OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page. So
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one.
So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

March 2011

Saturday 12 th of March 2011 and I got out of bed at 11 thirty. I discovered a bottle of Baileys inAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNmy kitchen. I also discovered that my freezer was full of ice cream.

Yes, I have a (Stupid?) idea of the besthangover cure ever. A milkshake, skip the milk and use Baileys instead. Yummy and after a bottle of Baileys you're a wee bit tipsy and the hangover is forgotten.

Well, I couldn't muster the energy to make myAladdin, the human balloonmilkshake and as I don't want to blow up to the human balloon again I suspect that the ice cream will end up in the garbage. Together with all my other bright ideas.

But I mustered energy to pour myself a glass of Baileys with plenty ice. I have a friend working at a Travel Agency and she and hercolleagues are going to play bowling today at 4.
- Aladdin, do you want to join us?

Well, can Charisma Man behave himself? After a few San Miguel Light? Well, let's hope so, because we can manage without “The Obnoxious Man” But I haven't seen this guy around since I finished drinking booze. San Miguel Light and it is Charisma Man all the way. And he is even remembering how he got home.
Charisma Man
And after the bowling they are going to see a concert. My friend's best friend since they wereAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNchildren is one of the Thai Superstars and we're going to see her after the bowling.

Well, could not help wondering how I managed to buy the bottle of Baileys on my way home this morning. No alcohol is allowed after midnight, but I remember it being a lot ofhush-hush when I bought the bottle. I had to pick it up at theCashier. Well, anyway, I got my bottle and after two glasses (Half the bottle) of Baileys I felt great again.

And of course, then I could not help but wondering aboutAladdin's adventure at Blu-O Bowling @ Siam Paragon in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNtomorrow, would the girls still think it was a good idea to invite me? Well, I can behave, can't I?

I took a taxi to SIAM PARAGON and I had a real good time going there. The taxi driver was a very funny guy andAladdin's adventure at Blu-O Bowling @ Siam Paragon in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNI was on the floorlaughing all the way.Hmm, the half bottle of Baileys might have helped.

At SIAM PARAGON and I had to located the bowling place. And luckily enough, there was sign on all the elevators. Blu-OAladdin's adventure at Blu-O Bowling @ Siam Paragon in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNBowling on the 5th floor and I was a few minutes late, but still no one I knew at the bowling place. Well, this is Thailand so 4 o'clock mean f@ck all.

So I had time to check out the place, full bar and a DJ. Well, luckily enough I had my TAXI CD with me so itAladdin's adventure at Blu-O Bowling @ Siam Paragon in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNdidn't take long before we had the music blasting high.

The only set back was that I had to drink Corona. No San Miguel Light, but the Corona was OK with ice and a wine glass. Well, 4 thirty and no sign of my friend and I asked the staff if there were other bowling places at Siam Paragon.

Well, Blu-O Bowling was the only place so I was at theright spot and I was about leaving. Yes, when I have a meeting I wait for 15 minutes and then I'm leaving. I ran in to my friend outside Blu-O Bowling and we got back in.

Aladdin's adventure at Blu-O Bowling @ Siam Paragon in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Blu-O Bowling @ Siam Paragon in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Blu-O Bowling is a nice place, good service and we had beers coming to our table all time. Beer inAladdin's adventure at Blu-O Bowling @ Siam Paragon in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNcombination with my hangover and I was for sure notAladdin's adventure at Blu-O Bowling @ Siam Paragon in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNimpressing anyone at the bowling place.

Well, I won one time, but that's it. Otherwise I was not performing very well.

They have some aiming aid for children so I went to get one of those devices. Well, this aiming aid didn't manage to impress me.So I only used it one time.

But the most important was the beer and there were plenty of it, so never mind the score table. As soon as the hangover was gone I was in a good mood.
Aladdin's adventure at Blu-O Bowling @ Siam Paragon in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Blu-O Bowling @ Siam Paragon in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
We had to be at RCA at 9 o'clock and suddenly it was 8 o'clock so we had to leave. We needed toAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNmake a quick stop at our friend's apartment so he could get his ID.

The original plan was that the girlAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwould have a shower at my place before leaving for RCA.

So I didn't bring much snus to the bowling and thus we needed to stop at my place to pick up a can of snus.

And we brought a few cans of San Miguel Light in my apartment before we left. It took us 20 minutes to get from my apartment to RCA and we arrived 15 minutes after 9 o'clock.

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
My friend had some of her colleagues waiting for her at RCA. Among them a beautiful girl.Well,Aladdin's adventure at RCA in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwe got our table, and that is a table Thai style.
Aladdin's adventure at RCA in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
And no chairs, yes, in Thailand they are standing around the tables. And they aredancing around their tables so you won't find any dance floor like inEurope or USA.

But they had San Miguel Light and I ordered 5 bottles right away and a 100 Baht tip made sure the Waiter would hang around close by. It was crowded so I needed to be friendly with the staff to make sure I wouldn't run dry.
Aladdin's adventure at RCA in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNOur friend from New Zealand and I was drinking San Miguel Light and the Thais were drinking Whiskey. I don't like Whiskey and my friend wanted to order a bottle of vodka.
- No, I'm not drinking vodka anymore.

I don't mind remembering how I get home. Beer is good and I can behave myself, it is much more expensive to drink beer, but it is more important to keep “The Obnoxious Man” away.

And I think I managed to keep himout of sight. There was one girl and she was hugging me all nite long. So this was Charisma Man's night. The place got crowded and I felt uncomfortable even though I was tipsy.
Yes, Thai style with so much people that you can't move around.
Aladdin's adventure at RCA in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at RCA in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
San Miguel Light and I remember how I got home. Good, and I also remember that I was back home around 2 o'clock. And it had been a very nice day.

Sunday 13 th of March 2011
and I woke up around 11 o'clock. It took me 2 hours to get to the kitchen where I had pumpernickel with SCAN DELI's liver pate together with my morning tea.
I was soon back in bed continuing to watch my hangover DVDs. And I made my second visit to my kitchen later on in the afternoon. Now it was time for a mango shake.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I brought my mango surprise back to my bed and I continued to watch my hangover DVDs. And staying witty and charming is not the only perks with San Miguel Light. The hangovers are nothing compared to when drinking vodka.

Well, as my friend from New Zealand said to me. After this weekend I need double sessions at Bangkok Fight Club next week. And I guess the mango surprise will requires a few days at Bangkok Fight Club before I have managed to burn those calories.

Monday 14 th of March 2011
and I skipped gym this morning, but I finished my Thai books beforeAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNleaving for school. I left school after one hour, I didn't felt so great after this weekend's adventure. I walked back home and by now everyone recognised me along my route back home.

I passed one security guard at Lang Suan and he started to do the internationally recognised sign for scratching while screaming:
- YO! HIP HOP!! B-BOY!!!

I just had to have a picture of the guy so I stopped and brought out my camera. I stopped at NANA hotel for a chicken curry before I continued to Foodland on Soi 5.
The Cigarette Police had their scam up and running. They had stopped a few Middle Eastern men and they had to pay the fine. I could not help myself so I stopped and asked for a waste paper basket.
They pointed down Sukhumvit and I didn't believe my eyes when I saw a plastic bag hanging on a stand 12 meters from their stall.
- What the?
I was disappointed, my plan was to hand them my cigarette butt, but now I had to throw it in the bag. And I have walked this stretch of Sukhumvit, almost every day for many many years. And this is the first time I see this waste paper basket. For sure, the cigarette police had brought it.

But it is strange how this can be allowed. They have uniformed police stopping tourists fining them for throwing cigarette butts on the sidewalk. Yes, it is against the law, but look how it looks on Sukhumvit. And uniforms fining people for littering when they sell copy CDs and valium etc openly at the booth next to the cigarette police's booth.

I bought tea and oregano at Foodland before continuing back home. I had been home for 10 minutes when they called from AIS.
- You have been our customer for more than 10 years
- So what?
- You get discount at the airport and at Sizzlers you get......
- I don't care about the discounts!
- But......
- Just make sure I don't receive the SMS from different companies!
- We will fix for you!
- Thanks and good bye
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I relaxed a bit before going to Bangkok Fight Club, and as I had had my dinner at Nana hotel I didn't needed to make any tea and TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ®.

Took me 45 minutes to walk to Bangkok Fight Club and our Trainer and his friend was sitting at a table outside the Panjit Tower Building.

And I don't know if the girl is our Trainers daughter, maybe. Well, anyway, I had brought a hat for him. I have size 12 and I brought a sizeAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN9 for him. But it was a wee bit too big. But he could use the hat, and this is the smallest size I have.

We started with warm up and then we got right on to the kneeing of the bags. And the girl was laughing at me while eating her cookies. Well, we did6 rounds on the bags and wehad a short rest while drinking water.

There are two exercises I refuse to do. Well, at least for the next two months. One of them is to crouch down, but one hand on the floor and stretch out your leg. I have tried and I will hurt myself if I will try to

noun an acrobatic movement in which a person turns head over heels in the air or on the ground and lands or finishes on their feet.

figurative a dramatic upset or reversal of policy or opinion: Paula's stomach turned a somersault.
go through this exercise. Imagine a cubic ton of Aladdin going through with this exercise, but maybe in 2 month.

The second exercise I don't do is to turn a somersault. Yes, I have tried and I'm pretty sure I will hurt myself going through the exercise. I tried to do it today, but I used my shoulder instead of my head in order to avoid breaking my neck.
I don't want to end up in a wheel chair. But I'm pretty sure I will be able to turn a somersault in a month or two.
Well,hmm, two months and I will be able to do it.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
When we were ready with turning somersault it was time for kicking. And our Trainer took a fewAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNpictures of me, and I'm able to use one of the pictures.

We started with kicking and then we were taking turns elbowing theAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNpunch bag. Then we had to do 5 rounds of speedpunching and after that I really needed a short break with water.

Yes, it has been a longweekend and I can still feel the aftermath. Well, next weekend will be a different storywith tea and TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® ONLY!!!
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Well, when I was ready with the speed punchingAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNI tottered back to my water bottle and the girl were soontaking pictures of me with my camera. Well, good to have something to put on my web page.

I tried to take a picture of myself taking a rest after all the action, but the girl was running around playing mischief's with me so those pictures turned out to be good for nothing.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I told our Trainer that I would be ready to spar with him in 2 months time.Hmm, strange howAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNeverything will work out just fine in 2 months

Well, I walked back home and coming home stepping up on the scale. + 2 kg since
Thursday night. Darn, I'm soon back where I started.
Well, one thing is for sure, no more parties and beer during theweekends. And skipping Bangkok Fight Club last Friday was for sure the last time I skipped my boxing training.

It will be boxing 5 days a week so I willhopefully be ready for some sparring with our Trainer in 2 months time.

So I decided to start my weight diary from day 1 again and this will mark the start of my “NEW” new life. And from now on it will be no joke.

Tuesday 15 th of March 2011
and I can't say that I jumped out of bed when my alarm went off at9. I spent 20 minutes in bed watching the news and as usually, I found both CNN and Aljazeera better than BBC World.

It was almost 9 thirty when I got out of bed. No problem, I had time forboth my Thai books and gym before I left for AUA Language Center at Ratchadamri Road. This is the only Thai language school I attend to nowAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNsince I gave up Thai language solution.

Thai language solution wants to have a meeting with me to discuss myrefund, but I'm very busy so I will see when I have the time to go back to this school. I want my money back for the hours I have missed.

I took a taxi to AUA Language Center at Ratchadamri Road and I stayed for 1 hour before I walkedback home. And of course, when I passed the Security Guard at Lang Suan he started to scream:

Our Cigarette Police were busy at Sukhumvit Road, and I'm sure thatAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthey are making plentymoney. But it still amazes me how something like this is allowed. Imagine doing something like this in Europe, scamming tourist. And it is only the Tourists they are stopping. Hell, I only see the Cigarette Police at the tourist area on Sukhumvit.

Should be sent to Klong Toey market and there they would have plenty people to fine for worse than a cigarette butt. But I like their waste bin, at least they make the effort to cover up the scam.
- No, there is a waste bin.
- Yeah, the only one on Sukhumvit Road.

I was plunging down Sukhumvit Road Soi 23 just about to turn around the corner to my condo when someone was calling me.
- Aladdin!
- Who theare you?
- Pooki was here for a massage yesterday
- How do you know that I know her?
Well, strange, everyone knows Aladdin. Same with the Cigarette Police. When I pass their both on my way home from school they are rushing out to shake my hand. Never a dull moment in Bangkok.

There was a thunder storm passing when it was time for me to take off towards Bangkok Fight Club. When I came down to the parking place the girls told me that it was raining.
- Where? I asked looking around.
They pointed up but I could not feel any rain. Same with the Security Guards. They know that I walk to Bangkok Fight Club and they notified me about the weather.
- It is raining.
- Ah! Where?
I managed to walk all the way to Bangkok Fight Club at Thong Lor before the rain started and whenit was time to walk back home the rain had passed. Good luck, I had black clouds following me up and down Sukhumvit, but not one single drop of rain.

I pass a massage place at Thong Lor every day. They always try to get me to come infor a massage. Well, they should have learned by now, and I don't hear what they aresaying because I have my iPod on full blast.

Bangkok is fantastic, today they stopped me outside the massage place and
Day 1 with my scale

- 0.8 kg
Average: - 0.8 kg/day
they asked me if I walked all the way back to Soi 23
- How thedo you know where I live?

Well, today it was more fun to get up on the scale when coming home from Bangkok Fight Club, minus 0,8 kg. So my mood swings right in to ++ and I was determined to stay well clearof any pubs and restaurants this very upcoming weekend. Gym and constitutionalsduring the weekends as well.

My diet can't take me resting during the weekends so I will have to walk the streets of FUNKY TOWN when Bangkok Fight Club is closed over the weekend.

Wednesday 16 th of March 2011
and I got out of bed at 11, 2 hours after my alarm went off. Ifelt asleep again when I had turned off the alarm. I decided to skip school. But I had time for my Thai books and the gym before my friend from New Zealand came over. We left for Thai language solution to see if I could get my refund for my missed hours at the Thai language school. We had to wait for the boss and they would call me with information.

We decided to go check out Thailish language school at Sukhumvit Soi 18. Well, we were a littleAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNsceptical at least to say about this school. We left and my friend wanted to go drink coffee at Danube at Time Square.
- Why don't we try Emporium? I suggested.
- Yeah, plenty good looking girls.

I had forgotten my camera at home, darn, I always carry my camera. Well, I was lucky that my friend had his camera in his phone. So I took a few pictures and he would send them to me via e-mail.

A cup of coffee and a cup of tea at Emporium, 210 Baht. And it was the smallest tea cup I had ever seen.
- Do you have a pot?
- No, but you can have as much refill you want!
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNOf course, it did not take me long to finish the thimble sized tea cup and I asked one of the Waitresses for a refill.
- What theis this?
- We only give hot water as refill

There was a couple sitting behind us. Well, I don't know if it was a couple, they guy looked like he liked guys. Never mind, but theguy were trying to take pictures of me with his phone and I showed my secret “SPY CAM” finger.

We finished our coffee and tea and we left to have a look at a Blueberry telephone. I would like to have a phone where I can see SET online. Can come in handy.

I was drinking my morning tea yesterday morning. Reading Bangkok Post online and I had Bualuang Security on another tab. I have one stock that I had some bad luck with. But yesterday, within a minute it went from - 60,000 Baht to + 20,000 Baht. And then with in a jiff it turned down to +/- zero. I took off to school but I was in a hurry backhome to check out the stock. Well, back to - 10,000 something. And then I was really thinking about buying a Blueberry so I could follow the SET while in school.

But of course, would not have made me any happier today, another 16,000 Baht down. But I'm thinking about a Blueberry or another phone which can provide me with the SET online info. I willAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNhave to go visit AIS for some information. And I'm sure AIS can do something, I remember that they called and disturbed me with this “customer for more than 10 years”Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNcrap with stupid discount at the airport. So when I'm entering their shop it will be party blowersand a phone with the SET info for a very good price.

We left Emporium and we checked out the food fair in the park next to Emporium. There were many booths with food and I wouldn't have mind trying some of the stuff. There was a stage and it looked like they were preparing a cooking contest. We passed the stage and there was a boothAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwith something that looked like eggs in different colours.

My friend thought it was eggs with mangoAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNflavour. Well, I asked the girl if it was yogurt.
- No it is milk
Well, I had to try one of the mango milk frozen to a shape of an egg.

Not good for my diet, but it looked like an egg and they managed to catch my attention. Well, as I'm on diet I threw away the mango milk ice cream.

Back home and I made my tea and TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® and it was soon time to leave for Bangkok Fight Club. And I was very lucky when I left for my boxing. It was raining just before I left and I only felt a few drops on my way to Bangkok Fight Club.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
We spent the whole evening practicing different kicks. The fourth or fifth kicking technique was aAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNkick our Trainer called a surprise kick. Falling forwardAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNputting the left hand on the floor and then kick with the right leg.

Of course, not an easy move for 750 kg of Aladdin.

The first few times trying the surprise kick I ended up on the floor. Throwing myself forward with an “Look! My valet!” and left hand on the floor and I felt when I kicked.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
After the surprise kick it was time for three steps forward and a jump forward touching with theAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNleft foot and a kick with right foot.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Of course, this was not an easy move to perform for the human balloon. It will take a lot of practice.

And the last kick was a hard one to perform. Kick with right foot while spinning to the left. And while hanging horizontally facing the floor kick the bag with the left foot.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Well, walking back home and I walked together with one of the girls at Bangkok Fight Club to the sky train station. Good we had a chance to have a chat. Turned out that she work as a lighting designer. She had designed the lightning for the restaurants for some of the big hotels in Bangkok.
Day 2 with my scale

- 1,2 kg
Average: - 1,0 kg/day
So who knows? When I'm finished with my diet I might go check out the restaurants and the lighting.

And what a pleasant surprise to come home to my scale, minus 1,2 kg. I had not expected too much of this day. Only practising kicking techniques at Bangkok Fight Club so not the hard work I'm used to from the other days.

Thursday 17 th of March 2011
and I got out of bed at 10 thirty. Well, I guess that I will have to cancel school today again. But I did my gym session and I read my Thai books. 17th of March andit is soon time for me to do another visa run. I have never been to Laos and I have decided to go to Vientiane to check out the night life.
- What the... Night life??!! Diet??!!

Yes, I know, but this upcoming weekend will be spent with tea and TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ®,evening constitutionalsand gym. So I guess I can treat myself with a few beers in Vientiane, the capital of Laos

Seng Tawan Riverside Hotel had high recommendations, smack on Mekong riverside and withinAladdin's adventure at Seng Tawan Riverside Hotel in Vientiane, Laoswalking distance from all the night life. I will leave on Thursday night, 24th of March and I will fly back on Monday 28th of March. And I will pretty much do the same as when I did my visa run to Phnom Penh in Cambodia. Pack my bag with snus and taxi CD's.

Arriving Thursday night and I will take off to the Thai Embassy on Friday morning. Do all the sightseeing from the taxi while going back and forth to the Embassy. Then I will have a Friday beer that will last me until Sunday morning.
- Hmm, do they have San Miguel Light in Laos?

Sunday will be spent in bed watching cable TV. Pick up my passport on Monday morning and then IAladdin's adventure at Seng Tawan Riverside Hotel in Vientiane, Laoswill fly back to FUNKY TOWN and Bangkok Fight Club.

And I will need it, after watching the sun rise and sun set fromMajestic View Restaurant at my hotel eating snacks and drinking beer while looking out over the Mekong River. And this will be the second time I will see Mekong River, first time was on my last visa run to Cambodia.

I took off to Time Square when I had booked my hotel and plane ticket. My friend from NewAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNZeeland was sitting at Danube when I arrived. He was drinking coffee and as they don't have any tea I had to drink nothing.

Well, they have tea, but only white tea, strawberry tea and so on. But no real tea, and white tea, what is white tea? I have no clue, I ordered a cup one time at Danube but I will not do it again.

He finished his coffee and we left for Robinson andTops Market. No Pumpernickel so I just bought 20 cans of tuna (without the extra paper and plastic top) and a bottle of olive oil before I walked back home. Soon time to leave for Bangkok Fight Club and I need to drink my tea and eat my TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ®.

I stopped at my travel agent on my way home on Soi 19 and I paid my plane ticket to Laos. And itAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwas very nice to be outside walking.Cold, end of March and it is cold. I noticed when I walked back home from Bangkok Fight Club yesterday evening.

When I left for Time Square this very afternoon it was, well, not cold for me. Just a notch below comfortable.

But the Thai people are freezingcold. Covered in blankets and winter parkas. The security guards at my condo were freezing cold when I came down to get the key for the gym this morning. I didn't recognise them dressed in winter jackets. They were shivering with cold.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN- It is very cold!
- Ah! It is very comfortable!

They just gaped at me. Well, the weather is strange. It hasbeen raining for almost every day since February and this upcoming Songkran will be interesting.

How fun is it if the hot season turns in to the cold season? Or if the hot season turns in tothe rainy season, not very fun throwing water at each other when the rain is pouring down.

I was not even sweating when I arrived to Bangkok Fight Club, I was actually a wee bit cold. I ran in to our Trainer and his friend outside the club. But he had not brought his daughter today and I was hoping for her to help me with my sit ups.

When we did our sit ups yesterday, we usually finish off the exercise with sit ups, she was laughing at me.
- Don't laugh! Help me instead!
So she moved behind me and she pushed me in my back when we were “sitting up” making it very easy. Well, she was home. They had had an accident on the way home from Bangkok Fight Club yesterday and she had to go to the hospital to get 3 stitches.

Back home from Bangkok Fight Club and I stepped up on the scale first thing, minus 0,2 kg. Yes, I can't help it, but I was a wee bit disappointed. I had expected more, but,hmm, maybe our cook from Ek-River was on to something when she wrote me that muscles was heavier than fat.

Yesterday I lost 1,2 kg and today I lost 0,2 kg. I have eatenAladdin's adventure at 7 Eleven in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNexactly the same. 2 cans of tuna,
Day 3 with my scale

- 0,2 kg
Average: - 0,73 kg/day
2 onions and 250 gram of pumpernickel.

Today we kicked arse so I might have gained more muscles todaythan yesterday and thus loosing less weight but the same amount or even more fat.

Well, I came out of my shower and I decided to7 Eleven in Bangkoktake a walk to my local 7 Eleven to buy a bottle of diet drink. As soon as I stepped inside the 7 Eleven the staff recognised me and one of the guys dashedoff to the fridge. He opened the fridge and he asked me:
- Pepsi MAX?
- Yes, please!
- 4 bottles?
- Only one, I'm trying to give up!

Back home and I had to send my bank details to my friend. He just lost 120,000 Baht to me. He sent me an e-mail a few months ago.
“I have given up drinking. Next time I drink I will give you 10,000”
“10,000 what? 10,000 Baht, who cares?”
“OK, add another zero”
“Well, then I will add the other times you have lost the bet. At least 2 times and I will put your pictures on my web page this time”

I have a few not so nice pictures of him from FUNKY VILLA and when we are coming backto mycondo. Every time he gives up drinking I tell him that I will put the pictures on my webpage next time he is drinking. Of course, I'm a nice guy and I never put the pictures on the internet. And I will not do it this time. But he will send the 120,000. He called me the other day and I asked him first thing:
- So you're sober now?
- I have not been drunk!
- You don't even remember calling me when you came back home from Malaysia
- OK, I send you the 120,000. So now you have got your new bathroom tiles for free.
- Maybe it will keep me going for another month

Friday 18 th of March 2011
and I woke up before my alarm went off. Strange that I woke up soAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNearly, I was dead tired because I didn't felt a sleep until almost 4 o'clock. Well, it was not freezing cold, but it was a wee bit cold when I got out of bed. And when coming out from the shower I was really freezing.

Thai books and gym and now I can really feel that my shirts aregetting bigger so it will soon be time for me to makenew shirts and trousers. Of course, it will be nice to go from XXXXXXL to XL, or simply, fat to flat.

I lost my valet a few years back and with my valet I lost my BUPA International membership card. Well, my friend at SCANAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNDELI has my new BUPA International card at his office.SCAN DELI in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNSo I took a walk to SCAN DELI on Sukhumvit Road Soi 18. Today it was not as cool as yesterday, but it was still very nice.

- Aladdin!
Yes, the staff recognised me when I stepped inside SCAN DELI. They handed me an envelope with my BUPA International card and my home insurance. And as soon as I spotted the salmon I got hungry and I left in a jiff, just to turn back to have yet another look at the salmon. I was hungry and a kilo of smoked salmon would be nice.

Luckily enough I managed to leave SCAN DELI without any salmon. I needed onions so I walked to Tops Market at Robinson at Soi 19. And as they say: Never go shopping when you're hungry. I bought minced meat and white cabbage, I decided to skip my tuna for dinner. I bought a bag of onions and 12 cans of
Re-Usefor life, use your cloth bagsfor your better world
tuna and I walked back home. I noticed that they sold shopping bags at Tops and I also noticed that there are more and more people carrying those “Bags for life” around.

Something I thought was impossible a few years ago when the staff in the shops looked at me like IAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwas the village idiot when I told them that I didn't needed any plastic bag.

2 onions, minced meat and white cabbage to dinner. I was struck by agony half way home from Tops Market and when I finished my dinner I didn't feel any better. But it is Friday and white cabbage and pure meat is good for me so I guess it was not so bad. And I guess that 1 kilo of white cabbage is about 800 gram of water.

When I came to Bangkok Fight Club our Trainer wasbusy cleaning the floor. And yes, the mopping was well needed.

We were only three guys training yesterday and today we were 4. 2 guys from Japan, a student from Tibet and of course our hero.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNWe did our usual kicking and punching. And the last thing we did before the sit upAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwas to throw a bag. Well,hmm, if I remember it right we did 3 rounds of kneeing the bags before the sit ups. Well, before we did the kneeing we threw a bag between us and if the bag touched the floor it was 10 push ups.Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
We finished our sit ups and I walkedback home and my scale, minus 0,1 kg and I blame it on
Day 4 with my scale

- 0,1 kg
Average: - 0,58 kg/day
the white cabbage. But I will not drink any beer today, ortomorrowbut I will go to the gym tomorrow morning.
And no restaurants during the weekend, and for sure, no
white cabbage with minced meat and it will be very interesting to see in which direction the scale will move this weekend. If our Hero goes in the wrong direction I will throw myself in front of the sky train.

Saturday 19 th of March 2011
and my EX Teacher will come over to show her pictures fromMalaysia. And as I didn't woke up until 11 thirty I missed my gym session. And to makethings worse, she brought mangoes and chocolate.

We finished the mangoes while watching her pictures, and when she left I finishedAladdin's adventure at New Cowboy in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthe chocolate. Better off get rid of this stuff ASAP and it will be like it never happened.

I took a walk down to New CowboyAladdin's adventure at New Cowboy in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNRestaurant at Soi 22. I stopped to take a few passport pictures for my Thai visa on the way over there. My friends were drinking soda water when Iarrived, good, no beer.

I walked back home and that made it about one hour of walking back and forth. I made my tea and TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ®San Miguel Light in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwhen I was back home. F@ck, Saturday and I want to drink beer. They brought out a San Miguel Light for me at New Cowboy, but I stopped them before they opened the bottle.

I left for my evening constitutionalaround quarter toAladdin's adventure at Thong Lor, Sukhumvit Soi 55 in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNeight. I plunged down Sukhumvit Road to Thong Lor and I crossed Thong Lor and I turned in to Thong Lor walking down to the bridge.

I passed Panjit Tower and Bangkok Fight Club, butAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNall the windows were dark in the building. Well, I will be back on Monday night for some serious arse kickin'.

I turned around when I reached the bridge and when I passed “to die for” I was almost sneaking in for a beer or 12. I really suffer right now. My life sucks, but as one of the owners to Bangkok Fight Club said when I started the training: “Now you have to pay for your good life”

Yes, when I left Bangkok Fight Club with the girl the other day. We had a discussion and I told her that I would exercise to lose my weight and when I
A little something for you to listen to while I'm plunging down Sukhumvit with my iPod on full blast. And one thing is for sure, if you're sitting still your ass is going to start a revolution on you!!
Remember! It has to be on full blast

was down a few tonnes I would continue so I could eat at restaurants and drink beer again.
- Yes, then you are exercising to live your good life again - Yes, and I'm looking forward to it!

Well, I passed the beer at “ to die for” and when I reached SUPERSTAR ACADEMY at Soi 20 I turned in to Soi 20 and I continued to Ekkamai. Passing SUPERSTAR ACADEMY and I could not help wondering what happenedAladdin's adventure at Thong Lor, Sukhumvit Soi 55 in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNto the e-mail with my enquires about the DJ course I sent to them. I never got any reply. Same with TOPSMarket customer service, I have sent several
e-mails to them but so far I have failed getting any replyfrom them.

Hmm, thinking of it, I was better off without any stupid answers from the SUPERSTAR ACADEMY. I started at Bangkok Fight Club and the only thing Iwonder is why I didn't start at Bangkok Fight Club a very very long time ago. I would have my V-shaped torso by now.

I came out on Ekkamai and I turned right and I walked towards Sukhumvit Road passing “Nang Len” and they recognised me when I passed. They were waving at me when I passed, but I didn't stop for a soda water. Saturday and the place was crowded.

Back home and I stepped up on the scale first thing. Minus 0,9 kg and that was a pleasant surprise. I
Day 5 with my scale

- 0,9 kg
Average: - 0,64 kg/day
expected less with the mango and chocolate. But it is impossible to gain weight with only 2 cans of tuna, 2 onions and 250 gram of
pumpernickel per day.

Well, can't help but being a wee bit worried about this upcoming weekend. I have already passed this weekend, Saturday night with almost 4 hours of constitutionalinstead of drinking beer. But next weekend in Vientiane, I doubt that I will spend the weekend in my room drinking water watching TV.
Sunday 20 th of March 2011
and I didn't got out of bed until 10 thirty. My alarm went off at 10,Aladdin's adventure at Siam Ocean World @ Siam Paragon in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbut as I had watched DVD until 4 o'clock I felt asleep again. But my AC was running again, I woke up at 9 and I started my AC before falling asleep again.

I walked down to the sky train after my morning tea and TUNA &Aladdin's adventure at Siam Ocean World @ Siam Paragon in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNONION SURPRISE ®. And it was hot again, sun isshining and it is way over 18°C.

The first sky train was full and I decided to leave and get a taxi. When I came down to the exit I decided to try next sky train.

Luckily enough the next train was almost empty, at least the car I was riding in. We reached Siam after a few minutes and I walked to Siam Paragon inAladdin's adventure at Siam Ocean World @ Siam Paragon in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNsearch for Siam Ocean World. There were signs leading me to the basement.

I paid the 900 Baht entrance fee and I started to look forAladdin's adventure at Siam Ocean World @ Siam Paragon in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthe exit after 10 minutes. 900 Baht in 10 minutes, would have been much cheaper todrink beer, then 900 Baht would have lasted for an hour and maybe a few minutes longer, depending on if they have San Miguel Light or not.
Aladdin's adventure at Siam Ocean World @ Siam Paragon in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
If I had added 600 Baht I could have killed an hour or soAladdin's adventure at Siam Ocean World @ Siam Paragon in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNat Marriott, but of course, the two last options would not have been very good for my diet. And Ocean World made me burn calories walking around watching the fishes. It was a nice place and it was nice to watch the fishes, for about 10 minutes.

It was like I was getting sea sick, I don't knowAladdin's adventure at Siam Ocean World @ Siam Paragon in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNif it was the glass on some of the fish tanks. I have been at aquariums before but never felt like this before. But I got dizzywatching the fishes, especially where I walked between and under the fishes.
Aladdin's adventure at Siam Ocean World @ Siam Paragon in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

There was a TUK TUK that they had turned in to an aquarium. Play ground for the children and when I was looking in to one of the fish tanks I discovered a boat with glass bottom above me.

Aladdin's adventure at Siam Ocean World @ Siam Paragon in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Siam Ocean World @ Siam Paragon in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Siam Ocean World @ Siam Paragon in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I didn't spent long time at the place and when I was finished I walked around Siam Paragon for aAladdin's adventure at Siam Ocean World @ Siam Paragon in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwhile before walking back home. My main purpose to go see the Siam Ocean World was to get a constitutionalback home. Yes, I was really inspired by my weight loss yesterday. And I really felt how I got lighter and lighter by the minute walking around Siam Paragon.

Yes, Saturday night and it was very boring not to go party.I had come up with a new idea for my diet while plunging down Thong Lor yesterday evening. If my dietis this slow I can as well have a party once per week, Saturday. But after coming home discovering loosing 0,9 kg I abandoned that idea.

From now on it will be kick arse diet for 2 months with no party. Then I will be back tovisit restaurants and pubs. Marriott, I really miss it and I'm really looking forward to it.

Back home and I had my tea, TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® and my second half ofAladdin's adventure at Villa Market in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthe 250 gram daily ration of the pumpernickel before I left for my evening constitutional.

I passed Whiskey Mist on Thong Lor and they recognised me so I stopped for a chat.Private party and there must have been millions of beautiful girl at the place.

Well, party or not, I had to continue down Thong Lor in order to lose my weight.

I stopped at Villa Market onAladdin's adventure at Villa Market in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNSoi 33 on my way back home. I bought all the Delba pumpernickel they had in stock. 16Aladdin's adventure at Villa Market in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNpacks and it will last me for 16 days.

Delba, the best Pumpernickel I have tried in Bangkok and the only Pumpernickel I buy since Bei Otto finished baking their own pumpernickel at Sukhumvit Soi 18.
Aladdin's adventure with delba pumpernickel in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I stopped to buy a diet drink at 7 Eleven on Soi 23. I was about to buy two bottles but I changed my mind. I will try to give up the diet drinks so one bottle is enough.
My last bottle?

Coming home after 3 hours constitutional. I had 1 hour on my
Day 6 with my scale

- 0,8 kg
Average: - 0,66 kg/day
way home from Siam Ocean World and it makes it almost 4 hours today. Minus 0,8 kg and I was in a very good mood. But I also got worried, how will my weekend in Laos end?

Maybe better to change so I will stay 2 weekdays instead of partying the whole weekend.

Monday 21 st of March 2011
and I woke up at 8 thirty, thirty minutes before my alarm went off.Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T AstoriaMonday again so I will have to read my Thai books and I also need to go to the gym.

Well, Monday morning and I was in a good mood. Of course, loosing 1,7 kg during the weekend. Lastweekend I gained 2 kg and it was a different story waking up on Monday morning.

I remember back in the days when they had to build me an “truck scale” so I could check my weight. Those days are long gone and today, several cubic tonnes smaller, I can use my bathroom scale.

Well, I will see if I take the sky train to Siam Square and walk back home this afternoon. No school,hmm, was a while since I was in school now. But I will try to get away to school tomorrow.

Well, one thing is for sure, I will soon have to put onmore weights in the gym. I will see how it feels after Laos. But I can feel the difference from when I started the gym so something is happening.

When I decorated my condo back in the days I asked them to put cables under the new wood floor.In my bed room and living room, and I have loud speaker connections for my stereo and home theatre. And as you understand this was a very long time ago, today the home theatre is wireless. Well, anyway, back in 2009 I repainted my condo and I put new wall papers in all my rooms. The worker had managed to disconnect my cables in my bedroom.

And I decided to fix them today and I had to move my TV in order toreach my contacts on the wall. And darn, there was a cubic ton of dust. Anyone remember when a TV had a power cord and an antenna cord? Now a day there are millions of cables behind the TV and I had to do them one by one with a damp rag. I also Mopped the floor behind the TV and I was pretty satisfied with myself.

My friend called, he had been to my web page and now he want to join me training boxing.
- Yeah, well....
I have heard this so many times and so far no one has showed up. Same when I was boxing inHelsingborgs Boxnings KlubbHelsingborgs Boxing Club back in the days. I remember coming to the club one Mondayevening.What the??!! There were millions of people wanting to learn boxing. Tuesday evening and most of the people were gone and when I came back on Thursday evening it was only the ordinary guys left.

Turned out that ROCKY had had première during the weekend and everyone wanted toknow boxing. And of course, they thought the only thing to do to become a PRO was to listen to “Eye of the tiger” and spend an evening at a boxing club.
Aladdin's adventure at ASOK sky train station in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Well, anyway, it was almost 2 thirty before I left for the sky train station. Takes me 10 minutesAladdin's adventure at ASOK sky train station in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNor so to walk to the sky train and I had to wait for a few minutes before the train arrived.

I took the sky train to Siam Square and I walked around Siam for a bit and I stopped at 7 Eleven for a diet drink before I walkedback home.

And what alife I'm living. I cannot even stop for a quick lunch at Marriott.
- What did you do last weekend?
- Walking

How exciting can a life get? Always hungry and walking and walking. Well, I like walking and I lost 1,7 kg during the weekend so that's pretty good. Well, I passed an accident on my way home, my daily dose of excitements and luckily enough no one was hurt. It looked like a buss had run in to a car.
But there was a guy sitting on the road and I don't know if he had been on a motorcycle.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I had my tea and TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® when I came back home. I didn't had time toAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNfinish my Thai books before it was time to leave for Bangkok Fight Club. Well, I have to do some reading when I'm back home tonight.

We were only 4 people at the fight club tonight. 2 girls, one from Thailand and one from France, a guy from Japan and me. I don't know what happened to all the other people that use to come. But for me it is very OK with 4 people. Not so crowded.

Well, we started with shadow boxing and then our Trainer donned his punching mitts and we started to punch him one by one. When we were finished our Trainer donned a body shield and a kick shield on each arm.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Well, I was half dead after having run around kicking, kneeing and punching our Trainer. But it is good exercise. I was the last guy to kick, knee and punch our Trainer and it was time to go home.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Coming home was not a very nice thing. Stepping up on my scale, PLUS 0,6 KG.What theis this? I have not been eating 0,6 kg during the day. 250 gram pumpernickel and 2 cans of tune. I was so disappointed and angry so I went to the kitchen and I ripped open a pack of pumpernickel. Gaining 0,6 kg and I could as well have stopped at Marriott on my way home. Or I could have drinked a case of beer having a good time.
Or I could have been working instead of wasting my time with this bullshit! F@CK OFF!!

Tuesday 22 nd of March 2011
and I was still in a bad mood when I got out of bed at 9 thirty. Well, I will have to see in what direction my weight is going today.

Coming to the gym and there was a girl exercising so I went back to my apartment. I was not in agood mood, believe me, and back in my bed room I ripped open my valet. I took a 100 Baht7 Eleven in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbill and I left for my local 7 Eleven to buy a pack of coffin nails and a diet coke.

Yes, I have given up smoking, but I was in a really bad mood after the set back on the scale yesterday and the occupied gym today. Back home and I ripped open the pack and I had aAladdin's adventure at SCAN DELI in Bangkokcoffin nailand my mood did swing to better instantly.

I spoke with my friend on the phone. I told him that I was going to take the sky train to Siam and walk back home from there.
- Are you going to eat today?
- Yes, tuna
- No salmon today?
- Motherfu....What time is it now?
- One o'clock
- OK, see you at SCAN DELI at 2 o'clock.
Well,hopefully a kilo of Salmon will do wonders for my diet. Yes, I think I might be up to something here. And SCAN DELI's smoked salmon is one of the best to get in Thailand. And to aAladdin's adventure at SCAN DELI in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNvery good price. Of course, I will have to walk to SCAN DELI on Sukhumvit Soi 18 in order to try to make up for my missed constitutionalback home from Siam Square.

A cancer stick, diet drink and salmon and my life turned from:
- What did you do this weekend?
- Walking
- What did you do this weekend?
- I lost 1,7 kg

I arrived to SCAN DELI at 2 o'clock, my friend was there waiting speaking with the owners. When I arrived we stepped rightAladdin's adventure at SCAN DELI in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNinside and I ordered all the raw spiced salmon they had. Yes, I ordered all they had. Never mind my budget.

I had been told that it was possible to live a good life in Bangkok on 30000 Baht per month.
But let's give it a try. I made a cash book in Microsoft EXCEL to check out my budget and I was ready to take on the month of March. Well, not many days had passed before the 30000/ month budget was exceeded. So just bring on the salmon and I will try the 30000 Baht/ month budget in May.
- What do you want with your salmon?
- I'm on diet so just a wee bit salmon sauce.

I asked them to bring three semlor and a pot of tea toAladdin's adventure at SCAN DELI in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthe table when I was finished with my salmon.
- Three semlor??!!
- Enough, I'm on diet!

My friend ordered Janson's temtation and we had water to drink. My salmon was delicious and it disappeared from my plate in a jiff. But I had been told several times that salmon is very healthy so no problem.

Aladdin's adventure at SCAN DELI in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at SCAN DELI in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I was very full when I had finished my semla and tea. But I felt good. As I told the guys when IAladdin's adventure at SCAN DELI in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNarrived to SCAN DELI.
- We see when I get up on the scale after the boxing tonight. Either I will continue with the boxing or I will be a full blown alcoholic eating salmon every day.

My friend finished his Janson's Temtation and he ordered a Toast Skagen.
- What the? Don't you have any bottom?

Lo and behold, when he finished his Toast Skagen he ordered coffee and apple pie. We moved outside because it was a wee bit cold inside. Well, I ordered yet another cup of tea and we sat down socializing with the owners.

Well, it was very nice to socialize a bit and not to have to think about constitutionals and diet. And never mind if I eatsalmon once in a while. What's the hurry to get handsome. Can't say that the girls are lining up outside my door waiting to get married. But,hmm, that might be due to the fact that I look like aAladdin, the human balloonhuman balloon. Maybe they will line up, hey, even pitch campoutside myAladdin's adventure at SCAN DELI in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNdoor as soon as I have managed to obtain my V-shaped torso. Yes, wouldn't that be something?

I spent 2 hours at SCAN DELI before going back home. Even if I had a good time at SCAN DELI I can't forget my boxing. And tonight willhopefully be the night that turns my life around.

Plus or minus when stepping up on the scale. Continue with the boxing or to goparty every day? The suspense is killing me. I left for Bangkok Fight Club at 6 o'clock and I arrived 45Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNminutes later ready to lose weight. I stopped outside the elevator to buy some water. And I have a new and clever plan. IAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNonly bring 15 Baht to the boxing, or a 20 Baht note if I don't have any change. A bottle of water is 15 Baht and thus I don't have any money for diet drinks at 7 Eleven on my way home, quite clever. Of course, it has happened,hopefully not again, that I have got home just to grab a 100 Baht bill and left again for 7 Eleven for a diet drink.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Lo and behold, I have to have a break writing this stuff, I'm7 Eleven in Bangkokoff to my local 7 Eleven to buy a diet drink. And as I spend money I also have to update my cashAladdin's adventure at 7 Eleven in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbook EXCEL sheet with my daily spending.

I also bought a pack of fags at 7 Eleven trying to improve my bad mood. Yes, coming homeAladdin's adventure at 7 Eleven in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNfrom Bangkok Fight Club made my good mood turn in to avery bad mood as soon as I stepped up on the scale. PLUS 0,7 KG.
- What the BIPPING BIP !!

Well, I give up this bullshit. They asked if I wanted to go work and I'm considering this. My plan was to stay at BangkokAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNFight Club for 2 more months trying to obtain a V-shaped torso before going for my next work. But if I only gain weight I will look like the “SUPER” human balloon after 2 months.

And if I work for 3 months I can stay in Bangkok for a year or so. If I'm on a diet that is. My stock market adventure has turned to nothing but shit.I don't know if shit is the word I'm looking for here. Disaster describes it better. OK, one of the stocks gained 80,000 Baht a few days ago and now I'm at break even on this one. But break even don't put foodon the table or pay for any parties.

But “break even” is excellent in comparison with my other stocks. Moterf@cker, I'm talking disaster here. And as I told the guys at SCAN DELI today. I'm better off getting rid of everything at SET. I see the very same signs I saw back in the 90's.
• SIGN #1 Walking home from Bangkok Fight Club in the evenings and I run in to ladies with what I suppose is their daughter. They offer me their (supposedly) daughter to me.
• SIGN #2 The telephone poles. They are starting to get full of adds for condo for sale and rent. A few months ago this was a rare sight, but now the poles are full of adds.

I don't say that it will be like the 97 crash, but the very same signs are here today. And who isAladdin's adventure in Helsingborgwalking around town spotting an “Condo for sale ”add on a pole and realize that he want to buy a condo. I would have contacted a real estate agent if I had plans to buy a condo.

Well, anyway, tomorrow is my last day at Bangkok Fight Club before leaving for Vientiane in Laos on Thursday night. Back in Bangkok on Monday and I will see if I will go to work for three months. Maybe I canhave a few days at Bangkok Fight Club before leaving. And I really hope that I don't balloon out of proportions while working.

For sure, I will be back at Bangkok Fight Club when I'm back in Bangkok, that is if I'm leaving for work. Anyway, I have decided to reset everything and I will start from day ZERO when I'm coming back from
Laos and I will start my NEW NEW new life.Helsingborg's Boxnings KlubbThis time I will be real serious. And who knows? And when I'm finished at Bangkok Fight Club I might look like when I left Helsingborgs Boxing Club for Portugal never to see the boxing club again.
One thing is for sure, I will never get my hair back. Unless I buy a wig. And my youth is forever gone, well,hmm, I feel pretty young and good looking afterSan Miguel Light in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNcase or two of San Miguel Light.

Well, here I am again, 1 o'clock in the morning and I will have to go try to get some sleep before my alarm goes off at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. I will try to make it early to the gym so I can have the place for myself. School? I don't know, maybe.
Or I will take the sky train to Siam Square so I can walk back home. I don't give up andhopefully the increase of my weigh is the kilo of salmon that has transformed in to muscles.

Wednesday 23 rd of March 2011
and I must say that the salmon and semla yesterday kept me full until I felt asleep. When I'm on my f@cking tuna, f@cking onion and f@cking pumpernickel dietThe TWO-TON SupermanI'm always hungry. And with the last few days increase of my weight. Never mind if I'm on salmon/ semla diet or the tuna & onion/ pumpernickel diet, I'm gaining weight.

But I might be on to something here, with the help of SCAN DELI andBangkok Fight Club I can turn in to “The TWO-TON Superman”

Well, I didn't felt a sleep until between 5 and 6 o'clock in the morning so when my alarm went off at 9 I felt a sleep again. Of course, what did I expect when drinking 2 bottles of diet drinks before going to bed.But it was better than a case of beers.

When I came to 7 Eleven yesterday they told me that they had 2 cases of San Miguel Light for me. Yes, I have bought 7 Elevens entire stock of San Miguel Light a few times as well as Tops Market's stock so they know what brand of beer I drink.

One hour later I had an unknown number calling me but I had no time to answer before they hangup, but I got out of bed even though I was dead tired. Tea and TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® with 125 gram of pumpernickel before going to the gym at the swimming pool.

I took the sky train to Siam and I walked around Siam Square for half an hour before I returned home by foot. Almost one and an hour of constitutionalbefore my afternoon (dinner) tuna andSCAN DELI in Bangkoktea and I was off to Bangkok Fight Club.

Tuna, tea and black bread, only. They were a little unlucky to open SCAN DELI in the middle of my diet. Yesterday they told me that I was the #1 salmon customer and we can imagine how it would have been if I hadn't been on a diet.

I brought 100 Baht to Bangkok Fight Club today because I needed to buy milk at my local 7 Eleven on my way home. And my master plan failed me yet again.

I passed my condo and I asked the security guys if they had any cash. If I'mAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNgoing to buy milk I can as well have a bottle or two of diet drinks. And as I only brought cash for water and milk I needed more cash. I didn't want to go up to my condo to get money and luckily enough the security guard had cash.

So I continued to 7 Eleven and I bought my milk and 2 bottles of diet7 Eleven in Bangkokdrinks. Back home I put my stuff in the fridge and I got cash and I went down and I returned the money to the security guard.

Back in my apartment I opened a diet drink and I enjoyed a coffin nail with my ice cold diet drink. I could hardly move my left hand after today's boxing. Well, now they want me to go work next week so I will most likely just have one or two more sessions before it is time for me to leave FUNKY TOWN. But I will continue when I'm coming back.

Thursday 24 th of March 2011
and I didn't got out of bed until almost 11 o'clock. DARN! Well, the only thing I have to do today is to pack my weekend bag and to get out to the airport. I had my breakfast and it will be nice to come to Laos for some change for the pumpernickel.

My Trainer at Bangkok Fight Club asked me to bring a baguette from Laos.
- A baguette?
- Yes, very good bread
- You can buy bread at Tops
- Not the same
- It will be old before I get in back to Bangkok
- No, no problem.
Both his friend and I had to convince him that the bread would be old in a few hours before he gave up the idea. Yes, this baguette would have turned in to shit before I would have delivered it at Bangkok Fight Club

Well, my friend called me and he was surprised when I picked up my phone.
- Aren't you at the airport?
- My flight leaves at 7 o'clock.
I realized that I didn't need my Thai visa and my friend suggested that I was better off without going through the trouble applying for a VISA spending two days at the Thai Embassy. I could spend the time in Laos partying and having a good time, yes, I'm leaving Bangkok next week. Most likely for UK so no need for any VISA.
- Why are you giving up the boxing? My friend asked.
- I need money!
- You have money! You been working too much
- If i work three months I can stay in Bangkok for almost a year
- That is what I do
- If I can get the 30,000 Baht/ month budget to kick in I cans stay for several years!
- Impossible, you know that!
- Yes, but I can try
Right there and then I decided not to apply for the Thai visa, I would just go for having a good time. Of course, it would have been cheaper to pay for the over stay when leaving Bangkok. But I need to get out of town for a while. So Lao it is!

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