OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page. So
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one.
So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

November 2011 - Part 3

Monday 21 st of November 2011 and I managed to get out of bed at 9 o'clock and I was at Chacrit Muay Thai School at 11 o'clock. I was surprised when the Belgian guy that I had walked home withAladdin's adventure at Chacrit Muay Thai School in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNfrom Bangkok Fight Club last Monday. He brought his entire luggage and he was going back home tonight.

Today there was only one Teacher at Chacrit Muay Thai School so I could only do 9 rounds before I walked back home. I have 6 lessons left and then I will do Sophia Muay Thai Gym during the day time and Bangkok Fight Club in the evenings. I have paid for “ONE ON ONE” so the argument that there is only one Teacher is not an argument I accept. 6 lessons and I will have finish them in 2 weeks.

I was back home around 1 o'clock so I had plenty time for my Thai books before my afternoon tea and tuna. it was timeto leave for Bangkok Fight Club at 6 thirty. And that's even though I felt asleep over myAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNThai books. But I finished the books and that's the most important.

Monday night and it is usually crowded at Bangkok Fight Club so I was pleasantly surprised when there were only the 3 of us. We had a few late arrivals and we ended up with 7 students and it was OK. Better than last Monday when we were 12 people at the session.

We were divided in to 2 teams and we started by running around Bangkok Fight Club carrying a punch bag. And when we were finished with the big punch bag we had to runAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbackwards while carrying a small punch bag and one of us had to run back and forth with a tyre around the waist. Well, the tyre was a wee bit too small for me so I justAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNgot the tyre up to my thighs and it was very hard to run.

Well, I was running backwards and I ran in to the sofa and I turned turtle over the sofa. Of course, 82 kilo Aladdin turning turtleover the sofa must have looked hilarious and the guys were screaming of laughter.

Well, for 3 seconds then they came running to see how I was. Thanks to my history as a fierceAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNCommandoI was fine. But I was a wee bit annoyed with our Teacher, he had been running around taking millions of pictures but this one he missed. Maybe, I say maybe, the best picture fromAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNBangkok Fight Club ever and we never got it.

When we were ready with the running with the bag and tyre we did the jumping and running back andforth to the punch bags and we finished with push ups before doing the spring knees, speed kicks and pushes. We did this 4 or 5 times, hell, the last time I was about to die. Jumping back and forth on 1 leg then 20 push upsand pushing the bag with the legs.

5 rounds of speed punches before we did the pads andAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthen we finished the session with sit ups. I had brought my mobile phonebecause I expected a phone call from Copenhagen and they called when we were ready with the sit ups.

They asked if I could talk and I told them that I was busy training boxingand that I would be back home in 30 minutes.
- I call you in 30 minutes
- OK, very good.

We were finished the session and I grabbed my stuff and I returned home and the called from Copenhagen after a few minutes. He held an interview with me and I was hired. He would notify Singapore and I hope that I can go to work and to my school on my next leave. The guy in Singapore told me that they would have me for some training in Singapore before I could join the ship.

When we were ready I took my shower and I went to my local 7 Eleven to buy some Minute Maid. I discovered that it was new bottles, plus 35 ml! 35 ml is less than a normal shot and thus totally pointless. But the bottles looked and felt bigger and maybe it was a misprint on the bottle. It would be 3,5 litres instead of 35ml. Yeah, fat chance!!

- Hmm, maybe the training in Singapore would be nice. I can get me some REAL size Minute Maid bottles. And more tuna!

I also need paper garbage bags for my waste paper. I have searched the whole of Bangkok for paper bags but they only have plastic bags. I was at the department store at Paragon
- Thai people only like plastic bags.
- Yeah, but I sort my garbage to make it easier for them to sell and I need paper bags to put my paper trash in, no need to separate the container and content.
- Hmm, a very good idea! I should suggest this
- So next time I'm coming you will have paper bags?
- I hope so
- I will not hold my breath
I should have bought the paper bags last time but I forgot it when I was buying all the tuna.

I will for sure buy Matsaman curry tuna in Singapore, I have not been able to find any in Bangkok and who knows how long it will take for things to get back to normal with the flooding. Still not onesingle Diet MAX to be found in Bangkok. But I have started to drink and throw away (Of course sorted in a plastic only bag) all my refilled Diet MAX bottles. No need to have hundredsof water filled Diet MAX bottles in my fridge.

I even remembered a few weeks ago when I brought home the water bottles from the restaurants. If I could not finish the water at the restaurant I brought home the bottle and filled it with water.
So now I can see where I have been eating when I'm finishing my water bottles because most of the bottles have the restaurant name on the label.
- OOPS! I wasn't supposed to go to any restaurants!

And one good thing is that I bought my “ACTION” water bottle. 1560 Baht so by the time I break even on this one I have saved our environment a lot of empty plastic bottles.

Hmm, and what to do with all the water bottles that I bought in Pattaya? I will ask someone to give them to the flood victims. I doubt that anyone want to have anything to do with my refilled Diet MAX bottles. Except the Maids at the condo, they sell them to the garbage man coming by everyFriday. And they know me and my garbage by now. Every time I bring my garbage to the garbage room they come rushing towards me.
I give them the bags with the sorted garbage and they can just sell it, no need to sort or clean it. Easy money for them and they should have something like this in Europe, selling the garbage to make sure it was recycled. Not for us. But for the children's sake, they are the ones that are going to have to take care of all the shit!!!

Tuesday 22 nd of November 2011
and I managed to get out of bed at 9 even though I was sore and stiff. I have not had a tomato & onion omelette for a very long time and I have been sore and stiff since. I'm on a 2 cans of tuna and 2 onions per day and I'm losing weight. When I ate the omelette I didn't manage to lose very much weight but no pain in my muscles so I need protein as I think lack of protein is the reason for me to be sore and stiff.

I will buy some protein powder and see if I get any better. But first my morning tuna and tea while reading Bangkok Post online edition. And as you can see below they are hardly mentioning the flooding anymore. But there are still big problems outside of the inner of Bangkok.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I had a shower when I finished my morning tea and tuna and I took off towards Robinson and Tops Market. There is a GNC shop at the Robinson at the same level as Tops Market so I started there.- What the? 3800 Baht for a bucket of protein powder!
I could not believe my eyes. But they had a bucket for 2600 and I asked why this was so cheap.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN- Expiry date is Dec 2012
- I take the darn bucket!
If I spent 3800 they would throw in a shaker for the powder so I bought some vitamins and I got the powder shaker and the whole adventure at GNC set me backTops Market in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNby 3875 Baht. But it is worth it if the pain disappears.

My shopping bag was full when I left the GNC store and I walked the 7 meters to Tops Market's bread department. Of course, my shopping bag was full and today they had Pumpernickel at Tops Market. Space or not in my shopping bag, I took all the Pumpernickel they had, only 9 pack. I asked one of the girls at Tops Market if they had more Pumpernickel.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
She went in to the bakery with one of the pumpernickel pack. She returned and she told me thatAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthey didn't had any more pumpernickel. Then she took a package of butter cake and she showed it up in y face.
- But we have this!
- Yeah, but butter cake is not the same as Pumpernickel!
- .... but it is very good....

I went to pick up a bottle of NON FAT milk before I went to check out their tuna stock. No Matsaman tuna, but they had plenty of my favourite Tops tuna. But I didn't buy any, I have tuna to last me for a very long time at home.

I paid for my groceries and I left Tops Market. I discovered that they had made a hole in the flooding barrier at the exit. And I have seen that they have started to remove sand bags around Sukhumvit so I guess that no one really expects the water to come this far, good.

I walked back home and there was an e-mail for me when I arrived back home. They want me to doAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNyet another Astronaut test at Sathorn Road and I called them. It was 1 o'clock and my boxing starts at 3 o'clock.

I told the girl that I would take a quick shower and then I would come to see her at the office.
- Can you come here today? - I have boxing training at 3 o'clock
- It is a quick test
- OK, I will be there around 1 thirty to quarter to 2 and I will be at the boxing at 3.

I made it to Sophia Muay Thai Gym 5 minutes past 3 o'clock. And I had time for a scoop of protein powder in water before I left. Might be my imagination, but I felt good after the protein drink.

We were only 2 guys at Bangkok Fight Club tonight, it was a guy from New Zeeland and me. And of course our Teacher. There was 4 people doing MMA and they left around 7 thirty. And theAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNMuay Thai class started with the Thai Navy exercise.

Yeah, I haven't had the opportunity to put theflapping smiley on my web page for a while now. And I have missed him.

When we finished with the Thai Navy exercise we did the yellow ribbon. We did 2 or 3 walks under the yellow ribbon with kicks and punches.

When we were ready with the yellow ribbon we started with the shadow boxing. Well, itwas more like shadow kicking. Muay Thai technique according to our Teacher. We also had time for kicking the punch bags and speed punches before we did the sit upsand cool down.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

I bought the protein powder and I searched the internet for information. I found the following:
• Take one scoop of whey protein isolate in the morning with breakfast. Upon wakening, your body is in starvation mode, and it is essential to provide easily absorbable nutrients as quickly as possible.

• Take one scoop of whey protein isolate about 40 minutes prior to your workout. Whey protein isolate contains high amounts of branched amino acids, which help preserve muscle stores of glycogen, hence delaying fatigue.

• Take one scoop of whey protein isolate immediately after your workout. This is the most important time to take whey protein isolate. Right after your workout, your muscles will take up nutrients like a sponge due to increased blood flow and high levels of anabolic hormones.

So I might need to find a way to bring some of the powder to the Bangkok Fight Club so I can have a drink when we finish the exercises. But I also read that it is never mind when you drink the protein drink. Well, anyway, I walked back home and I updated my web page before going to bed. And I willhopefully be able to fall asleep so I can get up early tomorrow and go to Chacrit Muay Thai School for more exercises, and of course to lose more weight.

Wednesday 23 rd of November 2011
and I got out of bed at 10 o'clock. I spent an hour watching the news after waking up by my alarm at 9. I was not at Chacrit Muay Thai School until 12 o'clock because I had to do paper work to get my UK licenses first thing.

I had an e-mail from Maersk and I will join Maersk Cassandra in Singapore on the 28th of November and I need UK licenses as she has British flag. I called Singapore when I was back home from Chacrit Muay Thai School. And now they want me to fly to Paris before joining the ship and they wanted me to fly tomorrow night.

Then they discovered that the ship was bound for China instead of Singapore so I don't have to fly to Paris until next week and from there to ZhouShan in China. And I'm pretty sure that ZhouShan is located close to Shanghai after a search on internet. Well, I was disappointed, I was looking for this job because I wanted to avoid the long haul flights. Shanghai from Bangkok is an OK flight, butMaersk Tankersthe detour around Paris is nothing I'm looking forward to. And I'm not looking forward to spending a day at the office in Paris.

I checked out internet for UPS service places in Bangkok and luckily enough they had a place atAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNPhrom Phong sky train station. This is the station at Emporium so it is within walking distance.

I put all my documents in an envelope, but first I called to the office in UK to make sure I sent the requested documents. The darn letter set me back by 1517 Baht and it will be delivered on Friday.

I stopped at Villa Market to see if they had any Pumpernickel on my way home. Lo and behold, theyAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNhad 18 packs and I bought all of them.

I had promised myself ever to buy any more Philadelphia cheese. But I checked out what they had. They had onion, salmon, strawberry and FAT FREE!!! Fat free, can't be bad so I bought 3 packs of FAT FREE Philadelphia cheese.

I was back home just after 5 o'clock and I had myselfAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNa pot of tea with some black bread with FAT FREE Philadelphiacheese before I left for Bangkok Fight Club.

I was at Bangkok Fight Club 10 minutes before 7 and I was surprised to see that the Polish guy was there. He was back from the islands, but he will go to Singapore over the weekend and I will most likely have left when he is back. There were the 2 young girls and the 2 young boys.

There was another Thai guy and our other Thai friend arrived after a few minutes. The American girl was a no show and I was surprised, she usually attends all classes. So our Polish friend and I where the only foreigners at today's session.
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Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

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Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

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Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

We did some warm up exercises before we moved over to the yellow ribbon and we started by weaving from right to left and then right again under the ribbon and when we come to the end we turned around and we weaved back again. Second time we had to weave back and forth under the ribbon while kicking and punching.

When we were ready with the ribbon we did the bag and tyre exercise. First exercise was to run back and forth holding the tyre or bag. Well, we don't need much imagination to see me running back and forth with the tyre and a flapping belly.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
When everyone had done the running it was time to squat and kick while holding the bag or tyre over our heads. Squat down and then three kicks moving forward. Stop and squat and then three kicksmoving forward again.
Back and forth and I was half dead when I was back at square one.

I was first out so I could take pictures of the others when they did the exercises, and of course, you can see them here at www.aladdin.st. But the main reason for me taking the pictures is that our Teacher wants pictures for his Facebook.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
When we finished the bag and tyre drill it was time to run back and forth and finish with kicks and knees on the punch bags. Two teams and we were queuing up in 2 lines and we did the drill 2 by 2 and I was first out in Team 1 at all our drills so I could take pictures.

I asked our Teacher how old the two boys were.
- 15 years old
He told me that his daughter was 9 and the other girl is 11. The 11 years old is very good and I think she is professional. But his daughter and the 2 boys are very good as well. And as I told my Teacher:
- 9 years old and it is very good with the exercise. Better than watching TV.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

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Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

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Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

We finished the bags and it was time for the yellow ribbon exercises again. But this time we lowered the ribbon and now we had to jump over the ribbon. Jumping back and forth and when it was my turn they had to lower the ribbon. I was so very close to stumble over the darn ribbon. But I made it back and forth, 2 times.

The last drill before the cool down and sit ups was to run around the boxing hall carrying the big punch bag. 20 times around the boxing hall, and as we were two teams we had to run in groups.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
When it was our turn to run around the boxing hall I had to support the middle of the bag because I was a head taller than the other two guys. Our Teacher's daughter is very short and she wasAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNrunning with me in the middle as you can see on the picture above.

As you can imagine it was not easy to run around like this. It was nice when we had finished the situps and cool down exercises. I walked back home in company with our friend from Poland. We were walking down Asoke Road when our Teacher's daughter and the girl came running after us.
I turned around and they were waving with my “SPACE AGE TECHNOLOGY” water bottle. I had obviously forgotten the bottle.

I mixed a protein drink first thing when I came back home. Then I had a shower before updatingmy web page. And DARN! It was 1 thirty before I got to bed. Of course, I took the time to read Bangkok Post online edition. And there is troublein the northern part of Bangkok.

Residents of Muang Ake housing estate in Pathum Thani threatened to block Vibhavadi Rangsit Road and access to the elevated Don Muang Tollway, the only route through the area into the city, on Wednesday as the prime minister called on Bangkok City Hall to open canal sluice gates within the city area to speed the drainage of floodwater.

And of course you can read the full story here! Yes, it will be quite nice to leave for M/T Maersk Cassandra now and things willhopefully not have turned in to a civil war by the time I'm back.

Thursday 24 th of November 2011
and I had to skip the visit to the Chinese Embassy. I have not received any documents for my VISA application. The Agent in ZhouShan, China seems to be a bit uncertain about the required documents. I had to leave at 2 thirty for Sophia Muay Thai Gym and the American girl arrived when I was ready 4 o'clock. I asked why she had not been at Bangkok Fight Club yesterday. She had been sick and tonight she had to go for a Thanksgiving dinner with her school.

I called Copenhagen when I was back home from Sophia Muay Thai Gym. Finally some straight answers. I need a Letter of Invitation from the Agent in ZhouShan. And as soon as he has issued the Letter of Invitation they can write a Letter of Guarantee in Copenhagen and I can apply for my VISA to China.

30 minutes later they called from Singapore and asked about my USA visa.
- It is expired
- You need a USA visa. Can you arrange that in Bangkok?
- Should not be any problem, but we're running out of time if I'm going to join the ship nextAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNWednesday. I will check the Internet for information.

I kept myself busy with my VISA business until it was time to leave for Bangkok Fight Club. Well, Tuesdays and Thursdays seems to be the child days at Bangkok Fight Club. Today it was 5 children and me and of course the Teacher.

We started with some warm up. Good, I was limping around due to pain in my right foot (most likely fromAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNyesterdays jumping over the yellow ribbon) and I had some pain in my thighs after all the kicking and I'm also unused to the soft floor in the ring atAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNSophia Muay Thai Gym. Very hard to move, almost likewalking in 50 cm of water.

Well, anyway, only children today so no sparring for me. But theSwedish kid started by sparring with the 11 years old girl.

They were throwing punches at each other and whenAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNit came to break between the rounds our teacher pepped the girl and he asked me to pep the Swedish boy in Swedish.

They did 2 rounds and then it was the boy from New Zeeland and a boyfrom South Africa that had to throw punches at each others.

Then the guy from New Zeeland took on the Swedish boy, but he was only allowed to use one hand. And then the guy from South Africa had to take on the Swedish boy, one hand only. And when we were ready we moved over to the yellow ribbon.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I'll be darned, today we had to jump along the yellow ribbon on one leg. Our Teacher wanted to lower the ribbon when it was my turn, but I told him to leave it, when ฝรั่งสมชาย is in the house it isAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNnot necessary to lower any ribbon.

I managed to jump along the rope on one leg, well, almost without any incidents.

When we were ready with the rope we were divided in 2 teams andwe did the running back and forth to the punch bags. Speed punches,push ups, knees and speed kick.

These exercises are very good and I was half dead when we finished the exercises. So it was very nice when we started with the cool down and the sit ups. Soon time to go home for a protein drink.

I walked back home and when I passed my local 7 Eleven one of the girls was buying food from aAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNmotorbike stall outside the 7 Eleven. As soon as she saw me coming around the corner she was screaming:
- NO Diet MAX !
- 7 NO GOOD! I shouted back

Yes in Bangkok and the only thing reminds me of the ongoing flooding disaster is the lack of Diet MAX in the shops.

Well, there are actually 2 things reminding me of the flooding. Thanks to that the people don't know their place in the society I can read about flooding victims making trouble with the authorities.

Flood tempers rise: More confrontations over flood drainage between people behind flood barriers and those outside them, as monsoon floods also hit the South. And of course, I have a link to Bangkok Post's article for you to read. Flood-weary residents vent fury - Road blockade group clashes with motorists

I can't help but wondering what's going on in Thailand. What's wrong with this people? Why can't they realise that they will have to suffer for the greater good? Proud to be Thai, yeah, it is thesame in most of the countries around the world. When the shit hits the fan we are ONE GREAT NATION WITH GREAT AND PROUD PEOPLE. We are all suffering!

When things are back to normal no one gives a rat's arse about the people, come election day and it isAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNall the same again: ONE GREAT NATION WITH GREAT AND PROUD PEOPLE. And we all know how it is after the election. Next time they give us the whole song and danceis when it is time to go to war.

ONE GREAT NATION WITH GREAT AND PROUD PEOPLE. We are all suffering! Same on both side of the border when the poor suckers have to go to the front to getkilled while the war mongers are sitting back home having a good time dinning and wining. Of course, they are disturbedwhen someone wants to hang a medal on their chest for bravery. Yes, it is our duty to sacrifice our self for our country and flag. And if you want peace your nothing but a terrorist.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Soi next to the Banana leaf Kitchen

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Outside my 7 Eleven

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Outside my 7 Eleven

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Outside my 7 Eleven

Well, anyway, I really like my Soi. It is like being on the country side. People are meeting and talking out side the 7 Eleven and people are sitting having a good time at tables on the side walk on my way to Bangkok Fight Club. And everyone says hello to each other when meeting on the street.

Well, at least they say hello to me. A good sign? I don't know, maybe I'm to conspicuous. Always
asking how the boxing is going. And people I have never seen before are coming out and tell me that I'm looking much smaller. So they are obviously keeping an eye on who is walking up and down the streets in the neighbourhood. So I really like it here, county side with the perksof the BIG CITY excitements just around the corner.

Friday 25 th of November 2011
and I managed to get out of bed at 9. I checked my e-mail first thing after having my protein shake. No documents for my Chinese VISA. But I had an e-mail from the USA VISA section: We have assigned you an expedited visa interview on November 28th, 2011 at 9:00 am My interview was scheduled at 7 o'clock in the morning on the 1st of December. By then I need to be in China. Well, American Embassy and I'm glad that they are keeping up the good service that I'm used to. I remember last time I applied for a VISA in Stockholm.
- How are you?
- I'm OK
That was the interview. One question.
- You will have your VISA in 5 days
- Whoa-whoa, if I have to spend 5 days in Kalmar I'm ready to jump in front of a bus
- OK, I put your passport in the “EMERGENCY BOX” and you will have you passport tomorrow
- Thanks, you saved my life

Now the only thing that worries me is the Chinese VISA. No document from the Agent in China today so I will not be able to apply for the VISA until Wednesday the earliest. Well, I had my morningAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNtea and tuna before I went to the post office to pay the VISA feeand I'm ready to take off to Sophia Muay Thai School.

They were in progress to remove the sand bags from Srinakharinwirot University when I passed through the area on my way to Sophia Muay Thai Gym.
Friday night and there was more people than I had expected at Bangkok Fight Club. The AmericanAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNgirl and three Thai guys plus me and the Teacher. TheAmerican girl have not been here for 2 days and her leg was black with bruises from last time she was here sparring.

We did the warm up and shadow boxing before it wasAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNtime for sparring. I decided to try one round of sparring. I have some pain in my right foot and I had to limp to BangkokFight Club.

But I managed to do 5 rounds with my foot. And it was fun with thesparring and it is an excellent exercise. When we were ready with the sparring we did a round with the pads.

Cool down and sit ups and I walked back home. When I passed the Condo Office the manager called the Security. The Security guard told me that there was a parcel for me at the office.

I turned around and the Manager came with my parcel, my last snus order has arrived. The Condo Manager lives in the conference room together with her daughter and husband. Her house is flooded and she has lived here for a month or so. I offered them my guestroom but they said no thanks.

My last snus order arrived, 3 days from order to delivery, a record. But there is a 7 Baht charge for the delivery so I had to go get my valet and I returned to the office with 7 Baht and as I had my valet with me I continued to my local 7 Eleven. DARN!!

Saturday 26 th of November 2011
and it was very hard to get out of bed when my alarm went off at 9 o'clock. It took me almost 30 minutes to get out of bed and I was in a hurry. I need to get toAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNChacrit Muay Thai School early because I will have to be at Future Park around 3 o'clock.

I made my tea while reading Bangkok Post online edition about Don Mueang Airport

I took off to Chacrit Muay Thai School as soon as I had finished my tea and I willhopefully be back home before 1 o'clock.

Well, I was back home at 11 thirty, I came almost all the way to Sukhumvit before I decided to return home. My right foot, well, it was almost impossible to walk and I waslimping. And the agony hit me hard even before I had turned around.

I miss one boxing session, and not due to laziness, but because of a severe pain in my foot and I have agony. But I'm better off resting my foot over the weekend before it is time to kick arse again on Monday. Well, turning cartwheels down Khaosan Road 2 o'clock in the morning dead drunk is thus out of the question.
I called the girl that I'm meeting at Future Park when I was back home. I told her that I wouldcall her whe I was passing Don Mueang Airport.
- I will be there around 2 or 3 o'clock.
The original plan was for her to come pick me up in Rangsit. While we were speaking on the phone I
Future Park Rangsit
(Thai: ฟิวเจอร์พาร์ค รังสิต; formerly known as Future Park Plaza Rangsit) is one of Asia's largest malls, located on Phahonyothin Road in Pathum Thani, a suburb of Bangkok, Thailand. The area is a gateway to the provinces of central, northern and northeastern Thailand. Covering 215,000 square feet (20,000 m2), Future Park Rangsit opened on March 17, 1995.

The mall houses more than 70 restaurants and food outlets, eight major banks and financial institutions, a post office, and outlets for all phone networks and mobile phone service providers. Entertainment options include multiplex cinemas and D-Cine private theatres, which feature karaoke and on-demand movies.

Anchor tenants in the plaza include:
• Central Department Store
• Robinson Department Store
• Big C Superstore
• TOPS Supermarket
• Power Buy (electronic specialty store)
• Supersports (sport product retailer)
• B2S (books, music, and stationery)
• HomeWorks (furniture and home improvement)
• Fitness First (Health Club)

The three largest tenants alone occupy 15 acres (61,000 m2) of Future Park Rangsit -- the 6-acre (24,000 m2) Home Pro, the 2-acre (8,100 m2) Major Megaplex and the 4-acre (16,000 m2) Index Living Mall.

In total the Future Park Rangsit City and adjacent superstores occupy a total area of 68 acres (280,000 m2).
The huge complex currently has 120,000 shoppers on weekdays and 150,000 on weekends.

From Wikipedia
could hear her parents asking her if I was drinking beer.
- ME??!!No I'm not drinking beer. Water and tea is my thing.

Well, suddenly the idea of her picking me up seemed like a bad idea so I suggested that we would meet at Future Park. I was not sure IAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwas ready to meet any parents and if I make a total tit out of myself it will be pretty easy to get lost at Future Park.
I saw the news on TV and there is still water in the area, but the girl confirmed that Future Park was open and I willhopefully be able to take a taxi there. And as we have read in Bangkok Post it is a MOB RULE country out there so I will bring my camera in case I run in to any road blocks and angryMOB or any other excitements on the way. Thismight as well be the last thing you hear from me. And out of respect for the girl, don't expect any picture of her on my web page. We don't want the whole world to know who the girl is to hang out with a loser like Aladdin. And that's even though our Hero have lost a few kilos at Bangkok Fight Club.
- Hmm, what a shame that most of it is hair. My bald spot is growing bigger by the day.

OK, I can't help it. I just have to put my favourite Seinfeld video her for you to enjoy while I'm atFuture Park in Rangsit and I willhopefully be able to go there without the use ofAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNboat. But on the news they were using boats in the area, but I saw a few cars driving by so I hope that it will be OK.

I left at 1 thirty and I had problem to find a taxi that wanted to go to Future Park in Rangsit.
- Are you going back
- Yes, after a few hours
- Flooding and blah-blah
- OK, never mind! You can stay here wasting your day.

I found a taxi outside my local 7 Eleven and we took off towards Future Park in Rangsit. The driverAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwanted to make a U-turn on Asoke and to take Ratchadapisek but I told him that we could take the toll way from Sukhumvit.
- Yippee ay ay Sir!

We were hauling arse down Sukhumvit in a light Saturday traffic and we were soon on the toll way. Very light traffic and I expected this to be a record breaking trip to Rangsit and wewere soon at the toll booth for the elevated highway to Don Mueang airport. Still no signs offAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNany angry mobsblocking the traffic and beating up drivers and foreigners travel by taxi.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

I could see the immigration building when we approached Chaeng Watthana Road and it looked like reflexes from water in the building. The flooding? It looked dry around us, at least what I could see from the elevated highway. But when we approached the Chaeng Watthana exit things looked quite unusual. There was a motorcycle taxi stand on the high way next to the exit.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Passing over Chaeng Watthana Road and there is a slight flooding

We passed over Chaeng Watthana and I could see some slight flooding on the road, but nothing much, like after a heavy rain. We were running in to a traffic jam at Chaeng Watthana and theAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNtraffic was at full stop. I called the girl when we passed Laksi and I told her that I would call her when we had about 30 minutes to go.

The lane to Bangkok was almost empty and there were gig yellow trucks coming down the highway in full speed. The trucks had huge platforms for carrying bulk and the coaming was higher than the cabin. I could not believe my eyes, there were people sitting on theAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNcoaming face forward. Well, not hard to understand what would happen if the driver needed to step on the break.

But it is against the law to go in a car without the safety belt and at the same time you can see a family of four plunging down the road in 100. Of course this is about money, if you don't have any means you take what's available. 9 people in the back of a pick-up doing 150 on the Bangkok - Chonburi highway. Safety belt, yesAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwhile riding a taxi.

There was a pick up on the way to Rangsit with 2 guys on the back. They took turns sitting down and I can imagine what would happen if one of them felt asleep, not an impossible scenario. Quite the opposite, an possible scenario.

Money again, but I have heard more than one telling me that the reason for Thais behaviour in the traffic is because that they are fatalist. Never mind if I drive fast or slow, if it is meant that I will be in an accident there will be an accident. So when going down the highway I use to have to tell the driver to slow down. Of course not necessary when in a traffic jam.

I remember ONE very good taxi driver in Thailand. I was taxing a taxi from Hua Hin to Bangkok and we were keeping a good speed. But this driver was impressive actually reading the trafficAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNahead. And when we approached a traffic light he slowed down so he could stop in time if the light was turning red. Otherwise I'm used to drivers that steps on it when they approach a traffic light and I have been in a taxi more than one time passing a red light in full speed.
- What theare you doing?
Well, the driver is proud to have made the intersection without having to do any stop and he is justAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNgaping at me.

For sure the highway was different from how I remember it. Of course, I have not been on this stretch of road since Don Mueang International was moved to Suvarnabhumi. Selling sodas on the high way and motorcycle taxis. The highway looked like a dump, garbage averywhere and I asked the driver why Thai people liked to throw garbage everywhere.
- What do you mean?
I pointed at the garbage everywhere on the highway and the driver looked embarrased.
- I don't know

They have a law against throwing garbage on Sukhumvit, for foreigners only and this money goesAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNstraight down to someone's pocket. It is not as bad as on the Philippines where a beautiful landscape is destroyed by plastic bags and garbage but you see garbage thrown everywhere.

When we arrived to the last toll booth I called the girl and I told her that we would be at Future Park in about 30 minutes. So far we have not seen any sign of any MOBS on theAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNhigh way. We have seen some water on the way to Rangsit but not as much as I had expected.

But the scenery changed when we had passed the last toll booth. Plenty cars parked on the highway and it looked like people were living on the high way, or wasAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNreturning back home.

We could not take to normal route to Future Park due to the flooding and they had opened the barrier between the lines on the high way.

We did a u-turn and we had to exit the high way via the same road the oncoming traffic were using to enter the highway. And as the road wasn't wide enough for both oncoming and leaving traffic we had to wait on the highwayAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNuntil the guy with Walkie Talkie stopped the oncoming traffic.

And there was a lot of traffic at Future Park so we had to spend a lot of time on the ramp leaving the highway to get to Future Park.

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
The highway exit

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
On the ramp leaving the highway

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
A boat in Rangsit

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Almost at Future Park

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Almost at Future Park

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
A pub at Future Park

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Future Park

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Future Park

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
It took us about 30 minutes to get from the highway to Future Park and when I finally stepped inside Future Park it was about 2 hours after I had left my home. The first thing I did was to callAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthe girl, I had no clue where I was so I told her that I was outside the MK restaurant on the first floor.
- OK, I will come, she said.

It didn't take long for me to discover the differentAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNfashion in Rangsit. People were walking around in Hip Waders, of course, I could not take any pictures of the Hip Waders without being discovered. Would have been embarrassing. But I could take sneak pictures of people wearing rubber boots.

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
My foot became worse by the minute while I was limping around Future Park while waiting for the girl. Suddenly someone asked if I was Aladdin. I turned around.

It was the girl's mother and she introduced her daughter. This was awkward, but it turned out that her mother was very nice and she was soon pinching me
- Very handsome
- Are you drunk? I asked.

I had spent 2 hours in the taxi and I was very hungry and I asked the girls if they were hungry. We went to look for a restaurant and we passed a Thai restaurant with a buffet. The girlsAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNsuggested the place and I put down my foot. The food didn't look very good and I can pay more than 60 Baht for a buffet. So we continued and I suggested another Thai restaurant that looked nice.

They suggested another Thai restaurant with buffet that looked like dog food. I could not say no and I was hoping that they had an ala carte menu when we were showed to our table. I ordered a friend rice with chicken and water, fried rice is almost always a safe order. The girls ordered something else that I had forgot the name of. But we got aAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbowl of boiled meatballs and it was quite nice. When we were finished I asked the girls if they wanted any ice cream.

They told me that there was Sweeney or whatever the name is on the second floor and we went there. I really needed a milk shake after my fried rice. Of course, westopped on the way so I could buy chocolate for the girls.

At Sweeney's the girl ordered ice cream and I ordered a strawberry shake. And I had to finish the girl's mother's ice cream. A bad day for my diet, skipped boxing session and now ice cream.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
We walked around for a while and the girl's mother was really nice and she liked to joke so she really saved the day. The close FutureAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNPark at 6 o'clock due to the flooding and there wasn't so much people today as there use to be. It looked empty so I was chocked when we came outside.

Millions of cars and people going home but no sign of any taxis. We walked around and the girl's mother was leading me like a boy. When I walked down the stairs she held my hand so I should not fall.
- What the

If I was falling the chance for 50 kilo girl to stop me from falling would be the same as ZERO. IAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwould most likely have taken her with me in the fall.

I stopped at Big C to buy cigarettes but the only had “Falling Rain” so I skipped the fags and I only boughtAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthe 2 bottles of water. We decided to go out to the main road to wait for a taxi. At Future Park there were no taxis that wanted to go to Bangkok. Hell, there weren't any taxis to be found. Well, one taxi but he hadn't gas enough to go to Bangkok.

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Looking for taxi at Future Park

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Looking for taxi at Future Park

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Looking for taxi at Future Park

Luckily enough there was a taxi coming our way and he stopped. He didn't want to go to Bangkok, but he would take the girls home. And there were taxis at their place so I joined them in the taxi.We ended up at the hospital in Rangsit. I didn't recognise the place until I walked over the walk bridge across the highway to take a taxi to Bangkok.

15 years or so ago I went for a disco in this area a few times. It was easy to find the place back then. Just to turn to the left when we reached the hospital and then it was pretty much nothing until we reached the disco. Back then the hospital was quite conspicuous, a high rise in the middle of nowhere.

Today it was a different story, there are buildings all the way from Bangkok and the hospital isn't that conspicuous anymore. Well, never mind, I'm too old for disco in Rangsit.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
The walk over at Rangsit hospital

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
The walk over at Rangsit hospital

I bought a pack of fags and 3 bottles of Juice at 7 Eleven and the girls walked me over the walking bridge across the Ayttaya - Bangkok highway. There was 3 or 4 taxis waiting at the other side and I flirted with the girls while finishing my Minute Maid.

I was lucky, there was only a little traffic, well, it was still a traffic jam. But we moved forward. The lane to Bangkok was at a full stop when we went in the other direction and the driver expected 2 to 3 hours to Bangkok We slowed down at Dom Mueang and I discovered the airplanes in the dark. I asked the driver to slow down a wee bit so I could take a picture. Of course, it took 3 seconds and the car behind us started to honk.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Airplanes on a flooded turmac at Don Mueang airport
We made it to Robinson in about 1 hour and I went down to Tops Market to buy onions. I was a wee bit hungry so I crossed the Soi to Terminal 21, I heard that Tony Romas had moved there since theAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNtore down the building on Soi 5. All restaurantsAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwere closed and it was only 20 minutes past 9.

So I had to go to the Italian restaurant on Soi 19 and I had a spinach and a spaghetti with bacon before walking back home.

I realised that Bangkok was Christmas decorated when I waswalking back home.

I went in to my local 7 Eleven, I had planned to buy 4 snickers for my evening tea. But luckily enough I skipped the idea and I bought a bottle of MinuteMaid that I enjoyed before going to bed where I watched DVD until I feel asleep.

And it was like it used to be, watching movie and I was dead tired. Turning off the movie trying to sleep and I was wide awake. Drives me crazy.

Sunday 27 th of November 2011
and no hangover. So I took my old Dell laptop and I left for Pantip to buy some movies and to sell my Laptop. The computer shop where I had asked about my lap top a few weeks ago was closed. So I had to walk around looking for a shop to sell my laptop. I found aAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNplace and she offered me 8000 Baht. I accepted even though I could have pushed it. But I was so tired of having carried around the darn thing and I was glad to be happy to get rid of my lap top.

I had a pot of tea whe I was back home before leaving for Emporium and Benchasri Park. I was at Sukhumvit Soi 27 when I turned around. My foot needs rest, no fun limping around the park so in order to be able to go to the boxing tomorrow I returned home to rest my foot.

I have an interview at the US Embassy tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock and I put 3 Alarms to make sure that I will make it out of bed at 7 o'clock.

Monday 28 th of November 2011
and I had 3 mobile phones to go off at 7, but I woke up at 5 thirty so no need for all the telephones. I had a protein shake and I watched some DVD before having my morning tea and tuna. I left for the Embassy at 8 o'clock and it was interesting to see the early morning life on my street. Plenty food stalls and people having their breakfast.Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNBut no taxis and I had to walk all the way to Asoke before I found a taxi.
- Ratchadamri, the American Embassy
- American Embassy is on Witthayu Road
- Are you sure?
- Yes
- I thought it was on Ratchadamri
The driver told me that they only had Jockeys at Ratchadamri while sounding like a horse. Strange, I remember it as I did a US visa on Ratchadamri. Well, maybe they have moved. The traffic was at a full stop on Asoke so I was afraid that I would be late for my appointment. But as soon as we came up on Sukhumvit we were hauling arse. The first thing I discover afterAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNcoming in to the American Embassy is a soda vending machine.
- Hmm, is it possible?

I checked out the vending machine and I changed money so I had a bag full of coins and I started to feed the machine. I got 2 cans before the first button got red. EMPTY. I continued with the second Diet MAX compartment and I got 2 cans before this one was empty. 4 cans, better than nothing and I have emptied yet another place of their Diet MAX .

I was back home at 10 o'clock and that's even though I ended up behind a guy that took some time. - When was the last time you was rejected a US visa?
- 2006
And it went on and on and when it was time for his fingerprint, well, let's make a long story short,Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNhe had problem to use the machine to scan his finger print.

Well, anyway, back home and you might think I was in a hurry toget to Chacrit Muay Thai School. I was, but first I enjoyed a Diet MAX .

Now we will have to see if I can get to China on Wednesday. I asked to go pick up my VISA and passport instead of having them to send it home to me and thus it might be possible to get it tomorrow. The girl wrote “rush” on my application and we will see if it will be ready tomorrow so I can make my Chinese VISA on Wednesday. If not I willAladdin's adventure at Chacrit Muay Thai School in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNmiss the ship. According to the Agent in China I must arrive to China on Wednesday.

I walked to Chacrit Muay Thai School and I knew that there would be no kicking today due to the pain in my foot. But I will try to punch the pads for a few rounds and I really hope that I can go to Bangkok Fight Club tonight. I haveto see how my foot is after Chacrit Muay Thai School.

The Teacher at Chacrit is cousin to the girl or the girl's mother that I meet at Future Park last Saturday and hecalled the mother when we were ready with the session. And of course, she missed me and according to her the daughter missed me as well, but I don't know about that.

I was not in a mood to go to Bangkok Fight Club, I had spent most of the afternoon on top of myAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbed. I don't know if it was due to my early morning. But I got out of bed and I walked to Bangkok Fight Club and I arrived 10 minutes before 7.

Our Teacher did some sparring with the American girl and we started the session quarter past 7 and Ileft 5 minutes later. They started by running around with the punch bag and I decided to goAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNhome. My foot is not ready for any running around.

When I left they were doing the summersaults and I got down on the floor and I got a few pictures before I left.

I walked back home and I had a shower before I left for Emporium and the Benchasiri Park. I need to get out and a constitutionalis a perfect way to get out and meet people, and that's even though I'm limping. I'm getting crazy to sit home every day so never mind the foot, I need to get out.

The boxing is the best thing that has happened to me in Bangkok, but my life has become really boring. I leave my condo 2 times per day, first time when I leave for Chacrit or Sophia Muay Thai Gym and the second time when I'm leaving for Bangkok Fight Club. I have a few hours between the boxing sessions so I can read my Thai books and to have my tuna and tea. So there is really no time to meet time to meet any people or to get outside.

And I'm too old for two boxing sessions per day fighting with people 15 to 25 years younger thanAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNme. But the protein powder must have done wonders, no more sore and aching muscles and it is no problem to get out of bed. And I'm losing weight again since I gave up my egg omelette.

But protein powder doesn't help for pain in my foot and shoulders. But before I left Bangkok Fight Club our Teacher greased my foot in some analgesic ointment and he wrapped my foot in some bandage so it was not too hard to walk to Emporium. I passed a cinnamon roll place at Emporium and I asked if they had a place to sit.
- Yes, behind the bar, he said pointing at the bar counter.
DARN! I had to order a cinnamon roll.
- I take one normal and one with nuts
- You want two??!!
- Yes
- You want to eat both of them here?
- Yes
OK, it was gigantic cinnamon rolls, but not a reason to be chocked. I got a big cup of tea and I hide one of the cinnamon rolls behind the counter. Embarrassing to have 2 of these gigantic cinnamon rolls in front of me when there are beautiful girls passing all the time.

I finished my cinnamon rolls and I left for Benchsiri Park but I came to closed gates. There wereAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNa group of teenagers outside the gate and they told me that they closed the park at 9 o'clock.

I walked back to Emporium to cross Sukhumvit via the sky train station and I was just about to leave when I decided to go and buy the 60" SAMSUNG SMART LED TV. So I turned around and I went up to POWER BUY on the fourth floor.

The guy that usually works there has his day off on Mondays so I had to do business with another guy. It was the same price, maybe 2000 Baht more than last time I looked at the TV. Now they had a keyboard on the backside of the remote to the TV so I could surf the internet. Last time I was here they only had a remote and to enter a web address would be like writing on a mobile phone.
- But we will get a remote in a few weeks
- I will be back.

The keyboard was included and they threw in a Blue-Ray disc player for 8 or 9000 Baht. I asked if they could take off the Blue-Ray player because I wanted to buy the 3D surround system home theatre with the TV.
- It is promotion
- I don't want to have a Blue-Ray player lying around at home

Same when I bought my protein powder, GNC, expensive and they are always trying to throw in some shit to make it look like bargain. When I bought my protein powder they offered me a bag.
- I don't want any bag
- It is for free
- Keep it!
She brought out a plastic box
- You can have a box!
- I don't want any box
- It is for free
- Keep it! Can I pay my powder so I can get back home?

But people take anything if it is for free. What a waste, the make some shit and wrap it up inAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNplastic to give away to customers. Value is about ZERO but imagine how much of our resourced we use to make and transport shit like this just for it to end up in the garbage or in a drawer never to be used. Better to lower the price on the protein powder by 1 or 2 Baht.

I didn't wanted the Blue-Ray player and I decided to get back to see if I could buy the TV and home cinema system without the Blue-Ray player. Knock of 2000 Baht so it is the same price as before and I will buy the darn TV and home cinema system. If is such a f@cking great deal that they throw in a Blue-ray player for 8 or 9000 Baht they should be happy to buy it back for 2000 Baht. The home cinema sound system alone is 38000 Baht so I really don't need a 8 or 9000 Baht Blue-Ray player for an extra 2000 Baht.

I walked back home and when I approached my local 7 Eleven the staff was sitting outside drinking beer.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
When they saw me they started to scream and I went over. The staff at my local 7 Eleven is really nice.
- Do you want beer?
- I don't drink alcohol
- What do you drink?
Stupid question, everyone started to scream Diet MAX !

One of the girls told me that I was drinking beer everyday
- What the
But she had worked at the 7 Eleven PAK Soi before and she told me that she used to see me there drunk every day buying my stuff. I realised that she must mean my hangover kit when going back home early morning.
- What the
OK, it might have happened one or two times TOPS and I don't understand how this have turned out to be everyday. But this must have been many many years ago.

Tuesday 29 th of November 2011
and I woke up at 8 thirty when my phone rang. It was the girlfrom Rangsit and she will come to Chacrit Muay Thai School around 12 o'clock withAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNher mother to see me. What have I done?

OK, I have to get out of bed so I can be early at Chacrit Muay Thai School so I'm finished before the girls arrive. No need to expose them to me witha flapping belly in the ring.

I left for Chacrit Muay Thai School and when I passed the Jasmine building there was a truck on the parking lot and people heaving up buckets on the platform. There was a big canvas sign on the side of the truck and of course a Photographer taking pictures and of course, the sign on the side of the truck was the most important.

All aid comes with a big canvas with a picture of a Politician or a company. Who pay for this?Aladdin's adventure at Chacrit Muay Thai School in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNFor sure, I don't hope any Swedish tax money has been spent on this.

And during this disaster I have seen something I can't remember ever seen before. Help for the flood victims and a big company logo, the most important.

When I arrived to Chacrit Muay Thai School I changed my shoes and as I was ready to start the session my Teacher left. Obviously to show the girls how to find Chacrit Muay Thai School because he came back with a Rescue car and the girl and her mother stepped out of the car.

It was her dad driving the car and he was obviously working as a Rescuer. I only did 4 rounds before I went to entertain the girls. When the girls arrived I wanted to cancel today's session but my Teacher talked me in toAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNhave my session so I did 4 rounds.

The girl's father wanted to stay at Chacrit to do some boxing so I left with the girl and her mother. I had a shower when we came tomy place and when I was ready we left for TopsMarket to buy groceries for making meatballs.

They wanted to eat Swedish meatballs and I could not refuse. We walked to Tops and the girls started to complain half way. They are not really used to walking and they look puzzled when I tell them that I enjoy walking.An excellent way to lose weight and I see a lot while walking around town.

We bought the stuff for the meatballs and we walked back home and we had a stop at Bhan Khanita, an excellent Thai restaurant on Soi 23. We were back home at 3 o'clock and I left for the Rong Muang post office to see if my passport and USA Visa was ready. Checking times 11:30 and 15:30 so I didn't want to be there before 15:30.

The taxi driver took me to the post office at Hualongpong even though I told him that this was notAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthe post office we were looking for and it was just after 15 thirty when he found the place.

I went up on the second floor and I was lucky, my passport was ready and I could return home with my new visa. But before returning home I stopped at the Pepsi stall outside the post office. I checked out the place when I arrived but there was no signs of any Diet MAX . But I decided to ask before going home. I might be lucky.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN- Do you have Diet MAX ?
- No, only ordinary sodas
- I'm on diet!

When I was back home I discovered that the girls had cleaned my place. Not that it needed any cleaning, but they had lines up my shoes, removed all dead leafs frommy potted plants and the dishes was done.

I had offered the girl my last Diet MAX before I left for Rong Muang Post Office and she had not finished it so the first thing I did when I was back was toAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNfinish her Diet MAX .

We started with the meatballs and I had bought some Namchim, sweet chilli sauce. Should be good with the meatballs. I tried a spoon of the sweet chilli sauce.

DARN! It was some spicy sweet chilli sauce, not like the Indonesian sweet chilli sauce we had onboard DE/T Randgrid. That was some yummy sauce. The Thai sauce was tasty but spicy, but it might be better together with the meatballs. I don't think it is intended to be eaten by the spoon.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
We did 3 meatballs samples to start with just to see if we needed to add something. It was perfectAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNand we got right on to frying all the meatballs.

I started to do the first meatballs and then theAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNgirls took over while I took some pictures.
And the sweet chilly sauce was excellent with the meatballs so I will alwaysAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNhave a bottle in my fridge.

When we had finished the meatballs (well, there will be meatballs for me to eat tomorrow as well) we left for Chacrit Muay Thai School. We arrived 10Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNminutes before 7 and the girls dad had meet my Teachers older brother and some other friends. It was a family party at theback of the Rescue car and they were drinking beer and the girls was not happy.

The girl's mother had to talk with my Teacher before they returned home to Rangsit and Chacrit was meant toAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNclose at 7 but it was almost 8 o'clock before theyclosed and my Teacher had time to come out and talk.

I had never been at Chacrit Muay Thai School in the evening before and I was surprised to see how much people there was. I was sitting with the girls outside Chacrit Muay Thai School and they complained about Thai guys.
- Aladdin is good, not drinking beer!

Well, I decided to leave and I walked to Benchasiri park and it was really nice to walk around in the park. There were many people exercising in the park. There are equipments for exercise along the track in the park and it is quite fun to walkAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNaround having a look enjoying the night. And of course, there are plenty beautiful girls to look at.

There is a skateboard rink or whatever they call it and I stopped to look at the guys practicing with their skateboards. And no one was using any helmet or protection and it looked like it was hurting when they felt. And they seem to spend hours on their skateboard, and of course this time is not spent doing homework.

I meet a girl in the track around the park. She was jogging along the track and I decided to take another turn around the park to meet her again.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

I left the park and I walked to Emporium next to the park and I decided to go to buy the darn TV and home cinema system. I ran in to the guy working for SAMSUNG when I was on my way up theAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNescalator and he told me that he would be back in a few minutes. When he was back he told me that he would throw in a camera on top of all the other bullshit that came with the deal. But I needed an M card and he sent me down to apply for a M-card. This card set me back by 50 Baht and I returned to POWER SHOP.

When I should pay my TV I heard them talking about deposit. The girl behind the cash machine asked the guy how much deposit I was going to pay.
- Deposit?
- Yeah, we cannot deliver until Friday
- Friday? I want my TV today. I told you that I might be leaving Bangkok in a day or two.

So I had to cancel the TV and home cinema system and I walked back home. I stopped at my local 7 Eleven, and I left with 4 Snickers. So it is easy to understand why I need to be at my boxing session so I can avoid restaurants and other temptations.

I had my Snickers with a pot of tea and when I was finished I went to bed to watch DVDs.

Wednesday 30 th of November 2011
and I don't know what happened, or where the time went. I woke up at 9 with my alarm and I turned on my TV to watch the news. So it was almost 10 thirty before I came out to make tea in my kitchen. And as I had plenty meatballs from yesterday I swapped my TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® for a MEATBALL & ONION SURPRISE ®, and of course, I had a of tea with my MEATBALL & ONION SURPRISE ®

I was at Chakrit at 12 and I had 10 rounds before I returned back home with a severe pain in my left and right hand. All this on top of the pain in my right foot. Well, I must make it to Bangkok Fight Club tonight so I can burn the meatballs. And I must return the wrapping around my foot to the Teacher before I leave for the ship, if I leave for the ship.

Still nothing about my Chinese visa and I need to take a Merlin English test to get my British Certificate of Competency. But luckily enough the Maersk Cassandra is delayed to China due to bad weather so I still have a chance to make it. Otherwise it will be in Korea in the middle of December. But I hope that I can make it to China. Vessel next voyage Onsan, Korea – Singapore FOAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNand I hope we will stay in SE Asia until it is time for me to sign off in the beginning of February.

Well, it was time to leave for Bangkok Fight Club and I had my right foot and right hand in wrappings. I had a severe pain in my left arm and my right shoulder was as it used to be. But skipping today's session is not an option because of the Snickers yesterday.

I saw that the tent where they collected help for the flood victims was gone when I passedAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNSrinakharinwirot University.

I discovered our Thai friend outside Bangkok Fight Club when I arrived. He was waiting for our Teacher and he was playing withAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNa computer pad or whatever they call it. Our Teacher arrived 1 minute later and we went up to the club on the second floor.

The young Thai girl arrived with the Teacher so we were 3 students today. The 2 young Thai boys arrived a few minutes later and we were 5 people plus theAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNTeacher and I was the only foreigner. Our Thai friend told us that theAmerican girl would skip today's session due to pain.

Our Teacher asked him how he knew and he told us that he had read on her Facebook.

We did shadow boxing and I did 2 rounds of sparring with our Thai friend. I only used my left hand due to pain in my right hand and when we were finished we did the pads. Sit ups and cool down and it was almost 9 o'clock before we left Bangkok Fight Club.

Lo and behold, I have survived yet another month and we swing right over to the month of December in the year of our Lord 2011

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