OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

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Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
No longer any need to use the Internet Explorer or run the Internet Explorer rendering engine. I gave up IE after the introduction of Internet Explorer 11
Page is tested in Fire Fox, Chrome and Safari. Looks like it works OK in all browsers, except the sounds in Safari.
Of course, browsing www.aladdin.st in Safari on an iPad is a different story, nothing looks as it should

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at The Overstay in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN

Saturday 23 rd of March 2013 and I peeled 4 kg of potatoes first thing when I was back home. I will make 4 kg of potatoes so I have some spare if the dill creamed potatoes goes South. Then I have boiled potatoes as back up, and I also need boiled potatoes for the Swedish meat balls. My Teacher at Sophia and the American girl will come over to make meat balls while I try to do the dill creamed potatoes.

And of course, I will have one or two San Miguel Light while doing it. And if the San Miguel Light turns me in to Charisma Man I might take off to Punkadelic at The Overstay tonight. Garage Rock sounds interesting, but not so interesting so I will show up at the event sober.

Well, while I do the dill creamed potatoes and enjoying a San Miguel Light or two you can enjoy the below video. Full blast and a San Miguel Light or two won't make it any worse.

I'm not even going to bother mention that this video should be enjoyed at full volume

The American girl, her boy friend and our Teacher from Sophia arrived around 6 and they got right on to the salmon rolling. I prepared the meat ball mixture and when the mixture was ready the American girl got right on the job to make the meat balls. I told her to make them like hamburgers, would be quicker. Well, when our Teacher discovered that she was making the meat balls like hamburgers he started to scold her.
- Should be meat balls
- But Aladdin said....
- SHOULD BE MEAT BALLS!! Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.st
So meat balls it was. And as they did the salmon and meat balls I could POP open a San Miguel Light. And of course, I had time to pay more attention to the music.Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.st
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN
I could enjoy a San Miguel Light while giving pointers

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN
I could enjoy a San Miguel Light while giving pointers

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN
I could enjoy a San Miguel Light while giving pointers

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN
I could enjoy a San Miguel Light while giving pointers

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN
He is explaining the way

We were cooking while waiting for the others. Well, our Teacher and the American girl was doing the cooking while I was giving pointers. OK, I was boiling potatoes, well, the potatoes is pretty much cooking itself. I don't know if it was due to the San Miguel LightYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stbut I forgot the potatoes so they were a wee bit over cooked.

And my new AC got a real test and it passed with flying colours. First time I thought my Swedish friend wanted to turn down the music, but he wanted to turnYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stdown the AC. Yeah, stupid me, I should have understood that it was the AC, who in his right mind want to turn down good music.

And the Thai turned off the AC a few times. So I'm very happy with my new AC. The darn thing almost blew us out in the living room.

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN
Our Teacher busy with the salmon

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN
His girlfriend had to relieve him on the salmon detail

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN
I could enjoy a San Miguel Light while giving pointers

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN
Our hero had to step in

I started to prepare for the dill creamed potatoes, I was a wee bit worried about the over cooked potatoes. But after 4 or 5 big bottlesYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stof San Miguel Light the worries were gone.I was lucky to have my Swedish friend here, he tested the meat balls
Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.st- OK!

So when I was making the sauce for the potatoes I had him to try.
Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.st- OK!
The dill is smelling very good, but the dill isn't as strong as I remember it from Sweden. I added the potatoes and we had dill creamed potatoes. My friend had tried the Hovmästarsås as well.
Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.st- OK!
Now it was only the cream sauce for the meat balls to go. And there were still a kilo or 2 of smoked salmon to roll. When everything was ready I had our Swedish friend to set the table. And when everyone was sitting I cleaned up the pots and my Teacher got nervous.
- Sit down
- I will just finish this
- I do it later on
- I want to do it myself
And it will only take a few minutes to finish the pots and equipment. And I'm better off doing it now, then the sink is empty and I can just dump the plates there when we're finished eating. And of course, a few more San Miguel Lights and who knows what will happen.
Maybe I manage to destroy all the stuff while cleaning it.

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN
The food is ready

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN
The food is ready

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN
Tequila and he was soon sailing in to the fog to disapear

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN
We're getting tipsy

The girls wanted to go dancing. And our Teacher suggested The Brick bar on Khaosan Road. So weAladdin's adventure at Brick Bar on Khaosan Road in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNdecided to go there and the girls changed clothes.
We had to take one taxi and the rest went in ourAladdin's adventure at Brick Bar on Khaosan Road in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNTeacher's car.

I had brought 2 cans of San Miguel Light for the ride, and of course, a TAXI CD.

Toll way and we were soon at Khaosan Road and as always, the Brick Bar was full of people but luckily enough we found a place in the bar. You will have to be at Brick Bar around 7 or 8 if you want to have a table.

Aladdin's adventure at Brick Bar on Khaosan Road in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN

Sunday 24 th of March 2013
and my first thought when waking up was “Why don't they have home delivery at 7 Eleven?” even though I had a hangover force 9,8. I walked down to my local 7 ElevenHangover in Bangkokto get a few bottles of Choco Milk. Then back home to my hangover DVDs.

Much better to go to the pub in the middle of the week. Waking up and I have to go to Sophia and Bangkok Fight Club, no time for any hangover. OK, I had a few “Near death experiences” at Sophia Muay Thai Gym and Bangkok Fight Club last Wednesday.

Monday 25 th of March 2013
and it was 12 o'clock when I woke up, just time for tea and smoked salmon before I took off to Sophia. My Teacher is operating his knee so he will not be there for 2Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.stmonths or so. He is having the operation today and that's the reason for us to eat the salmon last Saturday.

Well, he will be missed. He will be gone for 2 months but it will be longer before he canYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stget up in the ring again. So he might be back in the ring next time I sign off. I hope heAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNwill recover quickly so I can get back to kick his arse again.

I had more smoked salmon and tea before leaving for Bangkok Fight Club. I also started to read my Thai books, something that I willYet another smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully do every day from now on.

And I decided to skip all the boxing tomorrow and to go to my school. So I said yes to go meet a friend tomorrow evening as Bangkok Fight Club was cancelled. We start at 7 and I finish school at 6 so I won't make it back in time. Well, I will see how it turns out tomorrow, if I'm back before 6 thirty I will make it to Bangkok Fight Club next Tuesday.

Tuesday 26 th of March 2013
and we were only 10 people in the class room today. It was hot andAladdin's adventure at My Thai Language School in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNthey had 2 fans on the floor.

It started good with 3 students and I had to go get the Teacher. We start class at 13:30 and no sign of her. Last time the Teacher didn't came to class until quarter to 2.

I pay for my lessons and for sure, I have better things to do than to sit here waiting. So I went out to get her and it is easy to understand that shehated me after that.

Never mind, as I told her, I could have been at my cancelled session at Sophia Muay Thai Gym instead of sitting here waiting wasting my time. Well, it was a good class as soon as we got started, of course there were people coming late coming in to disturb the lesson.

I went to meet my friends, I left at 7 and I stopped at Tops Market to buy apples and onion and IAladdin's adventure at The Stable Lodge on Sukhumvit Soi 8 in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNarrived to Time Square 10 minutes before my friend finished her job.

I ran in to a girl.
- Hello Aladdin! Long time no see
Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.st- Who theYet another smiley on www.aladdin.st
She was obviously recognising me and she was soon flirting with my friendYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stwaiting outside. And yes, she was very beautiful.

We left the place and before we left I asked Miss Beautiful if she was hungry
- Yes, but I have to work for one more hour before I can go.
- Som nam na, I said and we left

Well, I make enough decisions to last me for my holiday when working so I asked my friends where they wanted to go.
- Korean
-OK, I have 3 demands.
Should be clean, have AC and no self cooking so Korean is out of the question. Korean food is OK,Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.stbut sitting at a table with hundreds of small plates and a fire on the middle of the table is not my idea of a good dinner. And that's why I never go to MK and whatever theAladdin's adventure at The Stable Lodge on Sukhumvit Soi 8 in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNrestaurants are called. If I want to cook by myself I can stay home.

I asked if they liked Italian and I suggested Sukhumvit Soi 8, there are plenty restaurants.
- Maybe you like Scandinavian?
- Yes

So we walked to Soi 8 and The Stable Lodge and I asked for raggmunk and Biff Ala Rydberg, and of course, they brought both plates at the same time. My friend asked for Salmon and Meatballs, She got her plates at the same time as well. Our other friends ordered Schnitzel and some stew.

We were full of mischief and we decided to send a prank SMS to the beautiful girl we had metearlier. “Do you remember me? We met yesterday” She replyed within a second andAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNit continued for a while and she was soon calling. And as soon as she found out that it was us she lost all interest in continuing. Well, she never called the Police, and that's a good sign.

I told my friend to erase her number or risking calling her 4 o'clock in the morning.
- Something you can live without!

We left The Stable Lodge and I was going to walk back home. Last Sunday I said never drink beer again and I had been drinking 4 bottles of water with my dinner. Suddenly someone mentioned RCA.
- I have to go home to drop my foocking apples and onions.

I took a taxi back home with one of our friends and the other two went to get ID and to changeAladdin's adventure at Route 66 on RCA in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNshoes. They would come to pick us up at my place when they had changed shoes.

And strangely enough, after 2 or 3 glass of Stroh Rum it was all “TAXI CD and SanYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stMiguel Light” again. And the “never again” decision from last Sunday morning was all forgoten

We had finished a few of the Stroh Rum drinks when our friends arrived. The girlYet another smiley on www.aladdin.sthad complained about me having forgot to shave so I had a quick shower before we left for RCA. We dropped the girl at PhetchaburiAladdin's adventure at Slim on RCA in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNsubway station, she was going to work tomorrow so she would not join us to RCA. And her husband was only allowed her to stay out until 10, by now it was way past 11.

We started at Route 66 and we had a few San Miguel LightsAladdin's adventure at Slim on RCA in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNbefore we continued to Slim. At Slim they only had Beer Chang, Singha and Corona and I made a mental note to choose Route 66 next time. But Corona was OK with ice and a wine glass.

And I was not home until 4 or 5 in the morning, way too late. And I have Sophia and Bangkok Fight Club tomorrow. Will I survive that adventure?

Wednesday 27 th of March 2013
and I could not help wondering how I got dragged in to this. I remembered that we had agreed to drink more beer on Thursday. Our friends do not star their work until 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. So they wanted to start partying 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon.
- I have boxing and I'm not home until 9
- We come to pick you up at 9
Yesterday it sounded like the best plan ever, but today....

I got an e-mail from the Japanese girl in Shanghai. She asked if I had Wechat or something

Aladdin, I saw “Wechat” advertising a lot in Bangkok too! Could you please ask your friends??

It’s very convenient to talk with person who is in foreign country too!
like that. I sent her an e-mail asking what it was.

Well, one thing is for sure. I will not start any chat. I have done it one time in my life, and yes, it was with a girl and she must have been a professional chatter. I installed some chat program and we got started. She asked a question and before I had put down 3 letters in the answer she had already a new question.
- How are you?
- I'm o.....
- What are you doing?
- k......
- How is the weather?
- I'm cha
- When will I see you?
- tting....
Needless to say, I disconnected and I removed the chat program and I have never chatted again.
E-mail and a phone that is what I need.

I was a wee bit late to Sophia and I only did 7 slow rounds, I was dying. A rampant hangover is notAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNa company I want to have in the boxing ring. The American girl had her last session before leaving for Singapore and I will meet her in Singapore next weekend. Time for a new visa trip so I can get 30 new days.

I called my Teacher when I was back home, he had the operation last Monday and he is still atYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stthe hospital and it might take 2 months before he can come back.

I was alone with one Japanese guy and the Teacher and his daughter at Bangkok Fight Club. I had his daughter to run to 7 Eleven to get me a big bottle of water after 30 minutes.Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.stMy water was finished and I was really thirsty, and I was about to die. But as I said to our Japanese friend.
- It is better than sitting at a restaurant eating.

I was very happy when the session at Bangkok Fight Club had come to an end. And we didn't had toAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stdo the dreaded Thai Navy Exercise. We did some stretching and then we ran around for 10 minutes doing sit ups, bench-press, kicking andsomething with a dumbbell.

I don't know how many times, but it was several times during the 10 minutes that I swore to myself wondering why theYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stI had not stayed home in bed. We punched the bags for a few rounds and then we did the mitts and it was soon time to go home.

I checked for information about the e-cigarette on the internet when I was back home and I'mthinking about buying one of those. I gave up smoking yesterday morning and I was chewing nico chew like there was no tomorrow during my Thai language school. And today I woke up with 3 packs of fags. Well, e-cigarette it is even though I won't look so cool sucking on that one.

I also booked my flight to Singapore on Thai Airways web page. Special meal request, of course, I want to have San Miguel

Dear Madame / Sir

I tried to make a "SPECIAL MEAL" request, but there was no option for San Miguel Light beer. Is it possible to arrange this on the flight to Singapore? On the flight back I will most likely suffer from a hangover and plain water will be enough.

Best regards
Light. There was many different options on what meal I wanted to have. Low fat was one of the options, but San Miguel Light was not any option. So I decided to write them an e-mail.
So now I only have to wait for their answer and I hopeYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stI don't have to drink Singha or Chang on my way to Singapore.

Aladdin's adventure with Thai Airways in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN
Where is the San Miguel Light option?

I also booked myself a room at Novotel Clarke Quay in Singapore. Smack in a bustling night spot.Novotel Clarke QuayNot that I'm going to spend much time at Clarke Quay, I might have a stroll over the bridge to Eskibar at the Boat Quay.

Last time I stayed at Novotel I ended up at the first bar, just 20 meters from the hotel and as I had my TAXI CD in the pocket we were soon having the music blasting high. Early afternoon and I didn't madeYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stit much further away that day.

And the American girl will train at the gym on Boat Quay and her hotel is just next to the gym.Novotel Clarke QuayWell, so I'm set for my visa run and I will have 30 new days of hard work at Sophia and Bangkok Fight Club when I'm coming back.

I called my friend when I was back home to see if there was any chance to skip the San Miguel Light adventure tomorrow night. And I say that the chance is less than slim. How did I end up with these “PARTY” goers?Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.st

Thursday 28 th of March 2013
and it was way passed lunch time when I woke up. I just had time for smoked salmon and a pot of tea before it was time to take off to Sophia Muay Thai Gym. Well, I had time to call Almeta, yeah, the Cocoon yourself in luxury silk shop on Sukhumvit Soi 23. My red silk is ready and they will come to pick up my sofa and armchairs tomorrow afternoon.

The sample of my custom made silk will arrive this evening so I will hopefullyYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stbe able to approve the silk tomorrow and then I hope I can have my furniture back when I'm back from Singapore. IYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stalso ended up in a discussion about the price, it went from 75,000 to almost 89,000 Baht the change the upholstery. I asked for the reason and it was because of the custom made silk I had ordered.

I had 3 rounds at Sophia and, well, I miss my Teacher. I will see if I'm going tomorrow and onAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai Gym in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNSaturday. Otherwise I will wait until next Monday.

Back home for a quick shower and more smoked salmon and off to Bangkok Fight Club again. In average, less than oneYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stmore than me in average since I started on the 11th of March. And I don't expect much people at BFC tonight.

I got an e-mail just before leaving for BFC asking about the
E-mail from web page

Message=Hi Aladdin,
Just read your blog about your adventure at the Thai Navy shooting range. Would you happen to have the name and contact number of the teacher there? I would certainly like to give the range a try.
Many thanks.
Thai Navy shooting range. Well, good to see that www.aladdin.st can be to help. I meet a British guy that found Sophia Muay Thai Gym on my web page.Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.stSo maybe time to approach San Miguel Light for a sponsorship? I can make a fortune!

No one at Bangkok Fight Club when I arrived, only 2 boxers from the afternoon class. My Teacher didn't arrive until 10 minutes past 7. WeAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNstarted the session and 10 minutes later we had 2 other guys joining us.

Running around, bench-press and all the other stuff. Kicking bags and punching the mitts. I thought I was about to die more than one time.Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.stBut is is good for my heart, well, as long as it does not stop.

I was convinced more than once that I was going to suffer from a cardiac arrest during the session.

I walked back home expecting my friends to be there, they should be there at 9 to pick me up. No sign off them, nice. Maybe I can dodge the San Miguel Light tonight. Would be very nice. But there were several missed call and SMS. I know the girl so I know that she isYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNdrunk when I get an SMS saying “Where da fuck r u?” Not a language she use to use.

They were coming over and by then I was set to stay home, they will pick up my sofa and arm chairs tomorrow and I had planned to go buy the darn e-cigarette tomorrow. Well, I will tell them that it is too late when they come and I willYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stbe able to stay home.

I think I will have to change from San Miguel Light toAladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNHeineken or Singha beer. San Miguel Light is just too good. I had one when my friends arrived and there was nothing stopping me.

No problem to suck on a bottle of Singha for a few hours, but a San Miguel Light disappears like anAladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNAspirin.
I had a San Miguel Light and all my plans to stay home went South. 1 San Miguel Light turned in to 7 bottles before I went for my shower, 3 more bottles and IAladdin's adventure with San Miguel Light in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNhad skipped theYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stshower. But I wasn't smelling like viola after my session at Bangkok Fight Club. So I went for a quick shower and we were pretty much ready to leave. We decided to go to Above Eleven and they recognised me when we stepped up to the bar.

The whole staff came to waiYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stme, embarrassing, but way better than “Get the foock out orAladdin's adventure at Nang Len on Ekkamai in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNwe call the Police” Yes, this have happened, but this is most likely some LOOK ALIKE mix up. A plane case of mistaken identity, but I have to live with the Police threat.

Well, they were happy to serve us San Miguel Light at Above Eleven, well, 2 of our friends were on water only or they would have capsized.

I should have had water as well, I would have been better off, but as I never learn I had a fewAladdin's adventure at Nang Len on Ekkamai in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNbottles of San Miguel Light. I also bought a bottle “to go” when we left at 1 o'clock.

I only had time for 2 or 3 beers at Nang Len before the closed and I had to walk down the Soi to and after hour place. One good thing with Bangkok is that they change the security every now and then so the chances for me to get in is pretty high. Last time they told me to foock off but today it was no problem at all. I don't know the name of the place, but it isYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stquite OK. I remember a girl from Korea, and she was very beautiful. But she wasn't very impressed by me.

When they closed the place and the DJ had turnedAladdin's adventure at Nang Len on Ekkamai in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNoff his equipment I was alone at the place. Just the owner and I asked for some music and the ownerbrought out his entertainment center.

A small MP3 player, but they got 5 out of 5 for the effort to get the music going. I left when my beer was finished and I should have gone home to my bed, but no. I continued to yet another place and only God knows what time I was back home. One thing is for sure, I'm too old for this.

Friday 29 th of March 2013
and I cancelled all the boxing today, I'm not in for any more “near death” experiences. And I will go meet my friend and we will go to buy the e-cigarette. But

Dear Nitirat

Thanks for your reply! Thai Airways is my favourite airline, the best airline in my opinion. But maybe you could swap Singha or Chang for San Miguel Light just to secure Thai Airways at the top position. Just a humble suggestion.

I wish you a great weekend

Best regards

Sent: 28 March 2013 08:43
To: Aladdin
Subject: RE: San Miguel Light

Dear Sir,

Thanks for your email.

Please be informed that there is no San miguel light beer on your flight. Normally ,we provide Singha , Chang and Heineken.

Sorry for any inconvinience caused.
Yours sincerely,
Nitirat K.
before I left I sent a e-mail to Thai Airways. I got an reply regarding the San Miguel Light, and it was not the answer I had been hoping for.

Well, I hope they don't ban me for annoying them with my stupid e-mails.

I took a taxi to Time Square and my friends were waiting when I arrived. We left to take the sky train to Siam Square and we walked to MBK Center.
We stopped at Watson on Siam Square to ask for the e-cigarettes. The only answer was that they didn't sold cigarettes.
MBK Center in Bangkok- No cigaretes, e-cigarette
- No no

So we continued to MBK Center and we stopped at Boots, no e-cigarette so we continued our search.Aladdin's adventure at the sky train in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNBoots in BangkokWell, looking for e-cigarettes at MBK Center is a futile task so we decided to go ask at the information.

The girl called a shop on the 4th floor and they confirmed that they had e-cigarettes. She told us that it was a camping shop and we must have look puzzled because she was quick to tell us that they sold electronics as well. She gave usYet another smiley on www.aladdin.sta map and we took the elevator to the 4th floor. We walked around the 4th floor following the map looking for a camping shop. We only saw one camera shop selling bags so we stopped to ask.

The guy pointed to the other side and there was an electronic shop. Shop, it was more like a stallAladdin's adventure at MBK Center in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNwhere they sold electronics. And the name was CAMPING. There wasn't anyYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stcamping equipment for sale, but they had e-cigarettes.

The e-cigarette came in a box with 2 cigarettes and a charger plus a bottle of nicotine. The price was 1900 Baht and my friend wanted a box as well so we got the price reduced to 1700 Baht per box.

I was thirsty, very thirsty so we stopped to get a mango smoothie and I took the opportunity to get my new e-cigarette up and running. My friend helped me to get started as he is an experienced
Aladdin's adventure with an e-cigarette at MBK Center in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNe-cigarette user.

And as soon as I had fired up my first ever e-cigarette I hadYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stit going almost non-stop. I decided to give it a test run, and then especially to see if there was anyone complaining about me smoking at NO SMOKING places.

My friend wanted to buy us dinner and we went to Kobune,Aladdin's adventure at Kobune at MBK Centerthe Japanese restaurant on the 3rd floor
I had about 1 million Mango smoothies with tuna steak. And we were smoking almost non-stop in the restaurant and no one complained. We left the restaurant and we walked back to the skyAladdin's adventure with an e-cigarette on the sky train in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNtrain station. And I was smoking non-stop to see if any one complained.

We walked through malls and no complains. I puffed extra hard on the e-cigarette at the sky train station just to give as much smoke as possible. One of the Security guards came running. I showed my e-cigarette and he gave me the thumbs up.
Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.st- Good

We boarded the sky train and no one complained about me smoking. I stopped at the drug store on Soi 23 to buy some Ibuprofen. The shop owner told me to stop smoking, I was not allowed to smoke inside. The final test, I stopped at my local 7 Eleven to buy a Diet MAX and I enjoyed my Diet MAX with my e-cigarette. It was OK so no more tobacco smoking for me.

Well, the battery in my e-cigarette was soon running flat so I had to return to 7 Eleven to buy the real stuff. But tomorrow I will have both my e-cigarettes fully charged and then I will not have to buy any more cigarettes. Maybe this will be the latest cool thing to catch on.

Saturday 30 th of March 2013
and I didn't woke up until 1 as I had been watching hangover DVDs until almost 7 o'clock in the morning. I made my breakfast while talking to my friend. She had comeback from her holiday in China.
- Did you buy any gift
- I bought you something, but you won't like it
- Why the foock do you buy something I won't like?

There was also an SMS e-cigarette update from my friend “Just used my e-cigarette at Walen and Terminal 21” My e-cigarettes are fully charged, but I still have a few coffin nails remaining from yesterday, but they will soon be finished.

Sunday 31 st of March 2013
and the weekend has come to an end and no hangovers, great! No smoking since I finished my coffin nails Saturday morning. But the darn e-cigarette has beenAladdin's adventure with an e-cigarette at MBK Center in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNsmoking non-stop. But it is way better than tobacco, I even seen the e-cigarette been sold as a “Health Cigarette” but I think that is to push it a wee bit.

I bought one of those “Health Cigarettes” yesterday and I can smoke in bed. I paid 400 Baht and I got 10 cartridges (equivalent of 200 normal cigarettes) with my “Health Cigarette”. But I liked the e-cigarette from MBK better.

But I have it next to my bed and I can have a drag every now and then. But the plan is of course to give up the e-cigarette as well.Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.stHopefully within a week.

Aladdin's adventure with an e-cigarette at MBK Center in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN

I had a English breakfast at Queen Victoria on Sukhumvit Soi 23 and they brought me a pot of teaQueen Victoria Pub and Restaurant on Sukhumvit Soi 23and a super tanker with food, and that's even though I had asked them to take away the mushrooms, baked beans and black pudding. I finished my meal and I took a taxi to MBK Center and I bought a pair of glasses. And yes, I lost a pair the other day when I had have a few San Miguel Light too much.

I paid 9000 Baht for the darn glasses and I walked to Bangkok Art and Culture Centre. They usually have some nice paintings on display but today it was a waste of time.

And today was the first time I went to floor 8 and 9. I took the elevator from the 7th floor to theBangkok Art and Culture Centre in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN9th floor and I regret my decision instantly. I suffered from vertigo and the art on display was rubbish.

I hope I have better luck next time, they usually have nice stuff there but today it was a waste of time. I left Bangkok Art and Culture Centre and I walked to Siam discovery and I passed through the shopping malls with a stop at Siam Paragon to repair my watch.

We remember how I changed the battery in India and they managed to change the hour hand by about 20 minutes so the hour hand showed half when it was a full hour.

Took them about 20 minutes to repair the wrist watch and I continued my walk to World TradeAladdin's adventure at the Thai-Japan anime & music festival in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNCenter where I would take a taxi to Foodland. I saw a lot of people in costume when I walked towards World Trade Center and when I had passed through the World Trade Center I discovered that there was a Thai-Japan anime & music festival outside Word Trade Center.
Aladdin's adventure at the Thai-Japan anime & music festival in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN

There were 2 stages and plenty people dressed like characters in Japanese comic magazines, or as I could imagine how the characters looked like because I have never read any of that drivel.
Aladdin's adventure at the Thai-Japan anime & music festival in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWN
Thai-Japan anime & music festival

I took a taxi to Foodland on Sukhumvit Soi 5 and I bought a few hundred tea bags, at the Cashier I found that I had bought a pack with 200 bags of breakfast tea. Well, never mind, the rest wasAladdin's adventure at the Thai-Japan anime & music festival in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNEarl Grey and some change in taste can be nice. Same as with my snus, After a few rolls of General it is nice with Ettan or Grov snus.

The battery to my e-cigarette ran flat at World Trade Center and I bought a pack of coffin nails and as soon as I stepped out from Foodland I ripped thepack open. There is a fruit juice restaurant next to Foodland and I asked for aMango shake.

I puffed on a coffin nail outside the shop while waiting for my mango shake and a lady passed me, she made a wry face like she was eating a lemon while she walked past my cloud of cigarette smoke. Well, they have a proverb (Is is called a proverb?) in Thailand saying ”Crocodile eating lemon” and what it means you can try to figure out.

My Boxing Teacher use to joke with me ”Crocodile having a sunbath” and if I tell you what that means you will accuse my Teacher of being a Nazi. Well, anyway, I had been puffing on my e-cigarette for a full day, even in the taxi and no one had complained. No smell from the e-cigarette and when the taxi driver saw my smoke he turned around.
- Are you on fire?

Puffing in the shopping mall, no worries. But here on the street with the real thing, yes, tobacco smells terrible. They had the best mango shake I have had in a very long time so I asked for aAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNsecond mango shake. I had 2 mango shakes before I walked back home, with no stops at any restaurant. A quick stop at my local 7 Eleven for 2 bottles of Diet MAX

I picked up a bag with 13 new shirts from my Tailor when I passed the Security Guard. He have started with the material IYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stbought in India November last year and I really like the shirts. I was at his shop yesterday with material for 3 new shirts.

I had also brought a white shirt, I need 3 new white shirts so he can have a white shirt to copy.
- Same as the other?
- Yes, but same size as the white shirt.
- Not the same size as the other
- The other shirts are too small
Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another smiley on www.aladdin.st

All shirts were individually folded and wrapped in plastic. And of course, they were all buttoned up. I told him that he could skip the buttoning, it was just a pain in the behind unbuttoning all the shirts. One of the setbacks with living at a hotel. The laundry gives back the shirts buttoned up. Ialways ask them not to, but most of the time they do it anyway. By routine? And especially when suffering from a hangover, it is a real pain in the behind to button up the shirts.

I explained that I was expecting a significant weight loss since I had resumed my sessions at Bangkok Fight Club. Yes, we remember the fiasco last year when I was waiting to go to India, no Bangkok Fight Club and I spent the evenings eating at restaurants. And as I expect a
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNK TOWNV-shaped torso within very soon the shirts will look like tents on me by then.

So smaller it was, now I just hopeYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stthat I will manage to get in to the darn shirts. Or it will be a total waste of money, as with most of my clothes that I have bought.

Well, my “Life Coach” is walking around in American Levis Jeans, maybe the last one on this earth thanks to me. I bought the jeans in New York more than 20 years ago, and I topped up my stock in Miami and San Francisco a few years later, back then the jeans was made in America. And as you guessed, I never managed to get in to the jeans and I gave them to my friend 1 or 2 years ago. And as all Levis jeans are made by Chinese child slave labour since many year he is most likely the last one to walk around in American Levis.

But I need 3 shirts for Singapore next weekend, andYet another smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully some nice caps to go with them. And of course, they need a few extra Xs in them to be able to fit next weekend

Lo and motherfoocking behold, March have come to an end and we swing right over to April 2013

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