OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use the button. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Thai Smile Airways flight TG 2004

Sunday 20 th of December 2015 and my alarm clock went off at 6 o'clock in the morning. My friend will arrive at 8 o'clock and we will take a taxi to Suvarnabhumi, and this time the domestic airport. Well, the domestic airport is door #2. Thai Airways first and business class is door #1. And Thai domestic and economy is door #2 so it will be the same as usually going to Suvarnabhumi.
Thai Smile Airways flight TG 2004
My second Domestic flight from Suvarnabhumi, last time was with NOK Air and that is many years ago. So this will be kind of exciting. of course, not to the extent that I'm looking forward to the flight. Well, time to foock off out of here.

My friend knocked on the door 2 minutes past 8 o'clock and we were in the taxi at 8 thirty. Of course, the usual Aladdin going to the airport routines, forget the pass port and, yeah, well, weUdon Thani adventurewere on the way at 8 thirty and Sunday morning light traffic and we made it to Suvarnabhumi in about 30 minutes. And that is even though we didn't got up on the motorway until Shrinakarin. So, yes, light Sunday morning traffic.

Door #2 for Thai Airways domestic and we went to an empty check-in counter. Well, they told us that Udon Thani was in row D.

I spotted a check-in counter for Star Alliance Gold Card Members and we went over there. OK, now I understand, Thai Smile is not Thai Airways and we had to go check in at row D

Udon Thani adventure
Early morning on my street

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
Arriving to Suvarnabhumi

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
Arriving to Suvarnabhumi

We found Thai Smile check-in and there were plenty people queueing up to check-in. But I found a counter for passengers without luggage. Good luck and we had soon checked in to Thai Smile's flightSuvarnabhumi International AirportTG 2004. My friend got the window seat and I'm at my favourite place, in the aisle.

Now we just hope that the seat between us remains empty. We passed security and we took the escalator down to the domestic terminal. About one and a half hour until boarding so we went to Thai Airways lounge to relax while waiting.

IT STARTED GOOD WITH A SODA WATER only. But then the boredom got hold of me and I went for some sandwiches and, well, to make things worse I had some tarts and marble cake.Suvarnabhumi Domestic AirportNot what I call a good start of our Udon Thani adventure.

We left the lounge 20 minutes past 10 as boarding was 10:40. We did some miscalculation about the time to walk to the gate.

We had expected it to take longer than 3 minutes so we were too early. And as always, boarding was 15 minutes late so we had to do a whole lot of waiting at gate B2. When we boarded we were almost first on board and we could not believe our luck when they closed the door. The seat between us were empty.

Safety demonstration and we were TAXI out on the runway and we were soon off towards Udon Thani. According to the Pilot up front it was a 50 minutes flight. So that is OK.

Thai Smile flight TG 2004/ flight WE 004
Our plane at gate B2

Suvarnabhumi Domestic Airport
Waiting at gate B2

Suvarnabhumi Domestic Airport

Thai Smile flight TG 2004/ flight WE 004
Finally on board

Thai Smile flight TG 2004/ flight WE 004
Finally on board

Thai Smile pre departure safety demonstration
Now I understand why they call it Thai Smile Airways

Thai Smile flight TG 2004/ flight WE 004
Well, maybe better off checking the safety instructions

Thai Smile flight TG 2004/ flight WE 004
Arrival to Udon Thani

Thai Smile at Udon Thani Airport
Our plane in Udon Thani

Thai Smile at Udon Thani Airport
We have no luggage to claim

We had a nice flight with Thai Smile Airways to Udon Thani. Flight TG 2004 as it said on my e-ticket, but the boarding pass say flight WE 004. Never mind, there were ample leg room and I2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Pariswas quite comfortable. I dozed off for a few minutes every now and then.

We even got a snack. OK, what a waste it was. A bag (Merry Christmas themed bag) containing a napkin in plastic wrapping. Some blueberry pastry inplastic packing and a bottle of water.

Before arrival the Stewardesses came to pick up the garbage. 2 big plastic bags, every day thousands of flights. Do you remember the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris? Yeah, you remember, Paris!? It was 24 foocking 7 for 2 days that we need to save the world. We are for sure killing our self.

2 days of 24/7 alarm on how we're killing our self. Now the day after, nothing. The most important is Star Wars and some soccer result. And some F1 race that will make wonders for our climate, this gets more coverage than the Paris summit that was supposed to save our self from our self. 24 foocking seven of Politicians talking andpulling out rabbits from the hat.

Philippines, they will reduce the greenhouse gases by 70% between 2020 and 2030. WOW2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Parisand motherfoocking WOW!! Then you continue, if someone else is paying and providing the technology. Why not promise to reduce the gases with 100%?

And of course, we need to do something or we're dead in a not too far future. What to do?Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stYEAH, we have an EARTH DAY!! What an idea! We're killing our self so let’s turn off the light in Paris Tower, Statue of Liberty etc. for an hour. One hour per year!

Awfully quiet about the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, and that is even though it have been an unbelievable success. NOT ONE SINGLE WORD!

We took a taxi to our hotel and it was like an onslaught of bad news hitting me. The driver told us that we had to leave for the red lotus sea at 6 thirty in the morning. At 10 o'clock the lotusCentral Plaza in Udon Thaniflowers closing and it is not beautiful anymore. The flowers are only open early morning, so, well, I had expected to be able to sleep longer than to 5 thirty tomorrow.

Well, we agreed with the driver that he would come to pick us up tomorrow at 6 thirty. We went inside to check-in.

They had one room with a King size bed and the other room had 2 beds. They would have 2 rooms with king size beds available around 2 o'clock in the afternoon. And as the clock was 1 o'clock we had an hour to kill and we went in to Central shopping mall next door. And as we started to get hungry we were looking for aCentral Plaza in Udon Thanirestaurant for our lunch.

We found a Japanese Restaurant and we got a table. I asked if they had Pepsi but they only had Coca Cola products. Can you name one single Coca Cola product that you can drink? Well, Minute Maid, but that’s it!

We ordered our food and I went down to Tops Market and I bought a bag of Pepsi MAX and the food was on the table when I came back to the restaurant. I asked for a wine glass and we were soon enjoying a very good lunch. And we had a couple from Laos joining us at the table next to us. A nice lunch,Pepsiwell, the food was good so that was nice. But I had too much to eat so I was suffering from some terrible agony when we left.

We were back at the reception 10 minutes before 2 o'clock and now they had finished the preparation of our rooms. He told me that we would stay on the fifth floor. I found it strange as our room numbers were 600 something. Of course, we stepped out on the fifth floor and it just took a few seconds to discover that they were wrong in the reception.

Sixth floor and we found our rooms and we would meet after an hour. A shower before we're off to explore Udon Thani. The only reason for coming to Udon Thani is of course to see the Red Lotus Sea - (ทะเลบัวแดง Talay Bua Daeng)

We had our rest and we left after an hour, we have heard about a park in the town and there should be a market. Yeah, night market, you know that a place have foock all to offer when they try to sell you the night market. Well, there was also a train station, and I was interested in seeing the railway station. And there willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be some train action.

Central Plaza and Centara Hotel in Udon Thani
Central Plaza and Centara Hotel in Udon Thani

Central Plaza Udon Thani
Central Plaza in Udon Thani

Udon Thani
Asking for some Udon Thani tourist information

Udon Thani Railway station
Udon Thani Railway station

Udon Thani Railway station
A freight train is coming when we arrive

Udon Thani Railway station
A freight train is coming when we arrive

Udon Thani Railway station

Udon Thani Railway station

Udon Thani Railway station

Udon Thani Railway station

Udon Thani Railway station

Udon Thani Railway station
Leaving Udon Thani Railway station

We left the hotel and we walked to the front of Central Plaza, first time in Udon hani for the both of us so we knew sod all. We asked around and we got pretty much the same info we had got before. A park and the night market, well, we can't say that we were very excited. We walked towards the railway station, always fun at the railway station.

If there are trains coming and going that is. Market, seems like the whole street from Central Plaza down to the railway station and the night market was about to turn in to a market. And exactlythe same shit they are selling along the roads in Bangkok.

Poor quality and the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris springs to mind again. When I bought the Pepsi I was behind a foreign guy in the queue to the Cashier. He had bought a set of frying pans.

2 frying pans and a turner wrapped in plastic. The price came to exactly nothing and, well, just by looking at the set you could understand what kind of quality itwas, and who had made the set. (Child or slave labour) You could also tell, just by looking at it that you would be lucky if it held together until you had finished making your first meal.

Material, energy for manufacturing and transport, what a waste. Maybe transporting it half way around the globe just to end up straight in the garbage bin. Yeah, you know these sales and promotions, take as much as you can carry for 2 Dollars.

We reached Udon Thani Railway station and I could see a freight train approaching and I hurriedTaxi in Udon Thaniup to reach the platform before the freight train reached the railway station.

The train stopped and the engine disconnected the wagons with containers, so there was a little Sunday afternoon excitements at Udon Thani railway station. I wasYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.strunning around looking at everything and the Stationmaster came out to see what was going on.

The stationmaster turned out to be a nice guy and I talked with him and I got a lot of information about the train situation here in Udon Thani. Several trains per day arriving from Bangkok and as I understood it Udon Thani is the second last stop before theTaxi in Udon Thaniend station, Nong Khai, 10 to 12 hours from Bangkok train station.

We left the railway station and we walked through the night market that was setting up. We decided to go to the Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park. We decided to go with a motorcycle even though I was very reluctant.

The motorcycle, well, it is a tricycle with two benches behind the driver. Looks dangerous and for sure, it will not be a comfortable ride to Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park. To start with, itTaxi in Udon Thaniwas not easy to get 500 kg of lard up on the motorcycle. And when I was finally up on the back of the motorcycle it was not comfortable.

It was almost like sitting on the floor and we had been on our way for only a few minutes when it felt like we had been on the back of the motorcycle for hours.

Well, it could have been worse, we passed a bicycle rickshaw and I was happy that I was on the motor cycle. BicycleTaxi in Udon Thanirickshaw and I remember when I was plunging down the Main Bazar in New Delhi on a rickshaw with no possibilities to steer or brake.

And we will reach the Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park a wee bit quicker than if we had been on the bicycle rickshaw.

It took longer than I had expected to reach the Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park, we didn't made much speed with the motorcycle. Believe me, it was nice to get down from the back of the motorcycle. I was instantly disappointed, I'm used to the beautiful parks in Bangkok, and Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park looked more like a construction site.

I had been out of the motorcycle for 3 minutes when I spotted 3 big yellow ducks. We crossed a bridge over the moat around the park. We ran in to people playing some game reminding about croquet. It was a club and there was a lady running the club and she explained the rules for us before we continued our walk.

We were hearing loudspeakers and screaming and we were soon to discover that they were having a BMX Street Jam at the far end of the Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park

Udon Thani - Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park

Udon Thani - Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park - BMX Street Jam

Udon Thani - Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park - BMX Street Jam

Udon Thani - Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park - BMX Street Jam

Udon Thani - Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park - BMX Street Jam

Udon Thani - Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park - BMX Street Jam

Udon Thani - Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park - BMX Street Jam

Udon Thani - Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park - BMX Street Jam

Udon Thani - Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park - BMX Street Jam

Udon Thani - Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park - BMX Street Jam

Udon Thani - Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park - BMX Street Jam

Udon Thani - Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park - BMX Street Jam

Udon Thani - Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park - BMX Street Jam

Udon Thani - Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park - BMX Street Jam

We spent some time at the BMX Street Jam before we continued. We had crossed one bridge that was swinging when I walked over the bridge, not a nice experience. Was it because of me, orUdon Thani - Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Parkwas the bridge supposed to swing and bounce like this? I don't know, but no one else seemed to bother so it is most likely how it is supposed to be.

Anyway, we were approaching another bridge on our walk around the park. Can't say that I was scared but I didn't looked forward to crossing the bridge. We approached the bridge and I saw a girl sitting in the grass among bushes looked like they were planted like a maze

When I came around the trees I saw a girl and a guy taking pictures of the girl and I went over to help them out. I few pictures later and me and my friend were on our way up on the bridge to disappear towards the moat and where we had entered the park. Still day light and we were looking for something else to do in Udon Thani. We had not spent much time here before we realised that 2 nights was enough for Udon Thani.

Udon Thani - Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park

Udon Thani - Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park

Udon Thani - Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park
Back at the ducks

Udon Thani - Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park
Back at the ducks

We were soon back at the ducks and the bridge crossing the moat. The road was getting full of people enjoying the evening and there were people buying bread to throw to the fishes in theUdon Thani - Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Parkmoat. The water was boiling with fish, huge fishes. Some of the gold fishes looked to be almost one meter long.

Well, we were soon in the back of another motorcycle taxi on our way to a Chinese house/ museum of some kind. We passed the night market and when we arrived at 6 we had one hour before they closed the place.

Turned out that the Chinese place was a moral museum, well, we killed 30 minutes there before starting to walk back to the Railway station area and the UD Town/ night market. And yes, we were hungry.

Japanese restaurants, here are plenty Japanese restaurants. Almost every restaurant is about Japanese food. I don't mind Japanese food. But this is the self-cooking styles restaurants, andYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthen I mind the Japanese restaurant. I cook food at home, and when I go to restaurant I expect to have a professional in the kitchen.

Udon Thani - Moral Museum
At the moral museum

Udon Thani - Moral Museum
At the moral museum

Udon Thani - Moral Museum
At the moral museum

My friend asked if I wanted to eat Issan food. Yeah, why not? We took the motorcycle taxi to the Nong Prachak Sinlapakhom Park out side a Issan restaurant that had been looking clean andnice. So yes, I could have some Issan food if the Cook understand “NOCHILLI” in the food.

We were walking toward the railway station and the UD Town. By now the night market was in full swing and there were plenty people moving around in the area looking at pretty much the same crap they are selling along the streets in Bangkok

My friend and me were soon wanting to take different ways and it turned out that he was talking about another Issarn restaurant. Well, I don't mind as long as it is clean and have AC.

The restaurant was clean and at first the menu wasn't impressing. The normal cheap picture menu. But there were some stuff I wanted to try and I placed my order with the added NO CHILLIUdon Thani - Issan foodinstruction. Drinks, they had exactly nothing I wanted to drink and my friend went to look for Pepsi MAX.

He was back after a few minutes and I could see him approaching after a few minutes through the window. NO PEPSI!. When he came inside I asked about the Pepsi. He had not found any Pepsi and he had not bought any at Tesco because I don't like Tesco and 7 Eleven
- You could have told me that you bought them at Tops Market!

I left and I was soon back with a bag of Pepsi MAX and the Waitress brought a wine glass. The food was on the table and it was excellent food. I ate so much that IUdon Thani - Issan foodfelt bad due to severe agony. And I was lucky that they forgot to bring my meatball soup. The food was good and if I had remembered the name of the restaurant I would have recommended the place. But please, bring your own drinks.

It was 8 o'clock something and time to go back home to sleep. Wake up call tomorrow at 5 thirty, nothing I look forward to. We walked around town for 45 minutes or so to see the views on our way back to Centera Hotel.

And we made the mistake toYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwalk through Central Plaza and I stopped for an ice cream with lava something and extraSoft Ice Creamwhipped cream. Not good for my diet. But it was good right there and then, but seriously, I must start getting serious when I'm back home in Bangkok. No more lunch and dinners with friends.

But,hmm, the problem is that I feel stupid sitting there drinking tea while they are eating. Back at the room and it was bed time. E-mail from my friend in UK, the latest Scalextric news. Scalextric World Championship and you just need to click HERE to read the exciting story. Yes, next Sunday and I will be at Bangkok Slot Car Club and I have already a few friends that wants to join with me. So this can be the latest thing to catch on.

OK, tomorrow morning (early) and we're off to the Red Lotus Sea - (ทะเลบัวแดง, Talay Bua Daeng) and you just need to click HERE to find yourself in the middle of that adventure.


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