OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Bus
City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

Monday 9 th of August 2015 and my alarm went off at nine o'clock. . I had decided to check out the red City Sightseeing busses today again. I might be lucky and there isn't too much peopleCity Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Towntoday. I walked through our restaurant but they had closed at 10 thirty and I was 10 minutes late.

I had enjoyed some of the diet drinks in my room and I forgot the time. There was almost no people at the ticket office and I bought the 170 Rand ticket for a full day. And then I can use the ticket on all 4 lines. But not the Canal boat. But I doubt that I will have the time to ride all the 4 bus lines. And as it is cold I doubted that I would do more than one. Anyway, I choose to start with the Red line, the Red City Tour

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

I got a set of headphones with my ticket and I went to wait for the bus, there were 2 other guysCity Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Townwaiting for the red line bus as well. The bus going for the blue line was standing next to us. But as there were plenty people on board I chose to stay for the red line.

The red line bus came after a few minutes and I boarded the bus. My plan was to go for breakfast at Mondiall Kitchen & Bar for my brunch when I was back here at stop#1 at the Waterfront again. I was on top deck and it was OK as we had a little sun shining on us.

The blue line bus next to us left and we left a few minutes after that bus. I will not mention itCity Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Townagain, but my 70 to 200mm lens sucking balls big time. Oh, I regret spending all that money on the lens. 70mm is totally useless for pretty much everything. I could not even get a picture of the Devil's peak, Table Mountain and the Lion’s Head together on the cruise yesterday.

For sure, I will never travel around the world with the 70 to 200mm lens again. Now I have had it in Arctic and in South Africa. My 28 to 300mm will be my only travel companion in the future. Well, now I will not think about the darn 70 to 200mm lens anymore.

I will have to come back to Cape Town and I will bring my other lens so I can take proper pictures. OK, whale watching and the shark adventure I don't mind to do again.

It is gorgeous weather in Cape Town, perfect to walk around. But as soon as there is wind it is getting cold. I had actually been thinking about donning long legged jeans and a small jacket when I left. But no, shorts and shirt and it was cold. Darn cold!Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
The Blue line bus are leaving

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
The Blue line bus are leaving

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
And we're on the way

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
Table Mountain

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
Devil's Peak

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
Japanese fishing boat on the shipyard

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
City Sightseeing’s office at Long Street. Here we can get on the Red, Yellow and Blue line

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
A selfie has to be taken

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
Cable car station on Table Mountain. Will they open tomorrow?

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
Cape Town City Sightseeing bus coming down from Signal Hill

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
Lion's Head

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
Cable car station on Table Mountain. Will they open tomorrow?

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
Cape Town City Sightseeing bus coming down from Signal Hill

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
Cape Town City Sightseeing bus coming down from Signal Hill

The City Sightseeing buses are going to Signal Hill between 27th of July and 9th of August due to the annual maintenance on the cable car. Otherwise the red line stops at the cable car station STOP #7

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
Good view over Cape Town on the road to Signal Hill

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
Lion's Head from Signal Hill

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
People are getting off on Signal Hill

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
This is a bird we recognise from Botswana

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
Robben Island from the Signal Hill

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
Romø Mærsk from Signal Hill

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
We're leaving the Signal Hill again

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
No whales today

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
No whales today

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
V & A Waterfront from the Signal Hill

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
V & A Waterfront from the Signal Hill

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
Table Mountain

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
Devil's Peak

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
Cable car stations

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
Testing the cable car for the reopening tomorrow

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
Driving down to Camps Bay on the West Coast and we will drive
back to Cape Town northwest of the Lion's Head and Signal Hill

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
They have to park the cars on top of their houses

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
They have to park the cars on top of their houses

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
They have to park the cars on top of their houses

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
Now we can really see that the lion's Head looks like the Sphinx in Cairo

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
Now we can really see that the lion's Head looks like the Sphinx in Cairo

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
We're back at V & A Waterfront

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
We are back where we started

We were back at STOP #1 at the Two Oceans Aquarium. It was darn nice to be back, it was cold, very cold. We had a nice tour, really recommended. But driving back along the beach Northwest ofLa Lineathe Lion's Head and we got people from Italy on board. It was the foocking La Linea experience all over again. Screaming and shouting and I wondered where the foock the fire was loose

Mondiall Kitchen & Bar, I had excellent food there yesterday and I decided to go there again. I had given up anymore on the City Sightseeing as it was very cold. But it was very fun and I got to see a lot of Cape Town, a highly recommended tour. If it had only been a little bit warmer.

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

I will for sure keep an eye out for the City Sightseeing busses in the future as it looks like they are all over the world. A very convenient way to go around. Same as the Chao Phraya Express Boat. The blue flagged tourist boat are very convenient and you get to all the interesting places along the Chao Phraya River.

I had a delicious meal at Mondiall Kitchen & Bar and while I enjoyed my tea I came up with a plan. I can go with the bus, but I don't need to sit on the top deck. I can sit below and noCity Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Townneed to be cold. I went back to the City Sightseeing station and I got on the red line again. I got off at STOP #5.

Their ticket office at Long Street where I can connect to the blue and yellow line. So I just get on the line that are leaving first. Now I can cover 3 out of 4 lines today.

The fourth line, the purple wine tour, well, I'm not interested, maybe someday if I have the time. I got on the bus and I was sitting next to the Driver. He asked what I was enjoying.
- What do you mean?
He pointed at my e-cigarette and he gave me the internationally recognisedCity Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Townsign for smoking a e-cigarette.
- Ah, it is an e-cigarette
- Is it good?
We talked about e-cigarettes while we were driving to STOP #5 on Long Street. Long Street is also the “party” street of Cape Town. And believe me, I was very happy that I had stayed in my room yesterday.

Yes, it can be fun with a few beers, but this morning I was very happy that I didn't had any hangover. Then I would have missed the adventure on board the City Sightseeing bus in Cape Town. Now I was full of vim and when I sat down stairs it wasCity Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Townnot cold. Of course you see more from the open top deck. But this is better than nothing.

It took us a few minutes to reach Long Street and the next bus departing was the yellow line. There was a mini mart next door, but only Coca Cola products and I left again.

OK, I had a plan. I would take the YELLOW DOWN TOWN tour and then I would go to Pick n Pay to buy a few bottles of diet drinks. Then I would take the BLUE MINI PENINSULA tour back to my hotel at the Waterfront. I discovered a market place while waiting for the yellow line bus, the Greenmarket and I would check it out if I had any time between the yellow and blue line later on.

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
We're soon on Long Street

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
Look at these trees. I don't think I have ever seen trees growing
in a right angle from a hill like this. They always point towards the sky

I walked across the street to try to get a picture of City Sightseeing office and as 70mm was the widest I had to go quite far back before I could get the whole ticket office.

There was also a coffee shop and souvenir shop on the ticket office. The yellow line bus came in and I boarded the bus. I went up on the top deck. It was cold but I didn't expect the yellow down town tour to take very long time. And I could always go down if it turned out to be too cold.

I was waiting for a few minutes before we left the ticket office and there were around 10 passengers on the top deck. Only me sitting outside. The rest of the passengers were in front under the roof behind a wind breaking shield.

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
At the down town ticket office on Long Street

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
We're on the way on our Down Town City Tour

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
We're passing a church

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
We're back to Long Street and I have completed the Yellow Down Town City Tour

I got off the bus and I checked the time tables at the ticket office. It was 20 minutes + untilCity Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Towndeparture and I went to look for diet drinks. At City Sightseeing's ticket office they only had Coca Cola products. The minimart in the corner only had Pepsi original.

So that means that I will have to go to a Pick n Pay Supermarket.

I was in the area last Friday and I had bought diet drinks at the Pick n Pay 2 streets away from the ticket office. I decided to pass through the Greenmarket to see ifGreenmarket in Cape Townthere was any interesting to see.

Outside the Cape Royale Luxury Hotel was a new stadium and new roads. When I was here 10 years ago, well, it was more than 10 years ago. Anyway, back then the area was a flea market and I bought a wooden mask there.

The Greenmarket was pretty much the same and I just passed on my way to Pick n Pay. I had a persistent buggerGreenmarket in Cape Townfollowing me asking for money. He had been following me all the way from the ticket office

They told me not to give him anything. Well, anyway, I didn't had any cash. I walked down towards Pick n Pay and I bought 5 bottles of diet drinks. And I went to the Cashier and I spotted the beggar outside the Pick n Pay waiting for me. This was for sure a persistent bugger. He followed me all the way back to the ticket office again. What to do? I justCity Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Townignored him and he gave up.

I had to wait for a few minutes before departure and I took a seat in the coffee shop and I had just sat down when I saw the blue line bus arrived.

I boarded the bus and I stayed on the bottom floor and I would stay inside all the way back to the V & A Waterfront. The blue line Mini Peninsula Tour. This is the longest tour they have and we will go all around the Table Mountain to Hout Bay.

From Hout Bay we will go north to Camps Bay, and from there we will go the same way back to the Waterfront as we did with the red line earlier today. But I will stay inside and keep warm. I was almost alone on the bus, only one couple in front of me.

Kirstenbosch, the first stop South of the Devil's Head and we had people coming on board and while driving West there were more and more people coming on board. The stop at the wine tour and the bus was full from there. And a nice tour turned in to something less nice.

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
Plenty people joining us at the wine stop

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
We reach Hout Bay and from here there are a boat to Seal Island

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town
Table Mountain from the South

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town

We were back at the V & A Waterfront around 17 thirty and I had spent almost 7 hours with the red double decker’s in Cape Town. Surprisingly good. I have seen the busses many times around the world and I have wondered how people could sit there making a tit of themselves. But I'm getting old and here is nothing to do in Cape Town unless you take the day tours. OK, you can spend 45 minutes at the Waterfront. And I'm stand-by to join Romø Mærsk and as we don't know when the ship is berthing I can't leave Cape Town for any longer tours.

But this turned out to be an excellent way to kill a day. I have seen parts of the Peninsula that I would never got to see. I will for sure check out the City Sightseeing buses when I come to other places with the red bus company.

OK, I will try to get to the Table Mountain tomorrow morning, if the weather is OK. No point going up there if the mountain is in the middle of the clouds. Click HERE to check it out.

City Sightseeing Hop on - Hop off with the Red Busses in Cape Town


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