OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page. So
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one.
So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

July 2011

Tuesday 19 th of July 2011 and I didn't got out of bed until 10. My alarm went off at 9 but I felt asleep again. Well, still tired when I came out in the kitchen so I just made tea. I finished my first cup of tea and I opened a pack of pumpernickel. I took 3 slices and I opened a can of tuna and I returned to Bangkok Post's online edition with a second cup of tea.

My plan was to make my omelette when I was awake. But when I finished my tuna and pumpernickel I wasn't hungry anymore and I skipped my morning omelette.

I took off to the Swedish Embassy to pick up my new passport. I took a taxi to the Embassy andAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokI just made it in time before closing time. I decided to skip Chakrit Muay Thai School in the afternoon, I need to rest my right shoulder and back. But I will try to make it to Bangkok Fight Club tonight.

The worst part by skipping the training is the agony and I really felt bad when I was leaving Bangkok Fight Club early yesterday evening. I walked back home and as I had my valet with me I stopped at my local 7 Eleven for 2 bottles of Diet MAX . I spent the afternoon relaxing.

I arrived to Bangkok Fight Club at 19:13 and they had already started the session
- What the??!!
First time in history I arrive late. I'm ready at 7 o'clock everyday and I always have to wait until 20 - 25 minutes past before everyone has arrived and we can start. But today the session was in fullAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokswing when I arrived, and darn! There were so much people and it was crowded. DARN! I had never seen so much people at Bangkok Fight Club before.

I was pleasantly surprised to see one girl from the “Thonglor era” and now there are 3 people from Thonglor and they are all girls.

Well, I didn't had time to take onAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokmy shoes and I threw myself in to the training session.

Our Teacher calls it technique and we're practicing different kicks and punches.

When we finished it was time for 3 rounds of punching the bag followed by kneeing. And today IAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoklearnt that they call it “ spring knee ” and we finished the punch bag session with speed kicks.

By now it was 8 thirty and we started with the Cool Down. I was not sure how to call it but after checking out internet I knew that it is called warm up before the session and as important is the cool down.

And according to www.brianmac.co.uk the cooling down should consist of the following:
• 5 to 10 minutes jogging/walking - decrease body temperature and remove waste products from the working muscles
Warm Up and Cool Down
There is no doubt that time spent on warming up and cooling down will improve an athlete's level of performance and accelerate the recovery process needed before and after training or competition. As a result, the coach must encourage the athlete to regard the warm up and cool down as an essential part of both the training session and competition itself.

From www.brianmac.co.uk
• 5 to 10 minutes static stretching exercises

Well, walking home and I have my 10 minutes of cool down walking home.Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
When we finished with the cool down our Teacher wanted to arrange a group picture. He hadAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokexpected me to be on the picture, but I told him that I would take the picture and he could join the group.
- OK
- But take of your shirt first!!
I had to pull the emergency brake when he wanted toAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoktake of hisAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoktrousers.

We got the picture and we moved over to one of the punchAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokbags. Our Teacher wanted some pictures for his Facebook and who am I to say?
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
We started with the punchesAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokand when we were happy with the pictures we continued withAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokthe kicks.

I took several pictures, many of the pictures went straight to the garbage bin. My battery was about to run flat so it took quite some time for the flash to reload. I got about 50 pictures and I found 19 to beAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokworth sending to my Teacher later on when I came home.

It was just after 9 o'clock when I left Bangkok Fight Club and I had my COOL DOWN constitutionaldown ASOKE. When I turned in to Sukhumvit Soi 23 at SINO THAI TOWER the street was full of cars.

- What is going on here?
I was afraid that there had been an accident. I really can't stand to see blood and injured people. And that's even though I have the training. Yes, we remember back in November 2010 when I was at the emergency ward at Ospital ng Maynila in Manila. I did my training at the place and when it looked like there were injured people arriving I went to have a diet drink.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Luckily enough it wasn't any accident. They are working on the road and there is a big machine digging on the road stopping up the traffic.Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokHopefully they are digging trenches for all thewires hanging between the poles. But I don't think so. But if they want to improve the looks of Bangkok they should have put all the wires underground like they did in the rest of the world 25 years ago.

Some of the Sois around here would really have looked nice if they had removed all the telephone poles and wires.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokAnd yet again my brilliant idea not to have my valet with me paid off. I brought 15 Baht when I left for Bangkok Fight Club and I spent them on water at 7 Eleven. I really wanted to have a Diet MAX when I passed my local 7 Eleven. But I had no cash so I continued home. OK, it have happened that I had have a real craving for a few Diet MAX and I have borrowed money from the security guards.

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokIt had been a great day, agony for missing the sparring at Chakrit Muay Thai School. But Ireally didn't feel very good in my right shoulder and the lower right side of my back.Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokAnd sparring with pain is really not any fun.

I popped 2 pain killers before I left for Bangkok Fight Club and it was real fun today and no agony.

Agony, if it wasn't for the agony I would most likely have missed most of the boxing sessions. But I feel very bad if I miss a session so I try to go every day and those few times I have missed a session (2 or 3 times) it had been due to illness.

So I was in a very good mood when I came home. And my nocturnal scale adventure improved myAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
mood even more. I had lost 0,8 kg since yesterday. Yesterday I gained 0,6 kr. Nothing else was expected, losing 0,8 on Friday and 1,8 on Saturday.

2 boxing sessions tomorrow? I don't know, I miss the sparring at Chakrit Muay Thai School. But I need to go to the immigration to transfer my VISA to my new passport. If I can make it out of bed early I can manage to be back in time for my session at Chakrit Muay Thai School tomorrow. And of course, depends on how I feel.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok- DARN! It is 2 thirty and I'm out of here.Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
I need to go to bed if I should be able to make it out of bed early. Lucky that I read my ThaiAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokbooks when I came home from Bangkok Fight Club. How fun would it be to come to my bed just to discover my unfinished Thai books?

Wednesday 20 th of July 2011
and I skipped Chakrit Muay Thai School. I took a taxi to the immigrationAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokat Chaeng Wattana to transfer my entry stamp to my new passport.

I was waiting for my #24 at desk K2. It was #23 when I arrived so I expected to be out of there in a jiff. 1 hour and it was still#23 and I went to the reception.
- Is there any one working at K2?
- Well, yes, I think so.
The man took my paper and we walked back to K2. He pointed at the display still showing #23

I told him that it had been #23 for an hour. He gave me my paper and he told me that it would soon be my turn. Well, I waited for 10 minutes before I went to K2 and I asked them when it was time for #24. The girls looked at each other and the oldest girl wearing uniform said that the girl would come down in a minutes. Yeah, they had forgotten to switch the number and when I left it changed to #24 and I went back in. No sign of the girl that was going to come down to take care of my passport. Yes, as I suspected, they had forgotten to change the number.

They told me that I didn't need to transfer my entry stamp to my new passport.
- Just bring both your passports when you leave the country.
I left the place and I took a taxi to my local 7 Eleven. I was home after 3 hours with 2 bottles of Diet MAX . I had wasted 3 hours and 580 Baht, all for nothing. I don't have time for this. YetAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokanother missed session at Chakrit Muay Thai School.
But tomorrow ......

I enjoyed a bottle of Diet MAX before I went to my bed room andAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokmy Thai books. I decide to do all my Thai studies in one pop and I don't have to think about the Thai studies when I'm back home from Bangkok Fight Club.

I was ready with my Thai at 5 o'clock and I went to do myAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokomelette and tea. And today I have changed from freshAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoktomatoes to canned tomatoes.

According to rumours it is healthier with the canned tomatoes. And the canned tomatos comes peeled, and they taste very good.

I had my omelette, tuna, pumpernickel and tea in front ofAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokBangkok Post onlineAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokedition. And when I finished my meal I left for Bangkok FightAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokClub byAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokfoot.

There was a slight drizzle when I walked to Bangkok Fight Club. I stopped for my 15 Baht bottle of water and I stepped inside the fight club a few minutes before 7.

And what a nice surprise, I meet one of the Japanese guys from when Bangkok Fight Club wasAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoklocated at Thonglor. So now I have meet 4 of the people that used
to train at Thonglor.

And our Japanese friend came over to me when I took on my shoes when I arrived to the fight club.
- You have lost quite some weight!
- Well, I don't know....
- Looks like 10 or 20 kilo since I saw you at Thonglor last time.

Our Teacher was a few minutesAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoklate and we got right on to the warming up. Stretching and something he said was what they did in the Thai Navy.

When we were ready he put up 7Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokstations in the “BODY BULDING” corner of the gym. Lifting weights for 1 minute at every station before changing to the next station. And I could notAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokhelp it, but I was thinking about our Cook onboard M/T Ek-River.

She was the one trying to comfort me when I wasAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokgaining weight back when I started at Bangkok Fight Club. “ Muscles are heavier than weight ” And for sure, I don't want to gain any weight. ButAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoka new muscle here and there won't hurt me at all.

And when we finished it was time for boxing technique andthen Thai boxing technique. While we wereAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokpracticing our “moves” our Teacher went to get his phone. He tried to take a few pictures.
- No good!
Well, it is no secret that the cameras in themobil phones are good for exactly nothing.

He asked if he could borrow my camera and who am I to say no? But it was the last time he borrowed my camera. I look like a balloon onAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokevery photo he took of me andAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokmost of them went straight to the garbage bin when I came back home from Bangkok Fight Club.

When we finished with the different techniques we moved over to the punchAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokbags, time for kicking.

When we started I had our Teacher around me all the time taking pictures of me.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok- Whoa whoa! Please wait a few months before taking my pictures. I need to lose a few hundred kilos first!

It was around 20 minutes past 8 when we started to perform somersaults. One by one and I were last with my pathetic somersault. We were going to do somersaults up and down the local, then run back and forth four times and to end the whole thing by spinning around for 10 times and some quick punches in the air.

Well, I was last and my pathetic somersault was nothing but a failure. I managed to do one, I'm afraid to break my neck.

Our Teacher told me to lay down and I rolled back andAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokforth over the floor like a drum. I was about to puke and I could hardly stand up when it was time for me to run back and forth 4 times and the spinning. Three spins and I were so dizzy that I didn't knew where I was.

Darn, I was about to throw up again and I had to sit down for a while before the punches. Luckily enough I didn't throw up, would have been embarrassing to soil the floor. I did my punches and it was time for the COOL DOWN , nice!
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
We left Bangkok Fight Club just after 9 and I stopped at my local 7 Eleven on my way home. I'm out of milk for my tea and I need some for tomorrow morning. So I brought a big pack of NON FAT milk, and as I had a 100 Baht note I had money for a can of Diet MAX as well.

Back home I had a missed call from my friend and I called him.
- We have to go eat sometimes.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok- What theAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok? You must be the only one in the whole world that are unaware of my diet!

Thursday 21 st of July 2011
and I got out of bed quarter past 9 and I had my breakfast. I wanted to be at Chakrit Muay Thai School a little earlier today and I willAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokhopefully be alone. And it was really nice to have finished my Thai studiesAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokbefore going to Bangkok Fight Club yesterday and I wanted to have time to do the same today. It was really nice to be able to relax when I came back home from Bangkok Fight Club. So I will do the same today.

I was at Chakrit Muay Thai School 12 o'clock and there were 3 people already. Well,Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoknever mind, at least the Thai studies part of my plan still have a chance to work out.
Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokI started with 3 rounds with my skipping rope and then I did 3 rounds with the punching bag, just to warm up. I noticed a new punch bag in the punch bag area.
Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok- What is that? A bag filled with water!

I did 1 or 2 rounds with the water bag and I asked the Teacher where they had bought the bag. Would be perfect for me, put in my suitcase and I can fill it with water and exercise where ever I am.
Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Our Teacher told me that he will see if he could arrange a water bag for me. And my boxing gloves and boxing helmet willAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokhopefully arrive tomorrow.

Last time sparring and my Teacher punched me on my ear and all my earrings opened up. So today I went to check their helmets and I decided to use one even if they don't cover my ears so very well. IAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokdonned my gloves and the helmet and I was ready to kick behind with my Teacher.

We started by greeting each otherAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokby hitting each other's boxing gloves.

Something we do before every sparring, and it is the same as it was 25 years ago when I was at Helsingborg's boxing club. Nice that something is the same as back in the days. I handed my camera to the other Teacher and he was taking picturesAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokof us sparring.

2 rounds and I were dead tired. And the heat doesn'thelp much to make it better. I drank 3 bottles of water during my boxing session.

The owner of Chakrit Muay Thai School had a friend there visiting him. He is a fisherman and we talked about shipping. He is workingon a 200 tonnes fishing boat and they use to be in Singapore Strait. So we killed some time talking aboutAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokthe seven seas before I returned back home to my Thai books. And I learned a few Thai words from the fisherman. Fishing boat fishing and some otherAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwords that I will have forgot when I'm back home. Not a bad day at Chakrit Muay Thai School.

I had 10 Baht in my pocket and 55 Baht in my valet in my bed room. And I was really carving for a Diet MAX when I passed my local 7 Eleven.

So I had to walk home to get my ATM card and then I walked to the ATM, just to find outAladdin's adventure on 7 Eleven in Bangkokthat the ATM was gone. DARN! I had to walk all the way down to the universtity and then back to 7 Eleven.

Back home and I enjoyed half a bottle of Diet MAX before I went to the shower. I finished myAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokThai studies (what a waste of time) before I went to make my omelette. I was busy in theAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokkitchen making my omelette when my friend called. And don't know how it ended up like this. But I promised to bake a birthday cake for her. Well, we will see. I have an expiring VISA that I need to take care of. And as I told her:
- I'm only available Saturday afternoons and Sundays, all the other days I'm boxing.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

I finished my dinner and I had one hour to spend before it was time to leave for Bangkok Fight Club. I spent this hour putting down some drivel about my tedious day. I left a little earlier thanAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoknormal and I arrived to Bangkok Fight Club 8 minutes before 7. And we started our sessionAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokalmost 1 hour later.

People were dropping in all the time blaming the traffic. Well, the traffic has been around for years this is something we have to count with. I can do it, and I don't have the sameexperience as the Thai people that have been living here for the whole life. Well, anyway, we started with the Thai Navy exercises. I don't know what they call it, but we're jumping upand down while flapping our arms. A very good exercise, but it is hard to keep track of my arms and legs.

When we were ready with the Thai Navy drill we moved over to the “BODY BUILDING” corner.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
When we finished the 7 stations in the “BODY BUILDING” corner we got back in the line. Time for some boxing technique, station 1 to 3.Our Teacher call it stations and station 1 is punches combinedAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwith hooks and upper cuts.

Station 2 is blocking and punching and station 3 consists of a few moves to avoid to get hit and #3 is completed with a few upper cuts and hooks.
Well, I guess we can call it some kind of shadow boxing.Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
And when we make a mistake it isAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok10 push ups. And as we can see on the pictures above our Teacher missed a punch or something so he had to hit the floor to make push ups.

These exercises are good and I can feel that they are getting easier and easier by every gram of weight I lose. Imagine 40 kilo from now, I will move like a cat.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
We did speed punch and spring knees when we finished with the technique and when we were readyAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwith the punch bags it was time for the somersaults again. I refused, I will never do this again. I was feeling really bad yesterday and it took me quite some time before I felt well again. So I will not do this again. The rest of the guys completed the somersaults while I watched them.

- GET IN THE LINE! Our Teacher said.
Cool down and sit ups and as we had started very late it was already past 9 o'clock.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
I was back at home very late and I was really happy that I had finished my Thai school books in the afternoon. So I could enjoy the remaining bottle of Diet MAX from 7 Eleven.

I can't help but notice what a change there has been on aladdin.st. Not so long ago it was party and a good time every day. Now a day it is only boxing and boring food. For sure, life was more fun before, but,hmm, I feel much better now.

Friday 22 nd of July 2011
and I woke up at 11 when my phone rang. I knew that I had overslept.
- DARN! What time is it?
- Aladdin!
- Ugh! What time is it?
- 11
- DARN! I have over sleept
- Can we make the cake tomorrow at 12?
- I'm boxing, what about 2?
- OK
- See you tomorrow

I got out of bed and when I had had my first cup of tea I realised that it would not be a very goor time to make the cake tomorrow. I called back and we changed the time to Sunday. I need toAladdin's adventure onboard M/T Barcarollebake the cake and the cake need time to cool down. We remember when I was baking a cake for the crew on M/T Barcarolle.

MEXICO, 3rd of May 2008 and I'm about to sign off. I had promised the crew to make a cake for them when deck was ready. But we had no time, berthing at arrival to Tuxpan.Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T BarcarolleSome last minute changes and we dropped the anchor at arrival. Good, I have time to make a cake for the crew.

I made the cake but I had forgotten about the cooling down time. As we understand it is impossible to put the filling on a cake coming straight from the oven. DARN! I had made all the filling, whipped the cream and the crew were eating in the mess room.

The cake were going to be a surprise, it was only me, our Cook and Mess men that knew about it.Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T BarcarolleThe door was closed to the kitchen.

MOTHERF@CKER! The cake is too hot and we tried to put it in the freezer. Nothing helped and by now I was desperate.
- The crew are leaving, the have finished the dinner, one of our Mess men reported.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Barcarolle - STALL THEM!!
- How?
Our Cook and I tried our best to cool down the darn cake. Nothing helped and we were getting desperate when our Mess man returned.
- They will kill me if I try to crack one more joke
- Try something else!

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T BarcarolleOur Mess men was in the mess room dancing cancantrying to stall the crew while I finished the cake. All the filling was melting and we had hazelnut and chocolate filling running all over the kitchen. I ran in to the mess room with the cake while the whipped cream was dripping from the tray. The whole cake looked like melted ice cream.

I stepped in to Chakrit Muay Thai School around 1 o'clock. I skipped rope and I did the punch ball.Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokBut no sparring and no mitts, too much people and I will try to be there early tomorrow and I willhopefully be alone.

DARN! Getting out of bed 2 hours late and I had hardly time to do my Thai courses before it was time to leave for Bangkok Fight Club.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokWe started with the Thai Navy exercises and then weAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwent straight to the punch bags and we did several rounds with different kicks.

Speed punches and speed kicks and it was time for the somersaults. Last time I said “NEVER AGAIN”

I decided to give it yet another try, but “NEVER AGAIN” Head ache, nausea and dizziness. WhenAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokI had rolled over the floor like an empty drum I had to stand upAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokthrowing punches shadow boxing style.

Took 10 minutes before I felt OK again. We started with the cool down and I left Bangkok Fight Club around 9 o'clock. And thanks' to our Japanese friend I have pictures as aAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokremembrance from my last somersaults at Bangkok Fight Club. And I don't know, calling it somersault may be a wee bit too much.

Friday night and I really felt like going for a few beers after my shower. But boxing tomorrow so I have to stay home, and my scale showed minus 0,6 kilo. And for sure, a night of drinking beer and the scale would go bananas tomorrow. But I walked down to my local 7 Eleven and I bought 2 bottles of Diet MAX , it is Friday! A boring, but healthy Friday night. And for sure, I will feel great tomorrow morning. Unless I'm sick, but I will not suffer from any hangover.

The owner of Bangkok Fight Club told me that he would give me a voucher on Monday and that means almost 15% discount on next month training fee.

Saturday 23 rd of July 2011
and I didn't wake up until 10 thirty,one and a half hour late!! I must have turned off my alarm at 9 o'clock. Well, on top of me getting out of bed late my musclesAladdin's adventure at Robinson in Bangkokwas aching from yesterday's boxing so I decided to skip
Aladdin's new and improved


1 Pot of tea
125 gram of pumpernickel
1 can of tuna
Coming home from Chakrit Muay Thai School before going to Bangkok Fight Club
1 Pot of tea
1 tomato A can of canned tomatoes
1 Onion
Half of a red paprika Paprika powder
Omelette made of 4 eggs
125 gram of pumpernickel
today's boxing.

I had my breakfast, tuna and pumpernickel. I have made a slight change in my menu, I skip the omelette in the morning and I skip my tuna in the evening.

As I'm going to bake a cake tomorrow I need some stuff. I don't have any baking forms and I decided to go buy some at Robinson. I took aAladdin's adventure at Robinson in Bangkokpower walk to Robinsons withAladdin's adventure at Robinson in Bangkokmy SAVE THE TREES bag.

I was looking for a baking spring form 24 cm in diameter, but they only had one 22 cm in diameter. I asked one of the girls if they had one more. The girl made a telephone callAladdin's adventure at Robinson in Bangkokand a few minutes later they showed up with a second baking spring form.

I left with my 2 baking spring forms NON STICK and I went down to Tops in the basement to buy the ingredients for the cake. And I had a power walk back home.

When I was about to leave for my evening constitutional the sky opened up and the rain started to pour down. So it was almost 8 thirty before I could leave. I walked to Emporium and I bought some stuff. When I left I started to walk towards Thonglor, but it was 9 thirty so I turned around and I walked back home. A quick stop at my local 7 Eleven to buy 1 (ONE only) bottle of Diet MAX

Sunday 24 th of July 2011
and I got out of bed at 9 thirty. I really must start to work with myselfdiscipline. Getting out of bed half an hour late. I went to the kitchen and I made myself a pot of tea. Pumpernickel and tuna and I are strictly on my new menu.

I finished my breakfast and I started to bake the cake. I started with the first layer. Hazelnut meringue and the 2nd and 3rd layer will be a soft hazelnut special.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Yes, I bought so much equipment for my kitchen when I bought the condo and most of it is neverAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokused. So in order to feel a little better about the waste of moneyAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokI had asked my friend if she wanted me to bake a cake for her. And here I am baking a cake.

If it's fun? No, not really, but it will be interesting to see how it turns out. And I always have an escape route, the coffee shop at Landmark hotel. They have cakes and pastries for us inAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokcase of a total failure with my cake.

My kitchen was soon turned in to a real bakery. First layer onAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokcooling and the next two layers in the oven.

I had bought pecan nuts and almonds for the filling. But first I needed to boil the whipping cream and sugar and when this mix was boiling I added a wee bit STROH rum. Darn! TheAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokSTROH rum was really good for the nut mix, just a hint of the STROH taste. And later on my friend asked if I had addedAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokcinnamon.

I had the mix on low heat when I added the nuts and a few minutes later it was almost like toffe, and it tasted lovely.

The nut mix was simmering on the stove when my friend arrived with her baby and husband.

I had just taken out layer 2 and 3 from the oven and they were cooling down. The filling was ready and needed to cool down.

My friend ended up on the marzipan detail while we waited for the stuff to cool down.
Aladdin's marzipan adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's marzipan adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Well, colour the marzipan green and red was a piece of cake. To make a marzipan sheet to
On the internet it is a piece of cake to cover the cake in marzipan
Aladdin's marzipan adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Roll out the marzipan

Aladdin's marzipan adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
This is how the cake should look like.
My cake dosen't look like this

Aladdin's marzipan adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Cover the cake with the “EASY TO HANDLE” marzipan
Easy to handle, my arse!

Aladdin's marzipan adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Cut around the cake and remove surplus marzipan

Aladdin's marzipan adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
If against all odds, there should be any imperfections, cover them with you beautiful marzipan rose and/ or icing sugar

From http://kakorna.blogspot.com
cover the cake was a different story. I had checked out internet for “hot tips” and it looked easy enough.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Whipping the cream using a wire whisk

Well, roll it out was impossible without plastic and I only had plastic bags from Tops. I was quickly realising that they weren't big enough and it would be impossible to roll out the marzipan to a size that would cover the cake.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Their son had to try the whipped cream

The cake had cooled down, the darn marzipan was rolled out to a sheet. Yes, it was too small, but now it is cake or bust!
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Covering the cake with whipped cream

I started to whip the cream with my HIGH SPEED machine and I swear to God that it is possible to make whipping cream out of NON FAT milk with it. I fired up the darn thing and the whipping cream turned to butter with in a jiff.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok- What theAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Obviously substandard whipping cream. I went down to my local 7 Eleven to buy whipping cream.
7 Eleven in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN- I don't think they have any whipping cream, my friend said.

And she was right, I had to take a taxi to Tops to get whipping cream and the whole affair took me about 45 minutes. Back home and we used a wire whisk instead of my MONSTER 750 and we were soon having whipping cream so we could cover the cake.

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokI did the dishes while my friend was covering the cake with whipping cream, always nice to be finished with the dishes when it is time to eat.

I also had time to make the marzipan rose. This was something that should be very easy according to a web site I found on the internet.
Aladdin's marzipan adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's marzipan adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's marzipan adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's marzipan adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's marzipan adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's marzipan adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's marzipan adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's marzipan adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's marzipan adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's marzipan adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's marzipan adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

I did the marzipan rose and I was pretty satisfied with the result. Of course, nothing like the roseAladdin's marzipan adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokon the internet, but I'm a glad amateur and I asked my friend what she thought.
- Can you see what it is?
- Is it a dog?
- A DOG!!??

So the cake was covered with whipped cream and now we had to lift the darn marzipan to the cake. Easier said than done, look easy on the internet.
- Hmm, I suspect they use another kind of marzipan.

Well, anyway, I used a knife trying to lose the darn marzipan sheet from my kitchen worktop. Almost impossible even though we had covered the worktop with icing sugar when my friend's husband removed the plastic from the marzipan. The sheet started to fall a apart when I lifted it over the cake and it looks nothing like the cake on the internet.
Aladdin's marzipan adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Would need a ton of f@cking icing sugar and marzipan roses to cover these imperfections

And it became worse. I put the cake in the fridge for 20 minutes to cool down a bit. I made a potAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokof tea and when I opened the fridge I shat my pants.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok- Where theAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokis the marzipan rose?

It looked like the top layer had broken in to two or three pieces and now they were sliding down layer 2 and 1. The marzipan rose had sunk through our green marzipan layer. Motherf@cker! Quickly out from the fridge. IAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokpressed the darn top layer to the cake trying to prevent it from sliding all the way down and out on the table.

I ripped open the pack with cake candles, yes, I was in a hurry to get a picture before the top layer had disappeared down Sukhumvit Road. F@ck, would have been half way to Pattaya by now if I had not squeezed the darn marzipan around the cake while pushing up the sinking top layer.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Well, everything wasn't “Piss o papir” as they say in Denmark. I got to use my cake slicer, first time ever and it turned out not to be a complete waste of money. And I could use my Chef's cap that I got when I was at cooking school on Param 3 a few years ago.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Not the appropriate way to use a cake slicer

I had 2 pieces of the cake and I was full. I felt like when I had been with my friend at an IndianAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokrestaurant down at Sukhumvit Soi 11 or 9. Like I had beenAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokeating concrete. I had bought almost one and a half kilo of nuts to the cake.

So I guess that we can say that it is a healthy cake. Who haven't heard about the Stone Age Diet?

The Stone Age Diet has many names - the Paleolithic Diet, The Paleo Diet, the Prehistoric Diet, The Caveman diet, or the Hunter-Gatherer Diet. As we are designed toAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokconsume hunter-gatherer foods, we should be consuming:
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok• Meat
• Eggs
• Insects (and larva)
• Seafood (fish and shellfish)
• Root vegetables that can be eaten raw
• Fruits
• Nuts
• Seeds
• Herbs and spices
• Vegetables
• Honey, maple sugar, date sugar (natural sugars)
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

We spent a few hours in my kitchen and theAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokbirth day boy was playing mischief's in my kitchen and living room.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

He had his one year birth day yesterday but it was impossible for me to find the time to make any cake yesterday. I had boxing, that I missed.

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokI left my apartment at 6 o'clock for myevening constitutional. My friends had just left. MyAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokfriend and her husband and baby had returned home. My other friend went to eat at Bourbon Street.
- Join me!
- I'm on diet!
- We'll be sitting there if you change your mind.

I cleaned our plates and tea cups when they left and I left 30 minutes after them. I decided to take the south side of Sukhumvit and drop by Bourbon Street. South side of Sukhumvit and this is my original route to Ekkamai. Reaching Ekkamai bus station and I turned around walking back home. But as I got more and more desperate with my diet I changed my route.

North side of Sukhumvit until Thonglor, walking up Thonglor. Almost to the end of Thonglor and I pop over to Ekkamai and from there down to Sukhumvit and back home. Gives me a good 2 and a half hour of “Kick A” evening constitutional.

I just left my building behind when I meet a girl that I had been in school with. And right then there was a taxi stopping and my friend climbed out of the taxi.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok- Have you finished the cake?
- What the??!! You should have been here at 12 o'clock.
- I was delayed and I sent an SMS!
- Yes, that you should be here at 14 thirty.

I had not seen him for quite a while and we walked to Jasmine together. From there I turned left and he went to the subway station and returned home.

I crossed Sukhumvit and when I arrived to Bourbon my friendAladdin's adventure with MINUTE MAID in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokhad finished his dinner.
- First 2 pieces of cake and now dinner.

I walked down to Thonglor and I crossed Sukhumvit yet again and I plunged up and down Thonglor and Ekkamai and at 9 I was back home. I had a stop at my local 7 Eleven for some drinks. And I bought one MINUTE MAID. I have not had one of those for a very long time. Not god for the diet, after my shower I stepped up on my scale, minus 2,3 kilo since yesterday. It is the same every Sunday, big loss and Monday I will gain 0, 8 or something like that. But I'm still losing and with my new menu.....

Monday 25 th of July 2011
and I didn't get out of bed until 10 thirty even though my alarm wentAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokoff at 9. I must work on myself discipline and start to get out of bed at 9. I lost one and a half hour and I decided to skip my boxing at Chakrit Muay Thai School.

I had my pumpernickel and tuna with my tea and I felt really guilty for skipping Chakrit Muay Thai School. DARN! I donned my training clothes and I walked down to Chakrit Muay Thai School for a boxing session even if it was later than planned.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
If I'm lucky I will be alone at Chakrit Muay Thai School. I didn't bother bringing my skipping rope,Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokif we're alone we will go straight on with the sparring. No time for skipping rope.

And worst case scenario, the place would be full and I would have to walk back home again.
Well, walking back and forth to Chakrit Muay Thai School is better than no exercise at all.

Lunch time and Sukhumvit Soi 23 was full off office people eating lunch on the side walk. Here are a lot of office buildings around Sukhumvit Soi 23 so there are plentybeautiful girls to look at on my way to Chakrit Muay Thai School on Soi 22.

I was happy to discover that the place was empty when I arrived. I donned my shoes and helmet. One of the Teachers took my camera and we were ready to start the sparring.
Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
I threw a few punches on the water bag while waiting for my Teacher to be ready. I willAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokhopefully be able to find one of those bags so don't beAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoksurprised if you willfind a picture of me and a water bag on my next ship.

When my Teacher had donned his helmet and gloves we got startedwith the sparring and it was fun.

Some afternoon arse kicking while burning calories, can it be better? And as I had skipped the “warming up” so I was fullAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokof vim. Of course, you're tired after a few rounds withAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokthe skipping rope, punch ball and the mitts makes you tired.

We were throwing punchesat each other and it was nice when the first round was over. The sparring is a real good way to exercise and after 3 minutes it isAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoknice with 60 seconds of rest. We checked the pictures and, well, there were some pictures that I can use. But we giveAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokit a new try in a second round.

There were people coming to the clubwhile we were throwing punches in the second round.

I had two rounds and the plan was to continue with the mitts, but as there were too much people I returned home. I talked with the owner about my boxing gloves and he was hoping that they would come this week. Well, I told him to cancel my order.
Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
He returned my 1300 Baht and I walked back home. I just brought 30 Baht for water when I left for Chakrit Muay Thai School and I returned home with my pocket full of money. SoAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokAladdin's adventure at 7 Eleven in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNI stopped at my local 7 Eleven to buy a Diet MAX

But the only had cans.
- Sorry, we're out of bottles
So I skipped the Diet MAX and I had some water when I came home.

I finished my Thai books before I made my dinnerAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokand it was soon time to go to Bangkok Fight Club.

We started with stretching and theThai Navy exercise.

Half an hour of Thai boxingtechnique and then we moved over to the punch bags. 3 rounds of speed punches and then it was 1 minute of spring knees.

When it was time for the somersaults I refused
- OK

I was back home at 9 o'clock and I was so close to go down to 7 Eleven to buy a Diet MAX . My self control has improved, obviously. I skipped the Diet MAX and I had some water instead.

Tuesday 26 th of July 2011
and what a strange morning this was. I was in my bed swearing over me getting out of bed late.
- DARN! I will be late for the boxing. Well, I skip today's session.
So I was in bed suffering from severe agony when my alarm went off.
- DARN! What is that? Is it 11?
Turned out it was 9 o'clock and I must have dreamt that I was oversleeping. Took me 30 minutes to get out of bed, I was dead tired as I didn't managed to fall asleep until 5 o'clock.

Coming home from the boxing and I don't have any energy to read any boos, so I just turn on a DVD. I'm just about to fall asleep and I turn off the DVD. I'm instantly wide awake and I turn on the DVD again and suddenly it is 5 o'clock in the morning.

I had my morning tuna and pumpernickel before I left for Chakrit Muay Thai School. I steppedAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokinside at 11 o'clock and I discovered plenty people and I decided to go back home.
- Aladdin! Where you going?
- Here is too much people
- They are ready now

I decided to hang around for a few minutes to see if they were leaving. But no, they donned boxing gloves and I returned home.

I walk the same stretch of Sukhumvit every day and now they recognise me on my route. - You're getting smaller by the day!
YES!! Exactly what I want to hear and a real booster for my self confidence.

I had a missed call when I returned back home and I called my friend.
(พุ่มพวง, a.k.a. The Moon) One of the Thai film industry's most anticipated releases this year, is aAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokbiographical drama about the revered 1980s superstar Pumpuang Duangjan.

One of 12 children from a hardscrabble farming family in Suphan Buri, the illiterate Pumpuang grew up singing in the sugarcane fields. She worked her way into show business and spearheaded the popularization of luk thung, a form of Thai country music that had mainly only been heard in the rural central plains.

With disco beats added and the tempo pumped up, the soulful, lovelorn rural reveries crossed over to become pop hits in the clubs of Bangkok. She went on to become one of the biggest recording artists in Thai showbiz, and made a number of movies. She died from lupus in 1992 at the age of 31.

She is portrayed in the movie by Paowalee Pornpimon, a 19-year-old luk thung singer, who, like Pumpuang herself, is from Suphan Buri. Paowalee makes her big-screen debut, and her first album is the soundtrack for the movie. Folks are already raving about her performance.

From thaifilmjournal.blogspot.com
- Why aren't you at the boxing?
- Too much people.
He was going to see a movie with his girlfriend at MBK Center, also known as Mahboonkrong.
- What movie?
They were going to watch The Moon (PumpuangAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokDuangjan) and I asked what it was about and he told me that it was about a singer. (InterestingAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok)
- I pass, I have to be at the boxing at 7.

We were babblingAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokon for a while and I changed my mind.
- OK, when is the movie starting?
- 14:30
- How long is the movie?
- 90 minutes
I did a quick estimation in my head. 14 thirty and 30 minutes of crap before the movie starts. So I could be out of thereAladdin's adventure at MBK Center, also known as Mahboonkrong in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokat 16 thirty and I had plenty time to get to Bangkok Fight Club in time for 7 o'clock.
- OK, see you there at 14:15

As I had planned to check out MBK center for some boxing equipment I arrived at 13 thirty. Well, they didn't have boxing gloves in my size and no water bag. Well, IAladdin's adventure at MBK Center, also known as Mahboonkrong in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokbought a valet and I left for Kobune for some salmon sushi.

1 plate of salmon sushi (double portion) and 1 plate of avocadoAladdin's adventure at MBK Center, also known as Mahboonkrong in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoksushi (double portion) And my friend called me and he told me that he had bought the movie tickets. Good, no need to be there at 14:15 so I ordered a plate of mixed salmon and avocado sushi.

When I came up on the top floor, the cinema floor I had a few minutes to go and I stopped for an milk shake at Diary Queen.
- We don't have milk shake
- Hmm, I have a Blueberry EXTREME
Aladdin's adventure at MBK Center, also known as Mahboonkrong in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
My friend passed Diary Queen while I was waiting for my ice cream. He was alone and obviously hisAladdin's adventure at MBK Center, also known as Mahboonkrong in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokgirlfriend was at the bathroom because he was carrying her bag.

DARN! His girlfriend was not at the bathroom. She was waiting for us outside the cinema.Aladdin's adventure at MBK Center, also known as Mahboonkrong in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokAND SHE HAD HER BAG!!
- What theis going on here?

I had asked my friend to buy aisle seat for me, always nice to have an escape route in case the movie is bad, or if IAladdin's adventure at MBK Center, also known as Mahboonkrong in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokneed to go buy some snacks. But we had our seats in the middle of the row. Well, never mind, there wasn't much people around so I had a clear way to the exit.
Aladdin's adventure at MBK Center, also known as Mahboonkrong in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
DARN!! The sound was blasting and I went to ask them if they could turn it down a notch. When I arrived to the door there were 3 lady boys entering the cinema. Yeah, whatever float your boat.

It was impossible to turn down the volume and I returned to my seat.The lady boys were in theAladdin's adventure at MBK Center, also known as Mahboonkrong in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokseat next to me. It was strange sitting there next to 3 “girls” that sounded like truck drivers when they were laughing.

I was feed up with the movie before it even had started, 30 minutes of pre views and commercials. Finally, the movie started and after 10 minutes IAladdin's adventure at MBK Center, also known as Mahboonkrong in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokjust wanted the movie to reach THE END. One and a half hour passed and no sign off the darn thing to end.
My friend started to complain.
- Maybe it was 2 and a half hour. Can't wait to get out of here
- It was a good movie, for 10 minutes. Now you understand why I want to sit in the aisle.

Finally, the move reached the end and we could leave. My friendAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokand his girl friend wanted to eat Japanese food and I wanted to returnAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokhome. I still had a chance to make it to Bangkok Fight Club.

Well, let's skip the boxing and go enjoy a few salmon sushi.
- Where we going to eat? I asked.
- Soi 33??
- Ah, let's go to Soi 19!
The training is good, but it cannot be an obsession. Need to enjoy the life as well, and one day without training is not the worst that can happen. So I joined them for some Japanese food. And the staff recognised us when we arrived to the restaurant.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok- Aladdin, you're not drunk.
- What??!!

Last time my friend and I were at the place we had been drinking sakeAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokfor 5000 Baht so we were a wee bit tipsy when we left the place.

But today it was water and sushi only. I went outside to catch some fresh air when the girl from my travel agency passed on her way home.
- Aladdin! You have lost weight!

Damn! Here I am eating when I could have been atAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokBangkok Fight Club. I returned inside and I told my friendthat I was going to Bangkok Fight Club.
- You decided to cancel
- F@ck it! Can't sit around here growing bigger.

I dashed off and 10 minutes later I was back home. IAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokhad stopped at my local 7 Eleven for a bottle of water for the boxing and 2 bottles of Diet MAX . A quick change of clothes and I was of Bangkok Fight Club. I arrived 15 minutes late, but my guess is that they just had started the session whenAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokI arrived.

I jumped right in to the session without putting on my boxing shoes. I had to do today's session in my stockings. Jogging on the spot and then we started with station 1 to 3 Thai boxing techniques. That means kicking.

So we were shadow kicking for 20 minutes or something before we moved over to the punching bags.

We were 10 people present so we had to divide the group inAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokto two teams taking turns at the bags.

I was in TEAM 1 so we started, 2 minutes of kicking before we were relieved by TEAM 2. We were kicking arse when I heard someone laughing and I heard someone mention the name Aladdin.
- What theAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

I turned around and I saw one of the girls laughingAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokand I thought she was going to pee herselfAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoklaughing. It was the very same girl that I asked if I was sleeping last time we did sit ups.

So of course, I just had to pester her when it was her turn at the punch bag.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokWhen we were ready with the punch bags it was time for yet another of the spinning exercises. ThisAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokis another form of somersaults. Well, it is notany somersaults, but the purpose is the same, to get you dizzy. But here we're standing up looking down in the floor while turning around.

Well, I refused, it only makes me sick andthis is something I can live without. I thought that I had missed the Thai Navy exercises when I came late. But today we did this exciting exercise at the end of the session.

So it was Thai Navy exercise when we werefinished with the spinning drill and then it was time for the sit ups and cool down and soon time to go home.

Thunder and lightning during the boxingsession and when I left around 9 o'clock it was raining. We have 2 French girls in our class and they are walking down to Asoke sky train station. That is in my direction until we reach SINO THAI TOWER and I turn off to Soi 23. One of the girls had an umbrella and she asked if I wanted to share her umbrella.
- No thanks' I'm already soaking wet in sweat.

Wednesday 27 th of July 2011
and I managed to get out of bed 20 minutes after 9 o'clock. Actually I thought it was more, but it was my imagination. I was convinced that I had felt asleep again. I most likely did but only for a few minutes so it was a nice surprise when I discovered that it wasAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokONLY 20 minutes past 9.

Pumpernickel, tuna and a pot of tea and I was more or less ready to take off to Chakrit Muay Thai School. ButAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokyesterday it was full at 11. Usually empty around 1 and today I decide to be there at 12.
When I arrived there was a guy exercising and, well, they talked me in to stay.
- He is finish by now!

One of the teacher has injured his knee so he can't do anyAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoksparring. And I'm there for the sparring. If I'm going to use the punchbag I need our Teacher at Bangkok Fight Club toscream at me or I will just stay there picking my nose starring out in the blue planning for myAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokfuture. Yes, I really need to work on my self-discipline.

I donned my boxing shoes andwe were soon busy with the sparring.

It is quite fun with the sparring and I can imagine how fun it will be when I'm down a few hundred kilos. Will be easier, much easier to move then.
Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

But our Hero, the 2-ton Supermandoes his best and he willhopefully soon be fit.

And for sure, the stupid movie and all the Japanese food yesterday didn'tSushihelped me. I gained 0, 4 kilo yesterday so it will hopefully be a long time before I eat at a restaurant again. If I only could order one course it would be OK. But when I'm reading the menu there are soAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokmany thing I want to try and, well, I stay home and I eat my tuna.

And I have to lose 6,7 kilobefore I can go have a few beers. Yes, when I have lost an additional 6,7 kilo I have reached my intermediate goal #1 and I can have a good night on town. Then of course, I have several intermediate goals to reach after that.

Yes, my web page is not was it used to be. Now it is only pictures of exercise and health food. I feel better but it was way more fun last year.

So I have to continue to get my arse kicked at the boxing in order to reach my v-shaped torso.Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokMost likely never obtained even if I'm spending millions of hours exercising.

We finished the first round of sparring and I had60 seconds of rest. Just enough time for some water, but I'm still losing more bysweating than I can drink.

The bell went off and we started thesecond round of arse kicking. I was tired and it was darn hot and I just wished for the round to be over so I could have some water.

Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Time was slow and when finally the round was over I moved over to my water bottles. I always by 3Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokbottles when I'm coming to Chakrit Muay Thai SchoolAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokand they are empty when I'm going home.

I had some water after the sparring and a little rest before we got started with the mitts.

I have had the pain in my right shoulder for a very long time and the Teacher recommended some medicine for me. Istopped at my drug store on my way home and it turned out that my Teacher had recommended some muscle relaxing and anti inflammatory medicine.

Well, I didn't have my valet with me, so I will buy the medicine tomorrow when going to my boxingsession.Hmm, maybe a good idea to start brings my valet, but then only God knowwhat I will buy when passing my local 7 Eleven.

But the medicine is 330 Baht so I will at least bring this amount plus money forAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwater and when I get my medicine I will hopefully be able to kick some arse.

Back home and I had a shower before I did my Thai books, lo and behold, I felt asleep over my books. But I woke up again after 2 or 3 minutes and I could finish my readingAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokbefore cooking my dinner.

Omelette with a can of peeled tomatoes and a onion with a pot of tea, same every day.

We did the usual exercises at Bangkok Fight Club. No ThaiNavy exercisestoday but plenty punching and kicking on the punch bags. And of course, the somersaults. But I did push upsinstead for the somersaults.

Time turned quick and it was soon time for us to go home. Our Teacher gave me an gift voucher and that means 500 Baht reduction of my next training fee. Not bad.

Nice to come back home, my Thai books are ready and I can just lay in bed watching DVD. No energy to read even though I want to finish a book I started the other day. Well, maybe during the weekend. But tonight it will be DVD and resting my shoulder. I asked my Teacher at Bangkok Fight Club if he knew ยาคลายเส้น the medicine I was recommended at Chakrit Muay Thai School.
- Yes very good, you eat for 5 days.
So I willhopefully soon be OK in my shoulder and we can get started with the arse kicking.

Well, Wednesday 27th of July 2011 will go down my book as a pretty shitty day. I have had no energy, pain in my shoulder. And the worst, coming home from Bangkok Fight Club and I have gained weight. 0,3 kilo since yesterday and that means that I have gained weight for 3 consecutive days. What the??!!

Here I am looking forward to weekend with San Miguel Light and STROH Rum. I have expected toreach my intermediate goal #1 with in very soon. But with the present rate of my weight lose I will never be able to have another San Miguel Light.

Today's boxing sessions was not the best and I'm dead tired from lack of sleep. I was tired and I was on my way to bed when I came back home from Bangkok Fight Club. But I had to do this and that before going to bed and suddenly at midnight, I found myself at my local 7 Eleven. I did a midnight run to 7 Eleven, for the second day in a row.

Yes, a pretty shitty day and I ripped open a pack of pumpernickel and I ate it trying to alleviate my agony. Time to get drunk?

Thursday 28 th of July 2011
and I hope my day turns out better than yesterday, way better! IAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokstepped inside Chakrit Muay Thai School at 11 thirty. Disappointment, there were 5 people training there so I returned home.

My drug store doesn't open until 1 o'clockso I will have to return in the afternoon so I can buy my medicines. DARN! I was hoping that I could have bought the medicines on my way to Chakrit Muay Thai School so I could have started to POP the pills right on.Well, I will have to wait for a while.

I returned back home from the drug store at 2 o'clock and I had time to read my Thai books and to make my omelette with canned tomatoes & onion for dinner before leaving for Bangkok Fight Club.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
I arrived to Bangkok Fight Club with my bottle of water from 7 Eleven five minutes before 7. DARN! The place was crowded and I was about to go back home again.

But I can't skip two classes in one day so I donned my shoes and we got started 20 past 7.Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokTurned out that we were 13 or 14 people but luckily enough 3 of the girls went to exercise at the punching bag with a British instructor.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokWe started with stretching and the darn Thai Navy exercise. When we were finished with the Thai Navy exercise our Teacher had more excitements for us.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok - GET IN THE LINE!!!
We were working on pairs, one laying down while one was standing up throwing a boxing glove that we had to catch and then sit up and hand the glove to our standing partner. As you understandAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokthis was a kind of sit up drill.

We did a few rounds of kicking and kneeing and now you would think that our Teacher had run out of ideas. NO! We had to jump around 4 gloves on one leg and then jumping aroundAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokSQUAT DOWN style and a turn of somersaults around the track finishing with speed punching.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok - GET IN THE LINE!!!
Well, then we were lined up yet again. At first our Teacher wanted to divide us in to two teams.Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokBut we managed to get room for all of us elbowing our way back and forth across the Bangkok Fight Club.

The last drill was 3 elbows finished with a kick. By now it was already past 8 thirty and I thought that it was time to go home. NO NO!

We're not only receiving gift vouchers, we're also getting good value for our money at Bangkok Fight Club. Pay for 90 minutes and receive 2 hours. Just what my diet need and every minute counts in my hunt for a v-shaped torso.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokWell,hmm, honestly, I'm more interested in my intermediate goal #1San Miguel Light in Bangkokso I can have a night on town with San Miguel Light.

And I can reveal a slight change of the reward reaching my intermediate goal #1. The original plan was to have one night on town, but I have decided to have a full weekend. The reward is coming with a hangover, but that is never mind. We finished the kicking and elbowing, the girl next to me spent most of her time kneeing and boxing me. Well, if she isn't laughing at me she is hitting me. Isn't there a number I can call if I want to report harassments?
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok - GET IN THE LINE!!!
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
I could not believe my f@cking ears, almost 9 and the exercises just continued.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok - YIPPPEEE!! I really get a lot out of today's fee.

Now our Teacher brought out a punch bag and an old tyre. We had to run back and forth with the bag or tyre over our heads. 30 seconds and then speed punching. 2 at the time and our Teacher was clocking us while screaming “QUICKER QUICKER”
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Of course, as soon as I had finished I went to get my camera. And the girl always laughs at me, yes, now it is my turn to pester her. And when she was on the tyre detail there wasn't much laughing from her. She was the last one to run so I expected us to go home soon.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
She finished her running and I had a last picture of her speed punching. Now we are going home.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok - NO
Things were about to go weird. SPANKING! This drill isAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokeven more difficult to comprehend than the somersaults.

We had to step up and receive 10 strokes in the stomach by a boxing glove. For what?

For sure, I don't understand the purpose of this drill. And it was not like it was hurting. The girls didn't need the spanking, but all the girls wanted to be spanked.Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokWell, I was half way out of thereAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwhen we finished the spanking. Now it was 9 or even past 9 and I expected us to be finished.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok - GET IN THE LINE!!!

Now it was time forAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoksitt ups and cool down stretches. Good, it had been a very nice evening, and fun, at Bangkok Fight Club.

And the best thing was my t-shirt. I bought it at the sport department at Robinson. And I have not been able to find my size at any department store since,hmm, must have been late spring 1977.

When I bought it fitted, but now the t-shirt is perfect. So I will go buy 5Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokmore, if I can find different colours. I don't want them to think that I use the same t-shirt all the time. HEY STINKY!!

I need 5 more t-shirts so I have 10, I use two per day. One at Chakrit Muay Thai School and I have a new set of clothes for my evening session at Bangkok Fight Club.

And the material is very nice, even better than the 100$ ++ t-shirts that I bought in Houston. They are very nice, but these are better and to a fraction of the price I paid in Houston.

The only problem with these t-shirts is the colour, they are black, one with white arms and the other one with yellow so people will think it is the same t-shirt.

Before leaving for home I made an appointment with the American girl, we will meet on Saturday and we will go to Chakrit Muay Thai School for some Saturday exercises.

Reaching 7 Eleven (not my local 7 Eleven) at the corner of Asoke Road and Asoke Soi 2 on my way home and the sky opened up. There is always the same gang of teenagers sitting there drinking. Andevery time I pass them it is:
- YO!! HIP HOP!! B-Boy!
What the hell is a B-Boy? I have no f@cking clue. I always give the same answer, same when I arrived to the airport. I booked a taxi while waiting for my luggage. And as no surpriseAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokthe girls started with:
- Hip Hop! B-Boy!
- No, I'm Pbong lang boy!

Well, anyway, when I passed the guys they pointed to the sky and they told me that it was starting to rain. Yes, there were a few drops falling.
- Bah, a few drops!
But it really started to rain cats and dogs and I got stuck outside 7 Eleven for a few minutes before I could continue home. I took the opportunity to get a few pictures of the intersection.

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
I passed my local 7 Eleven and I felt peckish for a Diet MAX but I had no cash. Well, I hadAladdin's adventure at 7 Eleven in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN5 Baht, I didn't had any change for my water at 7 Eleven when going to Bangkok Fight Club so I had to bring 20 Baht. So I went home to get my valet before I returned to 7 Eleven.
när har du planerat in ditt tränings läger?
I have done a research and I have come up with the result that I'm looking smaller dressed in black.

I don't claim it to be able to prove it scientifically. But the girl at 7 Eleven told me that I was looking very small. Same when I left for Bangkok Fight Club, every one recognise me along my route. It is not nice, but as my friend said the other day when they visited me.
- Aladdin! Everyone knows you around here.
- I dont think so
- Yes, they know you and it must be due to your character and dress code.

Well, anyway, going to Bangkok Fight Club and the people along my route were telling me:
- ผอมแล้ว!!
And another strange finding I came up with during my research is that it is only ladies 50 ++ telling me that I'm getting slim.
- Have they forgotten their glasses?
There is never any beauties under 35 telling me that I'm getting slimmer. Well, it has, but I always suspect that they want money from me.

Friday 29 th of July 2011
and it was almost 10 before I got out of bed. I didn't felt asleep until itAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwas almost 5 o'clock in the morning. My morning tuna and tea and I was at Chakrit Muay Thai School around 12 thirty.

There were 5 people, but 2 left when I came and there were only a family from Hong Kong remaining. It was only the mother and son training while the father took pictures. They had been in Bangkok since last Sunday and they are going back home on Sunday and they wanted to try some Thai boxing. They son was training Thai boxing in Hong Kong so I guess he will be the king in the changing room at his Thai boxing Club back home.
- YO! Where have you been?
- Ah, yes, I just popped by Thailand for some Muay Thai training
Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok- How was it?

Lo and behold, seems like spanking is the latest in Bangkok. Today again, I saw it here as well, even thoughAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokit was a different variation. The son from Hong Kong did sit ups while the Teacher was punching him in the stomach. So of course, I asked about the purpose and it was something for the muscles in the stomach.

I warmed up with the punch ball and after that I did 2 rounds of sparring. I finished my day with the mitts. The family from Hong Kong asked me how to get to Jim Tomson
- What theis that?
- A museum
- I have no clue, but I guess you just have to stop a taxi just outside here on Sukhumvit.

I saw them running around Washington Square with a map 10 minutes later so I stopped to see if I could help them on my way home.
- The driver would not take us
- Can I have a look at the map? Where is this Jim Tomson place?
He pointed at National Stadium and I suggested the sky train.
- Where is the station?
- Just hang on, I pass Asoke station on my way home.

We walked to Sukhumvit Soi 23 and I explained how to get to the station and I wished them good luck to find Jim Tomson. Who the hell is Jim Tomson and does he have a museum?

I continued up Sukhumvit Soi 23 when I heard:
- ALADDIN!! You're getting slim
- What the
- No more swagging belly
My mood was instantly improved by a notch or two. Back home and I had a shower before readingAladdin's adventure studying Thaimy Thai books. I was almost falling asleep reading the darn books.

But with the help of some willpower I made it without falling asleep and I did my tomato and onion omelette before leaving for Bangkok Fight Club

Friday and there were only 5 of us at Bangkok Fight Club. When I was back home there was a Friday night message:
- We're drinking beer! Join us!

Well, I'm going to meet the American girl tomorrow at 12 for a session at Chakrit Muay ThaiSchool. So I need to get up early without any hangover. But,hmm, a few beer would be nice. I came up with brilliant plan # 1000000.

I can call the girl and tell her that I was hit by a bus on my way home from Bangkok Fight Club and that I can't make it tomorrow. I called her, WRONG NUMBER.
- What the?

Yes, there was one number missing from the number and my plan capsized and sunk within a fewAladdin's adventure with Nutella in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokseconds. I had a shower and then I stepped up on my scale. PLUS 0,2 kilo.

Darn and double darn, I was in a bad mood. I had a jar of Nutella in my fridge and I ripped open the darn thing and I started to spoon feed myself and the Nutella was history within a few minutes. And I felt even worse. And believe me, I felt worse by the spoon and when the jar was empty I felt so bad that I had to run down to my local 7 Eleven for a pack of cancer sticks.

- Nutella! Why you have Nutella in your fridge?
We remember my cake last Sunday, I bought a jar of Nutella as emergency exit #1 just in case that I would fail with my nut filling. Emergency escape #2 was the bakery at Landmark hotel.

I really felt proud of myself when I went to bed, but at least there are no more Nutella in my fridge and thus no more temptations. And there willhopefully never be any more Nutella.

Saturday 30 th of July 2011
and I woke up at 10 thirty so I had obviously turned off my alarm at 9 o'clock. I had time for my tea and tuna before I left to meet the girl from Bangkok Fight Club.Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokAnd today I felt good, well, of course remorse for the Nutella. But no Hangover.

I walked to the park next to Emporium where we wereAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokgoing to meet. I made a stop at the ATM for a refill of my valet. I only have 10Baht left after my visit to 7 Eleven yesterday and I need cash.

And I will have to reassess my brilliant “NO CASH” idea. I'm 100% sure that the Nutella would still have been in my fridge if I had had cash yesterday. I had 88 Baht, just enough for a pack of fags. The remaining 10 Baht wasn't enough for a Diet MAX . If I had had a DietAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok MAX I would not have eaten the darn Nutella yesterday.

And I didn't feel like walking to the ATM so it was NutellaAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokand a pack of fags.
She arrived to the park 10 minutes after 12 and we walked to Chakrit Muay Thai School and she got rightAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokon to the sparring. They were throwing punches at each other while IAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwas takingAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokpictures.

After two rounds of throwing punches I had enough pictures and IAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokstarted with the mitts. I did 3 rounds before I continued taking pictures.

Yes, my Saturday training turned out to be taking pictures.
- If I felt bad about it? Nothing compared with the jar of Nutella yesterday.

Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
She did 6 or 7 rounds and before we left she did 2 rounds with the mitts. I think she liked theAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoksparring and it was 15 minutes before 2 when we left Chakrit Muay Thai School
Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

I walked back home and as I had cash in my valet I stopped at my local 7 Eleven for some Diet MAX .

My French ex class mate called me in the evening. They had a bottle of vodka at a disco and heAladdin eating ice creamasked if I wanted to join them. Well, I'm on diet and this week has been a very bad one. I don't know why, the onlyAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokdifference from previous week was a little cake and some sushi.

And of course, the BLUEBERRY EXTREME ice cream at the cinema on MBK Center. But that ice cream was so small so it is like it never happened. Well, anyway it has been a strange week and I decided to skip the vodka at the disco and I took off towards Thonglor on foot.

I reached Thonglor and I crossed the street and then IAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwalked up Thonglor until Soi 20 where I turned off towards Ekkamai. And I can really feel the difference on my weekend constitutionals,Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokit is getting easier and easier for every kilo I lose.

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
I walked down Ekkamai until I reached Sukhumvit and I walked down Sukhumvit back home. I madeAladdin's adventure at Villa Market in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoka stop at Villa Market on Soi 33 to see if they had any pumpernickel.

They had 16 packs of DELBA pumpernickel and I went back toPumpernickelget a basket. I took all their pumpernickel and a bag with 500 gram of Hazelnuts.

Hazelnuts are very healthy and I will see ifI can stick to a fist full per day. Otherwise I can't buy any more hazelnuts, if I eat 500 gram hazelnuts every day I will soon look like an anti aircraft balloon.

Now I have pumpernickel to last me for almost the whole month of August and I was pretty satisfied when I went to bed after my 3 hours constitutional. And the scale, well, - 1,7 kilo since yesterday.

Sunday 31 st of July 2011
and when I woke up I was happy that I skipped the vodka yesterday. Losing weight instead of gaining weight. My friend called and asked if I wanted to go for dinner.

The month of July 2011 has come to an end and we swing right over to August .

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