OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 from Manila to Legaspi

I don't know about you, but at least I find it hard to think about any better tune for this adventure

Saturday 5 th of March 2016 and I managed to get out of bed when they called me at 6 o'clock (5 o'clock Bangkok time) But I could easily have been sleeping for a few more hours.

Shower and a breakfast and I was off to Ninoy Aquino International Terminal 3. Saturday morning and we made it in 20 to 30 minutes. Cebu Pacific Domestic was at gate #2 and I got a shock when I came to gate #2. There was a queue to get in to the terminal going several hundred meters up the road outside the terminal.

I have never seen something like this before, and I have been at more than 2 airports around the word. But I was pleasantly surprised as it didn't take so very long to get through the security and inside the terminal. I was pleasantly surprised again, not so long queues to the check in desks.

Ninoy Aquino International
Queue to get in to the terminal

Ninoy Aquino International
Queue to get in to the terminal

Ninoy Aquino International
Queue to get in to the terminal

Ninoy Aquino International
Finally inside the terminal

I had checked-in around 9 o'clock and I had to pass security again. The security was also a quick thing and I was in the departure hall after a few minutes. Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi depart from gate 120, the gate at the far end of the domestic terminal.

I had about 15 minutes to kill before the boarding will start and there wasn't very much to do but to walk around. There were plenty people and the guy in the check-in had confirmed that Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi was full.

There was a CD-r king shop at the gate and I asked for a SIM for my phone, they only had for talk and text and nothing for internet so I have to wait until we arrive. Otherwise they had nothing but cheap accessories for your computer and mobile phone. Who wants to buy a 4 dollar keyboard? Or a 1 dollar mouse. Buy and leave on your flight, a pretty safe way to sell junk you never will see again. Like a ship chandler.

And would you really be surprised to find out that your “new” keyboard for 4 dollars isn't working when your back home? Would you really be surprised to find out that your “new” 1 dollar mouse is a piece of crap. I would not be surprised, I would have been angry to have been carried around all the shit though. And imagine the stress on our environment all this shit is!

Ninoy Aquino International
Ninoy Aquino International terminal 3

Ninoy Aquino International
Ninoy Aquino International terminal 3

Ninoy Aquino International

Ninoy Aquino International
Our plane

Ninoy Aquino International
Ninoy Aquino International terminal 3

Ninoy Aquino International

Ninoy Aquino International

Ninoy Aquino International
Boarding Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi

Ninoy Aquino International
Boarding Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi

Ninoy Aquino International
Boarding Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi

Boarding started a few minutes after scheduled time so it was OK, I was actually surprised. I was waiting until the very few last boarded the plane. I have a seat in the aisle and also, I don't want toCebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspistay in the queue.

I stayed behind and I looked at the tarmac and I had a few pictures and when I reached the airplane there were only a few passengers queuing up to get on board.

I was pleasantly surprised when I came on board, the plane looked very fresh inside. Must be the leather looking plastic upholstery that made the interior shining and it looked like new.

The plan is to get on board when everyone is seated, might be a problem to get any space in the overhead compartment though. I took my seat and we left at scheduled time. Good, I was in aCebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspihurry to get off as there wasn't all that much space for my legs. Exactly the same as flying with Jet Airways, no leg room.

I must have dozed off and when I looked out the window quarter past 10 we were still on the tarmac. What the h*** is going on? There were soon a message and we had to wait due to congestion at the airport.

What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stis this? Are we back in the 70's? Congestion, first arriving to Manila and we had to circle above the airport due to congestion. And now an hour on the tarmac waiting for a slot o we can take off.

This is something from back in the 70's have I heard. OK, I have experienced this as well, but not since the 80's and almost never! On the Philippines, every day! It was almost 11 o'clock whenCebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspiwe started to move and we were airborne a few minutes later. I was scared shitless, I wasn't exactly fancying sitting on a Pilipino aircraft. I have heard a lot and I have more experience from Pilipino safety thinking than I care for. Look at the traffic!

I was on an offshore safety course in Manila and it was all about SAFETY FIRST from morning until late afternoon.

We were going to, well, south of Manila and they had arranged transportation that would have been banned everywhere north of the Alps. And I was scared all the way to the training centre. Of course, when I asked about this they just gaped at me like I was crazy. Safety first was obviously just for the class room.

Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi
Quiz on board Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi/ Legazpi

Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi
Quiz on board Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi/ Legazpi

Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi
Quiz on board Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi/ Legazpi

Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi
Quiz on board Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi/ Legazpi

Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi
Quiz on board Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi/ Legazpi

Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi
Quiz on board Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi/ Legazpi

My friend had been in Cebu, well, must be 30 years ago. He told me that they had have a Karaoke contest on the flight and, well, I did not believe him. But he insisted and he told me thatKaraokethey had a contest and the winner got a free return ticket to Manila, or Cebu dependingCebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspion where you lived.

I was in the galley at the back of the plane when they started with a quiz. I was in the back when they started and there was a Stewardess with a microphone up front.

She asked a question and when someone knew the answer they held up the hand. The other Stewardesses ran around to check the passengers answer. Last question was “Mention 3 popular desserts”

Yet again, I was pleasantly surprised when we landed at 11 thirty, “ONLY” about 30 minutes late. I will still have time to make it to my afternoon whale shark interaction in Donsol. We got out in the back of the plane and I walked over the tarmac to the arrival hall and luggage claim.

Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi
Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 arriving to Legaspi/ Legazpi

Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi
Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 arriving to Legaspi/ Legazpi

Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi
Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 arriving to Legaspi/ Legazpi

Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi
Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 arriving to Legaspi/ Legazpi

Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi
Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 arriving to Legaspi/ Legazpi

Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi
Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 arriving to Legaspi/ Legazpi

Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi
Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 arriving to Legaspi/ Legazpi

Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi
Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 arriving to Legaspi/ Legazpi

Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi
Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 arriving to Legaspi/ Legazpi

Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi
Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 arriving to Legaspi/ Legazpi

Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi
Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 arriving to Legaspi/ Legazpi

Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi
Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 arriving to Legaspi/ Legazpi

Cebu Pacific flight 5J-325 to Legaspi

Legaspi airport
Our luggage

Legaspi airport
Our luggage

It was nice to get out of the plane even though it had been a pretty short flight, of course, plus an hour waiting for take-off on the tarmac. Not exactly a dream to sit there looking at the seatLegaspi airportback in front of you.

But now I'm finally in Legaspi, or as it is also called, Legazpi. Well, actually the same name with different spelling. Anyway, there was a guy to pick me up and as soon as I had got my small back pack we left for Donsol.


I was going to stay for 3 nights and I knew from last time at Elysia Beach Resort that they didn't had any diet drinks at the hotel, at least not any diet drinks that I liked.

It took about one hour to drive to Donsol and at arrival I bought a SIM card for my phone so I have internet while at Elysia Beach Resort. I loaded the SIM card with 1000 Peso and we took off toDonsol ECO Toursmeet Donsol ECO Tours representative. I thought that we were going toElysia Beach Resortmet at the hotel. But the driver took me to another place and when we arrived I recognised the girl from last time in Donsol.

They were having welcome drinks and I don't know everything. I told them that I had the car full of diet drinks and that I wanted to get on with the whale shark interaction asElysia Beach Resortsoon as possible. But first a fruit salad at the hotel.

We checked in to the hotel and the whole staff recognised me, well, it was just 3 months ago I checked out last time. I asked the girl in the reception to call the restaurant and order a cheese & onion omelette and a fruit salad for me. And of course, tea.

We were in a hurry and the food would be ready when I had put my stuff in my room. I had a cheese & onion omelette, and the omelette was as good as I had remembered. And this is the omelette that made me order cheese & onion omelette at all the camps on my tiger safari in India.

We left the hotel when I was ready with my lunch and it was around 2 thirty when we arrived to Donsol Tourist Centre. I signed a paper and we were on our way to the boat. Whale shark adventure is soon to take off, will I see any whale sharks? Click HERE to find out.


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