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Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Sunday 1 st of September 2013 and I was suffering from a slight hangover when I woke up. MyAladdin's adventure at New Cowboy Bar and Restaurant on Sukhumvit Road Soi 22 in Bangkokfriend was sitting at New Cowboy Bar and Restaurant on Sukhumvit Soi 22. I had a shower and I was there around 2 thirty in the afternoon. I ordered bacon and egg and home fried potatoes.

Something must have gone wrong with my order, suddenly the table was full of plates and it was all for me. I transferred all the food to one plate and I had two big cups of tea in front of me. The food was good and the WaitressAladdin's adventure at New Cowboy Bar and Restaurant on Sukhumvit Road Soi 22 in Bangkokwas busy bringing tea cups to the tables all theAladdin's adventure at New Cowboy Bar and Restaurant on Sukhumvit Road Soi 22 in Bangkoktime. My friend had been eating before I arrived and he was only drinking beer.

I must have had 15 cups of tea and the Waitress looked strange at me. I was soon swapping to soda water and the girl was busy bringing bottlesYet another smiley on www.aladdin.stof soda water to our table.

We were soon joined by another friend and he ordered a Tiger beer. This beer wasn't to his liking so he asked for Chang beer. My friend grew tired of me drinking water and he ordered a San Miguel Light for me but IAladdin's adventure at New Cowboy Bar and Restaurant on Sukhumvit Road Soi 22 in Bangkokrefused to drink the beer.

Our friend was hesitating to ask for a San Miguel Lightwhen I told him it was a very good beer. Most likely because of the word LIGHT in the name.

But he drank my San Miguel Light and then he was only asking for San Miguel Light. Good for me when I will ask for sponsoring of my web page. I think they will have a hard time finding a web page mention San Miguel LightSan Miguel Lightmore times. And the only negative thing about the San Miguel Light is the hangovers. Well, maybe the hangovers after San Miguel Light is a wee bit sever than after drinking other brands.

We had our dinner at New Cowboy Bar & Restaurant as well and it was 9 o'clock when we left and I went for pedicure. But the person doing the pedicure was busy so a foot massage was what I got before I walked back home.

Monday 2 nd of September 2013
and I stopped at the condo office to confirm that the Aircon technician was coming tomorrow on my way to Fortune Town. They told me that he would be here before lunch.
- Now you open the door when he comes!
- Yes, of course
- Last Saturday you didn't open the door or answered the phone

They had been here at 10 o'clock last Saturday but as I had had a late night out on Friday night IAladdin's adventure on board M/T Richard Maerskwas not answering the phone or door. I could hear neither of them. I told them to call my landline because I have this phone in the bed room and I can hear them.

I took my laptop and I went to find a taxi to take me to Fortune Town. I will clean my lap top and the cooling willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully work better. And then I won't need the ducts from the AC to cool down the computer.

It took them an hour to clean the computer and they ran a test program and the cooling seemed to work well. So I took a taxi back home and I called my Teacher from Sophia MuayYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stThai gym. Sophia is closed and he has open an Italian/ Thai restaurant with some friends and I wanted to go try out the place.

They were closed when I arrived Saturday night and they were closed today as well. But I will goAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokfor my dinner there tomorrow evening and I will discuss Thai boxing training. We will see if we can find a place to do ourYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stMuay Thai training.

My friend called and he was at Silom and we decided to meet at O'Reillys at 8 o'clock. No taxis available and Iwalked towards the subway. I have never seen so much people at the subway before. I could not turn around, I had the meeting at 8 o'clock and I had not seen any taxis on Asoke when walking towards the subway station.

I was very pleasantly surprised when I realised that all the people were waiting for the train to Ratchadapisek. They were queuing up all the way to our side of the station and when the train came it was brimmed and not many passengers could get on board. The train towards Silom arrived and theO'Reillys at Silomtrain was almost empty.

I stepped in to O'Reillys 3 minutes past 8 o'clock, no sign of my friend. I asked for a pot of tea and I took a seat in the bar. There was a guy playing a guitar and singing on the stage. Yes, we have all been to Irish pubs and we know what kind of music they play, it was aYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwee bit too loud so I moved to a table next to the stage trying to dodge the sound waves
coming towards the bar.

The guy on the scene asked me for my favourite group and I told him that he would not know them. And if he did it would be embarrassing for him to try to play any of their tunes on the guitar on the stage

I had a second pot of tea and still no sign of my friend, there was a guy sitting in the bar and I went to check him out, no it was not my friend and no sign off him on the second floor. I asked for a third pot of tea and it was soon 9 o'clock and I was about to leave.

The guy on the stage asked where I came from
- Sweden
- I will play a Swedish song before my break
Great, now I will have to stay until he is ready with the song. I was only drinking tea and as I'm polite I wanted to stay until he finished his ABBA song. My friend came in to O'Reillys and he wasAladdin's adventure at Woodball Karaoke in Bangkokpaying his bill, he had been sitting outside waiting and now he was giving up. He had tried to call me but I never bring my phone.

We left for The Balcony on Silom Soi 4 and he had a beer and I had 2 mango shakes. Yes, I was not going to oversleep tomorrow. Now I'm desperate for them to come to repair my AC.

We leftg Silom Soi 4 and we walked to Woodball Karaoke. I had been on Woodball on Sukhumvit Soi 53. Oncce, when I discovered that it was a Karaoke I never returned.

I had been on Woodball at Silom one time before with my friend, but today I only had soda water. The owner didn't recognise me, good, we had been a wee bit tipsy last time we were here. MyAladdin's adventure at Woodball Karaoke in Bangkokfriend told him that we had met before.
- Where, on Soi 53
- No, here
Aladdin's adventure at Woodball Karaoke in Bangkok

I had my AC guys coming tomorrow and my friend had an interview so we left early and we stopped for some Japanese curry on the bottom floor. Curry Gold and I think it is the same people running the Woodball that runs the Curry Gold.

We had our meal and we went to take a taxi. I stopped at my local 7 Eleven for an ice cream on my way home. Yet another late day and there will not be any time to Learn Thai with Mod or Alif Silpachai

Aladdin's adventure at Woodball Karaoke in Bangkok
One of us is drinking soda water

Tuesday 3 rd of September 2013
and the guys came to fix my AC and they didn't had any gas with them so they had to return to the company to pick up the gas. They were back in an hour andAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNmy AC in my bed room was soon working. By now it was lateYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stand I called my Teacher from Sophia when I had up dated my web page. I was going to check out his new restaurant and we were going to meet there at 7 o'clock.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

I was a wee bit late, the traffic between Sukhumvit Soi 23 and the toll way was almost at a full stop. And I had to wait for quite some time before I could find a taxi that wanted to take me to Pinklao. But as soon as we were on the toll way the traffic was flowing and we were soon on the bridge over the Chao Praya River.

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

I ask for the menu when I arrive and I ask for spaghetti and a bottle of water and I take a tour in his new restaurant. Seems like a good place, in an apartment house with 120 apartments and theyAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNhave room service. They have handed out menus to all the apartments so business willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be good.

They have had the place for just a wee bit more than a month and I wish them good luck and that the business will take off. But it looks good and there were customers coming all the time while I was there.

He took off towards one table with a tray full of glasses and I gave him the internationally recognised sigh for “Holding the tray above your head on the top of you palm” and everything was soon on the floor. The guests were gaping at him and I went to explain.
- ขอโทษคนเสิฟซุ่มซ่าม

I finished my spaghetti and my friend asked if I wanted to try some Thai food. I'm on dietAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbut he didn't take no for an answer so I had an bacon fried rice and this one was soon turning in to a second bacon fried rice when my friend and his wife were having dinner.

Time was very quick and it was soon 10 o'clock and time for me to return back home to my bed. He will come tomorrow for a Muay Thai session at our squash court. We were talking about doing it in the parking house, but I thought about out squash court and we will try to have a boxing session there tomorrow.

He will be here around 1 o'clock tomorrow and we decided to do it every day instead of the missing classes at Sophia Muay Thai Gym. It will be nice to start with the arse kicking again. Looks like I will have to leave for Roy Maersk in Singapore on the 10th of september. But we will get a few days.

Wednesday 4 th of September 2013
and I woke up 20 minutes past 12. I went to the kitchen in the nick of time, my Teacher called and he had arrived. He knocked on the door a few minutes laterAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNand I had a shower before we went down to the squash roomAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNfor a session.

The AC in the squashYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stroom was not working so it was quite hot, but it was OK. I was more worried about my right arm and I could hardly use the arm after meYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stfalling on deck in Alexandria.

But it was nice to get started again after 4 months of no exercise, well, my left leg was starting to hurt and I Organics Australia Online expect to be stiff tomorrow when I wake up.

My friend left and he will be back at 1 o'clock tomorrow for a new session. My friend called and heKobunewanted to meat for a meal and we decided to go to Kobune, the Japanese restaurant at Fortune Town.

They have this Maguro steak at Kobune and this must be the best Maguro (Tuna) steak I have ever had and I asked for 2 plates, 2 steamed rice and 2 bowls with extra sauce. And it wasMaguro Steak at Kobune Japanese Restaurant in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNdelicious and I asked for a third plate of Maguro, but this time I didn't ask for any rice and extra sauce.

Well, anyway, a visit to Kobune Japanese Restaurant is highlyMaguro Steak at Kobune Japanese Restaurant in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNrecommended next time in Bangkok.

We finished our meal and I was feeling peckish for some ice cream and I knew that there is a Dairy Queen down at the TESCO side of Fortune Town. Suddenly myDairy Queen at Fortune Town in Bangkokfriend was gone and I went back and I found him hanging over the freezer in a convenient store. He bought a Magnum almond and we continued towardsthe Dairy Queen.

They didn't have any mango ice cream so I bought a chocolate soft ice and we walked towards the subway station. We had to stop outside Kobune to finish the ice cream before we entered the subway station. It took us a few minutes to get to the Sukhumvit station where we changed to the sky train.

We got off at Emporium, one station from Sukhumvit. My friend wanted to go for a beer at Robin Hood, but I told him that I was going back home and he cancelled the beer. I stopped for a pedicure on my way home and I skipped my visit to Bangkok Fight Club.

Thursday 5 th of September 2013
and I had set my alarm to go off at 11 to give me time for a pot of tea and a TUNA & ONION SURPRISE ® before my teacher arrives.

He called me a few minutes before 1 o'clock and he knocked on the door a few minutes later. I wasAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNdressed and read and we went to the squash room. I felt way better in my right arm, maybe thanks to the sessionYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwe had yesterday. But I have a developing cold so I wasn'tYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stfull of vim, but better than yesterday. We did 12 rounds including one warm up and one cool down round before my Teacher left.

I skipped Bangkok Fight Club yet again, I was almost falling asleep and I forced myself to stay awake until 10.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI went to bed and I was instantly wide awake. I watched 3 movies and it was well past 5 o'clock in the morning before I managed to fall asleep.

Friday 6 th of September 2013
and I was tired when my alarm went off at 11, a hot shower and I was kind of OK. I took my VHS player and a cubic meter of old VHS tapes and I brought it toReturn of the killer tomatoesthe kitchen. I put all the old VHS tapes in a plastic bag and I keptReturn of the killer tomatoesone tape. But I found Little Pekka on the YOU TUBE while I was waiting for my tea, so no need to keep the old tape.

I also threw away my VHS tape with the classic “Return of the killer tomatoes” and I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully find this on a DVD.

So now I don't have any more old VHS tapes. I gave away a few boxes a few years ago. Last time I was home I threw another cubic meter and today I brought the last tapes to the garbage room when I went for a boxing session at the squash room.

It was nice to get rid of my last VHS tapes and next time I leave my apartment I will bring the VHS player where it belongs, to the garbage room.

Little Pekka

Saturday 7 th of September 2013
and my Teacher arrived at 13 thirty and we did 12 rounds including 1 warm up and 1 cool down round. Now I have 2 more sessions before going to Singapore onAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNWednesday. But it has been very nice toget back to the arse kicking, and my right arm has become much better since we started the training in the squash room.

My friend was at the cinema and we met at Robin Hood at 18 thirty, took me almost 30 minutes to get there by taxi.

The traffic in Bangkok has become muchworse since I left for Richard Maersk. Now we're back to pre 1997 crash traffic on the roads. When I left it was bad in the afternoons and Friday nights. But now it is full stop from early morning to late night 7 days a week.

I had a San Miguel Light in front of me in a jiff and I had 4 or 5, maybe 6 bottles before we leftAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNRobin Hood. I took a taxiback home. After 5 San Miguel Light it is too late to go home to bed, but I needsome refill for my e-cigarette.

And of course, I need my TAXI CD.

I got out of the taxi at Sukhumvit Soi 11, I don't know the name of the place. But I was alone at the place except for 2 girls sitting in the bar, and there were 3 or 4 people sitting at the tables outside the pub.

But I prefer AC and I was soon having a San Miguel Light in front of me. And a few seconds laterAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthe TAXI CD were on at full blast.

The girls in the bar looked gloomy and grey when I entered. I suspect that they were from Korea, at least they looked Korean.

But as soon as the TAXI CD was blasting high on the Richter scale they could not sit still any more. They left the place when they turned off the TAXI CD. I didn't give up on the music and I stayed in the bar.
Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

There were soon 2 other girls coming together with a guyCharisma Manand I don't know how we started to talk. Ihad have about 10 bottles + + of San Miguel Light and Charisma Man was back in town. For how long before he turns in to the “Obnoxius Man”?

They were soon having the 70's disco blasting on the sound system and the girls went to dance. AndYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthey were soon calling for me to come up on the dance floor. Never mind how drunk IAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stam, still very embarrassing to dance. So IYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stclaimed that I had a twisted ankle. An old trick IYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stpull out of the hat every time there is talk about dancing.

But “twisted ankle” and no were not accepted for an answer andYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI was soon on the dance floor. Instant success and Charisma Man was asked to joinYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthe girls to go listen to Jazz. These girls for sure don't what they are getting in to!

Charisma Man

Charisma Man, when is he running in to the wall? Obnoxious Man is always lurking around the corner. I'm seriously considering starting to drink Whiskey. Taste likeand I can stretch a glass ofAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNWhiskey to last me for the whole evening. No chance for the Obnoxious Man to show up and it will be Charisma Man for the whole evening.

Well, this will be a project that I will take up next time, when I'm coming home from Roy Maersk.

And it is too late to get in to this tonight, that ship has sailed a few hours ago leaving me behind.

It was kind of good music at the place and they started to talk about Q bar, but they don't let people in with shorts and I left for another place.

Sunday 8 th of September 2013
and I got out of bed 20 minutes past 6 o'clock in the evening. I found a phone number for one of the girls I met yesterday. Of course you get the number whenCharisma Manyou're on the floor dancing disco. I was quick to put fire to the number, I don't want to risk calling next time Charisma Man is around and make a tit out of myself.

I walked to Tony Romas at Terminal 21 and when I was ready I went to the BOOTsBoots at Terminal 21 in Bangkokpharmacy in the basement. I bought vitamins and a blood glucose meter. Last time at Singapore International I bought a blood pressure machine, seems like I buy new medical equipment every time I have a hangover and it feels like I'm going to die. Well, yet another machine that I will never use. I stopped at Grande Millennium for a pot of tea and 2 of their wonderful almond/ almond paste croissants and I was soon back home in bed in front of my TV.

Monday 9 th of September 2013
and my Teacher was 30 minutes early for our session. I was in theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stshower when he called and he was soon knocking on the door. We left for the squash room andAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNour session. I wanted to go to Pattaya for some rhubarb pie at Goose Fish and Chips.

I had a shower and I started to pack my bags while waiting for my friend to come pick me up. Traffic was at a full stop so he was late by 30 minutes. He told me that he had a friend that wanted to join us and the whole rhubarb pie plan started to stink of “beer and party”

We stopped to fill up the car with LPG and then we went to pick up his friend at the entrance to the motorway to Pattaya.

Aladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Filling up LPG before taking off to Pattaya

We took off towards Pattaya and we were going to meet my friends at 19 thirty but we didn't arrived until 12 minutes past 8. We were soon having San Miguel Light in front of us and after the second bottle I knew that the rhubarb pie plan was down the drain. I could sense it when I ordered the first bottle of San Miguel Light. Well, actually, I had the feeling of failure already when my friend told me he had a friend that wanted to join.

Aladdin's adventure in Pattaya
Beer Garden in Pattaya

Aladdin's adventure in Pattaya
Drinking San Miguel Light

Aladdin's adventure in Pattaya
Leaving Beer Garden

We had a few beers at Beer Garden before we left and we turned right outside Beer Garden andAladdin's adventure in Pattayawe walked down Walking Street. My friend's wife was calling every 5 minutes and he started to get nervous.

We had a few drinks and my friend really wanted to go back home by now. We decided to have 3 more San Miguel LightsAladdin's adventure in Pattayabefore returning to Bangkok.

I have not been in Pattaya since the flooding, I have had no desire to come back. But I didn't recognize Walking Street any more. I recognized one or two bars maybe, the rest were new. Our dedicated driver was drinking waterAladdin's adventure in Pattayabut me and his friend were drinking beer and Tequila. No need for us to stay sober.

We came down half way of Walking Street when we turned around to walk back to my friend's car. We stopped at a few places for more beer before we reached his car.

We left Pattaya around midnight and I was going to meet a friend in Bangkok when we were back. Of course, we bought a travel pack of San Miguel Light before we left.

We left Pattaya behind and no need for me to return for a few years.

Aladdin's adventure in Pattaya
Some place at Walking Street, Pattaya

My friend dropped me at Silom Soi 2 and my friend and a girl from Germany came to pick me up. We ended up in a Japanese bar and the guy from Woodball showed up. It was almost 6 o'clock when we took a taxi back home. We made a stop for spaghetti with salmon at Little Italy. And we discovered that they do not have the 24/7 service any more. But we got our spaghetti and salmon.

Tuesday 10 th of September 2013
and I can't say that I swung myself out of bed when my alarm went off at 11 o'clock. I had just gone to bed, but I need to be tired tonight so I can sleep so IAladdin's adventure in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNcan reach my early morning flight to Singapore tomorrow.

I spent the afternoon packing my last stuff and I up dated my web page. My friends arrived just after 6 o'clock and we took off to the Danish restaurant on Sukhumvit Soi 8.

We went down to the parking lot and my friend showed meYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthat someone had been throwing up on the passenger side of his car. Looked like the side was sprayed with something.
- Who theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stdid this? I asked, and I continued:
- This is what happens when leaving civilization behind for a tour to the beach

Well, we're in the middle of the rainy season and it will soon come off, but anyway, to see thisAladdin's adventure at Stable Lodge on Sukhumvit Road Soi 8 in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwas a horrible experience.

We drove to the Stable Lodge on Sukhumvit Soi 8 and the traffic was terrible. I was surprised, until my friend told me it was Tuesday. I don't know why, but it felt like a Sunday. My friend was laughing.
- You thought it was Sunday, right?
- Yes
- Maybe because of the hangover!
- Spot on!

We had tea and smørrebrød. My friend had hakkebøff and I had fish and chips with Danish remoulade. It started to rain when we were ready and my friend had to drive me to my local 7 Eleven where I bought 2 Diet MAX before walking back home.

I booked a car to pick me up at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning for Suvarnabhumi international Airport. I washed all my clothes so there is no laundry lying around when I'm coming home. I downloaded some Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos. Can come in handy when I'm on board.

Well, I'm ready to leave FUNKY TOWN for this time to join Roy Maersk in Singapore.

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