We took-off and we were gaining altitude quickly. It was a beautiful sigh flying over the Nam Song River and Vang Vieng. We saw the other balloons taking-off after us. We were told it was about 45 minutes flying time so we were surprised when we descended. But it was our Pilot that wanted to show off. At least I think so because we were flying just over the tree tops. As I said, we could have climbed up a tree and we would have saved 80 US Dollars.

But the Pilot in the last balloon must have been drunk. He was flying in to us and then he was flying over a fire in to the trees and through the tree tops to the landing site. When they were on ground they had to take out branches from the basket.

Reminded me of a story some 30 years ago. I knew a guy in Sweden and he was together with a girl, living in a house and his girlfriend had bought a new kitten. The kitten was in a tree crying andAladdin’s adventure in Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laoscould not get down. The girl friend was crying because the kitten could not come down.

As a Sailor and He-man he brought a plank (Bosun or Boatswain chair) and a rope. I tied the rope to the car and threw it over the tree.

He made fast the plank and he instructed his girlfriend to drive the car pulling him up the tree top sitting on the plank. She floored it and he came flying out of the tree top. Well, anyway, we were soon in a van on our way back to Vang Vieng and I asked the driverAladdin’s adventure in Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laosto let me off when we reached the town.

I will look for a new loudspeaker and I want to walk around for a bit before going back to my room and bed. I was soon passed by a pick-up transporting a glass cabinet.

Instead of securing the glass cabinet they had a guy in the back holding the cabinet.

So instead of a loose glass cabinet they had both a loose glass cabinet and a guy in the back. Quite clever, if they needAladdin’s adventure in Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laosto brake for something both the guy and the glass cabinet will end up in front of the pick-up.

I was around looking for loudspeakers and I found nothing. I walked further down from the town centre and I found a shop with something I liked. We tried the loudspeakers and I was satisfied.

I also found a shop where I will rent a motorcycle tomorrow. And as I started to get hungry I stopped at a restaurant. If you want fine dining you’re better offHangover Heavenstaying clear of Vang Vieng. The restaurants are like a HANGOVER HEAVEN. Beds and NON STOP Family Guy on the TVs. So it would be like a dream laying there watching Family Guy drinking milkshakes and smoothies.

This is a left over from when Vang Vieng was the SE Asian party capital . People came here to take drugs and party and there was a lot of people dying in accidents so most of it was banned back in 2012. So if someone can inform the restaurants about this it would be nice. I don't mean the Family Guy and the beds, which can come in very handy if you run in to a hangover.

Put it is not pot heads coming to eat any more so some decent food would be nice. I asked forAladdin’s adventure in Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laoschicken curry, baguette and a mango with sticky rice for dessert. They threw me a bowl of sticky rice and mango.

Then the chicken came after the dessert and the baguette didn't showed up until the bill arrived. And the baguette only showed up on the bill, not on the table.

No problem if you have smoked yourself retarded, and who knows. The staff was most likely eating from the menu themselves. And if you eat a “happy” pancake it is never mind, but if you drink tea only it matters. Now I see that most of the tourists are Thai and they have turned Vang Vieng in to a Cha Am.Hmm, maybe not so fun!

Aladdin's night walk in Vang Viang
Menu from back in the day

Never mind, I won't go back to that place again, at least not sober. I walked back to Riverside Garden Bungalows and I stopped to buy a few diet drinks on the way. And I also took the opportunity to exchange some money.

Aladdin's adventure in Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Monday 29 th of December 2014 and I discover that the hotel is called Riverside Garden Bungalows and not the Riverside Garden View. Well, I could not see any river, at least not from the reception. I checked in and I got bungalow #23. There were 3 Thai tourists in the reception whenAladdin's adventure in Vang Vieng - Riverside Garden Bungalows - VISA run to LaosI arrived and I was told that Vang Vieng was full of tourists from Thailand. Same in Luang Prabang.

I meet some people that told me there was not very many tourists in Luang Prabang, but they were looking for white people. The ton was full of tourists from Asia.

Well, I don't mind the Thai tourists, the people I have meet have been very nice. Better than some drunken European walking around in flip flops and a

noun a low house having only one storey or, in some cases, upper rooms set in the roof, typically with dormer windows.

ORIGIN late 17th cent.: from Hindi bangla ‘belonging to Bengal’.
Singha singlet. And 500 kilo drunken Aladdin is not exactly a charming sight.

Bungalow, what does it mean? I checked it in my Oxford dictionary. So now I know what that means. I have always imagined bungalows to mean some kind of luxury. Riverside Garden Bungalow, sounds pretty good, but what to expect for 30 US Dollars per night. Not much and considering the price it was good.

No restaurant but that is just a few minutes’ walk away so I will survive. Not what I'm used to live at, but nothing had since I came to Laos. Holiday season and everything is full. But as with all my other dwellings in Laos, as soon as I'm used it was OK. I took a table from the balcony and I had a table for my lap top. I will stay for 5 nights and, well, it will be OK.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stHopefully

Aladdin's adventure in Vang Vieng - Riverside Garden Bungalows - VISA run to Laos
Riverside Garden Bungalows

Aladdin's adventure in Vang Vieng - Riverside Garden Bungalows - VISA run to Laos
My hut, sorry, bungalow

Aladdin's adventure in Vang Vieng - Riverside Garden Bungalows - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Vang Vieng - Riverside Garden Bungalows - VISA run to Laos
My room

Aladdin's adventure in Vang Vieng - Riverside Garden Bungalows - VISA run to Laos
My room

Aladdin's adventure in Vang Vieng - Riverside Garden Bungalows - VISA run to Laos
My room

Aladdin's adventure in Vang Vieng - Riverside Garden Bungalows - VISA run to Laos
My room

I left for the reception, no internet. I also asked about the hot air balloon trip. They would book a trip for me, 80 US. Pick up in the morning and in the late afternoon. I asked for the trip at 4Aladdin's adventure in Vang Vieng - Riverside Garden Bungalows - VISA run to Laoso'clock this very afternoon. That gave me 2 hours to go for lunch and to buy something to drink.

I left Riverside Garden Bungalow and I walked up the slope and I turned right and I walked along the dirt road. It was a tar road, but in such a condition it was nothing more than a dirt road. I stopped at a shop and I asked for a Pepsi Light. She handed me a Coke Light
- Seriously!!??

Needless to say, I left without buying anything. I stopped at the next shop and I bought a bottle of water. Across the road was an Austrian and Lao fusion restaurant and I went inside. I ordered aAladdin's adventure in Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laospot of tea and a schnitzel.

As it took long time with the food I asked if they knew where I could buy a small loudspeaker for my lap top. I have my JBL blaster, but I never bother to bring it, only when I join the ships. So I need a smaller “holiday” loudspeaker.

I bought Aspirin and I managed to find a loudspeaker before I walked back to the Austrian and Lao fusion restaurant. I had passed the 22 US Dollar Chinese hotel and I was so happy I had not booked a room there. Good location. But they were in full swing to build an extra floor on top of the hotel.

Have they done any calculations for this extra floor? I could not help myself, but I was thinking about the hotel in Thailand. They had a supporting pillar in the restaurant and the stage was obscured by the pillar. What to do? Remove the pillar and the hotel came down as a pile of dust. People died because of stupidity!

Aladdin's adventure in Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Building an extra floor

Aladdin's adventure in Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Building an extra floor
I was happy that I didn't book a room in this hotel

Aladdin's adventure in Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
I had an opportunity to see the sights

Aladdin's adventure in Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
I had an opportunity to see the sights

Aladdin's adventure in Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
I had an opportunity to see the sights

Aladdin's adventure in Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
I had an opportunity to see the sights

Aladdin's adventure in Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
I had an opportunity to see the sights

Aladdin's adventure in Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
I had an opportunity to see the sights

I had a look at the sights in Vang Vieng when I walked back to the Austrian & Lao fusion restaurant. I had my pot off tea and the Schnitzel with mashed potato before walking back to my hotel. They will come to pick me up at 4 o'clock for the hot air balloon trip over Vang Vieng.

It was 20 minutes before 4 so I had time to try my new loudspeaker, the darn thing didn't work, what a surprise that turned out to be. I was at the reception at 4 and the car came to pick me up a few minutes after that.

There were 3 girls from Bangkok in the car when they came to pick me up. One of them lived at Thoinglor and she went to Funky Villa quite often and I was quite lucky that she had never seen me there. We went to a shop and we changed to a van. We picked up 3 guys from Korea and one girl from Belgium before we went to the balloon airport.

I was a wee bit disaapointed to see all the people at the balloon site. But I discovered 3 baskets, but they didn't look very big. Well, we will see how this turns out.

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
One of the Thai girls with one of the Pilots
Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
The air is getting hot and the balloon rise

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Belgian girl and two of the Thai girls

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
They prepare the other balloon

Picture by Aladdin

And one of the Pilots were going around asking us how many we were in our group. Me and another guy were alone and were told to go with the first balloon taking of. I was not happy to learn thatHot Air Balloon in Vang Viengthe balloon company was run by Chinese. I have been in China and I have seen the terrible attitude towards safety

The Thai girls were disappointed not to end up in the same balloon as me. We were watching them filling up the balloons with air. And then they needed to heat the air for the air to rise and the balloon rise with the air.

Will the darn balloon be able to take-off with me in the basked? This will be interesting. And there is a possibilityFlying in Vang Viengthat this will be the worst embarrassment ever. I guess I will manage to get airborne and as I have been afraid off for many years now, I have finally turned in to an anti-aircraft balloon.

Well, better to be an anti-aircraft balloon than to be kicked off the balloon because the darn thing can't take off, imagine the embarrassment. Well, 8 passengers plus the Pilot in the basket and there were, not plenty pace. But enough, OK I forgot to mention that one of the passengers had to be on the Pilot's side of the balloon.

Time to take-off and it took some time, but we were rising slowly and I was relieved. But the feeling of relief was soon changed for fear. The bottom of the basked was a simple wood board. Will the board last until we land? I had a hand on the rail just in case the need to hold on to something would be necessary. Ups, here we go! Hang on!

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
We are airborne

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
It was hot under the burners

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Leaving the Belgian girl and the Thai girls behind

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
I was hopingYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthat the bottom of the basked would not fall out
A simple wooden board, and only God knows when they checked the board last time

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
The second balloon is soon ready for take-off

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
The second balloon is soon ready for take-off

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
The second balloon is soon ready for take-off

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
The second balloon is soon ready for take-off

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
The second balloon is soon ready for take-off

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Second balloon airborne and third balloon is soon ready to take off

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Second balloon airborne and third balloon is soon ready to take off

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
I was lucky NOT to fly with that Pilot

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
I was lucky NOT to fly with that Pilot

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
First the smoke and now in to the trees

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
First the smoke and now in to the trees

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
First the smoke and now in to the trees

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
First the smoke and now in to the trees

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
First the smoke and now in to the trees

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Coming out from the tree tops

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Coming out from the tree tops

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Coming out from the tree tops

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
They managed to get out from the trees and coming in for landing

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
They managed to get out from the trees and coming in for landing

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
They managed to get out from the trees and coming in for landing

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
They managed to get out from the trees and coming in for landing

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
They managed to get out from the trees and coming in for landing

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
They have landed with the basket full of branches. Lucky there was no snakes in the trees

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Our balloon adventure have come to an end - Without accidents

Aladdin’s adventure in a hot air balloon over Vang Vieng - VISA run to Laos
Time to return to Vang Vieng

Picture by Aladdin

Aladdin's night walk in Vang Viang

Aladdin's night walk in Vang Viang

Aladdin's night walk in Vang Viang

Aladdin's night walk in Vang Viang

Aladdin's night walk in Vang Viang

Aladdin's night walk in Vang Viang

Aladdin's night walk in Vang Viang
Picture by Aladdin

I stopped in the reception and I asked the guy if he could be so kind to call me at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. This was obviously a strange request.
- Why?
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Because I want to!
- Where are you going?

Well, let's see how this works out. Tomorrow it will be a motorcycle and as usually, you just have to click HERE to see how the motorcycle adventure turns out, at the hospital? Do they have any hospitals here? And when will we get the internet that they should have according to the hotel booking page? It have stopped working due to rain!

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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