OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Birding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu, Bangkok, Thailand

Friday 12 th of February 2016 and we finished the boxing 10 minutes after 10 o'clock. I would have time for a quick shower before meeting my friend outside Lawson 108 at 10 thirty. Then offBirding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu, Bangkok, Thailandto Bang Pu to make it in time for the low water at 13:40.

I was at Lawson 108 20 minutes before 11 and we were soon in a taxi on the way to Bang Pu. Took us quite some time to get to Bang Pu, we were hauling arse via the Suvarnabhumi Route but when we came down to Bang Na the traffic was slower. But we made it there in about one hour.

We got out of the taxi and when we walked down the pier we could see that the water had started to disappear. But the water was still up to the mangrove. We couldBirding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu, Bangkok, Thailandsee one Little Egret looking for fish in the mangrove as the water was disappearing.

My friend was hungry so we started at the restaurant at the end of the pier. We had some Thai food, fried chicken in cashew nuts, and I must say the fried chicken and cashew nuts I made for our Christmas dinner tasted better, way better. It was not bad, but the food just didn't made it all the way up to the top.

When we came out the sea bed was dry maybe half way down to the restaurant and it was about 1 hour until low water. We decided to go check out the area East of the pier until it was low water. We passed a few birds looking for food in the mud. Black winged stilt, Pond herons, Greater Sand Plover, Bar tailed Godwit and of course the Brown headed Gull and the whiskered Tern

Whiskered Tern, Chlidonias hybrida, Chlidonias hybridus, นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว
Whiskered Tern - นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว

Black-tailed Godwit, Limosa limosa, นกปากแอ่นหางดำ
Black-tailed Godwit / นกปากแอ่นหางดำ

Black-tailed Godwit, Limosa limosa, นกปากแอ่นหางดำ
Black-tailed Godwit / นกปากแอ่นหางดำ

Black-tailed Godwit, Limosa limosa, นกปากแอ่นหางดำ
Black-tailed Godwit / นกปากแอ่นหางดำ

Black-tailed Godwit, Limosa limosa, นกปากแอ่นหางดำ
Black-tailed Godwit / นกปากแอ่นหางดำ

Black-tailed Godwit, Limosa limosa, นกปากแอ่นหางดำ
Black-tailed Godwit / นกปากแอ่นหางดำ

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - นกตีนเทียน

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - นกตีนเทียน

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - นกตีนเทียน

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - นกตีนเทียน

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - นกตีนเทียน

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - นกตีนเทียน

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - นกตีนเทียน

Birding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu, Bangkok, Thailand

Last time we were here the gate was closed to the area East of the pier. We decided to try to check out the area while waiting for the low water. And we were lucky, the gate was open and weBirding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu, Bangkok, Thailandsaw some students coming out carrying buckets. We entered the area and we discovered a concrete bridge over the mangrove. And this bridge looked much better than the bridges at Mahachai Mangrove Research Station. This bridge looked new and sturdy so no problem to walk out in the mangrove.

As soon as the last of the students had cleared the bridge we went out on the bridge. And there were mush less garbage here than on the other side of the pier. And I thinkBirding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu, Bangkok, Thailandthe garbage here, or most of it is the garbage coming in with the tide.

There were also information boards along the route on the bridge with information about the animals and trees in the mangrove.

So it was a pleasant walk through the mangrove, a recommended visit if you need something to do while you're in Bangkok.

Birding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu - Collared Kingfisher

We were lucky to see the yellow chested wanker twat (Scientific name Obnoxia Scandinavica) during today's birding. Otherwise there wasn't much to see in the mangrove. We could hear plenty birds in the mangroveBirding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu - Mudskipperforest but I only saw 2 Collared Kingfishers and some small birds. And of course the Malaysian Pied fan bird.

Yeah, I knew I had to update my review from the 8th of February when I came back home. This area was much nicer, even though we didn't saw many birds.

Last time we were here early morning so of course we saw more birds as it was midday when we explored the area east of the pier. We reached the sea side of the mangrove and now we could see that the water wasBirding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu, Bangkok, Thailandgone. The water was quite far away by now.

There were plenty Asian Openbill storks at the water edge but it was way too far away for any pictures. I have never seen so many storks at the same time before.

There were a platform facing the sea, looked pretty much like a bus stop and there were benches to sit and enjoy the view. But I had no time for this as I needed to be back on the pier for the low water. We came back here for the low water so we can see the waders on the sea bed. So I don't want to miss this and I hurried around in the mangrove to make it back to the pier and the low water in time.

Birding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu, Bangkok, Thailand
The platform overviewing the sea

Birding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu, Bangkok, Thailand
The water is at level with the restaurant at the end of the pier

Birding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu, Bangkok, Thailand
The seabed in the mangrove

Asian Openbill Stork, Anastomus oscitans, นกปากห่าง
Asian Openbill Stork - นกปากห่าง

Asian Openbill Stork, Anastomus oscitans, นกปากห่าง
Asian Openbill Stork - นกปากห่าง

Asian Openbill Stork, Anastomus oscitans, นกปากห่าง
Asian Openbill Stork - นกปากห่าง

Asian Openbill Stork, Anastomus oscitans, นกปากห่าง
Asian Openbill Stork - นกปากห่าง

Asian Openbill Stork, Anastomus oscitans, นกปากห่าง
Asian Openbill Stork - นกปากห่าง

But I took the time to stop at the platform to take pictures of the Asian Openbill storks flying in the the shore from the sea. There must have been at least 50 of them coming in from the waterBirding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu - Mudskipperand I could see that there were still plenty Asian Openbill out there eating from the seabed.

When I was back at the gate I found the gate locked. There was a Thai couple trying to get out as well. A military police coming to the gate and he explained that we had to walk up the dirt path until we reached the toilets.

And there will be a bridge over the ditch between the nature trail and the Bangpu Nature Education Centre. I reached the toilets when I was almost hit by a Kingfisher coming flying around the corner. I will come back here and walk around the ponds on the nature trail. Will be nice toBirding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu - Mudskippersee what kind of Kingfishers they have around here.

We have seen the Collared Kingfisher and the Common and White throated Kingfishers. I wish I could see the Stork billed Kingfisher again. And if you take the time to look for “Kingfishers in Thailand” on the internet you will see that there are plenty different beautiful Kingfishers out there and I want to see all of them. So we will see what we will find here next time when I'm back.Birding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu - MudskipperAnyway, I crossed the wooden bridge over the ditch and the bridge had seen better days.

But I managed to get over the bridge and I was at the Bangpu Nature Education Centre where the students were busy to check the mud they had brought.

I asked what they had found and they had found shells and stuff in the mud. I left the Bangpu Nature Education Centre and I was soon on the pier and I could see that itBirding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu - Mudskipperwas low water. The sea bed was full of waders looking for food. Crabs and the small fishes and it was fascinating to see the life on the sea bed when the water had left the area dry.

I only wish they would have had benches on the pier as it would have been fun to watch the life on the sea bed. I saw a Little Egret chasing fish and it looked funny. Especially when the Egret came close to the bigger fishes, then he got scared. So it is entertaining to watch the wild life.

There are a kiosk on the pier selling cold drinks and food for the birds. And today it looked to be a school holiday or something as there were many school children on the pier.

Birding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu, Bangkok, Thailand
The sea bed is full of life

Birding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu, Bangkok, Thailand
School children

Birding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu, Bangkok, Thailand
Feeding the birds

Birding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu, Bangkok, Thailand
Feeding the birds

Birding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu, Bangkok, Thailand
Feeding the birds

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา

Collared Kingfisher, Todiramphus chloris, นกกินเปี้ยว
We can see a Collared Kingfisher in the mangrove from the pier

Collared Kingfisher, Todiramphus chloris, นกกินเปี้ยว
We can see a Collared Kingfisher in the mangrove from the pier

Black-capped Kingfisher, Halcyon pileata, นกกะเต็นหัวดำ
We can see a Black-capped Kingfisher in the mangrove from the pier

Black-capped Kingfisher, Halcyon pileata, นกกะเต็นหัวดำ
We can see a Black-capped Kingfisher in the mangrove from the pier

Greater Sand Plover, Charadrius leschenaultii, นกหัวโตทรายใหญ่
Greater Sand Plover - นกหัวโตทรายใหญ่

Greater Sand Plover, Charadrius leschenaultii, นกหัวโตทรายใหญ่
Greater Sand Plover - นกหัวโตทรายใหญ่

Greater Sand Plover, Charadrius leschenaultii, นกหัวโตทรายใหญ่
Greater Sand Plover - นกหัวโตทรายใหญ่

Whiskered Tern, Chlidonias hybrida, Chlidonias hybridus, นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว
Whiskered Tern - นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว

Whiskered Tern, Chlidonias hybrida, Chlidonias hybridus, นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว
Whiskered Tern - นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว

Whiskered Tern, Chlidonias hybrida, Chlidonias hybridus, นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว
Whiskered Tern - นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว

Whiskered Tern, Chlidonias hybrida, Chlidonias hybridus, นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว
Whiskered Tern - นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว

Whiskered Tern, Chlidonias hybrida, Chlidonias hybridus, นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว
Whiskered Tern - นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว

Whiskered Tern, Chlidonias hybrida, Chlidonias hybridus, นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว
Whiskered Tern - นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว

Whiskered Tern, Chlidonias hybrida, Chlidonias hybridus, นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว
Whiskered Tern - นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว

I wanted to stay until the water came back in. So I walked around on the pier watching the people feeding the birds. I also watched the waders on the sea bottom and it is really a nice area toBirding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu, Bangkok, Thailandobserve as there is always something happening with the birds and the crabs and fishes on the sea bottom.

As mentioned before, it would have been perfect with a few benches on the pier. But it is very good with the kiosk where I can buy water.

And there is always the restaurant area with A/C. It is very hot here now and we can imagine how it will be in April. All ready now the sun is almost in zenith at true noon.

I was a wee bit disappointed with the birds, not the birds we could see. I got a few nice pictures and it was pure enjoyment to watch the wild life. But I had wished for a few more differentBirding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu, Bangkok, Thailandwaders. I would really have loved to see a few spoonbills. But I'm pretty sure that I will have the chance again

Birding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu, Bangkok, Thailand

No spoonbills, but I got some very nice pictures of the Black-winged stilt. A beautiful wader that we saw here last time, but they were a wee bit too far away. Same at the Mahachai Mangrove Research Station/ Ao Mahachai Mangrove Forest Natural Education Center. They were beautiful but a little bit to far away. And the exposure was not right. I came from shadow with a f-stop 2.8 and high ISO. In bright sunshine and my camera was soon reaching the quickest shutter stop at 1/8000 of a second. This was not quick enough and they were a wee bit over exposed. But here was plenty Black-winged stilts.
Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - นกตีนเทียน
Bird, shadow and reflection

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - นกตีนเทียน

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - นกตีนเทียน

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - นกตีนเทียน

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - นกตีนเทียน

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - นกตีนเทียน

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - นกตีนเทียน

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - นกตีนเทียน

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - นกตีนเทียน

Black-tailed Godwit, Limosa limosa, นกปากแอ่นหางดำ
Black-tailed Godwit / นกปากแอ่นหางดำ

Black-tailed Godwit, Limosa limosa, นกปากแอ่นหางดำ
Black-tailed Godwit / นกปากแอ่นหางดำ

Black-tailed Godwit, Limosa limosa, นกปากแอ่นหางดำ
Black-tailed Godwit / นกปากแอ่นหางดำ

Black-tailed Godwit, Limosa limosa, นกปากแอ่นหางดำ
Black-tailed Godwit / นกปากแอ่นหางดำ

Black-tailed Godwit, Limosa limosa, นกปากแอ่นหางดำ
Black-tailed Godwit / นกปากแอ่นหางดำ
Of course, all bird pictures available on my Thailand
bird checklist of bird I have seen by clicking HERE

It was hot and we had been here for several hours walking around in the sunshine. We left the pier and we walked along one of the ponds walking towards the road to look for a taxi. And weBirding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu, Bangkok, Thailandspotted 3 Black-capped Kingfishers.

Birding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu, Bangkok, Thailand

So we decided to come back here on Monday to do the nature trail. All in all it had been a beautiful day and we had enjoyed our stay. My friend goes back home on Monday evening so this will be our last birding.

We had seen many Black-capped Kingfishers around the nature trail so we want to check this out. The collared Kingfishers seems to be in the mangrove. The common Kingfisher and the White throated Kingfishers seems to hang around the ponds on the West side of the pier in the Bang Pu Nature Reserve. But now it was hot, very hot and we went in to a AC taxi.

How to kill a day in Bangkok #22
Review: Birding/ bird watching at Bang Pu


Web page:No official web page. But visit Nick Upton's web page Thaibirding for information about Bang Pu Here you find all the information you need about Bang Pu, maps and what bird you can expect to see. And of course info on how to get there

Sukhumvit Road. As I wrote in my review about the Ancient City: I took the sky train to the Baering sky train station (The stretch to the crocodile farm will be ready in about 2 years,Bang Pu Nature Education Centre's Bang Pu Nature Reservealmost all the way to the Ancient City) I took a taxi from the sky train station and it took about 20 to 30 minutes to the Ancient City. The trip set me back with 153 Baht (as it was a nice Driver I gave him 180 Baht, about 6 US Dollars)

Just drive a few km past the Ancient City coming from Bangkok and make a U-turn and you are at Bang Pu recreation. BE AWARE!! There are several different spellings of Bang Pu - Bang pu Bangpoo. And when you have passed the Ancient City you can follow the road signs to Bangpoo.

And by the way, Bang Pu means the home of the crabs or something like that.
ปู Poo means crab
บาง Bang means settlement, village

Tel:02-323-9138, 02-323-9983     From www.tourismthailand.org - February 2016

Opening Hours:: 08.00 - 18.00

We got out of the taxi at the pier. We saw some golf carts taking people out to the restaurant at the end of the pier so I guess there are this service available. But we walked, and there were many of the Black-headed Gulls. And there was a kiosk where you could by cold water and food to feed the Black-headed Gulls with.

The sea gulls are so use to get feed and they are almost hovering in front of you lookingFeeding birds at Bang Puto see if you have any food for them. It was very fun to watch them and here you can spend quite some time.

So there were good opportunities to see sea birds and a HOT TIP is to check out the time for low water and try to come here then if you want to see wader birds walking around in the mud looking for food. When it is low water the sea bed is dry, well, mud all the way down past the restaurant. There are plenty crabs and fishes in the mud and it is fascinating to watch them.

The birding would have been a gorgeous experience if it would not have been for all the garbage laying around as you can see on the above pictures. But we saw quite a few birds.

Bangkok Tourist attraction review - Reviewed by Review ManRated:Bangkok Tourist attraction review - Reviewed by Review Man

Yes, it was OK so I give it 2 stars. This could easily have been a 3 or 4 star experience if they would have cleaned up the area. But as it was now it looked terrible at places. But we will be back here for birding again.

I want to come back during the low water because there were no waders as it was high water during our visit. We saw waders in the ponds, but we want to see them on the sea bed digging in the mud.

Review Man

UP DATED REVIEW 12 February 2016
We explored the area East of the pier and they had a proper concrete bridge going through the mangrove. The gate to come here is closed but today there were students collecting mud for a research on what kind of animals that was living in the mud. So me and me friend went inside. There was not so much garbage on this side, only garbage that the sea had brought in.

There were information boards along the route above the mangrove with information about the different trees and animals. We never saw many birds here, most likely because it was midday by the time we came here. But try early morning

When you go out on the pier there is a few houses on your left hand side, 50 meters before you reach the pier. Walk up behind the houses and there is a wooden bridge and you are on the nature trail and you can reach the concrete bridge. So if you come here you just ignore the locked gate and take to the left and walk 50 meters up to the houses. Cross the bridge and there is a toilet on you left hand side and then you're on the nature trail.

And this time we were here during low water. It is fascination to see the life on the sea bed when the water is gone so a few beeches to sit on along the pier facing the water/ sea bed would have been at least to say very nice.

I saw Collared Kingfishers and Black Capped Kingfishers

Now it is a strong 2 star experience to do bird watching down here at Bang Pu. I will be back on Monday again so keep an eye out for an updated review. Will Bang Pu reach 3 or 4 stars?

Review Man

UP DATED REVIEW 15 February 2016
Me and my friend we left early morning, just after 6 o'clock to check out the nature trail. As I understand it from what I have found from the internet is that it is Bang Pu Nature Education Centre that are in charge over the Bang Pu Nature Reserve. And the nature trail is located within the Bang Pu Nature Reserve. They have a PDF that I think you will find interesting to read before you get out on the nature trail. And you can read it by clicking HERE .

You will find observation towers and hide outs along the nature trail in the Bang Pu Nature Reserve. And to enter the Bang Pu Nature Reserve in the early morning you need to cross a wooden bridge that have seen, well, the bridge is due for renovation.

There is a gate but the gate have been locked every time I have been to Bang Pu. And we were told to use the bridge to exit when we tried to leave Bang Pu Nature Education Centre's Bang Pu Nature Reserve.

Anyway, you reach the pier and you have to start behind the buildings belonging to Bang Pu Nature Education Centre. Walk 50 meters and you will find a wooden bridge on your right hand side. Cross the bridge and you’re in the Bang Pu Nature Reserve

Bang Pu Nature Education Centre's Bang Pu Nature Reserve
Click HERE for bigger picture

Bang Pu Nature Education Centre's Bang Pu Nature Reserve
The wooden bridge across the water filed ditch (February 2016)

Walk passed the toilets when you are across the bridge and there is a map over the nature trail.

There are shelters along the nature trail for you if you want to do some birding. There is a big pond behind the hedges and these observation/ hide outs are excellent. You get a good view over the pond from the first observation house as there a 2 floors. And I was impressed by the pond and all the birds in the pond.

We were pleasantly surprised when we discovered a suspension bridge. There was a bird watching tower and another tower behind the bird watching tower and from the bridge there was a suspension bridge over the mangrove to the concrete trail along the ocean.

The whole birding adventure turned in to a Indiana Jones adventure.

Bangkok Tourist attraction review - Reviewed by Review ManRated:Bangkok Tourist attraction review - Reviewed by Review Man

Yes, I highly recommend a trek around the nature trail in Bang Pu Nature Education Centre's Bang Pu Nature Reserve. And that is even if you don't like to watch the birds. The only thing to complain about are some of the wooden bridges, they are at least to say in need of some maintenance.

Same when you come down from the suspension bridge there is a ditch with water and there was some old, at least to say flimsy planks on bamboo supports. This needs immediate attention from the maintenance staff. If you walk on the trail along the ocean it is impossible to find the suspension bridge as the bridge (flimsy heap of plank and bamboo) looks like some garbage laying around.

Anyway, if you are at the end of the trail, maybe 100 meter from the end of the trail you can look in to the mangrove and you might discover the suspension bridge.

There is not much garbage around in this area, just what the tide brings in. And they were putting up more wood pilings along the mangroves when we were there and this helps to prevent the garbage to come in to the mangrove.

Anyway, come on down for a day of fun at Bang Pu

Review Man

It was so nice to be in a AC taxi. We had been walking around in the heat and just to sit down was nice. We decided to go to Bang Na sky train station and to take the train from there as we expected heavy Friday afternoon traffic on Sukhumvit.

And we didn't wanted to end up spending hours in the traffic. So sky train it was. And we were soon sitting in a train after having missed the first sky train by a few seconds. And as we boarded on the 2nd station the train was almost empty. For one station that is because the train was soon full and it was darn nice to get off the rain when we reached Asoke.

We walked to the Pizza House for a pizza before it was time to go home. Yet another nail in my diet's coffin. And the eating at restaurants have to come to a stop, very soon!
BTS - Bangkok sky train
Changing money for the ticket machine

BTS - Bangkok sky train

BTS - Bangkok sky train
We just missed the train

BTS - Bangkok sky train
On the way to Sukhumvit Soi 23

BTS - Bangkok sky train

We had pretty much the same to eat today as we had had the last time we came back from our birding. The birding is OK, and the pizza at the Pizza house are good, but it is not doing any goodPizza House at Sukhumvit Soi 23for my diet.

Yes, the food was good and I stopped at Lawson 108 on my way home for an ice cream. I also bought a few bottles of diet drinks so I had something to enjoy during the evening.

It will be a very short evening as I will have to get up 5 o'clock tomorrow morning. We will take off to Phetchaburi and the sounding rice paddies for some early morning birding. And we will meet at the same place as last time. 6 o'clock at the Family Mart on Sukhumvit Soi 23. And you just need to click HERE to find out if we found any birds. You never know, there can be some nice birds.

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