OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use the button. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

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Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Bangkok Slot Car Club

Sunday 27 th of December 2015 and I went for my shower when we finished our boxing session. One and a half hour until I have to be at Bangkok Slot Car Club. I got started with New Year's Eve plans. Chiang Mai for bird watching, sounds great! I called a few bird watchers in Chiang Mai.

They were going to hide at home during the New Year as the parks are full and the traffic jams and all the people would make any bird watching impossible. It was crazy up there during theBangkok Slot Car Clubholiday. Crazy, not FUNKY crazy because then I would have gone. But just crazy, then I stay in Bangkok or go elsewhere.

I found a Thailand bird list on www.norththailandbirding.com so I down loaded it and I started to prepare my “on line” list of birds I have seen in Thailand so far. So don't be surprised to find this page on www.aladdin.st in a very near future.

But today it is slot cars at Bangkok Slot Car Club and I will have to continue with my bird list another day.

I took my SCX Classic - Fiat 124 Spyder racer and I went to look for a taxi. The taxi driver, Jeez! Just as you think you have riding with them all there is a new surprise. This one was turning the wheel - left right non-stop all the time and I was about the ask her to stopBangkok taxiso I could get out and take another taxi.

Luckily enough I didn't get out. Turned out to be a nice lady even though her driving drove me up the walls. SheYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwas a English/ Japanese Teacher but she had to give up her work because of pain in her legs. It was interesting to talk with her.

Anyway, she dropped me outside Bangkok Slot Car Club a few minutes after 1 o'clock. I knocked on the door and the owner of the shop opened the door. I stepped inside and my Fiat 124 Spyder were soon in theBangkok Slot Car Clubslot. I talked with the owner and I learned a little about the Sclextric and SCX . Scalextric had to change the name to SCX to be alowed to sell their stuff in Spain.

He prepared a hand controller for me, red colour and I was in the red slot. I bought my SCX Classic Fiat 124 Spyder when I joined Bangkok Slot Car Club and the owner told me that I had to break in the car. So I started to runBangkok Slot Car Clublapse after lapse.

I was chatting with the owner while breaking-in the car. Thank God for that, or it would have been very boring just drive lapse after lapse.

For sure, if you are joining Bangkok Slot Car Club you will have a nice host. Of course, the first time it is a wee bit awkward. We were soon joined by a guy from America and the British guy that was there when I joined Bangkok Slot Car Club was soon showing up.

Bangkok Slot Car Club
Breaking-in the blue & yellow racer

Bangkok Slot Car Club
Breaking-in the blue & yellow racer

Bangkok Slot Car Club
Breaking-in the blue & yellow racer

Bangkok Slot Car Club
The blue & yellow racer comes down the track in full speed

Bangkok Slot Car Club
The blue & yellow racer comes down the track in full speed

Bangkok Slot Car Club
The blue & yellow racer comes down the track in full speed

Bangkok Slot Car Club
The blue & yellow racer comes down the track in full speed

Bangkok Slot Car Club
Breaking-in the blue & yellow racer

Bangkok Slot Car Club
Breaking-in the blue & yellow racer

Bangkok Slot Car Club
Breaking-in the blue & yellow racer

Bangkok Slot Car Club
Red racer VS the blue & yellow racer

It was quite boring to break-in the car. But it gave me practice and hands on experience. My newBangkok Slot Car ClubAmerican friend was soon having a red racer in the yellow slot and darn, that was a quick racer.

There was a stretch, maybe 4 to 5 meters long and even though I was half way when he came up on the straight stretch he just whistled past me and was ahead of me in to the curve.

There were a few sharp bends before we came up on a short straight stretch. And my SCX ClassicBangkok Slot Car Club- Fiat 124 Spyder was ahead of the red racer when we came out form the curving part of the racing track.

He was way quicker than me but I left him behind at the curving section and after a few lapse I overtook him and thus I was one laps ahead of him.

Now it was very fun to drive the slot car. Of course, to drive around the track alone is not very exciting. Sometimes it was so exciting so I forgot to release the throttle and the car flew of the racing track.

By the time the blue & yellow racer was back in the slot the red racer had left me behind again. So it is easy to understand that it is better to skid off the track where we stand, just a few seconds to be back in the race. If it happens at the other end of the track you are way behind. But we're not here to give up!

Bangkok Slot Car Club
Red racer VS the blue & yellow racer

Bangkok Slot Car Club
I leave him way behind at the curvy part of the race track

Bangkok Slot Car Club
I leave him way behind at the curvy part of the race track

Bangkok Slot Car Club

Bangkok Slot Car Club
The blue & yellow racer have to make a pit stop after a crash

Bangkok Slot Car Club
SCX Classic - Fiat 124 Spyder, a beautiful racer

Bangkok Slot Car Club
SCX Classic - Fiat 124 Spyder, imagine this beauty in RED & yellow

Bangkok Slot Car Club
A second pit stop

Bangkok Slot Car Club
A second pit stop

Bangkok Slot Car Club
The blue & yellow racer up against something else

Bangkok Slot Car Club
The blue & yellow racer up against something else

Bangkok Slot Car Club
The blue & yellow is ready to take on anything

Bangkok Slot Car Club
Another crash

Bangkok Slot Car Club
Crash - The way to do it, blocking the way for you opponent

Bangkok Slot Car Club

Bangkok Slot Car Club
Driving with “slicks” skidding around the track

Bangkok Slot Car Club
The blue & yellow having a rest

Bangkok Slot Car Club
The blue & yellow having a rest

Bangkok Slot Car Club

Bangkok Slot Car Club

Bangkok Slot Car Club

Bangkok Slot Car Club, I must give themout of 5. THIS WAS FUN!! And what a bunch of nice guys I met at Bangkok Slot Car Club. Next race is on the 3rd of January and I told them that I would be back if I didn't managed to get away on a bird watching tour. What do you know? The American guy turned out to be called “bird” something.

I told him that I had seen the openbill something at the Red Lotus Sea
- AH! The Asian Openbill stork, he said
- Yes, that's the one, I said.
Yeah, he loved birds and I told him that I had been looking for a club. He told me that there were a few bird tour organisers. Now the British guy told me that his wife was an ornithologist. He called her to see if she knew any clubs. Yeah, this was a great afternoon. I looked at my wrist watch as I started to get a wee bit hungry.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What the duck!!?? My wrist watch broken?

My wrist watch showed 5 o'clock and I had been here for 4 hours and it felt like 15 minutes. I wasBangkok Slot Car Clubshocked! Jeez, whereYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stdid the time disappear?

So yes, Aladdin can really recommend you to join Bangkok Slot Car Club. It was fun as soon as you were racing someone. I will be back.

OK, the area don't have too many taxis so I had to wait for a while before I got a taxi. Back home to check the pictures before going to HomePro to change the door bells I boughtHomePro in Bangkokyesterday evening. And as I was hungry I had decided to make a stop at QueenQueen Victoria on Sukhumvit Soi 23Victoria at Sukhumvit Soi 23 for some of the best Bangers & Mash you can find in Bangkok. And of course, while at Queen Victoria I must have some of their excellent Welsh Rarebits.

A pot of tea to flush down the food. The food was exactly as good as I remember it to be. But be careful. Queen Victoria, there is only one Queen Victoria on Sukhumvit Soi 23, I REPEAT, THERE IS ONLY ONE QUEEN VICTORIA ON SUKHUMVIT SOI 23

Tread carefully and make sure you enter Queen Victoria. There are other pubs, and just because someone open a pub, and believe me, it doesn’t mean that they know how to make Bangers & Mash. I have been at other places at Sukhumvit Soi 23 when there have been too much people at Queen Victoria. Believe it or not, I have left without finish my Bangers & Mash.

Queen Victoria on Sukhumvit Soi 23
Welsh Rarebits to start with

Queen Victoria on Sukhumvit Soi 23
Main attraction: Bangers & Mash

Everyone complains about customer service in Thailand. I have never had any problem, well, except for SAMSUNG. But I will never buy anything SAMSUNG again.

HomePro, no problem to return my door bells, they offered my money back. But I told them that I just wanted to change them for some other door bells. And while I was at HomePro I bought a
Bangkok Slot Car Club“pit stop” kit for my racer

My new British friend had served my car and he gave me some tips of what you “need” to have. He greased and oiled myPit stop at Bangkok Slot Car Clubcar. He cleaned my tyres and the car got more quiet and quicker the more I used it.

And of course, after a few incidents I learned that some of the super glue can come in handy when least expected.

I have pretty much given up my idea to go on bird watching over the New Year weekend. Everyone I spoke to told me that it would be a waste of time as it would be crowded in the parks around Chiang Mai so they didn't had any tours until January. But by then I will be in India for my Tiger safari.

My Uncle was a professional Ornithologist. This looked to be a very boring thing to do, only House Sparrow and crows. No colours and I was wondering what there could possibly be to make this interesting. But age are doing crazy things with us and now I'm going to be a bird watcher. Mostly because of all the beautiful birds in Thailand.

I was on Birdingpal's web page and I might be able to get away on some 1 day trips around Bangkok. I went to Asia Books to look for some bird books about Thailand and I bought the “AA Field Guide to the Birds of Thailand and South East Asia by Craig RobsonField Guide to the Birds of Thailand and South East Asia by Craig Robson” that was recommended by Nick Upton on his web page www.thaibirding.com.

I was at a Takoyama book store but all birding books on Thailand
was sold out.Hmm, maybe this bird watching thing is the latest to have caught on.

Yeah, I hope so, then maybe people will start to show respect for the nature and the animals living there. Anyway, I walked to Asia Books.

The girl at Asia Books gave me the book and I opened a page. DARN! There was the Pheasant-tailed Jacana. First page I open. Of course I recognised the bird from my pictures from the Red Lotus Sea. I had spent 2 days on internet trying to find the bird to find the name.

There it was and I bought the book and I could walk back home to complete my LIST of the birds I have observed in Thailand. Now I can't wait to get away for my first bird watching trip.

New Year's Eve and I'm off for my first birdwatching trip. Chiang Mai and Hia Hin, forget it. All hotels are full, unless if I want to pay 60,000 Baht in Hia Hin. Anyway, the Guides are off for the New Year's holiday. But thanks to Nick Upton and his web page www.thaibirding.com I found a few good parks in Bangkok that are good for birdwatching. And I will start with Sri Nakorn Kuen Khan Park, Bangkok - Also known as Bang Krachao which is often referred to as the "Green lung of Bangkok" So this promise to be exciting!

So thanks’ to Nick Upton at www.thaibirding.com for HOT birdwatching tip for the Bangkok area on his web page. And if you click HERE you will soon find out if I manage to see any birds.

Slot Car-Union

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