OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

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Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Bangkok Cityscape

Saturday 13 th of February 2015 and I woke up with a hangover. My one, maximum two San MiguelPlan yesterday failed. Hell, by 7 thirty we were already tipsy and beyond the point of NO RETURN. And here I am today, 4 hours to go before I have to be at theAladdin's adventure in BangkokState Tower on Silom Road.

We started at Hemingways on Soi 14 and as I mentioned, we were tipsy at 7 thirty and we were soon on our way to Thong Lor. Fat Gutz, last time I was there they had a very good ban playing so we went there to check it out. We were told that the band would start at 9 thirty so we enjoyed a few San Miguel Light while waiting.

Well, it was a new band and it was LA LA FOOCKING LA music and we left the place with a mental note not to return. Well, 3 years ago and we were out drinking ourselves retarded 3 or 4 times per week and IAladdin's adventure in Bangkokknew every club and bar in town.

Now I drink myself handsome, charming and witty twice a year and I don't know any places. There were so many new places on Thong Lor that I had never seen before.

But Thong Lor comes with a hangover and I decided to make it to New Cowboy Bar & Restaurant before going to Silom Road and the cityscapeRobinsons Department store in Bangkokadventure. Best breakfast in Bangkok, yeah, maybe. But they don't have anyNew Cowboy Bar& Restaurantteapots and I have been at Robinsons on Sukhumvit Soi 19 to buy a tea pot last time I was home.

So I brought my tea pot and I have marked it with ALADDIN and FOR TEA ONLY. English and Thai as I will keep the potNew Cowboy Bar & Restaurantthere for future visits. Never know when I drop by for a quick pot of tea.

Well, if it can go wrong it most likely does. I thought it should be an easy operation. Hand over the tea pot, ask them to fill it with hot water and two tea bags and voilà, I will enjoy a pot of tea. I don't know where it wentNew Cowboy Bar & Restaurantwrong, but I saw them putting 2 teacupson the bar. It was obvious that they needed more instructions for the tea.

They were back with the pot and they asked if I wanted to add water to the pot. She disappeared to the kitchen with my pot and it seems like they got it.

I was reading Bangkok Post while enjoying my tea andToast at New Cowboy Bar & Restaurantwaiting for the food. They brought a plate and a basket of toast.

I asked for another plate of breakfast, can as well as I have gone through the trouble travelling allNew Cowboy Bar & Restaurantthe way down here to Soi 22. So I had 2 plates of breakfast

I didn't manage to finish both plates, it was not most of the food I left behind, but anyway, a little something that I could not finish.

I paid my bill and I left to look for a taxi to take me back home.

I made a mental note to NOT ask for toast next time at New Cowboy Bar & Restaurant.

New Cowboy Bar & Restaurant
New Cowboy Bar & Restaurant
Review: Breakfast

Fee:Good value

Web page: www.newcowboybar.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/newcowboybar

Address:32/12 soi 22 Sukhumvit Road

Tel:02 260 1496

Opening Hours:I don't know, pretty late I guess. And they are open by the time I come for breakfast

Click HERE for a map

New Cowboy Bar & Restaurant is a, well, it is a bar with a few small tables. The name, I really wish they could change the name. New Cowboy, and when you say Cowboy in Thailand people think of something else that you might not wish to be associated with. But apart from that they serve really good food and their breakfast menu is the best I have seen.

Last time I was eating Pizza at New Cowboy Bar & Restaurant they had a “Aladdin” pizza on the menu. Something that dates back to the beginning of the 90's (back to before I was on diet) when I was there to eat pizza. Just as a curiosity.

Hmm, I was there to eat pizza a lot, actually so many times they got feed up with my special instructions and they added the “Aladdin” pizza on the menu. Talk about service!

Bangkok Tourist attraction review - Reviewed by Review ManRated:Bangkok Tourist attraction review - Reviewed by Review Man

Seriously, just looking at the breakfast menu makes me drool. And to be able to choose between sof bacon (the way it should be served) and hard bacon. Most places serve the hard fried bacon and it is like chewing on a biscuit.

Home fried potato with onion, nothing you find at many places around here. French fries just isn't as good as home fried potato. And then it is never mind if they try to make it FANCY by calling it potato wedges, it is still like French fries.

And of course, to have the breakfast menu so you can compose your own breakfast comes with more pros than the obvious ones. You can order double, and yes, even TRIPLEof the stuff you like.

This is the breakfast to have when in Bangkok, BUT MAKE SURE TO ORDER FROM TIA!! Tia is the Cook and if she is not there, well, then you can as well go somewhere else. And make sure to order from Tia to avoid misunderstandings. And that is never mind if you speak Thai or English, Tia is the one you want to order from. Now you are set for a breakfast experience you won't forget!

And a very good breakfast have turned in to the best breakfast in town since they got the tea pot

Review Man

I was back home at 2 thirty and I left for Silom road at 4 thirty. I brought my tripod and my old Canon EOS 60D with a 10 to 18mm lens. This would turn out to be a mistake, but more about thisAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Bangkok Cityscapelater on. I was at the State Tower at the Silom/ Charoen Krung Road around 5 o'clock.

I had an ice cream and a bottle of water before taking the elevator to the 34th floor. I stepped in to the office we had borrowed 10 minutes past 5 o'clock.

Just one more there, but the whole group was soon sitting around a table discussing the evening's event. It is a Turkish company lending us the office as one of them are a member in Bangkok Photographers. And there is a Turk in the house? What to do? The first thing was to ask if he knew a good place inAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Bangkok CityscapeBangkok to buy Baklava.

Second thing was to ask if he knew any good Turkish restaurants in town. Turkish food, I'm drooling just by thinking about it. And that is even though I just finished a COWBOY breakfast at New Cowboy Bar & Restaurant

Anyway, I had taken a few a few pictures from the balcony before we sat down around the table. I managed to erase them, but I'm sure there will be more opportunities to take this Cityscape work shop.

I had my camera set up to take a picture every 10 seconds from one of the balconies for a Chao Phraya River time lapse. I want to have the Chao Phraya River going from daylight to dark. While my camera took pictures from the balcony we introduced ourselves. We were introduced to Mr. Roof Top himself, Brian K Boeck.

He was talking about going crazy with the pictures in Photoshop/ Light room to get punching pictures. This sounded interesting and I checked out his web page when I was back home. And there are some amazing pictures on his page so it is well worth a visit photosbybrick.com

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Bangkok Cityscape

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Bangkok Cityscape

There were people from all over the world in the room, about 10 or 15 of us. We expected it to get dark around 6 thirty. I was told that there was another balcony with a better view of the Chao PhrayaAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Bangkok CityscapeRiver. So I stopped my time lapse and I moved the camera and tripod to the other balcony.

So I spent most the time sitting on a chair and I realised that I should have brought 2 cameras.

And the wide-angle lens, well, OK but I would have loved to have had my tele zoom lens to get pictures of colourful houses at a distance. Yes, this was a mistake but next time and I will bring two cameras, or only one. Exactly how fun are the time lapses? Thousand pictures to get aAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Bangkok Cityscapeminute of movie. But I learned something and no. 1 was that I will not need to buy a wide-angle lens for the 5D. The 28 to 300mm cover all my needs.

Well, too late to go back home to get another camera so I was sitting on a chair and when it got dark I decided to stop the Chao Phraya River time-lapse to take some other interesting pictures.

As soon as one of the river dinning cruise boats are behind the building I can stop. I took my camera to the other balcony to get some pictures of the town. And I played around with shutter times between 10 and 30 seconds. Well, they were soon telling us that the time was up. Now they would continue to process the pictures in Light room.

I didn't bring my lap top so I continued with some time lapses and while the camera was taking pictures I was in the office listening to the group hoping to pick up some “HOT” editing techniques.

I save my pictures “optimized for the web” in quality 55. But we were told to save them in quality 80 for use on the web. Post a picture on Bangkok Photographers Facebook and quality 80 is OK.Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Bangkok CityscapeAlmost twice the size comparing to 55.

If I use quality 80 on aladdin.st with millions of pictures the page will never load. So 55 is OK for me even though I lose some quality on the pictures.

But was really stroke me was how good they make their pictures looking in Light room.

This was something I wished I knew how to do. Well, I haveAdobe Photoshopspent a fortune on Photoshop and you can make the same things in Photoshop. But light room don't have so much things as Photoshop and they say it is easier to use.

All photographers I know use Adobe Light room, but Mr. Roof Top himself, BrianAladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Bangkok CityscapeK Boeck told me that he liked Photoshop to make the pictures more “CRAZY”

I was keeping an ear and eye at them while they processed their pictures and at the same time I took a few time lapses and pictures from the balcony.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stAnd I was drinking water like there was no tomorrow as the hangover got worse by the minute.

It was soon time to leave and I was very happy with the session. It sounded like the whole group was very happy with the session. Now we will see when they come up with the next cityscape session and I hopeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthat I will be home by then.

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Bangkok Cityscape

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Bangkok Cityscape

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Bangkok Cityscape

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Bangkok Cityscape

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Bangkok Cityscape

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Bangkok Cityscape

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Bangkok Cityscape

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Bangkok Cityscape

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Bangkok Cityscape

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Bangkok Cityscape

Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers - Bangkok Cityscape
Click HERE for a bigger picture

I was back home around 10 and I started to make the time-lapse movies. Well, tomorrow morning and it is time for a new adventure: Photo Walk #40 - Nang Loeng Photo Walk with Bangkok Photographers. You just need to click HERE to find yourself in that adventure.


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