OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
No longer any need to use the Internet Explorer or run the Internet Explorer rendering engine. I gave up IE after the introduction of Internet Explorer 11
Page is tested in Fire Fox, Chrome and Safari. Looks like it works OK in all browsers, except the sounds in Safari.
Of course, browsing www.aladdin.st in Safari on an iPad is a different story, nothing looks as it should

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Sunday 21 st of April 2013 and my friend dropped me at home. I left my camera at home and then I walked to Sukhumvit to have a look for e-cigarettes for the owner of Sophia Muay Thai Gym. He had seen me smoking at Rangsit International Boxing Stadium. After trying my e-cigarette he asked where I had bought it. I told him that I could go to buy e-cigarettes for him. I told him that I had 5 and he also wanted 5. Of course, they didn't had 5 so I ordered 5 and I will go to pick them up on Wednesday.

I walked back home and the hangover kicked in so it looks like it will be a long night watching hangover DVDs trying to fall asleep.This will not be easy.

Monday 22 nd of April 2013
and it was 12 o'clock before I got out of bed. I had been watching hangover DVDs until almost 6 o'clock in the morning. I ran in to a girl I know from Chakrit MuayAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai SchoolThai School the other day and we will go to check out TUFF Camp on Ekkamai Soi 2. I called her and we will meet at TUFF Camp at 5 o'clock and I have time to sort my pictures from Rangsit yesterday.

I left home just after 4 and I took a taxi to Ekkamai Soi 2 and it didn't take long to find TUFF Camp. Tuff Camp is on the 6th floor in a condo and I had one security guard escorting me all the way.

I arrived 20 minutes before 5 and the guys at TUFF Camp knew the girl. I talked with the guys and it looked like a very nice gym. I told one of the guys that it looked very clean. He told me that they had the gym cleaned every day, nothing I'm spoiled with in Thailand.

Aladdin's adventure at TUFF Camp in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at TUFF Camp in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at TUFF Camp in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

It was a huge gym and there was a swimming pool, but no sign of the girl and when it was quarter past 5 I left. I have to be at Bangkok Fight Club at 7. I walked up the Soi towards Ekkamai and IAladdin's adventure at TUFF Camp in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoksaw when the girl turned up on the Soi. I knew she had a black Mercedes and there are of course many black Mercedes in Bangkok. But this was the only black Mercedes I could hear “SORRY ALADDIN! SORRY ALADDIN! SORRY ALADDIN!” from. And it started as soon as she saw me 200 meters up the Soi and I could hear her all the way.

She had been delayed on her job and she was so sorry. We talked for a bit until there was another car coming and she had to leave. She wants to train together with me and well, we see what happen. But now I'm off to Bangkok Fight Club. And of course, I was a wee bit hungry and no time. So I asked the taxi to stop at my local 7 Eleven where I bought 4, yes FOUR!!! Brownies that I ate before taking of like a bullet to Bangkok Fight Club. I ran in to our Australian friend and when he saw me!

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Our Australian friend doing the mitts with our Teacher

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Our Australian friend doing the mitts with our Teacher

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Our Australian friend doing the mitts with our Teacher

Tuesday 23 rd of April 2013
and today it was time for school and I left at 12 thirty for the subway, and as always when going on the subway I'm thinking about Jimmy Åkesson. Am I a Thai? Well, I think they would laugh at me if I would have telling people that I'm from Thailand.

The video is in Swedish and for those don't understand Swedish I will tell you a story from when I was with Greenpeace onboard Rainbow Warrior to help you understand the video. There was aYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stgirl from Spain and a guy from New Zealand. He asked her if she had any friend he could get married with and she asked:
- Do you want to become Spanish
I interrupted their conversation
- Spanish is something you're born to and nothing you become
Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.st- Are you a Nazi?
- A cat moving out in the barn doesn't become a horse, right?
- You are a Nazi!

Or when I joined a ship outside Helsingborg. I said hello to the AB at the pilot ladder
Skåne- AH! You are also from Skåne!!
- Who else is from Skåne? I asked
- I'm from Skåne!!!
I could hear that he wasn't talking Skånska and I said:
- Skåning is nothing you become, it is something you're born as!
Well, to make a long story short, he never talked to me again. Especially not when I was calling him “Fake Skåning” every time I spoke with him.

And in Sweden you can't ask where people are from without being called a racist and a Nazi. Let's say you run in to a guy that looks very African.
- Where do you come from?
- You are a racist!
I USA they have a more relaxed approach. I was out eating with my friend a few weeks ago and she brought a friend. I asked where he came from and as soon as he opened his mouth I could hear that he was from USA.
- I descend from Vietnamese parents, but I'm born in USA
If the guy had been living in Sweden for a few days, speaking Swedish or not, the answer would had been “Are you a racist? I'm from Sweden like you”

And I'm very lucky, I look like a Thai so most people take it as I'm from Thailand so no need toAladdin's adventure at My Thai Language School at Ratchadapisek in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokanswer any stupid questions. But if they ask I will call them racists.

I arrived to My Thai Language School 15 minutes past 1 o'clock and we started class at 1 thirty. I really like this school and I learn something every time. The only bad thing is that we only have class once a week. I would like to attend a daily class and I made inquiries about private lessons.

But this will be next time signing off, now I will soon leave Bangkok for new adventures on the 7Aladdin's adventure at My Thai Language School at Ratchadapisek in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokseas. We had a break at 3 thirty and when we started at 4 o'clock we were joined by our Australian friend from Bangkok Fight Club.

I left My Thai Language School at 5 thirty in order to make it in time to the evening session at BFC. I was walking up Sukhumvit Soi 23 and I could see a girl walking towards me. She was smiling at me and when we passed each other she said “Hello Aladdin” and IAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokshatmy pants.
Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.st- How do you know me?
- I'm working at Almenta, the silk shop.
- Ah! When is my sofa ready?

It have been almost 2 months now and she told me that the silk was ready and it was on the way from the silk maker. Well, I wouldn't mind getting my sofa back now.

I didn't had time for my home work beforeYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stit was time to take off to Bangkok Fight Club. And today there was a new girl joining us so there were the four of us plus Teacher.

Yesterday evening and I was almost dead after the session. It was a wee bit easier today, Muay Thai technique as our Teacher calls it. Kicking and elbowing, a few minutes of shadow elbowing and then we kicked the bags and it was soon time to go home again. Of course, first we had to do sit up.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
New girl kicking the bags

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
New girl kicking the bags

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

My friend asked if I wanted to go for a few beers. I looked at the watch and it was almost 9.
- It is too late, well, OK, let's go
We walked back to my place so I could have a quick shower. My friend told me about a Scandinavian bar on Sukhumvit Soi 29 called the Mermaid, a place I have never heard of. So we took a taxi to Sukhumvit Soi 29 and first thing stepping in to the bar I see an old friend. My friend from Bangkok Fight Club knew the Danish owner.

Aladdin's adventure at Mermaid in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Dansk Mjød

Aladdin's adventure at Mermaid in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Ringing the bell

Aladdin's adventure at Mermaid in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Drinking Viking Blod

Aladdin's adventure at Mermaid in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Mermaid on Sukhumvit Soi 29

Aladdin's adventure at Mermaid in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Mermaid on Sukhumvit Soi 29

Aladdin's adventure at Mermaid in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Mermaid on Sukhumvit Soi 29

Didn't take long before I had a San Miguel Light in front of me and the Danish owner served Viking Blod, mead from Denmark. Can't say that I liked it very much. But how to say no without beingAladdin's adventure at Mermaid in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokimpolite and a total a-hole?

They told us that they had VikingYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stballyhoo coming up on the 11th of May. They will row a Viking boat down the Chao Phraya River and it will end with a party.

Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.stI don't remember where they will start and where it will end. But the party will be at Mermaid. Me and my friend were asked if we wanted to join.

And as we were tipsy the idea of rowing a Viking boat down the Chao Phraya River in the sun shine sounded like the best idea ever we said yes. If I'm still in Bangkok that is. I have told Maersk that I'm ready to leave forAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokmy next assignment earlier. Will be nice to leave Bangkok behind.

Time turned very quick at Mermaid and it was soon way past midnight and my friend and I went to look for a taxi to take us to Nang Len on Ekkamai.

We brought San Miguel Light for the trip down to Ekkamai and we stopped at 2 ATM before I managed to get cash.

I got a new Master Card the other day because there were something wrong with my old Master Card. But I didn't dare to use it because of the pin code. 3 mistakes and this card is gone as well. But I will try itYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stASAP when sober to make sure it is working. It was embarrassing in Singapore trying to payAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwith my old Master Card.
Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.st- The card dosen't go through
- Why?

HopefullyYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stno more embarrassing moment with rejected cards. We were very welcome to Nang Len and we were soon having a few Corona in front of us, no San Miguel Light and if they had a “suggestion” box.....

We ended up at the club up the SoiYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stfrom Nang Len and I don't know what time it was when I was back home. Hell, I don't even remember how I got home and I blame it on the Viking Blod. But I'm pretty sure that we're welcome back.

Wednesday 24 th of April 2013
and I woke up with a severe hangover. But I could not loll around in bed, I had to get down to Sukhumvit Soi 13 to pick up the e-cigarettes for the owner of Sophia Muay Thai Gym. I had a shower and a few bottles of Minute Maid before I left and walking backAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokhome I stopped at a Japanese bakery.

What the foock is a Japanese bakery? I don't know, but I would not buy any bread there. I have had bread in Tokyo and it was surprising what kind of surprises you could find in the bread. But I decided to go in to see if they had milk shake.
- We don't have ice cream
- What do you have
- Smoothies
- 2 Mango smoothies please
- You stay here or take away
Mango in Bangkok- I stay here
They started to peel mangoes and when they started to pour the mango smoothies in to glass I realised that one would have been enough.

The owner of Sophia Muay Thai Gym came to pick up his e-cigarettes and he told me he wasAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokworried about the American girl. He had not heard from her after the fight and I promised to call her. She was OK and she will join us to Lumpinee Stadium on Saturday to see our friend's fight. The very same guy that had his fight when IYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stleft Britta Maersk. But that fight was cancelled due to food poisoning.

My friend had a hangover from yesterday but we pushed each other to make it to Bangkok Fight Club and I regretted my decision already walking to BFC.

But as soon as we started I forgot all about the hangover. Kicking & punching and no time to ponder over any hangover.Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.stWe finished the session by pushing a tyre across the floor and well, of course the sit ups.

And when we were finished with the session the hangover was gone. It was really nice and me and my friend walked back to my place where I would have a shower before going out to eat lunch/ dinner.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Kicking arse even though he suffering from a rampant hangover

I had not had anything to eat since I was going to pick up the e-cigarettes. I stopped at Queen Victoria for breakfast. And it was the second time I sent out the food. First time was last time eating there. They have an excellent fried mash and cabbage. I wanted bacon and sausage and notAladdin's adventure at Queen Victoria on Sukhumvit Soi 23 in Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokham. I told them to swap the ham for bacon and sausage. When they delivered the food with ham I sent it back to the kitchen.

First time it happened I didn't bother, but the second time. Same today with my breakfast, out in the kitchen until it wasdone as I had asked for. Never mind, me and my friend walked to Queen Victoria and I had some homemade Pate as a starter and a burger for dinner. And of course, the burger topped with cheeseAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokand bacon.

Excellent food and I had 2 pots of tea and a few soda water. My friend had 2 pints of beer and we were talking about the good ol' times. I was shocked when I looked at my wrist watch, way past midnight and time to go home.

When I was back home there was a bag hanging on my door. MyYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stTailor had left my new caps, I make shirts and caps in the same material. The shirts was ready a few days ago and now the caps were ready.

And I was feeling surprisingly good, the hangover was gone afterYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stthe boxing session and I don't expect to spend the whole night watching hangover DVDs and I willYet another smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be full of vim tomorrow.

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
New caps
And of course, shirts to go with them

Thursday 25 th of April 2013
and I got a link sent to me by e-mail. Thomas diving pictures and ifyou like under water pictures go ahead and click the link. Pretty excitingAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokstuff, well, if you're in to underwater picture that is.

I walked to Terminal 21 where I met my friend and we had a few pots of tea and mango cake and suddenly itBangkok Fight Clubwas 6 o'clock and time to go to Bangkok Fight Club.

I went home and I had 200 gr of smoked salmon before I left for BFC. We had one new guy coming today and we were 5Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokin total plus our Teacher. We started by running around and jumping on one leg but I refuse to do the jumping on one leg as I spare myAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokknees. We did kicking and sparing, sparring with one hand only.

But the whole session started with the Thai Navy exerciseand we finished with sit ups and it was almost 9 o'clockAladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light at Above Eleven in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwhen we left. And as my friend wanted to go for a beer he joined me.

He stopped at Crossroads on Sukhumvit Soi 23, an English pub and I went home to have a shower and a change of clothes. I walked back to Crossroads and I asked for a San Miguel Light.

I had 2 San Miguel Light and my friend had a pint before we left for Above Eleven on Sukhumvit Soi 11. At was around 11 o'clock in the evening and traffic jam so it took quite some time to get to Soi 11.

And when we came up to Above Eleven we discoveredSan Miguel Lightthat Above Eleven was almost full. But there was space for me and my friend to squeeze in at the bar and we were soon having 2 San Miguel Light. And we were soon having salmon sashimi and hot sake in front of us.

Excellent salmon and we had a few plates and a few sake and we were tipsy when we left Above Eleven. We took a taxi to another pub at Sukhumvit Soi 11.

Aladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
At another place on Sukhumvit Soi 11

Aladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
At some disco on Sukhumvit Soi 11

Aladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
At some disco on Sukhumvit Soi 11

Aladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
At some disco on Sukhumvit Soi 11

Aladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
At some disco on Sukhumvit Soi 11

We didn't had time for many beers at the pub before they closed. There were quite a few peopleAladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwhen we arrived but we were soon alone and the music was off. There was also one girl staying behind and sheAladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokjoined us for the disco.

I don't have a clue what the disco was called. They didn't had San Miguel Light but luckily enough they had Tiger Light, or Chrystal as they are called.

Good music and we had a really good time and yet again, the lights were on and the music was off when we left. I don't know what time it was, but it was the crack of dawn and the sun was on the way up over the buildings in the East. And yes, I'm too old to stay up until daylight and I'm for sure not looking forward to waking up in the afternoon.

Friday 26 th of April 2013
and I will have to give up Bangkok Fight Club. I cannot keep on like this, going for a boxing session and waking up with a severe hangover the day after. But it wasn't so badAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoktoday and I left to buy groceries at Tops Market. And I stopped at Almenta to attend to the progressAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwith my sofa and arm chairs. And they told me that they might be ready next week and I certainly hope so.

I had smoked salmon when I was back home from Tops Market and I had a wee bit too much and not enough time before it was time for Bangkok Fight Club.

So when my friend called me at 6 thirty to ask if I was going for the boxing I said yes.
- What about you? I asked hoping for him to say that he would stay home so I could stay home as well. He had a hangover and he was not sure, just what I wanted to hear and I decided to stay home as well. I went to bed watching hangover DVDs and I need to get up early tomorrow to attend to a meeting with the other condo owners.
Early meeting is a good excuse to stay away from party tonight.

Saturday 27 th of April 2013
and I made it to the meeting in time, but as there were so much people I just signed my name and I returned to bed. I managed to get an additional one and a halfAladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokhour of sleep before I left to Sophia Muay Thai Gym.

I had 50 missed calls from a girl yesterday and todayYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stit was 22 missed calls so I asked my Teacher to speak with the girl.

She will come to Bangkok next Friday and she will start her new job at Suvarnabhumi International and she wants to meet. And it turned out that she is related to the girl from Rangsit that calls me 20 times per day, for the last 2 years.

We were 6 of us going to Lumpinee and we had to takeYet another smiley on www.aladdin.st2 taxis, my Teacher and I took one taxi and we swung by my apartment to pick up my glasses that I had forgotten when I left for Sophia this morning. And I see foock all without my glasses.

Saturday afternoon and the traffic was quite heavy and it took us about 30 minutes to get toAladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokLumpinee Stadium.

It was hot and we had to wait until quarter to 4 before they open the gate. I had time to walk to 7 Eleven to look for a Diet MAX , they sold drinks at Lumpinee, but no Diet MAX

When I was back at Lumpinee I chatted with the American girl and a guy I know from Bangkok Fight Club while waiting for them to open the gate.

We had ringside seats but we were not allowed to stand up and I was told to sit down when our friend came out for his fight. And he was in fight #1. There is a cage in the red and a cage in the blue corner for the fighters friends. The only place you were allowed to stand up.

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Lumpinee Stadium

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Our friend is coming out for his fight

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Red corner at Lumpinee

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Red corner at Lumpinee

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
The fight is about to start

Didn't take long after I had sat down before the beer girl arrived. She had Heineken, Singha and Chang so I asked for a can of Heineken and she returned with a plastic cup with beer. I had hopedAladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokto be able to drink from the can, beer from a plastic cup isAladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoknot any favourite.

Our friend won his fight in the 3rd round, knock out. And when his fight was over it got boring. Watching Thai boxing isn't very fun, at least not until me and my Teacher started to bet beer on the fights.

The first fight and I had put my bet on the red and he knocked out the blue guy in the 4th round. He asked for a Heineken and when the girl brought him the beer he had to point at me. “The beer is for Aladdin”

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
I win a beer

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Having a beer

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
He had to record his fight in the blue book

Aladdin's adventure with Sophia Muay Thai Gym at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

I lost the next bet and by then it was time for me to leave for Silom Road. I was supposed to goAladdin's adventure at Silom Road in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokto an Irish pub on Silom but the driver dropped me at Soi 4 and pointed at a place.
- That's the Irish pub

I walked there and, well, turned out to be something else. But we ended up at the Irish pub later on and we meet some girls from Korea.

And I ended up at The Overstay on the other side of the river around 3 o'clock in the morning and I was back home way too late.

Sunday 28 th of April 2013
and it was 2 o'clock before I left my bed. My friend called and heAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwanted to go to Klingklao on Sukhumvit Soi 22 to eat Thai food.

A curry soup and a fried rice, and of course, sticky rice and mangobefore I walked back home to my DVD player and bed. I walked to Emporium and I crossed Sukhumvit via the sky train station.

I bought 2 bottles of Minute Maid and a Magnum ice cream at my local 7 Eleven. I spent the following 12 hours inbed watching hangover DVDs and it was 5 o'clock in the morning before I felt a sleep.

And I was lucky, the movies were good, well, except for the Chinese zodiac.

Monday 29 th of April 2013
and it was only me and our Australian friend at Bangkok Fight Club today. We did the squatting with the medicine ball and then I was almost killed doing the mitts. But it was a very good session.

Walking back home and I decided never to drink alcohol again. No more surprise hangovers and if I pass a place with music, yes, I will just continue walking on. And all the beers, impossible that this will do my diet any good. From now on I will concentrate on my V-shaped torso.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
At Bangkok Fight Club

Tuesday 30 th of April 2013
and it took me 2 and a hal hour to get out of bed and I had to have a quick pot of tea and a TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® before it was time to leave for My Thai Language School at Ratchadapisek Road. I brought my wrappings for our Australian friend that study in my class as well. Our Teacher at Bangkok Fight Club was going to buy wrappings for him, but I told him that I had wrappings at home that he could get.

I bought them at Chakrit a long time ago and I have only used them one time.

I bought some bread that I had with smoked salmon and a Diet MAX before taking off to Bangkok Fight Club. Arriving 5 minutes before 7 and the gym was full of people, I counted to at least 10 people. The other boxing group and they were just about to start their session. There wasn't much space remaining in the gym and I walked back home, in a very bad mood. Yes, I was not in a festive mood, quite angry actually.

Yes, I got my new shirts and I'm getting attacked by the girls walking down the street. Well, notAladdin's adventure at Bourbon Street with Bangkok Photographers in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokexactly, but we can imagine if I had have my V-shaped torso. So every minute at Bangkok Fight Club is important.

I told the owner of Sophia that I wouldYet another smiley on www.aladdin.streturn when out Teacher was back and fit for fight after his knee operation. But he told me that there would be a new Teacher on the first of May and as a previous Thaichampion the owner suggested that I should come to check him out. So I might go to check him out tomorrow afternoon.

Bangkok Photographers are throwing a party at Bourbon Street on Ekkamai tonight. It is a farewell party for 2 of the members and a welcome back party for the organizer and his wife. They have just returned from USA. And as the boxing usually prevents me from attending any social events IAladdin's adventure at Bourbon Street with Bangkok Photographers in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokdecided to take the opportunity. Some social training is more than welcome.

No sign off Bangkok Photographers when I stepped in to Bourbon Street on Ekkamai. I looked around and someone asked if I was with the photographers.
- Yes
- On the 7th floor
- Thanks

There were maybe 20 people from Bangkok Photographers on the 7th floor and I only recognized the organizer and his wife. He asked me to take a seat with a girl from Mexico and two girls from England. Darn! I was trying to avoid people while sucking on a soda water in the bar.
- Aladdin! Join us at this table!

Socializing was much easier after my second soda water and one of the girl recognized me from our photo safari at the night market,last year I think it was. Well, anyway, it was a very niceAladdin's adventure at Bourbon Street with Bangkok Photographers in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokevening and as soon as I stopped sweating, always when coming in to a crowd with unknown people. And of course, it went very good thanks to the girl from the night market. And of course, my e-cigarette was a real ice breaker.

I had 4 soda water and a nice evening. But when they started to talk about RCA I left to go back home. It is holiday tomorrow and the clubs on Thonglor, Ekkamai and RCA is full. But as I have given up alcohol I went back home.

Yes, 4 soda water and I had more fun (and without making a tit out of myself) than if I had been drinking San Miguel Light. And no one complained about me drinking soda. Otherwise it can be difficult drinking soda with people drinking alcohol.
- Uggh, be a man and have a beer!

Most of my e-cigarettes have capsized and gone under and I looked for a real shop on the internet when I was back home. And of course, I ran in to an article from The Nation.

e-cigarettes according to The Nation in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

But I also found plenty e-cigarette forums and I found a shop on Sukhumvit Soi 104 and I will call them tomorrow to see if they sell the real deal. I suspect that it is cheap fake ones they sell along “refugee camp” Sukhumvit. But I willYet another smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully soon have given up nicotine.

Well, Bangkok Photographers party at Bourbon Street put an end to the month of April in Bangkok and we swing right over to May 2013, so hang on

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