
- What the? By then the movie will almost have reached the end!

I was disappointed, darn, my friend and his mother waited outside the foot massage place while IAladdin's adventure in Pattayawent to look for another place. No luck and we went to the cinema.

Back at the cinema I decided to give it one more try so my friend and his mother was waiting for me at the cinema while I went down on the ground floor. There should be a foot massage place according to the girl behind the information desk.

Well, no luck, but I had an empty seat next to me and that was not bad. The movie was not very good so it was nice when the movie came to an end and we could return to the hotel. We had asked for wake up call for 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, but I had changed my wake up call to 6 thirty. That will give us plenty time to get to the dive shop in Jomtien.

I didn't fell asleep until 2 o'clock. I was dead tired but it was impossible to fall asleep. Luckily enough I had bought a book to read. At midnight I went down to the mini mart and I discovered the lobby full of Russian tourists. They were drinking vodka and cheap local Thai booze bought atthe mini mart. All the bars were empty and the hotel lobbies are full of Russian tourists drinking booze from 7 Eleven and other convenient stores.

For sure, big changes in Pattaya since I was here last time. All the tourist we saw spoke Russian and all the restaurants and hotels had their sign in Russian. The roads were full of Russian tour busses and vans. Well, never mind, we will go with he dive boat tomorrow and we will be back in Bangkok tomorrow night and I will not return to Pattaya for a very long time.

Well, I think we're better off making a new page, I expect plenty picture from tomorrows DIVING ADVENTURE so we can try to cut down the downloading time by making a new page.

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page. So
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

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