Game drive in Aquila Game Reserve in South Africa

Tuesday 4 th of August 2015 and they called me at 6 o'clock and my phone alarm went of a few minutes later. A shower and I stepped in to restaurant Rustica just after 6 thirty and they wereRustic - Italian inspiredready with my smoked salmon and avocado.

Rustic - Italian inspired

Four portions on one plate when I stepped inside. A pot of tea and I was just about to be ready when they called from the hotel. My Driver and car had arrived.

I paid my bill and I went over to the reception where I was approached by a girl.
- Aladdin?
I told her that I was Aladdin and she told me she was my Driver that would take me to the AquilaCape Royale Luxury HotelGame Reserve. We went in to the car and I realised that I had forgotten to bring some diet drinks for the ride. I returned to my room to pick up two bottles of diet drinks.

I was back in a jiff and I took my seat in the back. I had only been outside for a few seconds, and dressed in my safari kit I could not help but notice that it was very cold. I really hope the weather improve before we reach the Aquila Game Reserve or it will be cold to drive around. Anyway, we took off leaving Cape Royale Luxury Hotel behind in a dark Cape Town.

On the way to Aquila Game Reserve
Dark when we're leaving Cape Town bound for Aquila Game Reserve

On the way to Aquila Game Reserve
It is soon daylight

On the way to Aquila Game Reserve

On the way to Aquila Game Reserve

On the way to Aquila Game Reserve

On the way to Aquila Game Reserve

On the way to Aquila Game Reserve

On the way to Aquila Game Reserve

On the way to Aquila Game Reserve

On the way to Aquila Game Reserve
Double rainbow over the wine yards

On the way to Aquila Game Reserve

On the way to Aquila Game Reserve

On the way to Aquila Game Reserve

On the way to Aquila Game Reserve

On the way to Aquila Game Reserve

On the way to Aquila Game Reserve

On the way to Aquila Game Reserve

On the way to Aquila Game Reserve

On the way to Aquila Game Reserve

On the way to Aquila Game Reserve

On the way to Aquila Game Reserve

On the way to Aquila Game Reserve

On the way to Aquila Game Reserve
Arriving to Aquila Game Reserve about 2 hours after departure Cape Town

It was a beautiful drive and two hours passed very quickly. I had been speaking with the Driver non stop and it had been a very pleasant tour. Sunshine and rain, sometimes at the same time and I say it again, South Africa is a beautiful country.

The landsCape had been gorgeous and I had enjoyed every minute of the trip. Parking at Aquila Game Reserve and I was soon introduced to my Driver/ Guide. We would do a drive through theAquila Game Reservethree valleys before coming back for lunch and then he wanted to show me a Cheetah and Leopard sanctuary they had on the other side of the road.

I told him that we could skip this part as I had been on game drive before and I had seen this animals in the wild. So I suggested 2 valleys and then lunch and we could go back out there after lunch.

My other Driver would wait for me here and she would take me back to the hotel when we were ready with the game drive. My newAquila Game ReserveGuide went to fetch our car for the gaming and he came back with a truck. I was a wee bit surprised as I had expected a jeep.

Well, the bigger the more comfortable. He brought two blankets and a bottle of water for me. The blankets could come in handy, but I had my doubts about the water as it was quite cold and windy. But the blankets would for sure coming in handy. We took off and my Guide stopped after 100 meters and he opened a gate and we were in the game reserve. We drove for 2 minutes and my Guide stopped. We were at a man made pond with hippos. 3 of them stood on a small island in the middle.

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve
We reach the lions

I got suspected, well, not many minutes after entering the park. It felt like a Zoo. The hippos, and I could not see any grass for them to eat. Looking around and I could see traces of hay. They feed the animals. We spotted Gnu's and Springboks. And the Zebras, none of the animals ran away when we came. I have never been so close to a Zebra before, they always run away as soon as the can see or hear us.

The Antelopes didn't bother with us and well, it felt like a Zoo and I understood why the guy at “Made in Africa” had recommended me one day only. But it was a beautiful park and this was worth the visit. And the drive to come here, beautiful and I did not regret coming here. It had been aAquila Game Reservebeautiful day, even if it was cold to sit in the open truck.

We reached a fence and the driver got out to open the gate. We passed the gate and he closed it again.

2 to 300 meter of road and we passed 7 lions, all the lions in the park. In one place next to the road.

It was a very small enclosure/ corral. The driver told me that the Lions were usually hunting far away “behind” the mountains and we wereAquila Game Reservelucky to see them.

I had already have several alarms going off. The hippos, I was told they was only given a supplement, 10% hay. And now the lions are just at the exit gate 3 minutes’ drive from the entrance gate. Something was not right. I could not see any antelopes or anything in the corral. The driver pointed at a small shed and he told me it was for the babies.

Yet again, an alarm was going of as there were no baby lions to be seen. Maybe a shed for food. Anyway, I had a few pictures and I told my Guide that we could continue.

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve
An elephant

Aquila Game Reserve

Aquila Game Reserve
We're back at the reception

Aquila Game Reserve
We're back at the reception

We spent about three hours driving around the park, it was a beautiful park. But the animals, we saw giraffes and I just had to ask.
- Are they really natural in this environment?
- No, we have them to try if we can have giraffes here

It was worth the money coming here just for the tour from Cape Town, beautiful scenery and I was looking forward to the trip back to Cape Town. And if I recommend this place. If you have been on a real safari, don't bother. Don't bother going to any “PRIVATE” gaming reserve where they guarantee that you see all the animals. Impossible in the wild.

But if you have never done it before, yeah, go ahead. You see the animals in a wild environment. We had a buffet lunch before we got back in to the car going back to Cape Town. It was nice to come in to a warm car and off we went. A trip I'm looking forward to!

Leaving Aquila Game Reserve bound for Cape Town
On our way back to Cape Town

Leaving Aquila Game Reserve bound for Cape Town

Leaving Aquila Game Reserve bound for Cape Town

Leaving Aquila Game Reserve bound for Cape Town

Leaving Aquila Game Reserve bound for Cape Town

Leaving Aquila Game Reserve bound for Cape Town

Leaving Aquila Game Reserve bound for Cape Town
We see a Baboon

Leaving Aquila Game Reserve bound for Cape Town
We drive through a beautiful landscape

Driving back to Cape Town
We drive by a shanty town

Driving back to Cape Town
They build new housing instead for the shacks

Driving back to Cape Town
They build new housing instead for the shacks

Driving back to Cape Town

Driving back to Cape Town

Driving back to Cape Town

Driving back to Cape Town
New built town ship

We were talking on the way back and I asked about different tours they had on offer in Cape Town. I had decided not to go back to Aquila Game Reserve again. I'm still waiting for the confirmation about the whale watching and the White shark tour. Otherwise I will hire this car for a full day tomorrow to go South to have a look at the whales.

I liked the driver and we had a good time. I didn't had the number to “Made in Africa” and my driver would call her company to get the number. We stopped at a gas stop and she called while I went to look for diet drinks. And I'll be darned, only Coca Cola products. So I bought a bottle of Choco Milk and a bottle of Strawberry milk.

When I was back my driver was waiting for a call from “Made in Africa” and they called a minute later. The driver handed me the phone in the back seat.
- YIPPEE!! The shark tour is on for tomorrow!

I was very happy, the Great White shark. Amazing way to top my holiday. A GREAT FINALE!!! Northern part of the globe and I watch the Polar Bears and WIPS! I'm on the Southern part of the globe to swim with the Great White shark, amazing! Yet again, an amazing holiday, very short, only 2 months. We were soon on our way to Cape Town again. I have to get to be very early tonight so I'm full of vim when I'm face to face with the Great White tomorrow.Great White Shark

Driving back to Cape Town

Driving back to Cape Town

Driving back to Cape Town

Driving back to Cape Town
Rainbow over a wine yard

Driving back to Cape Town
A waterfall, and this waterfall was not here when we passed earlier in the morning so it have been raining a lot

Driving back to Cape Town

Driving back to Cape Town

We were back in Cape Town around 3 thirty in the afternoon. I told the girl that I would call if my ship was delayed and we could go for the whale watching. I packed my “shark” kit in the bag IBaboon warning sign in South Africabought at Victoria Hotel. Warm clothes and some swimming with the shark stuff.

I checked my pictures from the game drive and I went to look for a taxi, time for dinner. I stopped at Rustic to ask them to have smoked salmon and avocado ready for me at 7 fifteen tomorrow morning. I got in to the taxi and we took off towards V & A Waterfront. MyBaboon warning sign in South Africadinner at Balducci yesterday had been very good, but I wanted to try something else today.

I went up on the second floor (top floor) at Victoria Wharf shopping galleria. I found a place, Italian restaurant named Meloncino. I stepped inside and I asked for a ham and cheese salad as a starter. Some ravioli as main course. I saw that they had a Nutella Mousse with some liquor. Nutella mousse! I asked if they had “real” whipped cream.

They confirmed that it was “real” whipped cream and I asked them to skip the liquor and put whipped cream instead. Nutella mousse, I was drooling just thinking about it and I'm sure I would have been breaking at least one law if I had not ordered the Nutella mousse for dessert.

A pot of bread and a basket of bread that didn't impress me. The food was good, they tried to do it fancy so it was not any super tankers with food brought to my table. But the food was good. I asked for a second pot of tea and I was drooling at my table while waiting for the Nutella mousse.

I was sitting there when the Waiter come to tell me that they were out of the Nutella Mousse. I got angry, here I am sitting like a village idiot waiting and now they tell me they are out of the Nutella. And are you sitting down? When I paid my bill the Waiter asked, hold on!
- do you want to give something extra for the good service?
Yet another Smiley on What theYet another Smiley on

I understand they can run out of things in the kitchen, but then they have to tell me when I order, not when I have been sitting there waiting wasting my time.
- Good service, are you joking?

Well, I was happy as it turned out as a good thing for my diet. Back in my room and I was excited about my shark adventure tomorrow. And you can click HERE to find out how that turns out.


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