OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching in Bangkok

Thursday 24 th of November 2016 and I was off to AV Camera to buy the GoodsGood dryingGoodsGood GD-140cabinet. I was going to stop at Canon at MBK to give them my Canon G 16. Needs to be cleaned and a check-up is necessary before I take off to swim with humpback whalesBirding/ Bird watching in Bangkokon Tonga.

School in the afternoon so I will go for some bird watching in Lumpini Park after AV Camera and from there to the Thai school. So it will be a full day and I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully see some birds in Lumpini Park

I bought fruit after the dinner yesterday so I started the day with a fruit salad and tea. Taxi to MBK and when I was ready at Canon I looked around for a neck strap to my new Canon G 7 X Mark II. No strap to be found and I took a taxi to AV Camera. I paid for the GoodsGood GD-140 drying cabinets and they will deliver the cabinet tomorrow afternoon.

They had neck straps but I was not sure if the ring would fit the rather small holes in my Canon camera. I had made new name cards at MBK and I left them at AV Camera so they could deliver them with the cabinet and thus I don't need to carry anything when I go birding in Lumpini Park.

The taxi dropped me at the corner of Rama 4 and Silom and I just entered the park when I ran in to a bird that I put down as a Brown Shrike. Of course, I would appreciate a second opinion.

Brown shrike, Lanius cristatus, นกอีเสือสีน้ำตาล
Brown shrike - นกอีเสือสีน้ำตาล

Brown shrike, Lanius cristatus, นกอีเสือสีน้ำตาล
Brown shrike - นกอีเสือสีน้ำตาล

Oriental Magpie Robin, Copsychus saularis, นกกางเขนบ้าน
Oriental Magpie Robin / นกกางเขนบ้าน

Large-billed Crow, thick-billed crow, Jungle crow, Corvus macrorhynchos, ハシブトガラス, Corvus macrorhynchos japonensis, อีกา
Large-billed Crow - อีกา

Large-billed Crow, thick-billed crow, Jungle crow, Corvus macrorhynchos, ハシブトガラス, Corvus macrorhynchos japonensis, อีกา
Large-billed Crow - อีกา

Large-billed Crow, thick-billed crow, Jungle crow, Corvus macrorhynchos, ハシブトガラス, Corvus macrorhynchos japonensis, อีกา
Large-billed Crow - อีกา

Pied Myna, Asian Pied Starling, Gracupica contra, นกอีแจว, Siamese Pied Myna, Gracupica floweri
Pied Myna or Asian Pied Starling / นกอีแจว

Pied Myna, Asian Pied Starling, Gracupica contra, นกอีแจว, Siamese Pied Myna, Gracupica floweri
Pied Myna or Asian Pied Starling / นกอีแจว

As we can see there is a Myna with our Brown Shrike. I could hear a beautiful twitter and I was soon discovering a Oriental Magpie Robin a few trees away. I walked towards the Wireless Road,Birding/ Bird watching in Bangkokclass start at 4 and I don't have all that time. And I want to have a slow start as I still have pain in my right leg.

So the plan is to cross the park and I will walk along the south side of the park. And there is a pond so I will see if I can see any Egrets on my way. Mynas and Starlings are plenty full. Pigeons and crows. The crows are actually quite beautiful, but I have trouble identifying them.

There are many different crows and they looks the same, or almost the same. I passed a Japanese team with a huge camera and they were obviously waiting for something to come up from the water. I could see 2 Little Egrets on the other side of the pond and I continued my constitutional to go check them out.

I was closing in to the first Little Egret, sneaking up on the birds as quiet it is for 500Lumpini Parkkg lard to be. These Egrets are usually very shy and I was very surprised that I could walk all the way up to the fishing bird. Maybe because she had found a very good fishing place, the bird was catching fish all the time and it was fun watching the bird hunting fish.

Little Egret, Egretta garzetta, นกยางเปีย, コサギ
Little Egret - นกยางเปีย

Little Egret, Egretta garzetta, นกยางเปีย, コサギ
Little Egret - นกยางเปีย

Little Egret, Egretta garzetta, นกยางเปีย, コサギ
Little Egret - นกยางเปีย

Little Egret, Egretta garzetta, นกยางเปีย, コサギ
Little Egret - นกยางเปีย

Little Egret, Egretta garzetta, นกยางเปีย, コサギ
Little Egret - นกยางเปีย

Little Egret, Egretta garzetta, นกยางเปีย, コサギ
Little Egret - นกยางเปีย

Little Egret, Egretta garzetta, นกยางเปีย, コサギ
Little Egret - นกยางเปีย

Little Egret, Egretta garzetta, นกยางเปีย, コサギ
Little Egret - นกยางเปีย

Little Egret, Egretta garzetta, นกยางเปีย, コサギ
Little Egret - นกยางเปีย

The Little Egret was lucky fishing and the bird don't need to go to bed hungry tonight. It was very nice to see the bird in action and this is something I can recommend when you have some time over. Go to any of the parks to look for birds, you won't be disappointed.

I was happy when I left the Little Egret and the show behind me walking towards the gate to the Wireless Road and a taxi to school. There are many small ponds and if you walk slow you can see turtles, monitor lizards and of course, plenty Squirrels.

I could hear Asian Koels and Coppersmith Barbets, but I never got to see any of them.

Birding/ Bird watching in Bangkok

Birding/ Bird watching in Bangkok

Birding/ Bird watching in Bangkok

Birding/ Bird watching in Bangkok

Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Passer montanus, นกกระจอกบ้าน, Pilfink
Eurasian Tree Sparrow / นกกระจอกบ้าน

Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Passer montanus, นกกระจอกบ้าน, Pilfink
Eurasian Tree Sparrow / นกกระจอกบ้าน

Birding/ Bird watching in Bangkok
Monitor Lizard

Birding/ Bird watching in Bangkok
Monitor Lizard

I reached the gate at Wireless Road and I had a few pictures of a Eurasian Tree Sparrow. A very common bird that you see almost all over the world. But the bird was not scared when I approached. And there was a monitor lizard on the way down to the water so I changed between the lizard and the Eurasian Tree Sparrow.

I left Lumpini Park in a taxi bound for my school on Sukhumvit road. And my alarm is set to go off at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning for a morning birding tour in Suan Rot Fai.

Friday 25 th of August 2016
and I arrived to Suan Rot Fai around 7 o'clock in the morning. I checked the pond where I use to start to look for Kingfishers. No Kingfishers, no Egrets and noBirding/ Bird watching in Suan Rot Fai, BangkokOpen Bills. Actually nothing, well, a lot of Cattle Egrets on the pasture around the pond. Otherwise no sign of any birds.

But there were many people jogging and bicycling around thepark even though it was early. I started to walk towards the “spotted owlet tree” I was approaching, and up till now I had seen sweet F all, a few squirrels but no birds. I heard a bird and I thought it sounded just like a Kingfisher. I only heard a Kingfisher once and it was a collared Kingfisher at Bang Pu.

Eastern Cattle Egret, Bubulcus coromandus, นกยางควาย
Eastern Cattle Egret / นกยางควาย

Eastern Cattle Egret, Bubulcus coromandus, นกยางควาย
Eastern Cattle Egret / นกยางควาย

Eastern Cattle Egret, Bubulcus coromandus, นกยางควาย
Eastern Cattle Egret / นกยางควาย

Birding/ Bird watching in Bangkok
Monitor Lizzard enjoying the morning sun

Black-capped Kingfisher, Halcyon pileata, นกกะเต็นหัวดำ
Black-capped Kingfisher - นกกะเต็นหัวดำ

Black-capped Kingfisher, Halcyon pileata, นกกะเต็นหัวดำ
Black-capped Kingfisher - นกกะเต็นหัวดำ

Black-capped Kingfisher, Halcyon pileata, นกกะเต็นหัวดำ
Black-capped Kingfisher - นกกะเต็นหัวดำ

I was quite happy that I had recognised the call, not bad for a beginner. There was no signs of the owlets and I started to walk towards the bridge to the Queen Sirikit Park. Passing the by now destroyed Kingfisher pond. They have built a concrete bridge across the pond and we will most likely never see Kingfishers there again.

But it is a nice bridge and it is a part of a path with green pavement going around the park so I will follow the path one of these days when my knee is better. No Kingfishers and I crossed the bridge to Queen Sirikit Park. There was not much birds around today, I could hear the Coppersmith and the Asian Koel but I never saw any of them. I ran in to a girl and she was also here to look for birds with her camera.

She was looking at a Sunbird but I never saw the bird. I only spotted a few fantails and I was soon back in Suan Rot Fai walking towards the gate and a taxi back home. I passed a crow, lookingA Field Guide to the Birds of Thailand and South East Asia by Craig Robsondifferent from the one yesterday. I looked up the crow when I was back home.

According to information on internet the Slender-billed crow should not be in Thailand. But it is mentioned in the book “A Field Guide to the Birds of Thailand and South East Asia” by Craig Robson The description in the book as per below:
Very similar to the Large-billed Crow but slimmer with shorter, squarer-ended tail. The Large-billed have a steep forehead. I don't know, but I put it down as the Slender-billed crow

I stopped by at the Kingfisher pond to see if there was anything interesting. Some birds that looked like Scaly breasted Munias. And I saw a Bee-eater flying by. The only Bee-eater, here use to be plenty of them. Maybe in another few weeks. One Indian Roller was flying by but I never got any pictures.

Large-billed Crow, thick-billed crow, Jungle crow, Corvus macrorhynchos, ハシブトガラス, Corvus macrorhynchos japonensis, อีกา
Large-billed Crow - อีกา

Large-billed Crow, thick-billed crow, Jungle crow, Corvus macrorhynchos, ハシブトガラス, Corvus macrorhynchos japonensis, อีกา
Large-billed Crow - อีกา

Large-billed Crow, thick-billed crow, Jungle crow, Corvus macrorhynchos, ハシブトガラス, Corvus macrorhynchos japonensis, อีกา
Large-billed Crow - อีกา

Large-billed Crow, thick-billed crow, Jungle crow, Corvus macrorhynchos, ハシブトガラス, Corvus macrorhynchos japonensis, อีกา
Large-billed Crow - อีกา

Large-billed Crow, thick-billed crow, Jungle crow, Corvus macrorhynchos, ハシブトガラス, Corvus macrorhynchos japonensis, อีกา
Large-billed Crow - อีกา

Scaly-breasted Munia, Lonchura punctulata, นกกระติ๊ดขี้หมู, Spotted Munia
Scaly-breasted Munia / นกกระติ๊ดขี้หมู

Scaly-breasted Munia, Lonchura punctulata, นกกระติ๊ดขี้หมู, Spotted Munia
Scaly-breasted Munia / นกกระติ๊ดขี้หมู

I was back home and they came to get my curtains not long after that. They had just left with my curtains when they called from AV Camera. They were on the way with my GoodsGood GD-140 drying cabinet. They will also bring a neck strap for my Canon G 7 X Mark II. The holes are big enough and I paid the neck strap via Bangkok Bank and they will bring the new neck strap.

GoodsGood GD-140
Setting up my GoodsGood GD-140 in my kitchen

GoodsGood GD-140
Setting up my GoodsGood GD-140 in my kitchen

GoodsGood GD-140
GoodsGood GD-140
My electronics protected against humidity in the GoodsGood GD-140

So now my camera is protected by the GoodsGood GD-140. And they had two different brands at AV Camera. I checked both of them and just by opening the door to the cabinets would have beenAqua Lungenough to choose the GoodsGood GD-140. The Chinese brand was, well, you just could feel that the GoodsGood is of a far superior quality.

I left to go buy a snorkel and diving mask and as I wanted prescription glass I needed to go to an optician to check my eyes. The diving shop is at Asoke, convenient walking distance from my apartment. They close at 7 so I took off to see an optician. The traffic is a killer and I was back 4 hours later, 10 minutes before closing.

So now I have my gear for the humpback adventure on Tonga. I have booked my flights, Bangkok - Singapore - Auckland - Nadi - Tonga so this promise to be an adventure.

I stopped at Lawson 108 on my way home, theyLawson 108would prepare a case of Pepsi MAX for tomorrow and I will pick it up when I'm back from the whale watching tour. And this case I will bring to Sundarban so I have a little something to drink while on the tiger safari.

Anyway, my alarm is set to go off at 04:30 tomorrow, time for whale watching. Click HERE to see if we are lucky and get to see any Bryde's Whales.


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