Aladdin's adventure with The Luang Say Mekong Cruises

Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas

PROGRAM DOWN RIVER : Houei Say -> Luang Prabang:

Day 3: Huoei Say - Pakbeng (Lunch, Dinner)
Luang Say boat leaves slow boat pier at 9.30a.m. For cruising down the Mekong River to Luang Say Lodge in Pakbeng. One stop is made en route to Pakbeng to observe a rural life along the Mekong River at Ban Houy Phalam; a Kamu village. A buffet lunch is served on board. The boat arrives at Luang Say Lodge before sunset for an overnight stay and a dinner is served at terrace overlooking the Mekong River.

Aladdin's adventure The Luang Say Mekong Cruises

Christmas Day December 2014 and they called me at 6 o'clock in the morning. II was out of bed just before 7 and I had a shower before going for breakfast. And I had no hopes at all to get aAladdin's adventure at Nakaraj Princess Hotel in Houei Say - VISA run to Laosdecent breakfast at the restaurant. They handed me an A4 paper in a plastic picket. Breakfast set menu:

Well, #1 was a sandwich and #2 was usage with fried egg. Each item had a picture of very poor quality, the golden colour and glamour had obviously not made it to the menu. And I doubt that it ever will. Will be the same menu for years to come.

On the golden wall there is a paper over the door to the kitchen saying: STAFF ONLY. Put up with brown tape, classy joint.Aladdin's adventure at Nakaraj Princess Hotel in Houei Say - VISA run to LaosAnyway, as I was pretty sure the sausage would taste like something I didn't want to eat I chose #1.

I got 2 toast and a cup of tea. Toast was served with butter and jam, no knife but a tea spoon. I just opened the butter and put it between the bread slices. Applied pressure hoping for the butter to spread.

Tea is always OK and toast is a pretty safe bet. I finished my tea and I had asked for a second cup. But when my sandwich came I sent it back out to the kitchen again and I cancelled my tea. I left for my room and I had the Kit Kat in the mini bar together with one of the “mini” bottles of water that I bought yesterday for breakfast.

I had a last shower and I packed my bag and I left for the reception to check out. I had checked out and everything was ready 5 minutes before 9 o'clock when they will be here to pick me up from Luang Say Cruises.

Aladdin's adventure at Nakaraj Princess Hotel in Houei Say - VISA run to Laos
A foggy morning at the Nakaraj Princess Hotel in Houei Say

Aladdin's adventure at Nakaraj Princess Hotel in Houei Say - VISA run to Laos
A foggy morning at the Nakaraj Princess Hotel in Houei Say

Aladdin's adventure at Nakaraj Princess Hotel in Houei Say - VISA run to Laos
A foggy morning at the Nakaraj Princess Hotel in Houei Say

Aladdin's adventure at Nakaraj Princess Hotel in Houei Say - VISA run to Laos
A foggy morning at the Nakaraj Princess Hotel in Houei Say

Aladdin's adventure at Nakaraj Princess Hotel in Houei Say - VISA run to Laos
Sun is shining over the Lao Immigration in Houei Say

Turned out that it was the hotel that was going to bring me, and they would bring me to the Immigration where I was to meet up with the other passengers. On the way North in Mekong weAladdin's adventure at Nakaraj Princess Hotel in Houei Say - VISA run to Laoshad been 5 passengers. Going South and we will be 24 passengers.

They will arrive from Thailand this morning and we will meet in the Immigration before going to the boat.

I can't wait to get back on board for the beautiful cruise and the good Lao food. I was waiting for about 10 minutes before we left and I had 2 old guysAladdin's adventure at Nakaraj Princess Hotel in Houei Say - VISA run to Laosfrom Thailand in the van. They were going to the casino to win millions of Baht.

It looked to be two groups waiting at the immigration. Some people wore a tag with Luang Say cruises, obviously my team. The other group was the Shompoo Cruises. The very same company I had booked my first cruise with, but as they were a wee bit too slow to handle e-mails etc. I cancelled and I ended up with Mekong Cruises, nothing I regret. I was hanging around for about 10Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laosminutes before I spotted our Guide, same guy as we had on the cruise going North in Mekong

Well, my guess is that it will be the same crew on the boat, maybe some additional due to all the extra passengers. We were waiting for the passengers passing the Lao Immigration and they arrived one by one. Their luggage was already with us on this side of the border.

We had to wait a few minutes for the van when all the passengers were through the immigration. They came with a van and a truck for all the luggage. I was first in to the van to get a seat in the front row to avoidunnecessary climbing in the car.

I moved over to the extreme right side so they could open the seat on the left hand side and let the other passengers inside. Yes, it is kind of in my job description: Make things work smoothly and plan ahead. Well, this is obviously not the case for all of us. Can seem strange but that how it is and I'm sure we have all met them.

I was soon having 2 passengers next to me obstructing the way to the 2 rows of seat behind us. I didn't say anything, but I rolled my eyes and what I thought. Nothing to put on the internet.

The remaining passengers had to climb over them or they had to squeeze themselves between the door frame and the back of the seats in the front row, aAladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laosgap of about 4 inches. I was well out of the way rolling my eyes swearing in my mind.

We were soon on our way and it took us about 20 minutes to reach the slow boat jetty in Houei Say. And we had to cross two bridges that looked like they were going to fall apart.

We got out of the car and we walked down to the boat, my table from the North bound trip was occupied, but I got the table behind. I think it was around 10 o’clock when we left Houei Say andYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stfirst stop, the TAX MAN. Second stop is at the Ban Houy Pha Lam Village. But I won'tBan Houy Pha Lam Villagebother to go ashore today.

I think it will be pretty much the same garbage laying around today, most likely some additional garbage. And very unlikely, some improvement on the dwellings.

We expect to arrive to the Luang Say Lodge around 16:30 and we will stay there overnight. Departure tomorrow morning at 8 thirty so I can sleep a wee bit extra. But not too long as I want to get used to the 6 o’clock wake-up calls. Now I fall asleep easily in the evening and it is no big problem to get up in the morning.

And darn, it got cold when we came on board the boat. It was not “HOT” at the hotel or at the immigration. But it was no problem walking around in shorts and a shirt. On the Mekong River it isAladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laosvery cold and I wonder what temp the water keep.

I had the blanket they gave me on the North bound cruise. But the jacket was gone, but they had soon provided me with a new jacket. Jacket, it is more like a ponchoYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stor a arm less jacket.

The Mekong River is coming down from China so it is full of toxic waste and chemical, and the water seems to be very cold. Winter in China. I really hope that theAladdin's adventure tubing on Nam Song River at Vang Vieng - December 2014 - VISA run to LaosNam Song River at Vang Vieng is much much warmer. Or at least I won't be doing any tubing in Vang Vieng

Well, we will see about that in a few days time, now we will cruise South on theMekong River and I'm excited. So let's set sail and hope that we run in to sunshine. Well, it is sunshine, but some warm sunshine.

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
We're leaving Houei Say

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
We're leaving Houei Say

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
We're leaving Houei Say

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
They have a meeting with the new passengers

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Bridge on the Thai side of Mekong River

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Mekong Cruises/ Luang Say have competition from Thailand

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
FAT CHANCE that I would go on a Mekong Cruise on this what ever it is

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Friendship bridge again

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Thai road ferry

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Thai road ferry

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Beautiful but cold morning

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Passing the Thai border South bound

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
At the TAX MAN

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
We're not the only one stopping to pay tax

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
The boat next to us is leaving the TAX MAN

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
The boat next to us is leaving the TAX MAN

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
We're on our way again

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
We stop at the Ban Houy Pha Lam Village again - I stay on board

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
We stop at the Ban Houy Pha Lam Village again - I stay on board

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
We stop at the Ban Houy Pha Lam Village again - I stay on board

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
We stop at the Ban Houy Pha Lam Village again - I stay on board

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Our group is coming back from the Ban Houy Pha Lam Village

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Our group is coming back from the Ban Houy Pha Lam Village

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
We're on the way again

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Approaching the bridge construction

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Now we can see our hotel

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Cabins at our hotel

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Loading sand opposite from our hotel

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Loading sand opposite from our hotel

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Loading sand opposite from our hotel

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
The hotel staff are waiting for us at the beach

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
The hotel staff are waiting for us at the beach

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Gangway ashore

Tomorrow, tomorrow I will only look and not take any picturesYet another Smiley on

Yet another beautiful but cold day had come to an end. A fantastic cruise, but it was nice when the gangway was ashore at Luang Say Lodge. Now it was only the “killer” walk up to the terraceAladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laosremaining. I have put a shirt and my tooth brush in the computer bag and I will leave my carry-on on board the boat during the night.

I started to get hungry and I had planned to get in to Pakbeng village as I was told they had a bakery there.

Our lunch on board today was something of the best I have ever had. Maybe time to look for a Lao restaurant in Bangkok. This must be the best food around the world. Very good taste and just spicy to get a hint, not pain like eating in Thailand.Yet another Smiley on

And I must stop taking hundreds of pictures every day, I had expected 10 pictures today as we had done this stretch going North. But no, I ended up with hundreds of pictures again.

We were lucky with the haze today, or well, I don’t know. I discovered that the forest was gone on most of the surrounding hills and mountains. So not many trees remaining around the Mekong River. It looked so green and nice in the haze yesterday.

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Our boat moored overnight

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Taking up the luggage

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Our boat moored overnight

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
The crew is cooking on the beach

Aladdin's adventure with the Luang Say Mekong Cruises - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
The crew is cooking on the beach

I sat foot on the terrace and I was yet again close to a cardiac arrest, but not as close as last time as I had left my carry-on on board the boat. I got the same cabin as last time #12

I put my computer on charging and I returned to the reception. I asked for transportation to Pakbeng, but nothing available. They told me that I can walk, 20 minutes or so. Well, no chance for that, it would be dark in an hour. And I'm pretty sure, even though we had seen exactly ZEROAladdin's adventure at the Luang Say Lodge in Pakbeng - December 2014 - VISA run to Laoswildlife, that I would be attacked by a snake as soon as I sat foot in the jungle.

And believe me, this was nothing I liked to do, especially after having seen the attack snake in Africa. Jumping, yes, jumping out on the road. I hanged around the gate waiting for a car or whatever to pass.

I asked the whole staff if they had a motorcycle for rent. Nothing, I gave up and I went to the restaurant for tea and toast with honey. I spent an hour in my cabin updating my web page before going for Christmas dinner at 7 o'clock.

Aladdin's adventure at the Luang Say Lodge in Pakbeng - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Luang Say Lodge in Pakbeng - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
The terrace

Aladdin's adventure at the Luang Say Lodge in Pakbeng - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Luang Say Lodge in Pakbeng - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
The terrace

Aladdin's adventure at the Luang Say Lodge in Pakbeng - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Mekong River from the hotel

Aladdin's adventure at the Luang Say Lodge in Pakbeng - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Mekong River from the hotel

Aladdin's adventure at the Luang Say Lodge in Pakbeng - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Mekong River from the hotel

Aladdin's adventure at the Luang Say Lodge in Pakbeng - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Performance on the terrace

Aladdin's adventure at the Luang Say Lodge in Pakbeng - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Performance on the terrace

Aladdin's adventure at the Luang Say Lodge in Pakbeng - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Yeah, it is foocking ChristmasChristmas smiley

Aladdin's adventure at the Luang Say Lodge in Pakbeng - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Yeah, it is foocking ChristmasChristmas smiley

Aladdin's adventure at the Luang Say Lodge in Pakbeng - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
I had yet another good meal in LaosChristmas smiley

Aladdin's adventure at the Luang Say Lodge in Pakbeng - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Time to go back to the cabin

Aladdin's adventure at the Luang Say Lodge in Pakbeng - December 2014 - VISA run to Laos
Time to go back to the cabin

I was in bed at 23 thirty and I felt asleep almost immediately, it was a wee bit cold but I was soon used to it. Wake up call tomorrow at 7 thirty and departure at 8 thirty. A new adventure ahead of us and you just have to click HERE to find yourself in the middle of it.

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