OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use the button. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

Monday 23 rd of November 2015 and my friend called to ask if I wanted to join them to go see theCalypso Cabaret - Asiatique in BangkokCalypso Cabaret at Asiatique.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What is Calypso
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- It is a gay show
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- A gay show??!!
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Yes
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Is it comedy or music
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- It is a gay music show
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What is a gay show? Lady boys?
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Yes

Our Japanese friend had a friend over from Japan and she was going to show him around town. They had spent the day in Ayuttaya and now it was time for a show. Our Japanese friend called and booked a ticket for me and we were going toCalypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkokmeet at the Interchange Tower to pick up my Calypso ticket.

I must have misunderstood her because I thought the show started at 18:30, but this was the time they were going to leave. The show started at 21:45 so we had plenty time.

Our Japanese friend was working until 5 o'clock something. We went to HIF, a Japanese travel agency in the Exchange Tower. We had plenty time to kill when we had picked up the ticket so we went to Terminal 21 to drink tea while waiting forTerminal 21our Japanese friends.

There is a bread shop/ bakery on the bottom floor and they have a few tables so you can sit down to drink tea and eat the bread. It is OK, but the tea cups, well, let's just say that they are small. And no tea pots so I don't know if I will bother coming back. And this will also benefit my diet. We had our tea and then we went upstairs to wait for our Japanese friends.

The wanted to go by sky train and the river boat to Asiatique but I was quick to talk them in to taking a taxi. Around 6 o'clock and I just know that the Siam BTS station will be full. And I mean full. And we need to change the sky train at Siam so taxi is theAsiatique - The riverfrontchoice and it was not hard to talk our friends from Japan in to take a taxi.

We plunged down Ratchadapisek and we were at Asiatique 25 minutes later without having to set foot on the sky train.

The last few months the traffic have been light in Bangkok. The last few Fridays when I'm going to meet my friend at Soi 11 it have been 3 minutes in a taxi. Normally I would not bother trying a taxi in Bangkok on a Friday night. Anyway, going by taxi turned out to be a wise move and we were happy that we had been able to avoid the sky train.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stBefore we continue, just click HERE for the state of things in Sweden. They have really managed to destroy this country. And of course, the responsible politicians have not beenprosecuted. The Swedish Prime Minister was on TV 2 days ago. He told the Swedish people that we had been naive. What the duck! He have been, not only naive, but irresponsible, borderline criminal. A naive Prime Minister, he should be fired and then put in jail.

Naive, sending money to someone they only know from a dating site, OK for a Pattaya beach boy. BUT NOT FOR A PRIME MINISTER!!! Shame on him and the government!

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok
Pictures have to be taken

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok
Pictures have to be taken

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok
Pictures have to be taken

We crossed the street to enter Asiatique. We had a 2 and a half hour to spend before the cabaret started. We decided to go for a snack. Our new friend from Japan only eat Japanese or ItalianCalypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkokfood. He don't speak a word of English and he want to be inside in the air con. The Japanese girl have to translate everything.

We got the menu and we started to order. The Waiter told us that he didn't understood Thai. My friend was quick to start the interrogation.
- Where do you come from?
- The Philippines
- Why do they bring you here, we have plenty Thai people?!
- Do they speak English?

Well, he spoke good English and I took the opportunity to make a special order. Avocado and salmon maki with some sesame seeds. My friend wanted the same and when they brought the food we had to send it out again. Nothing right, he speaks English, but whatCalypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkokabout the Cook? Does he speak English?

Our Waiter was a wee bit embarrassed when we pointed out all the mistakes. But he was soon back with the real stuff.

I had a plate with grilled cabbage.
• Avocado and salmon salad
• 3 plates of salmon & avocado maki

I was full when we left the restaurant. It was around 9 o'clock and we walked to the cabaret to get our tickets. We choose seats and it was about 30 minutes until the show started when we left the ticket office.

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok
The cabaret

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok
We get the tickets

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok
We get the tickets

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok
We get the tickets

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok
We get the tickets

We went upstairs to wait for them to open the doors to the theatre. It was a restaurant and our new friend from Japan thought this was the theatre. He was looking for numbers on the seats andCalypso Cabaret - Asiatique in BangkokI tried to explain while pointing up to a balcony with a door named TEATHRE.

A few minutes later the door open and the audience came out and all the Lady boys had lined up if you wanted to have a picture withYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthem. Yeah, well, pretty much like begging for money.

Well, maybe they call it a tip. At least we knew that it would soon be our time to enter the theatre.

They opened the door on the balcony and we went up, our new friend was still a wee bit confused. But I hollered and he came to us and we could get in to the theatre. I was pleasantly surprised when we stepped in to the theatre. This was actually better than any of the Las Vegas shows I have been to. Round tables with chairs were placed in the theatre. We took our seat and we got some drinks that was included in the ticket. I choose a bottle of water and they delivered the drinks in a jiff.

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok
I was pleasantly surprised

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok
I was pleasantly surprised

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

The show started and it was OK. Nice set up and, well, the music sucked balls big time. But as a show it was OK. And no, I was not surprised when Elvis Presley showed up. It lasted for 75 minutesCalypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkokand, well, 45 minutes would have been enough. It was good, but the music wan't all that exciting.

And when you had seen a few of the acts you knew it. And the chair left a taste of wood on the behind.

The show came to an end and time had passed quite quickly. Now it was only to run the gauntlet between the Lady boys lined up outside asking for tip. I will for sure manage to dodge them, but what about all the other tourists?

And what about our new friend from Japan?

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok
Elvis in da house

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok
It came to an end

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok
It is time to leave

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok
Our new friend didn't manage to move more than 3 meters before he had to pull out cash

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

Well, our new friend didn't manage to get very long before had had to pull out his cash. I thought he was going to lose everything when they started to pull his hands. But he managed to keep most of the money and he got a few pictures out of it. It was passed 11 o'clock in the night and time to go home. My friend wanted to send some pictures to me. She asked if I had line
- What is line?
- I can send pictures and messages
- You mean like SMS?
- Yes
- So why do you need line for this?

Anyway, we downloaded line and she sent the pictures. And as no surprise, there were instant messages from only God knows who. And this line thing can easily be the new annoyance. Well, anyway, the evening came to an end and my friends dropped me at Lawson 104. I bought a few soda pops and I walked back home. And I didn't feel very good, someone had mentioned that we were 200 years old together in the taxi back home

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok


Thanks to Line I can also share the below pictures

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok

How to kill a day in Bangkok #19
Review: Calypso Cabaret

Fee:1200 Baht, but they seem to have a standing 300 Baht discount
Web page: www.calypsocabaret.com
Theater address:2194 Charoenkrung 72-76 Rd., Prayakrai, Bangkorlaem, Bangkok 10120
Tel:(+66) 2 688 1415, (+66) 2 688 1416 or (+66) 2 688 1417
Mobile:(+66) 8 6349 1937 or (+66) 8 6349 1938
Opening Hours:Every Day 9.30hrs - 22.00hrs

Bangkok Tourist attraction review - Reviewed by Review ManRated:Bangkok Tourist attraction review - Reviewed by Review Man

Yes, definitely a very good experience. I had expected something like the old “Ladyboy” show at the cinema on Washington Square. We were there back in the 80's or beginning of the 90's. Lady boys with a 2 day stubble.

So I was not expecting much. Of course, they want it to sound like you’re going to a Las Vegas show. But I was pleasantly surprised. The theatre was very nice, and yes, I have been to a few Las Vegas shows and this was actually better. It was like you see on the old movies. Tables and chairs in front of a big stage. OK, after 30 minutes you had a taste of wood on the behind.

The show was different covers where they mime to music. But it was good and it was well worth the 900 Baht for the 90 minutes show. Of course, some of the tunes made me want to throw myself in front of a bus. My friend had been at the show a few times and she told me it was OK the first time, but then it got boring. Yeah, she have friends coming from Japan and she have to take them see the show.

But one time is OK, but a second time, no.

So come on down to Chao Phraya River to see the Calypso Cabaret, and you can stroll around the Asiatique before and after the show, at least one night can be spent here and I can almost guarantee you that you will enjoy yourself.

Review Man

How to get there:
Asiatique The Riverfront is just a few minutes away from the Sathorn Pier and a free shuttle boat is available. This is the information you get on the internet. So there are hundreds of people waiting for the free shuttle every night. The queue of waiting people goes from the berth all the way up to the sky train station.

Of course, as a tourist you know foock all and the free shuttle is the way to go. But let me give you a tip! There is the Chao Phraya Express Boat, have grown to be my favourite mode of transportation up and down the Chao Phraya River. So squeeze through the queue and go to the Chao Phraya Express Boat. Take the orange flagged boat South and you are at the Asiatique The Riverfront in a few minutes.

This will set you back by 15 Baht, and that is the same as nothing. No, thinking about it, you're better off at the free shuttle and I can be alone in the orange flagged Express Boat.

Time to leave for Donsol on the Philippines to swim with the whale sharks. A week of adventure and the only thing you need to do is to click HERE to find yourself in the middle of that adventure.
Calypso Cabaret - Asiatique in Bangkok


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