Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Visa run to Laos

Monday 5 th of January 2015 I had asked for two wake up calls, one at 6 thirty and one at 7. That will give me time for breakfast before they come to pick me up at 9. I had time to update my webAladdin's adventure in Pakse - Visa run to Laospage and to drink a diet drink before going for my breakfast.

I had breakfast, the baguette left a whole lot to wish for. But they have pots with tea and they also had honey so I was, well, kind of satisfied when I left the restaurant.

I was soon back in my room to kill 15 minutes before the driver would come to pick me up. I was outside waiting when the driver came up to me. And I was happy that we didn't had to go in a van. He came with a KIA, AAladdin's adventure in Pakse - Visa run to LaosKorean brand car. I had never been in a KIA before, but I had seen them and I had been thinking that thisKIAmust be a heap of crap.

So I was surprised, I was sitting very comfortable and riding a KIA for the first time turned out to be a good experience.

We left my hotel and we would start the day by visiting the Vat Phou and we had to cross the bridge over the Mekong River. This is the first time I go over a bridge crossing theAladdin's adventure in Pakse - Visa run to LaosMekong River so this was a wee bit exciting.

It took us about 40 minutes to get to the Vat Phou and it looked like it was quite a distance from the entrance to the ruins. And it was hot, what a difference it is from the North of Laos. More than 30°C here in the South.

Luckily enough they had electric carts going between the Vat Phou ruins and the entrance.

Vat Phou,

or Wat Phu (Lao: ວັດພູ [wāt pʰúː] temple-mountain) is a ruined Khmer Hindu temple complex in southern Laos. It is located at the base of mount Phu Kao, some 6 km from the Mekong river in Champasak province. There was a temple on the site as early as the 5th century, but the surviving structures date from the 11th to 13th centuries.

The temple has a unique structure, in which the elements lead to a shrine where a linga dedicated to Lord Shiva was bathed in water from a mountain spring. The site later became a centre of Theravada Buddhist worship, which it remains today.

From Wikipedia

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
Arriving to Vat Phou

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
They took me to the Vat Phou ruins in an electric cart

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
The Vat Phou ruins are quite far from the entrance

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
We're approaching the Vat Phou ruins

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
There are still some walking to do

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
Letar han efter en skatt?

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
I reach the Vat Phou ruins

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
Looks like they are building up the temple again

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
All the pieces are numbered

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
Numbered pieces are put together to a wall

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
Numbered pieces are put together to a wall

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
Making new pieces for the temple

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
Making new pieces for the temple

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
Making new pieces for the temple

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
As exciting as it gets at Vat Phou

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
It came as no surprise that I decided NOT to climb the foocking
Mount Everest to see more of the stones lying around

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
I start to walk back to get a car to the entrance

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
He is still there looking for something when I walk back

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
I'm back at the museum

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
Not allowed to take pictures inside the museum!

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
Seriously, what the foock is here to take pictures of?
Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Visa run to Laos

I spent a few minutes before I went to the entrance and my waiting driver. I stopped to buy a diet drink before I left. I asked two times before the girl answered. She was just sitting there playing with her mobile phone. I asked her if she worked here and she never let her eyes of the phone.

Maybe it is me getting old, if you're hired by someone to service customer you should not play with the phone. I left my diet drink on the desk top and I left. So someone is hiring her to take care of the shop at Vat Phou and she scare away the customers. Someone have made an investment, then decide to hire her and she foocks up the investment. WAY TO GO!

My driver was waiting and we drove for about 20 minutes before I asked him to stop. I wanted toAladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laosgo check out the work in the rice paddies. Most of the people I have met in Laos have worked on a farm at some point of their life. They are usually very surprised when I tell them that I used toAladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laoswork on a farm when I was 13 years old or something like that. But we worked with potatoes and not rice.

We stopped and I got out of the car and I was away walking around looking at the farmers working. I hard work end the back bone of the county. And for sure, they get no respect at all.

As in Thailand, people are looking down on these hard working people. But come along, someone stealing a billion or two so they can't build schools. He drives a nice car, like stealing a car and this person is looked upon with admiration. The lot should be in prison!

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Work in the rice paddy - Visa run to Laos
Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
Here we see how the huts are coming to use during the work in the rice paddies

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
A truck comes plunging down between the rice paddies

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
A truck comes plunging down between the rice paddies

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
Yet another truck comes plunging down between the rice paddies

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Vat Phou - Visa run to Laos
Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Visa run to Laos

We left the rice paddies behind and next stop was the Tad Fan waterfall. We had to drive back to Pakse and then about 40 km in the other direction. We decided to stop for lunch before we left for
Tad Fan

(also known as Dong Hua Sao), tumbles 120 metres, making it the tallest waterfall in Laos. Well-marked trails lead the physically fit 6 kilometres to the base of the falls”. Tourists have countless opportunities to indulge in the Bolaven Plateau’s beautiful scenery that has begun to capture international attention
the waterfall.

I asked if he knew any good and clean restaurants in Pakse, maybe a French restaurant? I had L'Elephant in Luang Prabang in mind. He told me that he knew a French restaurant and we took off to Pakse for lunch. I saw a giant Buddha on the mountain when we approached Pakse and I asked ifAladdin's adventure in Pakse - Phu Salao, Golden Buddha - Visa run to Laosit was possible to drive there by car.
- Yes, we can go by car
- Good, let's go have a look

The Buddha is called Phu Salao, Golden Buddha and there is a temple on the mountain. It was quite a long way up on the mountain. I got out of the car at the giant Buddha and I had a beautiful view over Mekong River and Pakse on the other side of the river.

There were four girls on 2 motorcycles and we chatted for a while. They left, well, one motorcycle left and one stayed behind and we continued the chat.

The other two girls came back and all of them left. Good, I could take my pictures of the views from the Phu Salao, Golden Buddha. My hotel was just on the other side of the bridge. I could also see theAladdin's adventure in Pakse - Phu Salao, Golden Buddha - Visa run to Laosairport and there were two Lao Airlines plane at the terminal.

But no plane took off and I was a little bit disappointed, would be nice with a picture of a plane taking off.

When I was ready with the pictures I got in to the car and we drove to the temple a few hundred meters away. I got out of the car again and I went to check the view over the River Mekong.

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Phu Salao, Golden Buddha - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Phu Salao, Golden Buddha - Visa run to Laos
Phu Salao, Golden Buddha frommy hotel

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Phu Salao, Golden Buddha - Visa run to Laos
My hotel on the other side of the Mekong River

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Phu Salao, Golden Buddha - Visa run to Laos
Pakse and my hotel on the other side of the Mekong River

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Phu Salao, Golden Buddha - Visa run to Laos
Mekong River

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Phu Salao, Golden Buddha - Visa run to Laos
Pakse Airport on the other side of the Mekong River

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Phu Salao, Golden Buddha - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Phu Salao, Golden Buddha - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Phu Salao, Golden Buddha - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Phu Salao, Golden Buddha - Visa run to Laos
My hotel on the other side of the Mekong River

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Phu Salao, Golden Buddha - Visa run to Laos
Mekong River

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Phu Salao, Golden Buddha - Visa run to Laos
It was a beautiful temple

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Phu Salao, Golden Buddha - Visa run to Laos
It was a beautiful temple

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Phu Salao, Golden Buddha - Visa run to Laos
It was a beautiful temple

The temple was very beautiful with plenty colours as the Buddhist temples usually are. We were soon on our way to the French Restaurant and when the driver stopped outside a, well, I call it a place, not a restaurant. At least there was nothing reminding me about L'Elephant.

I got a menu and there was no French food (baguette) and when I asked if they had fresh bread the Waitress pointed at garlic bread in the menu. I ordered schnitzel and tea. When my driverAladdin's adventure in Pakse - Phu Salao, Golden Buddha - Visa run to Laoscame in they handed him a menu with Lao/ Thai food and I asked why I had not got this menu.

They had the green curry and the driver asked for a bowl. I asked for Lao spring rolls.

I was already full after the schnitzel so I only ate half of the spring rolls. I read in the newspaper in Vientiane that the farmers didn't ate their vegetable because they used so much chemicals on them. After that I gave up eating vegetables in Laos, and my guess is that it is the same in Thailand. So I left the vegetables and the French fries that came with the schnitzel, but even then I was full.

We left the restaurant and it took us about 30 minutes to reach the Tad Fan waterfalls. I got out of the car and I walked towards a Guesthouse that was located at the waterfalls. I saw a garbageAladdin's adventure in Pakse - Tad Fan waterfall - Visa run to Laosbin where they asked us to segregate the garbage.

I reached the waterfall and it was on the other side of a deep valley and it was very hard to see the bottom of the falls.

There were 2 viewing points and a path leading down to the bottom of the falls. But it looked to be very step and I decided to stay at the top. I met three guys from Korea and they enjoyed the Tad Fan waterfalls. They had been going around Laos and they were going back home tomorrow.

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Tad Fan waterfall - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Tad Fan waterfall - Visa run to Laos
Walk path leading to the restaurant and waterfall

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Tad Fan waterfall - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Tad Fan waterfall - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Tad Fan waterfall - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Tad Fan waterfall - Visa run to Laos
New friend from Korea

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Tad Fan waterfall - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Tad Fan waterfall - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Tad Fan waterfall - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Tad Fan waterfall - Visa run to Laos
Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Tad Fan waterfall - Visa run to Laos

We left the Tad Fan waterfall and we drove to the next waterfall. They wanted to charge me a “foreigner” price to come in and see the waterfall. I told the driver to leave and we went to checkAladdin's adventure in Pakse - Visa run to Laosout a tea plantation instead. If they want me to pay double price for being a tourist, they can keep the waterfall for the Lao people. First 32 US Dollars for the visa and then I will have to pay extra to see a waterfall.

We stopped at a tea and coffee plantation and they were in full swing making tea when we arrived. My driver and I went town to look at the tea plants.

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Visa run to Laos
Fresh tea leave

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Visa run to Laos
Tea plant

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Visa run to Laos
Tea plants

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Visa run to Laos
Tea plant

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Visa run to Laos
Jasmine flower

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Visa run to Laos
Tea plantation

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Visa run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure in Pakse - Visa run to Laos
Coffee drying in the sun

I bought a bag of tea when we left, there had been a misunderstanding, I thought the old lady said that they tea would be good for one month. But the tea will stay good for a year or two in a jar. IAladdin's adventure in Pakse - Visa run to Laoscould have bought more tea.Hmm, maybe I was lucky, the tea might taste like sh**

Anyway, I'm looking forward to get back home to try the tea. We stopped at Jiffy and I bought a bag of diet drinks and ice cream for me and the driver.

I was back in my room around 4 o'clock and I will spend the rest of the day relaxing. Actually, there is not much else to do in Pakse. It will be nice to leave for the Vat Phou Cruise tomorrow and they will pick me up at 9 thirty.

The afternoon was spent checking the pictures. I had seen that they had another restaurant at the hotel. The SA LA GANG KONG and I quote: The most talked about places in town. Sa la Gang Kong is perfect for family and friends to share a casual meal and relaxing dining experience. Asian buffet is available for lunch. A show kitchen features a wide range of Mekong and seafood dishes as well as an a la carte menu serving for dinner, accompanied by a live music until late night.

Located: Mekong riverside
Hours  : Dinner: 05.00pm – 11.00 pm.

Aladdin's adventure at Champasak Grand Hotel in Pakse - Visa run to Laos
Passing the swimming pool on the way to Sa la Gang Kong

Aladdin's adventure at Champasak Grand Hotel in Pakse - Visa run to Laos
Passing the swimming pool on the way to Sa la Gang Kong

Aladdin's adventure at Champasak Grand Hotel in Pakse - Visa run to Laos
Sa la Gang Kong

Aladdin's adventure at Champasak Grand Hotel in Pakse - Visa run to Laos
Sa la Gang Kong

Aladdin's adventure at Champasak Grand Hotel in Pakse - Visa run to Laos
Sa la Gang Kong

Aladdin's adventure at Champasak Grand Hotel in Pakse - Visa run to Laos
Sa la Gang Kong

Aladdin's adventure at Champasak Grand Hotel in Pakse - Visa run to Laos
Champasak Grand Hotel in Pakse

Aladdin's adventure at Champasak Grand Hotel in Pakse - Visa run to Laos
Champasak Grand Hotel in Pakse

I had a pot of tea and a plate of Lao sausages. I had a small pizza and I returned to my room. Wake up call at 7 and 7 thirty tomorrow morning. Time for a shower and breakfastVat Phou Cruise - Southern Mekongbefore they pick me up at 9 thirty for the Vat Phou Cruise.

My last activity in Laos and I'm actually looking forward to get back home now. It have been fantastic, bit it is almost 3 weeks and I need to get back to my exercise and fresh fruit, in short: My diet!

Mekong cruise next, and you just have to click HERE to find yourself on board the Vat Phou Cruise

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